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DCM 2019 - Mentored Novices Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭passinginterest

    Looks like it’s going to be a warm one for everyone racing tomorrow. Plenty of hydration today! I’m looking forward to it, if a bit apprehensive after the 10k disaster. Taking the runs extra easy so far this week and the legs feel pretty fresh. Plan is to hopefully run a slight negative split and come home somewhere sub 1.21. Will have to see how the body reacts to the step up in pace.

    Well it was certainly hot! Sub 1.21 went out the window very early and the negative split was close behind. Happy to have got to the finish at all the way it went.

    Started at the very back of wave one thinking there'd be a bit of space but didn't work out that way at all. I thought I was changing it a bit starting last in the wave but it was so slow (no harm the way it turned out but I still had a dream run under 1.20 in my head) couldn't make any headway at all. Had no choice but to weave a bit or it'd have been more like 9.30 than anything close to 8 minute miles. Went through a frustrating mile in 8.38.

    Second mile still wasn't really clearing up and I was desperate to make the most of the downhill. More weaving about, should have been more sensible here in hindsight. Came in in 8.01.

    Mile 3 wasn't so bad, finally a bit more space. Started noticing people walking and struggling. Think the water station was around the 3 mile marker. Nightmare cups, managed a couple of sips and poured the rest on me. Could have done with more. Mile came in at 8.14, had already decided to abandon sub 1.21 and conserve a bit.

    Still feeling pretty solid and headed into the climbing in the second half of mile 4, loads struggling. Kept a pretty nice pace and was making good ground. Clocked 8.16. wasn't paying much attention to the watch and just trying to keep it steady now.

    Miles 5 and 6 were the real killers. I remember coming up to the turn back up Chesterfield avenue and seeing nearly as many people walking as running. I was feeling ok, but probably should have started to back off and save energy a bit earlier. Mile 5 came in at 8.18.

    The bit around the back of the zoo seemed to go on for ever. Around here I started to feel like I was slowing down, still passing people but more coming past me now too. Second drink station was somewhere around the 6 miles I think. My watch was beeping a few hundred meters before the markers at this stage (too much weaving I guess). Drinks station was a disaster, I was parched so really needed it, first mouthful went against my breath, second went up my nose, practically drowning didn't do me any good! Threw the rest over me. 8.32 for the mile.

    I realised by this stage the last mile and a half was going to be horrible. Decided to try and conserve a bit rather than my original plan to push hard here. I was waiting for the downhill the whole time but it never felt like there was one. Passsed my ever patient wife supporting as we went past the start again and told her not to expect me before 1.25 because it was torture! Mile seven beeped at 8.34.

    Obviously going downhill now but still didn't feel like it. Left glute was twinging a bit too. Wished I'd brought a gel and taken it at half way because energy was dropping. Last water station was just around 8 miles just before the steeper downhill finally arrived. Really wanted to get some water in so slowed to a walk for about 10 seconds, couldn't risk another drowning incident! Watch was now beeping a ridiculous amount before the mile markers. 8.43 for mile 8.

    Finally a steep downhill! Thank the Lord. Didn't have much to give other than to let gravity do its work. It was far too short and I was all too aware of what was left. Kept a reasonable pace for a while but it was a struggle. Mile 9 in 8.41.

    Not sure if it was more mental or physical but had nothing left for the climb in the last mile. I was still passing as many as were passing me but everyone was hurting. As it started to level out there was a good few finding a strong finish. I wasn't one of them! Even with the finish in sight I couldn't pick it up much. Watch beeped a long way before the line and it was 9.05.

    Had a tiny pick up probably 30 meters from the line when I got in a little race with a girl who came by on my shoulder. Took her back and held her off. 8.09 pace for the last 0.14.

    Chip time 1.26.07. A hard day at the office. Not really disappointed, happy enough with how I adjusted my goal and kept going. Maybe could have been a bit stronger mentally in the last mile. Would have liked quicker but the marathon is still the goal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,673 ✭✭✭DeepBlue

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Compede is your friend.
    Will get some and add to the med kit,thanks. Used some gauze and surgical tape today and luckily it worked. Didn't feel a thing from my heels even though I was expecting some torture and the possibility of having to bail out. Happy days :D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭Lombardo123

    What a morning for a race. Great atmosphere in the park. I was there early and just relaxed, stretching and getting prepared.

    Second ever race, with the first one also being a 10 mile - I had a time to aim for. Became pretty apparent that wasnt going to happen as early as mile 3.

    Miles 1,2 and 3 were quick but manageable. Coming up Chesterfield avenue towards mile 4 I had a serious "jesus it's hot" moment and tried to take refuge in some shade as much as I could for miles 5 and 6.

    Didn't manage to take on as much water during the race which was annoying, more I just threw it on me but I was starting to feel it a little at mile 6. No knee pain at all which had me out for a week or so previous which was great news.

    Got through mile 7 split in 56.40 and actually managed to get a good mile in for the 8th then and hoping to keep the momentum to the finish. Last 2, as advertised, were tough but was happy with how I dug in to get to the finish. Started the straight home with a sprint and misjudged.. Longer than I thought!! So I pretty much fell over the line 1.21.13.

