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Boards Golf Society - Dooks Golf club 21st Sept 2pm



  • Registered Users Posts: 15,973 ✭✭✭✭Seve OB

    Well where do I start!
    Friday, skipped the golf, was working in the AM and to be honest I just wanted to get down early and relax a bit, it's not often you can get away from the wife and kids for a few days! So a haircut, T-Bone Steak and Jacuzzi it was!! Few civilised beers later on but not enough sleep, was up early Sat morning and couldn't sleep. A quick dip before heading for the course, with plans to hit the Killarney range on the way out except I drove straight past it and was wondering for the next 5 miles where it was!!!

    Probably the worst conditions I've ever played in, certainly the wettest. goretex though is amazing. kept me mostly dry. I do have to apologise to my playing partners though, Fix Double and later joined by Champ, because on the last few holes I knew I was going ok for the conditions so took a bit of time on a few shots trying to get the hands/gloves dry as they had been slipping a bit on the previous few holes and it cost me a scratch on 12.

    I started ok with 2 decent shots on the first leaving me pin high but 3 putted it!! I airmailed the 4th hitting basically a perfect 8 iron to the 165 yard pin, but it flew about 185 into cabbage out the back and scratched the hole. It kind of summed up my game of late, good striking but not scoring. I held my nerve though and dug deep, played some good shots, some great shots and thankfully not to many bad ones. Myself and fix were doing alright with 13 on the front & we had a bit of a ding dong battle till he got unlucky on the 14th and ended up in gorse out the back of the green. My putter was reasonably hot but I still had a 4 3putts (3 of them on the back 9) which cost me in the end. On top of that I missed 4 pretty makeable putts also, some quite softly, they weren't tap in's but I just made feeble attempts at them. Having said that, I did drop quite a few nice putts that I you mightn't normally expect to make.

    Have to thank my playing partners for great company during the round. Fix as usual brings great banter during the round, we know each other very well at this stage, so much so we even go to concerts and birthday parties together. I think it might have been the first time I played with Doublecross who just didn't get it going till it was to late. A class golfer. the champ joined us for the last few holes and was doing really well, even if he did steal the long drive off my by the width of a golfball as I was about 60 yards ahead of him but finished a half a roll off the fairway!

    Captain Benny, thanks for everything this year. You were a "little dinger" right from the bedroom in Scotland through to the bedroom in Killarney...… ooops that might sound worse than it was for anyone who wasn't there haha well done throughout the year for keeping everything in order, picking great courses and keeping the spirits high. A legend.

    Killarney, great town, good banter, hotel was spot on, we could have played a par 72 crazy golf course though from the lobby to the bedrooms which were so far that they were nearly out in Muckross!!

    Delighted I made the jug on merit having only played 4 games and making an absolute mess of 2 of them! that's every year i'll be in the team since I joined back in 2013, so far record is played 6, won 3, drew 2 and lost 1. hoping to improve this year. so for the rest of the team, i'll see you in tulfarris and for the rest of yiz, i'll catch you all next year.

    Over to you now Space, you have a hard act to follow, but will make a great captain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,929 ✭✭✭RoadRunner

    What a washout. Would love another shot at DucksDooks under better conditions. I tried to keep it steady and under control, you knew scoring would be difficult for everyone. I managed to keep control of my gear and keep my head down and stay as comfortable as was possible under the conditions. This made a big difference and allowed me to really enjoy my round.

    Unfortunately I overhit many pitches into the greens from excellent positions. Was hitting my landing spots but the ball never checked up as expected. So I was then left with many difficult pitches back over the greens. On reflection I think that it was so wet that my clubface wasn't gripping the ball to spin it and as as result I was picking the wrong landing spots.

    Greens were great. Course underfoot was excellent, handled the rain way better then you'd expect. Only once I had to take a drop for standing water, and just needed to move few feet during a real deluge.

    My 28pts was only a few back in the end. I pulled a ball oob on 17, made par with the second ball and missed short putts on both 16 and 18. So the last three holes alone and the only pleasant weather of the day, I threw away the 4 strokes needed right there! If it had continue pissing right up until the end I'd have had the win for sure :pac:

    I had some good birdy opportunities along the way, and a great shot at a 2 also, but alas nothing dropped.

