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Huawei P20 Pro Free on Tesco Mobile @ €30pm

  • 19-11-2019 2:27pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 42

    If you're in the market for a new phone with decent specs and battery life this might be a good option.

    Link to deal page here.

    €30pm x 24months = €720

    €720 - €430 (Outright Amazon) = €290

    €290 / 24months = €12.08pm

    Therefore comparable price to buying outright and going with a GoMo sim.

    No headphone jack
    No stabilisation in 4K video (1080p has stabilisation)
    No SD slot (surely 128GB is enough for a phone?)
    Plan is only 500/500/15GB : call/text/data

    EDIT: iPhone 8 also on offer for €99 upfront. May be of interest to some.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 697 ✭✭✭Cionn

    I am on that deal (paid €250 for the phone) I can not wait to be out of contract. Tesco are cheap but I would suggest they are not good value.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 42 aflossj

    Cionn wrote: »
    I am on that deal (paid €250 for the phone) I can not wait to be out of contract. Tesco are cheap but I would suggest they are not good value.

    Bad speeds? No upgrade options?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 115 ✭✭kenneth2

    Cionn wrote: »
    I am on that deal (paid €250 for the phone) I can not wait to be out of contract. Tesco are cheap but I would suggest they are not good value.

    Can you expand on this? What issues have you had with tescomobile? I'm with them and had very little issues.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,797 ✭✭✭sweetie

    Did they ever get 4g, that's why I left them

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 115 ✭✭kenneth2

    sweetie wrote: »
    Did they ever get 4g, that's why I left them

    Oh ok, yes they did get 4g, it took a while alright but it's available now.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 697 ✭✭✭Cionn

    bad speeds,
    poor coverage
    My daughter who is also on Tesco Mobile, when I ring her I always have to ring twice, first time the call fails but the second time it rings (always, mad I know, but the thoughts of getting on to support about this is too much)
    I had to turn off 4g to get any data coverage where I live (based on advice from Tesco support)
    They do not let you set a data limit to your out of bundle exposure. if you go over the contact data limits (I had a €170 bill thanks to that, they said they send a text but I didn't receive one)
    My discussions in relation to contract terms and conditions that contradict each other were pointless. They will only interpret their meaning where the conflict is very apparent
    Escalation of issues via support to Team Lead/Manager "I will ring you back in relation to this " zero response, subsequent follow up "ok I will definately ring you back tomorrow at 3pm" zero response

    Personally counting down the days to the end of my contract. Cheap network but poor value. I was previously with Eir/Meteor and have a second phone with Vodafone - Zero issues with those networks

    The above is a summary of my issues

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,817 ✭✭✭corks finest

    kenneth2 wrote:
    Can you expand on this? What issues have you had with tescomobile? I'm with them and had very little issues.

    Was with them , coverage is dire, customer care is tops really good,but TBH speeds bad, dropped calls regular,etc, VF is your man
