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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    I think this means someone tried to kill Henry and Joey had him protected

    Oh yeah that makes more sense!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    AH here, ISOing takes too long when stuff like that is happening! I can understand thinking Fiona may be the cub but Joey was someone needed

    I'll have one up on Derry soon

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    duffman13 wrote: »
    Fun Bobby took aim at an unsuspecting villager as he walked across the manhattan bridge. He took aim and fired the gun, wounding our villager who had enough energy left to charge Fun Bobby and both tumbled to their deaths in the cold icy waters of the East River.

    Fiona was Shot and was Joey Tribbiani
    Henry WW is dead and was Bobby Corso

    What the HELL

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,963 ✭✭✭Fiona WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    I've done a ISO on the Orla posts and I'm feeling very village after that - Katie will likely list them all out

    Brief notes taken while reading:
    Orla brings up first impressions - good
    Gets involved in mechanics discussion - good
    Moves people from who dun it to FFA/ISO - check to see if Orla did any herself
    Gives FFA -
    Deeply regrets but actually notes for Katie - I like her sticking to her gun
    gets involved in discussions - doesn't seem defensive

    Having read Katie's ISO of Orla I'm not sure how you come to this conclusion. I know Katies has a very defensive mindset to it but my reading her posts doesnt and I dont like a lot of them

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    Oh yeah that makes more sense!

    No it doesn’t actually. I think I am right?

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Wait, is bobby village?

    I'll come back to your ISO shortly Katie

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    you cant make soup without stirring the pot

    The pot didnt need stirring, you didnt help at all. Thats part of the reason why I voted for you (mods you missed me in the results of votes last night). Somebody played a similar game before and while they turned out village in that place I think its a silly game to play when so much is already going on

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Why the feck did Bobby (good team?) Go after Fiona?

    What had she done?
    Also where did Bobby get a gun from

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Why would Bobby shoot Fiona, I don't understand it :(

    Abi, Eva, or even myself would have been better shots to take

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    No it doesn’t actually. I think I am right?

    Yes. I had it wrong.
    Bobby killed Joey who was protecting himself so Bobby got dead

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    How did bobby try to kill someone, he has no powers right?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    The pot didnt need stirring, you didnt help at all. Thats part of the reason why I voted for you (mods you missed me in the results of votes last night). Somebody played a similar game before and while they turned out village in that place I think its a silly game to play when so much is already going on

    I want to ISO you shortly Gertie because I feel like you're making a lot of sense but I want to assess you full ISO before I make a read of you

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Holly WW wrote: »
    I didn't belittle anything. I think the tables are great!

    What I'm saying is you spent your time in the background creating tables (helpful tables yes), without actually adding much of your own thoughts. So then we've basically nothing to read you on except a bunch of gifs and tables...

    It's a valid callout. Prove me wrong by giving us your reads.

    I may have misread your intentions then because it felt like you were saying there was serious discussion and I was just popping in with tables and such. It didn't seem like you were equating tables with serious discussion. But it seems I was wrong to read that from your post.
    Holly WW wrote: »
    Fair enough. I didn't notice much of you like I had the first day or so, felt like maybe you were laying low while serious discussion was going on and just popping in occasionally with your tables and such

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Holly WW wrote: »
    How did bobby try to kill someone, he has no powers right?

    Well he must have been found by Monica, the village get a gift if that happens, must have been a bullet same as Barry/Mindy

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,046 ✭✭✭kitten_k

    Fiona WW wrote: »
    Having read Katie's ISO of Orla I'm not sure how you come to this conclusion. I know Katies has a very defensive mindset to it but my reading her posts doesnt and I dont like a lot of them

    Fiona you are dead. Dead people can’t talk

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Just trying to catchup.
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Before I zonk out:

    Thoughts for now from village to wolfy:


    Mild town

    More town than null

    Null (Need to ISO here)

    Mild wolf leaning

    Wolf Lean

    Need to sort that better tomorrow with a few more reads but also need more input from said players :/

    Night folks

    This is interesting. I was working on a theory with Fiona, Katie,Phil and Gabriel at the center of it. (have to rule out Ewan in that theory). There would most likely be 2 wolves in that for the theory to work. I have to do a bit more digging to confirm it. I must admit its only a half formed theory, but i will try and dig a bit deeper later on.

