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DCM 2019 - Mentored Novices Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 238 ✭✭greentea is just wrong

    An early night and lots of carbs :)

    Good luck tomorrow everyone... We got this!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Good luck to all on your LSRs at the weekend. Good luck as well to those running Longwood. It’s not a race but we would still like a report :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭goldsalmon33

    Hi, first time reading this thread and finding it great as its my first marathon. Training is finally going well and I'm following the KBC marathon twitter page. I only started my long runs in September due to injury but did 20 last week and survived so all is good so far, However I'm not sure what to do now as I only found out this week that I should be doing my long weekend runs at a slow pace? For midweek (short) or weekend (long) runs i have always just run away at my own pace that i was happy with. Obviously for the weekend runs, my pace started as fast and then slowed then as the miles got higher.

    Should I continue to run everything at my own pace? I don't understand the logic behind training for a long run, by running slower than you would hope to on raceday?

    Anyway totally agree with all the tapering comments... cant wait.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Should I continue to run everything at my own pace? I don't understand the logic behind training for a long run, by running slower than you would hope to on raceday?

    Hi there. You're very welcome to the thread. Definitely do slow down your training runs. It's never too late and you want to arrive at that start line fresh and ready to go not fatigued from having flogged yourself on all of your runs.

    Our bodies make their fitness adaptations during recovery. Appropriately paced runs will assist this process.

    If you need a hand figuring out what paces to train at, have a go at answering the questions in the OP.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,570 ✭✭✭frash

    19.6 mile LSR done today
    Left the house at 6am - madness really.

    Last mile was tough going

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,565 ✭✭✭py

    Done too. Tough old run to end our biggest week on HHN1.

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Wombled

    20 Miles done and all runs done as per plan. I am absolutely delighted, I could shout from the roof top.

  • Registered Users Posts: 62 ✭✭3boyz

    20 miles done, am on a high, took it much easier than last week and felt way more comfortable. That said last mile was sore but very glad to say i have ran 20 miles!
    Well done to everyone else who got out today for their lsr and good luck to those everyone doing the 3/4 tomorrow ðŸ႒*♀️ðŸ႒*♀️ðŸ႒*♀️💪

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Was literally ready to head out the door at 8 this morning when my daughter called me to come up to my son, he was in his bed googling "why did i wake up with a blue tongue" obviously the prognosis on the internet was bleek :rolleyes: so i whisked the tablet off him & got him dressed. As he has asthma i just took him to A & E, he was more or less seen straight away & some tests were done! Nothing to worry about, has a small virus but we were good to go!
    With that relief & him tucked up nicely at home i headed out! Was defo a run of 2 halves - had to fight off that bit of negativity from the night before & once i did i really enjoyed it :) Every single runner i ran by practically grinned at me or high fived me, yep taper is defo in the air :D
    Ran down by the canal towards the 9th lock to add miles on & what do i run into? Another bloody loose dog only this time it was a husky the size of myself:eek: I stopped running & he kinda just sniffed me then went on his way!! I'm really starting to think thos is Karma biting me in the ass for slagging Mr G a few weeks back about those dogs loose up in citywest :pac:

    Really glad to have that long run done now :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,792 ✭✭✭rizzee

    Did 28km (3:11.24) and then 2km walk/hobble. My legs just caved. Very uncomfortable after the 22km mark. On a positive, a couple of times I wanted to stop and walk I just slowed the pace right down to more than 8.20min per km and pressed on. I know, this should have been what I had to do all along.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 161 ✭✭eabha19

    Such a great feeling getting the long run done today. Had had a bit of a crazy couple of days with some very late nights - not down to partying or netflix bingeing but down to other necessary parenting stuff one that required me to drive to Glendalough and back at midnight and well we'll say no more! Having said that the thoughts that this was the last of the big big milers got me out of bed at 5:45 and out at 6:30 for 19 miles. Took them easy and felt really good - decided to do the last mile at marathon pace and felt super finishing the park run on a high. May have helped that I had two rest days in a row on Thurs and Fri which I hadn't planned but rowed with. Next week's 14 miles will be happening at 7 a.m. - the thoughts of that lie in!! Good luck to all who still have to do it and well done to those who got their first 20 done today too - maybe, just maybe, we can do this!

  • Registered Users Posts: 68 ✭✭Fraggle07

    Well done to everyone on long runs done so far and best of luck to those doing theirs tomorrow.

