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DCM 2019 - Mentored Novices Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    How was week 14?
    Solid week for me with a strong weekend. Did a 5m time trial on Saturday, which was harder than I thought it would be. Struggled to do 5x7min/miles when I was able to do 13 of them in Charleville! Had a 17mile run then on Sunday which went as well as it could have. No real ill effects today either. Long runs are becoming a slog though, so not looking forward to the 20 mile next weekend.

    Am I looking forward to the taper?
    Yes, but I have a lot longer to wait for it - for the plan I'm on, even though the mileage decreases from next week, there will be some hard sessions still left. Taper will begin 10 days from DCM. At least I won't suffer as much taper madness as everyone here!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 22 Ais_Byrne7

    Week 14 was good for me! I had to mess around with the schedule a bit as I was travelling at the weekend. I had to forfeit one midweek run to squeeze in the LSR but overall the week went fine.

    3 mile @ 11:16
    7mile @11:06
    14mile @ 11:46

    Am I looking forward to taper?

    Yes, can’t wait to get some rest in.

    At the same time.....THE FEAR LADS, can’t believe this weekend will be our longest run and then that’s it, all about recovery and building up the energy bank till race day. Time has gone so fast and the nerves are really starting to kick in. 😬😬😬😬😬

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭kyomi

    How was Week 14?
    It went well, being pretty similar to week 12. A total of 45 miles including a 20-mile LSR (covering the last 16 miles of the DCM route) and a 10-mile midweek run with 5 PMP miles. The other runs were 6 miles and 2 x 4 miles easy.

    For the LSR, on the suggestion of a marathon-experienced colleague I decided to try taking gels every 4 miles rather than every 6. No bad effects but no particularly good effects either, and I ended up feeling quite full by the end. So I think I'll try taking one every 5 miles in the next LSR and see how that goes, being prepared to drop back to every 6 miles which was the original plan.

    My 10-miler on Thursday evening went OK pace-wise (5 miles at PMP as per plan) but just about everything else went wrong - I got completely, wringing, soaking wet due to torrential rain, and I got terrible indigestion almost as soon as I started, which got steadily worse for the entire run. I had to stop a couple of times as I thought I might get sick (I didn't). Pace didn't seem to have any effect in terms of making the indigestion any better or any worse, but just from the sheer discomfort I was relieved to get to the end of the five PMP miles and slow down a bit. I really hope that doesn't happen on marathon day, but I think it's unlikely, as this run was an evening one and I'd had a late lunch (although I thought it was quite a small lunch) - obviously I won't be replicating this on race day.

    Are you looking forward to the taper?
    I'm feeling quite neutral about it. I'm still enjoying the training, and I think it's mostly because I've made a habit of doing the same runs at the same time and on the same day each week (with varying distances if necessary). I'd be enjoying all this a LOT less if I was rushing around trying to fit runs in around work and family life, organize child minding, etc., which was a big risk for me as I'm naturally quite disorganized and get stressed out easily. I think for future training blocks I'll aim to stick to the same strategy of picking times when I can fit the runs in and then just doing them every week no matter what. It also means there's a lot less "But it's raining! Maybe I'll do it later"-type arguing with myself, which is helpful.

    So no, I'm not particularly waiting for a rest - I feel like I could do a good few more weeks of training at this level. (My knees might disagree though - they were a bit niggly coming down stairs the day after the LSR!)

    I also worry that I'll put on weight during the taper if I keep up the eating habits I've developed over the last few months!

  • Registered Users Posts: 83 ✭✭Sunday Runner

    Back from physio. First time seeing a physio by the way and I went in a dress and tights. Idiot. Anyway, shorts offered to me and we started the session. I have a popliteus strain behind my knee, as a result of my right glute not firing. Bit of massage and a few needles later and it's already much improved. Lots of exercises for the next few weeks, but it should be ok. He also sorted out my shoulder and i'll be doing some exercise on that too. I'll be going back for that 55kg bench the week after DCM.

    Delighted now. I was worried about my dodgy knee. The shoulder was a bonus!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Bananaleaf

    DBB wrote: »
    the start of the taper next week.

