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Werewolf: Friends



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Brendan WW wrote: »

    Tell me honestly. Am I completely loolaa with the mindy/Barry stuff?

    It’s not Gertrude. Holly is no way on a team with Jake. It wasn’t Fiona (I really am sorry). That just leaves Isla.

    Jake's FFA1 makes me feel more village on Holly too.

    That worries me purely because at about 6.30pm today I was leaning that Jake was village and Katie was wolf. The fact that I'm now leaning village for Holly and wolf for Isla probably means that it's the opposite.

    I'm going to bed and Isla is top of my list for tomorrow (sorry Isla).

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Eva, I think you stated you were not being mind controlled. People may not believe that but if so can you explain why you said Angus was a wolf and also why you voted for someone other than him?
    Phil WW wrote: »
    Jake is it possible to answer some of the questions that I didn't yesterday. To prove that we know.

    Can you talk about the breadcrumb I asked you to leave on thread yesterday and also how you know that to be the case?

    As in why is it a Rachael gift. Were you told that?

    More details from me. I was relaid a message through a mod. To validate it was who they said they were I asked them a question to leave on thread.
    We both left breadcrumbs regarding our names prior to receipt of message.

    I don't believe Jake to be evil. I could have been manipulated but the breadcrumbs check out
    Jake WW wrote: »
    I was not told it was from Rachel. If you check that post the line before what you asked to be breadcrumbed (people can probably figue it out but as you didn't explicity say) actually said I could be wrong but like yourself I saw it more as a good prize. Katie's prize sounds more deadly so I'd have that more in the bad shaman prize type but don't know the details and just recieving it does not make someone bad.

    I can confirm that Phil did ask me to leave something and it was left on thread and that I did see something he had left preevious to our conversation and from the above quoted bit it'd seem he spotted similar that I had. This is all why I believe him atm. Should probably be noted that he took a chance responding (I sent the first message) so that puts him slightly more villagery in my book but I have no way of confirming anything but that his breadcrumbs exist.

    More back and forth with Isla
    Jake WW wrote: »
    I'd agree here as FFAs are not always weighted towards no.1

    How come you didn't get an FFA in despite collating them Isla?
    Isla WW wrote: »
    You'll see in the post above. I was delayed yesterday, hence the late collation and then there was a lot of stuff happening on the thread yesterday evening.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    tbh I'm kind of happy I wasn't on the thread then as I know I would have felt like I should discuss the gift with Phil doing so and it seems there was plenty of distractions at play already.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Considering the Duck being dead already, that and Eva's actions need to be addressed (hopefully asap) so the village can move forward imo
    Jake WW wrote: »
    RV dropping like flies and two days in a row bullets right before munch!
    Isla WW wrote: »
    Then my view of Gabriel is that if they're a wolf then Katie is also. I'm conflicted on that because of the duck/chick thing.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Is this based on wagonomics? Are your reads of Katie and gabs (chick claim) connecteda
    Isla WW wrote: »
    Yeah, it's based on Katie's late vote for Gabriel. Although I've actually read both of them as likely good thus far. So the thing that'll change my mind on Katie is if Gabriel turns up bad.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    So you read both good but think based on votes one of them is a prime candidate to be killed?

    I understand what you say but how right is wagonomics usually?
    Isla WW wrote: »
    Wagonomics isn't right in and of itself. It's mostly guesswork at this stage. I don't think either Gabriel or Katie is a prime candidate to be killed. Certainly not by wolves/SK. They're likely lynch candidates.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Yeah tbh thats what I thought you meant considering the bad guys have already munched

    He ISOd Derry too #

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Can someone relink me the mindy barry stuff I'm actually useless at the minute

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Brendan WW wrote: »
    Nobody has counterclaimed Gabs though.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    I also don't think i'd put one of but not both the chick and duck in the game.
    Holly WW wrote: »
    Can anyone see a reason why Vernon and Nigel would have been killed? I don't get it.

    Also, I'm really annoyed by the amount of villagers dying from village bullets. I get that it's exciting to have that power, but you're doing us a disservice by shooting potential villagers. Reducing our numbers inorganically only helps the baddies!!!

    Chandler, I think you're the only one left who can shoot, so please don't be rash.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    tbh I think that may have been the idea. Don't think their deaths point towards anyone but the wolves were seemingly role hunting. My main advice to chandler right now is stay alive. But yeah he need to focus now as a lot has been lost quick.

