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South Park WW ROLE MADNESS - Game Thread



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Brendan WW wrote: »
    Im just trying to work out something, someone is lying to us.... obviously

    Frank was Mr Mackay
    Lucy was Kenny

    Who was Conor?
    Conor WW wrote: »
    Ok, but if you are a wolf and you convert me I will get you lynched. I hate being converted, nothing throws me over the edge more then that!

    I’m Sheila Brovlovski , my role is Mothers Against Canada Executioner


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    I am able to ground a player in their room protecting them from harm. I grounded Henry as I believe he’s a BG. Now he says he protected Lucy.

    Which one do you think the wolfs would go for?

    What night did you ground Henry and does that stop him using his power?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    I think there is a good chance the wolves thought he would protect himself and they could get a kill elsewhere, now they know he can't protect himself though so unless they really want to make him look dodgy he would be their next target. Don't want to help them too much though so who knows maybe you will ground him again. You ground butters all the time.

    If the assumption is Henry was locked in some room how did he protect Lucy or Abigail From the munch? And how did he not know he was stuck in a room?

    Is there any power thus far that’s been used and we don’t get any notification in BR or thread? This sounds very questionable to be honest.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Henry claimed the munch but that doesnt mean it was him as I blocked Eva too

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Why suddenly after how many day were the wolves going to munch Lucy who he claimed to protect?

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    If the assumption is Henry was locked in some room how did he protect Lucy or Abigail From the munch? And how did he not know he was stuck in a room?

    Is there any power thus far that’s been used and we don’t get any notification in BR or thread? This sounds very questionable to be honest.

    I protected Isla night one and she didn't know. Winifred saw that I had an action on Isla - I put the whole thing out in a post a while back. I'll find it if I'm not dead in 9 minutes.

    I also protected Winifred the night Frank questioned her and she didn't seem to know - doesn't seem to stop actions that aren't harmful.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    Henry claimed the munch but that doesnt mean it was him as I blocked Eva too

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    Why suddenly after how many day were the wolves going to munch Lucy who he claimed to protect?

    Cos she was peeked clear by seer.

    I figured Phil would choose one of Abi and Lucy if he had a protect. Since Abi was more obvious on thread (and Patrick said he'd munch her) I thought he might choose Abi and I thought Lucy was a more likely munch target.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Henry WW wrote: »
    I protected Isla night one and she didn't know. Winifred saw that I had an action on Isla - I put the whole thing out in a post a while back. I'll find it if I'm not dead in 9 minutes.

    I also protected Winifred the night Frank questioned her and she didn't seem to know - doesn't seem to stop actions that aren't harmful.

    Was Wini alive / did she confirm this when you put the whole thing in a post before?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Okay I didn't actually put Bren in as my kill early was waiting to see if there would be a response but I guess I better before Lynch now

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    To be clear. I am grounding someone in their room. If they are in their room, they can still do all the actions as they do them from there grounded or not.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW

    Frank interrogated me last night. We discussed how the game might play out to the end. He said I was randed, but could have been a wolfy play to see who I'd vote for if I was left alive.

    Conor is playing on my mind. He starts huge arguments that are time consuming and asks people to go back to look at posts. Patrick suggested that I search for info for him one night, and Vernon said something like "is henry around to chat" the night he died. I'm suspicious it's a back room ploy by the wolves to keep me talking rubbish instead of looking at info.

    Conor's posts where I thought he was pushing Vernon as good (which he denied):
    Conor WW wrote: »
    In fact, why would Senan kill a team mate? That doesn’t add up. It’s more likely Patrick , teagan and Senan voted to save Senan. Not saying that’s what happened but its not a great look for Teagan and Patrick but looks good for Vernon.
    Conor WW wrote: »
    This is important for me. I really wasn’t going to come out last night and admit I rigged the votes in case Senan was good. The way villages ultimately go on lynch can be quite shallow. I don’t see more evidence agaisnt Vernon then I do Tegan but I accept I seem to be the only one who sees extremely big holes in her defence. It’s also ironic that her explanation (she panicked vote Vernon to save herself) is acceptable but Vernon’s doesn’t change anything.

