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Donald Trump Presidency discussion Thread VII (threadbanned users listed in OP)



  • Registered Users Posts: 18,562 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    banie01 wrote: »

    That is just projection and a nice soundbite 'because they knew'.
    You could easily argue the opposite Trump supporters voted for Trump 'because they knew'. He aligned with what the electorate wanted.
    Similar to how Danny Healey Rae gets slagged off everywhere outside Kerry.
    He has made his views perfectly clear and got elected.

    I mean Trump may act like an eejit and sound like an eejit a lot of the time but he engages with his electorate. That is what any politician does.

    But you cannot deny that there has been a lot of twisting of Trumps statements for example. His comments on the wall and Mexicans. Many in the anti Trump camp say he is anti_Mexican and called them all rapists. He did not. He said that it was not the best and brightest that was getting into America. It was the murderers and rapists.

    It is all about projection on who said a comment.

    And if that does not suit the narrative the comment is changed.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,222 ✭✭✭Billy Mays

    So not all Mexicans are murderers and rapists, just the ones going to America

    Cool, that sounds so much better

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 15,413 Mod ✭✭✭✭Quin_Dub

    Just a reminder to all.

    Please don't just post Tweets or images/memes here.

    By all means use content to support a point you are making , but links & images in isolation without your own commentary aren't up to standard.


  • Registered Users Posts: 33,891 ✭✭✭✭listermint

    it's not a particularly good resting heart rate tbh

    Yes, it is. Particularly for a man of his age and weight and diet.

    Its also not a true value either.

    But yes it is a good resting heart rate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,562 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    Billy Mays wrote: »
    So not all Mexicans are murderers and rapists, just the ones going to America

    Cool, that sounds so much better

    See this is exactly what I mean you are now twisting it again to suit your own narrative. Simply put Trump does not want the dregs of Mexican society illegally entering the USA. Simple as that. 'America first' was the slogan. He got elected on the back of it married to the ineptness of Hillary Clinton and her insincerity.
    Or do you live in utopian fairytale mindset?

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,579 ✭✭✭✭Leroy42

    See this is exactly what I mean you are now twisting it again to suit your own narrative. Simply put Trump does not want the dregs of Mexican society illegally entering the USA. Simple as that. He got elected on the back of it married to the ineptness of Hillary Clinton and her insincerity.
    Or do you live in utopian fairytale mindset?

    That may well be true, although you are giving him a lot of credit that I don't think he has given any indication of.

    But it is how he phrased it. It it also very true that any US citizens are rapists, and drub dealers. And that many Mexicans are not.

    So I am with him on the immigration policy idea, people looking to enter illegally should be sent home as it is unfair to those that try to adhere to the rules.

    But language is important. He used peoples fear, and gave excuse for people to infer that Mexicans are the things he talked about. He should have been able to communicate his ideas in a proper fashion, but instead he went with the racism card, because he knew it played out well with certain people.

    Doesn't make it right though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,516 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    See this is exactly what I mean you are now twisting it again to suit your own narrative. Simply put Trump does not want the dregs of Mexican society illegally entering the USA. Simple as that. 'America first' was the slogan. He got elected on the back of it married to the ineptness of Hillary Clinton and her insincerity.
    Or do you live in utopian fairytale mindset?

    How many illegal immigrants has Trump and other Republicans hired over the last few years I wonder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,253 ✭✭✭✭duploelabs

    How many illegal immigrants has Trump and other Republicans hired over the last few years I wonder.

    Or married, in Trump's case

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,155 ✭✭✭✭StringerBell

    One of the more interesting things to come out in polls for me lately was the recent one which indicated tRumps falling support from evangelicals, Catholics and from protestants. That's a big one, we could be looking at one of the biggest defeats in history if he were to lose the religious right vote. Imagine the tantrum then! I assume photo op with "a" Bible at St John's was to do with that section of his support.

    "People say ‘go with the flow’ but do you know what goes with the flow? Dead fish."

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,297 ✭✭✭PropJoe10

    One of the more interesting things to come out in polls for me lately was the recent one which indicated tRumps falling support from evangelicals, Catholics and from protestants. That's a big one, we could be looking at one of the biggest defeats in history if he were to lose the religious right vote. Imagine the tantrum then! I assume photo op with "a" Bible at St John's was to do with that section of his support.

    Unless he is absolutely annihilated (and probably even then) he's going to likely blame voter fraud on any defeat and challenge it in the courts. I would say he's absolutely petrified about possibly leaving office and being open to further investigation. It's going to get extremely messy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,579 ✭✭✭✭Leroy42

    As a prevous poster mentioned, that stunt will no don't play well with a certain segment of his base. Best President ever and all that. But will it win over any concerned voters or voters that were thinking of voting for Biden?