    My first 20 miles is done and I am delighted!
    I did a 20 mile run in Clare. Had a great nights sleep and the usual breakfast. Arrived up to park and pickup number an hour beforehand. I sat in the car watching the rain get progressively worse :( I was fairly wet at the start line before we even got going...

    Got a bit of a surprise at how quickly the crowd took off. I had my "planned" LSR pace and was very quickly left behind with about 5 others. I got chatting with 2 girls until the 3 miles water stop where I left them as I didn't need to stop. I was on my own from pretty much then until mile 17. I had no sight of runners in front or behind me which was just weird!!

    I really struggled to find my pace for much of the race. I kept going too fast for my liking. The driving rain, being on my own, busy roads with overtaking cars and puddle dodging didn't help :)

    Despite the conditions I felt good and dare I say even enjoyed it at times. At mile 16/17 I had (again) picked up my speed too much in awful driving rain. I found myself singing Simon and Garfunkel "slow down you move too fast...". Had a bit of a giggle to myself. The last 2 miles had some tough hills but I finished very strong with a big smile on my face.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Fraggle07 wrote: »
    Well done to everyone on long runs done so far and best of luck to those doing theirs tomorrow.

    My first 20 miles is done and I am delighted!
    I did a 20 mile run in Clare. Had a great nights sleep and the usual breakfast. Arrived up to park and pickup number an hour beforehand. I sat in the car watching the rain get progressively worse :( I was fairly wet at the start line before we even got going...

    Got a bit of a surprise at how quickly the crowd took off. I had my "planned" LSR pace and was very quickly left behind with about 5 others. I got chatting with 2 girls until the 3 miles water stop where I left them as I didn't need to stop. I was on my own from pretty much then until mile 17. I had no sight of runners in front or behind me which was just weird!!

    I really struggled to find my pace for much off the race. I kept going too fast for my liking. The driving rain, being on my own, busy roads with overtaking cars and puddle dodging didn't help :)

    Despite the conditions I felt good and dare I say even enjoyed it at times. At mile 16/17 I had (again) picked up my speed too much in awful driving rain. I found myself singing Simon and Garfunkel "slow down you move too fast...". Had a bit of a giggle to myself. The last 2 miles had some tough hills but I finished very strong with a big smile on my face.

    Well done, couldn't have been easy when everyone took off but you held your own :) Haha delighted to hear its not just me that sings random lyrics in my head ;)
    Even better you finished with a smile on your face:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 116 ✭✭Doc76

    Congrats everyone who did their long run today and good luck to everyone heading out tomorrow. As I was driving my kids from pitch to muddy pitch this morning I saw loads of runners solo and groups of runners all geared up on their LSRs... great excitement in the air!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭kyomi

    Well done everyone who did their long run today - it must be such a relief to have the hardest training done!

    Feeling very frustrated here. I still have an infection in my toe and have missed every run since Wednesday this week. I went to the GP on Friday (also phoned the chiropodist but she said if it was infected she wouldn't see me until the infection was gone anyway) and had the infection drained, with a prescription for antibiotics which I could get after 24 hours if it hadn't gone away. It felt a lot better yesterday evening and I was planning to try a short 4-mile run today before venturing out on the 20-miler tomorrow. But it's been getting steadily worse since this morning. In the end I got the antibiotics, but I can't imagine they'll have kicked in before tomorrow, so it looks like I'll be missing the 20-miler, and maybe even some of next week's runs (I made an appointment with the chiropodist for Thursday). I know I have a good bit of training in the bag already, but I can almost feel my fitness draining away!

    I just keep saying to myself, at least this didn't happen in the week of the marathon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 161 ✭✭eabha19

    kyomi wrote: »
    Well done everyone who did their long run today - it must be such a relief to have the hardest training done!

    Feeling very frustrated here. I still have an infection in my toe and have missed every run since Wednesday this week. I went to the GP on Friday (also phoned the chiropodist but she said if it was infected she wouldn't see me until the infection was gone anyway) and had the infection drained, with a prescription for antibiotics which I could get after 24 hours if it hadn't gone away. It felt a lot better yesterday evening and I was planning to try a short 4-mile run today before venturing out on the 20-miler tomorrow. But it's been getting steadily worse since this morning. In the end I got the antibiotics, but I can't imagine they'll have kicked in before tomorrow, so it looks like I'll be missing the 20-miler, and maybe even some of next week's runs (I made an appointment with the chiropodist for Thursday). I know I have a good bit of training in the bag already, but I can almost feel my fitness draining away!

