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Donald Trump Presidency discussion Thread VI



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,109 ✭✭✭TomOnBoard

    Jeez, I just came across a report on how the Trump campaign is using so-called "push polls" that are simply designed to trap folks into expressing support for Trump/Pence 2020 and make donations (most recent one had a default $100 donation).

    One such poll was highlighted in the last day or so and has since been taken off line...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,673 ✭✭✭eire4

    Manic Moran's most recent post on the DONALD TRUMP thread:

    "We don't know that. Common Cause v Lewis is schedule to be heard in the North Carolina courts two weeks from today. It was only filed in November of 2018, so for much of the duration of the federal case, they had not even tried the State court option."

    Yes, total nonsense again.

    How he has not been banned is beyond me. His posts are never relevant, rarely true and typically a distraction from what we have been dicussing.

    Certainly when you make a post basically trying to claim the supreme court did not say gerrymandering is ok by turning their back on it is to lose all creditability. Gerrymandering is not a debatable issue about what is right or wrong. It is wrong and what the Supreme court did was a thundering disgrace and shameful.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    TomOnBoard wrote: »
    Jeez, I just came across a report on how the Trump campaign is using so-called "push polls" that are simply designed to trap folks into expressing support for Trump/Pence 2020 and make donations (most recent one had a default $100 donation).

    One such poll was highlighted in the last day or so and has since been taken off line...

    Why would any Joe Soap give him money, I mean he's so rich and successful he hardly needs it...
    Especially when he is fleecing the average tax payer with state funded trips to his own golf resorts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,109 ✭✭✭TomOnBoard

    TomOnBoard wrote: »
    Jeez, I just came across a report on how the Trump campaign is using so-called "push polls" that are simply designed to trap folks into expressing support for Trump/Pence 2020 and make donations (most recent one had a default $100 donation).

    One such poll was highlighted in the last day or so and has since been taken off line...

    Why would any Joe Soap give him money, I mean he's so rich and successful he hardly needs it...
    Especially when he is fleecing the average tax payer with state funded trips to his own golf resorts.

    Good question and part of the grift. But he personally, gives SFA to the campaign... on the other hand, his grifting family apparatus milks all such donations for what they can get.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭Kimsang

    Leroy42 wrote: »
    But we already know from Trump and his supporters that the most oppressed are the christian white men in America.
    Kimsang wrote: »
    Have you got proof of this?
    Leroy42 wrote: »
    Yes, Trump winning the election. It was all based on MAGA, getting rid of migrants and Trump made a big play of making Christmas acceptable again.

    PC correctness, liberals. Somehow moving towards equality has let white Americans, particularly white men, feel like they are under attack.

    Hence the continued rise of Neo Nazism, welcomed and facilitated by Trump.

    Can you supply evidence of what is in bold please?
    Also how has moving towards equality let white americans particularly men, feel like they are under attack, have you got any evidence of this?

    I'm not sure I can understand your argument.
    Trump and his supporters believe they are the most oppressed because it is based on maga, getting rid of migrants and making christmas acceptable.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭Kimsang

    Originally Post by Midlife....And we're back to the only thing you want to talk about. to save us the time I'll just requote our earlier conversations on this.
    Originally Posted by Midlife
    You seem to be very eager to oversimplify things to fit your current viewpoint.
    I can easily state that Trump got elected and Brexit happened because continued and rising inequality caused a rejection of the status quo.
    Or Trump got elected and Brexit happened because in both cases the opponent ran a bad campaign.
    Or Trump got elected and Brexit happened because they both legitimised racism
    All of these are correct.
    You then accused me of oversimplifying or something. Maybe just take it from there.
    (I missed this post)
    I'm not sure if you are willfully ignorant of my argument or I have failed to make my case; or its a bit of both.

    My argument is this:

    People vote for Trump, not because they are ignorant of facts, but despite the facts. The facts (Trumps oafish narcissism) that have been outlined quite well in this thread.
    When this is the case you must ask, why are they voting for the lesser of two evils, what do they believe the greater evil to be?
    You might argue his voters are ignorant of facts, I also used to think like this, but now I give people more credit.

