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DCM 2019 - Mentored Novices Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    jackc101 wrote: »
    - How was week ten for you?
    Good-ish week had; 1 easy, 1 PMP, 1 Easy, then the LSR. Had to do the 19 mile LSR on Friday night as we had a massive family wedding next day (As in all the groom stuff happened in our house) The LSR was grueling, especially running it late at night, and having to come up with new routes on the fly due to a lack of lighting in patches. Got it done, even though I crashed into bed after midnight.

    - Write down your progress - where have you come from as a runner since starting this plan?
    I was a rough and ready runner before this, never paid much attention to pace or HR. (I took to following a pace (badly) during the Cork Marathon:rolleyes: ) I'm now tracking these things and should keep me much fresher, even though I'm doing much more milage

    - What are the small/big changes that you need to make in the coming few weeks BEFORE the taper.
    Sleep. I need more sleep. Once this series of weddings is over things should return to normal just next Saturdays one to get over the hump

    - What are the things that you NEED to do in the coming 3-4 long runs to better prep for DCM?
    Revert to my standard fueling strategy; Fridays LSR was fueled by take away :o and I felt leaden / rotten / empty for the last few miles. Same applies to the start times, evening runs always seem harder than my usual early bird strategy

    You are showing great dedication by squeezing in all these runs with such a busy social calendar! And you've correctly identified a need to improve sleeping and eating, which will definitely help with energy levels.

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Wombled

    coogy wrote: »
    The training? That was textbook from start to finish. I was so disciplined...probably missed about two runs in total. Loved everything about it and was raring to go come race day.

    As for the day itself? Well, I achieved my goal of sub-4 but I was in no way prepared for the mental and physical battle that I was faced with to cross that line in under 4 hours.

    If you have 10 minutes to spare........

    You have me in tears almost reading that, I don't know what to say, so well written, I could feel your pain. Amazing time all the same. Hopefully it will be a lot more enjoyable this year for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Clareview wrote: »
    Hello all,
    Complete newbie here as I just discovered this thread by chance searching for some info and have to say its been great reading to see all the differing aspects relating to training and races etc for everyone. Some great insight and advice that I'm already taking on board!

    So bit of background...this will be my first ever attempt at the marathon distance (not to mention 1st 10miler done and 1st HM to come). Running on/off for a few years but never anything serious or more than 1 (maybe 2 runs a week) at 5-8k distances to go with some cycling and gym classes!

    Been focused on marathon since approx Mid-June really and working off 3/4 runs a week pending how body is and with work too. Following a plan which has 2 sessions during week which total out between 10 -15k each (distances have built up over time) and generally each one would include warm up/cool down easy runs and then middle section of sessions which could be Fartleks/Intervals mixed pace based off 5/10/21km paces/long progression runs etc. Do a short easy recovery run 30/40mins on the night in between these sessions and then LSR each Sunday! Up to 16 miles on LSR with 18 planned for next Sunday! LSR's ran at approx 6m30s pace/km. (I have left out another night of easy recovery running as just wouldn't be able to run 5 nights on ankles/knees).

    Recent race times include: 5km - 23.40, 8km - 39.10, SD10km - 51.15 (not a great race), FD10miler - 1hr 32mins. Aim for Dublin race series HM is in and around that 2hr mark.

    Still figuring what I'll aim for timewise in the DCM so all advice welcome there!!

    Hi there - you're very welcome to the thread. My immediate thoughts on your plan is you're doing three sessions a week with only one easy run? I count the LSR as a session as it takes a lot out of people.

    Pacing looks okay - could perhaps be more towards the 6.45/km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26 Clareview

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    Hi there - you're very welcome to the thread. My immediate thoughts on your plan is you're doing three sessions a week with only one easy run? I count the LSR as a session as it takes a lot out of people.

    Pacing looks okay - could perhaps be more towards the 6.45/km.
    Thank you! great thread so fair play to all involved in the input!

