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Is There Anybody Out There ....?



  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Glad to read you had a good experience :)

    I am not finished though .... which no doubt you will not really like ....... I believe strongly that you should investigate the other desktop environments also, so that you can make decisions based on your preferences, and not on mine or anyone else's.

    Be sure to store the ISOs you download, and only delete them as you determine they are definitely not for you.

    I think you should try KDE next ...... there is a KDE5 version in some of those links I provided ........ it is even more Windows like than MATE, with a huge number of tweaks you can apply.

    After that you might try TDE (I will get you the link wif required) ..... which is a bit less glitzy but very functional and lightweight on resources.

    Remember, whatever you do to the Live running session itself will be gone at the next boot, so there is no need to worry about doing damage to what you have downloaded.
    Some versions automatically mount the local harddrive (which I dislike intensely) and so you might inadvertently damage some file there if you are not aware of that potential.
    Just a 'head's up' is all ..... not a worry once you watch what you are doing :D

    Ask your questions .... will answer if I can ;)


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Here is another to keep you under pressure :D

    This one is lightweight, fast and does not have all the GUI tweaks of some of the others.
    It uses Openbox window manager and not KDE, MATE or othe desktop environment.
    The menu is brought up by right clicking on the desktop space.

    This is themed differently.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Ok: KDE5 has just started DLing. As we've seen, it'll take me an hour or more.

    During that time, I'll probably have my dinner. Then, I'll embark on my nightly ration of Jameson! What with that, and the stove playing up a little ~ pushing it up to 80F in here! ~ there's every chance I'll be in no state to be playing in systems tonight!

    No matter though. I'm completely at ease with what we're doing now. The water is, indeed, lovely :)

    Questions? Yeppers. I actually, now, suspect most of them are redundant by now. I think I found several answers in MATE. I'll check with you though:

    1. I'd noted I'd need a 'Paint' thing. I'm a bugger for wanting to crop pictures. But, I'm sure there are free, online facilities to cover my extremely limited needs.

    2. Rather more fiendish: Film Editor? Again; I'm a cropper. I only really ever wish to splice clips out, to show as out takes. Again; I'd guess there's something free, on line?

    3. Off loading from my camera? As is, I have a twin usb lead. Plug the camera to the machine and the usual box of options comes up. Choose " Open Files " and I soon have a folder of pix I can drag / cp to my desk top.

    Does 'Linux' offer this 'plug and play'?

    4. Telegram. Don't know if ye've even ever heard of it? It's a Russian answer to the old Yahoo Messenger, basically. I chat to a friend, in Kiwi, on it. Voices, through our mikes and speakers. Be bloody lost, without that!

    5. (See 3 & 4, really) My usb mike? Again; Plug and play. But, may one assume All pap gear will just work, as normal?

    And that should about wrap it up, for tonight :) KDE5's quietly doing its thing. I'm relaxed as a wet rag.

    I'll be seeing Tom, tomorrow. This time, I'll be saying " Buy a machine! But; Hold fire, as I don't know if they come cheaper without all the windows crap on them! I'll show ye what to do, once we get a 'Linux Engine' fitted :cool:

    Now, all that said? One, final thing: Today, in MATE, I sought out the leave options. I studied them. I purposefully selected the " Power Off " ~ or what ever the command for 'Shut down this thing, and the entire machine, so I can power back up in 7' was.

    Screen went black. Top left, I got: " Unmounting file systems. INIT No more processes left in this run level. "

    Top right, in green: " (OK) ".

    Again; Tried everything. Had to hit the machines power button to get out of Dodge.

    That needs sorting, before I ever open another. I lost a lap top to a single power cut. I feel I'm pushing it, here :eek:

    The Thanks and Gratitude table is now open. Help yeself. All ye want, ye welcome :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    1. I'd noted I'd need a 'Paint' thing. I'm a bugger for wanting to crop pictures. But, I'm sure there are free, online facilities to cover my extremely limited needs.

    I would advise, for a long time to come, to not get anything yourself on line. There are facilities built in that are designed to update all that is presently installed and also to list what is available for installation that has been 'packaged' and tested for the distro you are running.
    Explanation of that will be a separate topic. ;)
    2. Rather more fiendish: Film Editor? Again; I'm a cropper. I only really ever wish to splice clips out, to show as out takes. Again; I'd guess there's something free, on line?

