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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Sorry folks tonnes to catch up on this evening, happy to see I'm still alive anyway :)

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    Holly was killed straight after the lynch

    I wonder if Emily is also the SK, so moved Hollys vote and then killed her? A stretch too far?

    It'd be a pretty dumb move on my part

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Hang on, who shot Conor yesterday and it failed

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Abigail WW wrote: »
    Hang on, who shot Conor yesterday and it failed

    Steve, he was given a gun by Jigsaw

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Abigail WW wrote: »
    Hang on, who shot Conor yesterday and it failed

    That person I believe to be a wolf, I'm driving but I'll look back in a bit

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    Steve, he was given a gun by Jigsaw

    I need to find the mod post about it, think he might be evil! A little outta whack with the game but I'll explain in a few

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    beakerjoe wrote: »
    Mod Announcement

    Conor WW picks up the gun and waves it around. He looks at Steve WW who is wondering about his fate.

    Conor however chooses not to use the gun. He places it back in the metal slot from where it came.

    Conor has not killed anyone.

    this one?

    you maybe you mean Steve, I'll go look

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    beakerjoe wrote: »

    Steve WW picks up the gun and aims it at ........................Conor WW

    Steve shakes as he fires presses on the guns trigger.

    Steve tries again........ nothing...... and again nothing.

    He checks the chamber and no bullets are present.

    Conor WW is unharmed.
    beakerjoe wrote: »

    Jigsaw reappears on the screen…..

    A buzzer sounds and another box drops out from the shoot at the feet of Conor WW

    He open sit to find a gun. He checks to see if its loaded and it is.

    It doesn't specifically say Steve gave the gun back?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Ok so Abigail mentioning it made me go back and look at Steve around the time yesterday.

    Steve is full of crap. Look at this before the announcement.

    Steve WW wrote: »
    Sorry. I was trying to attach a screenshot of Holly's posts but couldn't. Basically its filler. Now its possible she is busy and just keeping her toe in the game but she's in my radar.

    Pushing on Holly (now a flipped villager)
    Steve WW wrote: »
    Thanks for doing that Derry.

    Holly you have called Barbara out but the quality and engagement of both if you are worlds apart. You stand out like a sore thumb. As does Emily with her weird reveal of having a role.
    She could be an uncertain villager of course or she could be a tricksy serial killer.

    My first instinct was to look among the more active posters which is why I chose Nigel. I was wrong. Time to change tactic and look at the coasters.

    Bolded here is interesting. Time to change tactic and look at the coasters

    Honourable sentiment, you get a chance to follow through very shortly afterwards.

    beakers mod post is somewhere here

    Steve WW wrote: »
    I'm going to use it
    Steve WW wrote: »
    May the Lord have mercy on our souls
    Steve WW wrote: »
    I didn't put the gun back

    Steve definitive in the fact he was going to use the gun. That's fine, nothing wrong with that.
    beakerjoe wrote: »

    Steve WW picks up the gun and aims it at ........................Conor WW

    Steve shakes as he fires presses on the guns trigger.

    Steve tries again........ nothing...... and again nothing.

    He checks the chamber and no bullets are present.

    Conor WW is unharmed.

    And suddenly he tries to shoot me... after talking about changing tactic and looking at coasters not 20 mins prior to this. Am I a coaster? I don't think so.

    Let's see why Steve chose me

    Steve WW wrote: »
    Ok. So.

    My thought process was fairly non existent. First instinct was to shoot Holly, then I switched to giving back the gun, then I did another turn and Conor immediate popped in to my head.
    Conor you haven't posted anything remotely bad and apart from my first pop at you yesterday when I thought you might be, well I'd stopped thinking that.
    And yet. Yours was the name I chose.

    The reasoning. It's pathetic tbh, it's a terrible terrible excuse.

    But for Frank peeking bad, ironically by me Steve would have been in serious trouble for the lynch but we all seem to have just left him be.

    I'm voting Steve tonight

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    beakerjoe wrote: »

    The screen lights up....a message from Jigsaw.....


    The players look around and realise Steve is missing. Suddenly the screen switches to a live feed of Steve waking up on a metal table in a locked room.

    A box drops out from a shoot above Steve WW……. He opens it to reveal a gun!

    The door of the room holding Steve opens and he exits with the gun to the main warehouse with the rest of the players.

    beakerjoe wrote: »

    Steve WW picks up the gun and aims it at ........................Conor WW

    Steve shakes as he fires presses on the guns trigger.

