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Gradmed GAMSAT Courses

  • 20-11-2019 5:57pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3

    Hi guys I'm prepping for the GAMSAT and was wondering what people think of the Gradmed courses. Are they worth the money? If you know anyone who did the course, were they pleased with the score they received after then sitting the exam? I've heard mixed things online, but the few people that have spoken at open days have all not done the course. All feedback is appreciated.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19 gradmedgirl

    Hey GemDara,

    I am also thinking of doing one - however I just don't believe they're as useful as they're made out to be. I remember doing one for the HPAT and in all honestly, the people who did it with me and they were just bright and capable anyway so they ended up doing well either way like it wasn't like the course gave them any significant boost. For someone like myself who isn't naturally bright and capable (and has to study a lot lol) - the course didn't help - it just reassured me on things that I learned from just buying a book or two.