    This made me almost get a bit sick :eek:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Rega wrote: »
    How was week 14 for you?

    Grand, yeah. My runs were nice and easy. My 12 mile LSR was a lovely bonus as I could stay in bed until 7am (what a treat!) and just go from my house. The last few weeks I've been getting up at 5.30am and driving the few miles into Kilkenny so I could do the first few miles on the ring road, under the streetlights, before heading out the Dublin road as the sun was rising. All so I could be home at a reasonable time and get on with the regular family weekend things (taxiing here and there!)

    - Are you looking forward to the taper?
    Yes, the dark mornings and evenings have added an extra logistical layer I could do without. The shorter runs will make everything easier (I hope!)
    That's impressive dedication - fair play. It's certainly not easy juggling training commitments with family life and work - takes a lot of sacrifice, from yourself and those around you too.

    Fraggle07 wrote: »
    - How was week 14 for you?
    Went well. As per advice given I switched from Boards plan to HHN1 this week following return from injury. I was really happy with my 4 easy runs. Legs did feel tired by the forth one.

    A 14 mile LSR was on the HH plan. As I missed 4 sizeable LSR's whilst out injured I decided to push this to 16. 16miles was where I was before injury and psychologically I needed to get back to that. 2nd reason, I was a little concerned about the jump from 14 to 20 miles this week.

    I managed the 16miles fine thankfully. I ran the last few miles a little too fast though.

    - Are you looking forward to the taper?
    I am looking forward to winding back on the miles. I'm also starting to get excited for the big day. For a while I really thought I was out of the running. Just need to keep on track and get there uninjured....
    Big week this week on the HH plan so keep an eye on the paces. Good to see you're back on track - making the start line having followed a proper training plan is a great accomplishment in itself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    DolG wrote: »
    Hi. Well done to all for the great times posted in DCMHM!
    Did 18 mile LSR @11.02/mile avg.Friday 20th, had a post run massage which really helped and no tummy issues on run, such a relief. Danced for hours at a party next night and Salsa the next afternoon, all a bit bonkers really. Ran 6 Tuesday, slow 7 on Wednesday and a fast 4(for me) on Thursday. Rested Friday (except for gentle yoga class) and Saturday. Porridge and banana for breakfast Sunday, later than planned. Wore marathon gear, did 20 miles @ 11/mile avg. Did have to stop for "comfort" break. Finding fueling a problem. Carried 300ml of dilute zero tab and 3 power blocks and a boiled salted potato which tasted so good. Had met a lady heading to Berlin for her 126th marathon, 68 years young who emphasized what has been repeated here about not going out too fast and conserving energy. She told me about taking a boiled,skinless potato! Finished the run which should have been 18 stronger than last week but knees not very happy. No massage today, had an icecream instead.
    Taking it easy this week, 10miles max LSR and 5mx2 as have cross country run next Sunday.
    Initial marathon finish time estimate 4.45 but probably more realistically 5hrs. Hope knees hold out.
    Boiled salted potato :D
    That's a new one on me!

    Yeah I think you are in the correct ballpark there with estimated finishing time. Somewhere in the 4:50/4:55 seems like an achievable time, so maybe starting with the 5 hour pace group?

    4:50 would be a PMP of approx 11min/mile, so you should really be doing your long runs and 2-3 easy runs a week at about 12min/mile.
    And finally, this cross-country "run" - is it a run or a race? :eek:

    Wombled wrote: »
    Monday 4 miles 11.54
    Thursday 3 miles 12.07
    Friday 7 miles 12.05
    Sunday 14 miles 11.53

    On Friday, I just felt awful. I was rushing around after the run and didn't stretch enough, only explanation. Was having serious doubts. Made good use of the foam roller etc

    Sunday, I went out and felt really strong. Eventhough the mileage was higher, I didn't ache and felt great. Even managed to go for a short walk in the afternoon

    This coming week is going to be tough. I am fairly nervous and hope I will be able to complete all the runs as planned. I nearly feel I could do with an extra days rest before the 20 miler on Saturday. I am going to reassess this after my 10 miles on Wednesday and see how I feel.