    There are a number available, through the process referred to above, from fairly basic to near professional standard.
    3. Off loading from my camera? As is, I have a twin usb lead. Plug the camera to the machine and the usual box of options comes up. Choose " Open Files " and I soon have a folder of pix I can drag / cp to my desk top.

    Does 'Linux' offer this 'plug and play'?

    Plug and Play - definitely. Of course I cannot comment on specific hardware, but you can try with the expectation that it will work.
    4. Telegram. Don't know if ye've even ever heard of it? It's a Russian answer to the old Yahoo Messenger, basically. I chat to a friend, in Kiwi, on it. Voices, through our mikes and speakers. Be bloody lost, without that!

    I have heard the name mentioned but never seen it.
    Again there are a few options .... I use Pidgin for specific test messages, but also use Linphone for audio/video communications as well as messaging. That would be somewhat similar to Skype, except it is open and the participants do not need to be members of any specific 'walled garden' as with Skype.
    5. (See 3 & 4, really) My usb mike? Again; Plug and play. But, may one assume All pap gear will just work, as normal?

    Again, use in expectation of it working.
    Check the audio section in the menu for controls of audio streams and devices.
    I find Pulse Audio Volume Control to do a great job.

    On the matter of closing down ....... when running live, traditionally it was from optical media (CD/DVD) so the shut down sequence halted after everything was done to allow the media to be extracted safely which would allow an installed on HDD OS to be booted next.
    Usually, hitting the Enter key would be what was required at that point.
    That would just kill the power, so you did nothing more than this ..... indication is in the message you saw
    "No more processes left in this run level."

    You are progressing well ..... you cannot grasp everything quickly ..... there is just too much new stuff to absorb.

    Get more and more familiar with the live sessions to give yourself some experience and time to discover what is there.
    Treasures to be found! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Amen!!! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    Amen!!! :D

    Do post back on your progress ... and stumbling blocks.
    It is a long time since I was in your shoes so probably cannot appreciate the effort required to make progress.

    So I would be interested in reports as you get the chance ..... and ask for info if you need it.
    The info is free/libre too! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Okay ..... I'm rather up to my neck in distraction, just lately. Waiting for things to resolve. Then, once my head's clear? I'm absolutely happy about waving micky goodbye and simply starting to transfer my world to a 'Linux' system :)

    " Mate " absolutely blew me away and convinced me, beyond any doubt, that I'm coming over.

    I have TDE and KDE5 in a folder, on this things desk top. Yet to look at them as I'm so relaxed now about my acceptance of conversion. Couldn't find that last one in a DL to stick ISO form though.

    Couple of things came to mind, and I jotted them down. Quieter moment, right now, so:

    1/ How do I get my final choice onto my HDD, so it becomes my system, please? As in; I fire up my machine and there I am. In my usual Linux.

    2/ Tom will be machine shopping, some time. What should we look for, for him? I don't even want him to ever See a micky system ~ especially 10!!!

    Can ye buy Linuxed up machines? Or, would it be a case of getting one, like my stand by one, with 7. Then just replacing that with Linux, before Tom gets to play with it?

    Thanks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    1/ When you run the version you wish to install, you will find on the desktop an icon that will take you through the install process.

    If you intend to replace Windows then make sure you have all your personal data backed up somewhere outside of the PC you are doing the install on, as this will be wiped completely. Another alternative is you could manually partition your HDD, using something like Gparted or other partitioning tool.

    If you wish you can retain Win and also install Linux .... but to do so you will need to reduce the footprint of Win (best done from within Win and reboot it afterwards) so that sufficient space is left over on the HDD for Linux.

    2/ It is a long time since I bought a new machine ..... I generally put together desktop machines from parts for my own use.
    Laptops and desktops, in general, are produced in large quantities for Win users, and so have the benefit of large production runs. In addition, the producers are generally 'compensated' for all those 'extras' they include ..... those items that are free trials and such to get the user to buy something.
    As Linux systems do not have such 'loss leaders' the price is generally higher than the equivalent Win machine.
    So, most often people buy a machine with Win on it and just wipe it by installing over it.
    Others might have other views on the above, but that is how I see it.

