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Lead ban



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,979 ✭✭✭Eddie B

    Has the duck gizzard project something to do with the lead ban? Our club has asked members to hand in gizzard's to help fight against the ban

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,524 ✭✭✭grassroot1

    Eddie B wrote: »
    Has the duck gizzard project something to do with the lead ban? Our club has asked members to hand in gizzard's to help fight against the ban

    Following from last years survey it will run again hopefully to give further evidence against the ban

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,023 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Some updates and it is not looking good for any shooter irrespective of what you shoot in the EU.Please make sure this info falls into the right hands of your clubs,range and organisations.

    Also a study from the shooting side of things.
    Again pass it on. Sorry it is in PDF.So I've just copied it here.Cut&paste and use as a document. Analysis of the:
    „ECHA report – recommendation of total ban on lead ammunition“
    by LEX – Czech association for protection of firearms rights –
    Source: ECHA report - identifies risks to terrestrial environment from lead ammunition

    The ECHA report is relatively well sourced. By checking the sources, however, we found that
    ECHA often omitted important claims of source studies and misinterpreted many others. In
    addition, around half of the sources mentioned in the text of ECHA report are missing in the
    bibliography list. As a result, we had to find them through our own research, which was not always
    successful. The ECHA report therefore does not fulfill standards of scientific research.
    We also doubt the objectivity of the report, as it openly prefers total ban on grounds of simple and
    easy enforcement, at the expense of firearms owners.
    When checking the sources, we always attempted to track the chain of information back to primary
    data (i. e. results of actual research), and where we found it, we point to that research (with
    eventual comments to its faults or misinterpretation.)


    2.1 Direct emissions into environment
    ECHA reports the risk of pollution by deposit of lead ammunition into soil through shooting.
    Reported amount (21 000 tons per year) was computed from number of manufactured rounds and
    average lead content per round1.
    As proof of risk, ECHA report refers to Finnish study2, which claims around one-third of Finnish
    shooting ranges to be risk of pollution of groundwater. However, upon more detailed review of that

    1] As a source of amount of manufactured ammunition, ECHA report refers to AFEMS (Association of European
    Manufacturers of Sporting Ammunition) report for 2010. We could not find that report, so we could not verify it.

    2 Sorvari, J., Antikainen, R., Pyy, O. (2006). Environmental contamination at Finnish shooting ranges - The scope of the
    problem and management options. Science of the Total Environment, 366, 21–31.
    study, we learned that the study simply assumes as risk any shooting range placed closer than 100
    m to source of groundwater; no actual measurement of lead content in water was performed during
    this study. The study claims (without stating any sources) that three Finnish shooting ranges were
    actually detected (by measurement) as a source of lead pollution exceeding health limits, while the
    number of shooting ranges in Finland is estimated by the study to be between 2000 and 2500.
    In relation to that, we point to a study performed on an outdoor range in Czech Republic3, where
    actual measurement of lead in soil was carried out. The study found that even before the backstop
    where most bullets fall, lead did not penetrate deeper than 30 cm into soil.
    Since we were not able to find any study, which would actually perform measurement of lead
    content in groundwater near shooting ranges in larger scale, we recommend performing such a

    2.2 Health risks of lead ammunition for birds and mammals
    Primary poisoning – ingesting lead projectile from environment: This phenomenon is well proven in
    waterfowl on wetlands, where birds often swallow lead shot with food or grit (however, use of lead
    shot on wetlands is already banned). ECHA report claims that terrestrial birds, especially mourning
    doves and gallinaceous birds (pheasants, partridges) are at the same risk as waterfowl. In case of
    mourning doves, we found studies which prove that claim4 5 6 (around 2,5% of examined birds had
    one or more lead shot in its intestines). With gallinaceous birds, we found study of pheasants
    performed in the pheasantry7, which has showed 3% of such occurrence.
    Secondary poisoning – ingesting lead shot with prey or carcass, of ingesting lead-contaminated

    DRAHOTA, P. – DRÁBEK, O. Fractionation and distribution of risk elements in soil profiles at a Czech shooting
    range. Plant, Soil and Environment, 2013, roč. 59, č. 3, s. 121-129. ISSN: 1214-1178.

    4 CASTRALE, J.S. 1991. Spent shot ingestion by Mourning Doves in Indiana. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of
    Science 100:197–202.

    5 FRANSON et al. Ingested shot and tissue lead concentrations in mourning doves. 2009.

    6 KENDALL, R. & SCANLON, P. Lead concentrations in mourning doves collected from Middle Atlantic Game
    Management Areas. 1979.

    7 Butler DA, Sage RB, Draycott RAH, Carroll JP. Potts D, (2005). Lead exposure in ring-necked pheasants on shooting
    estates in Great Britain. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33(2), 583-589.
    meat: this phenomenon is allegedly8 proven in raptors hunting waterfowl (affected by primary
    poisoning). However, this problem should be solved by already existing ban on use of lead
    ammunition on wetlands. This phenomenon is further well proven (by finding of projectiles in
    stomachs or pellets regurgitated by birds) in scavenger birds feeding on carrions, for example
    condors9 or red kites10. We were unable to find a study with such certain proof concerning common
    birds of prey; lead poisoning from ammunition is usually only assumed on grounds of high blood
    lead level11, which can have other sources. We recommend further research in this matter.
    Risk for mammals: ECHA reports cases of lead poisoning of cattle by eating silage harvested from
    lead ammunition contaminated fields. We could not find any of the reported sources except for
    one12, which we could not evaluate, as only an abstract of the source is available online.
    2.3 Health risks of eating lead-harvested game by humans
    Transfer of lead from ammunition to game meat: According to the ECHA report, this happens by
    embedding of lead projectile either in animal body or by fragmentation of projectile (especially
    when hitting a bone) and contamination of meat by microscopic fragments of lead. This is well
    proven by a study13 examining content of lead in bird game meat: 65% of examined birds
    contained 1-18 (2,17 on average) shots. 76% of birds contained fragments of shots visible on X-ray
    After removal of shots from samples, lead level in game meat was measured. Maximum level

    8 The only source we found on the web is printed book unavailable to us: Pattee OH, Hennes SK (1983) Bald eagles
    and waterfowl: the lead shot connection. Trans 48th N Am Wildl Nat Resour Conf 48:230–237

    9 CADE,T. J. 2007. Exposure of California Condors to lead from spent ammunition. Journal of Wildlife Management

    A.MEHARG,AND A.RAAB. 2007. Lead contamination and associated disease in captive and reintroduced Red Kites
    (Milvus milvus) in England. Science of the Total Environment 376:116–127.

