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DCM 2019 - Mentored Novices Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Wombled wrote: »
    So here it is.
    Predicted time 5.09
    Chip 508.57

    Boom! Lovely running. Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    clickhere wrote: »
    I only really started running as i crossed the start line. The first few kms went past very quickly and the gaps started to open. I had decided to take a gel every 35 to 40 minutes and sip on water with zero tabs all the way around. It wasn't long until i was entering the park and the crowds were just getting bigger. The first marker was 10k and i arrived in 56:49 and feeling good. The advice was that it was all up hill until we reentered the park at Mount Sackville school and to take it easy. It was a nice stretch from there until Laurences hill up into Ballyfermot and i could push the pace up a bit. I got to meet family and friends all along here and it really gives you a nice lift. I was feeling really good heading up the Crumlin road to Walkinstown and could hear the mentors in my ear "dont go out too quick". I had arrived at the half way mark 01:58:38 ,things were looking good. I was enjoying the run and the conditions were just perfect. The big battle was ahead in the 2nd half and i struggled really badly at Clonskeagh and Roebuck in 2014. The refueling was going well with the gels and the water and no tummy problems. The kms were been ticked off and soon i was heading in to Milltown and got a big surprise with a big shout out from my brother. Had i gone out too quick,i was about to find out. It was the last 6 miles and it was make or break time. when i got to Clonskeagh you could see that a lot of people were struggling and you had to zig zag to pass groups of people walking on the hills. I just kept pumping out the legs and was passing people all the time. The last big hurdle was coming up, get past Roebuck and we were heading for home. I could feel it in the legs climbing the hill ,but i was still moving at a decent pace. Finally i hit Foster Avenue and knew the hills were finished and the legs started to loosen out a bit. I started playing a game in my head trying to picture where id be 6 or 7 kms from my home if i was on a LSR. I was convincing my self that it was only a short little run to home. Things were getting real and i kept knocking off 1km at a time. Soon i was heading down Nutley Lane and on to Merrion Rd. I was heading down the home straight and the body seemed to be moving ok. The crowds were just getting bigger and noisier as we got near the finish. Northtumberland rd to Mount st was something special. I remembered one of the mentors giving the advice to not run in the center of the road ,but to move over to the barrier where the crowds are, and they will drive you home. I did and i have to say they carried me home. I crossed the line and checked the watch 03:58:50 , i could not believe i had done a sub 4 hour marathon.

    Ah, sorry we didn't get to meet in McGs. I'd have liked to have congratulated you in person for a cracking run. Huge congratulations to you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    DeepBlue wrote: »

    Despite all the training going pretty well I really hadn't fully decided what pace I was going to run at. This was one of my "to do" things that never got done. I can honestly say I wasn't concerned with finishing time. I would have been happy with anything sub 4 and would have been ok with sub 4.30 if it came to that. So pretty soon we were moving up to the start line. The 3.40 pacers were just in front of me with the 3.50 pacers a little further back. Last minute decision was to start off with the 3.40 pacers and see how things progressed. With that the hoodie was tossed over the railing and we were off.

    First Half
    Splits (8.28, 8.13, 8.31, 8.07, 8.06, 8.55, 8.10, 8.21, 8.14, 8.24, 8.12, 8.08)

    The first mile was over before I knew it and we were motoring along. I recall it still feeling a bit nippy along here as were were still in the shade from the buildings and so the extra layers were going to remain in situ for a while more. The first few miles were comfortable although I don't really recall much of it. The arm warmers got discarded after about 3 miles or so while I held onto the gloves for a good while longer. Pretty soon we were hitting the Phoenix Park and somewhere along the way I'd passed out the 8.40 pacers.
    I was feeling that I needed to make a pitstop so stopped at the portaloos here. No bog roll. Hmmm... Decided to forego the pitstop and rejoin the race. The 8.40 pacers were now ahead of me and we were heading up Chesterfield Avenue. I gradually tagged on again to the 8.40 pacers again over the next mile or two. We exited the park and came up to a left turn which I assume was Castleknock village and just got hit by a wall of noise. I just couldn't help grinning from ear to ear with that level of support. It must be what rock stars get everytime they take to the stage.
    Looking back on the elevation graph for this section of the race there's quite a few uphill sections. Tbh I didn't feel them at all or really notice them. The running group was fairly tight, albeit not feeling too congested, which meant it wasn't a simple matter of scanning the road ahead for rises and falls.
    At mile 8 I did a system check. Yep, this is not an easy run but it's a marathon so you gotta expect to be out of your comfort zone. But I still felt relatively comfortable and was going at a good rhythm. No cause for concern. I was looking forward to the halfway point as a psychological marker - get there and it's just a half marathon left.
    At some point along here I was wondering if the pacers were going too fast - 8.20 seemed a bit zippy so I asked one of them and he confirmed that they were doing 8.20 pace. Finally the halfway point was in sight. Just coming up to it I saw someone from my cycling club in the crowd up supporting his wife. I gave a shout out but he didn't hear me. We crossed the half way point and I did wonder if I could keep this going for another 13 miles.