    Yeah thats correct really then re doing 3 sessions/week; for the 2 sessions mid week each one would have minimum 4-5km at easy pace of 6m30s or so built in as part of WU/CD too.

    Yeah I was thinking of slowing the pace a little more alright in the longer runs so will def take note of this for the weekend! Thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Clareview wrote: »
    Thank you! great thread so fair play to all involved in the input!

    Yeah thats correct really then re doing 3 sessions/week; for the 2 sessions mid week each one would have minimum 4-5km at easy pace of 6m30s or so built in as part of WU/CD too.

    Yeah I was thinking of slowing the pace a little more alright in the longer runs so will def take note of this for the weekend! Thanks

    No worries - it's hard to advise properly without looking at your plan more closely but I would be inclined to drop one of the sessions in favour of an easy run. You might get more bang for your training buck in that an easy run might be of more benefit at this point.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    How was week 10 for you?

    It was good, low mileage as I was racing in Tullamore on Saturday.

    Write down your progress - where have you come from as a runner since starting this plan?

    The main change for me is the distances that we are covering, prior to starting this plan I thought that every weekend was going to be a struggle and I would end up walking half of the LSRS. I can honestly say that with the exception of the 10 mile and the Half I have never been outside of my comfort zone and wanting to stop or walk.

    What are the small/big changes that you need to make in the coming few weeks BEFORE the taper.

    Changes that I'm thinking about, changing my runners I have a pair that I love but can start to feel the bounce going out of them and I just don't love the vapourfly back up pair that I bought.

    Changing my shorts, want a pair of 2-1s that have a large zip pocket. Hard to find online,as can't get dimensions of pocket.

    Improving my warm up, this was an eye opener in Tullamore just seeing the number of people buzzing around beforehand where I only do a simple static stretch.

    I haven't ran since Saturday, a mixture of the All Ireland and my hamstring strain is still very prevalent. Going to do easy miles with strides tonight and then the 8m tomorrow.

    For anyone feeling adventurous, the Paris marathon is currently reopen for entries. First week in April.

    Maybe just keep it easy tonight and forget about the strides if the hamstring is a concern. As Huzzah! mentioned at the weekend a few dynamic stretches before a run would be advisable, with some static stretching after the run.

    Before a race, a few dynamic stretches and short warm up jog is usually enough for most, although for the marathon there is really no need for the jog - you'll be running far enough that day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Treviso wrote: »
    How was week eleven for you?
    It was a tough week but was expecting it to be. 56 miles ran including a 20 MLR yesterday. Feel so much better today than yesterday, rest day is doing me the world of good.

    Write down your progress - where have you come from as a runner since starting this plan?
    Endurance for me was & still is my weakness. From starting this plan, it has improved so much. I've been running some of my LT & MPR runs faster than previous races. Much work to do still and as everyone says, the marathon is a different beast. Won't know if I can keep my PMP for the whole thing until race day.

    What are the small/big changes that you need to make in the coming few weeks BEFORE the taper.
    Need to start getting more sleep. With schools back, it means an earlier start in the morning but seem to be going to sleep at the same late time at night. Will decrease slightly the amount of food I have the night before long runs.

    What are the things that you NEED to do in the coming 3-4 long runs to better prep for DCM?
    I need to finish them to be honest. The next couple of long runs have races before them so will be running on tired legs. Need to sort out 2 more possible 8-15k races end of Sept & start of October (not sure I'll do this one).

    Best of luck with the race tomorrow night!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    DBB wrote: »
    How was week ten for you?

    On the advice of Mr. Guappa, due to the Tullamore HM, I swapped the schedule for Week 10 of the HHN1 plan for the week of the Dublin Race Series HM, which meant only 3 runs. Three? It felt like I was slacking, very strange!
    Despite only having the 3 runs, last week wasn't an easy week. I felt, still feel, that I've stalled on making progress, from the point of view of being able to run faster whilst maintaining a lower heart rate. It's making me panic a bit to be honest, I feel at this stage that I'd like to start running to pace just like everyone else is!
    But... will see how the coming week goes, as I'm very aware that HR is a barometer of wellbeing and health too. My tummy has been a bit off the past week, so it could be something as simple as that, rather than a lack of progress in fitness.

