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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling the context of feedback,is this helpful,or constructive??

    Someone with an axe to grind demanding to know who reported his posts,

    Since when is this considered acceptable on any forums

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Gatling wrote: »
    Someone with an axe to grind demanding to know who reported his posts,

    Since when is this considered acceptable on any forums

    I'm not demanding to know who is reporting my posts..If there are certain posters abusing the report function systematically though reporting anyone they disagree with for any reason possible that's not on..

    If a poster or two are responsible for getting too many people threadbanned that should be looked at in the interest of fairness by the mods..

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    dont you mean "using" rather than "abusing" there?

    and its been repeated multiple times that merely reporting a post results in nothing more than mod attention

    why people cannot take responsibility for their own posts is beyond me. no need for all the board lawyers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    If a poster or two are responsible for getting too many people threadbanned that should be looked at in the interest of fairness by the mods..

    A single poster doesn't get you thread banned it's usually for repeatedly breaching the rules ,

    Your issue is own behaviour in discussion and refusals to see any wrong doing on your own behalf ,
    It's childish behaviour nothing more ,

    I've been threadbanned ,forum banned ,warned quietly , yellow carded and red carded I don't hold anyone else responsible for my own actions on here ,I've even been told I had some of the most reported posts across the whole site (kinda proud of that) at one stage ,
    But I know the rules and you know the rules if you get actioned own it and change your posting style that's causing aggro ,
    Mods are not school teachers trying to stop back and forward bickering in the yard ,my daddy is bigger than your daddy , my daddy's car is bigger than your daddys,
    They volunteer to do this and don't get paid there only real job is to keep discussion on track and civil and flowing ,
    I don't envy any mod on here one bit

    Time to grow up and act like an adult

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Gatling wrote: »
    A single poster doesn't get you thread banned it's usually for repeatedly breaching the rules ,

    Is this true if a single poster is continually reporting you?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,428 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    Rather than report this post I will nightlight it here, because it was posted by a mod and I don't want the same mod dealing with the report.

    This is one example of a number of similar comments made by this same mod. Although the OP of the thread is a new user with 100 post his/her point was well made and in fact I was thinking of starting a post in the same vein myself after watching a lot of american TV news over the last few days.

    It's not really a good look for an established mod to make such pompous dismissive comments. Wouldn't you think a mod would at least try to feign some impartiality. It raises the question weather mods should be allowed to comment on the forums they moderate at all if they are going to do is push their weight around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,490 ✭✭✭This is it

    Is this true if a single poster is continually reporting you?

    Is it more likely that there's a conspiracy against you or that your behavior was the cause of the threadbans?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,490 ✭✭✭This is it

    AllForIt wrote: »

    Rather than report this post I will nightlight it here, because it was posted by a mod and I don't want the same mod dealing with the report.

    This is one example of a number of similar comments made by this same mod. Although the OP of the thread is a new user with 100 post his/her point was well made and in fact I was thinking of starting a post in the same vein myself after watching a lot of american TV news over the last few days.

    It's not really a good look for an established mod to make such pompous dismissive comments. Wouldn't you think a mod would at least try to feign some impartiality. It raises the question weather mods should be allowed to comment on the forums they moderate at all if they are going to do is push their weight around.

    Mods are to be impartial when modding, they're entitled to their own opinion otherwise, like any other user. Within the rules of the forum of course.

    Once he doesn't mod the thread I don't see the issue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,428 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    This is it wrote: »
    Mods are to be impartial when modding, they're entitled to their own opinion otherwise, like any other user. Within the rules of the forum of course.

    Once he doesn't mod the thread I don't see the issue.

    The mod did not make a point related to the topic rather it was just an insulting message to the OP.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Is this true if a single poster is continually reporting you?

    No .

    It's that simple your literally expecting boards to believe your the victim of someone essentially bullying you by reporting your posts ,
    Get that out of your head ,your posts and posting style is the issue ,

    Trying to guess who is or isn't reporting your is silly it's likely your getting several random people finding issues with your posts.

    There is only one issue here you .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,490 ✭✭✭This is it

    AllForIt wrote: »
    The mod did not make a point related to the topic rather it was just an insulting message to the OP.

    Then report it using the same function as everyone else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,091 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    The list of threadbanned posters is very one sided..
    It's not like I have been abusive or anything..the odd smart comment in the face of people not arguing honestly, just pushing an agenda..
    This is it wrote: »
    Makes no odds what they were for really. I'd have no problem giving a second chance to someone but to get thread banned 3 times is a bit much
    Whatever, like, I'll get over it, but should the role of moderators not be to ensure one side of the argument doesn't get shouted down by the other as opposed to weigh in very much on one side of a debate?..
    Overheal wrote: »
    No if users choose to take an indefensible position, eg. Climate change denial it’s not the role of moderators to make sure there’s a “balanced discussion” between one climate change denier and 30 climate change realists.
    So it's mob rule so, is it?
    Overheal wrote: »
    That’s an awfully misguided and melodramatic way of interpreting what I just said.

