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Standout things from a decade of arcade and retro?

  • 03-01-2020 12:44pm
    Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 34,714 CMod ✭✭✭✭

    So, everyone seems to be producing lists of their favourites of the past ten years, but this scene is a little different.
    So, what are your standout gets or events of the past ten years of the arcade and retro scene?

    Grail gets.
    Regrets and opportunities missed.
    Collections completed.
    Games finished at last.
    Heroes from the scenes met?
    Personal goals in the scene met, for that matter.

    As long as it meant something to you.
    And what might you hope to do/see/get in the next ten years, if that's not too much of a stretch!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭beejee

    Good thread!

    Going back a few years, I built up quite a collection of Sega Saturn stuff. It was a lot of fun hunting around for stuff.

    Just as I was about to sell off the last of my arcade stuff from waaaay back, the opposite happened and I began looking for more stuff instead! That introduced me to the "raid" scene, and that was extremely interesting! Whole little world full of strange characters and backstabbing and espionage, and a whole load of misunderstanding because of those things :p

    An awful lot has slipped through my fingers, but it hasn't been all bad, managed to source a few cabs for members on here.

    Best get? A geansai load of arcade pcbs, but overall it has to be my Nintendo Radar Scope. Was able to track down a lot of information thanks to Nintendo's excellent serial numbering. Apparently (grain of salt), one of 12 recorded that's left, another guy in Netherlands has one, so there are two in Europe known (although a deconverted one may have been found in uk). Mine and the Netherlands rolled off the assembly line after each other, so they're brothers :p

    Meets? Have somehow managed to avoid meeting other members on here thus far, just always bad timing. Maybe this year that'll change.

    Regrets? Has to be the turtles and simpsons cabinet. Literally had them bought for 50 euro each. Then I couldn't get them up a stairs because they were too heavy. Turned out that they were extra heavy because there was hundreds of euros in coins still inside, which I realised AFTER I had returned them. Like a three stooges scene,
    except there were only two us. Tragic!

    Upcoming? Managed to find a couple bits for the radar scope, so at long last I'll be doing a full restore. It's not bad as it is, but a few bits will bring it up a lot :)

    More current stuff, I thought resident evil 2 was a great surprise (but not perfect) and resident evil 3 is out in April!

    And now I forget the rest of the questions, so this will have to do :p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 35,921 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    The 2010s has been all about arcade hardware for me. Bought my first candy cabinet 10 years ago this year! Mad how time flies. Went through four in total over the period.

    Highlight of the decade was definitely this;


    At one point I'd 6 hori PCBs in the Aero, 6 verts in the Pony and an MVS multi cart in the SNK. The noise! :eek:

    Still, don't mind ending it on this! :)


    *edit - it's worth noting, this picture is a year old, the fish now has a massive tank :D

  • Posts: 3,689 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    The advent of the classic consoles, Nintendo and Sega. For old times sake.
    The flop of an Atari classic console, but like the Sinclair vega, the creators clearly did'nt give a $hit anyway for the target market audience.
    The arrival of the raspberry pi mini computer.
    Fantastic platform to run emulators on! Although you really have to paddle your own canoe, especially here in Ireland.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,788 ✭✭✭eddhorse

    Where to start, got into the arcade cabinet scene, so grateful to everyone on here helping etc. Love the troubleshooting, fixing and restoring actually more than playing the games.

    Standout Astro City


  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 52,716 CMod ✭✭✭✭Retr0gamer

    Think companies beginning to give a **** about their old games again has been a standout for me.

    M2 getting lots of emulation jobs and the previously god awful Digital Eclipse becoming more than competent since hiring Frank Cifaldi.

    Also some really great holy grails not only getting fan translated but also official translations. We got earthbound zero, Secret of Mana 3, Monster World 4, Starfox 2 to name a few and in fan translations we got some Shin Megami Tensei stuff as well as Saturn fan translations starting to come out with two long awaited Saturn translations coming out in the space of a month when all we really had previously was a text translation of Wachenrodder and the translations of Shining Force 3 games.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 196 ✭✭uchimata83

    In my opinion, company's caring about their back catalogue of games is a double edged sword. We have had fantastic products like the Nes and snes mini, but on there were also those at games abominations. Added to the fact that Nintendo has done massive damage to the emulation scene.

    The last ten years, my library is probably 10 times what it was at the beginning of the year. Much wiser (read older) with my purchases now.

    Best get - boxed, ltd edition 3ds zelda ocarina of time edition

    In terms of collections, my Resident evil collection is getting there. Should have RE 2 on the n64 soon and then it's only Saturn and dreamcast I'm missing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,895 ✭✭✭Inviere

    uchimata83 wrote: »
    Added to the fact that Nintendo has done massive damage to the emulation scene.