    No-one seems to be addressing this point, and willfully skirt around it. The trump bashing, back-slapping, all the while ignoring the elephant in the room.
    America are not deplorabe, they are not becoming more racist and they have not become nazis, or at least weren't - until the left started playing identity politics.
    Harris suggests that a moderate believer in a faith inadvertently shelters those who are more fanatical than oneself from criticism.’
    [Moderate person] who shares the beliefs with the true believer but without the zealousness that leads to fanatical and extreme behaviour.
    There is a massive concentric group of moderates around the fundamentalists on the left, and not the right. This is the elephant in the room.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,365 ✭✭✭Dave_The_Sheep

    You still haven't told us what Trump supporters are voting for. You've told us they've voting for him despite various things, but not why they are voting for him.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭Kimsang

    You still haven't told us what Trump supporters are voting for. You've told us they've voting for him despite various things, but not why they are voting for him.

    I argue it is a vote against something and not an endorsement of Trump. I often see right-wing people troll the opposite side by saying they love Trump, etc..rarely I believe this is actually the case. Can you imagine how bad they believe this ideology is, considering what they know about Trump?

    This something being the bigger of two evils, the elephant in the room.

    It is the vote against equitable consequences.
    It is the vote against "pc" language, and things being taken out of context to the extent that people's lives are ruined.
    It is the vote against starting with the 'right conclusion' and working backwards to 'prove' your argument'.
    It is the vote against the flipping of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
    It is a vote against how our society is moving from a guilt to a shame culture
    It is a vote against guilt by association, vicarious guilt, vicarious shame, group shame,group guilt, group identity.
    It is a vote against victim-hood and virtue signalling culture.
    It is a vote against the condemnation of free speech.
    It is a vote against conviction without redemption.
    It is a vote against the total abandonment of intellectualism.
    It is a vote against outrage mobs.
    It is a vote against double standards.

    Big sweeping cultural changes are coming solely from one ideological bent.
    Most people will now argue with me,"but these are only the minority! This is not the majority."

    Which is ,while being true, not telling the whole picture.
    The fundamentalists are not called out within the left. So while the majority would only engage in lawful activities, they are in support of these fundamental ideas.

    Fundamentalists within the right are called out, and rightly so. No one is working to advance their political goals.

    Here is a criminally under-viewed youtube video, detailing why hit jobs by twitter mobs et all are an important parable for our times.
    "The nature of discussion is that we try to find a way to speak about thing in such a way, that an honest person can't honestly misrepresent you. That's how we write and how we speak. But we've been doing something else in recent years, we've had to become used to trying to find ways of speaking and writing that means a dishonest person can not dishonestly misrepresent us. The problem is- that's basically impossible"-Douglas Murray.
    "We in Britain are entering a dangerous social condition in which the direct expression of opinions that conflict-or merely seem to conflict- with a narrow set of orthodoxies is instantly punished by a band of self-appointed vigilantes. We are being cowed into abject conformity around a dubious set of official doctrines and told to adopt a world view that we cannot examine for fear of being publicly humiliated by the censors. This world view might lead to a new and liberated social order; or it might lead to the social and spiritual destruction of our country. How will we know if we are too afraid to discuss it?" - Roger Scruton

  • Registered Users Posts: 900 ✭✭✭Midlife

    Kimsang wrote: »
    (I missed this post)
    I'm not sure if you are willfully ignorant of my argument or I have failed to make my case; or its a bit of both.

    My argument is this:

    People vote for Trump, not because they are ignorant of facts, but despite the facts. The facts (Trumps oafish narcissism) that have been outlined quite well in this thread.
    When this is the case you must ask, why are they voting for the lesser of two evils, what do they believe the greater evil to be?
    You might argue his voters are ignorant of facts, I also used to think like this, but now I give people more credit.

    No-one seems to be addressing this point, and willfully skirt around it. The trump bashing, back-slapping, all the while ignoring the elephant in the room.
    America are not deplorabe, they are not becoming more racist and they have not become nazis, or at least weren't - until the left started playing identity politics.

    There is a massive concentric group of moderates around the fundamentalists on the left, and not the right. This is the elephant in the room.

    You seem just hell bent on blaming the left for everrything.

    Hillary was a bad candidate, the's why some held their noses and voted for Trump.

    Your lesser of two evils doesn't explain things like Trump cleaning up in the Republician primary?

  • Registered Users Posts: 900 ✭✭✭Midlife

    Kimsang wrote: »
    I argue it is a vote against something and not an endorsement of Trump. I often see right-wing people troll the opposite side by saying they love Trump, etc..rarely I believe this is actually the case. Can you imagine how bad they believe this ideology is, considering what they know about Trump?