    Looking at the app, I got quicker in the second half, but I wouldn't say that was a comfortable negative split. Probably the pushing too hard towards the end.

    Overall a great morning, for the half I would change a few things so I suppose that's something. Definitely take water on more during the race, pair it back ahead those last 2 miles on the half and also try to just enjoy it more. Was very much head down and go type morning for me.

    On we go!

  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    Well done to everyone who raced today. From the sounds of the reports, it was a tough course to run and the heat was quite a factor too. I did a 8 mile easy run today and it was so humid - wouldn't have fancied racing in those conditions.

    Was quite jealous seeing all the race times come through on Strava and reading the race reports so far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭pd79

    Today went ok, got there nice and early. Ran with my sister and due to heat we decided to run pace we think we might do for dcm 7min/km, went well and with 3 k to go we pushed it a bit. The heat was hard but got up hills much better than I normally would. Also don't feel as tired as I did after last years race. Came in at 1hr51, not PB but I felt strong. Really loved seeing how supportive runners are to each other . Still not sure how I'll double that and more , but I will, well done everyone

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  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Wombled

    It was a tough one today. I think from mile 4.5 to 6 I found hard, got some energy at mile 8. That hill was tough but was ready for it. The last half a mile was at a slow pace.

    Did it in 151. Didn't really have a time in mind .

    How am I going to do another 16 miles of that 😂😂

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 116 ✭✭Doc76

    Well I really wanted to come in under 1:45 and did it (just barely!) at 1:44:49. Considering how hot it was and how I am not a huge fan of running in the Park, I am happy :)

    I got there a bit later than planned because I left my debit card at home and had to turn back. Still there was plenty of parking (I parked by the cricket club off Chesterfield Ave). Made my way to the start in good time and enjoyed the atmosphere and chatting with random strangers as we waited to begin.

    The first two miles my pacing was all over the place. I was conscious that it was hot and the course was fairly exposed with intermittent bits of shade. I actually considered not racing it at the start and running it as an LSR instead (I’m telling you this location messes with my head!) My first mile was slow and the second was too fast as I got caught up in the pack speeding downhill.

    The next bit was ok I like the s bends and enjoy hills. I walked thru the water station and tried not to trip on the many cups strewn around. I decided at this stage I’d race it after all. Plan was to get as close to 1:45 as I could.

    The middle miles were monotonous to be honest. But at least it didn’t feel as hot/exposed as the first bit and there was a little breeze. I walked thru the second water station and took a gel. Mentally perked up at mile 7 and enjoyed the next few miles. Walked thru the last water station and felt good like the end was in sight!

    I passed quite a few people here which encouraged me in the final stretch (plus a guy near me had the Rocky theme song playing which provided comic relief).

    Chip time was 1:44:49. I am happy with this given the temperature and course itself. This race is so well organized and all the volunteers are so lovely and encouraging. And all the supporters are great, too. Really liked the refill cups and the t-shirt is ace.

    I managed the pacing much better in the 10k but here are my splits for better or worse! Next time will not waffle so much and let doubt creep in... 3.1 extra miles in September for my next jaunt around the park... I’ll be ready ;)

    Mile 1 10:57
    Mile 2 9:58
    Mile 3 10:21
    Mile 4 10:17
    Mile 5 10:26
    Mile 6 10:49
    Mile 7 10:12
    Mile 8 10:36
    Mile 9 9:41
    Mile 10 10:05
    Mile .1 8:39

    Well done to everyone who raced today... lots of amazing results. Like I said after the 10k, you guys are serious flyers!! Congrats :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Well done to everyone who completed the Frank Duffy today.. some fantastic racing in what were very challenging conditions by all accounts. It's great seeing the results pour in here and on strava. Recover well tonight and tomorrow. Don't be too disheartened if things didn't go as well as you had hoped today, we all have bad days and these races are all valuable experiences along the road to DCM. Whether your day was a roaring success, or something less, be sure to analyse what went well for you, and what you can do better next time (preparation, pacing, patience, fuelling, hydration, sleep, clothing, etc). Good job everyone!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,578 ✭✭✭py

    Had set out today with hoping to land in between 1:20 and 1:25. Cycled down to the park today making sure to take it super easy on the way there. Got to the park by 9:30 but by the time I navigated through all the people it was about 20 minutes till the start of the run. Lined up in the massive queue for the toilets so I could get changed from my bike shorts to my running shorts. Time is ticking away... not moving much closer to the toilet so I discovered that the urinals for the gents were close by and decided that since everyone was whipping them out in there anyway that I'd change shorts in there :P

    Got the bag dropped off and made my way to the starting pens. No time for a jog/run warmup so did my activation drills I usually do whilst in the pens. Kept doing them to ensure I was warmed up.

    1st Km - 5:19
    Took off conservatively keeping an eye on my watch, knowing that I was aiming for between 5-5:20/Km so 1st Km went well. Usual jostling of positions early on and this continued for a few Km. Felt comfortable.

