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Werewolf: Friends



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Fiona WW wrote: »
    No gifts from Rachel yet?

    Eddie Cahill also appears to not have made a move yet

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Fiona WW wrote: »
    No gifts from Rachel yet?

    I was wondering about that. Are we expecting it to be announced on thread when they’re given out?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,409 ✭✭✭Ewan WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    I was wondering about that. Are we expecting it to be announced on thread when they’re given out?

    I would be since its a change in play.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    #FFA1 updated

    Adding Tegan. Active and participating a little but not really adding anything to proceedings. There’s also a bit of gut feel going on here and this is probably where I’ll put my vote. Reading back she just seems wolfie to me.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Guys could somebody be so kind and tell me how to link posts to words. Doing a reads list and FFA and would help a lot being able to link back to previous posts.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW

    Ive a placeholder vote in based off my FFA. If a list is compiled then I will change should my vote not be on it

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    #FFA1 updated

    Adding Tegan. Active and participating a little but not really adding anything to proceedings. There’s also a bit of gut feel going on here and this is probably where I’ll put my vote. Reading back she just seems wolfie to me.

    So I reckon there’ll be a bit of a wagon forming on me. If I’m lynched I will flip good. After that can I ask folks to look closely at players who found a soft landing in voting for me.

    If you want an example of a soft landing, see Gabriel’s post above- nice, fluffy, inoffensive, empty...

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    Guys could somebody be so kind and tell me how to link posts to words. Doing a reads list and FFA and would help a lot being able to link back to previous posts.

    Do you mean hyperlink? If so, highlight the word, click on the icon that looks like the earth with a bit of chain on the bottom right and add in the link there. You can find links to posts by right clicking on the #123 on the left of each post.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    So I reckon there’ll be a bit of a wagon forming on me. If I’m lynched I will flip good. After that can I ask folks to look closely at players who found a soft landing in voting for me.

    If you want an example of a soft landing, see Gabriel’s post above- nice, fluffy, inoffensive, empty...

    Can i ask why so much of your contribution was about Katies slip up/misunderstanding?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Henry WW wrote: »
    Can i ask why so much of your contribution was about Katies slip up/misunderstanding?

    It’s a hell of a slip up that’s why: the language wasnt vague, it was certain- she read the win con

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Ok Angus, you're getting done :pac:

    Angus WW wrote: »
    Nobody positing first for fear of being called a wolf lol.. Screw it I’ll break the ice.

    I’m Angus and I’m a werewolfaholic. Hi everyone! :D

    I noted this earlier and it seems an incredibly self-aware post. That being said it would be pretty damn brazen to come out with it.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Wolf! :pac:

    No I’m kidding, hi Nigel!

    Humourous response to Nigel posting prior to him. Meh. One thing that worried me re: Angus was that he just basically disappeared after these two posts until....
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Eek I missed 6 pages since I posted earlier. Got in from work and not one bit ashamed to say I watched Love Island(only god can judge me!)

    Head is spinning a bit speed reading the pages to post before going to bed. I’m just going to leave it and get a good nights sleep, catch up properly in the morning. I’ll be much more helpful with a fresh head!

    I saw someone said my post about posting first was an odd thing to be worrying about. Just to clarify it was more so tongue in cheek. I laughed because people were waiting for the game to start this morning and when I went on nobody had posted yet.

    Night all, chat tomorrow :)

    But, tbf it's a fair explanation. I too know the horrors of Sunday work :(

    Also responds to a few noting his first post. I like that, he didn't just ignore it even though it was hours ago.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Afternoon all, awake, caught up and ready for duty :)

    Thoughts on kills: Barbara had to be targeted by both wolves and SK right? I tried thinking was it possible SK stabbed Barbara and then laughed thus causing the confusion on what killed her but as someone else pointed out that post had flavour and the shot fired one didn’t which is normally how it goes?

    That’s a pretty impressive way to go as the first killed so be proud Barbara!

    I don’t think it was Chandler that fired the shot. Why would a villager shoot someone who hadn’t really offered anything compared to other high posters? Maybe my logic here is different but it’s not how I’d do it.

    Possible that Mindy was found but would that mean a conversion would take place? We’d surely get an on thread announcement for that.

