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Is There Anybody Out There ....?



  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    " What is shown on the Config tab of PA Vol Control? " How do I find that, please? (Probably gave up trying, last time, because all hell was breaking loose)

    KDE5, both times. Was fantastic, last time :confused:

    Lack of memory doesn't sound good! :(

    That is rather weird.

    Do you still have the previous ISO available to try it again?

    PA Vol Control is available through the Sound menu.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Okay. I'm back. Interesting .....

    " Built in audio analog ", when tested, works. " USB P&P " (My speakers) don't.

    Then, with Yahoo Mailer, here, and another forum open, I decided to try chube for a sound. Baring in mind the Linux audio test worked.

    Hit chube. Cursor locked up. Wheel turned, as it " Transferred data ". Then, checking my phone, I found I'd sat there, staring at all this, for over five minutes. The Linux clock had frozen too. Big Button Time, again.

    'Good News' ~ potentially ~ is that I still have a copy of the original KD5! Yaaaayyyy!!! :D

    Oh, and chube is working, fast and fine, back here on doze.

    Okay, Johnboy: Enough for today, eh? I'll play with the original ISO tomorrow. (Do I need to feed it through Rufus first :confused: Can't remember)

    Either way, I'm all in now. This stuff strains me. I'm gonna sit and ponder this new turtle tank idea / project that's come up today. I'm drastically adjusting my sleep pattern, right now. So, I'm shot.

    Back tomorrow, for another crack at it! Refreshed! ;)


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Yes, use Rufus to put the older ISO on the USB stick.

    Later ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Goood Morrrrrrrning, Johnboy!!! :D:p

    Well ..... Damndest thing! Even having called it a night, in here, last night? I went back to what ever I was doing, on this; And it sucker punched me! :eek: Right out of the blue; Machine did Something ~ I don't even remember now. I was dead beat.

    But, yeah. I remember thinking, " WTF? Am I computer shopping now?! " Had to reboot. Then, all seemed normal again, till I passed out in front of 'flix.

    This morning? Discovered the original KDE5 needs passing through Rufus, to make it bootable. So, in view of last night? Thought I'd try the latest one, again. Yesterdays. And, here I am!

    Just watched a bit of chube ~ With Sound! :DI switched 'Built In Audio' to my default and there we go!

    Just cracked open my mailer. That'll alert me when ye arrive. Till then, I'll have a browse and plan my big project, on paper. Just waiting to see if ye have any reason I Shouldn't now dl this Linux, and finally make it my own! (Entering passwords and expanding fonts every time is a pita! ;))

    See ye when ye get here :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Seems like you might have had that boot 'glitch' I considered which meant the live system was not running correctly.

    Now that it is and you have checked what is important to you, go ahead and install.
    There is an installer launcher on the Desktop I believe ...... use that.

    The only really important question you will have to answer is the one about where to install ...... been a while since I did this but as I recall you will have three choices and the order will likely be different to this

    1 Use Free Space ..... you would use this if you intended to keep Windows and have both OSs on the drive.
    2 Custom partitioning .... for those who are familiar with what they want and it is different to defaults.
    3 Use complete drive ..... uses complete drive for Linux, wiping everything, including OS & data from the drive

    You have decided to use Complete Drive, which will wipe everything from the HDD, obliterating Windows, and do an automatic partitioning scheme which should be good enough for your first install.

    After that accepting the defaults (unless obviously incorrect or not what you want) will allow it to go through without incident (hopefully).

    Good luck! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Good luck!

    :eek: You sounded just like Marco!

    Right! Here I go! Hope to god to see ye on the other side! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Ok: Hit restart expecting to be told when to pull the disc out. Got unmounting file systems. Init no more processes.

    Do I hit the big button?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Scrub that ðŸ˜

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    OK. In, but no Internet. ", net applet network down".

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    OK. In, but no Internet. ", net applet network down".

    Left click on NetApplet icon in tray ........ can you enter whatever you need there to connect?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    :D:D:D:D:D I'm IN, John!!! (And Billie Eilish just Isn't my cup of tea! :pac: Some young girl who sings. She kept popping up on chube. Knew she'd be making noise, see?)

