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Is There Anybody Out There ....?



  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Just so you know ...... when I refer to other machine I mean HP if it is working.
    No point in buying something unnecessarily. ;)

    Do keep running that Linux Live USB so you become familiar with it.

    If you get the chance please do boot Win in the Acer and then reboot into the liveUSB to see if the internet then works in Linux.
    I am interested in that result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    John! I'm back ~ On Linux!!! :eek:

    Sorry I took so long. Spent the afternoon breaking my bits with 3 and my brain over this trap I'm trying to engineer.

    Did what ye asked, look. Been sitting here, all day, on doze. Never realised, I must have fired up this morning, trying straight for Linux. (Had I been doing that all along?! Doubt it. But, dunno!)

    Anyway, yeah; Rebooted from doze. Chose the Traveler stick I have linux on. Boosh! Here I am :)

    So, there's ye question answered ~ seemingly?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    John! I'm back ~ On Linux!!! :eek:

    Sorry I took so long. Spent the afternoon breaking my bits with 3 and my brain over this trap I'm trying to engineer.

    Did what ye asked, look. Been sitting here, all day, on doze. Never realised, I must have fired up this morning, trying straight for Linux. (Had I been doing that all along?! Doubt it. But, dunno!)

    Anyway, yeah; Rebooted from doze. Chose the Traveler stick I have linux on. Boosh! Here I am :)

    So, there's ye question answered ~ seemingly?

    Yes, answered indeed. Thanks.

    For the present use that to get connected in the LiveUSB until something better is sorted.

    Boot Win ..... reboot choose USB .... boot into Linux and you should be connected.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    HP RIP.

    It's official. The HP machine is with the Dodo's :( Wouldn't go 'Voom!' if ye stuck 60,000 volts up it.

    I guess I'm computer shopping ~ again ~ Johnboy.

    Horrible position to be, back, in. I guess I should be cheering that I at least have a phone now. In the event then; I'll be more handcuffed than handless. Still .....

    Dunno where this leaves us, for now. This months pension is already ear marked for bloody fuel! Not as if random tons are floating around me. Nor is this thread the place to start discussing buying a machine.

    Just seems worth noting though, for clarity: I'm still here, on 7. No problems what so ever. My mate's the same. So, I should probably retract what ever vitriol I may have spouted against Bill, initially.

    Simple fact remains though: It's just in my nature to prefer to not be shackled. I'm also not given to half measures.

    Ye've constantly said I Shouldn't commit to Linux, John. But, now I'm down to the one - Acer - machine, what do ye suggest? Buy a new back up, and play with 'Linux On A Stick' with that one? Till when?

    I honestly think any further discussion of 'Should I? Shouldn't I? How?', on this thread, would be pointless. We've done that. To death. I'll be, eternally, more grateful than ye'll ever know. Truthfully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    I was not intending to advise against committing to Linux, but was advising caution and doing so at a slower pace than you indicated was your intention.

    Now that you are down to one machine, choices are somewhat different.

    Depending on drive capacity in that machine and how much space Win requires at minimum, it should be possible to install Linux on the same drive, and dual boot ....... select which to use immediately after powering on.
    This can be a little confusing to do for a first timer, so I generally advise a different method where possible.

    A second option for one machine use is to use two drives. If it is possible to put the second drive into the machine, this would be the preferred option. Win on one and Linux on the other, and choose which to boot as above.

    A third option would be an external drive .... attached to the USB socket (preferably USB 3 for speed reasons). Linux can be installed on that and booted in similar manner to how you boot the Live USB stick.
    This could be completely independent of the internal drive, or space on the internal drive recovered from Win could be used for storing files etc.

    Any of the above would be a 'half-way house' in your move ....... have a Linux space without burning your Win pad.

    If you get on with Linux in the long term, not needing Win for anything, then would be the time to wipe Win and install Linux all on its own.
    That might be the ultimate aim, but I see no reason that the first option would not suit better in the long term.
    I will leave Win on a laptop for instance, in case I might wish to sell it with Windows working - providing the HDD has sufficient space for both Win and Lin.

    Maybe your buddy would do the necessary for you to limit the space used by Win on the Acer? He would also need to ensure that it did not hibernate by default (or is that Win 10 only?).
    Once that space is available, and Win boots quite happily afterwards, then installing from the USB stick is a simple matter.

    So .... control Windows and reduce space. Install Linux into that space.
    All done. :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    :DThree!!! Why didn't I see that?!

    Right; Now I'm loathe to say another word on the subject. Because External's aren't the subject of this Board, let alone this thread!

    Off about my business ~ let my head clear, for now. I'll return, presently. Find where we discuss Hardware and shall dig about on there for some inside track on Externals :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    :DThree!!! Why didn't I see that?!

    Right; Now I'm loathe to say another word on the subject. Because External's aren't the subject of this Board, let alone this thread!