    From a personal perspective I find Conors shading of me very very weak ( I have already explained why).

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    How did you pick up lack of auto-priest from? Isla say lack of priest role, no mention of lack of auto priest.

    Did you want you questions answered?

    A lack of auto priest is not good for wagonomics. But nobody other than you thinks we lack an auto priest. On the contrary, the OP says we have one.

    This was the response when isla clarifies she said priest, not auto priest.

    It's in the OP that they do.

    Phil entered well, but seems to have misread Isla post.
    I am not getting bad vibes of what could be a legitimate misread, but from the initial getting hi and involved interaction, his further interactions have been avoidance and fluff.

    1st post, immediately calling out Phil's reading of what Isla said. Very active fast but it's post #256 so it's not that fast for a 1st post and at list is poking at people
    Derry WW wrote: »
    Tell me more about this list of yours.

    responding to Holly, getting more suspicions on thread is good even if he isn't really addressing her slight shading of him.
    Derry WW wrote: »
    I'm fine, how are you?

    responding to a random how are you from Holly. Odd post but nothing to read from it
    Derry WW wrote: »
    Showing up unannounced?

    by saying something like this?

    I don't usually participate in fluff as I don't find it productive in wolf hunting, it's mainly just a smokescreen, and I feel no need to play those games.

    Look back at the read I did, Phil immediately got involved, then backtracked then fluffed.

    Did you even read my initial post?

    can't blame being defensive of his reads when named as being wolfy so fast. Him and Holly could be an ongoing thing
    Derry WW wrote: »
    wrong slash on closing img tags. use only forward slashes.

    He's nice to Steve and gets a thanks from Holly, the end to their issues?
    Derry WW wrote: »

    a joke gif - hang him! not really but I think he got called on this later
    Derry WW wrote: »
    Rule 13 is win conditions.

    catching up on Katie's gaff (now at post #662 but his 7th)
    Derry WW wrote: »
    The rule was there by the time I got to reading the thread.

    boards was acting up alot.

    So I posted what i could when I could and only came across the mod update post afterwards.

    Seems like its back up now, so whatever gremlins were plaguing boards this morning seem to have been banished.

    The win conditions you chose to assume though are an often debated rules and some mods favor sk win at 1v1v1 and other don't give the sk that advantage and say, like our mods here, that it must be 1v1 for sk to win.

    It is not usually something that i'd go about assuming myself would be the same as previous games.

    But, to consider it TMI, you would have to have gotten that information somewhere.
    If you asked the mods and they answered, then that would have prompted them to fix the OP then and there.

    Unless someone can tell me how its TMI, I'm not going to be using it as such.

    I was also affected by boards being dodgy. Hope more who were can post more today. Further Katie mistake though but seemingly chalking it up to a mistake. Slightly villagery, a wolf would probably push the issue
    Derry WW wrote: »

    responding to phil saying "say what? don't see that post from Phil though
    Derry WW wrote: »
    H Holly,
    can you supply me with your current list,
    the one that you explained to me yesterday.
    I don't want your list from yesterday, i want your current list.

    Thank you.

    I think I like his humor but that means nothing. At least it's getting people to state their reads even if Holly may not fancy him
    Derry WW wrote: »
    Don't want to answer for Phil, but it's my belief that its you who are reading incorrectly here.
    Phil said "Lots of gifs and nothing that would make me feel Jake is a wolf"
    you highlighted last 4 words and said its a wolf read then shaded Phil for flip flopping.
    Please reread that sentence fully a few times, I'm not reading this as Phil flip flopping as you are insinuating.

    wanted to say this myself reading back tbh, was weird seeing the sentenece "Lots of gifs and nothing that would make me feel Jake is a wolf" but with only the last 4 words highlighted. Katie held her hands up quick though so I'm not sticking on it.
    Derry WW wrote: »
    The basis for my nigel vote.