    So I’m left thinking it could only be Eddie right? He’s going to cause chaos each day so it fits.

    Sorry guys you all had this conversation earlier, I don’t want to drag it on all day but I’m playing catch up and just want to clarify my thinking :o

    Logs on this afternoon and has an in-depth catch up on the permutations and combinations.
    I like this as well as there's original thought there as well as catch up, it's not posting for the sake of it.
    The musing on Chandler stands out, why I'm not sure, did Angus ever follow up with another theory? I guess I'll find out.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Yeah I’m only getting back on now, site loaded as interactive site and I thought it had been changed permanently, nearly died!

    Angus WW wrote: »
    Can I just confirm that people have an issue with Phil ISOing Wendy was it? Just putting my thoughts out on it but if it’s to be believed that Chandler fired the shot then why is Phil suspicious for doing the ISO? If he was a wolf then he wouldn’t know she was going to die.

    Ok so now he's onto the Phil ISOing Wendy, this is actually incorrect, it was Nigel who ISOed Wendy, Phil did one on Jake. Which... given some recent comments I might need to go back to after I'm done here.

    Mentions now that Chandler fired the shot, don't think they're convinced yet but no alternative theory put forward.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    I was preparing this and wanted to throw my thoughts out on the Phil thing.

    When I was catching up on this mornings antics after my delightful lie in there was one person who when reading a few of their posts I got that gut feeling alarm bells going off for:

    Just before munch

    Just after munch

    After shot fired

    Pre munch post felt very disingenuous like she knew she would be around afterward. Reactions feel off too. Not expecting 2 kills but correct me if I’m wrong the munch and SK kill always happen together so we were always going to have 2 kills. Possible wolf or SK in my opinion.

    Holly what do you think of my reading?

    Hmmmm... I'm not sure I agree with Angus on this but I like that it's another line of thinking being put forward. I'm worried Gabriel just grabbed this and used it as another stick to FFA Holly now though, not sure he brought it up himself at all.

    Anyways re: Angus, it's ok and open for discussion, not sure if followed up on though I know Holly responded.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Agree with you there Orla, that’s why when I asked I said I didn’t want it dragged on all day. I think we should do FFAs, they always help in the long run and from past experience games can be very chaotic without them which is a perfect climate for wolves to survive in!

    Responding to Orla who wants to move on from the mornings kills. I guess my stuff really is invisible sometimes :(
    Angus WW wrote: »
    No that’s fair Holly. As I said it was the only thing that jumped out at me with a gut feeling so wanted to put it out there. As it’s early doors and I’m doing a lot of catching up I’m not hell bent on anyone and so I wanted your thoughts on it. Satisfied with your response, if anything else jumps out I’ll say it :)

    Ah here we go, yes it was followed up on re: Holly. More interesting that Gabs used this as a reason to FFA Holly given that Angus seems happy with the response.

    So questioning and following through with a rebuttal, another good look imo.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    I hadn’t even thought of this. I’ve never played with this sort of conversion, would Mindy play as a villager or a wolf hoping to join the pack? So not only are we looking for four wolves and a SK but also for Mindy :eek:

    Yeah I sort of wondered this myself, though I'll caveat this is that if we're looking for potential Mindys then this post itself might be no harm being tossed in the possible pile.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Guys I’ll ISO one too, want to be helpful :)

    Eh, a little pockety. Don't like the phrasing, seems a bit forced. First bit of an inkling re: Angus possibly being a wolf here.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Thanks for that Isla! Used to the standard 4 wolves, didn’t even cop I only read three names in the OP

    I was thinking bloody hell thats 5 wolves and a SK, god help us all :o

    Meh. I don't think there's much to be read into this tbh.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Ohhh could that mean that Holly is Barry and was asking about your teeth to see if you’re Mindy?

    Angus introduces the line re: Holly being Barry in discussion with Isla. It's an interesting take on it, and I like that it differs from Brendan and his Mindy hunting.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Fiona you’ve just came into the spotlight with these two posts..

    I had said when I thought Phil ISOd Wendy it made no sense as she was shot not munched/SK kill so he wouldn’t have known she would die. This makes even less sense as Jake is still here. My reading is that he was doing the ISO and didn’t realise the time, they’re an absolute soul destroyer doing them so I could understand that.