    I just keep saying to myself, at least this didn't happen in the week of the marathon!

    That is crap but you really have the work done and once you get this sorted you'll be back on track again. Was wondering how it was healing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 116 ✭✭Doc76

    kyomi wrote: »
    Well done everyone who did their long run today - it must be such a relief to have the hardest training done!

    Feeling very frustrated here. I still have an infection in my toe and have missed every run since Wednesday this week. I went to the GP on Friday (also phoned the chiropodist but she said if it was infected she wouldn't see me until the infection was gone anyway) and had the infection drained, with a prescription for antibiotics which I could get after 24 hours if it hadn't gone away. It felt a lot better yesterday evening and I was planning to try a short 4-mile run today before venturing out on the 20-miler tomorrow. But it's been getting steadily worse since this morning. In the end I got the antibiotics, but I can't imagine they'll have kicked in before tomorrow, so it looks like I'll be missing the 20-miler, and maybe even some of next week's runs (I made an appointment with the chiropodist for Thursday). I know I have a good bit of training in the bag already, but I can almost feel my fitness draining away!

    I just keep saying to myself, at least this didn't happen in the week of the marathon!

    That sounds very frustrating and painful! Hope it heals soon and you are on the road again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,432 ✭✭✭Charliebull

    Did 22 miles this morning, out the door at 6amtoo
    Hard to believe it’s the Last long run , I’ll miss them in a sadistic way, I don’t think I will get to run another marathon as knees are in bits from training for this one but I have to say physio and patina strap are working
    Well done to all

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,432 ✭✭✭Charliebull

    Oh and BTW if you have a gel that works , stay with it, I had to use an alternative today due to none left in shop yesterday, didn’t end well

  • Registered Users Posts: 161 ✭✭eabha19

    Did 22 miles this morning, out the door at 6amtoo
    Hard to believe it’s the Last long run , I’ll miss them in a sadistic way, I don’t think I will get to run another marathon as knees are in bits from training for this one but I have to say physio and patina strap are working
    Well done to all

    I'm with you on missing the long runs whilst at the other side I'm delighted to be finished and well ready to taper. It's just the sense of satisfaction and also all the people I pass along the way early on a Saturday morning on the same journey. Think this will be my only marathon too or certainly for a couple of years until kids are older. But I have enjoyed the training - the ticking it off and feeling surprised at myself for managing distances and mileage that I never thought I could do.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 62 ✭✭3boyz

    kyomi wrote: »
    Well done everyone who did their long run today - it must be such a relief to have the hardest training done!

    Feeling very frustrated here. I still have an infection in my toe and have missed every run since Wednesday this week. I went to the GP on Friday (also phoned the chiropodist but she said if it was infected she wouldn't see me until the infection was gone anyway) and had the infection drained, with a prescription for antibiotics which I could get after 24 hours if it hadn't gone away. It felt a lot better yesterday evening and I was planning to try a short 4-mile run today before venturing out on the 20-miler tomorrow. But it's been getting steadily worse since this morning. In the end I got the antibiotics, but I can't imagine they'll have kicked in before tomorrow, so it looks like I'll be missing the 20-miler, and maybe even some of next week's runs (I made an appointment with the chiropodist for Thursday). I know I have a good bit of training in the bag already, but I can almost feel my fitness draining away!

    I just keep saying to myself, at least this didn't happen in the week of the marathon!

    Ah sugar Kyomi, thats not what you needed this week, the antibiotics should kick in fairly quickly, is there any way you could do your 20 miles on monday? If not I'm sure there will have been lots of people missing todays run that will still run a great marathon so don't let it set you back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 62 ✭✭3boyz

    Oh and BTW if you have a gel that works , stay with it, I had to use an alternative today due to none left in shop yesterday, didn’t end well

    I went shopping for my usual gels last weekend and they were sold out too, but I went on to the site and ordered a box of 20, they were delivered by wednesday, if you can't get your hands on some in the next few days that might be an option.