    Ah it hasn't really, anyone who wants roms has more options than ever these days. Nintendo tend to go after the sites/operators who are making money from roms through whatever means, & I've no issue with that. They tend to leave the little guy pursuing a hobby alone.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 3,186 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dr Bob

    For me getting the 2 Taito Cabs that trickled down from that mad haul in Cork ( thanks lads!)
    Trawling charity shops and car boot sales for gaming goodness ( and occasionally dump diving as well!).
    Doing the Retrogaming YT channel ( have to start it up again) ,helping the Kick Off 2 world cup, getting the kids into retrogaming...
    ...and meeting up with you lot obviously! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,405 ✭✭✭DaveyDave

    Not much for me as I only restarted in 2017 after selling my modest Sega collection a decade earlier. I have the majority of it back now, some games were easier and cheaper to get this time around.

    Only game I don't have now is House of the Dead on the Saturn but I picked up a Japanese copy for nothing. I'd still like to have it but it's very low on the list.

    Biggest highlight for me is the mint condition, complete boxed white Saturn. I've wanted one since I started retro collecting. Love the colour and I think the Japanese boxes look cool.

    Another highlight would be the pink Hello Kitty Dreamcast. When it came up cheap I had to grab it. It's average condition and not complete but the usual €300-350 doesn't get much better so I'm happy with it.

    Other highlights for me are just quirky things such as the boxed Saturn modem and keyboard and games like Bangai-O, Rez or the Sonic Adventure 2 Birthday Pack.

    Biggest regrets, probably when I was first collecting in 2017 I had an itchy bidding finger so spent a bit more than I should, also not using parcel forwarding.

    As for what's next, we're buying a house this year and the bigger spare room will be the game room/office. I'll be able to put more money into nicer shelves and will have more space available. Since I won't be saving for a mortgage I'll finally be able to splash out on a boxed Master System, Mega CD and 32X.

    I'll also finish my PAL Silent Hill PlayStation collection and pickup the Gameboy Advance play novel, they aren't €200 as I previously thought.

  • Posts: 7,499 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    DaveyDave wrote: »
    Since I won't be saving for a mortgage I'll finally be able to splash out on a boxed Master System, Mega CD and 32X.

    Bad news,
    It gets more expensive ..........

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,895 ✭✭✭Inviere

    Dr Bob wrote: »
    For me getting the 2 Taito Cabs that trickled down from that mad haul in Cork ( thanks lads!)

    WHat shape are they in these days Bob? I seen your various vids on them, but they're quite old now....have you done anything more to them, are they still knocking around?
    Doing the Retrogaming YT channel ( have to start it up again

    Was watching a few of your old vids over the Christmas, the Amstrad CPC aux-in mod is one I'd never seen before, clever stuff :)

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 3,186 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dr Bob

    Cheers ,I must dig the amstrad out and have a go again!
    As for the Cabs the one of them from the videos , is pretty much the same , It sits in the kids playrooom and I (and they ) play on it sometimes.
    The other fella is still in my folks garage , although one of my brothers has claimed it to do a renovation job so I'm happy enough.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,895 ✭✭✭Inviere

    Dr Bob wrote: »
    Cheers ,I must dig the amstrad out and have a go again!
    As for the Cabs the one of them from the videos , is pretty much the same , It sits in the kids playrooom and I (and they ) play on it sometimes.
    The other fella is still in my folks garage , although one of my brothers has claimed it to do a renovation job so I'm happy enough.

    Glad to hear they're getting some use so, they were unique little things, very house friendly. I remember one of them was in much worse shape than the other, hopefully it gets a nice restore job!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 35,921 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    Inviere wrote: »
    Glad to hear they're getting some use so, they were unique little things, very house friendly. I remember one of them was in much worse shape than the other, hopefully it gets a nice restore job!

    Didn't you have them at one point actually? Along with a Gunblade DX as big as a house? :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,895 ✭✭✭Inviere

    o1s1n wrote: »
    Didn't you have them at one point actually? Along with a Gunblade DX as big as a house? :D

    Yeah I gave the Taito cabs to Bob, and the Gunblade to Mitch. That Gunblade was a true monster. The Gunblade was a bust, tried several different psu's and just couldn't get it to work properly. That was the beginning of the end of my cab collecting, unless you've a nice warm house for them to live in, your cabs will hate you and just break constantly...fact :o:(

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 5,395 Mod ✭✭✭✭Optimus Prime

    Steve had\has at least one of the Taito ones too, think i sold another couple to a different guy off adverts. I took your midway cab during your clear out that time, and then passed it on to Jack Burton myself.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 5,395 Mod ✭✭✭✭Optimus Prime

    Highlights for me where probably my cab\pinball collection that has changed a bit over the ten years.