    Pre munch kill @ 9:57, so most likely a bing shot.
    Why would digging through posts of a vig victim help. My theory is Nigel is not responsible for this death so has an interest in finding out who made this shot.

    the munch post. Which i believe nigel had a hand in.

    This is his results of the wendy dig.

    Its wifom to try to figure out if they are sk or wolf here from this, but i'm guessing team evil anyhow.

    Doesn't bother ISO'ing the munch victim.

    So, I think evil agenda vs working for the village good.

    don't think I have suspected Nigel and I don't know if I do after reading that but he seems to have been trying and didn't follow the obvious wagons
    Derry WW wrote: »
    List of 4 is Tegan, Henry, Derry, Barbra

    List of 4 - gabriel, phil, tegan, derry.

    You have way too many wolf reads.

    Its good the you are sorting people, but can you order them.

    I'll show you what i mean from your disorganized reads list.

    Holly WW - villager
    Angus WW - villagery
    Brendan WW - villagery
    Eva WW - mental villager
    Isla WW - villagy but is very quiet which scares me
    Katie WW - villagy, but would not be surprised if she turned out bad
    Fiona WW - slight village
    Ewan WW - villager, staying below the radar. Could be wolfy
    Conor WW - hard to read. Null
    Desmond WW - hard to read. Null
    Gertrude WW - null
    Jake WW - null
    Liam WW - not playing? 
    Steve WW - null
    Vernon WW - null
    Abigail WW - very slight wolf
    Henry WW - slight wolf
    Nigel WW - slight wolf
    Derry WW - wolfy
    Gabriel WW - wolfy
    Orla WW - I have dodgy feelings about Orla
    Phil WW - wolfy

    Now i can definitely see you have way too many wolf reads.

    You need to be working on your null reads too.

    What the hell is ewan read? I've placed that turd of a read into null.

    Please explain 'They've gotten away with murder. '

    I asked you for your current list today and you plain out ignored me. Okay, you have me as wolfy, but you can at least try to converse with me to try get a better read of me.

    Clarifying Holly's list. That is a lot of wolf leans but could be just terminology. If it said don't trust that might be different. Not sure if "They've gotten away with murder" was explained as he asked for
    Derry WW wrote: »
    Lock of the week post was not fluff.

    It was posted in response to gertrude saying they were clear.
    Yes it was said tongue i cheek and i think she under stood that as she later clarified that she was not actually clear just because babs named her, as babs was an nrv and had no knowledge of who or what gertude was or is.

    Phil also made a weird connection to that post.

    It served its purpose well, and i don't regard it as a fluff post.

    Knew someone called him on the lock of the week post (Katie) here he explains. An explanation is better than no explanation I suppose.

    His circle of interest seems to be Holly, Nigel, Katie & Phil

    I didn't read him too wolfy there tbh. He is very gamey I suppose but given how little he has posted I am happy there is at least substance there

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,952 ✭✭✭duffman13

    Vernon has been killed
    He was Phoebe Buffay - Aura Reader

    Nigel has been killed
    He was Ross Geller - Jail Keeper

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,802 ✭✭✭Brendan WW

    This is a disaster!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Half comment in case munched:
    Katie WW wrote: »
    So, Orla.

    Doesn't post until Monday morning and arrives just prior to the munch.

    So announcing their presence on the thread but no indication of them catching up or not. Hard to know what to make of that I feel a villager (somewhat like Angus) would have some views on day 0 and not just gloss over it.

    What do you mean no indication of catching up? My second line says that I'll be doing just that.

    RIP post. Meh

    Puts forward an alternate theory to Wendy's death, some independent thought here anyways even if I disagree. I like it.