    We still have someone who claimed a dead person and Eva around. Then we have the dead persons animal friend and the wagonomics
    Jake WW wrote: »
    *we not he, not advocating the Vig do anything at the moment.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    could be helpful to add to this post with anything you think of as below. remove bits if you disagree too

    Abigail WW - claimed dead duck
    Angus WW
    Barbara WW Dead Duck (Nrv)
    Brendan WW
    Conor WW
    Derry WW
    Desmond WW
    Eva WW - people suspect mind control
    Ewan WW
    Fiona WW Dead Joey Tribbiani (Bodyguard)
    Gabriel WW claimed The Chick (no counterclaim)
    Gertrude WW
    Henry WW Dead Fun Bobby (Rv)
    Holly WW
    Isla WW - knows wagonomics
    Jake WW - recieved a gift message
    Katie WW - recieve a gift boobytrap?
    Liam WW
    Nigel WW Dead Ross Geller (jail keeper)
    Orla WW
    Phil WW - recieved a gift message
    Steve WW
    Tegan WW Dead Phoebe Buffay (aura reader)
    Vernon WW
    Wendy WW Dead Judy Geller (Nrv)
    Ah OK. Is there any merit to Monica coming out since she is effectively an NRV?
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Do we sudddeny want NRVs coming out? surely that would just let the wolves know where not to target.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    I'm not sure if the reveal helps but I buy it. Surely a wolf would not fake claim when Monica is now essentially NRV but could still counter. Makes Brendan someone to listen to now
    Brendan WW wrote: »
    First impressions -

    Before the first munch I had to select somebody who would gain access to my back room should I die. I believe all the friends had to do this. I cannot get confirmation from mods as to whether they take on all duties.

    My selection could be good or bad I don’t know.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Are these people apprentices or can just see what happened there. Do you think we have an App Seer for example or someone who might know Pheebs previous reads?
    Yeh, that would be great for the wolves to know on thread wouldnt it . .

    Dont answer this Brendan . .

    Get it Gertie, such a good spot! :D
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Ok that could be true but we need some hope here.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    After how well day 1s went down this should be interesting but want to get one in before I have to vote early again tonight

    #FFA 2

    1. Abigail - roleclaimed an already dead duck. Not sure if more needs to be said her but Abi def needs to say more
    2. Isla - gut, pockety early on now I feel holding back a bit and the only hold over from my day 1 FFA

    Right now I don't see Holly being on a wolf team that force Katie to reveal. I'm buying Holly's & Brendan's reveals until there is a counter and altough I didn't like it I don't see a wolf playing like Eva did last night. I also believe Phil so and think if the duck is in the game the chick probably is too. None of these are clear but that leaves only a few possible people for no.3 especially as im not considering Liam as he will prob not vote and be modkilled.

    3. Ewan - the player who I feel has costed by without being noticed the most. 47 posts and I barely noticed anything he said


    Abi, Isla and Ewan not ideal for the isla theory

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Looks like everyone got the same feeling there


    Jake calls Gertie a Genie, very unlikely done to a fellow wolf

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    She coulod still be the Sk though of course

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Gertrude was actually onto him so it makes sense for him to call him a genie.
    Oh Jakey you just jumped up high on my radar . . Youve been very active the last 24 hours as things have gotten progressively crazy . .
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Acually I was not active at all last night when the two people think were mind controlled did their stuff, nor during lynch. My vote on Holly was from hours before that because I was inactive

    Katie is my hero, will have to have a serious look back over her posts if I can stomach the time it will take. Seriously good reads!
    Katie WW wrote: »
    I've been saying this since yesterday re: Jake. Too bandwagony, too helpful.

    Even his ISO of Derry is a village read. Not bad by itself but alongside other bits and pieces he's too butter wouldn't melt. And now the fishing
    Jake WW wrote: »
    I had one FFA you didn't like. Straight up, you were right that I used other peoples Ideas mostly when forming it because I was catching up big parts of the thread at a time and the best notes I could take were what people said accusing others that stood out the most. Yesterday the two big things that stood out were that you and Holly made 2 big mistakes (the win situation and dentist talk) and I wanted to put in an FFA before voting early.

    You have mentioned me as many times as possible since I put your name on it but is there any other posts you have issue with? I ISOd Derry to try and contribute more and cos he had an easy low enough number. If you disagree with the read it should be easy enough for you to do one yourself for the same reason.
    Isla WW wrote: »
    My point is that even if one of us is Mindy, only one of us could be Mindy.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Another could be Barry though surely ? but not alone three

    *insert airplane gif*
    Eva WW wrote: »
    Why are people clearing Gabe. just off claiming the chick, thats silly if thats the only reason
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Since your here, what was up with claiming someone a wolf and then voting someone else?
    Eva WW wrote: »
    I claimed bot are bad read my postys people and stop half assing it.

    wolfs half ass stuff Jake ;)
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Jaysus things are bad if I'm getting sass for half assing it from the person who everyone thought was mind controlled when they "stirred the pot".
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Well you might have had no idea, but someone sent it to you so they definitely had an idea.