    I'm glad I was able to enjoy my round and deal with the conditions.

    Macker and Brianrossiter were great company. Macker's trolley gave up the ghost halfway around which made finishing impossible. B.R. kept it going and kept the spirits up for both of us, after his raingear gave up on him and he reached saturation point - the craic between us got excellent towards the end.

    Playing into a big full high intensity double rainbow on 16 as the weather finally started to clear was a highlight, I must have been dazzled by the rainbow though as this also coincided with my poor finish.

    Word is that the biblical rain was not retribution for Benny's many sins over the weekend. Great year, massive congrats to Benny and the committee. Congrats to AlanM for the win and for getting to fill his car up with some really nice prizes and silverware. AlanM's become a really great golfer and tough competitor over the last few years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 808 ✭✭✭SEORG

    When I arrived at Dooks after a pleasant drive down from Limerick, it was breezy & mild but still no rain. I decided to put on the shorts and even put sunscreen on the nose & cheeks..:rolleyes:

    I had seen the forecast so in spite of Benny's optimism I brought the rain gear and waterproof carry bag to put on the trolly. It just always works out better if you remember to bring the battery for the trolley and an umbrella...not the best start...oh well. I now have a new golf umbrella covered in toads and the tray for the battery resembled a bird bath by the 3 hole.
    The rain arrived for the first tee time and as we all have a chat around the first tee, there is a steady flow of golfers crossing the first fairway heading for the clubhouse having given in to the conditions.
    The starter tells us that whatever weather is in the valley to our left is what's coming our way....we couldn't see the valley due to the amount of rain.

    To the golf...I probably hit 4 fairways all day (the misses were big!) and my iron play wasn't much better. My short game saved me from shooting below 20 pts.
    My body just wasn't co-operating with my brain. I cleared the 18th fairway off the first and second tee's and had to play to play a full 4 iron over the 18th green into the first (made a bogey).
    The highlights were a 2 putt birdie on the first par 5, birdie on 16 after having to hit provisional off the tee, 8 pts for the last 3 holes to save the card some bit and in spite of my brutal play I only lost 1 golf ball.

    AlanM and princess poppy were great company. While myself and poppy didn't have a great day, congrats to AlanM on the win and a fantastic round of golf with a serious back nine, hitting plenty of fairways and greens.
    It was made even more impressive by his ability to block out the utter rubbish I was playing.

    Despite the monsoon, we finished in warm sunshine for the last few holes, it was a great day out.

    This was my first year playing in the society and I'm delighted I finally joined. I played some good stuff and some bad but always enjoyed the day. It's great to play golf with people who love to play golf.

    Congrats to AlanM on the golfer of the year and well done slave1 for making it such a close contest. To Benny, Seve OB and everyone behind the scenes, thanks a million.

    Best of luck to Space next year....looking forward to the jug!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭Alanm

    Well that was a fun weekend :D

    To start with, thanks a million Capt. Benny for everything during the year. You and the committee did a great job organising everything - the courses were all great. The European and Dooks were both bucket list courses for me!

    As has been mentioned a few times, it was a little damp out there. It was definitely some of the worst conditions I've ever completed a round in. There's been a few occasions in Citywest where we've started out in similar conditions and been called in due to the course getting completely flooded. It's a real credit to Dooks that it can handle that volume of rain with hardly any issues. I don't think we had a single drop out of standing water in our group.

    My round started pretty poorly with 2 scratches in the first 3 holes, lack of warm up definitely didn't help and I was hitting everything into the rough. Managed to score on the next 6 holes to turn with 12 points. At that stage, I was fairly sure that there wouldn't be a huge score in so set myself a target of 18 pts for the back 9 which I hoped would be pretty close (I knew from the start that I had to win to have any chance of GOTY and a minor miracle of other results going my way).

    Started the back 9 with a birdie on the 10th. From there things went well, I hit a lot of GIR over the next 5/6 holes and any I missed were good misses for fairly easy up and downs. Standing on 17 with 16 pts on the back 9 with shots on the last 2 holes I tried to play safe. A bad bogie on 17 and a good bogie on 18 (missed right and had to shoot over the big dune for 3rd shot, got it just off the green for a relatively easy 2 putt) meant I finished the back 9 2 over and a very pleasing 20pts.