    Steve tries again........ nothing...... and again nothing.

    He checks the chamber and no bullets are present.

    Conor WW is unharmed.

    beakerjoe wrote: »
    Mod Announcement

    Jigsaw rears his head on the plasma screen......

    Steve was chosen as he had the 2nd highest votes on last night lynch. A tie breaker was used to chose him over others also on the same amount of votes!

    Right, I'm not so sure now after reading back now :( Conor, you still on?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Read my post above yours Abi

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    thanks for finding that I had misremembered that incident as Frank cause it was SO suss!

    I will be joining you there.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Steve WW wrote: »
    I just had a horrible thought!!

    What if Conor has been playing us all along. Just because he got prizes doesn't mean he is not a baddie. The vigilante come out may have been a lie.

    This post today as well.

    I know this seems like OMGUS but honestly it's not.

    It's just so... false.

    I just had a horrible thought!!


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    Ok so Abigail mentioning it made me go back and look at Steve around the time yesterday.

    Steve is full of crap. Look at this before the announcement.

    Pushing on Holly (now a flipped villager)

    Bolded here is interesting. Time to change tactic and look at the coasters

    Honourable sentiment, you get a chance to follow through very shortly afterwards.

    beakers mod post is somewhere here

    Steve definitive in the fact he was going to use the gun. That's fine, nothing wrong with that.

    And suddenly he tries to shoot me... after talking about changing tactic and looking at coasters not 20 mins prior to this. Am I a coaster? I don't think so.

    Let's see why Steve chose me

    The reasoning. It's pathetic tbh, it's a terrible terrible excuse.

    But for Frank peeking bad, ironically by me Steve would have been in serious trouble for the lynch but we all seem to have just left him be.

    I'm voting Steve tonight

    Ok so **** it, you can say differently but I had a protect on you yesterday that would protect you from 1 evil kill attempt, now that's open to interpretation (ie is Jigsaw evil in this game or that definition) but I only twigged this now that it wasn't an sk attempt on you yesterday but you survived which loads me to think oul Stevie boy isn't on the up and up. You mentioned you won a protect yourself too so this may clear it up and add ambiguity to it but well, I'm hardly around and need to put it out there now

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    This post today as well.

    I know this seems like OMGUS but honestly it's not.

    It's just so... false.

    I just had a horrible thought!!


    I don't buy that it's false though. Cause I was thinking the same BUT it doesn't feel like OMGUS! from you.

    @Steve - why Conor yesterday?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Abigail WW wrote: »
    Ok so **** it, you can say differently but I had a protect on you yesterday that would protect you from 1 evil kill attempt, now that's open to interpretation (ie is Jigsaw evil in this game or that definition) but I only twigged this now that it wasn't an sk attempt on you yesterday but you survived which loads me to think oul Stevie boy isn't on the up and up. You mentioned you won a protect yourself too so this may clear it up and add ambiguity to it but well, I'm hardly around and need to put it out there now

    so that might explain why only 1 SK kill yesterday.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Vernon WW wrote: »

    Have a think about this

    You've accused me of prize grabbing, you claimed I jumped in to grab a prize and that saving you was secondary to that
    But you were there, you know we didnt know at that stage that I would get a prize. Jigsaw's post specifically said you would get a prize if you got it correct.
    You could maybe say I guessed I'd get a prize but thats a stretch

    Now imagine I am an SK. You are in that trap going to die if you don't get the right answer. Senan is firing off wrong answers to beat the band, hes already reduced your odds by 20%. What possible incentive would I have to jump in?
    The off chance that I might get a prize that hasnt been mentioned?

    Weight that off against what I would gain as an SK - let Senan continue away. When I jumped in you had a 66% chance of being killed. Of course I'd let you die and then it was a simple jump to say well Senan wanted him killed, easy lynch target.

    There was no benefit to me helping you.

    Have a good think about that

    Had another good think about it just while trawling back through the kills remember this, according to yourself it's enough to warrant my death

    Vernon WW wrote: »
    I’m saying I’d be in favour of lynching you cause you were very quick to get in for the prize. In the last game someone was very grabby, grabby when it came to prizes and it was because they were a wolf

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    I don't buy that it's false though. Cause I was thinking the same BUT it doesn't feel like OMGUS! from you.

