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South Park WW ROLE MADNESS - Game Thread



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭Winifred WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    Lads, I feel like no one wants to try and examine voting patterns with me, instead opting to just focus on one or two individuals each who they don't like :/

    Let's theorycraft?

    Would multiple wolves choose not to vote on night one?
    Would more than two wolves lump on Regan/Tegan on night two?

    (I also just noticed I have Abi crossed off in that last post; I was using a version of the votes I made in between her resurrection, I guess).

    I'm happy to look at voting. however I fukkin brutal at it, so...

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,158 ✭✭✭Doris WW

    Brendan WW wrote: »
    Thats ****ing great to get the Jester gone. Well in Angus.

    Brendan WW wrote: »
    Thats ****ing great to get the Jester gone.

    Brendan WW wrote: »
    I relaise Mary was Angus kill. My mistake

    Odd! Reads like a backroom high five gone wrong

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Henry WW wrote: »
    I have her voting for lucy

    Hmmm, Abi's list missed her. I'll add her in now.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,158 ✭✭✭Doris WW

    Brendan WW wrote: »
    I got mixed up thinkinh Angus killed Mary. Not that hard to see that

    It’s more how you dealt with it tbh

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW

    This is the thing. poisoner is completely messing with him, or else doesn't believe he's the healer

    Frank has claimed seer, so that has to be an evil poisoner. If vernon is good healer, he has to choose between himself or claimed seer.

    I think it was Senan who was adamant poisoner was good.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Red is bad
    Green is good (Yes, I'm putting myself as good :P) (I'm also putting Conor as good, since we know he isn't the jester, AND delivered us a wolf)
    Purple is currently poisoned.

    Lynch 1 NO LYNCH WINS

    No Lynch - 19:10 Phil, 19:14 Conor, 19:14 Oisin, 19:27 Ewan, 19:33 Regan, 19:42 Barbara, 20:54 Liam, 20:59 Lucy
    Lucy - 14:46 Orla, 18:30 Winifred, 18:56 Wendy, 20:40 Vernon, 20:54 Henry
    Regan - Saturday 20:14 Clodagh, 19:15 Doris, 19:46 Eva
    Steve - 20:08 Emily, 20:22 Gertrude, 20:39 Patrick
    Liam - 16:34 Isla
    Eva - 19:50 Senan
    Wendy - 19:58 Desmond
    Phil - 20:43 Brendan
    Ewan - Steve

    Did not vote:
    Abigail, Angus, Derry, Fiona, Frank, Gabriel, Holly, Mary



    Regan - 16:59 Frank, 17:23 Orla, 17:37 Clodagh, 19:09 Derry, 19:58 Vernon, 19:59 Angus, 20:31 Barbara, 20:59 Senan
    Senan - 10:08 Gabriel, 15:46 Holly, 20:07 Brendan, 20:14 Wendy
    Vernon - 18:31 Henry, 18:49 Doris, 20:21 Eva
    - 13:12 Ewan, 18:34 Phil
    Gabriel - 17:05 Oisin, 17:08 Fiona
    Frank - 18:08 Conor, 20:23 Patrick
    Eva - 16:09 Isla
    Ewan - 17:59 Winifred
    Angus - 18:39 Emily
    Doris - 19:36 Abigail
    No lynch - 20:05 Liam
    Derry - 20:06 Regan
    Fiona - 20:24 Lucy

    Did not vote: Mary


    Night Three

    Vernon - Senan, Tegan, Patrick, Henry, Lucy, Winifred, Eva, Oisin, Isla (9)
    Lucy - Frank, Orla, Vernon, Ewan, Mary, Wendy, Barbara (7)
    Senan - Conor, Angus, Brendan, Liam, Emily (5)
    Tegan - Phil, Clodagh, Fiona (3)
    Doris - Abigail (1)
    Henry - Doris (1)

    (Times listed in reverse; Barbara added but time unconfirmed)

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭Winifred WW

    Ok so current status...