    I can't wait for taper, I have been counting down the weeks to that.
    This week will be fine - it's just 4 runs, they are all very manageable. One day at a time :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    saffron22 wrote: »
    - How was week 14 for you?
    Good apart from more issues with the calf. Took the Weds off to try let it recover which seems to have done the trick


    Tues 9k at 5:21 pace
    Thurs 9.4k at 5:50 pace
    Sunday 19.2k at 5:47 pace

    2nd 20 Miler is this weekend and then into the Taper.

    This week will be a tough one I reckon but i'll get to bed early and eat well and hopefully that will help.

    - Are you looking forward to the taper?
    Totally looking forward to having the weekends a bit freer. However I'll no doubt be worrying I should be doing more. Not long to go no. I originally wanted to try go sub 4 (this is no longer a realistic goal) I'm now aiming for 4:15 and I will be very happy if I get that. Main thing is now that the 4 hour goal is gone I'm just going to relax and enjoy the day. There is always next year to train for better times.
    I mentioned last week a 4:20 target, and Huzzah! talked abut starting at 4:30 pace following your injury scare. She's probably closer to the mark tbh, but either way - 4:15 might be a step too far, this year.

    I'll try AGAIN on the paces. All those runs are at faster than your marathon pace - much faster in fact. You need to seriously SLOW DOWN. 6:45/km or slower would be good. Your Tuesday 9k was not a million miles off your 10k PB pace - quiet frankly, that is nuts.

    Clareview wrote: »
    Week 14:

    Tuesday 11.5km Farlek session with warm up & cool down included.
    Wednesday 9.5km 6.32/km pace
    Friday 6km 6.30/km pace
    Sunday 32km 6.42/km pace

    - Are you looking forward to the taper?
    A little apprehensive that I will prob feel like I should be doing more. but trusting that legs will be full of life come 4 weeks time with the taper! One more big week of training before a noticeable step back in sessions!!

    I'd be happier if those paces were closer to 7min/km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 DolG

    Mr. Guappa wrote: »
    Boiled salted potato :D
    That's a new one on me!

    Yeah I think you are in the correct ballpark there with estimated finishing time. Somewhere in the 4:50/4:55 seems like an achievable time, so maybe starting with the 5 hour pace group?

    4:50 would be a PMP of approx 11min/mile, so you should really be doing your long runs and 2-3 easy runs a week at about 12min/mile.
    And finally, this cross-country "run" - is it a run or a race? :eek:

    This week will be fine - it's just 4 runs, they are all very manageable. One day at a time :)

    I hope I haven’t done the 20m too soon? I planned to pace myself as I want to start real slow. Perhaps I could try the 5hour pacers. This is my first marathon so it’s all a bit of a mystery.
    Re Xcountry on Sunday, just taking part. Only 4K.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    DolG wrote: »
    I hope I haven’t done the 20m too soon? I planned to pace myself as I want to start real slow. Perhaps I could try the 5hour pacers. This is my first marathon so it’s all a bit of a mystery.
    Re Xcountry on Sunday, just taking part. Only 4K.
    How important is the XC? Something like a 17 or 18 miler this weekend would be far more beneficial. I suppose you could do the LSR on Saturday, if the XC is going to be a gentle recovery trot, but I'd sacrifice the XC - there will be plenty time for other stuff after the marathon. Right now, everything should be geared towards DCM and a LSR would be far more beneficial to that goal than anything else.

    It's fine if you don't want to run with the pacers - you have the right idea anyway with regards to a slow start.

    Rojo wrote: »
    How was week 14 for you?

    I've been tired and a bit low all week. My legs have been zapped since the LSR on the 14th of September and haven't really felt quite right since then. I persevered through 2 of the mid week runs but couldn't bring myself to do the third.

    I went to Run Hub on Aungier Street and got the gait analysis done and it turns out I need more support as I over pronate. Not ideal getting a brand new set of runners with a month until the big day. Legs were still pretty tired on Saturday so decided to rest them an extra day and run yesterday instead. MUCH happier. Felt great and what's even better... My legs feel fantastic today so I'm delighted I sorted this out and a pity I didn't do it sooner!

    Are you looking forward to the taper?