    What do you want, an “electoral college” style skewing of threads so that the view of 1 denialist = 30 realists? Are the realists only supposed to post 1/30th as often?
    Just out of interest, have you been reporting posts or have all these bans been the mods taking it upon themselves?..
    Overheal wrote: »
    Of course I report posts. Mods here have asked for reports ad infinitum. If you don’t report posts you have little Avenue to complain about actionable posts.

    That doesn’t connect with your loaded question mind. My reporting posts does not correlate with mods being able to take their own actions on their own observations.
    Beasty wrote: »
    The fact your name appears 3 times certainly sways the balance

    TBH you should have picked up forum bans each time you posted when threadbanned, so you are fortunate to even have access to the forum

    EDIT - but seeing you continue to post in the thread even today you have now picked up a forum ban
    One might hope they'd use it as an opportunity for a little introspection rather than blaming everyone else.
    This is it wrote: »
    It's why I asked if thread bans carry over. How can they be on it 3 times. Twice, maybe. Lifted after the first and banned again, but 3 times.

    As the old saying goes; fool me once, strike one, fool me twice, strike three.
    Beasty wrote: »
    I agree. In that case the bans were applied in different variants of the same topic. We state threadbans carry over in each OP. I know we've started listing them in the OP and there are a few threads in the Coronavirus forum where we do the same. It's good practice particularly for these long running multi-threads and wepergaps need to be more consistent on the point

    In this case it seems to have been cases of slipping through the net
    How many threadbans are people arguing with overheal?..
    You feel like you're banging your head against a wall..
    It was the exact same in the BLM and George Floyd threads..

    It's ridiculous to let a couple of posters dictate the terms of a thread..

    Anyone with an alternate viewpoint either gives up or is banned over frivolous comments that they're driven to by dealing with people who are not listening to any reason, just pushing an agenda..
    Beasty wrote: »
    One thing you can be assured of is the Trump side of discussions is a hell of a lot louder than the Biden side

    And that's not picking sides. It's quite clear and evident in the threads. Of course a lot of Trump supporters and/or indeed posters associating with the extreme right side of politics can and do so in a civil manner. Unfortunately though a much higher proportion seem to tthink it is some kind of slanging match
    What?..are you for real?, even there, associating the trump side with 'the extreme right'..
    Beasty wrote: »
    I am talking about posting in the forum. I am not engaging in a political discussion on this thread
    Overheal wrote: »
    Don’t at all understand the phrasing of your questions here.

    I’m threadbanned from the BLM/WLM thread. The mods aren’t responsible for ensuring there are co equal contingents of pro police vs police brutality commentators and it’s not an entitlement of mine, similarly, to be an ordained police brutality commentator on the thread. It’s just as well IMHO, the thread has moved about as fast as molasses since I left, which seems indicative of the lack of constructive argument on the subject as a whole. People weren’t really progressing the central argument they were just lashing out at anyone who called out police brutality, so, there’s little to be gained from giving it more oxygen.
    I was just asking the mods a question as to how many people threadbanned from the trump Biden thread were in that position due to your reporting of their posts..
    How is it relevant if the posts warranted a ban? Also singling out overheal just seems like a personal gripe..
    Overheal wrote: »
    And how many reports from you or your ilk got me threadbanned etc etc.

    Nobody cares. Poster makes a report, mods check it out and make their own call. Not every report leads to an action, not every action is predicated on a report. Whether dozens of pro police brutality posters reported me in that thread or none of them did the mods made the call to keep me off the thread and that's a conversation between me and the mod that did so.
    pjohnson wrote: »
    People seem to be upset that their posts are reported and think that is why they get threadbanned?

    Have you considered that the content of the posts is what gets you thread banned?
    That's it..if all my posts are being reported by the same person all the time it's surely harassment..
    pjohnson wrote: »
    So its nothing whatsoever to do with your posts?
    Overheal wrote: »
    There is no validity to your conspiracy.

    Can I thank your reports for my threadban? Mods! I'm being harassed!
    john4321 wrote: »
    Here is a snapshot of your posts on a thread I was following in the space of an hour. If you can't see why some of them wouldn't be reported its a lost cause.