    Don't rule out Jake placing these breadcrumbs and pretending to be a 'member of the village', please.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    everyone and their dog know you don't like me Katie. Careful not to tunnel too much though, Your more active than most so please try to look at more than just one person
    Conor WW wrote: »
    Brendan is 50/50? You don't believe he is Monica?
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Has to be. If he wasn't Monica then the real Monica would come out and a wolf would not do that just to make essentially a now NRV reveal themselves
    Brendan WW wrote: »
    Run the whole thing by me again please step by step. I’m totally lost.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    We won a prize. Walkie talkies. We could send and recieve one message. I sent a message to him and in it pointed out my breadcrumbs that show why Phil thinks im on the level and team village. In his response he pointed out that he had similar breadcrumbs that point out who he is. We both seem to believe each other but importantly neither is saying that anything is proven. He also asked me in his response to prove I was who I said by leaving something on thread that I did.
    Conor WW wrote: »
    So you BOTH won a prize? It wasn't a case that one got the prize and messaged the other?
    Jake WW wrote: »
    I was the sender, thats why I gave him credit for responding as he did but I guess he had preprepared Breadcrumbs for such an eventuality so it kinda makes sense he responded openly.
    Katie WW wrote: »
    In that case you probably need to lynch me and find the liar between Jake and Phil tbh as they're confirming each other
    Jake WW wrote: »
    I'm confused could we not have all 3 gotten prizes? You whatever boobytrap thing you have and Walkie Talkies are a prize used by two. Two Shamans afterall.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Well I didn't win but I was given a walkie talkie and messaged Phil who had the other Walkie talkie. He got the message and replied.

    I believe he is who he said for now at least.
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Actually I can clear this up right now - vigilante, shoot me and you'll find out if Jake is lying or not.

    I'm a Role Oracle, could pick one person who's alignment would be revealed on my death
    Jake WW wrote: »
    So you were lying before saying it was something about whoever killed you ?
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Is that why ye didn't munch me this morning? :D
    Jake WW wrote: »
    *sarcastic laugh*

    I take it thats a yes then. Getting a whiff of beakering off your changing prize but somehow doubt the vig believes in you so much that they also want to kill you to prove this so I guess we won't know. Suppose that sounds like less of a wolfy prize than your booby trap thing though, which was part of why I was sure we got Rachel's prize the more I read.
    Brendan WW wrote: »
    Seriously jake & Phil.

    I just want a step by step with what happened and when. All in one easy to read post.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    I feel like this has been posted by both of us already but.

    I got notified I had been given a walkie talkie as I had been chosen to send a message. I sent a message to Phil. In it I pointed out breadcrumbs from my posts (surprised nobody looked for any of my or his breadcrumbs yet) to suggest who I was. Thankfully it'd seem Phil seemed to believe me (probably only as much as I believe him, where I do but he's in no way confirmed) as he responded with a message that did similarily, pointing out who he claimed to be an pointed out breadcrumbs to make me believe him. In that response he also asked me to post something else which I then did as this confirmed to him he was actually talking to me and not someone else.
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Ah so you don't want me to die now? Afraid I'll reveal your true identity :pac:
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Your having fun and I should probably not respond but I started today saying I wanted to move on from you (and Holly) and putting my previous main concerns on you down to what I was then considering a mistake for then. You have not exactly let me move on from you though.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    She coulod still be the Sk though of course

    I'm feeling a wolf or SK. A lot of Jakes interactions have been with Isla though. Wouldn't rule it out him having her on an FFA lightly shading her.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    If we put together who was after Jake hard and who he went after we could narrow now the last wolves (potentially) to a very small list

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    I'm feeling a wolf or SK. A lot of Jakes interactions have been with Isla though. Wouldn't rule it out him having her on an FFA lightly shading her.