    Eh YEAH! Haha - people keep giving me advice on "taper madness" but I don't think I'll have a problem with resting and relaxing!
    It's good that you've got a pair of running shoes that you're happy with. A month is plenty time to break them in for the marathon - something like 50 miles in a pair is usually considered plenty before racing in.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    jackc101 wrote: »
    Week 14 was peak week for me, had psyched myself up for it and now I'm ready to taper, woo! (peak because of rejigging Boards plan to accommodate Charleville HM - Mentor approved™)
    LSR was great, measured it wrong and ended up a bit over 21 miles, no harm from a psychological point of view but I could hear the frowning from the internet :p
    HR stayed nice and low all the way. Followed my fueling strategy of water, 2 x gels & lucozade sport. Pretty confident I did kidney damage though looking for a break spot on the greenway, waaay to many people out walking / running :o
    (I've reviewed the DCM route since and the loos look frequent enough not to have me running crossed legged again...)
    Only 18 miles LSR this week, easy peasy! ;)
    Bring on the taper! Also have McGrattans saved with ages, must decide on my first drink - visualisation is a key marathon success driver :D
    Nice week! (there was no frowning - just lots of tutting ;))

    Hi All :)

    A month to go now... I can't quite believe it !

    How was week 14 for you?

    Mentally just not arsed. I had a lot on in work, and I let that get in the way. I did a number of smaller runs in the week to try and make up the miles, and in the end I did cover 28 miles over the week. But can't say I enjoyed any of them.

    Tues - 1.5 miles
    Wed - 4 miles
    Fri 2.6 miles
    Sat - 14 miles
    Sun - 4 miles

    Are you looking forward to the taper?

    I am, and I am not... getting nervous now about if I have done enough. But glad that the load lightens over the next few weeks

    Questions --
    Has anyone else experienced a burning on the sole of their foot? I've been getting this intermittently (on one foot only), going to a physio this week, googling it comes up with an array of options :D So wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what it may be. It happens one one foot (the left), and seems to come and go - sometimes running (not all the run), and then sometimes when I'm sitting etc.

    In terms of times for the Marathon, just wondering if the mentors have advice of a time to aim for?
    I won't speculate about what's going on with the foot - see what the physio says.

    As regards a goal time - 5:15? Try and learn from the Half - you started that too fast which resulted in a tough second half of the race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Limerick91

    Long time lurker on the thread, but have been following a lot of the advice.

    DCM will be my third marathon, but will be the first one that I have trained properly for.

    Anyway so far so good, apart from a hamstring tweak at a sprint session last week.

    I am running about 9:20 per mile for my long runs and about 8:45 per mile for my midweek runs.

    I hope to break my pb of 4:09:58, but most importantly I want to run the whole marathon and not end up running/walking for the last 7 miles as happened me in my previous 2 marathons.

    So 22 miles to go on Saturday and then taper, my new favourite word

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,570 ✭✭✭frash

    Limerick91 wrote: »
    Long time lurker on the thread, but have been following a lot of the advice.

    DCM will be my third marathon, but will be the first one that I have trained properly for.

    Anyway so far so good, apart from a hamstring tweak at a sprint session last week.

    I am running about 9:20 per mile for my long runs and about 8:45 per mile for my midweek runs.

    I hope to break my pb of 4:09:58, but most importantly I want to run the whole marathon and not end up running/walking for the last 7 miles as happened me in my previous 2 marathons.

    So 22 miles to go on Saturday and then taper, my new favourite word

    Think you missed the bit about slowing down ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 116 ✭✭Doc76

    Sorry me again :) weather this week is so unsettled. Would it be ok to do 20 miler tomorrow when it looks like it might be dry? I did 5 easy today after two days of rest. Could do the 5 and 10 miles on Friday and over the weekend? I know we should train in all weather though but end of week might be extreme

  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    Limerick91 wrote: »
    Long time lurker on the thread, but have been following a lot of the advice.

    DCM will be my third marathon, but will be the first one that I have trained properly for.

    Anyway so far so good, apart from a hamstring tweak at a sprint session last week.

    I am running about 9:20 per mile for my long runs and about 8:45 per mile for my midweek runs.