    Second half
    Splits (8.21, 8.18, 8.03, 8.14, 7.59, 8.06, 8.01, 8.35, 9.37, 11.35, 10.55, 10.23, 9.08, 7.51)

    One of the casualties of not having/giving enough time to strategy planning was that I hadn't brought any zero tabs with me to add to the water I was taking. Tbh I had grown to hate the taste of the zero tabs. I'd run my last 18 miler LSR without any gels or liquids and felt fine but that was LSR pace rather than MP. For this race I had gotten a flip belt and loaded it up with high 5 gels. I'd been taking these every 30 minutes approximately and taking a water bottle at every water point and keeping hydrated. I'd mentally broken up the race into 8 mile sections. The first 8 miles had gone well and the second 8 miler was now within sight. A systems check showed that while the tops of the quads and lateral hip area was feeling the race they hadn't got any worse than earlier. I was simultaneously fiddling with a gel and water bottle on mile 16 when I noticed that it was almost over. Mile 17 was when I started to allow myself believe that I'd finish in sub 3.40 as I had by now overtaken the 3.40 pacers and was averaging 8.16 min/mile and feeling pretty good. I recalled reading previously that most of the hills would now be behind us. Things were looking reasonably good and, if anything, I was picking up the pace and feeling strong.
    I saw the "Mr Guappa says relax...." sign held by ReeReeG I think when passing what I now presume was Milltown. The brain wasn't quite in gear so I think I came out with something like "Oh, Mr Guappa, heh" or something equally nonsensical. I was still feeling ok but the course was now becoming a bit more undulating and all around me runners were hitting rough patches.
    I was feeling it but things were still ok until, suddenly, somewhere along Roebuck Road, they weren't and this happened:

    I don't have any qualms about walking during a race if needed. I walked Foster's Avenue to the Radison Blu and started shuffling onwards again from there. I crossed the flyover by UCD and had to walk again on the down ramp to Nutley Lane. I managed to get going again from Nutley Lane but had another brief walking break on Merrion Road. Looking back that doesn't seem that much walking but it felt like a lot more on the day. At this stage I didn't care about anything except for it to be over. I wasn't really taking notice of the crowds or where I was - the only thing I was really interested in was where was that f**king finish line? Finally I saw the 26 mile marker. Thank Christ!! With the relief I automatically upped the pace and surprised myself to find that I was now running at 6.35 min/mile pace. Where was that energy when I needed it a few miles earlier? Someone shouted my name, I looked around but there was just a crowd of faces, and I assumed they're read it off my number. Found out afterwards it was the lad I'd seen at the halfway mark. There was still some more to run before reaching the blue carpet but I was able to cruise in and had to dodge around a few people including the guy who annoyed me by abruptly turning across me when he saw someone he knew in the crowd just before the end.
    I remembered to raise my arms at the end but didn't remember to smile. The arm raise was so half-hearted and tbh at this point I just felt horrible, ill, wrecked and no energy even to be relieved that it was over or genuinely celebrate.

    So, the inevitable question - would I do it again? A marathon? Almost definitely. DCM? - perhaps but most probably not. The summer training schedule meant I had to sacrifice too many events for the sake of the marathon. If there was some way of getting around this then I'd do DCM again but, if not, then my next one will be a spring marathon with the training over the winter.

    Was it worth it? Ah yeah, definitely. I managed to get most of the training runs done (guesstimate of around 95%) and enjoyed the process. My approach to running has changed (honestly!) and it's not all about improving times on each and every run.

    Tough going starting a new job just before the marathon - no doubt that was tiring. I'm glad you enjoyed the process and most of the the day itself. Sorry I didn't get to meet you in McGs. Congratulations!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    DolG wrote: »

