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Banned from AH for 2 word sign off no warning seen

  • 14-09-2019 7:09pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 47

    Hi I have been banned from AH for three days due to trolling. The mod who banned me said I was warned. However I received no PM or formal warning. There was apparently a warning on a thread that I had not seen. Mod has directed me to DR so I will post PMs.

    On a separate note I was unaware a 2 word sign off with inoffensive words was an offfense? Where should I raise this? Help Desk?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 Heavy Beast

    From: Ten of Swords
    Date: 14/09/2019 | 17:10
    Dear Heavy Beast,

    You have been banned from After Hours for three days for Trolling.

    This means you are posting in an intentionally provocative fashion in order to gain a reaction from other members. This is disruptive and causes stress to other members.
    We don't want that here.

    For more information please refer to the FAQ.

    If you wish to appeal this ban you can see details on how to do so here.

    Ten of Swords

    Heavy Beast
    To: Ten of Swords
    Date: 14/09/2019 | 19:07
    Hi - can you respond please and tell me where I was trolling?

    From: Ten of Swords
    Date: 14/09/2019 | 19:42
    You have been spamming your catchphrase on multiple AH threads and you ignored a mod warning not to do it again.

    To: Ten of Swords
    Date: 14/09/2019 | 19:44
    What warning ? I never saw any warning. And what harm is a sig?

    From: Ten of Swords
    Date: 14/09/2019 | 19:50
    The final post in this thread

    From Heavy Beast
    To: Ten of Swords
    Date: 14/09/2019 | 19:52
    I never saw that. Why wasn’t it issued as a PM or a formal warning if a 2 word sign off is an issue.?

    To: Ten of Swords
    Date: 14/09/2019 | 19:58
    I assume I need to start a dispute thread? Also can you confirm a 2 word sign off with non offensive words is a banning offense as I will also need to start a help desk thread on this ?

    From: Ten of Swords
    Date: 14/09/2019 | 20:05
    Start a dispute resolution thread if you wish, I am done discussing this.

    You asked why you were banned and have been told. You ignored a mod warning. You also picked up a card earlier today for having a go at another poster. The sum total of your contributions to the forum have not been positive.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 Heavy Beast

    Hi can I check what is next step with this ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 Heavy Beast

    What is the normal turnaround for these?

  • Administrators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 78,454 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Beasty

    I will alert the CMods to this thread

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 Heavy Beast

    Beasty wrote: »
    I will alert the CMods to this thread

    Is there any hope of progressing this ?

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  • Administrators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 78,454 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Beasty

    Yes - the a CMod is currently checking some points with the local mods

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,434 ✭✭✭✭Pawwed Rig

    Hi Heavy Beast. Bear with me on this. I am looking at it for you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 Heavy Beast

    Pawwed Rig wrote: »
    Hi Heavy Beast. Bear with me on this. I am looking at it for you.

    Ok thanks. There are 2 elements I would like considered.

    1. The 2 word sign off that is a bit of a joke with friends ( some of whom are on Boards)

    2. No official warning or PM that this was an issue. There was something on a thread that I hadn’t seen.

    Separately I would like to understand the heavy handed approach to my light hearted sign off? Is this actually a banable offense? In the spirit of AH I would have thought not?

  • Administrators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 78,454 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Beasty

    Separately I would like to understand the heavy handed approach to my light hearted sign off?
    I'll just make a point here in connection with site (and not forum-specific) policy

    Just to clarify - the suite does permit "formal" signatures, the details of which can be seen here

    However users can switch off the visibility of such signatures - including a "signature" in the main body of text can be considered spam

    However, beyond the sanction itself, which i believe was triggered by the repeated use of this "signature", site policy on signatures is not for discussion here. You can though start a thread in Help Desk on the matter if you wish, once this DRP has concluded


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 Heavy Beast

    Beasty wrote: »
    I'll just make a point here in connection with site (and not forum-specific) policy