    I really REALLY dislike it when people claim NRV so early. It’s not even about being an NRV but just because someone suspects you does not mean you should say what you are. NRVs protect RVs and limiting the pool that RVs can hide in is never a good thing. You could have responded to that post without claiming anything, it’s what you say that matters when someone suspects you, not what you are.

    I don’t know I just find these two posts very odd and I know wolves love a good NRV claim because it can’t be disproven

    Challenges Fiona on two posts, again I like this, seems to be actively reassessing and open to change on his reads.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    I’ll agree to disagree on the first paragraph. I don’t think I’ve ever counter claimed NRV regardless of the role I was playing because another poster was accusing me of being wolfy. For me it’s just responding to what it is they’re saying about you. That in itself is denying their claim on you.

    On the second paragraph though not directed towards me I can get behind looking at what you would do but not everyone plays the same.

    Follow up response to Fiona, not backing down after the initial comment. I don't really have an opinion on the post, players gonna play how they like I suppose.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Wanted to look back over Fionas posts and this is what has stood out to me.

    Third post talks about Mindy leaving breadcrumbs, explains it away as making people aware of what to look out for but surely you can just look out for this yourself instead of bringing it up straight away.

    Asks Barbara is she claiming a role when she said she could be useful to the village. Suspicious now that Barbara is dead and has been stated on thread she was targeted by both wolves and SK because of this comment.

    Brings back up Phils ISO of Jake and says she doesn’t want to be accused of bandwagoning. Why even point out the potential bandwagon? Feels like she saw other people questioning him and thought of this as an easy way to get a real wagon going.

    Claims NRV - I’ve already put my thoughts on this on thread.

    Makes his case on Fiona. Again there's some good stuff here, much like my suspicion on Nigel for fishing Fiona deserves scrutiny over Babs.

    Angus WW wrote: »
    That's why I changed mine, I found it much easier to remember you from your avatar so thanks for the inspiration!!

    Angus WW wrote: »
    I'm kind of torn on the Holly thing here. I see a few people are saying what I was earlier about the reactions to this mornings kills. I however was satisfied with her response.

    When Brendan pointed out the Mindy thing I thought "oh yeah that makes sense" but with further posts and looking at who else spoke about teeth I do think it was a genuine mistake and fully believe the not knowing he was a dentist because I myself hadn't a breeze.

    Her reaction when it was pointed out seemed genuine too, kind of a "crap how could I be so foolish?" moment. She's also fighting her corner here, not completely indicative of a villager but it does happen a bit where wolves just lay down and take it. Kind of what I thought of Fionas response to my suspicions. Just a tad meh.

    Umprompted really they come out with a defence of Holly, of which I tend to agree.

    What I like is that they brought it up first, aside from maybe Brendan I think.

    No idea if it's true, or false re: Holly but it reads as genuine which is what matters
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Quality over quantity my dear boy ;)

    I may be in the low posters but we've only begun day1. I was working yesterday but feel I am putting the work in today to redeem myself!

    Have to agree. Early signs weren't good, improvement is noted and appreciated today though.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    This pleases me greatly, I've never been ISOd before and was going to ask somebody to do me but didn't want to come on too strong

    I'll be doing my FFA shortly, enjoying playing the game live at the minute. Find it's helping me react to what people are saying better and helping me decide whether to look into them more or not.

    Get outta my pocket you

    Here's your wish granted. Jokes aside I find him looking forward to being ISOed a village trait.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    On the low posters hiding a wolf. I don't for one minute believe that to be true anymore and feel like we could waste a lot of time on the subject if we get into it each day. Speaking from experience and if the last game is anything to go by the wolves will challenge what people normally expect wolves to do. It's not to say there isn't a wolf in the lowest posters, there very well could be and it could depend on the players selected but it is not a done deal.

    I've found things can easily be thrown off course by discussing low posters being wolves. I have no problem with having suspicions, everyone from low to high posters should be suspicious. I would just like it not to come up again and again distract from more pressing content if that makes sense?