    So Vernon lied about who he heeled. Right so he’s a wolf that hoped the person with the poison wouldn’t come out? Senans last vote last night was to condemn a fellow wolf, not to kill Lucy instead? There’s no angle where Orla and Vernon are good?
    Conor WW wrote: »
    All I wanted was for some villagers to engage my points. I havent really had to be fair and as such look like somebody who is tunnelling.

    Maybe I am tunnelling, but people refusing or just not bothered responding to my posts and points is making me more paranoid. I really want people to challange my logic but I feel like people are just bringing up other non related things....

    I posted information from the votes that shows 6+ people voted after 8.30 on night 1 and 3.

    But only 1 person (a wolf) voted on night 2 at this time. Night 2 is the only night we dont know who rigged the votes. It wasnt me and as somebody else pointed out, Wendy was going in hard for Lucy, so surely she would of changed vote to her if she decided to interfere ? This is definitive, but it does hint that maybe the wolves interefered with night 2 lynch. Either to save Tegan or to cast shade on her. If its a power they get every second day we may find out tonight because maybe they used it to make Tegan look dodgy.

    Also look at how calm Tegan was on lynch night 2 (when she looked a dead cert for death) that ended up being rigged. Am I completely irrational to think that could be the behaviour of a person who knows they are grand and just having a bit of fun ? Now look at Tegans responses and behaviour since.

    Tegans defence is she was scared for her life at last nights lynch:

    - Live voting means she could keep up to speed and wold of know by the time she voted that she was safe
    - She might say she was working off Henrys list, but if she was paying attention (as Phil highlighted) she would still know she is grand by the time she places her vote
    - Lucy was probably an easier obvious targtet, that on its own isnt much IMO unless its a wolf conspiracy to kill Vernon cause he can nullify a wolf power

    This suggests either she is lieing or she wasnt really paying attention.

    Tegan also said she voted for a wolf, which is a wolf tactic at different times of games. Tegan said she used her power against a Wolf (we have no way of confirming this). Tegan also admitted her vote was for self preservation which was exactly what Senan said he did. But the difference was she wasnt in danger.

    There maybe more I have left out, but nobody has really addressed these things. I am not sure if Henry is just trying to make sure I understand his own correction, but I dont see how what he says changes the fact that Tegan could see for herself that she wasnt in danger by the time she was voting. And why wouldnt Senan vote for Lucy to save Vernon, instead of Vernon if Vernon was a team mate ? That doesnt add up unless there are two evil teams or for some reason the wolf team wanted to buss one of their own . .

    And then we have Vernon who lied about who he gave an antidote to. There are reasons why he might of done that that could make him good or bad. But that alone is enough for him to be tonights target over Tegan ? Am I wrong ? I am deadly serious, this is how I see things but i would love for somebody to maybe fill in some gaps and help me understand otherwise.

    I probably do need to take a TO. Tegan if you are good, I am sorry, all I am asking is for villagers to properly engage on this information. If its wrong and easy to explain away then fair enough, I dont think people are dodgy because they disagree with me, its when they dont engage or discuss ALL aspects its when I get irked.
    Conor WW wrote: »
    But there is a scenario where you and Vernon are good. .

    Looks like the village wants to lynch Vernon, so be it . .
    Conor WW wrote: »
    Can you see any scenarios where you and Vernon are good ? Is all your distrust of Vernon because he lied about who he gave the antidote to ?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW

    seems i'm not dead yet - see below
    Henry WW wrote: »
    So I can't PROVE i'm BG, but I can give a little story that puts weight behind it. On night one, I protected Isla.

    When I pushed Winifred on rowing back on her Ewan allegation, she said this:

    So I had a little look back at the previous day and found this:

    So then I realised that Wini was watching people but couldn't see the actions. She'd seen me visit Isla but didn't say it on-thread as nothing bad happened to Isla. Since she called out Ewan when he visited Wendy and she was poisoned, I realised Wini was probably good too. So I replied:

    And a love deeper than that of the explosive lovers was born. I hope she's still watching over me in the dead room.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW


  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,422 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    Morning Moderator Announcements:


    Henry WW was found dead, partially eaten.