    Tuesday 4 miles @ 11:17 mins/mile, avg bpm 146
    Wednesday 6.2 miles @12:01 mins/mile, avg bpm 144
    Saturday 13.1 miles (Tullamore HM) @ 10:22 mins/mile, avg bpm 168
    Improvements like that take lots of time, and are unlikely to be linear in fashion. Looking at one run, one week, or even one month, in isolation is unlikely to give a reliable picture. Lots of factors, including health like you mention, can contribute to a higher than expected HR at any given time. As you mention below you can see the improvements in fitness for yourself - trust that!
    Write down your progress - where have you come from as a runner since starting this plan?

    I've been running on and off for many years now up to 10km distance. But I think this is the first time I actually feel like a runner :o I am flabbergasted that I now consider 10 miles to be a short run, 15 miles to be not too big a hassle! I quite happily went running with my multiple Ironman cousins a few weeks ago... a year ago, had they suggested such a thing, I'd have withered inside with embarrassment and made my excuses. I just can't imagine life without running now. Not a chance would I have said that before starting this adventure.:o
    I have to say though, the support here from mentors and fellow runners, and feeling of us all being in this together here, has become invaluable, and I think that will continue and become even more important as we get closer to the Big Day:)

    What are the small/big changes that you need to make in the coming few weeks BEFORE the taper

    Sleep. Gotta get more sleep. I can work really weird hours, and we keep a pile of animals here who don't care what my schedule is... their day starts at dawn. So, my sleep tends to be broken.

    I want to get my fueling right too. I'm sorry I keep bringing this up, but my tummy is my nemesis. It is too fond of reminding me of this when I'm running. I'm gonna try porridge instead of bready/yeasty stuff. I love porridge. We keep bees. Their honey is to die for. So it'll be an excuse to shovel some of it into me bowl of porridge :D
    Also want to give a caffeine gel a shot. I don't drink coffee, but I need to see what my feckin tummy does if I throw a caffeine gel in there :eek:
    Typically you'd take one caffeine gel in the later stages of a marathon, around mile 20 (in addition to regular gels throughout).

    I only started eating porridge last year after a lifetime of refusal. I find it pretty bland tbh, but recently I've cottoned on to overnight oats - unreal!

    Another thing that's bothering me... getting S&C sessions in these days :o I've been doing some amount of S&C stuff for the guts of 2 years now, but phew... getting the time and particularly the inclination now that the mileage is increasing. I mentioned before that I'm on my feet a LOT during the day... taking yesterday as an example, according to my watch I did 11km worth of steps, and that was a relatively quiet day, with no running and no fancy stuff :o
    Needless to say, getting the runs done, and the stuff that entails walking 8-12+km a day, it's getting really hard to get around to S&C. I'm thinking now that I'll shelve the heavier kettlebell workouts, and keep the core work going via the gentler pilates? Does this sound like a plan?

    What are the things that you NEED to do in the coming 3-4 long runs to better prep for DCM?

    I pondered this today. You know what I need to do? I need to start bloody well enjoying the LSRs! Up til now, I've been a bit daunted by them, daunted by running further than I ever have before, feeling like I have to improve on each one, every week. But I don't, do I?! Why not enjoy the whole thing, rather than just the high after getting it done?!

    DCM is next month :eek::D

    It sounds like you get in enough of a workout during your regular day that I wouldn't be too worried about cross-training. Sounds like a super idea to go for something gentler. Sunday Runner and greentea had similar observations regarding their regular workout routines - most will find that they have neither the time nor the energy to get in more than one or two gym visits a week now that the running us ramping up. It's a wise move to cut back a touch for the next couple of months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Bananaleaf

    coogy wrote: »
    The training? That was textbook from start to finish. I was so disciplined...probably missed about two runs in total. Loved everything about it and was raring to go come race day.