    2nd Km - 5:07
    Further jostling and still felt comfortable. Starting to notice the heat at the end of this Km. I've complained/mentioned before about people starting in the wrong pen at races before but something that popped in to my head today that perhaps they're just starting off slowly hoping for a good negative split.. just a thought.

    3rd Km - 4:58
    I take advantage of the decline and use my large strides to glide/bound down the hill ahead of people. The field starts to stretch out here which makes it easy to navigate through the crowd.

    4th Km - 4:52
    Still on the decline but that sharp turn in to the incline is halfway through this Km. As was mentioned earlier, we start to see people walking already. Not sure if it's the heat or lack of preparedness but something has got to them. Nice and steady up the incline not pushing too hard so conserve energy for the rest of the hills remaining. At this stage the heat starts to become a factor. There's shelter everywhere and when you start going uphill without a breeze the HR starts to increase drastically.

    5th Km - 5:05
    First water stop was midway through the S bends... carnage. People jumping from one side to the other trying to get water, plastic cups going everywhere, water been drank and doused over extra warm bodies. I grab one cup before it even hits the table from the volunteers hand (Thank you for volunteering) and I'm unprepared as to how difficult it is to run and drink from a cup... manage to get a little bit of H2O and continue on throwing the cup away (have a feeling on to the ground at this stop but made an effort at the latter ones to bin them).

    6th Km - 4:59
    We're down by Islandbridge gate and we're ascending once again... no's hot as hell... Please sir, a light breeze would be most welcome at this stage... We get a little bit as we reach the top of the ascent but it's brief and not strong enough to have much cooling effect. Nice and steady up the hills, no surging just steady pace.

    7th Km - 5:04
    Heat has started to take it's toll as we turn on to Chesterfield. What little breeze we did have is now on our backs and given the route, it'll be there for several more Km :( More people walking now. Try to utter words of encouragement to some but I'm not sure if they're effective/welcome. Turn past the zoo, no breeze, just bloody hot humid weather. Bloody hell, this is Ireland!

    8th Km - 4:59
    Ramps, f*#k off ramps. I hate cycling this road, running it is almost as bad. More and more people starting to walk. Still keeping steady pace and legs and body are in good nick. Think my HR around here was >180bpm but was still capable of running without issue.

    9th Km - 5:05
    Halfway there. So bloody warm for the last few Km, unbearably so. Still holding it together in terms of pace, breathing and functioning legs.

    10th Km - 5:15
    2nd water stop at the start of this Km. I signal/call for 2 cups please and was happily provided with them. First one goes over the head and down my back, I take a swig out of the 2nd one and immeadiately feel that I've managed to give myself some wind which leaves me feeling uncomfortable so I throw the remaining water in the bin or over my head, can't recall. A few hundred metres in to this Km, I finally burp the wind up and feel instantly much better (overshare but will follow up on this later). My HR strap either does not like water against the contacts or it's battery is on the way out as my HR readings drop significantly here but I can feel it beating a lot more than the readings. Boo to not having proper HR data at the end of the race.

    11th Km - 5:14
    Like a lot of us on here, I'm in to unchartered territory when it comes to racing anything longer than 10Km. Legs, lungs and mind still going ok here. Halfway through this Km we turn back on to Chesterfield road and I could literally marry that breeze blowing in to my face.

    12th Km - 5:09
    Take advantage of the slight decline here and pick up my pace a little bit. Later in this Km is the beginning of my undoing. That breeze that was blowing nicely in to my face disappears as we pass the Aras and make our way on to a path which feels like it's entirely enclosed and there's no airflow at all.

    13th Km - 5:14
    We turn at the bottom of this path, get a hit of a slight breeze but now it's on our backs for pretty much the remainder of the race :( This Km is ever so slightly downhill but I can't take advatage of it at this stage of the race, too bloody warm for me and need to keep some energy in the bank. Water stop #3 is at the end of this Km, 2 cups over the back of my head and drip all the way down my legs which feels incredible refreshing.

    14th Km - 5:12
    Legs feel proper tired now, don't have the energy to take advantage of the inclne down past the hospital so I'm putting on the breaks a little which may have the opposite affect as to what I was hoping. I reach the point where there's a sharp right turn to head for the home straight. As soon as we do my legs and mind can't determine wherether we're on a flat, inclining or declining surface. Tired.

    15th Km - 5:44
    F%#k this hill. So hot and tired right now. People everywhere have started walking. My mind thinks that the body is running but I'm not going anywhere fast. Feels like I never pass those people that are walking. Almost home...

    16th Km - 5:44
    Still ascending. Just give me the energy to finish this out and not walk... that's all I want. After I feel like I've died on top of that hill, my body just wants to be put in an ice block to cool down. Still running/jogging or something that resembles that movement but not walking at least. Take a turn for the home stretch, simply do not have the energy/legs to speed up to a run or sprint. Got over the line.

    Chip time: 1:24:39.