    Just to clarify - the suite does permit "formal" signatures, the details of which can be seen here

    However users can switch off the visibility of such signatures - including a "signature" in the main body of text can be considered spam

    However, beyond the sanction itself, which i believe was triggered by the repeated use of this "signature", site policy on signatures is not for discussion here. You can though start a thread in Help Desk on the matter if you wish, once this DRP has concluded


    Hi I don’t have permission to view that link. Just to note this was a sign off rather than a signature.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,434 ✭✭✭✭Pawwed Rig

    I have discussed with the mods and they have agreed to reduce it down to red card in this case. I would note the the infraction is for ignoring a mod instruction. It would be reasonable for them to assume you had seen it considering that you started the thread so presumably get notifications when they are responded to.

    If you are in agreement with the ewduction to red card please confirm. Alternatively request an admin review.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 Heavy Beast

    Pawwed Rig wrote: »
    I have discussed with the mods and they have agreed to reduce it down to red card in this case. I would note the the infraction is for ignoring a mod instruction. It would be reasonable for them to assume you had seen it considering that you started the thread so presumably get notifications when they are responded to.

    If you are in agreement with the ewduction to red card please confirm. Alternatively request an admin review.

    Well as I said I didn’t see it - this is the point !

    If a thread has been locked - as that was one was - it drops down the list of followed threads pretty quick doesn’t it? So why is that deemed an effective warning ?

    I don’t check email notifications for thread updates. I don’t use my main gmail account for boards.

    As I asked, why if it was an issue meriting a 3 day ban was I not PMed or warned officially? And secondly why was it an issue in the first place at all? If I had been warned I would have discussed at that point.

    Also has the offense changed from spamming/trolling? As this seems to be moving the goal posts. I don’t feel adding a non offensive 2 word sign off to my posts in AH is trolling

    If you aren’t going to reconsider per my points above them I would like an Admin review.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 Heavy Beast

    Well as I said I didn’t see it - this is the point !

    If a thread has been locked - as that was one was - it drops down the list of followed threads pretty quick doesn’t it? So why is that deemed an effective warning ?

    I don’t check email notifications for thread updates. I don’t use my main gmail account for boards.

    As I asked, why if it was an issue meriting a 3 day ban was I not PMed or warned officially? And secondly why was it an issue in the first place at all? If I had been warned I would have discussed at that point.

    Also has the offense changed from spamming/trolling? As this seems to be moving the goal posts. I don’t feel adding a non offensive 2 word sign off to my posts in AH is trolling

    If you aren’t going to reconsider per my points above them I would like an Admin review.

    Hi can you consider these points as I feel they haven’t been properly taken into account. If you still want to infract can you have an Admin review please.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,434 ✭✭✭✭Pawwed Rig

    Admin requested

  • Administrators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 78,454 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Beasty

    You have been offered a reduction, which you have chosen not to take up

    I am upholding the original ban

    You are allowed a signature, but only after 50 posts. You chose to circumvent that and apply your own signature to all your posts. A very irritating signature that was bound to wind others up

    If and when you do have an "official" signature, other users can chose to switch off visibility of that signature. You offered no such choice

    If you choose to use that sign off again, other than through a "proper" signature, it will be considered spamming which usually results in a siteban

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 Heavy Beast

    Beasty wrote: »
    You have been offered a reduction, which you have chosen not to take up

    I am upholding the original ban

    You are allowed a signature, but only after 50 posts. You chose to circumvent that and apply your own signature to all your posts. A very irritating signature that was bound to wind others up

    If and when you do have an "official" signature, other users can chose to switch off visibility of that signature. You offered no such choice

    If you choose to use that sign off again, other than through a "proper" signature, it will be considered spamming which usually results in a siteban

    Neither you nor the CMoD have addressed any of my points. Completely ignored in fact.

  • Administrators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 78,454 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Beasty

    This is for dealing with your ban

    I have upheld that ban, and provided an explanation why

    Marking this resolved

This discussion has been closed.