    He was....


    Token Black - Bodyguard


    Elsewhere, beside herself with the death of her lover and wracked by the guilt of harbouring one of the evils in the town, Isla WW stepped forward with her gun and blasted Brendan WW in the head.

    Brendan WW is dead.

    He was...


    Tweek Tweak - Neighbour


    Isla then turned the gun on herself, unable to live in this world without her Patrick anymore, even if he had been evil, she would join him in death.

    Isla WW is dead.

    She was...


    Stan Marsh - Vengeful Lover


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Henry WW wrote: »
    I protected Isla night one and she didn't know. Winifred saw that I had an action on Isla - I put the whole thing out in a post a while back. I'll find it if I'm not dead in 9 minutes.

    I also protected Winifred the night Frank questioned her and she didn't seem to know - doesn't seem to stop actions that aren't harmful.

    I was actually thinking of Phil grounding people, seems like people would get some sort of notification that they were grounded ?. I didnt think a BG protect ever gets told to the person protected ?.

    This is all a bit confusing. So a BG was protected kind of by a BG and also stopped by somebody with a stoned power ?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Sorry Henry

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,422 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    Lynch at 9pm tonight, or before should majority be reached

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Right, well that's not great now.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,422 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    Apologies, edited above, Isla WW was also Good

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Henry WW wrote: »
    Frank interrogated me last night. We discussed how the game might play out to the end. He said I was randed, but could have been a wolfy play to see who I'd vote for if I was left alive.

    Conor is playing on my mind. He starts huge arguments that are time consuming and asks people to go back to look at posts. Patrick suggested that I search for info for him one night, and Vernon said something like "is henry around to chat" the night he died. I'm suspicious it's a back room ploy by the wolves to keep me talking rubbish instead of looking at info.

    Conor's posts where I thought he was pushing Vernon as good (which he denied):

    Sigh.... And you ignore all the the others posts where I said why I didnt like the 2 wolf theory and the next day when I disucssed the theory when nobody was only talking about it in the context purely of me being a wolf . .

    This is literally the only fecking thing that people are holding onto which is a outright lie. Tell you what, Lynch me tonight, I am sick of having to explain myself cause nobody is listening. I did not saying Vernon was innocent, I was arguinng against the two lynch theory when people were only looking at it to suspect me.

    If there is only one wolf team, I am good because I switched a lynch (albeit off one wolf) to kill a wolf. Why would a one wolf team save one wolf and kill another (instead of any villager?) and just not come out on thread ? This is a total waste of a power.

    If there is two wolf teams then you have to consider they were both taking each other out . . So what is the exlanation why my "opponent" wolf team let me kill one of theirs and didnt bother going after me ? If Patrick is to be believed they were both vying for Munchs in the morning so there was a motive to take out each team. But they chose to not kill me or not eve try and get me lynched for village credibility ?

    It doesn't add up on any level. The best anybody probably has is a hunch that they cant explain.

    But thanks Henry once again, for the 4th time in the game, misrepresenting an incident that you decide to engage me on 1 minute before you die . .

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Phil WW wrote: »

    I thought you grounded Henry last night ?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    I thought you grounded Henry last night ?
    Is jailkeeper Phils role?

    Jailkeeper Jail one player each night. Jailing another player will both protect that player from being killed as well as prevent that player from being able to successfully use their Night Action that night.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    To be clear. I am grounding someone in their room. If they are in their room, they can still do all the actions as they do them from there grounded or not.

    I thought jailkeeper blocks use of the role?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    Is jailkeeper Phils role?

    Jailkeeper Jail one player each night. Jailing another player will both protect that player from being killed as well as prevent that player from being able to successfully use their Night Action that night.
    Tegan WW wrote: »
    I thought jailkeeper blocks use of the role?