    Happy. Had you offered me that time yesterday I'd have told you to GTFO but given the conditions today I'm happy with it. It was my first time racing beyond 10Km and also first time racing after any sort of training plan. Tried to keep the upper body as controlled as possible and I think I accomplished that. If the conditions were better I feel I'd have taken 60-90 seconds off that time, c'est la vie.

    First time mentioning it but I'd been carrying a medial hamstring injury from probably mid March up until the end of June so also the first time racing with 2 fully functional legs this year. It wasn't a major injury but it resulted in a reduced rom on strides so any of the races I've done up until now were hampered by it. It was never engaged on my easy/slow runs which is why I kept with the training program but also made sure I was doing the prescribed stretching, engagement and strengthening exercises prescribed by the physio. Root cause was not running related but took some time to diagnose and get on the road to recovery but it wasn't until a good way down that road did I realise that it was a really poor saddle on one of my bikes causing it. Going in to today it was a big concern for me but thankfully it didn't cause me any issues.

    I ran my 2nd fasted 10Km ever during today's run which I feel puts me in good shape to (easily?) run a sub 50 minute 10Km though I'm unsure as to when I'll get a chance to test out that theory.

    I'd mentioned previously that I've been doing my LSR with a hydration pack, I missed it today. Given the shorter distance I opted not to bring it but it is much easier to consume liquids from then a plastic/paper cup. Will definitely be wearing it for the DCHM and DCM.

    Today's race marks the halfway point in the HH plan for me. I feel much more confident that I can finish both the DCHM and DCM. Given the conditions today will be much different than the DCM, I'd like some feedback on whether I'm being overly ambitious of still aiming for a 4 hour DCM. If the 4 hour is still on the table do I need to adjust my easy/LSR times?

    Cycle home was a nightmare, so bloody exhausted. Threw on the compression shorts/socks soon after getting home but from top to bottom my legs are tired and sore. Junior parkrun in the morning will hopefully loosen them back up.

    Lastly, thanks for the ongoing support of the mentors and mentees. Really makes it much easier getting through each week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22 Ais_Byrne7

    Big well done on everyone who competed in the FD 10 mile today - that weather, although glorious did put a bit of extra intensity into the race, im delighted I carried extra water!!

    My aim for today was sub 1.40 and I came in at 1.40:35 - so I’m pretty happy! I felt strong (for the most part) and kept at a comfortable pace throughout. I built up the hill on dreaded mile 9, which worked to my advantage as it wasn’t as bad as I expected.

    Only issue for me today was the ‘oh no I don’t think I can do this’ voice in my head which made its ugly appearance around mile 6 and obviously impacted my pace - I feel I could have pushed it a fraction more In the latter miles but my head nearly had me scared to do so! Or maybe that’s my body telling me something?

    Overall, I’m happy and I’m learning a lot from being in a race environment. Such a lovely happy race and met some really lovely fellow runners today. Well done all 😊

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    py wrote: »
    Today's race marks the halfway point in the HH plan for me. I feel much more confident that I can finish both the DCHM and DCM. Given the conditions today will be much different than the DCM, I'd like some feedback on whether I'm being overly ambitious of still aiming for a 4 hour DCM. If the 4 hour is still on the table do I need to adjust my easy/LSR times?

    Well done today. You ran a very controlled race and adjusted well to the conditions, despite the tough finish. Great report too... so much detail :)

    As regards targets and pacing - I've always felt that 4 hours was a touch on the optimistic side. I'd be more inclined to say something in the 4:10/4:15 region. Luckily, we've been training to current abilities so there is no major requirement to adjust paces, just stick consistently below 6:30/km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Mr. Guappa wrote: »
    Well done today. You ran a very controlled race and adjusted well to the conditions, despite the tough finish. Great report too... so much detail :)

    As regards targets and pacing - I've always felt that 4 hours was a touch on the optimistic side. I'd be more inclined to say something in the 4:10/4:15 region. Luckily, we've been training to current abilities so there is no major requirement to adjust paces, just stick consistently below 6:30/km.

    Hmmm wondering this myself as regards to my target time? Also when we do the half marathon is this also to be raced if wished?

  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    Hmmm wondering this myself as regards to my target time? Also when we do the half marathon is this also to be raced if wished?

    Yep, to be raced as fast as you can. As the boards plan says - give it socks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Hmmm wondering this myself as regards to my target time? Also when we do the half marathon is this also to be raced if wished?

    I think you are still on course for a 4 hour marathon, or very close to it. That said, all these predictions come with massive health warnings, because the increase in distance from 10 miles to 26.2 miles is so great that it's impossible to predict with any degree of certainty.

    Yep, the HM is to be raced too, if you like. Although, if I remember correctly your HM is in three weeks time? That might be too soon after this one - maybe see how you recover next week and make a decision then on what to do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 161 ✭✭eabha19

    Well done everyone who raced today - great results especially given the race conditions today. Was quite glad my 10 mile race was in the cold and drizzle last Sunday! I also agree with everyone re the cups - I know plastic is terrible for the environment but those cups are only good for throwing water over your head or, in my case last week, into my eye, down my neck, anywhere but into my mouth! I managed to squeeze two small water bottles (you know the kids ones) into my fitbelt on my long run and also carried a bigger bottle. Drank all 3 over the 3 hours. If the half and DCM are also using water cups I'll have to plan for bringing water bottles and having friends give me bottles along the way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Mr. Guappa wrote: »
    I think you are still on course for a 4 hour marathon, or very close to it. That said, all these predictions come with massive health warnings, because the increase in distance from 10 miles to 26.2 miles is so great that it's impossible to predict with any degree of certainty.