    I hope to break my pb of 4:09:58, but most importantly I want to run the whole marathon and not end up running/walking for the last 7 miles as happened me in my previous 2 marathons.

    So 22 miles to go on Saturday and then taper, my new favourite word

    What's your target time for DCM and any recent race results?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    frash wrote: »
    Think you missed the bit about slowing down ;)

    It's a proud moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Doc76 wrote: »
    Sorry me again :) weather this week is so unsettled. Would it be ok to do 20 miler tomorrow when it looks like it might be dry? I did 5 easy today after two days of rest. Could do the 5 and 10 miles on Friday and over the weekend? I know we should train in all weather though but end of week might be extreme

    I think it's supposed to be okay for the weekend?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Limerick91 wrote: »
    Long time lurker on the thread, but have been following a lot of the advice.

    DCM will be my third marathon, but will be the first one that I have trained properly for.

    Anyway so far so good, apart from a hamstring tweak at a sprint session last week.

    I am running about 9:20 per mile for my long runs and about 8:45 per mile for my midweek runs.

    I hope to break my pb of 4:09:58, but most importantly I want to run the whole marathon and not end up running/walking for the last 7 miles as happened me in my previous 2 marathons.

    So 22 miles to go on Saturday and then taper, my new favourite word

    Hi there and welcome. Can you answer the questions in the OP, please?

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭Sorbet

    Back from physio. First time seeing a physio by the way and I went in a dress and tights. !

    Brilliant - I needed a laugh! Glad to hear it's all going in the right direction for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    3boyz wrote: »
    Hi Kyomi, thanks for the advice, there could well be a valid point to it, as usually when out on a run, if I have to stop for whatever reason, traffic lights, crossing road, I find I bounce off again with a new lease of life, and this might be a good idea if the going gets tough early on the day of the marathon. I have been a spectator many times from mile 23 onwards and I suppose I have seen runners in great shape and those in not so great shape and am terrified of being one of the latter.

    Honestly, just try and slow down the training runs and see if that helps.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 62 ✭✭3boyz

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    Honestly, just try and slow down the training runs and see if that helps.

    Absolutely Huzzah that's the plan, but good to have a back up plan too 😝

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    How was Week 14?
    Pleasantly surprised early in the week at how fresh I was feeling. Bounced around the 8 miles on Tuesday. Had a late night Friday and found the 20mi on Saturday tiring. Took the scenic route which is tougher anyway and just let myself slow down whenever the effort felt it was creeping up. It was warmer than I expected too so regretted wearing a double layer long sleeve top! Plenty of aches and pains but nothing injury like, fueling feels like it’s working and the aqua gels sit well in my stomach. Put a couple of high5 tabs in the hydration pack and didn’t feel as bad later in the evening as I sometimes do.
    Pleasantly surprised yesterday when I felt grand doing the recovery, no niggles at all.
    Weight down 5 pounds this week. That was unexpected. Although I probably did eat a good bit better this week.

    Are you looking forward to the taper?
    Yes and no! It’ll be nice to start cutting back the time spent training, but there’ll be all the worries about picking up a cold or a niggle and wondering if the fitness is really built up enough.
    Sounds like the fitness is really coming on. Hopefully another few weeks like last week will allay any taper fears.
    frash wrote: »
    How was Week 14?
    I enjoyed it - after the HM, I wasn't sure I would.

    Monday - 3 miles @ 11:23
    Tuesday - 7 miles @ 12:07
    Thursday - 4 miles @ 11:14
    Saturday - 18 miles @ 11:40

    Are you looking forward to the taper?


    I'm glad someone is looking forward to taper :D
    Morning all. I think we are all having ups and downs, physically and mentally. And probably very normal, given D day is only a few weeks away. I still have loads of things to sort out. I don't know how i'm getting to Dublin yet for the morning of the marathon, there are no buses that early. I will be planting bottles of electrolyte drinks with my family and friends on the course. I am also deliberating ordering some new gear, i'm not 100% happy with some items. Breaking in new runners and they are so springy. I'm happy with my gels. Tried a caffeine one for the craic on Saturday and I didn't like it at all. I have started to go to bed as early as possible, I was in bed with a book at 10:30 on Saturday night! I was tired after the run and an afternoon of housework.