    I have a genuine interest in reading the thread but it's posts like these that completely derail the conversation and adds nothing.
    Great to see the mob mentality prevalent in the thread continue on to the feedback forum..
    Overheal wrote: »
    Persecutory delusions are a set of delusional conditions in which the affected persons believe they are being persecuted, despite a lack of evidence. Specifically, they have been defined as containing two central elements:[1]
    1. The individual thinks that harm is occurring, or is going to occur.
    2. The individual thinks that the perceived persecutor has the intention to cause harm.
    You should report the post..
    Overheal wrote: »
    I'm being objective here: do you have any evidence for your perceived persecution? "mob mentality" and "harassment?"
    Or that it's really annoying to see a person consistently flouting the rules so they're reporting it. So far it seems like you're annoyed that moderators are made aware that you're breaking the rules.
    Overheal wrote: »
    Indeed if you get threadbanned 3 times and constantly flout that threadban could you really argue that someone was out to get you? If there was really a cabal out for you they would have made sure you didn't get away with posting again the first, second, or third time. That didn't happen.
    It's like being in stasi era east Germany..

    But really, if there's a trend of someone being continually reported by one person that shouldn't be on..
    Overheal wrote: »
    "If" - and there's not, and if there were yes abuse of the report function.

    Like I already pointed out you managed to continue posting in the megathread despite 3 threadbans. If someone really had been continually reporting on you do you really think they would have let that slip by?

    What you have is a conspiracy theory.
    Ok..I want to report Overheal for abuse of the report function..I would like the moderators to review his use of it..
    Mods do not give feedback or updates on reported posts. If you want to kick this off report your post and outline the reasons for it but do not expect to hear anything further. Once a report is made the matter is between the mods and the person reported, nobody else.
    Did the reporting of threads stop once Overheal was threadbanned?..
    That's a very unhealthy obsession you seem to have with that particular poster.
    Gatling wrote: »
    Someone with an axe to grind demanding to know who reported his posts,

    Since when is this considered acceptable on any forums
    I'm not demanding to know who is reporting my posts..If there are certain posters abusing the report function systematically though reporting anyone they disagree with for any reason possible that's not on..

    If a poster or two are responsible for getting too many people threadbanned that should be looked at in the interest of fairness by the mods..
    dont you mean "using" rather than "abusing" there?

    and its been repeated multiple times that merely reporting a post results in nothing more than mod attention

    why people cannot take responsibility for their own posts is beyond me. no need for all the board lawyers.
    Gatling wrote: »
    A single poster doesn't get you thread banned it's usually for repeatedly breaching the rules ,

    Your issue is own behaviour in discussion and refusals to see any wrong doing on your own behalf ,
    It's childish behaviour nothing more ,

    I've been threadbanned ,forum banned ,warned quietly , yellow carded and red carded I don't hold anyone else responsible for my own actions on here ,I've even been told I had some of the most reported posts across the whole site (kinda proud of that) at one stage ,
    But I know the rules and you know the rules if you get actioned own it and change your posting style that's causing aggro ,
    Mods are not school teachers trying to stop back and forward bickering in the yard ,my daddy is bigger than your daddy , my daddy's car is bigger than your daddys,
    They volunteer to do this and don't get paid there only real job is to keep discussion on track and civil and flowing ,
    I don't envy any mod on here one bit

    Time to grow up and act like an adult
    Is this true if a single poster is continually reporting you?


    3rd time: if a single poster was "continually reporting you" how did you get away with being served 3 of the same threadban?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,485 ✭✭✭Quantum Erasure

    No, this is it

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,490 ✭✭✭This is it

    Lol reporting a mod to the other mods? Are. You. For. Real?

    Yes. I. Am. I've seen mods carded, banned, etc. I've done it myself.

    Edit, less likely to see action, but it does happen.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    No, this is it

    Yeah, like, I'd consider reporting a post as being fairly petty short of the post being openly abusive or calling for violence or something..

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,091 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Yeah, like, I'd consider reporting a post as being fairly petty short of the post being openly abusive or calling for violence or something..

    "Please click on the Report Post button (Report Icon) on the bottom left of the individual post in question (under the name of the member that posted it).

    You should report a post when you feel it needs to be brought to a moderator's attention. This could be because it's spam, it's abusive, it's in the wrong place, it's liable to cause a row or that it's intentionally misleading.

    Reported posts are brought to the attention of the forum moderators and administrators, who will then consider if the post warrants any further action. All reported posts are recorded and reviewed. They are not responded to individually.

    By reporting posts you help keep free of spam, abuse and other not nice things. Thank you for that."

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,490 ✭✭✭This is it

    Yeah, like, I'd consider reporting a post as being fairly petty short of the post being openly abusive or calling for violence or something..

    That's your prerogative. It's the mods who ultimately decide if a report is worthy of action or not.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm not demanding to know who is reporting my posts..If there are certain posters abusing the report function systematically though reporting anyone they disagree with for any reason possible that's not on..

    If a poster or two are responsible for getting too many people threadbanned that should be looked at in the interest of fairness by the mods..
    It's not abusing the function if they believe the poster to be violating the rules...