    Building my first Cab with a thread on here that took over a year, all started by going to "Game On" in town when it was here and i had a games website at the time, so had to go to that to review it for the site and decided id make a cab after it.

    Moving on to buying actual cabs, a Street fighter 2 being the first.

    Then a Taito space invaders cockail table

    A few generic cabs after that i fixed up

    Next Time Crisis 1 - Then Sold off to make room for
    Star Trek the next Gen pinball - which was defo a highlight for me. Thanks Brownfinger! Im a huge Star Trek (and scifi ) fan so it was great getting this.

    Original Mortal Kombat 2 cab, which i now regret selling. It went to Token where my Tetris cab i made went too, Dunno if its still there. But without them going i wouldnt have my other pins so they had to go.

    Ive gone on road trips to buy cabs a couple of times which was cool, twice to cork, once for those Barn cabs mentioned above. That was a good laugh, and great to see them still floating around.

    I sold off a lot of my console collection which i also regret doing, all my sega stuff. I was a Nintendo fan as a kid so i kept all that and my C64 and handhelds.

    I went from buying games to toys, this time stuck with toy lines i had as a kid or wanted. (mostly), so a lot of 80s Stuff. Then recently started collecting VHS tapes. Its a cheap way (at the minute) to scratch the collector itch without spending a lot of money.

    Highlights probably the STTNG Pin, My Boxed Tomy Tronic Jungle Fighter, Taito cocktail table, SF2 Cab. Boxed NES\SNES Collection and of course meeting loads of people on here buying\selling and at the pinball league meet ups.

    Hopefully the price of VHS tapes goes through the roof in the next decade and my stockpile will make me rich!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,264 ✭✭✭Doge

    It still has to be BLAST processing for me!
    The joke Inviere made when O1s1n told us how his sega mega drive prevented a gas explosion! :pac:

  • Posts: 7,499 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    It has to be when O1s1n described working on his cabs in his nightgown:pac:

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 34,714 CMod ✭✭✭✭CiDeRmAn

    It has to be when O1s1n described working on his cabs in his nightgown:pac:


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  • Posts: 7,499 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    He needs a degaussing wand in the other hand:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,895 ✭✭✭Inviere

    Doge wrote: »
    when O1s1n told us how his sega mega drive prevented a gas explosion! :pac:
    It has to be when O1s1n described working on his cabs in his nightgown:pac:

    You have to wonder what that lad does be getting up to :D

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 34,714 CMod ✭✭✭✭CiDeRmAn

    Inviere wrote: »
    You have to wonder what that lad does be getting up to :D


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,264 ✭✭✭Doge

    He needs a deGASing wand in the other hand:D

    Fixed! :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 35,921 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    CiDeRmAn wrote: »

    Ah here, My nightgown opens at the front!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 751 ✭✭✭80s Synth Pop

    those Barn cabs

    I think I bought a xenon cab from your good self. Did it come from the barn? It scrubbed up well!


  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 5,395 Mod ✭✭✭✭Optimus Prime

    you did indeed ! Looks great now. Great to see you kept it original.

    That one didn’t come from that barn though. Just bought them off a lad in Dublin , I think he said he had bought them from a guy who owned a local shop or chipper or something and he had them stored for years.

    The other one of the two I made into a Tetris style cab. It’s in token now. You can see it here before and after. Your one is beside it in the first photo

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 135 ✭✭PaulPriest

    A decade ago I was in the UK, with a Blast City and resprayed NAC in the garage.
    I sold the NAC after committing to moving here, but the Blast was in the UK and storage for a couple of years. Having finally got it back, it spent a couple of years being lugged up and down the stairs until it got to its final resting place in the Man Cave/Boy's room. It's a dream really - body is in great nick, and it's 15/24/31kHz with a beautiful tube.

    The twins love putting the coins in and waggling the sticks.

    I'm finally back at the point of being able to spend a bit of time on hobbies like this. I just bought some magnetic adjustment strips to try and finally fix the colour convergence...


    I've sold my Saturn as it was just sitting there unused. I still have a reasonable collection of XBox360, Gamecube, 3DS, DS, GBA, GB, Wii, WiiU stuff though which i may need to cut back on at some point. the Switch has become a handy retro console though - I treated myself to a Lite as well as a Razer Blade gaming laptop recently.

    Other highlights were a trip to Token, and plenty of games at the little arcade in Center Parks.