    I really doubt it. Trump already has the base locked in, he says himself there is nothing he could do that would get them to drop support for him. But they are ot enough to win him the election. But it seems they have no other plan than to stick to his base. Of course that is far easier than trying to reach out, but then Trump has not tried to reach out throughout his entire term.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,297 ✭✭✭PropJoe10

    What is normal for you though is abnormal for someone else.

    62,984,828 million people voted for Trump that is 46.1% of the American voting electorate. Reading this thread you would swear it was just a few headcases.
    Were Hillary supporters normal it could be argued she had a cult following. Remember the tears from her supporters on election night.

    Quite right. On the other hand, there's a certain element of independent and even Democratic voters that a) wouldn't vote for a woman and b) wouldn't vote for a Clinton. I don't think Biden will be as unpalatable to independents as Clinton was, which should work in his favour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,042 ✭✭✭Carfacemandog

    Leroy42 wrote: »
    Would his supporters finally see the light if he did that? Basically tearing up the constitution? I would like to think so but I seriously doubt it.
    Your doubts would be correct, time and again his supporters have shown they have zero respect not regard for the constitution they claim to hold so dear, it is merely something for them to shout about loving when it suits (and completely ignore when it doesn't, like when peaceful protests occur against something inconvenient to them).

    Find me a "constitutionalist" Trump supporter, and I'll find you a complete and utter bald faced liar.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,042 ✭✭✭Carfacemandog

    One of the more interesting things to come out in polls for me lately was the recent one which indicated tRumps falling support from evangelicals, Catholics and from protestants. That's a big one, we could be looking at one of the biggest defeats in history if he were to lose the religious right vote. Imagine the tantrum then! I assume photo op with "a" Bible at St John's was to do with that section of his support.

    He absolutely won't lose the support of the religious right, a movement founded in opposition to the civil rights movement and dog whistling which has moved probably less than any other political bloc in the US over the last 40 years - and if anything, which has moved further right.

    Some other denominations he may lose some numbers off of, ut the religious right which is largely evangelical? Despite any noises coming from them I would expe t them to be one of his strongest bases in November, just as they were in 2016.

    I would happily be proven wrong on this, but would good as bet the house that I won't be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,185 ✭✭✭Tchaikovsky

    Who is this p**** Tom Cotton, who's getting airtime now for advocating for military intervention on US streets? If he's encouraging carnage on his fellow citizens, imagine what he did when he was in Iraq?

  • Registered Users Posts: 900 ✭✭✭Midlife

    PropJoe10 wrote: »
    Unless he is absolutely annihilated (and probably even then) he's going to likely blame voter fraud on any defeat and challenge it in the courts. I would say he's absolutely petrified about possibly leaving office and being open to further investigation. It's going to get extremely messy.

    The best thing they could do when he gets booted out is to just drop it.

    Whether you like him or not, surely at this stage you accept that the country needs to come together a bit.

    When Trumpism is gone, some vestages will remain but he doesn't strike me as the guy who will be effective getting behind someone else's campaign. Once he's gone he will be a spent force in politics. He'll probably try to elevate his kids but they are lacking in any kind of personal appeal and have zero charisma.

    He'll shout from the sidelines but is more likely to split the republican party than anything else.

    Keeping him relevant by taking action against him would be a bad idea IMO.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,891 ✭✭✭✭listermint

    Midlife wrote: »
    The best thing they could do when he gets booted out is to just drop it.

    Whether you like him or not, surely at this stage you accept that the country needs to come together a bit.

    When Trumpism is gone, some vestages will remain but he doesn't strike me as the guy who will be effective getting behind someone else's campaign. Once he's gone he will be a spent force in politics. He'll probably try to elevate his kids but they are lacking in any kind of personal appeal and have zero charisma.

    He'll shout from the sidelines but is more likely to split the republican party than anything else.

    Keeping him relevant by taking action against him would be a bad idea IMO.

    No, i think they should go after his finances big time. His tax payments, fraud, embezzlement , money laundering. There is a whole host of extremely dodgy and nefarious practices going on there with international backing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,562 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    How many illegal immigrants has Trump and other Republicans hired over the last few years I wonder.

    I am sure if he had, it would have being routed out long ago?

    I mean Trump is living the dream an 'anti establishment' billionaire now POTUS married a supermodel 24 years his junior.

    Granted, he had a comfortable upbringing. But despite all the gaffes (weird photo ops with bibles and pussy grabbing statements) along the way he has shown his innate ability to speak to the electorate. Enough to get him in power.
    He has not threatened global domination like Hitler/Stalin - like many have compared him to. Instead he favours isolationist polices for America.