    Off about my business ~ let my head clear, for now. I'll return, presently. Find where we discuss Hardware and shall dig about on there for some inside track on Externals :)

    If you don't have a suitable external drive there are many options ..... the best of which is an SSD with adapter cable or housing to connect to the USB socket.

    There is another option I have no experience of ...... using a micro SD card in a USB adapter. These can be very cost effective, but I have no experience of their durability.
    I might try this in the next week or so to see if it works well or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    What ye reckon, Johnboy; Should we kick this to " PC Building & Upgrading" now :confused:

    Either way, I have a couple of hours getting my hands dirty coming up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    What ye reckon, Johnboy; Should we kick this to " PC Building & Upgrading" now :confused:

    Either way, I have a couple of hours getting my hands dirty coming up.

    I say leave as is to keep it all together.
    There is a lot of history in this thread ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Fair comment! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    So, what is your intention?

    You have an external drive to try for 3. above?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    So, what is your intention?

    Quite funny. I actually read that from the floor. As my ear was being licked by one of my Dogs I, unfathomably, call " Licky ". My grunted, verbal, response, screwdriver in hand, was: " Fit this f***ing door, John! " :D

    I was just fitting a Licky proof door to the cubby hole where the Acer, and its wires, lives. Licky is also a pathological wire chewer.

    Anyway, yes; No. I don't have an external drive. I'm going to buy one. I just need to figure out which one :confused:

    Under a tenner to over a ton. Only need a few gigs. Because I'll only have my Linux on it, look. Everything else I keep backed up to a pair of sticks. Copy on each. Lest Licky get to one :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    How large are the USB sticks?

    I have just completed an install of PCLinuxOS KDE5 on a 64 GB micro SD card in a USB adapter.
    Tiny things, so easily lost I guess (or swallowed) :)

    Whatever you decide on, try to get the fastest READ speed you can.

    64 GB SSDs range from about €20 upwards ..... and you get the quality you pay for.

    Because you have 'storage space' on the Win drive you do not need a large capacity SSD .... but do get the one with the fastest read speed you can afford.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Okay, Johnboy: I read that and called my mate, Dean O'. Half my age and knows far more than I about these machines.

    However, seems he's Not up to scratch on SSD's. So, he suggested I ask You ye top pick of three price ranged ones.

    Now, this guy has ~ and has had for years ~ my Life on his own HDDs. It came to me, during our conversation, that he Has my life because he saved it for me, after my " Tenner " external drive died!

    I'll consider That the Gypsys warning then! Scrap the cheap as chips crap! :eek:

    Top of the range gear? We're talking a ton plus, of course! And, I'll be computer shopping, this year, anyway. What do I want to spend a ton plus for, just to hold something I can freely DL ~ or have Dean O' DL for me, if it comes to it ~ anyway?

    So; What ye reckon? Thirty to fifty sort of mark? Any leanings toward anything in that sort of ball park that might be worth considering, please?

    And, as I told Dean O' I'd say: Ye welcome to PM me on this. Save exposing yeself to anyone popping up to argue ye opinion is Wrong! That would only muddy the water anyway :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    The biggest danger when doing an install is damaging the working installation of Windows.
    You can avoid that by disconnecting the Windows HDD before installing Linux.

    The whole installation procedure will be alien to you, but it quite simple once you know what you need.
    As with all things Linux it puts the power in the users hands and so you need to make the decisions.

    As you might have gathered, I am doing my best to steer you away from actions which, by an incorrect decision or inattention, could wipe out your working Win install.

    So if your mate has a spare HDD (wiped clean) that you could borrow for a while, you could put that in the Acer, disconnect the Windows drive and boot from the LiveUSB, and install Linux to the borrowed HDD.

    After the install and reboot to check all is working OK, you can power down and reconnect the Win drive.
    You can, within Linux, run an application which will see the presence of the Win drive and offer it as a boot option on the first screen.
    Alternatively you can choose which drive to boot from by using a key press during the first stage of the boot process ..... often F8 or F9 or one of those keys. The Acer manual will have the info or it might even come up on screen before you get to the selection screen of Linux.

    That would suffice while you decide on what to buy, and would also give you some idea how this all works when installed.
    You could also do several different installations just for practice.
    Any HDD that will connect to your motherboard will suffice.

    IMO the main thing is to get some experience of doing installation so you are comfortable when doing one to be kept long term.

    Is it possible that your mate has such a drive he could donate or loan?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    No idea what drives my mate might have. Frankly? Immaterial, to me. I want to buy my own (External) drive with a USB plug ~ as I had before. Just a more reliable one.

    I'll put my KDE5 on that drive. Stick the USB into the Acer. Hammer F12, on boot. Get on with my life, on Linux.

    Let me just tell ye about my 'life', John. Indulge me. It won't take long:

    I fire her up. I look at what's being said on five or six fora. I've visited them all, on doze and Linux.

    Late at night, I mike chat to a friend in NZ. We use " Telegram ". I've checked. That is Linux friendly. I just DL it to Linux. It recognises me and sends my phone a code. That code gets me chatting to kiwi. I'm figuring Linux will accept my USB / P&P mike too.