    11 Fisher IJ, Pain DJ, Thomas VG. A review of lead poisoning from ammunition sources in terrestrial birds. Biol Conser.

    12 RICE, D., McLOUGHLIN, M.F., BLANCHFLOWER, W.J., THOMPSON, T.R. Chronic lead poisoning in steers eating
    silage contaminated with lead shot-Diagnostic criteria. 1987.

    13 Pain, D.J., Cromie, R.L., Newth, J., Brown, M.J., Crutcher, E., Hardman, P., Hurst, L., Mateo, R., Meharg, A.A.,
    Moran, A.C. (2010). Potential hazard to human health from exposure to fragments of lead bullets and shot in the
    tissues of game animals. PLoS One, 5(4), e10315.
    allowed by EU regulation14 for chicken, beef, lamb and pork meat was exceed in 20 – 87,5 % of
    samples (depending on type of game). Of that, 0 – 25 % samples exceeded the limit ten times, in 0
    – 12,5 % samples the limit was exceed hundred times.
    Toxicity of lead in human organism: ECHA report claims (without presenting any sources to that
    effect) that lead is considered to be ―non-threshold substance‖, i.e. harmful in any amount,
    therefore any limitation is desirable and justified by itself.
    However, ECHA-referred sources state only one condition where lead is actually harmful in any
    amount – toxicity for developing nervous system of children. In this case, even micrograms per
    deciliter of blood is associated with slight decrease of intellect (in children up to 10 years, raise of
    blood lead level from 2,4 μg/dl to 10 μg/dl correlates with decrease of IQ by 3,9 point15). We found
    no study, which would prove health issues in adults with blood lead levels of micrograms/dl. By
    U.S. standards, acceptable blood lead level is set at 5μg/dl16, for adults 10 μg/dl17. Average blood
    lead level for Americans is 2,58 μg/dl18 (therefore, this is amount of lead collected by human
    through normal life in developed country).
    Transfer of lead from game meat to human organism: this issue is not addressed by ECHA at all.
    The report only inquires into amount of game meat consumed in certain EU member states. ECHA
    explicitly writes that actual research of influence of game meat harvested by lead ammunition on
    human health was not performed at all, because lead is a known non-threshold substance. ECHA
    reports to decision of CONTAM panel (EFSA) as a source. We find quite unusual to establish such
    factor by agency decision, instead of scientific research.
    We have very serious issues with this claim. A study performed on Italian hunters19 found that
    game eating hunters actually have a blood lead level higher (0,9 – 6,1 μg/dl) than people who do

    14 COMMISSION REGULATION (ES) No. 1881/2006 of Dec.19 2006, which establishes maximum limits of certain
    contaminants in food,
    5 Lanphear, B. P., Hornung, R., Khoury, J., Yolton, K., Baghurst, P., Bellinger, D. C., Canfield, R. L., Dietrich, K. N.,
    Bornschein, R., Greene, T., Rothenberg, S. J., Needleman, H. L., Schnaas, L., Wasserman, G., Graziano, J., Roberts,
    R. (2005). Low-level environmental lead exposure and children's intellectual function: an international pooled
    analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113(7), 894-899.

    16 Center for Disease Control and Prevention,

    17 Center for Disease Control and Prevention,

    18 HITTI, M. Lead in Blood: 'Safe' Levels Too High? 2006

    19 FUSTISTONI, S., SUCATO, S., CONSONNI, D., MANNUCCI, P.M., MORETTO, A.: Blood lead levels following
    consumption of game meat in Italy. 2017.
    not eat game meat (1,0 – 5,3 μg/dl); however, this is still safely under limit of 10 μg/dl for adult. On
    top of that, study found that hunters themselves had higher blood lead levels, but their friends and
    family members who also eat game meat had not. The study speculates that higher lead levels in
    hunters' blood could have other sources than game meat, possibly handling ammunition or inhaling
    fumes produced by shooting.
    Since ECHA lists Italy as one of countries with high consumption of game meat, we consider these
    findings very important.20.
    Another such a study was performed on American hunters21. It also found blood lead level
    increased by 0,30 μg/dl – to total average of 1,27 μg/dl, which is still almost four times less than
    maximum level allowed for children.
    Similar study performed in Switzerland22 did not find significant difference in blood lead level
    between hunters consuming game meat and control group of blood donors, nor any significant
    correlation between blood lead level and frequency of game meat intake.
    Another study performed in Sweden23 found (by X-ray and computer tomography examination of
    wild boars killed by lead bullet) that fragments of lead are concentrated in distance to 4,5 cm from
    wound channel, with smaller concentrations up to 10 cm of distance. This meat is removed with
    common meat processing methods. The study also performed experiment with simulated digestion
    process and found that bioavailability of metallic lead is under 1%, i.e. less than 1% of metallic lead
    is absorbed into human body in digestive system.
    At this particular point, we must note omission in ECHA report that almost looks like an intentional
    misleading. One part of often-cited study Pain et al. 201024, looks into bioavailability, i.e. computes
    how much lead would be transferred into human organism from lead-contaminated meat, and

    20 FERRI, M., BALDI, L., CAVALLO, S., PELLICANO, R., BRAMBILLA, G.: Wild game consumption habits among Italian
    shooters: relevance for intakes of cadmium, perfluorooctanesulphonic acid, and 137cesium as priority contaminants.