    Thanks very much to Princess Poppy and SEORG for the great company on the round.

    I'll admit that coming off the course, I was pretty hopeful that 32pts might be enough to win. However, I was shocked to get GOTY, it was very unexpected as I was sure Slave1 was going to get enough extra points to take it regardless of what I did... Hard luck Slave!

    Looking forward to the Jug next month, hope to catch up with some of you then!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,533 ✭✭✭spacecoyote

    Finally getting around to posting after a great weekend. It was a long one, but as always, very worthwhile

    Starting on Friday, 8 of us made the trip over to Dromoland to play the open. The sun was shining, and a few of us even were putting on the sunscreen before we went out. As always, when the Tiger is involved, there has to be more to play for than just an open, so we all settled on 2, 2 & 2.

    I tee'd off with Roadrunner, Poppy & Doublecross. There was a strong wind blowing, which became very apparent standing on the first green. Roadrunner & Doublecross are big hitters & when one they are hitting a 3w & 2i into the par 3 3rd, you know you're in for a tough day.

    I had a solid start myself & played steady golf all day including highlights of an eagle on the short par 5 4th & a birdie on the short par 4 15th.

    Had 15 points out & 16 back for 31 which turned out to be the best score on the day. It wasn't enough to take all the money though. As would be expected, Tiger snuck in with the best front 9 to take one set of 2s.

    My playing partners generally struggled overall on the day, but all added their contributions to the round. Shot of the round being an epic 2i off the tee on the par 5 11th by Roadrunner. Its a long hole, with a big carry. The line taken was more than I could likely carry with a perfect drive, and he left himself with a 6i in.

    I phoned Dromoland this morning & with a CSS of 75, my 31 will scrape me a buffer!

    When we got off the course, the clubhouse bar was full so a few of us headed for a quick stop off & some dinner in Adare on the way down to Killarney.

    It was a long day. Left the house around 11ish in the morning, and eventually got to Killarney at around 11ish that night.

    Woke up to a dull, but not terrible morning. We headed for the course hopeful that Benny's rain-dance might save us once again, but we our hopes were well & truly dashed. I've never played in such prolonged heavy wind & rain. I have decent rain gear, but was still soaked through by the end of it.

    It really is a credit to the type of society that we have here that practically all of the golfers finished the 18 holes out. Many an other society would have given up after 5-6 holes & decided to drown their sorrows in the bar.

    I was out with Tiger & Charlie, two long-time members, who I haven't had the pleasure of playing with for quite a while, so was looking forward to the round.

    The two lads struggled on the front 9 (as did basically everyone else on the course really), but I ticked along nicely. After 8 holes, I was only 1 down on level 2s, so was pretty happy. Arrived at the 9th thinking it was a great scoring chance. A par 5 which I had a stroke on. Unfortunately it was the first hole where I hit a bad tee shot. Myself & Tiger both pushed the ball right off the tee. We found his ball, but never any sign of mine, so a scratch, but 15 points on the front 9, so pretty happy.

    The back 9 starts with another scorable par 5 which I had a stroke on. I hit an OK drive, decent 2nd, but then, when hitting my approach to the green, I pulled the shot Out Of Bounds (about the only OOB spot I can remember on the course). Ended up scratching that hole too.

    Picked myself back up & got back on track making a couple of good pars & holing out to save points a few times.

    Made a really good up & down for par on the 18th hole too, which put a nice shine on the round & let me finish with 15 back, for 30 points overall. My distance putting was pretty poor all day, but I holed out really well from short/mid range. Found it really difficult to get the pace on the greens.

    Was leader in the clubhouse for quite a while, as I was out early in the day. Thought I might be the first member to retain the Captain's Prize. Alas, Alanm came in with a great 32 points to beat me to the big prize & leave me rueing the 2 scratches on the par 5s at the turn.

    Tiger & Charlie starting to find come form on the back 9. Charlie had pretty much given up so started hitting drives towards the end & hit some cracking perfect draws up the middle. Tiger, pulled himself together in the end & had a good back 9. I guess the chance to take fiver from a few of the lads is always enough to motivate him. His battling to the end paid dividends & he finished the day a few quid richer & with a smile on his face!