    There are updated ISOs released in the past couple of days, including two with Openbox window manager (which I think is the last one you referred to).
    One of those is a minimal version with very few applications included and the other with a fairly standard selection of applications.

    The minimal version is linked to here:,150715.msg1287820.html#msg1287820

    The standard sized one is referred in this thread,150706.msg1287730.html#msg1287730

    The updated other versions are here
    and see here if you would prefer torrents

    All the latest ISOs will have 2019-11 in their names.
    The version named 'Darkstar' is a minimal KDE5 version ... there is also the standard KDE5 version of course.

    IMO, KDE5 is easier to accept by ex Win users, as it looks somewhat like it ..... and can be made to look like it even more by changing themes, icons and other visual stuff - for those interested in that kind of stuff.

    Having said all the above, I must point out that there are hundres of Linux distros, most of them will have several versions available just like the above linked distro, which is PCLinuxOS.
    So if for some reason, you have a problem, your first port of call should be to sign up to the forum of the distro in use, and do a search there to see if your problem is known or previously solved.
    If not post a question, and someone will be along to try to assist.

    This site should be helpful in addition to the forum for PCLinuxOS

    Lots more for you to get your teeth into.

    Nobody said it would be easy to grasp it all quickly :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,707 ✭✭✭Worztron


    Mitch Hedberg: "Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something."

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Worztron wrote: »

    ? I googled " o/ " and got a load of stuff about some circus :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    ? I googled " o/ " and got a load of stuff about some circus :o
    What is O/?
    O/ is "High five"

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Riiiiight ..... Okaay ... Sorry, I'm just getting more and more disconnected from todays idea of the net.

    As ye here, Johnboy; Cheers, yep, I'll be advising Tom to grab a nice, el cheapo, used machine, from Amazon or where ever. To be gutted and loaded with a Linux OS, before he even gets his hands on it.

    I'm figuring he / 'we' won't be needing TB's of everything. Because we won't be getting earth mover loads of micky's schit pushed onto our machines on an almost daily basis?

    And, on that line of thought? I'm pondering how much gear I'll (We'll / Tom and I) even need from a Linux OS. Ye talk about 'Lite' versions, and so forth? Believe me, Johnboy; These days? I practically get up. Switch on. Glance at a few fora. Then go to Netflix :(

    I won't have anything to do with " Social Media ". So, I now look at a couple of forum pages, then pass my time watching 'flix. How much what ever can that take?

    All the stuff ye've shown me seems to have Firefox, by default? Fine. That's all I really use! I'm sure I'll find what ever else ~ MP4 Clipping, what ever, through there.

    Tom will find all the stuff he wants to see the same way. I'll want us on the exact same OS too. So he can ring me and say; " How do I? " And I should know how.

    As before: I'm Very 'Distracted' right now. But, I hope to sort schit. Then, back to normal, I'll focus on this Linux issue. Now totally un scary, thanks to ye immensely generous and understanding help! :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    The operating system itself is relatively small.
    I have been running mine on a 60GB SSD for quite some time.

    Of course that does not include all the sh1t one tends to accumulate in the way of music, videos, PDFs and other assorted personal files, which will need their own storage space.
    That space if totally dependent on the user.
    The SSD really helps the speed of response of the machine.
    The personal files could easily go on a second HDD.
    IMO, it is a good idea to keep personal files and operating system separated.

    For finding applications not already included in the ISOs, you launch Synaptic and use the search function even if you do not know it by name use 'Name and Description' for the search.

    Synaptic is probably the most common Linux application management method (there are several others) and it is also used to keep PCLinuxOS updated.
    At times there are daily updates, but advise to users is to update the installed system once per week at least.

    By 'LightWeight' version, I mean one that does not require large amounts of RAM and high powered CPU.

    The more graphically intensive the Desktop Environment is, the more resources it requires to operate fluidly.
    Desktop Environments are such as KDE, MATE, Xfce, Enlightenment etc.

    I would not consider running any modern operating system on anything with less than
    dual core CPU
    2GB RAM

    4GB ram would be much better, and a higher spec CPU (with hyperthreading) will also make a difference to how it handles various tasks.

    So do not rush out and buy something that is unsuited to running a modern operating system such as Windows, or you will not have the best experience, and will only limit what your PC can do.