    I think when it comes down to it many virulent anti-Trump people still just can't believe he got elected. But if thier side were half as clued in to thier electorate as Trump is. They would have got elected instead.

    Also, I think a lot of it is jealously looking at a slightly overweight awkward 70 plus fella with an odd hairstyle, but is worth billions. Married to a former supermodel. And all this on the back of not being a flowery orator at all.

    If he has an ego at this stage I think he is entitled to it!

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,891 ✭✭✭✭listermint

    I am sure if he had it would have being routed out long ago?

    I mean Trump is living the dream an 'anti establishment' billionaire now POTUS married a supermodel 24 years his junior.

    Granted, he had a comfortable upbringing. But despite all the gaffes (wierd photo ops with bibles and pussy grabbing statements) along the way he has innate ability to speak to the electorate. Enough to get him in power.
    He has not threatened global domination like Hitler/Stalin like many have compared him to, He favours isolationist polices for America.

    I think when it comes down to it many virulent anti-Trump people still just can't believe he got elected. But if thier side were half as clued in to thier electorate as Trump is they would have got elected instead.

    Also I think a lot of it is jealously looking at a slightly overweight 70 plus fella with an odd hairstyle, but is worth billions. Married to a former supermodel. And all this on the back of not being a flowery orator at all.

    If he has an ego at this stage I think he is entitled to it!

    So far you've rewritten history in your posts and fallen back on the old trope that we are interpreting what he is saying incorrectly despite there being hundreds of hours of his words on live television all available to anyone who wants to review it.

    Yeah... ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,562 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    listermint wrote: »
    So far you've rewritten history in your posts and fallen back on the old trope that we are interpreting what he is saying incorrectly despite there being hundreds of hours of his words on live television all available to anyone who wants to review it.

    Yeah... ok.

    What have I interpreted incorrectly exactly?
    A person who clicked with his electorate and got elected?

    While the other-side who was completely disorganised laughed at him?
    And ended up in shock when they did not do enough to resonate with the electorate?

    Plus if Trump is such and evil person and such a poor candidate in this day and age it should be easy to defeat him - by American democracy. The free world. Shouldn't it?

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

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  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 15,413 Mod ✭✭✭✭Quin_Dub

    Midlife wrote: »
    The best thing they could do when he gets booted out is to just drop it.

    Whether you like him or not, surely at this stage you accept that the country needs to come together a bit.

    When Trumpism is gone, some vestages will remain but he doesn't strike me as the guy who will be effective getting behind someone else's campaign. Once he's gone he will be a spent force in politics. He'll probably try to elevate his kids but they are lacking in any kind of personal appeal and have zero charisma.

    He'll shout from the sidelines but is more likely to split the republican party than anything else.

    Keeping him relevant by taking action against him would be a bad idea IMO.

    He has no interest in Politics , his interest is Money & Power.

    Whenever he leaves office , his interest will be in making money , hence Juniors investment in OANN - A prelude to them re-purpose it as the Trump News Network to make money.

    His attempts to elevate Ivanka (because it will be only be her) be be so that she can use Politics to make him money.

    That's why going after every little scam that his entire family have been involved in is important - If you want to get rid of weeds to have to remove the roots or they'll just come back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,264 ✭✭✭Cody montana

    I am sure if he had, it would have being routed out long ago?

    I mean Trump is living the dream an 'anti establishment' billionaire now POTUS married a supermodel 24 years his junior.

    Granted, he had a comfortable upbringing. But despite all the gaffes (weird photo ops with bibles and pussy grabbing statements) along the way he has shown his innate ability to speak to the electorate. Enough to get him in power.
    He has not threatened global domination like Hitler/Stalin - like many have compared him to. Instead he favours isolationist polices for America.

    I think when it comes down to it many virulent anti-Trump people still just can't believe he got elected. But if thier side were half as clued in to thier electorate as Trump is. They would have got elected instead.

    Also, I think a lot of it is jealously looking at a slightly overweight awkward 70 plus fella with an odd hairstyle, but is worth billions. Married to a former supermodel. And all this on the back of not being a flowery orator at all.

    If he has an ego at this stage I think he is entitled to it!

    Are you a teenage girl?
    I think most people pity him at this stage.