    They do talk a lot tbf, I get more confused the more I read I think :confused:

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Roll up your sleeves Eva, I'm losing the strength to go on with Jakes posts here :pac:

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Gertie claimed Rachel, Jesus im not posting anymore until Ive finished reading today

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    I think he's talking about what I got, not your almanac

    I wonder did he say almanac on purpose to get more information. I remember Katie said it's not an almanac and I hadn't a clue what that was.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    I chose to send a message to Phil. Honest reason why, cos I was sure he had actually read my posts and would be receptive to a message from me given how he ISOd me.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Re Liam: 2 missed votes = modkill

    Abigail is the one that we need to hear from. Claiming to be a dead duck is too bizarre ?
    Jake WW wrote: »
    You were gifted a forced role reveal?
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Doesn't sound like much of a gift but Paulo sounds believable unless there is a counter claim. Not detremental but if believed it leaves less places for RV to hide
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Well I would guess someone else will get one if it's the same as yesterday. You would think it'd be gifted to an active player more likely
    Jake WW wrote: »
    If people believe you got such a gift you'd be as clear as Brendan is imo (until there is a counter Monica claim which I don't see coming).

    He soft clears hm here
    Holly WW wrote: »
    So people were banging on earlier about a wolf having to be either me or Katie, so if that's the case then I'm the definite wolf?

    Think this was set up on purpose?

    I'm a goodie, so i do.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    You think Katie is making up the gift or that the her or you thing was a set up?
    Holly WW wrote: »
    I was starting to feel Katie was wofly, this claim changes that, so I don't know.

    I'm more wondering if that's a chaos tactic to try to get me on the chopping block again from Eddie.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Not sure how unless Eddie knew what she was already or it's a forced fake claim
    Holly WW wrote: »
    Well he'd know she's not a wolf anyway...

    She's got to be SK, RV or NRV, two of which would put me in the firing line, if the earlier idea of one of the two of us being wolfy was to be true.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    So you believe the reveal but think it was a bad gift to bring people back to a previous you or her 1 is a wolf notion. Who was pushing that?
    Holly WW wrote: »
    I'm like about 65% positive the gift and reveal are real. I am 100% it was a bad gift if it is real.

    Katie, can you give us any idea about how your gift was received, i.e does it feel like it was from rachel, or no? Consider the whole shopping versus Chaos thing.

    I can't remember who was spouting it tbh.

    I think he was testing the water there to see if people believed Katie to be confirmed good, thus helping him choose to shoot her to get her and her good reads out of the picture.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Think it was Phil saying Walkie Talkies sound like something you can buy but (at the time) a boobytrap of sorts seemed less Rachel like.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    After how well day 1s went down this should be interesting but want to get one in before I have to vote early again tonight

    #FFA 2

    1. Abigail - roleclaimed an already dead duck. Not sure if more needs to be said her but Abi def needs to say more
    2. Isla - gut, pockety early on now I feel holding back a bit and the only hold over from my day 1 FFA

    Right now I don't see Holly being on a wolf team that force Katie to reveal. I'm buying Holly's & Brendan's reveals until there is a counter and altough I didn't like it I don't see a wolf playing like Eva did last night. I also believe Phil so and think if the duck is in the game the chick probably is too. None of these are clear but that leaves only a few possible people for no.3 especially as im not considering Liam as he will prob not vote and be modkilled.

    3. Ewan - the player who I feel has costed by without being noticed the most. 47 posts and I barely noticed anything he said

    Again with Isla, very soft shading but nothing major.
    Conor WW wrote: »
    Going back over everything doing my reads and just wanted to ask people, how confident is everyone that the gift Katie got today is from the wolves rather than Rachel?
    Jake WW wrote: »
    If the reveal wasn't made up you would think Rachel would give something nice not a forced role reveal so it makes more sense for it to be from the wolves.
    Holly WW wrote: »
    Maybe rachel gave the gift of a forced role reveal to someone esle who used it on katie?

    just spittballin...
    Jake WW wrote: »
    I'n that case all it would mean is someone else who isn't saying they got a gift didn't trust Katie and wanted the reveal and we would have no way of proving that.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    If we are meant to be saying this on thread I already did the same when she topped my FFA earlier. She could still appear and change my mind but that was some odd behavior
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Guys I have absolutely no idea how Eva is not under more pressure today though.

    Her behaviour was absolutely shocking last night. Totally derailed the lynch.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    You're not wrong but I think it's cos I wouldn't expect a wolf to be so braisen (sp?) People thought she was being mind controlled her actions stood out so much.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Brendan WW wrote: »

    Tell me honestly. Am I completely loolaa with the mindy/Barry stuff?

    It’s not Gertrude. Holly is no way on a team with Jake. It wasn’t Fiona (I really am sorry). That just leaves Isla.

    ok just caught up now, and sped read it will examine a bit closer but multiple mentions of odd socks jumped straight out at me this looks very promising

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    And that brings us up to where he revealed himself on thread.