    21 Iqbal S., Blumenthal W., Kennedy C., Yip F.Y., Pickard S., Flanders WD., Loringer K., Kruger K., Caldwell K.L., Jean
    Brown M.: Hunting with lead: association between blood lead levels and wild game consumption. 2009.

    22 Intake of lead from game meat – a risk to consumers’ health? HALDIMANN, M., BAUMGARTNER, A.,
    ZIMMERLI, B. 2002.

    23 LEAD IN GAME MEAT - Bio accessibility of fragments of metallic lead. QUARFORT, U., HOLMGREN, CH. 2012.

    24 See 13.
    whether such amount would exceed the maximum allowed daily dose for children, set by WHO25 at

    25 μg per kg of body weight. The study claims that this limit would be exceeded only in two of eight
    types of game meat, through daily consumption. If consumed once per week, no type of game
    meat would exceed allowed dose. ECHA ignored and omitted these findings, substituting them by
    claims about absolute harmfulness of lead. Note that precisely these claims about ―non-threshold
    substance‖ and research-unsupported claims of harmfulness of game meat for human health is
    what ECHA declares as legal basis for EU action and total ban on lead ammunition.
    Findings of the above-mentioned studies show that while contamination of game by lead
    ammunition is indeed high, this effect is largely negated by very low bioavailability of metallic lead
    in human organism and amount of lead actually absorbed through human digestive system is
    safely under daily dose for adult human. The only point where we can agree with ECHA claims is a
    recommendation for children and pregnant women to avoid game meat (or eat only game
    harvested with lead-free ammunition) due to high toxicity of lead for developing neural system.
    The ECHA study points to fact that, unlike chicken, pork etc., game meat does not have any limit of
    lead contamination set; we must however point to the fact that these limits were set in regard to
    water-soluble compounds of lead, where bioavailability is much higher.
    We definitely recommend performing an actual study on blood lead level among hunters, in order
    to base further decision-making on facts and not on mere assumptions.
    2.4 Health risks accompanying sport shooting
    A complex study26 referred to by the ECHA report found a serious air pollution by lead on shooting
    ranges, with corresponding high blood lead levels in present persons, up to 125 μg/dl for firearms
    instructors. On the other hand, another cited study27 found that this pollution can be lowered by 95
    – 97% through use of lead-free primers and jacketed bullets. Considering that mentioned
    technology went into widespread use since execution of study (1989), we recommend performing a
    study that would test a current situation in this field.


    26 Laidlaw, M.A., Filippelli, G., Mielke, H., Gulson, B. and Ball, A.S., 2017. Lead exposure at firing ranges—a review.
    Environmental Health, 16(1), p.34.

    Lead Absorption in Indoor Firing Range Users. 1989.

    For the proposed ban on lead shot and its replacement with lead-free shot, no impact assessment
    study was carried out by ECHA. In place of it, the ECHA report refers to an AMEC study28
    considering such replacement, performed in 2012. This study expects costs of 190 mil. € per year.
    In 25 years, it expects one-time and yearly costs together as 2,7 billion €.
    Another study, which ECHA substitutes for impact assessment, is a COWI study29 from 2004. This
    study expects costs of 220 – 370 mil. € per year while explicitly declaring that in the end, firearms
    owners shall pay it all through higher ammunition prices. The study also notes that with some
    considered alternatives to lead, like tin, bismuth and tungsten, no studies were performed in regard
    of their toxicity in water and soil.
    The ECHA report further contains some more interesting thoughts:
     There is a problem that steel shot loses energy quickly at longer distances and may not
    have enough power to ensure quick and humane killing of bird. ECHA report ―solves‖ this
    problem by recommendation not to shoot at longer distances.
     One of ECHA presented reasons for total ban on lead ammunition is that hunters prefer it if
    it is available.
     ECHA report considers that in place of total ban on lead ammunition, lack of alternatives
    shall be solved by ―market mechanism‖, i.e. that hunters shall be forced to buy unwanted
    lead-free ammunition because better lead ammunition shall not be available, and
    manufacturers shall be forced to make lead-free ammunition, because they shall be
    forbidden to make anything else.
    3.1 Soft steel
    Shotgun ammunition with steel shot is quite widely available on market now, and its cost is
    comparable to lead shot.30. However, a lesser efficiency is expected both at longer ranges (as
    ECHA report admits, see above) and shorter ranges (steel is lighter than lead, therefore
    manufacturers recommend using a larger steel shot rather than a lead one. Consequently there is
    28 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited, Abatement Costs of Certain Hazardous Chemicals, Lead in shot –
    Final Report, 2013
    29 REACH studies - Lead - Advantages and drawbacks of possible market restrictions in the EU - Final report
    30 See price list of Czech firearms retailer:
    a smaller amount of shots in a single round, and at certain range the quarry may not be hit with
    enough shot to ensure quick killing – five hits are considered to be a reliable minimum.)
    The AMEC study estimates that 95% of shotguns shall need reproofing to steel shot. Further it
    estimates that about 15% of shotguns shall not pass such reproofing (and very probably shall be
    damaged in the process, we add). ECHA report omits this and simply states that “some firearms
    might need reproofing”. That is possible – ECHA report claims that according to statement of
    (unnamed) large shotgun manufacturers, shotguns manufactured after 1970 are able to shoot steel
    shot without reproofing. We recommend asking national proofhouses for opinion.
    The COWI study mentions another disadvantage – in the woods, steel shot penetrates deep into
    trunks of trees, damage wood by soaking rust and damage woodcutting tools. Many forest owners
    therefore prohibit use of steel shot on their lands. ECHA report omits this disadvantage entirely.
    Further possible disadvantage of steel shot, also entirely omitted by ECHA report, is higher
    potential of steel shot for ricochet. According to COWI study, this may mean more injuries for
    hunters and a necessity to rebuild some shooting ranges.