    Not sure to be honest, Phil , Frank and you are my final 3 wolves to target as Lucy and Abi are clear . . Is that the final list, is there 6 of us Left ?

    Maybe lynch Phil tonight , unless he comes up with a reasonable explanation of his power and who he used it on ?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    I thought you grounded Henry last night ?

    I grounded him the night of the failed munch

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    Not sure to be honest, Phil , Frank and you are my final 3 wolves to target as Lucy and Abi are clear . . Is that the final list, is there 6 of us Left ?

    Maybe lynch Phil tonight , unless he comes up with a reasonable explanation of his power and who he used it on ?

    You want to lynch the player that offers protection but don’t want to lynch the player that blocked the bodyguard from getting into their room to put a protect on?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    Sigh.... And you ignore all the the others posts where I said why I didnt like the 2 wolf theory and the next day when I disucssed the theory when nobody was only talking about it in the context purely of me being a wolf . .

    This is literally the only fecking thing that people are holding onto which is a outright lie. Tell you what, Lynch me tonight, I am sick of having to explain myself cause nobody is listening. I did not saying Vernon was innocent, I was arguinng against the two lynch theory when people were only looking at it to suspect me.

    If there is only one wolf team, I am good because I switched a lynch (albeit off one wolf) to kill a wolf. Why would a one wolf team save one wolf and kill another (instead of any villager?) and just not come out on thread ? This is a total waste of a power.

    If there is two wolf teams then you have to consider they were both taking each other out . . So what is the exlanation why my "opponent" wolf team let me kill one of theirs and didnt bother going after me ? If Patrick is to be believed they were both vying for Munchs in the morning so there was a motive to take out each team. But they chose to not kill me or not eve try and get me lynched for village credibility ?

    It doesn't add up on any level. The best anybody probably has is a hunch that they cant explain.

    But thanks Henry once again, for the 4th time in the game, misrepresenting an incident that you decide to engage me on 1 minute before you die . .

    Actually, to be fair to Henry, those posts of mine he linked were from the afternoon when I had been arguing with Tegan. I was convinced Tegan had more red flags then Vernon at the time and I was trying to challange the village on why he deserved to be lynched more then Tegan. .

    The narrative of me trying to push Vernon as innocent is still innacurate though, its basically Henry plucking a few posts that gave him impression and he never let go . . But like I said Henry, if you felt so strongly about this you should of engaged me on thread. I was always answering this insinuation.

    One counter to this for me was Doris, I didnt vote to kill her when she was the easiest bandwagon to jump on (think it was Phil who put in the deciding vote).

    Doris death got us Patrick, yes ? Patrick asked us to lynch him asap, why ? Was it because he was dead wolf walking or was there a strategy (village use powers quickly) ? But would him being lynched within 45 mins make any difference to a goody using their power ?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Ah Brendan :(

    I’m sorry I never fully trusted you. i never could shake that fear you were bad.

    In a way, I’m glad it’s sorted though, it’s been weighing on my mind the entire game.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    I grounded him the night of the failed munch

    So you feel the implication was that you protected him from the failed munch ? That the wolf team targeted one of the remaining unlceared villagers ?
    Phil WW wrote: »
    You want to lynch the player that offers protection but don’t want to lynch the player that blocked the bodyguard from getting into their room to put a protect on?

    I dont know much about you Phil. . But with regards to Tegan, I have had so many arguments with her/him (thought Tegan was a boys name) , maybe I am not the person to look at that . .

    The vote 2 may tell us something . . Regan had 3 wolf votes on her, even if we discount Senans vote (as it was last minute when she was gone).

    Interesting that Derry voted Regan and Regan voted Derry (Derry died with Abigail next morning), but I am not sure what that tells us to be fair. Abigail voting Doris suggests she was no threat to the wolves so killing her to kill Derry makes sense, but purely from that one dimensional perspective where we trust a wolf (Patrick).

    Is this the list of wolves we have killed:


    Have I missed any ? Are we thinking there is 1 or three left ?