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,717 ✭✭✭✭Snake Plisken

    Mods need to get a handle of the Trump thread, if the rule state no name calling of either candidate then why are posters allowed to throw the Racist and Fascist labels around? To me that's 10 times worse then calling someone sleepy and yes I have reported the posts in question.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 23,459 CMod ✭✭✭✭Ten of Swords

    I have reported the posts in question.

    You are presumably referring to the reports made 30 minutes ago? They will be looked at in due course.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Mods need to get a handle of the Trump thread, if the rule state no name calling of either candidate then why are posters allowed to throw the Racist and Fascist labels around? To me that's 10 times worse then calling someone sleepy and yes I have reported the posts in question.

    thats not namecalling

    its descriptive of behaviour and political positioning

    this is simple stuff tbh

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,638 ✭✭✭✭pjohnson

    How do people still think report = ban and that the content in the post is irrelevant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭Outlaw Pete

    thats not namecalling

    its descriptive of behaviour and political positioning

    this is simple stuff tbh

    So you'd be okay with users being called commie or pinko? Please.

    So much disingenuous arguments being made and all so it can be excused when leftists insult those who have the audacity to disagree with them.

    Name calling should either be allowed for everyone or no one - you can't have only one side being subjected to a standard of posting the other side rarely if ever is.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    So you'd be okay with users being called commie or pinko? Please.

    So much disingenuous arguments being made and all so it can be excused when leftists insult those who have the audacity to disagree with them.

    Name calling should either be allowed for everyone or no one - you can't have only one side being subjected to a standard of posting the other side rarely if ever is.

    i find it hard to even tell if you are being serious, tbh

    you have just ignored the point made and come right back repeating yourself.

    why would i continue to engage with that?

    its the kind of posting that gets infractions, that

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭Outlaw Pete

    Your point was not ignored - on the contrary, I rebutted it.

    You can dress up such pejoratives as merely being "descriptive of behaviour and political positioning" as much as you like, but the context in which these terms are often often slung at users show that they are not merely being used in response to a user's behaviour at all, nor their political positioning, they are in fact used in an effort to demean and discredit.

    I should know, I've been called a racist enough on Boards without my ever having said anything remotely racist. Just because leftists infer racism in a user's comments, does not, and should not, give those users carte blance to hurl abusive insults, no matter how much they feel they are entitled to do so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,623 ✭✭✭✭osarusan

    I think there's a distinction to be made between terms such as fascist and sexist, which, even though they are thrown around far too easily, are actual words with meanings, and terms like Trumptard or Trump Derangement Syndrome, which have no meaning other than as an insult.

  • Administrators, Entertainment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,726 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭hullaballoo

    Admin: this thread is very much not what this forum is intended for and unless there is a very concerted effort to bring it back around to the aims of this forum in the next day or two, I'll be closing it off.
    Admin: This seems to have been all but completely ignored.

    Fair warning, I'm closing this thread tomorrow unless the discussion comes back around to that which can be of benefit to the site.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,314 ✭✭✭KyussB

    It's not abusing the function if they believe the poster to be violating the rules...
    The rules are deliberately ambiguous and the mods give themselves infinite leeway to interpret the rules as they wish, and to enforce them in as inconsistent a manner as they wish - such that virtually anyone can be a target.

    What is considered an acceptable tangent in a thread from one poster, is 'off topic' for another posters for *insert random made up reason based on decade old mod actions*.

    A person can literally be backseat modding all the time about what counts as on/off topic, never get actioned for it - and successfully get people actioned through reported posts, over perfectly normal and expected tangents.

    The mods even refuse to post on-thread warnings when they consider things as off topic - and go straight to cards - and justify this with arbitrary personalized bullshit, which they universally always circle the wagons around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 35,024 ✭✭✭✭Baggly

    KyussB wrote: »
    A person can literally be backseat modding all the time about what counts as on/off topic, never get actioned for it - and successfully get people actioned through reported posts, over perfectly normal and expected tangents.

    The mods even refuse to post on-thread warnings when they consider things as off topic - and go straight to cards - and justify this with arbitrary personalized bullshit, which they universally always circle the wagons around.

    Please PM or report some examples for me. Thanks.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,479 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    So you'd be okay with users being called commie or pinko? Please.

    So much disingenuous arguments being made and all so it can be excused when leftists insult those who have the audacity to disagree with them.

    Name calling should either be allowed for everyone or no one - you can't have only one side being subjected to a standard of posting the other side rarely if ever is.

    Why would you think calling another user a commie or a pinko would not be sanctionable?

    Same as if you started calling users fascist or racist, it's personal abuse plain and simple.

    But that wasn't snoopsheep's point and you know that, you changed the argument to users when they were clearly referring to points made about non-users ie Trump

This discussion has been closed.