    3.2 Bismuth
    Bismuth shot has density of 9,7g/cm3, therefore it is a bit lighter that lead (11,3 g/cm3 ) but heavier
    than steel (7,9 g/cm3). Hardness of bismuth is comparable to lead, therefore bismuth shot does not
    cause problems with wear and tear of barrels and with ricochets, like steel shot has. Main
    disadvantage is 3 – 5 higher cost.

    3.3 Tungsten
    Tungsten shot is manufactured from plastic filled with tungsten dust. From both weight and
    hardness criteria, it can be equivalent replacement for lead shot. However, the price can be up to
    ten times higher.

    3.4 Tin
    Tin is even lighter than steel (7,3 g/cm3). It is considered as substitute only in 22 cal. rimfire
    cartridges and airgun pellets (COWI). In both cases, lighter projectile would mean significantly
    shorter range and lesser accuracy. Cost of tin projectiles would be 1,5 – 6 times higher than lead.

    3.5 Copper and copper alloys
    Copper and copper alloys have already been used as material for monolithic hunting bullets for
    some time. This technology is already quite developed and some hunters prefer these bullets to
    leaden ones. There are disadvantages, however – lesser accuracy at longer ranges, lower energy
    especially with smaller calibers, and higher penetrative power caused by harder core material.
    COWI report also claims that toxicity of copper in water is comparable to lead, and toxicity in soil is
    even higher that lead.

    Health risks for waterfowl: ECHA report sufficiently documents poisoning of waterfowl, especially
    loons31 and swans32 by fishing lead. Report states that swallowing of even one lead may cause
    acute poisoning and death, due to larger size of fishing lead compared to shot.
    Health risks for humans: ECHA report claims (without reporting any sources) possible risk for
    humans by inhaling lead vapors during homemade casting of fishing lead.
    Reason for EU intervention: ECHA states necessity to complete protection of waterfowl by ban on
    fishing lead along with (already existing) ban on lead shot on wetlands as reason for EU
    Alternative materials: COWI study refers to tin, tungsten, steel, zinc and bismuth as possible
    alternatives. Unfortunately, zinc was also already proven to be toxic33, while toxicity of bismuth,
    tungsten and tin is not sufficiently scrutinized, as was mentioned above. ECHA report also claims
    that according to EFTTA (European Fishing Tackle Trade Association), there is no acceptable
    replacement for smallest types of fishing leads.
    Costs: Costs of fishing weights from alternative materials would be comparable to projectiles costs.

    ECHA report dismisses any alternatives to total ban on lead ammunition (for example, limited
    restrictions or support of voluntary use of lead-free ammunition) and explicitly prefers total ban as
    most simple and easy solution. In contrast, COWI study even claims explicitly that there is no legal

    31 Grade, T. J., Pokras, M. A., Laflamme, E. M. and Vogel, H. S. (2018), Population‐level effects of lead fishing tackle on
    common loons. Jour. Wild. Mgmt., 82: 155-164. doi:10.1002/jwmg.21348

    Kirby, J., Delany, S. and Quinn, J., 1994. Mute Swans in Great Britain: a review, current status and long-term trends.
    Hydrobiologia, 279(1), pp.467-482.

    Steel Shot, Proposed Use for Hunting Waterfowl: Environmental Impact Statement,
    the basis for EU intervention in case of shooting ranges, because lead pollution in this case stays
    limited locally and can be solved at national level. ECHA report basically denies this with
    explanation that EU-wide ban would be simplest and most easily enforceable.
    Quite interestingly, the ECHA report recommends leaving the enforcement of the ban on fishing
    lead to the member states.
    One of the main arguments for restrictions presented by the ECHA report is the protection of health
    of shooters themselves – i.e. protection of people from themselves, whether they like it or not.
    ECHA report goes so far in this aspect that it recommends to consider even ban on home casting
    of fishing weights.
    ECHA report states that there could be possibility for exemption from lead ammunition ban for
    professional shooters of Olympic sport disciplines, for muzzleloaders and antique firearms, as well
    as maybe for someone else who can justify his exemption.

    ECHA report is strongly biased towards restriction of lead ammunition, with open preference for
    total ban. In all its aspects, it selectively omits important information contained in cited sources (for
    example, low bioavailability of metallic lead in human organism) and reports only aspects, which
    support this goal.
    Also, it interprets some of the sources in a misleading way (for example, cites source claiming that
    one-third of Finnish shooting ranges were found to be water pollution risk, omitting fact that cited
    study based this claim solely on proximity of shooting ranges to water).
    In addition, some of sources are seriously outdated (like 1989 study on lead in shooting fumes on
    On top of that, roughly half of sources mentioned in the text are not listed in bibliography at the
    end. A student who would perform such a sloppy job on his thesis would not be even allowed to
    take the exam.
    For those reasons, we strongly recommend to MEPs not only to demand full impact assessment,
    but also to ask for verifying independent study, which would ensure that evaluation would be fair
    and complete. Only then, European Parliament can responsibly decide whether proposed total ban
    is in accord with the basic rules of lawmaking, especially principles of legal basis, subsidiarity and

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,023 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Another paper and FU's response....Please feel fre to distribute to whomever you are lobbying ,weaponise it yourselves,and use as ammo to refute the lead ban.

    Here is a short summary of ECHAs ANNEX XV Investigation Report: “A review of the available information on lead in shot used in terrestrial
    environments, in ammunition and in fishing tackle”

    We analyzed it to understand why the EU wants to ban shooting sports through #EUAmmoBan. This article contains the arguments that will be used against your hobby.