    Here comes the one in the woodpile: I'm on one site where we show eachother video clips we find on line. That's the bug bear! Because I often want to clip a segment of a longer clip.

    That, I do with " Windows Live Movie Maker ". (I then do various other things, via a few web based places. But, I can go to them as normal via firefox on Linux)

    My only snag is that the 'Film Editor' on KDE5 is Seriously complicated looking! :eek: I really need to mess about with video, on an almost daily basis. That bloody thing could take me Weeks to figure out!

    So, in short? I don't Need doze 7. It's going to be taken away from me anyway, in due course. Why should I try to hang onto it until it goes tits up? Pointless! Like the old box I (think?) I have down the stables: XP on it. Dead!

    Finally? I'd prefer to just wake up. Hit the button. Keep getting dressed. Hunching over this bloody thing, tapping F12 like a maniac gets very old. Damn quickly.

    NB. My Sticks are 32GB Kingston's. And, in honesty? I Do Not favour them for long tern storage of stuff that matters to me. But, that's just me. I guess I'm scared to death of having just One copy of my lifes work Anywhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    If you feel that strongly about it you can force yourself to make 'accommodations' while you learn what Linux applications suit you best for what you want to do, simply by wiping Win and doing a linux install. :D

    It is not exactly what I would recommend, but it would be a final decision. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Yeah. I'm Seriously Absolutely sold on Linux, Johnboy. It's Literally just this one (Vid Editing) thing that's left in my way now.

    Suffice it to say; Between this and our last posts? I've reached the score to become a Made Man on that site! :D I'm just waiting for the Admin to spot it and shower me with the goodies!

    I'm Not about to wake up, tomorrow then, find a Great clip ~ and not have a clue how to dress it for my next presentation! :eek:

    Dunno. Maybe I should start messing around with the Linux editing suite; Familiarise myself with that before jumping?

    Do I still need an external :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    Yeah. I'm Seriously Absolutely sold on Linux, Johnboy. It's Literally just this one (Vid Editing) thing that's left in my way now.

    Suffice it to say; Between this and our last posts? I've reached the score to become a Made Man on that site! :D I'm just waiting for the Admin to spot it and shower me with the goodies!

    I'm Not about to wake up, tomorrow then, find a Great clip ~ and not have a clue how to dress it for my next presentation! :eek:

    Dunno. Maybe I should start messing around with the Linux editing suite; Familiarise myself with that before jumping?

    Do I still need an external :confused:

    The internal should suffice to hold files until you get sorted.

    Regarding the Video work ..... post in the forum and explain exactly what you do to the source video to get the result you want.
    Ask what application might be best suited to that kind of work.

    I would expect you will get some responses from those with a little or maybe a lot of experience in doing similar.
    You can then try what is suggested when running live ..... by installing the app you want to test.

    G'night ;)

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,798 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    I've been able to use OpenShot to do basic video editing - it's pretty capable, but the learning curve isn't too steep.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    oscarBravo wrote: »
    I've been able to use OpenShot to do basic video editing - it's pretty capable, but the learning curve isn't too steep.

    There are so many different video centric applications it is difficult to know which one might best suit some purpose without some advice or testing.
    Most of them are very capable at what their target function is.

    I still resort to Avidemux for simple video splitting .... taking out a short clip from a long video ..... or even deleting adverts from a recording.
    Old habits die hard :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Yeppers, John; Much of my work actually involves copying vid's from such and such sites. Then, cropping out the segment I want to show, on 'my' site.

    Only, I always try to find a bit that hasn't got the 'original' sites water mark. I'll also crop off side panels, which may feature the sites name. And go as far as wiping their sound track :cool: It's a dirty little world I inhabit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Oscar Bravo; Thanks for that :) Now on my desk top and being put through its paces. Seems alright.

    One thing I'm finding confusing is where it puts my stuff :confused: I normally DL to my Desk Top. This has squirreled my DL away on my C drive, somewhere? I had to run a search to find it!

    How may I rectify that, please?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Is there nothing in the settings to allow you to set the 'Save' location?

    or set a path in 'Export Video'?

    Just Installed Openshot ....... when you click the Save (Red) icon it presents the option of where to export/save it to. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Not that I'm finding, John :( Just gone through it pretty thoroughly, clicking everything I could see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    Not that I'm finding, John :( Just gone through it pretty thoroughly, clicking everything I could see.

    Not sure what you are looking for now ...... openshot provides the option to alter the path to where to save your output ..... is this not what you were looking for?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    :confused:Exactly what I'm looking for! Where is it, please?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    :confused:Exactly what I'm looking for! Where is it, please?

    Press the red icon to Export the work.
    First is you give it a name
    Second is you tell it where to save ...... you can use the browse button to find the folder into which it should save.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    :( Dear god ..... Sometimes, I swear, I think I'm just too thick to own a computer!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,008 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    :( Dear god ..... Sometimes, I swear, I think I'm just too thick to own a computer!