    Miles 1-6 : 11.31, 11:03, 11:17, 10:54, 11:11, 11.25.
    Feeling great, high as a kite, couldn't stop talking! In trepidation Gel no.1. Decided to treat the next 20 miles as LSR, divided into 4x5miles.
    Miles 7-13. 11:26, 10:51, 10:51,10:54,11:06, 10:55, 10:54.
    Castle knock was amazing, did some air guitar going past the band. Hamstrings were niggly, very unusual and left knee was iffy. Saw some poor lady being attended to flat out in the road before we went back into the park. A stark reminder of what can happen. Hill after the underpass was grand. Noticing the signs, "Don't worry, you'll be finished before Brexit" support was fantastic. Decided to take a gel every 45 mins. Great to have the water bottles, took sips.
    Miles 14-22 11:13, 11:16, 11:03, 11:00, 11:08, 11:07, 11:05, 10:53, 11:06.
    In a nice rhythm. Tolerating gels, ate 1/2 salted boiled potato. Tapping the power boards for energy. Loving the DJ booths and music. A work colleague, suddenly appears, couldn't believe it. Hug, and straight back, a bit overwhelmed. Suddenly couldn't breathe. Did a check, no wheeze, lungs fine, it was my throat, was I reacting to gel or potato?? Told myself to stay calm and relax. Sorted! That was scary. On to Miltown, Family outside the Dropping Well. Surprised to see youngest daughter and boyfriend there as they were out until 4am. Emotional. Hubby there too. Hugs all round. Didn't see any Boards ppl as distracted. Up the hill and headed towards the infamous Heartbreak Hill. Still ok. Steady. Ran up H hill, was the only one running. Overtaking people all the time. Ground very sticky from gels.
    Miles 23-End. 10.42, 10:38, 10:43, 10:57, 9:44 Finish time 4:50:32.
    End of Foster's Ave. Friend on bike shouting to keep it up. Now have to dig deep. Feeling the distance, saying "never again", I am too old for this, 61yrs. Hate Nutley, don't know why. Knew the straight run to the end was longer than it seemed. If anyone shouted you are nearly there I may have killed them. Unexpected supporters around Ballsbridge, can't stop keep going, overtook a pal who started with 4:50 pacers but can see she is fine. Big shout out from another runner. Coming up to the bridge Norbert yells at me to keep it up. Overtaking lots, looked at watch thought it said 30 secs to get under 5hrs, legged it up the blue mat, well it felt like I did. It's finished I did it. No tears. Got medal, giddy bag. Made it back to house, dizzy, hardest 500m walk ever. STEPS to front door, had to go upSTAIRS for clothes. Other daughter gave me a light rubdown. Drank chocolate milk and zero tab water. Three of us headed to McGrattans. Asked around, no Boards ppl. Then me Ashling,another super mentor and Ian, my saviours. Mr Guappa is upstairs. OMG, STAIRS again. Great to meet some of you. Drank 2pints of water.

    That's another cracking run. Looks beautifully paced. Congratulations!

  • Registered Users Posts: 424 ✭✭clickhere

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    Ah, sorry we didn't get to meet in McGs. I'd have liked to have congratulated you in person for a cracking run. Huge congratulations to you!

    Thanks so much for your kind words Huzzah!. No way would it have been possible without yourself and all the other mentors. I also meant to mention Skyblue46 that gave me some great advice as well. If I could just mention that the only races I had for the year were, a 10k in April and the Rock & Roll Half marathon in August. Everything else was the boards plan that I followed. So for anyone who doubts that the slow down the run philosophy works, I tell you that it definitely does. Hopefully we can all meet up sometime soon, as most of us never got to thank the mentors personally. Cheers for now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 572 ✭✭✭R.F.

    Has anyone here entered the lottery for next years?

    I have never ran a marathon, so had planned to make 2020 my 1st a few months ago. I have ran a couple of half marathons and am entered into 3-4 over the next year. I am training hard in preparation

    It is very discouraging for me that I will not find out until January if I have a place or not. But will hope for the best and keep running either way.

    Is there any other marathons in 2020 that any can recommend in case i do get bad news?

  • Registered Users Posts: 83 ✭✭Sunday Runner

    Bib No.|Username|Target Time|Actual Time
    8358 |passinginterest|03:59:30|3.59.08
    |Naked Lepper|04:05:00|04:06:00
    11230|Sunday Runner|04:20:00|04:10:07
    9705|Lambay Island|03:30:00|03:25:20
    11990 |3boyz|04:35:00|04:35:33
    332|mister paul|03:27:59|3:31:53
    18223 |DolG|05:15:00|04:50:32
    20349 |Sorbet|04:40:00|04:47:18
    19839|greentea is just wrong|05:15:00|5.26.51
    18428 |Soulsun|05:00:00|
    19124 |Bananaleaf|04:50:00|05:19:35

  • Registered Users Posts: 83 ✭✭Sunday Runner

    Mr.G, Huzzah and ReeReeG, thank you all again. I'm missing all of the chats! Seriously, I'm having withdrawal symptoms from this board, marathon thoughts and talking. Also trying to wean myself off my pick n mix addiction.