    Just couldn't get the modem to work, see? Rang 3 and, thankfully, got a lad! We were both trying, most manfully, to keep our cools with each other! LOL! He couldn't see my Linux, obviously. So, he's trying to guide me blind.

    Got there in the end!

    Bound to be a thousand and one silly little questions now, as I find my way around :o But, I'm a digger. I like to click things and see what they make happen. I'll soon learn the limited number of things I like to use :)

    Top of my list will be being able to come in, without having to type out my own name, and some stupid password! I'm the only bugger in here! Don't suppose my Dogs will ever try to gain access, while I'm down the stables :rolleyes:

    Okay! HaHaaaaa!!!! I'm Officially Ex Windoze! :D Oh, Joy! Oh, Rupture!

    Right then; How about we call the next part of this thread " Chapter Two "? Because, One was allaying my complete Linux Virgin fears. Now? Newb in the Wild! :D

    Now, just off to feed the horses - through that blizzard! - then, I'll settle down to exploring this and jotting down questions! :D Let's see how long it takes for me to get myself in deep schit! :o


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Glad you got that sorted out and have a good connection :D

    A couple of hints which might be helpful in your wanderings ......

    Hold Ctrl+Alt and hit Backspace key twice if you need to log out but cannot for some reason.
    This would bring you back to the screen where you put in your personal password to get access to your account and files.

    You will also have entered a 'root' password. 'root' is the administrator and has access to all users' files. This should only be invoked for specific uses, as misuse of 'roots' powers could easily screw up the whole installation.

    If you face a situation like you previously described, not being able to do anything except hit the power button, there is a much safer way to restart the machine ......

    Hold Ctrl+Alt and press these keys in slow succession
    "Print Screen/SysRq", r, e, i, s, u, b

    That should, in most cases, cause your PC to shut down cleanly and restart.

    Using the power button should be avoided as it can leave the HDD partitions in an unhealthy state.

    There is a facility in KDE Settings, to set a quick press of the power button to do a clean shutdown (useful if you could not see the screen for instance).
    The power button would need to be held pushed for about 4 seconds to do an immediate and unsafe shutdown.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    All That will be written down, slowly and tidily, on paper, Johnboy! Thanks!

    I didn't actually submit an Admin. I was trying to avoid all that crap altogether. See Dogs, above! I want to just press The Button and see my home page before I'm dressed. Can't Stand having to hover over a bloody key board, assuring the thing it's me, again!

    Regards all these keys? Major faux pas already! :o I clicked for English Key Board? Now? Chaos! I won't try to demonstrate. But, eg If I hit the Hash key? I get " \ ". And, I got " by hitting @! WTF....?! (Oh: ? and ! work. As does : :rolleyes:)

    # ~ :D Told ye I like to dig about! :DSorted! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    All That will be written down, slowly and tidily, on paper, Johnboy! Thanks!

    I didn't actually submit an Admin. I was trying to avoid all that crap altogether. See Dogs, above! I want to just press The Button and see my home page before I'm dressed. Can't Stand having to hover over a bloody key board, assuring the thing it's me, again!

    Regards all these keys? Major faux pas already! :o I clicked for English Key Board? Now? Chaos! I won't try to demonstrate. But, eg If I hit the Hash key? I get " \ ". And, I got " by hitting @! WTF....?! (Oh: ? and ! work. As does : :rolleyes:)

    # ~ :D Told ye I like to dig about! :DSorted! :D

    KDE Settings - Hardware - Input Devices and select the layout of your keyboard

    US or UK ...... one has " for shift 2, and the other has # for shift 2, as I recall.

    Glad you found it.

    There is an option to auto log in which if set will mean you do not need to enter your user password to get to the Desktop.

    The other alternative would be to delete your password, but the autologin should suffice. It is found in

    Configure your Computer - Boot and Set up autologin ;)

    You do really need to use the forum, wiki etc for such things now that you are installed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Already sorted that, John! :D As we speak? I'm trying to find my backed up FF short cuts and inject them ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    see my additions to my previous post. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Okay, well ..... I'm suspecting it must have been in PM that Johnboy asked me to report back, " After a weekend of Linux " (My emphasis).