    This something being the bigger of two evils, the elephant in the room.

    It is the vote against equitable consequences.
    It is the vote against "pc" language, and things being taken out of context to the extent that people's lives are ruined.
    It is the vote against starting with the 'right conclusion' and working backwards to 'prove' your argument'.
    It is the vote against the flipping of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
    It is a vote against how our society is moving from a guilt to a shame culture
    It is a vote against guilt by association, vicarious guilt, vicarious shame, group shame,group guilt, group identity.
    It is a vote against victim-hood and virtue signalling culture.
    It is a vote against the condemnation of free speech.
    It is a vote against conviction without redemption.
    It is a vote against the total abandonment of intellectualism.
    It is a vote against outrage mobs.
    It is a vote against double standards.

    Big sweeping cultural changes are coming solely from one ideological bent.
    Most people will now argue with me,"but these are only the minority! This is not the majority."

    Which is ,while being true, not telling the whole picture.
    The fundamentalists are not called out within the left. So while the majority would only engage in lawful activities, they are in support of these fundamental ideas.

    Fundamentalists within the right are called out, and rightly so. No one is working to advance their political goals.

    Here is a criminally under-viewed youtube video, detailing why hit jobs by twitter mobs et all are an important parable for our times.

    Gah, pleae stop. It's just not true. You're making a single point over and over and over and saying it determined the entire election.

    Find statistics or exit polls showing that people voted for Trump as a backlash against liberal values and online issues. Otherwise, stop this constant posting about the same thing over and over.

    An estimated 13% of people that voted for Obama switched to Trump.

    Lots of blue collar Democrats swtiched to Trump.

    If you bother researching it they say they saw Trump as a continuation of the 'change' that Obama promised. Globalisation had failed middle america and Trump was the voice of the little person.

    The reason he may not be re-elected is that these people haven't been served well by him.

    This is just one example. Trump's vote was made up aof a lot of separate groups. As you say, SOME of it may have been a backlash to liberal values but some was the death throes of the white american males, some of it was emboldened racists and nationalists he brought out, some was traditional republicians, some were hillary haters, some were tea party, some were democrats, some were bernie sanders fans.

    You are always going to be wrong when you oversimplify it as such.

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  • Site Banned Posts: 1,463 ✭✭✭RIGOLO

    An historic day in US History .
    Donald Trump has become the first sitting US president to set foot in NK .

    So we have had a cessation of NK nuclear testing, we have had a cessation of long range ballistic missle testing, and now we have a meeting of POTUS and Kim Jong-Un in the DMZ

    And the anti-TRumpers have been saying he has achieved nothing .
    At 3:44pm, POTUS walked out of Freedom House, together with President Moon, towards the military demarcation line between South and North Korea, located between the two famous blue huts.

    The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, wearing his traditional Mao suit, was walking down the stairs towards him on the Northern side of the line.

    At 3:45pm, the two leaders shook hands over the concrete slab that forms the military demarcation line between South and North Korea.

    “Good to see you again”, said Kim in English, adding that he would have “never expected” to see POTUS “at this place”.

    At 3:46pm, POTUS crossed the line, becoming the first sitting US president to step into North Korea.

    He then walked a few meters into the North together with Kim.

    “Good progress, good progress”, he said as the two leaders crossed back to the South.

    The two leaders are now holding a bilateral meeting in The Freedom House on the South Korean side.

  • Posts: 17,378 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Midlife wrote: »
    You seem just hell bent on blaming the left for everrything.

    Hillary was a bad candidate, the's why some held their noses and voted for Trump.

    Your lesser of two evils doesn't explain things like Trump cleaning up in the Republician primary?

    Pretty poor example when you consider that it was the left who wanted him to win that primary, not the right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,378 ✭✭✭✭everlast75

    RIGOLO wrote: »
    An historic day in US History .
    Donald Trump has become the first sitting US president to set foot in NK .

    So we have had a cessation of NK nuclear testing, we have had a cessation of long range ballistic missle testing, and now we have a meeting of POTUS and Kim Jong-Un in the DMZ

    And the anti-TRumpers have been saying he has achieved nothing .

    Do you not agree that what he has given to KJU, in return, has the makings of an awful deal, or are you not open to that idea?

