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Finding an Editor

  • 03-01-2020 3:32pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭

    I'm at the point where I need to find an editor for a book I've written (in the mind-body-spirit genre). I'm not sure where to start tho. Is it as simple as finding a book in the field, seeing who the editor was, and reaching out?

    Any information would be greatly appreciated.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,030 ✭✭✭Boredstiff666

    When you say editor you mean someone to correct grammar and spelling or?

    Also what is mind spirit genre?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭roosh

    When you say editor you mean someone to correct grammar and spelling or?

    Also what is mind spirit genre?

    Mind-body-spirit would be all about well being, self improvement, spirituality, healthy eating, all that (afaik). I've written in the sub-genre of spirituality.

    I'm reading a book about self-publishing at the moment and it mentions a few different kinds of editing, line editing, developmental editing, among others.

    I have someone looking at the grammar and spelling, but an editor familiar with the genre might be able to make other suggestions. Also, someone familiar with publishing who could tell me things that need to be included.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,030 ✭✭✭Boredstiff666

    roosh wrote: »
    Mind-body-spirit would be all about well being, self improvement, spirituality, healthy eating, all that (afaik). I've written in the sub-genre of spirituality.

    I'm reading a book about self-publishing at the moment and it mentions a few different kinds of editing, line editing, developmental editing, among others.

    I have someone looking at the grammar and spelling, but an editor familiar with the genre might be able to make other suggestions. Also, someone familiar with publishing who could tell me things that need to be included.

    You are talking big money...£300 upwards.

    Word has an editor but word is troublesome for ebooks. Another program for writing books is Scrivener but you have to buy it.

    I wouldn't use Gammarly or Calibre for different reasons.

    If you want to edit it 100 times. Then read it again and again and you will get there.

    Trusting somebody else qualified or unqualified?

    When it is published nobody will buy it because they can't see it.

    So then you have to advertise your!

    Where do you want to go next?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭roosh

    You are talking big money...£300 upwards.
    Cheers, I've seen some figures for that alright and have an idea of the costs. I would consider it for the person.
    Word has an editor but word is troublesome for ebooks. Another program for writing books is Scrivener but you have to buy it.
    I recently heard about Scrivener. It sounds like a decent application. I'm thinking it would be worth it tho.
    If you want to edit it 100 times. Then read it again and again and you will get there.
    I have a friend who can edit for grammar and I'm waiting on feedback from a few beta readers before making more edits, but ya, read and re-read will be the approach.
    Trusting somebody else qualified or unqualified?
    I would like a qualified 2nd opinion and then I can decide what I agree with.
    When it is published nobody will buy it because they can't see it.

    So then you have to advertise your!
    Yes, this is the biggest turn off at the moment.
    Where do you want to go next?
    It would be good to just identify a handful of editors with experience in the spiritual, non-fiction genre with whom I could start a dialogue and get a better idea of which way to go.

    Thanks Boredstiff

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,030 ✭✭✭Boredstiff666

    roosh wrote: »

    Thanks Boredstiff

    But it makes no odds.

    Look a carpenter can make stools but if nobody wants stools then it would be pointless making them

    You should identify your market before you put pen to paper and you appear to have it all sorted in the way you wish to go.

    You are wrong but good luck.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭roosh

    But it makes no odds.

    Look a carpenter can make stools but if nobody wants stools then it would be pointless making them

    You should identify your market before you put pen to paper and you appear to have it all sorted in the way you wish to go.

    You are wrong but good luck.

    I've identified the market in broad terms bcos it's a market I have been part of for many years and have read a lot in that market. The first draft and re-write are finished. I've just written it in the manner it's come to me and then edited it for coherence and structure - personally I don't think I could have done it any other way (bcos I didn't know how at the time).

    It would seem that the logical next step would be to get feedback from beta readers and an editor, unless you would suggest an alternative next step?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,030 ✭✭✭Boredstiff666

    roosh wrote: »
    I've identified the market in broad terms bcos it's a market I have been part of for many years and have read a lot in that market. The first draft and re-write are finished. I've just written it in the manner it's come to me and then edited it for coherence and structure - personally I don't think I could have done it any other way (bcos I didn't know how at the time).

    It would seem that the logical next step would be to get feedback from beta readers and an editor, unless you would suggest an alternative next step?

    The first step when you are happy with your product is to edit it yourself which means going over it again and again until it correct. But even then later you will find a comma or full stop missing. So the painstaking correction edits need to be done until 100%.

    If you were to give it to beta readers for feedback and it is full of errors then who can blame them but to bin it.

    Just imagine it is on sale and a great product but gets negative reviews because some parts are unreadable because of grammar or spelling and this is something you should have done yourself but were too lazy.

    The carpenter wouldn't supply a wardrobe where the door is hanging off would he?....If he did no repeat orders would come........get the idea?

    I have written stuff in Word and then put them into other programs and the things that each program misses is unreal.

    Only way is you over and over again.......and save your dosh.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,030 ✭✭✭Boredstiff666

    When you have all grammar and punctuation correct and are happy with your product then the most stressful part comes.