    Name | Status| Read
    Lucy WW|Peeked as good by Derry| happy to park for now - Derry showed up Red, meaning the peek can't be trusted. Lucy is playing a weird game. Weird enough to be in contention as the joker, but also, I'm not convinced she's a wolf. Could be a wolf, trying to look like the jester to avoid lynch?
    Henry WW| |Henry has come out as a sort of village leader. good ideas, clear and logical thoughts. He's my safest villager right now, which scares me. Must not forget about him. - Henry has had me pocketed (whether intentionally or unintentionally) from early on. We have similar thoughts and even replica FFAs. This scares me as I'm succeptible to being tricked. We must not forget that he could well be a baddy. Even though he's one of my stronger village leans right now.
    Isla WW| |not much of a read - Isla is a strange one. She seems to be coming out with the occasional good snippet, and I'm generally reading her as positive, but something about her seems off.
    Patrick WW| |Seems ok. - Again seems to be playing logically, has kind of gone under my radar for most of the game so far.
    Orla WW| |No read really. - seems to have quietened down recently. Why is that? 2 wolves dead now, could she be frightened?
    Eva WW| |no read - still no read. is this person playing?
    Tegan WW| Alleged BR Blocker|the whole steve thing was a bit weird. and then coming out with a 3 day survival role? If you're not a wolf, you're bound to get munched. Mods would only do a postponed role reveal for something quite powerful. - Reading back on that, it doesn't quite fit with the role you revealed? Why block you from your power for three days and then give you a relatively inane power. Weird. I didn't think you were bad, but lastnight's antics changed my mind and I was happy and ready to jump on you for lynch.
    Vernon WW|Alleged Healer - not poisoner |I don't like Vernon, I think he's a baddy. Vernon made a last second claim as healer, and allegedly healed me. I hate this. We have zero way of knowing if it's real or not, and the abrupt claim at that time is so shady. Stays on my watchlist
    Conor WW|Alleged Vote Rigger |no real read - Seems to have telegraphed a Senan lynch vote rig before it came out. Wendy also claimed vote rigger, so I'm not entirely convinced he can be fully trusted. Happy to let him play out a bit more.
    Doris WW| |not much here either - Still not much on doris
    Clodagh WW| |meh - not much on Clodagh either, though she seems to talk sense from what I've noticed.
    Phil WW| |meh - seems to pop in and out with targeted posts, not necessarily contributing. But I still have very little read on him.
    Ewan WW|Alleged broken alignment seer |Ewan gives me the hibbie jibbies. He's my number 1 suspect. He's not done anything to allay my fears. - I accused Ewan of being poisoner, he came out as seer, which softened my view on him, however as time goes on, i'm more worried that he and his wolf buddies may have tricked me. Wouldn't have been too difficult to come up with a plan that would fit my narrative and couldn't be disproven, so he stays dodgy for me right now. Also, his response to the accusation came across as the guiltiest thing he's done
    Emily WW| |First one on steve. Seems fair enough. Not much on her - Had a damning iso made on her. However she refutes this as incomplete. Not much else
    Liam WW| |I don't like liam showing up right when we're talking about giving the peek to a poisoned person. I think liam could be a poisoner. Good plan to poison yourself early on and someone else. Though if he's poisoner, he's got to be village?
    Brendan WW ||nothin - weird posting. Shows up out of the blue, but is living about 24 hours in the past. Has added literally nothing of value
    Fiona WW| Fairly Confirmed Ressurector |nothin - thinks she's cleared village due to resurrection, but this could be a wolf power/and or wolf conversion power, so she is still unconfirmed for me
    Frank WW |Alleged Seer|who? - Very little to go on on frank. He's peeked me good which is correct, but wolves could also say things like this to gain village points.
    Oisin WW| |Oisin seems to be talking sense. I'm ok leaving him for now - seems to be talking sense alright. Comes in on rare occasions with a sh1t load of posts and helpful charts etc. Oisin scares me because nobody has seemingly called him out yet and that's not good.

    Abigail WW|Died a goody. Ressurected by Fiona. Claims Jesus/Angel |who - seems to also think she's clear village because she died village. Can't be sure, but I'm leaning village
    Angus WW ||who - has put zero into the game until overnight last night when he exploded with posts. This makes me feel like he could be worried as the low lying wolf now that two of his buddies are dead.