    I'm very nervous about Longwood. Who else is doing it?

    - How was week 14 for you?
    It was good. I got the runs in, as usual fitting them in my way, with work, travel, kids etc. I hit 31.5 miles this week, which I am happy with. Also did a few strength sessions in the gym. There isn't a bother on me, apart from a dodgy knee. I am seeing the physio later this afternoon so i'll report back and let you know what he says.

    - Are you looking forward to the taper?
    Yes! It's getting chilly out now and the gloves will be out again soon! I have Raynaud's, so i'll probably be wearing gloves for the marathon.

    I'm mostly looking forward to the big event now, once I sort out my knee. My family are all excited too, which is nice. My Mum was on the phone to her sister in law the other day and I overheard her saying: "We'll get this marathon behind us and then we will arrange lunch." Gas. London ballot results are out on Monday 7th October!
    Back from physio. First time seeing a physio by the way and I went in a dress and tights. Idiot. Anyway, shorts offered to me and we started the session. I have a popliteus strain behind my knee, as a result of my right glute not firing. Bit of massage and a few needles later and it's already much improved. Lots of exercises for the next few weeks, but it should be ok. He also sorted out my shoulder and i'll be doing some exercise on that too. I'll be going back for that 55kg bench the week after DCM.

    Delighted now. I was worried about my dodgy knee. The shoulder was a bonus!

    Delighted to hear your knee is much improved. Sounds like you're better prepared that you think for D Day, which is nice to hear. I'm sure you'll work out a way to the start. The only thing I would say about friends and family having supplies on the course is that they might be quite hard to see. Do you have a backup plan if they are?

    Good luck in Longwood.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Mr. Guappa wrote: »
    Boiled salted potato :D
    That's a new one on me!

    I've only ever heard of salty spuds in the context of Comrades.
    py wrote: »
    Information about Comrades is out on Wednesday, who's in? :pac::pac: Flights aren't that expensive and it's a "DOWN" year. :p

    "DOWN" is great if you don't like your quads much. Think one of the qualifying times was a 4:49:59 marathon last year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,578 ✭✭✭py

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    "DOWN" is great if you don't like your quads much. Think one of the qualifying times was a 4:49:59 marathon last year.

    Tbf, if I'm signing up I don't like my whole body much :p I'm not signing up, perhaps in a few years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 771 ✭✭✭Rojo

    It's gross out there today... Had to run quicker than usual as I was freezing.

    Nips are on fire now. :-/

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 116 ✭✭Doc76

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    I think it's supposed to be okay for the weekend?

    Unfortunately I won’t have a 4 (plus!) hour block of time over the weekend for that long of a run with kids sports in opposite directions 🀪Would have 2 hours for a 10 miler though. I know it’s not ideal though...I usually do LSR on Friday

  • Registered Users Posts: 161 ✭✭eabha19

    Rojo wrote: »
    It's gross out there today... Had to run quicker than usual as I was freezing.

    Nips are on fire now. :-/

    It's so cold and miserable out and I am using that as my excuse that my MP paces were way too fast this morning especially considering that I have ditched my plan A time. It did help warm me up and in my defence my little sausage dog was wild with excitement and dragged me around. Very proud of her - she used to run with me all the time but after I started leaving her at home whilst training for the Dublin Half last year her fitness went and she would just plonk her haunches on the ground at 6 k and have to be half carried home. Today she did 7 miles and was still springing at the end - obviously the slow paced easy runs on the plan have suited her well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Rojo wrote: »
    It's gross out there today...

    Cheers really looking forward to it now :eek: :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Doc76 wrote: »
    Unfortunately I won’t have a 4 (plus!) hour block of time over the weekend for that long of a run with kids sports in opposite directions ��Would have 2 hours for a 10 miler though. I know it’s not ideal though...I usually do LSR on Friday

    Can you prepare to do it on Friday as normal and if the weather hits, push it to Monday?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 116 ✭✭Doc76

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    Can you prepare to do it on Friday as normal and if the weather hits, push it to Monday?

    Yep that would work! Thank you :)