    Yes, there are Linux distros that are miniscule, and they serve a particular purpose.
    I use a media centre Linux that is about 250MB in size for example.
    It won't do all the other things I expect from my general purpose desktop.
    Bear that in mind ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    " ..... how it handles various tasks ..... will only limit what your PC can do. "

    :confused: What's that mean, please? My machines sole task is to get me in here. And let me watch stuff on Netflix. Am I missing something?

    As an aside; Just looked up " SSD ". Wow! Scary! I see they reckon an average HDD's likely to fart and die at three years old?! Blimey! I don't think we'd better go there, just yet, though. I'm a numb nut and this is already a helluva lot for me to take in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    " ..... how it handles various tasks ..... will only limit what your PC can do. "

    :confused: What's that mean, please? My machines sole task is to get me in here. And let me watch stuff on Netflix. Am I missing something?

    Best I can do is give a comparison .....
    You need to buy a car to go from A to B
    You have a lot of choice with different specifications such as performance, comfort and ancillaries etc etc.

    If you are happy tootling along your journey at max 90 Kph then you have no need to buy a performance car.
    If you want performance then something else will suffer .... maybe cost of ownership, or extra space or whatever.

    YOU choose the vehicle that suits YOUR purpose.

    For instance you want to watch Netflix ..... but at what 'level'?
    Do you require 720p video, or 1080p video or maybe 4K video?

    You must ensure your PC is capable of producing the results YOU desire.
    That is YOUR buying decision.

    There is no point in buying a PC with a very low end CPU and low RAM and expecting it to perform like a PC with a high end CPU and lots of RAM.
    As an aside; Just looked up " SSD ". Wow! Scary! I see they reckon an average HDD's likely to fart and die at three years old?! Blimey! I don't think we'd better go there, just yet, though. I'm a numb nut and this is already a helluva lot for me to take in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    For instance you want to watch Netflix ..... but at what 'level'?
    Do you require 720p video, or 1080p video or maybe 4K video?

    Okay. Just been searching about, in Netflix. Can't find anywhere where it gives me any choices :confused:

    On Liveleak, I have the option of 700+ or 300+. 700 simply isn't happening! On you tube, given the option, 240 is fine by me.

    Presently, I'm watching a serial, on flix? It's annoying that ~ and I'm only really noticing it with this one. Others serials have been fine ~ the action will freeze, while the dialogue - even the sub titles :confused: - keep going.

    Then, it comes back and someone's crossed a room, chattering away. I heard them. But, I was watching their frozen image.

    I'm guessing That has something to do with the guts of this machine? Can't see the stand by machine (the guts of which I listed, much earlier) being incredibly better. But, weighing up an annoyance with flix, against hundreds of yo's on a flashy new machine ....?!

    Anyway; I'm starkly aware how this could morph into a thread about all sorts of aspects of machines. I don't want that and , I'm pretty sure, you won't. I'm actually busily googling much of what ye talking about, to save asking. Just trying to get my empty head around where we've got to, thus far.

    This may sound like a silly question but; I'm taking it ripping 7 out of my stand by machine will free up a lot of the workings. Space and memory, all that. Cool. Just wondering how one then makes it work, to get Linux on there? Or do I install Linux, using 7. Then rip 7 out?

    Tell ye what? I Know I'm a lunatic, where computers are concerned. But, I have the better part of a centuries experience with rat catching. Ever need any advice around that sort of thing? I'll type day and night! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    You should try the live OS on the back up machine.
    Notice how it operates and try to do things like connect to Netflix as that seems to be the thing you want that would use most resources.

    This may sound like a silly question but; I'm taking it ripping 7 out of my stand by machine will free up a lot of the workings. Space and memory, all that. Cool. Just wondering how one then makes it work, to get Linux on there? Or do I install Linux, using 7. Then rip 7 out?

    You do not install one operating system from within another one, so forget that!

    Ripping 7 out will only free up HDD space and do nothing else.
    You might well need that space .... or maybe not .... depending on the hardware in that backup PC.
    7 will not be in play when running the other OS.

    To install Linux you run it 'live' as you have done, and use the 'install' icon to start the install process.
    You do need to be sure which install option you want, and to have previously backed up any files you do not wish to lose, to a different storage device such as a USB connected HDD.