    Not sure if Orla is saying she thinks it was a double munch here or not, I think that's the case but unsure.

    I said Babs was Janet plus wolves. Yes, I thought (and still do) that it was a double hit. I don't see how you can misinterpret that.

    Responds to Nigel's fishing, ok so she's in agreement. Fair enough. Also open to the idea it was a vig shot.

    Ok so Orla has had a look over Wendy's posts - the vig victim. Weird that. Why not the munch victim?

    Because wendy only had 8 posts and I was still catching up

    Evidence that she's reading back but I don't really feel she's taking much from it with comments like this

    It was one comment about babs being un - the point of the game is to have fun

    This comment is a bit off. There were other people discussing other things on the thread at the same time, I was doing ISOs. I don't like it, given Orla herself spent ages trying to work it out she's more guilty of it than most.

    I literally said in my next post that you had been doing work on ISOs but few others had

    Brendan has what? He said he was ISOing all of those on his FFA but ended up not doing any of it. He put forward a theory re: Mindy, has he followed that up at all? Weird you'd notice that and not my ISOs though....

    I did notice your ISOs - I said that first in my post

    FFA then, eh.... this is what I mean, I don't think Orla is really critically assessing the thread, she's just reacting in real time and getting bogged down in nitpicky points (myself and Phil supposed shading people pre 10am is one point I think is just totally fabricated tbh, literally no one else has agreed with you)

    Fine, I don't have to agree with everyone else. I'm giving my own comments. If I was using other people's comments and not doing my own work I'd be criticised for that too.

    So admits she can't move past me, yet regrets it. This is what I mean about static, there's been a good portion of the day and other things to discuss.

    Sticking to the power of my convictions Katie!

    This is a little contradictory tbh, I was coloured orange on day 0 (yet you only brought it up when I asked you). You state you don't do reads on day 0 yet you made sure to bring up the point that I'd be coloured orange if you did.

    yeah, i mentioned it because you complained about me ignoring day 0. If you hadn't pushed me to comment on it, I wouldn't have bothered

    And then, to further contradict yourself I'd be bottom or off your (you say ISO, I presume you mean) FFA apart from my win cons mention...

    I do mean FFA. Village could have done better in last game if they hadn't ignored a wolfy slip. I'm moving on today, but I will file this away.


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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    RV dropping like flies and two days in a row bullets right before munch!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    duffman13 wrote: »
    Vernon has been killed
    He was Phoebe Buffay - Aura Reader

    Nigel has been killed
    He was Ross Geller - Jail Keeper

    Ah this is a disaster

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    This morning could have been any worse for us :(

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    duffman13 wrote: »
    Lynch Votes

    Tegan WW - Gabriel, Henry, Abigail, Nigel, Isla, Katie
    Gabriel WW - Eva, Tegan, Steve, Angus, Holly
    Holly WW - Jake, Fiona
    Nigel WW- Derry, Phil
    Katie WW - Desmond, Orla
    Fiona WW - Brendan, Vernon
    Abigail WW - Conor
    Steve WW - Ewan
    Did not vote - Liam

    Why would Henry shoot Fiona? They weren't on their FFA? Seems to have been what happened though.

    Pure guesses here but based on that I'd be leaning on Brendan as potentially wolf as it was a vote for an 'outlier' villager.

    Four down today is certainly not ideal.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    This morning could have been any worse for us :(


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Then my view of Gabriel is that if they're a wolf then Katie is also. I'm conflicted on that because of the duck/chick thing.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    Then my view of Gabriel is that if they're a wolf then Katie is also. I'm conflicted on that because of the duck/chick thing.

    I think Katie’s wolfie, but I know I’m good.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    I think Katie’s wolfie, but I know I’m good.

    And when you're wrong?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    Then my view of Gabriel is that if they're a wolf then Katie is also. I'm conflicted on that because of the duck/chick thing.

    Based off the votes you mean? I can at least see where you're coming from I suppose

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    Jesus christ! They are taking us for a bloody ride!