    And I fully understand the irony of this post not wanting to go on about it and in so going on about it. That's all I'll be saying on the matter.
    Angus WW wrote: »
    My post wasn't directed personally at you or anyone else just to clarify. I just wanted to put out my thoughts on the whole thing. I've seen a lot of time wasted previously on discussing low posters and when there wasn't even a wolf in those.

    I do agree that it does the village a disservice if it goes on the whole game and would urge low posters to get more involved, granted RL does get in the way sometimes.. It's more fun that way for all involved anyway :)

    Two sentiments on low posters and focusing on them too much to finish off. Again good, shows signs of independent thought, not stuck on one trail.


    Strong village lean, with maybe two slight caveats.
    If we are to go down the line of potential Mindys then Angus' post above probably needs to be considered in a similar way to Fionas, and indeed Brendans. In fact it might explain in a wolf!Angus world why they're going after Fiona so strongly.

    The other point is re: the offer to help with ISOs. I don't mind the sentiment, but just go off and do it, no need to ask permission :)
    And as well, it wound up being Fiona who Brendan stated he would ISO anyways.

    But I think that's being over nitpicky. Overall there's enough independent thought and attempts at gamesolving for me to be confident enough in my village read on Angus.

    (Also side note I had to remove a couple of smilies from your posts to get this permissable, who knew they counted towards images huh)

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭Desmond WW

    Katie WW wrote: »
    :cool: Not sure what I can say that I haven't said about my faux pas re: the win cons.

    Legit thought I had read them in the OP, only realised I hadn't when Conor pulled me up on it.

    Can't really defend against it only say that I'm a villager and it wasn't a slip or TMI.

    Proof is in the flip though so whatever happens happens I guess

    Not sure if I can let this go Kate. You’re top of my wolf list unfortunately.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Desmond WW wrote: »
    Not sure if I can let this go Kate. You’re top of my wolf list unfortunately.

    Any other reads while you're there Des? An FFA maybe?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    So I reckon there’ll be a bit of a wagon forming on me. If I’m lynched I will flip good. After that can I ask folks to look closely at players who found a soft landing in voting for me.

    If you want an example of a soft landing, see Gabriel’s post above- nice, fluffy, inoffensive, empty...

    But Tegan I suggested you were good and gave no response to that....this now looks dodge

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭Desmond WW

    Katie WW wrote: »
    Any other reads while you're there Des? An FFA maybe?

    I would if I had a clue what an FFA was!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    It’s a hell of a slip up that’s why: the language wasnt vague, it was certain- she read the win con

    Fair enough. But do you not think it could have been just a mistake on her part?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    One thing I noted while I was compiling Angus' ISO was this......

    Phil WW wrote: »
    Decided to do a ISO based off this post and I was left very dissapointed after

    I cannot be the only person who likes Janice, the character, not the SK

    Lots of gifs and nothing that would make me feel Jake is a wolf

    Early ISO of Jake and Phil thinks he's a wolf

    Phil WW wrote: »
    Katie: My gut is saying wolf, because of helpful wolf last time, my brain is staying steady on.
    Holly: my gut is saying wolf
    Fiona: my reaction is to scream wolf, but I know that's just cause she is questioning me. It's her not reading my responses and making up stuff that is questioning me
    Derry: was wolf lean but I'm leaning more village now
    nigel: fishing for info, wolf lean
    Conor, Jake: village lean
    Getrude: low flying
    Ewan: low flying, helpful, I like his style
    Tegan: Village lean, lots of prodding and questioning

    Readslist and Phil now has a village lean??

    Care to explain the flip flopping Phil?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Desmond WW wrote: »
    I would if I had a clue what an FFA was!

    Basically where you give three names of the people who you find wolfiest and the reasons for same.

    Helpful for later analysis even if (like you guys are re: the win con thing) you're village and wrong initially.

    Shows a pattern of what your thoughts regarding other players are at the very least.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Ok so was doing an ISO on Phil as he's been getting some heat. These were my notes:

    Jokey, a bit pockety. Seemed to go with Holly's suspicions of Derry quickly. Talks about helping village by not appearing to be a wolf (strange but ok). Agrees w/ Katie re Vernon. ISOd Jake, concluded not a wolf. Seems sure Wendy was munch. Goes through alternative scenarios. Helpful tables. Open to discussing theories. Reads list seems dodgy but well explained.