    When running 'live', launch the application called
    "Konsole", or "Terminal" (depends on version which name it goes by)
    and type in exactly the following command, followed by hitting the Enter key ...

    inxi -Fx

    You could then log in here and copy/paste the whole lot of text from that ...... this will provide sufficient info about the machine to estimate its capabilities.

    (Note: "Konsole" is available from Menu - More Applications)

    Have you tried all those applications in the menu?
    If not do so ..... you might be surprised what is available there.

    edit: You just reminded me of a young lady I knew many decades ago ..... she was known amongst us as 'the rat catchers daughter' :D
    A nice girl, as I recall. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Can't even remember what this is for, now? But, I've got it! :D


    Helluva day ahead of me, tomorrow / Wednesday. Won't have a moment to spare. Obviously appreciate then that you guys too have lives. When ye ready / have a moment :)

    Anyone left here though, still feeling charitable enough to nudge me along through this? As I remember it; Don't I plug an HDMI plug into my 'new' machine. Then, plug the other end of the HDMI into This. And then plug this into the back of my screen?

    Great fun! Just checked: My HDMI thing fits one end of this. The other end isn't a USB plug, as I'd suspected. Presumably the other sort of HDMI plug then, which'll go into my screen?

    Cool! It's starting to make sense now! :D

    I guess, what I'll need next is some idea of what to expect when I finally get both these machines all set up and plugged in :confused:

    What will I see on my screen? What will I do about it? Any links for stuff for me to look at, please ~ save you guys time and trouble?

    Talk about: " All the gear ~ No idea! " :o


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    With the two plugged in to the one screen you generally select the screen menu and choose from there which input to use.

    In that manner you can change from one to the other machine while both are running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Aahhll Bee Bachh!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    :) Definitely geeing up for this, so! Just spent upward of the last hour in a chat room, extolling to a lad in US about what I'm doing. Reassuring Him that it's nothing like the dreaded, Command Prompt / Coding world we'd always imagined it to be. Maybe twenty odd years ago ....? He's enthused now. Already talking about showing his brother! See what you people are doing here? Lead the blind that we may see! (Then we'll show every bugger else!) :D

    Right; Insane o'clock here, now. I'm retired, so now tumble through time as the wind takes me. Long as I feed my creatures at their customary time. Then, I sleep more daylight hours than most people see! :o Anyway, I'll bloody well make sure I'm available when You people are most comfortable, when I actually get the other machine in here. Don't expect it'll take an hour. Just want someone to hold my metaphorical hand. In case.

    Last questions I can think of?

    1. Having loaded Linux on the new machine? (I have it on a stick) Would it not be better to wipe 7 (Saving 'space') and then physically load Linux in its place? To:

    A/ Save strain on the HDD / CPU?

    B/ Allow me to just press the button and fire up. No need to F what ever and choose.

    2. I'd like further input on Which, exact 'Linux' to go with. I realise that may seem a bit like asking, " Who should I vote for? ". I'm really just trying to narrow down between which '7 clones' to look at. " Lite " or ....? Just a flash pointer at what to expect? What is " Lite " :confused:

    Sorry. I'm old and thick. So are my mates! Christ; I hope I'm not leading us all off a cliff! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Regarding wiping Win 7 or not .......

    If you have a car in your two car (or bigger) garage, why would you scrap one car before putting another in there?

    Yes it would make sense if space was tight ...... but first do the measurements.

    First thing you need to be certain about is that your chosen Linux variant 'sees' all the new hardware and that hardware is usable.

    'Light' generally refers to how old/slow/limited on resources/etc a PC can be and still run a particular version.
    There are specific version releases for very old hardware, but hopefully you will not require those. Old hardware of course limits what can be done with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Thanks, Johnboy. And 'morning! :eek: Wow! WTF?! Yes; I'm somewhat of a nightowl; Even by owls standards. Very fast asleep just now when a young lady turned up to bring me the good news about some new broadband .....

    Anyway, I'm up. Dressed. Have made a mugga. Will this be the Day that I start ripping wires apart? Dunno. Might crash and burn within the hour! Only had half a sleep yet.

    Seeing my hardware? That'd be my scanner, camera and trail cam, and my mike. 7 sees all them. 10 said buy a new scanner. That's when I dumped That s**t!