    Name | Status| Read
    Winifred WW|Goody |Me

    Wendy WW|Dead goodie |Wendy is a wacko. I'd love to hear her reasons for her initial list because it seemed thought out, rather than just thrown together.
    Desmond WW| Dead Goody|
    Steve WW| Dead Goody|
    Holly WW|Dead Goody |meh
    Gabriel WW| Dead Goody|nothin
    Gertrude WW |Dead Goody|
    Mary WW| Dead Goody |what? No votes for two days? Very dodgy play. Alleges she can block BRs like Tegan. I'm not sure. I think one of the two is lying. Not sure on Mary tbh.

    Senan WW| Dead Wolf|Don't have a great read on Senan, but there's something that's making me uneasy
    Derry WW|Dead wolf |Seems legit, will know more when poison takes effect.

    Barbara WW|Munched Jester - thanks wolves :P|meh - zero on babs

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭Winifred WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    Red is bad
    Green is good (Yes, I'm putting myself as good :P) (I'm also putting Conor as good, since we know he isn't the jester, AND delivered us a wolf)
    Purple is currently poisoned.

    Lynch 1 NO LYNCH WINS

    No Lynch - 19:10 Phil, 19:14 Conor, 19:14 Oisin, 19:27 Ewan, 19:33 Regan, 19:42 Barbara, 20:54 Liam, 20:59 Lucy
    Lucy - 14:46 Orla, 18:30 Winifred, 18:56 Wendy, 20:40 Vernon, 20:54 Henry
    Regan - Saturday 20:14 Clodagh, 19:15 Doris, 19:46 Eva
    Steve - 20:08 Emily, 20:22 Gertrude, 20:39 Patrick
    Liam - 16:34 Isla
    Eva - 19:50 Senan
    Wendy - 19:58 Desmond
    Phil - 20:43 Brendan
    Ewan - Steve

    Did not vote:
    Abigail, Angus, Derry, Fiona, Frank, Gabriel, Holly, Mary



    Regan - 16:59 Frank, 17:23 Orla, 17:37 Clodagh, 19:09 Derry, 19:58 Vernon, 19:59 Angus, 20:31 Barbara, 20:59 Senan
    Senan - 10:08 Gabriel, 15:46 Holly, 20:07 Brendan, 20:14 Wendy
    Vernon - 18:31 Henry, 18:49 Doris, 20:21 Eva
    - 13:12 Ewan, 18:34 Phil
    Gabriel - 17:05 Oisin, 17:08 Fiona
    Frank - 18:08 Conor, 20:23 Patrick
    Eva - 16:09 Isla
    Ewan - 17:59 Winifred
    Angus - 18:39 Emily
    Doris - 19:36 Abigail
    No lynch - 20:05 Liam
    Derry - 20:06 Regan
    Fiona - 20:24 Lucy

    Did not vote: Mary


    Night Three

    Vernon - Senan, Tegan, Patrick, Henry, Lucy, Winifred, Eva, Oisin, Isla (9)
    Lucy - Frank, Orla, Vernon, Ewan, Mary, Wendy, Barbara (7)
    Senan - Conor, Angus, Brendan, Liam, Emily (5)
    Tegan - Phil, Clodagh, Fiona (3)
    Doris - Abigail (1)
    Henry - Doris (1)

    (Times listed in reverse; Barbara added but time unconfirmed)

    Not looking good for oisin and isla there!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW

    Not looking good for oisin and isla there!

    Are you reading the times right? They've been put in, in reverse.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Not looking good for oisin and isla there!

    Of all the names I worried about, Isla was the top.

    Votes Liam off-wagon on night one.
    Votes me off-wagon on night two.
    Relatively early vote on Vernon on night three.

    Also, IF the poisoner is bad....why did Derry get poisoned?

    In a game of 32 people, is there a chance there's two wolf teams? One with access to poison, and Derry was on the other?