    Yep, the HM is to be raced too, if you like. Although, if I remember correctly your HM is in three weeks time? That might be too soon after this one - maybe see how you recover next week and make a decision then on what to do.

    Cheers will take that all on board!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,455 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Anyone who ran 85 86 87 today is a sub-4 marathon candidate. You won’t all have the endurance but some will. Go for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 940 ✭✭✭Unknownability

    Well done everyone, very hard conditions to run in when you're not use to them.

    Can anyone explain the cup situation?

  • Registered Users Posts: 547 ✭✭✭Soulsun

    Yesterday was a big learning for me personally.
    Things didn't go to plan from parking to my warm up. Conditions were very humid.
    I took off to fast and wasn't disciplined.
    Roll on the HM and DCM.

    Would a recovery run be recommended?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Bananaleaf

    eabha19 wrote: »
    If the half and DCM are also using water cups I'll have to plan for bringing water bottles and having friends give me bottles along the way.

    Don't know about the half as haven't checked yet, but the FAQ section of the KBC marathon site says lucozade will be in cups and water in 250ml bottles for DCM

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    well done at the FrankDuffy 10 miler everyone, it was very hot out yesterday I am enjoying reading the reports

    I had a good day myself I was lucky yesterday :D

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Regional East Moderators Posts: 18,404 CMod ✭✭✭✭The Black Oil

    Well done, folks. Conditions were somewhat different for my first FD10 back in 2016. We were hiding under trees at little at the start. :p It's good to get used to a new distance in a race setting and have it under the belt as an experience in your training. Recover well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,570 ✭✭✭frash

    I was up before the sun this morning for 15 miles along the coast of Lake Garda.

    Heated up for the return leg but was able to jump straight in for a swim.

    At mile 14 I arrived in a town that I thankfully didn't know was hosting a 10km. I mingled in with the runners for an apple juice and a biscuit to get me through the last mile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Frank Duffy 10mile:D

    Got to the Phoenix park nice & early & the sun was shining! In my head i was hoping a few clouds would head over & cover it for the race! There were lots of people around doung different things - i always love the buzz of the park!!

    I put my bag in & headed off to do a little warm up, once done i joined the queue for the toilets. I was actually quite surprised at how relaxed i felt given my nerves & doubts during the week.

    I jumped into the line for the race with only a few seconds to go till the start (queue took ages for toilets) i put my headphones in & turned my music on eagerly waiting to start. And we were off!! Didn't take me long to go through the start but my stupid watch glitched & wouldn't pick up the GPS signal!! F@#king marvellous is my exact thought here!! I decided to not get too bothered by it so just ran at a relatively comfortable pace. 1st mile was a lot of weaving in & out of people so felt slow. As i came up to the mile 1 sign i pressed my watch & it started!
    Miles 2 & 3 were good, i was constantly passing people but not too fast which felt good! We got some water here i drank a bit(i also had my own water with me) but i mainly poured it over myself as it was so hot!
    Mile 4 approached & i looked at my watch & for a sit second i though ffs this is the longest 3 miles ever but then i remembered my watch was a mile behind so that perked me up :)
    Mile 4 & 5 were also good again i steadily overtook people, i actually felt quite strong at this stage.
    Miles 6, 7 & 8 in my head i was telling myself to be conservative because everyone talked about the dreaded Mile 9 so i wanted to make sure i had enough in me but i also felt that while i was still feeling strong why not pick the pace up until i get to the hard part then re- evaluate it??? So thats what i went with,i still felt good & looked for shade anywhere i could find it haha It was great to get a cheer & a friendly smile from Skyblue46 here, it really lifted my morale!
    Mile 9 I really did not know what to expect here but thank god i had built the worst up in my head because in reality i didn't actually find it that bad! All i kept thinking was "you've put the training in, you can do this, you are not giving up just because its a bit harder than before! Cmon girl your not a quiter" I felt i mentally talked my way thru this mile & sure thays what its all about
    FINALLY Mile 10 oh baby how happy i was to see i was almost done, roughly another 8 mins running!!! Again i still felt i had something in the tank so started passing people nothing too fast, Once i caught sight of the clock i knew it was now or never!! I had a time in my head & although i was slightly over it i knew i had to push myself so the last stretch was an all out sprint passing lots of people! This felt amazing :D
    I even got a few pat on the back & well done on that finish from other runners which felt amazing:D

    My chip time was 1:22:09 - very proud of that! My 1st ever 10 mile race & it was amazing!!

    Hope everyone had a good race today, to me it makes all the training worth it!!

