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Donald Trump Presidency discussion Thread VII (threadbanned users listed in OP)



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,109 ✭✭✭TomOnBoard

    Lol, sure, ok :rolleyes:

    Which of his speeches impressed you the most?

    This one is probably one of his most impressive ones I 'd say... :eek

    the wall is thirty feet high
    we also have eighteen foot wall
    we have a combination of thirty feet and eighteen depending on the area depending on the um
    uh on the importance
    uh Tijuana is right over here
    there're thousands of people over there
    that had been trying to get in
    uh tremendous cooperation from Mexico and
    uh the president of Mexico is
    been fantastic, all of Mexico's been fantastic
    uh as you know they have twenty seven thousand soldiers
    so in addition to the wall we have uh
    soldiers now the wall's still obviously uh
    a ways to go but we're building it at a
    -neck speed I wanted them to show you the interior of
    parts of the wall and what's inside of
    each individual slat
    and uh you'll see it's a combination of steel concrete
    and as one of the folks here said it really is virtually impenetrable
    uh any walls that were put up we can knock down very quickly very easily
    this wall is not something that can be
    really knocked down, I guess anything can, but this is very tough, and
    uh it goes down six feet
    it's three and four feet wide the concrete you can see it right here it's exposed
    and I might ask general Semonite to say a few words about it
    and I'd like to bring them right up look at the inner tube
    to see what happens cause after the wall is up
    we pour concrete
    and concrete goes into the tube
    and in addition to that we have rebar
    so if you think you're gonna cut it with a blowtorch
    that's doesn't work because you hit concrete
    and if you think you're gonna
    go through the concrete that doesn't work because we have very powerful rebar inside
    so it's a very powerful
    very powerful wall the likes of which probably
    to this extent has not been uh
    built before
    this is an area because it's so highly trafficed this was one of the
    most dangerous areas we have a double wall
    we have a wall on both sides one is eighteen feet
    that's your border and the other one is thirty feet
    if they should be able to make that this is where people are waiting for them
    uh it's very a very powerful
    so general maybe you could take over for a couple of minutes and then I'll
    take it back

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 454 ✭✭snoopboggybog

    If Biden had any passion or respect for law enforcement, he kept it well hidden in his Philadelphia address. He criticized cops far more than he did arsonists & looters

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,516 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    You tell me? All your doing is giving out about Trump without backing it up without any factual information.

    Trump has divided America, he has filled jobs with his family who have no experience and he has profited massively from his position.
    What will Biden bring to the table that Trump hasn't?

    Experience.... four years as V.P, he will bring some class and dignity back to the office of POTUS, Can you show me a video of world leaders laughing at Biden? They certainly laugh at Trump.
    Why do you hate Trump? I'm not talking about this Twitter, I'm talking about what he has done for the States.

    I don't hate Trump, I do despise everything he stands for, I do despise liars, I do despise narcissism, I hate the traits that Trump shows.

    Now that I have honestly answered your questions maybe you will answer mine.

    What has Trump done that made you think "fùck yeah, that's the guy for me"

    Which speech of his impresses you most?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,371 ✭✭✭✭Professor Moriarty

    If Biden had any passion or respect for law enforcement, he kept it well hidden in his Philadelphia address. He criticized cops far more than he did arsonists & looters

    Trump has no respect for anything or anyone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,070 ✭✭✭✭Rjd2

    I will say though, of all the people to come out or who could come out. Colin Powell isn't one I'd have much respect for. His reputation was well and truly tarnished beyond recognition in my eyes after his part in the march toward invasion post 9/11.

    Yep slagging Trump is the absolutely minimum he can do but ultimately he and Bush era have to admit they paved the way for Trump.

    I do think though losing Bush is a big blow to Trump and I think Bush is worse than trump but Bush is still important for the republicans.

    He did plenty of GOP fundraising in the trump era and without him Kav' would not be on the supreme court.

    Trump has to figure out how to stop the bleeding when it comes to the middle class GOP suburban voter, a monumental ask really.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 454 ✭✭snoopboggybog

    Trump has divided America, he has filled jobs with his family who have no experience and he has profited massively from his position.