    Naah. I mean, that's like asking someone who's got a puppy for xmass what they feel about Dog ownership! Let's get the honeymoon over with.

    Well; Today is day six of me waking up to, and totally living with Linux / KDE5. I have precious little choice. I've well and truly burned my bridges, haven't I? No Windoze for me to fall back on! This is my Only possible OS now.

    And ..... It's been absolutely fine! :D I was on 7. Loved it! Never wanted to leave 7. But, they forced my arm.

    Tried 10, and that was So abysmal, it was ~ quite literally ~ Linux, or give up the internet!

    So, anyway, here I am look. The guts of a week in. How's it been?

    Well; I've done Most of the things that I've ever done. Ye know, day to say stuff. Visited my usual places. Sorted my passwords (Which I keep on a NotePad anyway, on a stick)

    We have different names for things. (So does Mac! They can't all just use 'doze names!) But, " Firefox " is called " Firefox ", and has been my default browser since for ever, anyway. Google's still here.

    To be fair? I'd say pretty much Everything is here. Ye just have to learn Where, and what it's now called.

    Great example; The other day, I was in my bank accounts (Yes; Both accounts let me log in. No trouble there ~ as I have had from cafe's) I needed to work out something and, being thick, clicked my new equivalent of the Start button, expecting " Calculator " to appear on my start list :rolleyes:

    Instead, I got a list of places to look. " Office " sounded logical. Click! Top of the list is " Kcalc ". Hmm ... Click! Boosh! I now know where to find a calculator! Just like that! :D

    And, that really Is about the level of it. It's no worse than if they released " Windoze 11 " and forced everyone to adopt ~ and adapt to ~ that. It's much of a muchness. Just a bit different :)

    Sent my boss a raft of photo's today. (Yes, it accepts my camera, and I can off load photo's). Apologised for lumbering him with thirteen shots. Said I hadn't yet sussed Zip Folders. Five minutes later? Master Zipper! :D

    So on and so forth.

    Am I happy? Yes! 100% ....? Of course not. In fact, tonight, my ferreting around, 'Click it and see' behaviour proved my undoing :( So much so that I'm actually considering ripping this out, and reloading it, to start again! :eek:

    One Click sent me down a rabbit hole to hell. Now, I can't live with what my screen shows me.

    Next post ~ being typed as ye read this: The Cons!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Okay. That last was a Monster of a long one. But, I'm just trying to lay down here what I wish I could have found, on line. Before Johnboy took my hand and gently guided me through the Scary AAF thing which was " Linux ".

    I've bigged it up then. No problemmo. Credit where it's due has always been my watch word.

    But ..... Surely ....

    Well, yeah: When I get up and switch the machine on? I'm pretty sure it takes twice as long to sort its schit out. Like; I've learned to just carry on and get dressed, now. It's about done as I'm cinching my belt.

    And, when I say " Done "? I mean it's ready for me. Because I then need to click. Click. Click the options, to open Firefox. Then my mailer. Start my day.

    It's no biggy. Maybe there's a way. One more thing I just haven't sussed yet. But, I'd just Love to be able to open straight to my " Home Page ". As it is? I need to click 'Start' / Internet / Firefox / Yahoo Mailer. First world problems, I know :rolleyes:

    Ummm ..... Really no other problems. Except ~ and This is the f***ing deal breaker! Do Not Touch the devils spawn known as " Latte Dock "!!!!! :mad:

    Jesus F***ing Christ!!! I clicked that, out of curiosity, today. I've spent for ever since, clicking, cursing, clawing at my own face! Nothing will get rid of the " Brick Wall " schit, along the bottom of my page. Or even give me my bloody Clock back! I now have to look over my shoulder, or get my phone out, just to see what f***ing Time it is!!! :mad:

    Biggest mistake of my life, since marrying that whore I did the second time round! Clicked. Googled. It's like f***ing herpes. I'm seriously thinking a format and reinstall is my only option!