    Then I got to these posts - I've quoted what he was replying to for context.
    Holly WW wrote: »
    The words 'Jake' and 'Village Lean' should never be used in a sentence.

    i can't defend against gut, but I will say your read on Tegan seems bogus. She has not done lots of prodding and questioning. In fact if that was a reason to give someone a village lean, surely I'd be near the top of the list.
    Phil WW wrote: »
    Tegan has hardly posted, what she has posted has been fluff and prodding.

    Similar response to Katie, it's difficult when you're an active poster, I get it. I won't be voting for you tonight but there is something. It's hard to defend against that. I get it

    I don't get you Jake read at all. it's off. Rachal would agree with me.

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    Ahh phil, even I don’t think I’ve been particularly proddy or pokey given my availability today. Much as I like you liking me that’s not a good look for you
    Phil WW wrote: »
    Tegan has hardly posted, what she has posted has been fluff and prodding.

    I never said you were particularly. Compared to the other low posters who have posted little value you have actually asked questions.

    if I was a wolf I would know who you are right? I would know you on a team with me or not. If you are on a wolf team I assume it is better to try convince the village other villages are not village. I don't understand why this is not a good look?

    Both of these responses have the same opening line. Can you explain that Phil? And maybe even explain what you mean by it, given you said Tegan was a village lean because they were poking and prodding.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Katie WW wrote: »
    One thing I noted while I was compiling Angus' ISO was this......

    Early ISO of Jake and Phil thinks he's a wolf

    Readslist and Phil now has a village lean??

    Care to explain the flip flopping Phil?

    To be fair, as I was just looking, I read it as there was nothing to say Jake was a wolf.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    To be fair, as I was just looking, I read it as there was nothing to say Jake was a wolf.

    Ah yes, now that I look at it again that's more likely


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Katie WW wrote: »
    One thing I noted while I was compiling Angus' ISO was this......

    Early ISO of Jake and Phil thinks he's a wolf

    Readslist and Phil now has a village lean??

    Care to explain the flip flopping Phil?

    Sure my ISO said NOTHING that would make me think Jake is a wolf. My ISO was village lean and remained so.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭Desmond WW

    Katie WW wrote: »
    Basically where you give three names of the people who you find wolfiest and the reasons for same.

    Helpful for later analysis even if (like you guys are re: the win con thing) you're village and wrong initially.

    Shows a pattern of what your thoughts regarding other players are at the very least.

    Thanks, that’s my next goal.
    While we’re at it...
    What’s ISO? :-)

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Desmond WW wrote: »
    Thanks, that’s my next goal.
    While we’re at it...
    What’s ISO? :-)

    Basically to ISOlate and analyse one player's posts :)

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    ISO = Looking at a players posts in ISOlation. Basically reading back through a single players posts looking for clues as to their alignment.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    But Tegan I suggested you were good and gave no response to that....this now looks dodge

    Yes, you did, as a result your read list was nonsense, hence I think you’re dodgy

    Gabriel soft lands on me as soon as it looks ok to do so. That’s why he’s dodgy

    And Katie basically made a big slip

    That’s my ffa pretty much: #ffa1

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    I actually have Phil leaning good based on my read back. The only thing troubling me was those posts with duplicate opening lines.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    Yes, you did, as a result your read list was nonsense, hence I think you’re dodgy

    Gabriel soft lands on me as soon as it looks ok to do so. That’s why he’s dodgy

    And Katie basically made a big slip

    That’s my ffa pretty much: #ffa1

    For clarity, #ffa1

    Phil, Gabriel, Katie

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    Yes, you did, as a result your read list was nonsense, hence I think you’re dodgy

    Gabriel soft lands on me as soon as it looks ok to do so. That’s why he’s dodgy

    And Katie basically made a big slip

    That’s my ffa pretty much: #ffa1

    You do realise that focusing on this so much means when I eventually flip village will not be a good look for you right?

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭Desmond WW

    Katie WW wrote: »
    Basically to ISOlate and analyse one player's posts :)

    Cheers. Might do an iso on myself later to see what I’m at!