    Incidentally, what is it with Trump and him aligning himself with dictators who murder Journalists? KJU, Putin and of course MBS. In relation to the latter, Trump claimed that it was an "honour" to meet him and that there was no proof that he was involved in the murder and dismemberment of the US journalist. This is patently untrue. Even Graham, one of the most sycophantic Trump supporters is adamant in that.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 4,850 ✭✭✭Stop moaning ffs

    RIGOLO wrote: »
    An historic day in US History .
    Donald Trump has become the first sitting US president to set foot in NK .

    So we have had a cessation of NK nuclear testing, we have had a cessation of long range ballistic missle testing, and now we have a meeting of POTUS and Kim Jong-Un in the DMZ

    And the anti-TRumpers have been saying he has achieved nothing .

    We’ve been asked by mods not to post copy paste press releases. Maybe you missed that. Just a heads up. You don’t want to get in trouble.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 4,850 ✭✭✭Stop moaning ffs

    This is the most cringe inducing thing you’ll see this year. Is she there in an official capacity representing the US? I can’t understake Why someone so completely unqualified is even in this situation? Or is she just trumps envoy?
    Can anyone explain please?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,951 ✭✭✭B0jangles

    This is the most cringe inducing thing you’ll see this year. Is she there in an official capacity representing the US? I can’t unders Why someone so completely unqualified is even in this situation? Or is she just trumps envoy?
    Can anyone explain please?

    They'll just find a single shot where Ivanka has her mouth open and at least one of the others is sort of looking in her direction with minimal contempt and caption it 'Ivanka Trump Weighs in On Key Policy Issues At G20'.

    It'll probably be centrally featured in all her campaign material in a couple of years .

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 4,850 ✭✭✭Stop moaning ffs

    B0jangles wrote: »
    They'll just find a single shot where Ivanka has her mouth open and at least one of the others is sort of looking in her direction with minimal contempt and caption it 'Ivanka Trump Weighs in On Key Policy Issues At G20'.

    It'll probably be centrally featured in all her campaign material in a couple of years .

    I don’t doubt she has aspirations but I can’t see her ever being elected in the US.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,956 ✭✭✭Christy42

    Pretty poor example when you consider that it was the left who wanted him to win that primary, not the right.

    Irrelevant. The right still voted for him over a range of other options that were right wing. Whatever about candidates from the left being hated they didn't put a better right wing candidate forward and Trump sets a low bar.

    People still cheer for him in rallies as he says horrific things. A lot of people are not holding their nose voting for him.

    We have people wearing his image of military fatigues.

    Some may have held their noses while voting for Trump but that does not appear to be a majority.

    40%+ still approve of him remember. It is just a lazy "we can't defend trump so we will say the other side is as bad" argument. I've heard it before and I will end up hearing it again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,077 ✭✭✭relax carry on

    I don’t doubt she has aspirations but I can’t see her ever being elected in the US.

    Never say never. American politics to an extent seems to have embraced "personality" over policy. Which is why we have Trump the "personality" through his complete unfitness for office creating chaos wherever he goes.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I don’t doubt she has aspirations but I can’t see her ever being elected in the US.

    Trump probably thinks she can just take over when he leaves!

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 4,850 ✭✭✭Stop moaning ffs

    Never say never. American politics to an extent seems to have embraced "personality" over policy. Which is why we have Trump the "personality" through his complete unfitness for office creating chaos wherever he goes.

    Well it’s been personality based on and off since Kennedy. But you’re right it definitely is now.
    I should have said I can’t see America falling for it again. She’s the very definition of empty vessel and utterly unqualified for that or any serious role.
    As you say though, don’t rule anything out.
    I’d say even a weak democratic nominee would have no trouble exposing her unsuitability.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 4,850 ✭✭✭Stop moaning ffs

    Trump probably thinks she can just take over when he leaves!

    She’s at least not as appalling as the sons. Carries herself with some self respect at the very least. Although I’m open to correction on that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,378 ✭✭✭✭everlast75

    I know we are not supposed to post without comment, but I could not possibly further the point being made here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,298 ✭✭✭✭

    Pretty poor example when you consider that it was the left who wanted him to win that primary, not the right.

    There is no Left in American politics.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 36,306 CMod ✭✭✭✭pixelburp

    Theresa May, Legarde and Macron; I couldn't think of a trio I'd less like to shuffle into a conversation with, but the naked obsequiousness from Ivanka is nauseating. Her presence is also pure nepotism in action, her and her floundering husband have no business being on the front lines of geopolitics.