    Experience.... four years as V.P, he will bring some class and dignity back to the office of POTUS, Can you show me a video of world leaders laughing at Biden? They certainly laugh at Trump.

    I don't hate Trump, I do despise everything he stands for, I do despise liars, I do despise narcissism, I hate the traits that Trump shows.

    Now that I have honestly answered your questions maybe you will answer mine.

    What has Trump done that made you think "fùck yeah, that's the guy for me"

    Which speech of his impresses you most?

    Cutting corporation tax from 35% to 21% was a big one.

    If you voted for Trump you aint black. Joe Biden

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,516 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    Cutting corporation tax from 35% to 21% was a big one.

    If you voted for Trump you aint black. Joe Biden

    No no that's not what I asked

    You said about Trump

    quote="snoopboggybog;113666816"]Compared to Joe Biden he talks like Morgan Freeman narrating Romeo and Juliet.[/quote]

    I asked

    So what speech of Trumps has impressed you most?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,371 ✭✭✭✭Professor Moriarty

    Cutting corporation tax from 35% to 21% was a big one.

    Which benefited the rich and ballooned the deficit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,664 ✭✭✭eire4

    Another zealot bites the dust.

    Cant answer a question so runs away, Just like his hero :pac:

    I have said many times recently and did so after the 2016 election that if the US ever gets itself stuck in a genuine national emergency while this guy is at the helm then they are in deep deep doodoo to put it mildly and now we sadly are seeing that come true in spades firstly with the pandemic response and now the response to the protests against police brutality and violence.

    What is scary though is that his support in the US is still just shy of 40%. It is kind of like my feeling with US law enforcement. Sure the majority are good people but at the same time it is not a small minority of bad apples. It is a large minority. Basically despite the utter shambles that is the USA right now a little above 1 in 3 Americans think this dangerous demagogue is doing a good job and that is truly scary indeed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,197 ✭✭✭Pedro K

    Have you listened to Joe Biden go against reporters and trying to get his policies. Its pretty embarrassing. The reporters catch him out every time. Trump can defend himself and his policies.

    Why do you think he wasn't? Because of the wall is it?

    I'm not pro trump but you guys are starting to sound like fake news. Just hating on Trump and not giving any apparent reason. I'm not the biggest fan of his now since the Coronavirus and looting now tbh.
    Utter nonsense. Trump can't defend any of his policies past soundbites. He interrupts reporters' questions, goes on minutes long tangents about unrelated things, then calls the next reporter. When the reporters try follow up he either cuts the mic, shouts them down, or storms off and takes his football with him.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,664 ✭✭✭eire4

    fullstop wrote: »

    Loving the conveyor belt the last few days. Is there a tag in-tag out system for the trump zealots?


    As I mentioned above as well that unemployment number turned out to be wrong. While not increasing as badly as expected unemployment did not decrease in May but actually increased from about 14.5% to north of 16%.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,042 ✭✭✭Carfacemandog

    Mitt Romney joins BLM protest in DC.

    There might be some cynicism involved, but it's worth noting he has one of the safest seats in the Senate traditionally with his status in the Mormon community, and Utah only has a 1% black population.

    Trumps approval rating is also in the negative in Utah, including 48% strongly disapprove. I highly doubt they wpuld vote against him im November, but it's clear they prefer Romney between the two by a distance. If Trump loses his sh*t over Romney doing this it will hurt him a lot more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 900 ✭✭✭Midlife

    You tell me? All your doing is giving out about Trump without backing it up without any factual information.

    What will Biden bring to the table that Trump hasn't?

    Why do you hate Trump? I'm not talking about this Twitter, I'm talking about what he has done for the States.

    What Biden will bring is a team who know what they're doing.

    People need to get past the Trump doesn't speak well debate. That doesn't have as much an impact as his astonishingly bad judgement in appointing the people who run the country. Its not the old guy who likes golf and doesn't like briefings.

    He thinks he can run the worlds most prominent nation and economy by tweeting and watching fox and friends. He literally ditches anyone who isn't a total sycophant or dares to disagree with his random decrees. If you think that the reality of his 'team' combined with his obvious prioritisation of his own sense of self over national interests and his terrible instincts when is comes to important decisions doesn't make him a worse candidate than Biden, who at the least will surround himself with competent people, then I think you're massively misjudging what governance actually means.