    @Steve - why Conor yesterday?

    It's false exactly BECAUSE he tried to shoot me yesterday.

    And had cast light suspicions on me Monday night too, I'll grab the posts

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Abigail WW wrote: »
    Ok so **** it, you can say differently but I had a protect on you yesterday that would protect you from 1 evil kill attempt, now that's open to interpretation (ie is Jigsaw evil in this game or that definition) but I only twigged this now that it wasn't an sk attempt on you yesterday but you survived which loads me to think oul Stevie boy isn't on the up and up. You mentioned you won a protect yourself too so this may clear it up and add ambiguity to it but well, I'm hardly around and need to put it out there now

    We probably have to lynch Steve anyways, if Steve is evil I'd say it would count

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Also thanks for the protect Abi :D

    I now know why you were quizzing me on my own protect last night

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Here Orla, here was Steve poking at me day 1. It's mild enough, and ends after a couple of posts.

    Which makes it even more baffling that he'd try to kill me day 2

    Conor WW wrote: »
    He does have a point though, the best SKs are masters at blending into the thread.

    Saying enough to look villagery and avoiding major confrontation so they don't get munched.
    Steve WW wrote: »
    Yes. They certainly are.
    Conor WW wrote: »

    You think I might be an SK don't you

    I'm not, I'm a villager
    Steve WW wrote: »

    Ok. Lookit. You are being very nice and non confrontational. I don't want you to be a serial killer! I want you to be nice villager.
    Conor WW wrote: »
    I wouldn't say non-confrontational. I put out my suspicions and responded to anyone who rebutted them.

    I'm a villager, probably not very nice but a villager nonetheless :D

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,104 ✭✭✭Wendy WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    Can someone else work with me here please.

    Conor, you shoosh

    today Ive had a niggling feeling that Conor is pulling a fast one, it's not really anything he has said- cause I've not read much.

    Why would a SK claim to be vig? What benefit would it give him?
    Why would be not have a consistent bullet - jigsaw has been pretty consistent in his approach on thread.

    Does the above, plus posts further on not lend credence to Conor's claim?
    Ie, he didn't use the gun in the mini game, there was reference to him getting a loaded gun, and then someone gets shot?

    I'll read back

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    Also thanks for the protect Abi :D

    I now know why you were quizzing me on my own protect last night

    If I was an sk, you were the most likely villager at the time i picked you, I still didn't have a clear view on whether you were villager or sk but felt you'd be a good target for the SKs

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,789 ✭✭✭Abigail WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    guilty Orla ramble
     1.Steve new player? I think good
    6. Lucy
    8. Conor good, go check his reveal from this AM
    9. Abigail who? Mentioned three SK before others, go check if that is true
    12. Wendy quiet girlie number 2
    13. Derry picky pocket, but you should actually go ISO the **** out of him
    14. Vernon flagged as good but you wavered yesterday, I think a few people are also suss on him
    15. Orla crycry face
    17. Emily Did Conor face say that she has a role too? This role thing I think it's fibs who else has one? GO check his reveal
    20. Doris Conor thinks suss, quiet girlie number 3

    This is my wolf hunting plan for the next hour.

    Sorry who said I mentioned three SKs first? Tbh I was definitely last to the party as I was on a read back when I seen the mod post!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,104 ✭✭✭Wendy WW

    How many people died by gun?

    There Were 2 in play I think. 1 being Conor the vig, and the 2nd being whoever won the gun after Conor shot the unloaded gun in mini game

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Wendy WW wrote: »
    How many people died by gun?

    There Were 2 in play I think. 1 being Conor the vig, and the 2nd being whoever won the gun after Conor shot the unloaded gun in mini game

    I didn't fire it, I handed it back and won two prizes for my selflessness

    One was the peek that caught Frank

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,104 ✭✭✭Wendy WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    I didn't fire it, I handed it back and won two prizes for my selflessness

    One was the peek that caught Frank

    I thought someone won it? Maybe I'm thinking of your prizes.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Wendy WW wrote: »
    I thought someone won it? Maybe I'm thinking of your prizes.

    I posted about it just above if you click into one of those posts it will take you right back to what happened but to give a synopsis

    Steve was given a gun

    He tried to kill me and it failed

    I was given the gun

    I put it back and won 2 prizes

    I peeked Frank - winner winner chicken dinner