    As for the day itself? Well, I achieved my goal of sub-4 but I was in no way prepared for the mental and physical battle that I was faced with to cross that line in under 4 hours.

    If you have 10 minutes to spare........

    wow! Thanks for posting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    coogy wrote: »
    The training? That was textbook from start to finish. I was so disciplined...probably missed about two runs in total. Loved everything about it and was raring to go come race day.

    As for the day itself? Well, I achieved my goal of sub-4 but I was in no way prepared for the mental and physical battle that I was faced with to cross that line in under 4 hours.

    If you have 10 minutes to spare........

    I think this was one of the first DCM race reports that I read last year. At the time not being a proper runner, I didn't appreciate it fully. Now that I've reread it again, the fact that you were able to finish it and get under 4 hrs when you're cramping so early shows great character.

    From that report & comic book guy's, cramp is a real fear for me for the marathon. I haven't experienced it yet running but could only imagine what I would do if it happened to me in the latter stages of the race. It would be a nightmare!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    rizzee wrote: »
    How was week eleven for you?
    The most I've ever ran this week. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Write down your progress - where have you come from as a runner since starting this plan?
    From wondering how the hell I could do a half marathon never mind a full! 3 times now running the Half distance as part of training it's almost surreal. Quite proud & very thankful for the help and advice here.

    What are the small/big changes that you need to make in the coming few weeks BEFORE the taper.
    Need to get more sleep, turn off the TV earlier. Cut out the beer again for a while. There seems to be something happening every weekend!! It hasn't effected my training though.

    What are the things that you NEED to do in the coming 3-4 long runs to better prep for DCM?
    I need to start using gels. Have just been using Amino Acids/Glucose powder 30 mins before a long run and bringing a 500ml/750ml bottle with me with a scoop in it. It's actually doing the job just sipping on it but I need to mimick what's going to happen on the day, plus the distance for the training is only getting longer.

    All very sensible and very achievable improvement goals you've outlined there. You're right to be proud - the training itself is a great journey. I fondly remember the buzz last year from ticking off progressively longer distances each week - it's a great sense of accomplishment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Bananaleaf wrote: »
    How was week 10 for you?
    I loved it. As I said previously, I am really enjoying the training. I was anxious about the 19mile run and it has turned out to be my most enjoyable run to date. I thought this week would have been a disaster for me but it was the opposite.

    Write down your progress - where have you come from as a runner since starting this plan?
    I have gone from telling nobody that I'm doing a marathon to telling anyone who will listen! When I first signed up (back in Nov) I told nobody because I didn't believe I would actually do it. My whole relationship with running has also changed. It's not a chore or something I 'have' to do. I plan my week around my runs now rather than planning my runs around my week. This is great for my health. I know we all have challenges which we face in our personal lives - I have faced quite a few significant ones in the past couple of months and running is what I feel is holding me together at times. It gives me a chance to think and a chance to spend a bit of quality time with myself. Being able to achieve this gives me self-belief. I know that I'm good enough. It probably sounds a bit ridiculous, but it makes me feel good to know that this is something that I am going to do and once it's done, nobody can ever take that away from me. It's my achievement. I did it.

    What are the small/big changes that you need to make in the coming few weeks BEFORE the taper.
    I don't want to sound like teacher's pet :pac: ... but, I think I'm doing everything I'm supposed to. I've only missed one run in the whole plan and that was because of something major that happened back in week 1. I'm hydrating every day, I've avoided takeaway and alcohol since the plan began (this is not the sacrifice it sounds, I'm not a big drinker in the first place), I do my stretching routine 3 times per week, sports massage every month, I'm getting 8hrs sleep each night and I'm doing yoga every Monday.