    That's another really well judged race. You did well not to panic when your watch didn't start. You're very good at dialling into effort and not letting the numbers dictate your race. Well done.
    Well it was certainly hot! Sub 1.21 went out the window very early and the negative split was close behind. Happy to have got to the finish at all the way it went.

    Started at the very back of wave one thinking there'd be a bit of space but didn't work out that way at all. I thought I was changing it a bit starting last in the wave but it was so slow (no harm the way it turned out but I still had a dream run under 1.20 in my head) couldn't make any headway at all. Had no choice but to weave a bit or it'd have been more like 9.30 than anything close to 8 minute miles. Went through a frustrating mile in 8.38.

    Second mile still wasn't really clearing up and I was desperate to make the most of the downhill. More weaving about, should have been more sensible here in hindsight. Came in in 8.01.

    Mile 3 wasn't so bad, finally a bit more space. Started noticing people walking and struggling. Think the water station was around the 3 mile marker. Nightmare cups, managed a couple of sips and poured the rest on me. Could have done with more. Mile came in at 8.14, had already decided to abandon sub 1.21 and conserve a bit.

    Still feeling pretty solid and headed into the climbing in the second half of mile 4, loads struggling. Kept a pretty nice pace and was making good ground. Clocked 8.16. wasn't paying much attention to the watch and just trying to keep it steady now.

    Miles 5 and 6 were the real killers. I remember coming up to the turn back up Chesterfield avenue and seeing nearly as many people walking as running. I was feeling ok, but probably should have started to back off and save energy a bit earlier. Mile 5 came in at 8.18.

    The bit around the back of the zoo seemed to go on for ever. Around here I started to feel like I was slowing down, still passing people but more coming past me now too. Second drink station was somewhere around the 6 miles I think. My watch was beeping a few hundred meters before the markers at this stage (too much weaving I guess). Drinks station was a disaster, I was parched so really needed it, first mouthful went against my breath, second went up my nose, practically drowning didn't do me any good! Threw the rest over me. 8.32 for the mile.

    I realised by this stage the last mile and a half was going to be horrible. Decided to try and conserve a bit rather than my original plan to push hard here. I was waiting for the downhill the whole time but it never felt like there was one. Passsed my ever patient wife supporting as we went past the start again and told her not to expect me before 1.25 because it was torture! Mile seven beeped at 8.34.

    Obviously going downhill now but still didn't feel like it. Left glute was twinging a bit too. Wished I'd brought a gel and taken it at half way because energy was dropping. Last water station was just around 8 miles just before the steeper downhill finally arrived. Really wanted to get some water in so slowed to a walk for about 10 seconds, couldn't risk another drowning incident! Watch was now beeping a ridiculous amount before the mile markers. 8.43 for mile 8.

    Finally a steep downhill! Thank the Lord. Didn't have much to give other than to let gravity do its work. It was far too short and I was all too aware of what was left. Kept a reasonable pace for a while but it was a struggle. Mile 9 in 8.41.

    Not sure if it was more mental or physical but had nothing left for the climb in the last mile. I was still passing as many as were passing me but everyone was hurting. As it started to level out there was a good few finding a strong finish. I wasn't one of them! Even with the finish in sight I couldn't pick it up much. Watch beeped a long way before the line and it was 9.05.

    Had a tiny pick up probably 30 meters from the line when I got in a little race with a girl who came by on my shoulder. Took her back and held her off. 8.09 pace for the last 0.14.

    Chip time 1.26.07. A hard day at the office. Not really disappointed, happy enough with how I adjusted my goal and kept going. Maybe could have been a bit stronger mentally in the last mile. Would have liked quicker but the marathon is still the goal.

    Really well done on realising early on that your goal needed adjusting. You gave it your all on the day and, for sure, there's a faster 10-mile time in you but that's for another day.
    What a morning for a race. Great atmosphere in the park. I was there early and just relaxed, stretching and getting prepared.

    Second ever race, with the first one also being a 10 mile - I had a time to aim for. Became pretty apparent that wasnt going to happen as early as mile 3.

    Miles 1,2 and 3 were quick but manageable. Coming up Chesterfield avenue towards mile 4 I had a serious "jesus it's hot" moment and tried to take refuge in some shade as much as I could for miles 5 and 6.

    Didn't manage to take on as much water during the race which was annoying, more I just threw it on me but I was starting to feel it a little at mile 6. No knee pain at all which had me out for a week or so previous which was great news.

    Got through mile 7 split in 56.40 and actually managed to get a good mile in for the 8th then and hoping to keep the momentum to the finish. Last 2, as advertised, were tough but was happy with how I dug in to get to the finish. Started the straight home with a sprint and misjudged.. Longer than I thought!! So I pretty much fell over the line 1.21.13.

    Looking at the app, I got quicker in the second half, but I wouldn't say that was a comfortable negative split. Probably the pushing too hard towards the end.

    Overall a great morning, for the half I would change a few things so I suppose that's something. Definitely take water on more during the race, pair it back ahead those last 2 miles on the half and also try to just enjoy it more. Was very much head down and go type morning for me.