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭Winifred WW

    Henry WW wrote: »
    Are you reading the times right? They've been put in, in reverse.

    oh god. why would someone do that :confused::confused::confused:

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,409 ✭✭✭Ewan WW

    Any word from Frank on his seer claim?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW


    I meant to ask you about this line on Liam:

    "Though if he's poisoner, he's got to be village?"

    Why does poisoner have to be village? If they're village, then today's targets are really random.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    Lads, I feel like no one wants to try and examine voting patterns with me, instead opting to just focus on one or two individuals each who they don't like :/

    Let's theorycraft?

    Would multiple wolves choose not to vote on night one?
    Would more than two wolves lump on Regan/Tegan on night two?

    (I also just noticed I have Abi crossed off in that last post; I was using a version of the votes I made in between her resurrection, I guess).

    What’s even more odd is that the people who made so much about people who voted “no lynch” on night 1 are not using any results from the last two lunches to work anything out.

    In terms of being “cleared” or sort of more likely village then not am I correct with following:

    - Abigail - munched yesterday and saved by Fiona (?), peek Fiona and that clears both? Unless Fiona and/or Abigail wolf using a healing power to buy village cred
    - Vernon - last min reveal of healer, 3 people (including one confirmed wolf) jump on him late in the votes that protects one wolf and Tegan and Lucy

    Am I missing anybody sort of villagey clear with some act or evidence?

    Emily - why did Senan say he shot her? Why was Emily so confident she wasn’t shot?

    Angus - very odd timing for the bullet this morning. Who agreed he should Shoot Mary? Possible wolf ruse, do we like the explanation? Why didn’t his shot get announced like below shots that appear to be more like somebody with a gun or shot ? Angus shooting seems more like a power that works at a set point (munch). Why did he only have few mins to decide? Very odd stuff.

    Winnie - theory on how I “guessed” or knew Senan was dead ? I don’t mind being challanged but at least have some theory that shows it’s a reasonable , not just paranoid, stance to take

    The “a bullet has been shot” announcement, what exactly is this if not the Gertie and Mary kills? As far as I can tell every announcement has been straight forward enough and has led to an action, so what does “a bullet has been shot” mean?

    There have been other shots that were very straight forward:

    Day 2
    sKeith wrote: »
    Mod Announcement.

    A shot has been fired.

    Desmond WW has been hit.

    Desmond WW is dead.

    Day 3
    Necro wrote: »
    Moderator Annoucement:

    A shot has been fired.

    Holly WW is dead.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Vernon - Isla, Oisin, Eva, Winifred, Lucy, Henry, Patrick, Tegan, Senan (9)
    Lucy - Wendy, Mary, Ewan, Vernon, Orla, Frank, Barbara (7)
    Senan - Emily, Liam, Brendan, Angus, Conor (5)
    Tegan - Fiona, Clodagh, Phil (3)
    Doris - Abigail (1)
    Henry - Doris (1)

    Added in Barbara in the times and have also now the order the same as your previous ones Eva - left to right from earliest to latest.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Ewan WW wrote: »
    Abigail came back as evil by the way.


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭Winifred WW

    Henry WW wrote: »

    I meant to ask you about this line on Liam:

    "Though if he's poisoner, he's got to be village?"

    Why does poisoner have to be village? If they're village, then today's targets are really random.

    If he's the poisoner, and bad, he poisoned himself and Derry (also bad) on the first go. Unless the healer is also bad, there's no way a wolf would put themselves in that danger...

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,893 ✭✭✭Clodagh WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    Red is bad
    Green is good (Yes, I'm putting myself as good :P) (I'm also putting Conor as good, since we know he isn't the jester, AND delivered us a wolf)
    Purple is currently poisoned.