    Scope of ECHAs proposed #EUAmmoBan:
    1. the use of lead in ammunition (shot and bullets) for hunting in terrains outside of wetlands (i.e. in terrestrial environments) and for target shooting 3 outside of wetlands;
    2. the use of lead sinkers and jigs for fishing.

    So you can see, its pretty much bye bye lead ammunition – should ECHA have its way…

    The main arguments for ECHAs #EUAmmoBan:
    – Health risks posed by lead to humans through the consumption of game meat (lead contaminates meat near wound channel).
    – Large-scale contamination of wetlands with thousands of tonnes of lead disposed annually from the use of lead gunshot for is clear.
    – lead poisoning of waterbirds through the ingestion of spent lead pellets results in the mortality of approximately one million waterbirds per year in the EU.
    – The use of lead gunshot in terrestrial/wetland areas can lead to the lead poisoning of various species in terrestrial areas, including predators and scavengers affected through secondary poisoning (predator eats prey that has elevated lead levels or hunters leave intestines with lead shot to nature where other animals consume it)
    – Home ‘casting’ of various types of lead-based fishing tackle/bullets for recreational anglers/shooters appears, based on the predominance of online retailers, to be widespread. The risks of this practice could also be addressed by further regulatory action.
    – Shooting ranges using lead shot represent a significant risk of soil contamination in terrestrial areas, and risk contaminating nearby (ground) water sources in the EU.
    – Alternatives to lead gunshot ammunition are available (mainly steel, bismuth and tungsten as with lead in shot in wetlands). (Note: Funny – nobody is banning cars, even though most people can walk…)
    – There are growing concerns in the scientific community on the exposure of target shooters to lead dust used in lead ammunition, primers and propellants.
    – There could be an added value in setting minimum risk management measures (RMMs) for lead exposure and emission control at shooting ranges.
    – Because lead is bad: Lead is a toxic heavy metal – non-threshold substance, having negative effects on general health, reproduction and behavior.

    ECHA Paper – The “Assumptions”, Lies and Missing Data:
    These are arguments that you can use – and weaponize – when you contact your members of parliament. Courtesy of Firearms United Network.

    – In Denmark and Netherlands, there are already total bans on lead gunshot in place that effectively protect consumers as well. Therefore, ECHA assumes that it is feasible that a similar ban is implemented in other EU countries. ECHA also claims that Sweden, Norway and California have lead bans which is not true; lead is restricted in hunting but not in sportshooting.
    – No impact assessment: A detailed analysis of the economic impacts of substitution in terrestrial areas has not been carried out for the purposes of this report.
    – Most arguments are not true for sport shooting (non-pellets).
    – Estimates of bird mortality have been “questimated”, the total number of lead is also “questimate”, there is no solid estimate on how much lead shot is dispersed and where.
    – Firearms technical expertise is missing and leads to severe false assumptions: ECHA states that “suitable alternatives are available and thus there is no need to replace existing guns”. This is not true with bullets due weight and barrel twist. ECHA just skips the whole impact of rebarreling firearms. Also historical firearms can not be rebarreled. Some guns can not be “replaced” due to EU Gunban in some countries.
    – There is no difference made for ammunition in sportshooting use and ammunition used for hunting, nor have these two been properly analyzed as different use cases. Impact for hunters have been studied but sportshooter shoots annually whole lot more and therefore the cost difference is significant. In short a detailed analysis per use case of the economic impacts of (lead) substitution (alternatives) in terrestrial areast has not been carried out for the purposes of this report. While according to ECHA “lead-core and non-lead bullets cost about the same at the retail level” statement is true or not – it can only be true as long as the current market balance is in place. When lead is not available then also the substitute materials get more expensive either because of increased demand or diminishing supply.
    – The report has some really questionable sources: “Lead-based ammunition is considered to be the most significant unregulated source of lead deliberately emitted into the environment in the EU”. This claim is backed by “Group of Scientists 2014” which has no functional reference.Some studies used are really old (as in 1939). Some statements are based on US datawhere gun/hunting culture is quite different than in EU.
    – ECHA uses the ban of lead in wetland area as an excuse for ban in terrestrial areas by stating “Although mallards are waterbirds, it is likely that also terrestrial
    species might be similarly affected.”. Yes – the impacts of lead are the same in water birds and terrestrial birds, IF terrestrial birds digest lead in similar volumes, which they have not proved.
    – All lead concentration in humans does not come from eating game meat or firing guns. There are other sources for elevated lead values and it is quite challenging to define what is caused by lead in ammunition and what is caused by something else.
    – The number of shooting ranges that may represent a serious source of soil and groundwater/water contamination in the EU is not known.
    – ECHA does not have enough information about lead in bullets: Lead may constitute a health risk at firing ranges. However, this as such may not necessarily warrant action in terms of a restriction on the use of lead bullets.

    Firearms United – Editors Opinion:
    Lead is bad for you. You should not eat lead. Specifically, you should not eat pickled lead, because that is super bad for you. Stick with crayons.

    Now, talking seriously – also Tobacco is bad. Tobacco contains also lead, and radioactive materials as well. Nobody is talking about banning tobacco, because Tobacco industry can do some heavy weight lobbying.

    The negative impacts of lead – what is used as an argument to drive the lead ban, can easily be mitigated and minimized with information campaigns and easy behavioral modifications. When people are aware of the impacts of the lead, they do try to minimize the impact. This can be for example washing your hands after range session, not eating in the shooting range (does someone still do this?!?), changing your clothes and shoes after range session to avoid contaminating inside your home and furniture with lead dust. Hunters could for example not leave the lead contaminated entrails into the nature for raptors to eat. Informed people use proper safety gear when casting bullets and so on. If someone really wants to restrict something – without infringing individual freedoms – how about doing impact assessment if game meat killed with lead ammunition could be sold commercially?