    Also, he’s obese, not overweight.
    He won’t release his tax return, so no one knows if he’s a billionaire.
    Melania wasn’t a supermodel, did softcore porn, looks permanently unhappy and can’t open her eyes from Botox.
    He sounds like a drugged child when speaking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,625 ✭✭✭✭extra gravy

    Also, I think a lot of it is pity looking at an obese unpleasant 70 plus fella with an odd hairstyle and terrible tan but owes billions. Married to a former supermodel who clearly despises him. And all this on the back of not being able to string full sentences together.

    Fixed your post.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,264 ✭✭✭Cody montana

    Fixed your post.


  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 15,413 Mod ✭✭✭✭Quin_Dub

    Fixed your post.

    ##Mod Note##

    Don't do this please.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,562 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    Quin_Dub wrote: »
    He has no interest in Politics , his interest is Money & Power.

    Whenever he leaves office , his interest will be in making money , hence Juniors investment in OANN - A prelude to them re-purpose it as the Trump News Network to make money.

    His attempts to elevate Ivanka (because it will be only be her) be be so that she can use Politics to make him money.

    That's why going after every little scam that his entire family have been involved in is important - If you want to get rid of weeds to have to remove the roots or they'll just come back.

    Well the Obama's have done very well for themselves since Barrack left office

    As has Bill Clinton:

    America's whole 'American dream' ideal is about making money and lots of it.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,023 ✭✭✭Call me Al

    Leroy42 wrote: »
    As a prevous poster mentioned, that stunt will no don't play well with a certain segment of his base. Best President ever and all that. But will it win over any concerned voters or voters that were thinking of voting for Biden?

    I really doubt it. Trump already has the base locked in, he says himself there is nothing he could do that would get them to drop support for him. But they are ot enough to win him the election. But it seems they have no other plan than to stick to his base. Of course that is far easier than trying to reach out, but then Trump has not tried to reach out throughout his entire term.
    Yes he has his base locked in. But I wonder just how many of this base are Trumpers rather than Republicans?
    I'd love to know how many of these supporters are following party line and will switch back to party once Trump is gone. The risk here for Gop is that Trump may cannabalise their party support. And I think he's quite likely to do exactly this when he's no longer President. The risk here is for the GOP after November.
    Right now Trump won't win this election with his base alone.
    He needs to broaden his appeal to that middle ground.
    Right now he's not winning the hearts and minds of these "middle ground" people. In fact I would contend that identifying as strongly as he is with an authoritarian and militaristic ideology, and supported by right wing militias as he is, he's alienating them further into the arms of a calm soothing grandfatherly alternative in Biden.

    Trump isn't going to change this hardman approach either. He's predictable wrt his attitude. People are either winners or losers, tough men or sissies (tough women being the ultimate unpalatable paradox for him). He will never tack backwards from where he is now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,562 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    Are you a teenage girl?
    I think most people pity him at this stage.

    Also, he’s obese, not overweight.
    He won’t release his tax return, so no one knows if he’s a billionaire.
    Melania wasn’t a supermodel, did softcore porn, looks permanently unhappy and can’t open her eyes from Botox.
    He sounds like a drugged child when speaking.

    So if your post is true has done even better despite all this he still got elected! As for the jealously part.
    Do you not think your own post sounds a bit envious/jealous? Trying to take the Trump's down a notch or two. To make yourself feel better about the scenario of Trump leading the most powerful nation on earth?

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 15,413 Mod ✭✭✭✭Quin_Dub

    Well the Obama's have done very well for themselves since Barrack left office

    As has Bill Clinton:

    America's whole 'American dream' ideal is about making money and lots of it.

    I have absolutely no issue with someone monetising their former position.

    No issue with any of them making money off book deals or speaking fees etc. etc.

    I have a Major issue with Trump monetising his Presidency WHILE he's in Office though.

    If he hadn't been grifting his way through his tenure and if all he was going to do after he leaves office was set himself up as a TV Personality and make money that way , it wouldn't be a particular problem.

    But he HAS been Grifting for the last 4 years and his families future Political aspirations would be about facilitating more Grifting.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,891 ✭✭✭✭listermint

    So if your post is true has done even better despite all this he still got elected! As for the jealously part.
    Do you not think your own post sounds a bit envious/jealous? Trying to take the Trump's down a notch or two. To make yourself feel better about the scenario of Trump leading the most powerful nation on earth?

    You appear to have very low ideals.

    Note just to be clear on what im saying. Trump evidently has major concerns in the tax department. We already have vast arrays of evidence of him undereporting vast swades of his property empire.

    He has golf clubs across the world with extremely low visitors yet the money keeps coming into these businesses.

    The mother load of evasion on all levels and sources of money would be something that should be definitely followed up on.

    And for me ive no interest in paying a woman for her affections, If you subscribe to that ideal, well then thats for you.

This discussion has been closed.