    I'm bowing out gracefully now. Going to actually get some sleep this time so I can wake up and post before munch when everyone is awake.

    Thoughts before bed: Something up with the Jake/Isla connection. Considering Isla was already suspicious. I can't move past the collating FFAs but not providing one, soz Isla. It just felt so much like you were appearing to be helpful when in fact you weren't really. Compiling FFA mentions together into a table was misleading in terms of how the lynch was going to go. Jake also agreed with you on people not always using their 1st person to vote.

    Phil still needs to be looked into to be honest. He was the only one heavily fighting Jakes corner tonight. I can understand this in a way though as that was me with Katie and Holly last night. Asking us to look into others that defended Jake with him though is odd. He was literally the only one, everyone else dived on him :pac:

    Holly and Gertrude looking real good from where I'm standing. Gertrude had a good read of Jake and Jake was all over Holly, not how he just gently shaded Isla.

    Night all and well done to all, that victory was very sweet :)

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    Hmmm ...


    this gif is from this clip

    this is Rachel going to Barry and Mindys wedding it some high level stuff if its true

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Multiple mentions of a denist (by Isla) Barry was a Dentist

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Given multiple mentions of odd socks, multiple mentions of Dentist and a gif that relates to Barry and Mindys wedding I'd have to say Brendan was bang on with his analysis so well done

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    this gif is from this clip

    this is Rachel going to Barry and Mindys wedding it some high level stuff if its true

    Wow Eva that’s a good eye with that clip! So Brendan was most likely on the right track with the Mindy/Barry thing.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    Ok. I've read back through Isla's more recent posts and I'm firmly on the fence. There are some things that make me think wolf - mostly the change in posting style which went from giffy and bantery to more serious and measured. There are enought things that make me think village to say that I will probably swap them out of my third spot on my FFA but want to do some more digging elsewhere.


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Ok I didn't know Brendan re quoted the whole thread, again this time I'm not posting until I've actually caught up

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Katie WW wrote: »
    But like... it confirms exactly nothing tbh. I think Ewan probably has access to the room alright, that part I can buy.

    But it seems AWFULLY convenient that Vernon picked and peeked Ewan :cool:

    TBF it kind of makes sense you pick someone pre schedule action to get access to your room upon death, then you peek them and make a post clearing them after.

    I know you are dead and all that but just thought I mention it

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    Seriously?! Second time today I’ve gone to post my ffa and had it interrupted. What is wrong with this game?!

    This is just really suss as feck, if you are doing a 3 person FFA, role claims should only change 1 person from it.

    Are you saying you had 2 roled claimed villagers on your potential FFAs

    And why not just go with a 2 person ffa instead or waiting until after 8 to nearly get an ffa in.

    Lots of hours have passed and you had been on thread

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »

    Abigail where is she and why have we had no explanation for last nights duck reveal

    Liam shows up just in time to prevent himself from being modkilled, with no explanation and nothing for us to analyze

    Jake I don’t know what’s going on here!

    I’ve not voted yet and tbh right now I don’t know where I’m going to put it.

    And after all that, changing and rearranging of you're FFas, two or three times no less this is what you come up with, in the end.

    I really dont buy it

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    I 99% wont be up before lynch but if the village get thier act together early we should fire at least one bullet before munch as to not risk losing it at munch time.

    Given the narrowing of suspects and the higher % chance of losing vig to a munch (given our numbers) it makes sense

    Wolf for me is Gabriel

    Heavy lean on Isla

    I cant look anymore tonight but I'm leaning on Conor being the SK just a feel really so far

    I dont like this post
    Conor WW wrote: »
    I switched pretty much after his reveal.

    He did an FFA early, then wanted to switch Isla out.

    He never declared on thread his original lynch vote (that I can see) but was very eager to say he got on Jake, to look like an honest to god villager.

    I mean he could be a wolf or just trying to stay super neutral on all sides to avoid lynch or munch cant quite work it out tonight.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    **** I need to go to bed, please at least read all my posts even though I did **** up in 1 or 2 spots by posting before reading all of today

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    Wow Eva that’s a good eye with that clip! So Brendan was most likely on the right track with the Mindy/Barry thing.

    Angus I don't trust you one iota by the by either, just as I'm not buying the newbie act

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    I voted Jake shortly after his reveal.

    No you said you switched from whom, we do not know, somewhere between you re figuring your FFA until this post. But you didnt choose to share that info

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    **** it