    On we go!

    A negative split on that course if no mean feat. I think that's a well-judged race - nothing wrong with giving it your all in the last mile. Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    pd79 wrote: »
    Today went ok, got there nice and early. Ran with my sister and due to heat we decided to run pace we think we might do for dcm 7min/km, went well and with 3 k to go we pushed it a bit. The heat was hard but got up hills much better than I normally would. Also don't feel as tired as I did after last years race. Came in at 1hr51, not PB but I felt strong. Really loved seeing how supportive runners are to each other . Still not sure how I'll double that and more , but I will, well done everyone

    10 miles at PMP at this point in training is a lovely session to have under your belt. Well done.

    Will you race the half?
    Wombled wrote: »
    It was a tough one today. I think from mile 4.5 to 6 I found hard, got some energy at mile 8. That hill was tough but was ready for it. The last half a mile was at a slow pace.

    Did it in 151. Didn't really have a time in mind .

    How am I going to do another 16 miles of that ����

    You will be even better trained and have a longer taper and your PMP will be slower than 10 mile race pace, so you'll be grand!

    Well done on the race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Doc76 wrote: »
    Well I really wanted to come in under 1:45 and did it (just barely!) at 1:44:49. Considering how hot it was and how I am not a huge fan of running in the Park, I am happy :)

    I managed the pacing much better in the 10k but here are my splits for better or worse! Next time will not waffle so much and let doubt creep in... 3.1 extra miles in September for my next jaunt around the park... I’ll be ready ;)

    I was delighted to see you achieve your goal. We all struggle with confidence issues from time to time. You will run a great half as well. Be confident!
    py wrote: »
    Had set out today with hoping to land in between 1:20 and 1:25.

    1st Km - 5:19
    Took off conservatively keeping an eye on my watch, knowing that I was aiming for between 5-5:20/Km so 1st Km went well. Usual jostling of positions early on and this continued for a few Km. Felt comfortable.

    2nd Km - 5:07
    Further jostling and still felt comfortable. Starting to notice the heat at the end of this Km. I've complained/mentioned before about people starting in the wrong pen at races before but something that popped in to my head today that perhaps they're just starting off slowly hoping for a good negative split.. just a thought.

    3rd Km - 4:58
    I take advantage of the decline and use my large strides to glide/bound down the hill ahead of people. The field starts to stretch out here which makes it easy to navigate through the crowd.

    4th Km - 4:52
    Still on the decline but that sharp turn in to the incline is halfway through this Km. As was mentioned earlier, we start to see people walking already. Not sure if it's the heat or lack of preparedness but something has got to them. Nice and steady up the incline not pushing too hard so conserve energy for the rest of the hills remaining. At this stage the heat starts to become a factor. There's shelter everywhere and when you start going uphill without a breeze the HR starts to increase drastically.

    5th Km - 5:05
    First water stop was midway through the S bends... carnage. People jumping from one side to the other trying to get water, plastic cups going everywhere, water been drank and doused over extra warm bodies. I grab one cup before it even hits the table from the volunteers hand (Thank you for volunteering) and I'm unprepared as to how difficult it is to run and drink from a cup... manage to get a little bit of H2O and continue on throwing the cup away (have a feeling on to the ground at this stop but made an effort at the latter ones to bin them).

    6th Km - 4:59
    We're down by Islandbridge gate and we're ascending once again... no's hot as hell... Please sir, a light breeze would be most welcome at this stage... We get a little bit as we reach the top of the ascent but it's brief and not strong enough to have much cooling effect. Nice and steady up the hills, no surging just steady pace.

    7th Km - 5:04
    Heat has started to take it's toll as we turn on to Chesterfield. What little breeze we did have is now on our backs and given the route, it'll be there for several more Km :( More people walking now. Try to utter words of encouragement to some but I'm not sure if they're effective/welcome. Turn past the zoo, no breeze, just bloody hot humid weather. Bloody hell, this is Ireland!

    8th Km - 4:59
    Ramps, f*#k off ramps. I hate cycling this road, running it is almost as bad. More and more people starting to walk. Still keeping steady pace and legs and body are in good nick. Think my HR around here was >180bpm but was still capable of running without issue.

    9th Km - 5:05
    Halfway there. So bloody warm for the last few Km, unbearably so. Still holding it together in terms of pace, breathing and functioning legs.

    10th Km - 5:15
    2nd water stop at the start of this Km. I signal/call for 2 cups please and was happily provided with them. First one goes over the head and down my back, I take a swig out of the 2nd one and immeadiately feel that I've managed to give myself some wind which leaves me feeling uncomfortable so I throw the remaining water in the bin or over my head, can't recall. A few hundred metres in to this Km, I finally burp the wind up and feel instantly much better (overshare but will follow up on this later). My HR strap either does not like water against the contacts or it's battery is on the way out as my HR readings drop significantly here but I can feel it beating a lot more than the readings. Boo to not having proper HR data at the end of the race.