    90% of the impacts and health hazards can be minimized through increasing awareness. All measures taken in democracy need to proportional.

    This means that the state must not unnecessarily interfere with the individual rights of citizens and must not interfe
    re more than is necessary.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,557 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    NARGC representatives are meeting with EU commission representatives today regarding the lead shot ban.

    Hopefully word on the meeting will disseminate quickly and that it's good.
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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,979 ✭✭✭Eddie B

    Cass wrote: »
    NARGC representatives are meeting with EU commission representatives today regarding the lead shot ban.

    Hopefully word on the meeting will disseminate quickly and that it's good.

    I feel the best we can hope for at this stage, is that we're given more time, before the ban is introduced. That won't change the outcome though

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,557 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Well i'm not resigned or should i say happy about the ban, and i understand that Ireland has a huge amount of wetland compared to the country size, but it is important to remember its a wetland ban (or am i wrong about the idea of the ban?)
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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,979 ✭✭✭Eddie B

    Cass wrote: »
    Well i'm not resigned or should i say happy about the ban, and i understand that Ireland has a huge amount of wetland compared to the country size, but it is important to remember its a wetland ban (or am i wrong about the idea of the ban?)

    There is some confusion
    I'm sure it has been said on here, that it is an outright ban on lead.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,557 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    The ban is suppose to be, as i read it, on/over wetlands. There are some 12,000 wetlands in Ireland, but it doesn't cover all areas of the country. Meaning it'll be restricted to lads that shoot over these areas and only when they're shooting those areas.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,979 ✭✭✭Eddie B

    Cheers, thanks for that

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,023 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Hate to inform you but this ban is for ALL lead based ammo,including rifle,in all types and formats...[Tis in the previous posts that I put up lads]. That means places like your range if built on a bog[IE midlands] are under a clear &present danger of being shut!! Hunting deer?Yup you too,as the ammo is lead based[ and ALL lead is harmful in foodstuffs according to the EU] so you are at risk as well.Black powder shooter?You are in trouble too,as those rounds are pretty much lead. Flapper clay shoots?A thing of the past if this gets thru too...Dont be fooled into thinking this just applies to shotgun shooting over bogs or wetlands people.It applies to us ALL!!!

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,524 ✭✭✭grassroot1

    This is a FULL ban on lead in sporting firearms military and police are exempt.
    One comment I heard recently was two world war spread lead across most of Europe but the real threat is sporting use!!!
    Everyone is in the soup on this I have an expensive AYA side by side in my collection and do not want to use steel in it.
    This is an effort to ban hunting by the back door and nothing else.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,557 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    Hate to inform you but this ban is for ALL lead based ammo,including rifle,in all types and formats...
    I know that, but its not for all areas. Wetlands, and by default seemingly, floodplains only.
    grassroot1 wrote: »
    This is a FULL ban on lead in sporting firearms military and police are exempt.

    This is an effort to ban hunting by the back door and nothing else.
    From the NARGC:
    Mr Curley also pointed out that if the ban on wetlands was introduced it would mean a ban on lead guns even in the likes of floodplains in Ireland.
    Again the pact signed up to by Ireland and other EU countries states it's a ban on lead shot on wetlands.

    Again i'm not defending this or throwing it to one side because it may or may not affect me. I'm simply pointing out that as this drags on the hype surrounding it seems to be encompassing more than what is actually at stake.

    Some countries will be effected slightly while others, like Ireland with it's huge amount of wetlands, will face a greater restriction.
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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,557 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    ..........That means places like your range if built on a bog[IE midlands] are under a clear &present danger of being shut!! Hunting deer?Yup you too,as the ammo is lead based[ and ALL lead is harmful in foodstuffs according to the EU] ...............

    And if there are no migratory birds nesting/feeding (as per the AEWA guidelines below) and the range already meets EPA standards then how can any range be in danger of being shut down?
    AEWA wrote:
    The Agreement provides for coordinated and concerted action to be taken by the Range States throughout the migration system of waterbirds to which it applies.

    Don't forget this is not a case of stopping this as it's a done deal. Ireland signed up this in 2003, but has not yet addressed it. These discussions are important but they will not stop it from happening.

    The best outcome is that the EPA/Dept of AHGAE, etc. put some time and effort into carrying out research as to the nesting, feeding and flight areas of the birds listed and that this ban is only in effect there, and NOT just issued as a blanket ban across the entire country due to laziness or incompetence.
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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,192 ✭✭✭TeaBagMania

    that's how it starts, "its only this and its only that" says the EU.

    you give them an inch and they will take a mile.

    joining the EU was a major mistake, hope the new roads and infrastructure upgrades were worth it.
    id rather live by candle light and drive on dirt roads than have an outside entity chip away at my freedoms.

    maybe Ireland will wise up and follow brexit

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,557 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    you give them an inch and they will take a mile.
    We don't need to give them an inch, they simply take it.

    That is not anti EU, it's a fact. These laws, changes, and everything else coming from Germany EU don't need our [the country's] blessing.
    joining the EU was a major mistake,
    45 years too late for that argument, unfortunately.
    hope the new roads and infrastructure upgrades were worth it.

    maybe Ireland will wise up and follow brexit
    It is to our Government. We take slightly more than we pay into the EU.

    The annoying part is, and people forget this, we are a Republic, but we don't hold OUR government to account for their actions. Either nationally or internationally. They [the Government] know this and so continue on.

    FG or FF have been the major party since the founding of the state (barring a few years of SF). There is no alternative to them (either in majority or by small coalition).

    Until such a time as people stop this lazy method of voting (excuses like they've always voted one party so will continue to do so) things will not change.