    I would love to do some S&C but I just don't think I can fit anything else into my schedule. The 2 rest days are not just an opportunity for me to recover from the running, but also a chance to phone my dad, spend time with my beloved dog, meet a friend for coffee, watch some TV or pull my weight around the house with cleaning etc :p

    What are the things that you NEED to do in the coming 3-4 long runs to better prep for DCM?
    I know what I'm wearing and how I will fuel. I had planned on getting a flip belt, so if I am going to consider that for DCM I know that I will have to get that sorted pretty soon. However, I'm tempted to just go with the small pouch I have and carry a 250ml bottle, and switch it out at each water stop, which is what I have been currently doing.

    Edited to say: I'm all ears and want to hear any advice on what I can do to improve as I know I'm not perfect!

    I totally get what you say about planning your week around your runs. I think it was after DCM last year when I reached that stage. I don't question it anymore, there's no such thing as "will I or won't I?", it's now routine and I don't even contemplate excuses. You're a runner now Bananaleaf :)

    Teacher's pet? Haha :) I'll try and find something you could improve on - I've a feeling it will take me a while though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Bananaleaf

    Mr. Guappa wrote: »
    I totally get what you say about planning your week around your runs. I think it was after DCM last year when I reached that stage. I don't question it anymore, there's no such thing as "will I or won't I?", it's now routine and I don't even contemplate excuses. You're a runner now Bananaleaf :)

    Thanks for the reply :)

    My brother said something to me yesterday in relation to the power of positive psychology - not in the context of running, was something else we were talking about - but it really resonated with me and might be a useful maxim for others to use on a day where they need a boost:

    Those who say they can, and those who say they can't are both usually right.

    I used it today to keep me from going under 12min/m pace and it worked

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,570 ✭✭✭frash

    I've a lot of catching up to do on this thread.

    Have been off for 3.5 weeks but ran every 2nd day on hols - this meant my 7 day week in the plan became an 8 day week which resulted in me doing a 16m LSR on Tuesday just gone.
    Officially I'm doing the HHN1 plan but am still a bit ahead of it as the 16m LSR shouldn't be done until Saturday.

    I'm wondering how to get back on track for week 11 on Monday.

    I'm thinking 4 or 5 miles today at lunchtime and then maybe 14 miles on Saturday (might go a bit more if the legs feel fresh enough).
    If I do that then I'm ok for week 11 with the 12m LSR the weekend before the HM.

    I know the above means 2 LSRs in one 5 day block but I think I should be ok.

    Any input would be welcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭Sorbet

    Quick question on schedule. I'm hopefully going to do my 20 mile LSR on Friday (starting a new job Monday and off at the moment).

    Should I rest today and then do my 4 mile easy with Strides on Sunday with a recovery run Saturday? Or go ahead with Strides today and LSR tomorrow?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Sorbet wrote: »
    Quick question on schedule. I'm hopefully going to do my 20 mile LSR on Friday (starting a new job Monday and off at the moment).

    Should I rest today and then do my 4 mile easy with Strides on Sunday with a recovery run Saturday? Or go ahead with Strides today and LSR tomorrow?

    Yep, rest today. Best of luck with the new job!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,793 ✭✭✭rizzee

    I don't want to stray off topic but does anyone use a Garmin 45/s watch? Currently €189 in Argos, I'm thinking of picking one up.

    My Amazfit Pace has stopped working after my run last night, tried factory reset & fully charging, set it up again this morning and it keeps turning off after 2 mins. Happened 5 or 6 times now, will try again later. Unfortunately no receipt and it's a year old now but I definitely got my moneys worth so I'm happy to change. I can use my phone for tonight's run and Saturdays 26km LSR but I hope to have a watch next week especially before the Half in 2 weeks time.

    Any other recommendations under €200 would be appreciated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭Lambay island

    rizzee wrote: »
    I don't want to stray off topic but does anyone use a Garmin 45/s watch? Currently €189 in Argos, I'm thinking of picking one up.

    My Amazfit Pace has stopped working after my run last night, tried factory reset & fully charging, set it up again this morning and it keeps turning off after 2 mins. Happened 5 or 6 times now, will try again later. Unfortunately no receipt and it's a year old now but I definitely got my moneys worth so I'm happy to change. I can use my phone for tonight's run and Saturdays 26km LSR but I hope to have a watch next week especially before the Half in 2 weeks time.