    Lynch 1 NO LYNCH WINS

    No Lynch - 19:10 Phil, 19:14 Conor, 19:14 Oisin, 19:27 Ewan, 19:33 Regan, 19:42 Barbara, 20:54 Liam, 20:59 Lucy
    Lucy - 14:46 Orla, 18:30 Winifred, 18:56 Wendy, 20:40 Vernon, 20:54 Henry
    Regan - Saturday 20:14 Clodagh, 19:15 Doris, 19:46 Eva
    Steve - 20:08 Emily, 20:22 Gertrude, 20:39 Patrick
    Liam - 16:34 Isla
    Eva - 19:50 Senan
    Wendy - 19:58 Desmond
    Phil - 20:43 Brendan
    Ewan - Steve

    Did not vote:
    Abigail, Angus, Derry, Fiona, Frank, Gabriel, Holly, Mary



    Regan - 16:59 Frank, 17:23 Orla, 17:37 Clodagh, 19:09 Derry, 19:58 Vernon, 19:59 Angus, 20:31 Barbara, 20:59 Senan
    Senan - 10:08 Gabriel, 15:46 Holly, 20:07 Brendan, 20:14 Wendy
    Vernon - 18:31 Henry, 18:49 Doris, 20:21 Eva
    - 13:12 Ewan, 18:34 Phil
    Gabriel - 17:05 Oisin, 17:08 Fiona
    Frank - 18:08 Conor, 20:23 Patrick
    Eva - 16:09 Isla
    Ewan - 17:59 Winifred
    Angus - 18:39 Emily
    Doris - 19:36 Abigail
    No lynch - 20:05 Liam
    Derry - 20:06 Regan
    Fiona - 20:24 Lucy

    Did not vote: Mary


    Night Three

    Vernon - Senan, Tegan, Patrick, Henry, Lucy, Winifred, Eva, Oisin, Isla (9)
    Lucy - Frank, Orla, Vernon, Ewan, Mary, Wendy, Barbara (7)
    Senan - Conor, Angus, Brendan, Liam, Emily (5)
    Tegan - Phil, Clodagh, Fiona (3)
    Doris - Abigail (1)
    Henry - Doris (1)

    (Times listed in reverse; Barbara added but time unconfirmed)

    If only I wasn't on Android where colours don't show :(

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭Winifred WW

    Henry WW wrote: »

    I meant to ask you about this line on Liam:

    "Though if he's poisoner, he's got to be village?"

    Why does poisoner have to be village? If they're village, then today's targets are really random.

    There's also no confirmation that there's only one poisoner now that I think of it...

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭Patrick WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    Of all the names I worried about, Isla was the top.

    Votes Liam off-wagon on night one.
    Votes me off-wagon on night two.
    Relatively early vote on Vernon on night three.

    Also, IF the poisoner is bad....why did Derry get poisoned?

    In a game of 32 people, is there a chance there's two wolf teams? One with access to poison, and Derry was on the other?

    I can vouch for Isla she votes relatively early every day, time difference, she's not on or off wagon because she is not around.

    The Derry thing reminds me of something now, the heal announcement was at 9pm, Derry died the next day. Wendy died last night, so presumably Derry was fake poisoned which would indicate it's an evil power.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    What’s even more odd is that the people who made so much about people who voted “no lynch” on night 1 are not using any results from the last two lunches to work anything out.

    In terms of being “cleared” or sort of more likely village then not am I correct with following:

    - Abigail - munched yesterday and saved by Fiona (?), peek Fiona and that clears both? Unless Fiona and/or Abigail wolf using a healing power to buy village cred
    - Vernon - last min reveal of healer, 3 people (including one confirmed wolf) jump on him late in the votes that protects one wolf and Tegan and Lucy

    Am I missing anybody sort of villagey clear with some act or evidence?

    I don't know that there's much point analysing night 2, or I didn't if wolves had changed the votes and so could vote anywhere. If Wendy did it, it's a different story. Can't know for sure whether she did or not now.

    I have Winifred semi-cleared village because she came out with something relating to her role in order to potentially out Ewan when she didn't have to.

    I have Vernon semi-cleared in my head, but we'll see what today brings with the poisoner.

    I have Fiona semi-clear, but could have been a wolfy power play.

    You're probably my most villagery villager right now.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭Winifred WW

    Conor WW wrote: »

    Winnie - theory on how I “guessed” or knew Senan was dead ? I don’t mind being challanged but at least have some theory that shows it’s a reasonable , not just paranoid, stance to take

    It's not a theory. It's a question I don't know the answer to.