  • Registered Users Posts: 62 ✭✭3boyz

    Was literally ready to head out the door at 8 this morning when my daughter called me to come up to my son, he was in his bed googling "why did i wake up with a blue tongue" obviously the prognosis on the internet was bleek :rolleyes: so i whisked the tablet off him & got him dressed. As he has asthma i just took him to A & E, he was more or less seen straight away & some tests were done! Nothing to worry about, has a small virus but we were good to go!
    With that relief & him tucked up nicely at home i headed out! Was defo a run of 2 halves - had to fight off that bit of negativity from the night before & once i did i really enjoyed it :) Every single runner i ran by practically grinned at me or high fived me, yep taper is defo in the air :D
    Ran down by the canal towards the 9th lock to add miles on & what do i run into? Another bloody loose dog only this time it was a husky the size of myself:eek: I stopped running & he kinda just sniffed me then went on his way!! I'm really starting to think thos is Karma biting me in the ass for slagging Mr G a few weeks back about those dogs loose up in citywest :pac:

    Really glad to have that long run done now :D

    Gosh you must have got a fright this morning, glad your son is ok. Fairplay getting out and doing your long run after such a stressful morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    3boyz wrote: »
    Gosh you must have got a fright this morning, glad your son is ok. Fairplay getting out and doing your long run after such a stressful morning.

    Yep we did but thankfully it was nothing in the end! Thanks a mill, I think the run defo helped me destress :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭pd79

    What a fright laineyfrecks! Glad all is ok, well done to all on 20 miles in bag, very jealous. Heading to Longwood tomorrow and I am so nervous ! Hope I sleep!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    pd79 wrote: »
    What a fright laineyfrecks! Glad all is ok, well done to all on 20 miles in bag, very jealous. Heading to Longwood tomorrow and I am so nervous ! Hope I sleep!

    Thanks a mill :) very best of luck to you tomorrow:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 68 ✭✭Fraggle07

    Lainey what a fright! Glad all is well and fair play for getting out with everything going on.

    Kyomi, that's bad luck alright. But you have put the mileage in and a week or so off won't knock you back. Best of luck and hope it clears soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Fraggle07 wrote: »
    Lainey what a fright! Glad all is well and fair play for getting out with everything going on.

    Kyomi, that's bad luck alright. But you have put the mileage in and a week or so off won't knock you back. Best of luck and hope it clears soon.

    Thanks a mill:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    kyomi wrote: »
    Well done everyone who did their long run today - it must be such a relief to have the hardest training done!

    Feeling very frustrated here. I still have an infection in my toe and have missed every run since Wednesday this week. I went to the GP on Friday (also phoned the chiropodist but she said if it was infected she wouldn't see me until the infection was gone anyway) and had the infection drained, with a prescription for antibiotics which I could get after 24 hours if it hadn't gone away. It felt a lot better yesterday evening and I was planning to try a short 4-mile run today before venturing out on the 20-miler tomorrow. But it's been getting steadily worse since this morning. In the end I got the antibiotics, but I can't imagine they'll have kicked in before tomorrow, so it looks like I'll be missing the 20-miler, and maybe even some of next week's runs (I made an appointment with the chiropodist for Thursday). I know I have a good bit of training in the bag already, but I can almost feel my fitness draining away!

    I just keep saying to myself, at least this didn't happen in the week of the marathon!

    Ow. Hope it's starting to improve. Don't worry about the 20miler and a few missed runs; you've excellent training done to date. The most important thing is getting your toe fixed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    kyomi wrote:
    Feeling very frustrated here. I still have an infection in my toe and have missed every run since Wednesday this week. I went to the GP on Friday (also phoned the chiropodist but she said if it was infected she wouldn't see me until the infection was gone anyway) and had the infection drained, with a prescription for antibiotics which I could get after 24 hours if it hadn't gone away. It felt a lot better yesterday evening and I was planning to try a short 4-mile run today before venturing out on the 20-miler tomorrow. But it's been getting steadily worse since this morning. In the end I got the antibiotics, but I can't imagine they'll have kicked in before tomorrow, so it looks like I'll be missing the 20-miler, and maybe even some of next week's runs (I made an appointment with the chiropodist for Thursday). I know I have a good bit of training in the bag already, but I can almost feel my fitness draining away!

    Sounds really painful. Just a note on antibiotics, you might feel like you've way less energy out running even for a few days after finishing them (based on my own experience this summer), but you should come right quickly enough.