    11th Km - 5:14
    Like a lot of us on here, I'm in to unchartered territory when it comes to racing anything longer than 10Km. Legs, lungs and mind still going ok here. Halfway through this Km we turn back on to Chesterfield road and I could literally marry that breeze blowing in to my face.

    12th Km - 5:09
    Take advantage of the slight decline here and pick up my pace a little bit. Later in this Km is the beginning of my undoing. That breeze that was blowing nicely in to my face disappears as we pass the Aras and make our way on to a path which feels like it's entirely enclosed and there's no airflow at all.

    13th Km - 5:14
    We turn at the bottom of this path, get a hit of a slight breeze but now it's on our backs for pretty much the remainder of the race :( This Km is ever so slightly downhill but I can't take advatage of it at this stage of the race, too bloody warm for me and need to keep some energy in the bank. Water stop #3 is at the end of this Km, 2 cups over the back of my head and drip all the way down my legs which feels incredible refreshing.

    14th Km - 5:12
    Legs feel proper tired now, don't have the energy to take advantage of the inclne down past the hospital so I'm putting on the breaks a little which may have the opposite affect as to what I was hoping. I reach the point where there's a sharp right turn to head for the home straight. As soon as we do my legs and mind can't determine wherether we're on a flat, inclining or declining surface. Tired.

    15th Km - 5:44
    F%#k this hill. So hot and tired right now. People everywhere have started walking. My mind thinks that the body is running but I'm not going anywhere fast. Feels like I never pass those people that are walking. Almost home...

    16th Km - 5:44
    Still ascending. Just give me the energy to finish this out and not walk... that's all I want. After I feel like I've died on top of that hill, my body just wants to be put in an ice block to cool down. Still running/jogging or something that resembles that movement but not walking at least. Take a turn for the home stretch, simply do not have the energy/legs to speed up to a run or sprint. Got over the line.

    Chip time: 1:24:39.


    Happy. Had you offered me that time yesterday I'd have told you to GTFO but given the conditions today I'm happy with it. It was my first time racing beyond 10Km and also first time racing after any sort of training plan. Tried to keep the upper body as controlled as possible and I think I accomplished that. If the conditions were better I feel I'd have taken 60-90 seconds off that time, c'est la vie.

    I'd mentioned previously that I've been doing my LSR with a hydration pack, I missed it today. Given the shorter distance I opted not to bring it but it is much easier to consume liquids from then a plastic/paper cup. Will definitely be wearing it for the DCHM and DCM.

    Janey, I felt like I was right there with you for a lot of that race, particularly on the Upper Glen Road! Well done on your first 10 mile and for sticking it out when it started to unravel a bit near then end.
    Ais_Byrne7 wrote: »

    My aim for today was sub 1.40 and I came in at 1.40:35 - so I’m pretty happy! I felt strong (for the most part) and kept at a comfortable pace throughout. I built up the hill on dreaded mile 9, which worked to my advantage as it wasn’t as bad as I expected.

    Well done - 35 seconds outside your goal time in yesterday's conditions is a great result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    eabha19 wrote: »
    Well done everyone who raced today - great results especially given the race conditions today. Was quite glad my 10 mile race was in the cold and drizzle last Sunday! I also agree with everyone re the cups - I know plastic is terrible for the environment but those cups are only good for throwing water over your head or, in my case last week, into my eye, down my neck, anywhere but into my mouth! I managed to squeeze two small water bottles (you know the kids ones) into my fitbelt on my long run and also carried a bigger bottle. Drank all 3 over the 3 hours. If the half and DCM are also using water cups I'll have to plan for bringing water bottles and having friends give me bottles along the way.

    Some people might frown on this but if it is cups, there is the option of walking through the water stops to get your hydration on board.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Soulsun wrote: »
    Yesterday was a big learning for me personally.
    Things didn't go to plan from parking to my warm up. Conditions were very humid.
    I took off to fast and wasn't disciplined.
    Roll on the HM and DCM.

    Would a recovery run be recommended?

    I think a wee recovery walk would be a good idea.

    Sorry to hear it didn't go well. It's good to get these mistakes out of the way in the race series and you'll hopefully execute your pre-race and race plan to perfection on DCM day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Wombled

    You will be even better trained and have a longer taper and your PMP will be slower than 10 mile race pace, so you'll be grand!

    Well done on the race.[/quote]
    Thanks Huzzah, on reflection I was probably hoping for a better time, 146 or there abouts. I didn't really beat myself up about it yesterday though. I am hoping the marathon itself will be easier to pace as there will be Pacers. Just got to keep going with the training and hope for the best. Thanks to you all for all your support. I don't know what I would do without this page.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    That's another really well judged race. You did well not to panic when your watch didn't start. You're very good at dialling into effort and not letting the numbers dictate your race. Well done.

    Thanks a mill, not gonna lie my heart did sink a little but i had a race to run so just shook the feeling off & ran with my own judgement hoping the watch wouls sort itself out :)
    It has given me a boost that i can control my pace but still keep a bit in the tank, a new distance ticked off, next the half marathon;)

    Cheers for all the advice so far & encouragement from all on here :D