    A couple of photos from when the rain finally stopped (when we are on the 18th hole :()




    That night we got the balance right I think. Enough time early in the evening for good chat & catch up with everyone, before taking the party on & having a dance & some craic. I feel like we're in a different generation. A gang of lads having a laugh & actually interacting with each other, surrounded by 20-something year olds more interested in getting the right Instagram filter on the photos their taking of themselves.

    To finish, just a special thank you to Captain Benny. He is completely mental, but is a gentleman underneath it all. He has done a great job of making everyone feel welcome, both new members & old. You've had a great year, and thanks for the honour of being asked to step in & take up the mantle.

    I hope I can keep up the traditions of the society & make 2020 a great year. I'm looking forward to it already & hope to put together a list of courses that can keep everyone happy.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 7,205 Mod ✭✭✭✭charlieIRL

    Another great finale to the Society Season, who knew when the few of us started it that we'd be still going strong to this day with the complexity of organising players from all over the country.

    Huge congrats to Benny79 for the work he's done this year, from the selection of courses and to get so many new faces to join, the Society has gone from strength to strength. We have no doubt that this trend will continue in the future. Many thanks to Seve for all his hard work behind the scenes as well, meant very little work for the rest of us apart from supplying a bit of banter in our WhatsApp group!!

    Saturday tested us all, unfortunately we are at the mercy of Irish weather but there’s no point in complaining about it. I even arrived in shorts I was that optimistic!! What can we do?!! We’ve had another great year even though it was my worst performance overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the new courses we got to play and rue the chances missed on the courses I knew well but didn’t get to play. It’s the first year since we started the society that I missed more than one even I think.

    I knew my driver was off form (Lesson this Thursday!!) so reverted to my trusty 5 iron and for most of the round, it worked great. Unfortunately, a few loose approach shots and the super fast greens caught me out too many times meant I was battling for a score. Took the driver out to play on the 16th / 17th & 18th and hit some very decent shots with it so maybe it could have come out earlier!! Was a pleasure to have Spacecoyote & Tiger for company again, its been too long since we played a round together.

    Here’s to Boards retaining the Jug and to next season.

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭princess poppy

    Well somebody has to ask if anyone came in with dry (or even dryish) feet last Saturday?????

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,131 ✭✭✭benny79

    Well somebody has to ask if anyone came in with dry (or even dryish) feet last Saturday?????

    You joking?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,929 ✭✭✭RoadRunner

    Well somebody has to ask if anyone came in with dry (or even dryish) feet last Saturday?????

    Damp, but relatively comfortable.

    If you have a good jacket it will repel the water down and test the pants. If you have good pants then it will run down to your shoes.


    (Keeping the scorecard dry with wet weather gloves is the toughest)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 18,984 Mod ✭✭✭✭slave1

    RoadRunner wrote: »
    If you have a good jacket it will repel the water down and test the pants. If you have good pants then it will run down to your shoes.

    This is it exactly

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,929 ✭✭✭RoadRunner

    Just ordered a new umbrella (mine didn't complete the round) :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,879 ✭✭✭Macker1

    I got my new trolley :):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭princess poppy

    RoadRunner wrote: »
    Just ordered a new umbrella (mine didn't complete the round) :pac:

    I think I saw it languishing lifelessly by the side of the 14th tee box, a silver one? I remember cos it looked exactly as I felt !!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,929 ✭✭✭RoadRunner

    I think I saw it languishing lifelessly by the side of the 14th tee box, a silver one? I remember cos it looked exactly as I felt !!!!

    That's the one :D I couldn't open it, neither could I close it and I couldn't take it any further. Seeing as it was midway between this world and the next... you really must have not felt great at that point :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 215 ✭✭newindublin

    RoadRunner wrote: »
    If you have a good jacket it will repel the water down and test the pants. If you have good pants then it will run down to your shoes.

    My rain jacket was garbage, which eventually lead to my pants and finally my shoes becoming soaked. So I purchased a new Galvin Green Gortex jacket last night, I hope this rights the ship next time.

    Good playing with ballyk, Kingswood Rover, both good company. My game was just far enough off to leave a bunch of points out there, though I hit a fair number of good shots I couldn't seem to get in a scoring groove. I think I had 1 point on the first 5 holes of the back 9, just enough off to score a little but not really ever be in contention.