    IMO all the stuff Trump claims to have done well are just things he hasn't been caught out on yet.

    He overheated the economy by creating a soaring deficit for short term gains. He made rich people richer and ramped up military spending.

    This isn't good, its just borrowing.

    Edited to include: Need to double check this but Wikipedia says that 17-20 (projected, before covid crash), Trump's America was set to add 1.4 trillion to GDP over the four years.

    However, he's also set to add up to 1.5 trillion more to the national debt than just rolling out Obama's final year figure for four years would have.

    I can take a second mortgage, take my family on 2 long haul holidays a year for a while, get a tesla and get the landscaping and attic done. My 10 year old and 7 year old will think I'm a legend. Doesn't make it good management of our finances though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,253 ✭✭✭✭duploelabs

    One of these days in work I’ll be bored. And I’m going to drill down on these politics threads and see who’s driving the content and quantify it.

    A simple request and authorisation to post following reading the charter like they have in the football forums would cure all of this

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Roger the cabin boy

    Midlife wrote: »
    What Biden will bring is a team who know what they're doing.

    People need to get past the Trump doesn't speak well debate.

    Trump is the president because he is not an Obama-esque politician.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,253 ✭✭✭✭duploelabs

    Trump is the president because he is not an Obama-esque politician.

    What defines an Obama-esque politician?

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Roger the cabin boy

    duploelabs wrote: »
    What defines an Obama-esque politician?

    A highly polished and pure politician where image is first, middle and last.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,253 ✭✭✭✭duploelabs

    A highly polished and pure politician where image is first, middle and last.

    And what qualities define Trump in your opinion?

  • Registered Users Posts: 900 ✭✭✭Midlife

    Trump is the president because he is not an Obama-esque politician.

    I'm not sure what point that addresses at all.

    Do you mean not black? Not articulate? Disagrees with science? What exactly?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,109 ✭✭✭TomOnBoard

    Trump is the president because he is not an Obama-esque politician.
    duploelabs wrote: »
    What defines an Obama-esque politician?
    A highly polished and pure politician where image is first, middle and last.

    That's an interesting description and I agree with some of it and not the rest of it. Let's break it down:

    So, being "Obama-esque" is:

    highly polished: I absolutely agree. Obama is a great speaker, a clear thinker, a pleasant and likeable personality. He has manners, doesn't set out to offend, treats people with respect whether in the press, in the opposing party, or generally anybody who is in disagreement with his views. He is decisive, committed to country, to people in dire straits whether at home or abroad. He listens, seeks and considers wise counsel. He strives for inclusiveness rather than deliberate marginalization and I'd be glad to sit and have a pint with him any day.

    On that basis, I fully agree: Trump is not Obamaesque.

    Pure politician: Again, I absolutely agree. Obama is a consummate politician, firmly practicing the Art of the Possible. His political antennae are highly tuned and his diplomacy skills are very strong. He is as pure and honourable as any US politician, and neither his personal life nor his Presidency have been marred by anything in the way of corrupt activity and/or other scandal, EXCEPT for saluting a Marine while holding a coffee, eating the wrong flavour of Haagen Daas and wearing a tan suit. He was never impeached, and neither was he an un-indicted conspirator who partook in criminal activity by making an illegal payment to a porn star for which his 'partner in crime' was indicted and found guilty. He has never created a fraudulent 'university' that bilked thousands of people out of thousands of their hard-earned dollars. To be a pure Obamaesque politician, one would have to have eschewed repeated marital infidelities, some with multiple partners at the same time, and avoided accusations of sexual assault from over a dozen women, and boasted about grabbing women by their genitals. Further, purity would require that, as President, you would not openly flaunt nepotism as an acceptable form of public service recruitment, particularly when such nepotism aids and abets massive grifting and personal enrichment through a range of sharp practices including selling influence to foreign powers, mixing multi-million business transactions with carrying out the duties of public office, and obtaining trade-mark benefits for fashion items on the back of foreign trips along with the President. These are just examples of how one might characterise 'being Obamaesque'.

    On that basis, I fully agree: Trump is not Obamaesque.