    Samantha Bee said, not in jest but in all seriousness, and I think she's right: the first female US president is likely to be Ivanka Trump. She's grooming, or being groomed, for high office so that when she takes a stab at a senate seat she can trot out moments like this. Look at the "good Trump", already experienced in the trade politics.

    And can we please give the reductionism over Trumps election as some kick against a fictional Left a rest?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,956 ✭✭✭Christy42

    pixelburp wrote: »
    Theresa May, Legarde and Macron; I couldn't think of a trio is less like to shuffle into a conversation with, but the naked obsequiousness from Ivanka is nauseating. Her presence is also pure nepotism in action, her and her floundering husband have no business being on the front lines of geopolitics.

    Samantha Bee said, not in jest but in all seriousness, and I think she's right: the first female US president is likely to be Ivanka Trump. She's grooming, or being groomed, for high office so that when she takes a stab at a senate seat she can trot out moments like this. Look at the "good Trump", already experienced in the trade politics.

    And can we please give the reductionism over Trumps election as some kick against a fictional Left a rest?

    Doubtful. Republicans tend to vote less women in than Democrats. I don't see them voting in the first female president. I think it will turn off a section of their voter base.

    It is absolutely neoptism in action. I am not sure it will work. Or at least not to that office any time soon. I am sure she is making plenty of money of it as it is.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 4,850 ✭✭✭Stop moaning ffs

    pixelburp wrote: »
    Theresa May, Legarde and Macron; I couldn't think of a trio is less like to shuffle into a conversation with, but the naked obsequiousness from Ivanka is nauseating. Her presence is also pure nepotism in action, her and her floundering husband have no business being on the front lines of geopolitics.

    Samantha Bee said, not in jest but in all seriousness, and I think she's right: the first female US president is likely to be Ivanka Trump. She's grooming, or being groomed, for high office so that when she takes a stab at a senate seat she can trot out moments like this. Look at the "good Trump", already experienced in the trade politics.

    And can we please give the reductionism over Trumps election as some kick against a fictional Left a rest?

    In your last sentence you said something I’ve wondered. People using liberal as a pejorative. And ‘the left’. I don’t know anyone who self identifies as a member of the left. Or liberal. Sure they have tolerant views and stands on issues but it’s in no way the movement the right makes it out to be. And the right is definitely an active entity.

    Putin in this weeks FT saying the left/liberalism is a dead idea run its time.
    We know he’s still actively disrupting western discourse and destabilising where he can. I wonder if this idea of the left/liberalism actually is an invention of those who share his views. Both in America and abroad. I do agree there is no ‘left’ in America for sure. I’m not sure there truly is anywhere.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 36,306 CMod ✭✭✭✭pixelburp

    Christy42 wrote: »
    Doubtful. Republicans tend to vote less women in than Democrats. I don't see them voting in the first female president. I think it will turn off a section of their voter base.

    It is absolutely neoptism in action. I am not sure it will work. Or at least not to that office any time soon. I am sure she is making plenty of money of it as it is.

    You're right on the historical front, but the Trump Cult of Personality is strong and now embedded into the sports team mentality of US politics. Ivankas attempted toadying with the global great and good has to be a step on the ladder. It probably depends on what kind of retrospective conscience hits the Republicans after Trump leaves.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 4,850 ✭✭✭Stop moaning ffs

    If brexit truly heads for disaster, come the time she steps up to run, the US will no longer be the biggest most surreal bizarre circus show in town. The UK will be.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,956 ✭✭✭Christy42

    pixelburp wrote: »
    You're right on the historical front, but the Trump Cult of Personality is strong and now embedded into the sports team mentality of US politics. Ivankas attempted toadying with the global great and good has to be a step on the ladder. It probably depends on what kind of retrospective conscience hits the Republicans after Trump leaves.
    I think she will also struggle getting away with being as aggressive as Trump. Trump also played heavily on peoples biases were she needs to shut a lot of them down.

    She certainly has a massive step up vs other future contenders. We will see. Trump does not have a natural "heir" to run in 6 years time (presuming he pulls off a second term). We will see how much of that cult can be shifted onto a different but linked personality.

    I am certainly not counting on republicans gaining a conscience after Trump though. McConnell has shown where they stand.

This discussion has been closed.