    Any other recommendations under €200 would be appreciated.

    Yes I have one, purchased one at start of July. I have nothing to compare it to as never previously owned one but yeh Id recommend as easy to use and no issues with it at all so far

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    rizzee wrote: »
    I don't want to stray off topic but does anyone use a Garmin 45/s watch? Currently €189 in Argos, I'm thinking of picking one up.

    My Amazfit Pace has stopped working after my run last night, tried factory reset & fully charging, set it up again this morning and it keeps turning off after 2 mins. Happened 5 or 6 times now, will try again later. Unfortunately no receipt and it's a year old now but I definitely got my moneys worth so I'm happy to change. I can use my phone for tonight's run and Saturdays 26km LSR but I hope to have a watch next week especially before the Half in 2 weeks time.

    Any other recommendations under €200 would be appreciated.

    There are very good deals to be had on the FR 235 at the moment. It was a 299 euro watch not too long ago but can easily be picked up for 175 now since the launch of the FR 245

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,738 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    frash wrote: »
    I've a lot of catching up to do on this thread.

    Have been off for 3.5 weeks but ran every 2nd day on hols - this meant my 7 day week in the plan became an 8 day week which resulted in me doing a 16m LSR on Tuesday just gone.
    Officially I'm doing the HHN1 plan but am still a bit ahead of it as the 16m LSR shouldn't be done until Saturday.

    I'm wondering how to get back on track for week 11 on Monday.

    I'm thinking 4 or 5 miles today at lunchtime and then maybe 14 miles on Saturday (might go a bit more if the legs feel fresh enough).
    If I do that then I'm ok for week 11 with the 12m LSR the weekend before the HM.

    I know the above means 2 LSRs in one 5 day block but I think I should be ok.

    Any input would be welcome.

    Nice job in keeping at it while away - you got in some decent mileage over those weeks.

    4-5 miles today sounds perfect. I'd cap Saturday's run at 10 miles (don't want to overload this week too much), and push next weekend's one out to 14 miles. How does that sound?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 538 ✭✭✭smashiner

    rizzee wrote: »
    I don't want to stray off topic but does anyone use a Garmin 45/s watch? Currently €189 in Argos, I'm thinking of picking one up.

    My Amazfit Pace has stopped working after my run last night, tried factory reset & fully charging, set it up again this morning and it keeps turning off after 2 mins. Happened 5 or 6 times now, will try again later. Unfortunately no receipt and it's a year old now but I definitely got my moneys worth so I'm happy to change. I can use my phone for tonight's run and Saturdays 26km LSR but I hope to have a watch next week especially before the Half in 2 weeks time.

    Any other recommendations under €200 would be appreciated.

    I have a Garmin 230 and it a super watch and very comfortable to wear but it doesn't have a built in HRM, the 235 has a HRM built in and anyone that I know that has a 230/235 really likes them as they have a great battery life and can be used for other sports such as swimming (100% waterproof). The 45/s looks good too in fairness, so you won't go too far wrong there either.

    Have a quick look on Amazon and eBay before you take the plunge.....

    Wiggle are great too and offer no hassle returns, I have bought a fair bit of stuff from them over the past 3-4 years (Running/Triathlon stuff) and find them really good, fast delivery etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 116 ✭✭Doc76

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    There are very good deals to be had on the FR 235 at the moment. It was a 299 euro watch not too long ago but can easily be picked up for 175 now since the launch of the FR 245

    Definitely! I got my 235 on amazon as deal of the day for 150 with shipping included. Great watch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,570 ✭✭✭frash

    Mr. Guappa wrote: »
    Nice job in keeping at it while away - you got in some decent mileage over those weeks.

    4-5 miles today sounds perfect. I'd cap Saturday's run at 10 miles (don't want to overload this week too much), and push next weekend's one out to 14 miles. How does that sound?