    Latte Dock. It lurks under " More Applications ", in the 'start menu'. Avoid it like the plague!!! :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Launch Synaptic
    Search for latte-dock
    Right click on the entry and select
    Close Synaptic when done.
    Log out and back in again ....... no need to reboot.

    it should be gone I expect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Launch Synaptic

    Ye gonna Love me, John! :o

    Can't even get Synaptic anymore! Clicking and searching Everywhere for it. This schit's taken over and is Taking The Piss!

    Want a reminder of that phone number? Might be faster :confused:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    I think I gave you this link previously.
    It has some good information in there.
    There is a Search function to help find stuff.

    There is also a lot of information to read on the forum ...... can you get in there yet? ....... even if you cannot log in.

    There is also a monthly PCLOS magazine with lots of 'How to' articles and such.

    Speed of booting:
    Generally Linux is about the same speed as Win or a little faster, to boot. Some Win versions hibernate rather than shutdown which gives the appearance of a quicker boot up. My small experience with Win indicates that when the screen comes up it is nowhere near ready, but Linux is.
    Your machine is rather limited in capabilities for a modern OS, so some slowness is to be expected.

    Yes you can arrange to 'Autologon' which means you would not have a need to enter your user password when you boot up.

    Good to see you are working through things. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    'Autologon' isn't an issue here, John. (If I may call ye " John "? Ye can call me " Stig ". Life moves better that way, I find.) I'll just get used to it. Till / If I happen on a way of fixing it. As one does.

    That forum? Nope. Completely baffled. Tried the Linux Browser. Exact same result as ever I got. Tried everything. What was it Einstein said about repeating the same actions and expecting a different result?

    A monthly magazine, with lots of Articles, about how to live with Linux ....??? Whoah! Stop right there, John. Think. Why is Bill Gates a multi billionaire? Since When did Windoze ever say; ' Slight niggle? Sure. Just join this forum and search / read these, monthly Articles. The answer's probably in that lot, somewhere. Good luck. < Like Marco.

    I've been googling this schit all day. All I've found is old fora, now dead. Or stuff relating to code stuff ~ exactly what I always dreaded about Linux! I just want to undo a bad click. And get my clock back!

    Your call, John. Or, is the Ultimate 'Windoze To Linux' thread gonna peter out on;

    'Hmm. Told ye. Should never have wiped the doze. Just read the complete bible, cover to cover, to find out why a fly died against ye windscreen. The answer will be in there. One month.'

    I'll reinstall the entire damn system. Just to get rid of this Latte nightmare.

    Some legacy for this thread :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    Ye gonna Love me, John! :o

    Can't even get Synaptic anymore! Clicking and searching Everywhere for it. This schit's taken over and is Taking The Piss!

    Want a reminder of that phone number? Might be faster :confused:

    Synaptic is in the menu under Software Center I think.

    IF not then log out and log in a
    username: root
    password: whatever you used when you first booted

    You can then launch Synaptic, remove latte-dock, and log back in to your user account.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    On phone. Logged in to bull and jingle. Then black screen. Right click brings little box of options. None seem to be of any use.


    Phone number?

    F###ed?! 😳

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    On phone. Logged in to bull and jingle. Then black screen. Right click brings little box of options. None seem to be of any use.


    Phone number?

    F###ed?! ��

    Did you log in as root user?
    Did you launch Synaptic?
    Have you access to the menu of applications?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Did you log in as root user?
    Did you launch Synaptic?
    Have you access to the menu of applications?

    I just started the machine, as normal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Stigura wrote: »
    I just started the machine, as normal.

    Reboot and this time log in as root, not user, and follow instructions to remove latte-dock.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Reboot and this time log in as root, not user, and follow instructions to remove latte-dock.

    N0 opportunity. Boots to bull / plasma then black.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,431 ✭✭✭Stigura

    That it? No more computer? Bit harsh.

    Fun while it lasted :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭Johnboy1951

    Use the command I gave you

    Ctrl+Alt and backspace key twice will get to the log in page if you have already logged in to your account and cannot get out.

    Other than that I have no idea what is happening on your PC because I cannot see it.