    Like I said last night. I was away for a half hour when all the chaos happened and I need to review it to see what actually happened and when.

    I'm putting this question out there so that people can think about it and come to their own conclusions based on what they know.

    You're still mostly confirmed village for me based on what happened, but I need to be sure you telegraphed the senan kill at a time that makes sense.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭Henry WW

    If he's the poisoner, and bad, he poisoned himself and Derry (also bad) on the first go. Unless the healer is also bad, there's no way a wolf would put themselves in that danger...

    Doh. That's obvious now you point it out.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭Patrick WW

    Patrick WW wrote: »
    I can vouch for Isla she votes relatively early every day, time difference, she's not on or off wagon because she is not around.

    The Derry thing reminds me of something now, the heal announcement was at 9pm, Derry died the next day. Wendy died last night, so presumably Derry was fake poisoned which would indicate it's an evil power.
    sKeith wrote: »
    Mod announcement: A cure has been administered.

    Necro wrote: »
    Moderator Morning Announcements:


    Abigail WW was found dead, mostly eaten.

    In a surprising turn of events, Derry WW was also found dead at the scene

    Their soul still hangs by a thread for up to an hour though

    Wendy WW and Winifred WW have been poisoned.

    One is fake, one is real.

    They have until lynch to be cured, or....


    Necro wrote: »
    Wendy WW was.....


    President Garrison - Vote Tamperer


    Yep, Derry was fake poisoned, Necros post indicates they have till 9pm, so the curer (Vernons claim) healed Liam so.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭Winifred WW

    Connor you need to get your best work out on thread today buddy because with the jester out of the picture, you're a shoe in for munch in the morning!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,714 ✭✭✭Vernon WW

    Well done poisoner.

    So you're willing to kill me so you can carry out poisons tomorrow with no healer.

    Certainly looks like it's a evil role.

    I've an order in to heal myself, this can be changed. I'd want some serious reason to change that though.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,893 ✭✭✭Clodagh WW

    Patrick WW wrote: »
    I can vouch for Isla she votes relatively early every day, time difference, she's not on or off wagon because she is not around.

    The Derry thing reminds me of something now, the heal announcement was at 9pm, Derry died the next day. Wendy died last night, so presumably Derry was fake poisoned which would indicate it's an evil power.

    If Derry was fake poisoned we still don't know how he died do we?

    Why does South Park not have a coroner's office, After all they killed Kenny.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭Winifred WW

    Patrick WW wrote: »
    Yep, Derry was fake poisoned, Necros post indicates they have till 9pm, so the curer (Vernons claim) healed Liam so.

    Vernon. Can you confirm you healed Liam and why?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭Winifred WW

    Vernon WW wrote: »
    Well done poisoner.

    So you're willing to kill me so you can carry out poisons tomorrow with no healer.

    Certainly looks like it's a evil role.

    I've an order in to heal myself, this can be changed. I'd want some serious reason to change that though.

    between you and frank - an alleged seer.

    We need to weigh up what's best for the village here.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Henry WW wrote: »
    I don't know that there's much point analysing night 2, or I didn't if wolves had changed the votes and so could vote anywhere. If Wendy did it, it's a different story. Can't know for sure whether she did or not now.

    I have Winifred semi-cleared village because she came out with something relating to her role in order to potentially out Ewan when she didn't have to.

    I have Vernon semi-cleared in my head, but we'll see what today brings with the poisoner.

    I have Fiona semi-clear, but could have been a wolfy power play.

    You're probably my most villagery villager right now.

    In terms of night 2 , if it was wolves rigging the vote (to protect Tegan) then it would explain why there was no late voting patterns on night 2 (I haven’t checked by the way) and why there was more action on night 3 when they did not have control over the voting.

    Now I voted late aswell so it’s not definitive but if we looked at the voting as if wolves knew night 2 didn’t matter (cause they rigged it) can we see any changing pattern from night 3? It really is a shame we don’t know if Wendy rigged night 2.