    Regards my new machines resources? I'd put them up, earlier in this thread. No one said I must be joking. But, yeah; Nothing, in my life, is spoken of in terms of Terrabites.

    Young lady who just woke me up was selling " Fast Broadband "? I don't even know what she was talking about. What I have is fine by me. Flix can be a PITA, now and then. But, I well remember dial up!

    Okay. Well, I'm self confessedly notorious for liking to 'sleep on' anything. Just considered forging ahead and fetching that other machine in here. Then wondered what I was thinking.

    Ye mentioned one that was most compatible with refugees from 7? And, I think, a lite version of it? Suspect I might have got them both to my stick.

    Dunno. 'Logic' suggests I'd might as well go straight in with the full version. I'm running 7 fine, on This baccy tin. New machine must be better.

    I think we'll call that todays big decision. I'll go with the Full '7 Replacement' one :)

    Right; Bit more snoozing to be done, here! Barely made four hours!

    Thanks again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura


    F***k Windoze!!!

    Yesterday (?) They cut off 7. Last day or two. Tonight? All hell's let loose! I'm getting more side bars and boxes popping up since I discovered pron sites, back in the day!

    1. I'm in total melt down here.

    2. I can't find all the stuff I loaded onto my stick(s)?!

    3. I'm hoping to go with the Mate " distro "? It seemed friendliest to me ~ having read back. I'm sure my fellow converts and I will get used to that, as well as 10.

    4. I'm freaking out completely, because I've no idea what checking in 'tomorrow' might bring. But, this is it! I NEED TO get the hell away from Doze, Today, if poss'?

    5. Sod this. I'm off to search my sticks. The ISO's (?) Must be there, somewhere? Failing that? I dunno. I'll just try to find my way to Mate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Okay. This is It. Tonight, I jump!

    I don't know What the hell happened there. But, I see it as the gypsys warning.

    7 announced, a couple of days ago, that was it. Goodbye. Then, a day or so later? Updates! I take it That was the self destruct button installing! They can now frig us around like that at will. Forcing us to move over to 10.

    Nope! But, here's the thing: I got my stick and found the distro files I'd DL'd? " Mate " somehow fell apart, so I f'd that off. Found I have KDE5. But, I can't find an exe file in there, or any way of firing it up :confused:

    I have Rufus open, as I type. But, despite re reading the above, I can't figure out how to influence that folder with it.

    So; I'm starting over. I'm DLing KD, right now. From the last link. Very latest model. Full one. Not 'Darkstar'. I intend to leave this tab open and, further schit storms notwithstanding, I fully intend to sort out and Install KDE5 Tonight and start getting used to using it :cool:

    Having managed that on This machine? I can then ~ hopefully! ~ do it again on the big machine next. Only, I'll figure out how to turn off Automatic Updates, on that one, before I let it near the internet!

    Wish me luck! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Right; Horses and Dogs fed. KD whats it now on my desk top. I'm now loading that onto a completely empty stick. That'll take an hour (2 Gigs) Then, as I remember, I must hit restart / F12. Boot from usb. Hit to DL from within what ever we call this distro :)

    I'm aware that that'll involve something else. " Konsole " or " Terminal ". I have that post copied to my desk top and shall move it to my usual stick before I blast off.

    Feeling amazingly calm about it. But, then; I understand more stupid people are calmer under fire. They're too thick to recognise the gravity of their own predicament! :D

    Let's see if I'm still smiling tomorrow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Good luck ...... and have Fun!!!!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Five minutes and thirty seconds, distro's gonna be on that stick!

    It Would be very fair too to now say I'm becoming somewhat of a brick layer too!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Ohh Kayyyyy ..... I'm following the plan 28064212 gives me, on post 5.

    Got as far as step 6. " Write the ISO ". But, I tried " opening " the iso on my stick and it wouldn't have it. However, I now see Rufus appears to be DLing something? I think we're back at post 16.

    So; This should take about half an hour. Only, I can't find anything Saying it's actually DLing :confused:

    I'd hit Start, in Rufus. Loathe to touch it again, lest I Restart the whole thing, or corrupt what I have. Just wish that green bar would grow a bit.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    oops ....... posted just as your last post appeared :D