    Is it normal to feel down in the dumps post-marathon?

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Is it normal to feel down in the dumps post-marathon?
    Absolutely. It's been such a big project and a big effort and it takes a lot out of you. Take it handy this month but don't drop the running completely.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Regional East Moderators Posts: 18,404 CMod ✭✭✭✭The Black Oil

    Fantastic reports here, well done all. Great for next year's novices to get stuck into.

    In case anyone is worried...the grads plans involve lots of easy/very easy days. ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Graduate's Thread

    I'm sure you are all waiting impatiently wondering when the grads thread will appear. Well, I can confirm that the wait is almost over!

    A victim poster has been selected to lead you on the next steps of your running journey, and that person is currently formulating a "plan of attack" :pac:

    I can promise you that you will be in great hands with this person leading you, and I am really excited to see how you all progress over the coming months.

    So keep an eye out as the new thread will appear in the coming days :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭goldsalmon33

    Bib No.|Username|Target Time|Actual Time
    8358 |passinginterest|03:59:30|3.59.08
    |Naked Lepper|04:05:00|04:06:00
    11230|Sunday Runner|04:20:00|04:10:07
    9705|Lambay Island|03:30:00|03:25:20
    11990 |3boyz|04:35:00|04:35:33
    332|mister paul|03:27:59|3:31:53
    18223 |DolG|05:15:00|04:50:32
    20349 |Sorbet|04:40:00|04:47:18
    19839|greentea is just wrong|05:15:00|5.26.51
    18428 |Soulsun|05:00:00|
    19124 |Bananaleaf|04:50:00|05:19:35

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Well it looks like this thread will shortly be coming to an end. Congratulations to all involved. For some it was less about starting a training plan and more about a lifestyle change and absolutely massive credit to those who have changed their lives for the better. It certainly was great reading over the past few months.

    The plans have left you in a great position to kick on with this running lark if you so wish. :eek: The Grads thread will introduce you to plans which I heartily recommend. They enabled me to make huge strides in 2018 after my first marathon in 2017. Take a look at them and pick one or two to get you through the first half of next year. They will introduce new and interesting ways of training and are a fantastic bridge to some of the advanced plans on the market. Enjoy!!

    To Mr G, RRG and Huzzah...congratulations on a job brilliantly done. A credit to yourselves!

    My early betting odds for Grads Mentor: Singer 1/8, Murph D Evens, Healy1835 2/1, KSU 3/1, Swashbuckler 4/1, 8/1 Bar :pac::pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,472 ✭✭✭Comic Book Guy

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Well it looks like this thread will shortly be coming to an end. Congratulations to all involved. For some it was less about starting a training plan and more about a lifestyle change and absolutely massive credit to those who have changed their lives for the better. It certainly was great reading over the past few months.

    The plans have left you in a great position to kick on with this running lark if you so wish. :eek: The Grads thread will introduce you to plans which I heartily recommend. They enabled me to make huge strides in 2018 after my first marathon in 2017. Take a look at them and pick one or two to get you through the first half of next year. They will introduce new and interesting ways of training and are a fantastic bridge to some of the advanced plans on the market. Enjoy!!

    To Mr G, RRG and Huzzah...congratulations on a job brilliantly done. A credit to yourselves!

    My early betting odds for Grads Mentor: Singer 1/8, Murph D Evens, Healy1835 2/1, KSU 3/1, Swashbuckler 4/1, 8/1 Bar :pac::pac:

    Balls, when I seen you among the thanks givers to Mr Guappa's post I backed you heavily at 10s!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Balls, when I seen you among the thanks givers to Mr Guappa's post I backed you heavily at 10s!

    Haha...I don't have the compassionate side for such a position :D

    I used the reverse strategy and looked to see who didn't thank that post! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 161 ✭✭eabha19

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Haha...I don't have the compassionate side for such a position :D

    I used the reverse strategy and looked to see who didn't thank that post! ;)

    So I needn't dump my headphones just yet!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    eabha19 wrote: »
    So I needn't dump my headphones just yet!

    For races? Always!!!!!!!! Hahahaha

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Isn't the rule that the grad mentor comes from the novices no? Or is it next years novice mentor comes from this years novices?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Isn't the rule that the grad mentor comes from the novices no? Or is it next years novice mentor comes from this years novices?

    Next years mentor. The last 2 grads mentors were El C and OOheartbreaker :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Next years mentor. The last 2 grads mentors were El C and OOheartbreaker :pac:

    Tough act to follow there.......

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Hey novices (and everybody else)!

    This thread is kind of obsolete now, as this year's graduate thread has begun!

    Check it out here:

    See you there :)