    On the question of image, it is simply not fair for me to continue... Seriously, on this one if 'being Obamaesque' is about a situation "where image is first, middle and last", then even Obama is nowhere near as Obamaesque as Donald Trump, whose whole career is based on image, who sells his name to be placed on gaudy buildings all over the world, who sees practically everything in terms of ratings, whose whole Presidency is a chaotic reality show, and whose outright pathological narcissism would make even Narcissus blush!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Roger the cabin boy

    TomOnBoard wrote: »
    That's an interesting description and I agree with some of it and not the rest of it. Let's break it down:

    So, being "Obama-esque" is:

    highly polished: I absolutely agree. Obama is a great speaker, a clear thinker, a pleasant and likeable personality. He has manners, doesn't set out to offend, treats people with respect whether in the press, in the opposing party, or generally anybody who is in disagreement with his views. He is decisive, committed to country, to people in dire straits whether at home or abroad. He listens, seeks and considers wise counsel. He strives for inclusiveness rather than deliberate marginalization and I'd be glad to sit and have a pint with him any day.

    On that basis, I fully agree: Trump is not Obamaesque.

    Pure politician: Again, I absolutely agree. Obama is a consummate politician, firmly practicing the Art of the Possible. His political antennae are highly tuned and his diplomacy skills are very strong. He is as pure and honourable as any US politician, and neither his personal life nor his Presidency have been marred by anything in the way of corrupt activity and/or other scandal, EXCEPT for saluting a Marine while holding a coffee, eating the wrong flavour of Haagen Daas and wearing a tan suit. He was never impeached, and neither was he an un-indicted conspirator who partook in criminal activity by making an illegal payment to a porn star for which his 'partner in crime' was indicted and found guilty. He has never created a fraudulent 'university' that bilked thousands of people out of thousands of their hard-earned dollars. To be a pure Obamaesque politician, one would have to have eschewed repeated marital infidelities, some with multiple partners at the same time, and avoided accusations of sexual assault from over a dozen women, and boasted about grabbing women by their genitals. Further, purity would require that, as President, you would not openly flaunt nepotism as an acceptable form of public service recruitment, particularly when such nepotism aids and abets massive grifting and personal enrichment through a range of sharp practices including selling influence to foreign powers, mixing multi-million business transactions with carrying out the duties of public office, and obtaining trade-mark benefits for fashion items on the back of foreign trips along with the President. These are just examples of how one might characterise 'being Obamaesque'.

    On that basis, I fully agree: Trump is not Obamaesque.

    On the question of image, it is simply not fair for me to continue... Seriously, on this one if 'being Obamaesque' is about a situation "where image is first, middle and last", then even Obama is nowhere near as Obamaesque as Donald Trump, whose whole career is based on image, who sells his name to be placed on gaudy buildings all over the world, who sees practically everything in terms of ratings, whose whole Presidency is a chaotic reality show, and whose outright pathological narcissism would make even Narcissus blush!

    Not saying i agree or don't agree with you or your observation, but i think Trump is President because of his flaws, not despite them.

    Its understandable to some degree. Somebody who is amiable to all and avoids confrontation oft gets nothing done. A charge (rightly so imho) thrown at Obama.

    You want your leader to have some bite, be a bit of a bastard as it were.

    Obama was a wet rag in that regard and the Americans more than anyone do not like that.

    Maybe Trump is unlikeable, but i think that is his trump card.

  • Registered Users Posts: 769 ✭✭✭MICKEYG

    Not saying i agree or don't agree with you or your observation, but i think Trump is President because of his flaws, not despite them.

    Its understandable to some degree. Somebody who is amiable to all and avoids confrontation oft gets nothing done. A charge (rightly so imho) thrown at Obama.

    You want your leader to have some bite, be a bit of a bastard as it were.

    Obama was a wet rag in that regard and the Americans more than anyone do not like that.

    Maybe Trump is unlikeable, but i think that is his trump card.

    So why did they vote him in twice?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,371 ✭✭✭✭Professor Moriarty

    Not saying i agree or don't agree with you or your observation, but i think Trump is President because of his flaws, not despite them.

    Its understandable to some degree. Somebody who is amiable to all and avoids confrontation oft gets nothing done. A charge (rightly so imho) thrown at Obama.