    So blame the Government for NAMA, the banking scandals, the bond holder scandal, the IMF bailout, Irish water, the children's hospital, etc, etc, but as long as we keep returning the same people that say sovereignty is an outdated notion back into power, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,023 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Cass wrote: »
    And if there are no migratory birds nesting/feeding (as per the AEWA guidelines below) and the range already meets EPA standards then how can any range be in danger of being shut down?
    Dont matter!!! It will be up to US to prove that there is no lead pollution going into the bog water ,or that no migatory birds MIGHT not come there if and when it is re wilded. I refer you to the problem German windfarms have with the Red Kites,bird of prey.Red Kites are migatory birds of prey,that like flat open grassland to hunt over.The kind usually found around windfarms.Kites do usually return to their same nesting ground,but can not as well,they might decide anoter area is more suitable on an annual basis too.No one knows why,but thats the way it is. Very annoying if you are going to plan a windfarm.As you have to do a 5 year eco impact study.So if you have kites nesting in the proposed area for 3 years and they dont come back for two years.Your study is invalid!As they might return in year 6! Off you go again with another 5 year study,while your windfarm is on hold.
    What does this mean for us here?Imagine planning to build another range or another 1000 yard range out at Midlands?The project could be choked by red tape requiring us to prove or not,that no migatory birds use that part of the bog. As for the EPA...I give you licensing Irish Cement to burn 90 thousand tonnes of domestic waste in their Limerick plant ,in the middle of a surburban sprawl of Mungret,with a record of coverups at the plant.
    So I wouldnt be too sure of their unbiased credintials anymore.

    Don't forget this is not a case of stopping this as it's a done deal. Ireland signed up this in 2003, but has not yet addressed it. These discussions are important but they will not stop it from happening.

    And we are about the worst to be hit because we have ZERO restrictions in place to temper this.As usual,because of can kicking and "Ah shure it wont affect us,be grand"itis from our Govt and organisations over the last decade on this.:mad:
    The best outcome is that the EPA/Dept of AHGAE, etc. put some time and effort into carrying out research as to the nesting, feeding and flight areas of the birds listed and that this ban is only in effect there, and NOT just issued as a blanket ban across the entire country due to laziness or incompetence.

    Take a WAG,which one will be done due to political expediency, finance,pirority,and "cos hunters are bad M'kay?" attitudes prevelant out there.:(:(

    I really dont think they need to make it any clearer of what they want gone on an EU level...

    ope of ECHAs proposed #EUAmmoBan:
    1. the use of lead in ammunition (shot and bullets) for hunting in terrains outside of wetlands (i.e. in terrestrial environments) and for target shooting 3 outside of wetlands;
    2. the use of lead sinkers and jigs for fishing.

    So you can see, its pretty much bye bye lead ammunition – should ECHA have its way…

    The main arguments for ECHAs #EUAmmoBan:
    – Health risks posed by lead to humans through the consumption of game meat (lead contaminates meat near wound channel).
    – Large-scale contamination of wetlands with thousands of tonnes of lead disposed annually from the use of lead gunshot for is clear.
    – lead poisoning of waterbirds through the ingestion of spent lead pellets results in the mortality of approximately one million waterbirds per year in the EU.
    – The use of lead gunshot in terrestrial/wetland areas can lead to the lead poisoning of various species in terrestrial areas, including predators and scavengers affected through secondary poisoning (predator eats prey that has elevated lead levels or hunters leave intestines with lead shot to nature where other animals consume it)
    – Home ‘casting’ of various types of lead-based fishing tackle/bullets for recreational anglers/shooters appears, based on the predominance of online retailers, to be widespread. The risks of this practice could also be addressed by further regulatory action.
    Shooting ranges using lead shot represent a significant risk of soil contamination in terrestrial areas, and risk contaminating nearby (ground) water sources in the EU.
    – Alternatives to lead gunshot ammunition are available (mainly steel, bismuth and tungsten as with lead in shot in wetlands). (Note: Funny – nobody is banning cars, even though most people can walk…)
    There are growing concerns in the scientific community on the exposure of target shooters to lead dust used in lead ammunition, primers and propellants.
    – There could be an added value in setting minimum risk management measures (RMMs) for lead exposure and emission control at shooting ranges.

    – Because lead is bad: Lead is a toxic heavy metal – non-threshold substance, having negative effects on general health, reproduction and behavior.

    1 On that point alone our ranges would be goosed! How many ranges ask any female dshooters are they pregnant here?Its a MANDATORY question under H&S on ranges on the Continent[Cue.."what happens in other countries doesnt concern us replies....]
    Also it is highly recommended,that after shooting or handling lead ammo,or before smoking,eating,or drinking anyone washes both face and hands according to EU H&S on shooting... No comment on some sanitary facilities on our ranges abround the country.:p:)

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,192 ✭✭✭TeaBagMania

    sweet jasus, that sounds like something the libtards of commifornia wrote

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,925 ✭✭✭amacca

    Cass wrote: »
    Until such a time as people stop this lazy method of voting (excuses like they've always voted one party so will continue to do so) things will not change.

    I just dipped into the forum to ask question about renewal of firearms cert and started reading this thread out of interest

    Now I agree with pretty much all of your post and I'm probably getting in the middle of something here but my only problem with the above is when I go out to vote as much as i don't like voting for the incumbents so to speak I feel even less like voting for any of the alternatives

    I don't find any of them credible or believable, I don't see competence there in fact I would be doubtful any of the alternatives would be any better in my area in fact although some of there hearts might be in the right place I don't see them as being competent at all....

    its a weak argument perhaps but thats my honest opinion, I think a lot of the right kind of people don't run for public office as they have too much sense ....that leaves the hopeless, the corrupt, the useful eejits, the career climbers and perhaps some genuine competent people sprinkled here and there......the system is set up to acctract the wrong kind of person and its a bit of a feedback loop because thats what a lot of the influential and the easily swayed electorate long as they get to pull the odd stroke here and there or the road gets tarmaced or the elderly get their bathroom done up as they are "entitled" to etc etc

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,557 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    @ Grizz.