    You have to format your book for Amazon or other ebook purposes. They are NOT the same. Amazon is easier as their software accepts different files. Even then there is lots that goes wrong and you have to alter and re-upload and wait for Amazon to check it over before it goes live..................then you find another error which has occurred in the Amazon upload. So one week later after numerous uploads you may be there.

    If an ebook for other purposes/outlets I think you have to turn your word docs into 'mobi' files........and the similar problems occur.

    Also you need an ISBN number if not on Amazon. About £120.00.

    Paper back or hard cover..........guess what?........completely different kind of set up to ebook formats and any mistakes you missed are locked into the book when it's printed.

    Amazon are the cheapest and you get free ISBN numbers from them which only work with Amazon.

    Writing the book was easy my friend. The ****e starts afterwards. And I will never use Word again if ever there was another time.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,645 ✭✭✭The White Feather

    Hi Boredstiff,
    Maybe you could put these ideas into a new thread about writing as you seem to have experience. I have written stuff but have no idea what to do next. Stuff like editing I would have no idea about.

    Are you saying to not use Word if you are writing? Rather than self publish should the OP send it to writing companies or do you think its a waste of time?

    You seem to be knowledgeable in the subject so I am just asking questions!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,030 ✭✭✭Boredstiff666

    Hi Boredstiff,
    Maybe you could put these ideas into a new thread about writing as you seem to have experience. I have written stuff but have no idea what to do next. Stuff like editing I would have no idea about.

    Are you saying to not use Word if you are writing? Rather than self publish should the OP send it to writing companies or do you think its a waste of time?

    You seem to be knowledgeable in the subject so I am just asking questions!

    Only knowledgeable from my own experience with Word and Amazon.

    Sending your book to publishing companies is great but no one knows how to get past the first intro which can result in many rejections so we went down the self publishing route.

    Word is easy to write with until it comes to formatting your manuscript. In my case I used 2 versions of word as some stuff was written some time ago. Of course any formatting errors carried over and caused masses of headaches.

    There is purpose made author/writer software available. That is what I will use next time for an easier life.

    I am by no means an expert but 'others' on writing forums say that most self published material is bad. Whether thats by presentation or just not even interesting I do not know, which is why I said find out if your book is marketable first.

    To be honest writing is easy........the rest so stressful it just has to be worth it. So make sure you are doing the right thing before you do the write thing is all I can say.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭roosh

    When you have all grammar and punctuation correct and are happy with your product then the most stressful part comes.

    You have to format your book for Amazon or other ebook purposes. They are NOT the same. Amazon is easier as their software accepts different files. Even then there is lots that goes wrong and you have to alter and re-upload and wait for Amazon to check it over before it goes live..................then you find another error which has occurred in the Amazon upload. So one week later after numerous uploads you may be there.

    If an ebook for other purposes/outlets I think you have to turn your word docs into 'mobi' files........and the similar problems occur.

    Also you need an ISBN number if not on Amazon. About £120.00.

    Paper back or hard cover..........guess what?........completely different kind of set up to ebook formats and any mistakes you missed are locked into the book when it's printed.

    Amazon are the cheapest and you get free ISBN numbers from them which only work with Amazon.

    Writing the book was easy my friend. The ****e starts afterwards. And I will never use Word again if ever there was another time.

    Thanks for the insight. I'm reading a few books on self-publishing as well. I'm just taking it one step at a time for now. I've sent it out to a few friends for feedback on the ideas/arguments first bcos if the arguments aren't solid or engaging there's no point spending all that time on editing. A few of them will also do some grammar and spelling editing for me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,030 ✭✭✭Boredstiff666

    roosh wrote: »
    Thanks for the insight. I'm reading a few books on self-publishing as well. I'm just taking it one step at a time for now. I've sent it out to a few friends for feedback on the ideas/arguments first bcos if the arguments aren't solid or engaging there's no point spending all that time on editing. A few of them will also do some grammar and spelling editing for me.

    Dont read books on subject. The conditions regards this change by the month. watch the latest vids on the subject on Youtube.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,553 ✭✭✭roosh

    Dont read books on subject. The conditions regards this change by the month. watch the latest vids on the subject on Youtube.
    Any recommendations? I've been a bit turned off by the few videos I've come across that are ultimately trying to sell something. Or are the majority of [recent] videos on YouTube informative?

    Either way I'll be doing both.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,030 ✭✭✭Boredstiff666

    roosh wrote: »
    Any recommendations? I've been a bit turned off by the few videos I've come across that are ultimately trying to sell something. Or are the majority of [recent] videos on YouTube informative?

    Either way I'll be doing both.

    Theres 2

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 12trackmind

    I wood be harpy to whelp, OP! Sand me the menuscript and ill got starstruck. Pre-bono of curse.

    Joking aside, just please for the love of life itself, delete every instance of the word 'metaphysics' if it appears in your manuscript.

    Or get an agent. They'll sort out all that for you and spare you a world of business-oriented pain, leaving you to focus on the content.