    Cool - will do that thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,578 ✭✭✭py

    Another one for the Garmin Forerunner 235, has been a great watch since upgrading a few months ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,673 ✭✭✭DeepBlue

    I'll be doing the Charleville Half Marathon on the 15th September so I've already swapped around next week's runs with the following week. However I notice that the LSR prior to the DC HM is 16 miles. I'm aiming for 1.40 in Charleville (gotta have a target, right?). This would be a 2 minute HM PB.
    I'm not confident I'll get it as I've done no speedwork for months. On the other hand my last HM PB in June included a 40 second stop for water, the temp was warmer then and the course a bit hillier so may as well give it a shot. So, to give myself every chance, I've also moved the 16 mile LSR to this week and pushed the 20 miler to next week.

    Original Plan:




    Any objections?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    DeepBlue wrote: »
    I'll be doing the Charleville Half Marathon on the 15th September so I've already swapped around next week's runs with the following week. However I notice that the LSR prior to the DC HM is 16 miles. I'm aiming for 1.40 in Charleville (gotta have a target, right?). This would be a 2 minute HM PB.
    I'm not confident I'll get it as I've done no speedwork for months. On the other hand my last HM PB in June included a 40 second stop for water, the temp was warmer then and the course a bit hillier so may as well give it a shot. So, to give myself every chance, I've also moved the 16 mile LSR to this week and pushed the 20 miler to next week.

    Original Plan:




    Any objections?

    You might not want to hear this, but I'd leave the first 20 miles where it is i.e. this coming weekend, and not worry about a PB for the HM. As has been stated many, many times across this forum - keep the main thing, the main thing :)

    Having two 20 mile runs two weekends in a row seems a bit much tbh, especially as you're getting closer to the marathon. So we could say 20 miles this weekend, HM the 15th, 16 miles that weekend and back with the plan the week of 23rd Sept and 20 miles.

    The other thing is the 9 miles at MP the week after the HM, might be wiser to leave that to the week of the 23rd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 83 ✭✭Sunday Runner

    Raging I didn't do the GT run,BUT I know now that I would totally have raced it. Totally! I went out and did 8 miles at home instead. It was a glorious evening, a little bit on the chilly side which I love. Very dark though, so I stuck to the footpaths. I slathered my feet in vaseline, I wore 1000 mile socks and I did the heel lock thing. No new blisters on the recurring sites on my right foot, only a new one underneath.

    Just sharing this FYI:
    You can order FREE Hi vis tops, bags, children's arm bands and rucksack covers from the RSA website. Postage is also free!

    They also offer free publications like the safe cross code for children and safe cycling etc.

    Order them today:
    (High Visibility Goods is on the menu on the left).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Raging I didn't do the GT run,BUT I know now that I would totally have raced it. Totally!

    A few of us were commenting yesterday that we were glad not to be racing it. Dublin was windy yesterday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 83 ✭✭Sunday Runner

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    A few of us were commenting yesterday that we were glad not to be racing it. Dublin was windy yesterday!

    Well now, when I say race.....:D My racing will never put me on the podium, but I don't think I would have casually jogged along. So glad I didn't have my running gear with me at work!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭marathon19

    rizzee wrote: »
    I don't want to stray off topic but does anyone use a Garmin 45/s watch? Currently €189 in Argos, I'm thinking of picking one up.

    My Amazfit Pace has stopped working after my run last night, tried factory reset & fully charging, set it up again this morning and it keeps turning off after 2 mins. Happened 5 or 6 times now, will try again later. Unfortunately no receipt and it's a year old now but I definitely got my moneys worth so I'm happy to change. I can use my phone for tonight's run and Saturdays 26km LSR but I hope to have a watch next week especially before the Half in 2 weeks time.

    Any other recommendations under €200 would be appreciated.
    I was using the amazfit pace for a couple of years before it started having problems, I upgraded to the amazfit stratos 3. Cost me €146 on polish Ali express site. Very happy so far.