    I'm not going to quote your post or dissect it because it'll turn into another ten page response each time. What you have said is correct and in keeping with what i've said myself. There is ground work that needs to be done on this before any action can be taken to implement this initiative. Will it be done, i don't know but given the history of our Government i doubt it. You are correct on that and on the kick the can down the road mentality.

    I just don't think this ban will effect the entire country and all shooting. It'll have a greater impact than in other countries due to the make up of Ireland and it's bogs, wetlands, foreshores, fllodplains, etc.
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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,557 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    amacca wrote: »
    ........ as i don't like voting for the incumbents so to speak I feel even less like voting for any of the alternatives
    You are spot on.

    An incumbent is 8 to 10 (IIRC) time more likely to be re-elected than a newcomer. This is down to a number of factors including known quantity, available resources and finances, etc.
    , I think a lot of the right kind of people don't run for public office as they have too much sense
    There is an old saying from Bertrand Russell:
    The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt.
    ...that leaves the hopeless, the corrupt, the useful eejits, the career climbers and perhaps some genuine competent people sprinkled here and there....

    It's why we have a health Minister with no education above secondary school (he worked for FG as youngster and climbed the ladder from there), a transport Minister that doesn't drive, a childrens Minister with no kids, and in general terms a status as one of the most corrupt countries in Europe.
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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,023 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    More info on the make up and effect on lead free ammo. Feel free to pass it on folks.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,023 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    I'll let the late George Carlin say it for me.Applies just as much to Ireland,as to the USA and anywhere else.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,524 ✭✭✭grassroot1

    Cass it is my information that this is a ban on all lead ammunition. See above

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,557 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Lads just to be clear. I understand its a lead ban and lead is all ammo. Not arguing that.

    Its the locations of use of lead ammo i'm talking about. It's wetlands according to the AWEA pact. As Ireland is made up of thousands of wetlands, some close, some not so much, it would restrict shooting over large portions of the country but NOT ALL of it.
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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 286 ✭✭oldgit1897

    Cass wrote: »

    It's why we have a health Minister with no education above secondary school (he worked for FG as youngster and climbed the ladder from there), a transport Minister that doesn't drive, a childrens Minister with no kids, and in general terms a status as one of the most corrupt countries in Europe.

    And a leader thats the greatest virtue signaller/attention seeker ever known to man. On top of that he is an EU puppet, you can see that in the brexit negotiations. whatever rubbish the EU proposes, he enthusiastically backs it.

    This lead ban will be no different. We can all protest as much as we like, its a done deal, it will be signed and we will be screwed, so verruca can get a pat on the head from the eu president or whatever.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 286 ✭✭oldgit1897

    amacca wrote: »
    Now I agree with pretty much all of your post and I'm probably getting in the middle of something here but my only problem with the above is when I go out to vote as much as i don't like voting for the incumbents so to speak I feel even less like voting for any of the alternatives

    its a weak argument perhaps but thats my honest opinion, I think a lot of the right kind of people don't run for public office as they have too much sense ....that leaves the hopeless, the corrupt, the useful eejits, the career climbers and perhaps some genuine competent people sprinkled here and there......the system is set up to acctract the wrong kind of person and its a bit of a feedback loop because thats what a lot of the influential and the easily swayed electorate long as they get to pull the odd stroke here and there or the road gets tarmaced or the elderly get their bathroom done up as they are "entitled" to etc etc

    I see who is standing for election, and scratch out anyone fg, ff, labour, green or sf/ira. I see who is left, pick the most extreme either on the left or right and vote for them. The only way things will change is when those in power get a nasty shock. The sight of a load of communists or facists trotting into the dail might give them a rocket. Its happened in a lot of european countries in the last few years.

    But as George Carlin says in the video below, it doesn't make a jot of difference who you vote for anyway, Ireland is bought and paid for and has been for a long time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,023 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    oldgit1897 wrote: »
    And a leader thats the greatest virtue signaller/attention seeker ever known to man. On top of that he is an EU puppet, you can see that in the brexit negotiations. whatever rubbish the EU proposes, he enthusiastically backs it.

    This lead ban will be no different. We can all protest as much as we like, its a done deal, it will be signed and we will be screwed, so verruca can get a pat on the head from the eu president or whatever.

    Thats why the fight has to be fought in Europe these days.Not in our Vichy circus Dail. [Ever so many clowns ,EU performing dogs,and trained chimps to be seen there:rolleyes:] It's better to get the ****e diluted in Brussels,before our lot get their paws on it and we have to stand at the base plate of the legislative slurry spreader and get the full undiluted load.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1 Bob66

    Agreed. Lead is bad.

    It is toxic and has been accepted by humanity for a long time. Out of ignorance and habbit. It's what our Fathers used, our military used etc. People don't like change!, and react mostly negatively to something taken away from them. We feel like it's a personal infringement of our rights. Given time and education we soon become acustomised to the new alternatives. Who'd have thought 20 years ago that we'd be driving electric cars. Growing up I had to make a phone call from a yellow box on the street. Alternatives to lead commonly used today are 100% Copper, which is expensive & 95% Copper 5% Zinc. Which studies have shown to be superior to lead. I'm sure there are many more combinations of metals that will have the same effect we are all used to getting. But no matter what is chosen as the alternative, we are still dumping and polluting our environment. I'm as guilty as everybody else. I'd like to be part of positive change as a responsible shooter.

    The downside initially to using alternative rounds is the cost. Manufacturers will need to recoup losses changing over from lead. Once everybody has made the change prices will come down as demand rises. Change is inevitable as is our ability to adapt to it.