    You want your leader to have some bite, be a bit of a bastard as it were.

    Obama was a wet rag in that regard and the Americans more than anyone do not like that.

    Maybe Trump is unlikeable, but i think that is his trump card.

    Amazing. I can't think of any politician ever who was hoping to be elected that would have had being disliked as his main platform.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,077 ✭✭✭relax carry on

    Not saying i agree or don't agree with you or your observation, but i think Trump is President because of his flaws, not despite them.

    Its understandable to some degree. Somebody who is amiable to all and avoids confrontation oft gets nothing done. A charge (rightly so imho) thrown at Obama.

    You want your leader to have some bite, be a bit of a bastard as it were.

    Obama was a wet rag in that regard and the Americans more than anyone do not like that.

    Maybe Trump is unlikeable, but i think that is his trump card.

    Im sorry but that is just drivel of the highest order. Trump is a failure in every aspect of his life. There is literally nothing there at all. If it weren't for his father's ill gotten gains Donald would be at best a 3rd rate used car salesman conning those with no choice but to be conned.

    It's not that he's unlikeable, he has no leadership qualities whatsoever. He is a bully and a conman unable to achieve consensus on anything. His bullying, inability to learn/understand anything that isn't about him and unwillingness to compromise have damaged America and will take decades to repair.

    The only people left working with and openly supporting him will pretty much agree to anything he says or does right now because they are 1: Too far gone at this stage to extract themselves from the mess that working for/supporting Trump has created for themselves
    2: They are zealots who have blinded themselves to his multitude of failings which make him unsuitable to run a lemonade stand let alone be POTUS
    3: They may not believe in him and probably despise him but they believe in the fantasy ultra conservative vision for America he sometimes manges to convey in his ramblings so are stuck with him.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 36,270 CMod ✭✭✭✭pixelburp

    Not saying i agree or don't agree with you or your observation, but i think Trump is President because of his flaws, not despite them.

    Its understandable to some degree. Somebody who is amiable to all and avoids confrontation oft gets nothing done. A charge (rightly so imho) thrown at Obama.

    You want your leader to have some bite, be a bit of a bastard as it were.

    Obama was a wet rag in that regard and the Americans more than anyone do not like that.

    Maybe Trump is unlikeable, but i think that is his trump card.

    "Gets nothing done" Obama literally changed the shape of American Healthcare with the ACA - a bill that took monumental effort to get passed, and one that the GOP (and its supporters) continue to try and rip apart. In fact it was notable enough that Trump declared he would repeal "Obamacare" - something he failed to do despite the GOP controlling all three branches of government. To this day a huge pillar of Presidential elections is a candidate's views on Healthcare - specifically around Obama's signature policy.

    And no, you don't need a "bastard" you need a collaborator and someone who can take council but still make executive decisions. FDR, JFK, Eisenhower, Reagan etc. etc. The big, ultimately laughable suggestion about Trump was that he could be the first impartial president, someone who'd be above the fray and operate as a shrewd businessman. He has been anything but and his inability to even get his own signature policies finished show an inability to lead - even when there's literally not a single thing stopping you.

    Maybe a good businessman could run a country impartially - I've yet to see any good examples taking place - and all this Presidency has shown is that putting a real estate tycoon - who famously couldn't get a casino to make money - isn't a smart move for stable, effective leadership. Least of all during a crisis.

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 15,413 Mod ✭✭✭✭Quin_Dub

    Quick reminder - No Memes or Comedy Videos please.

  • Registered Users Posts: 900 ✭✭✭Midlife

    pixelburp wrote: »
    "Gets nothing done" Obama literally changed the shape of American Healthcare with the ACA - a bill that took monumental effort to get passed, and one that the GOP (and its supporters) continue to try and rip apart. In fact it was notable enough that Trump declared he would repeal "Obamacare" - something he failed to do despite the GOP controlling all three branches of government. To this day a huge pillar of Presidential elections is a candidate's views on Healthcare - specifically around Obama's signature policy.

    And no, you don't need a "bastard" you need a collaborator and someone who can take council but still make executive decisions. FDR, JFK, Eisenhower, Reagan etc. etc. The big, ultimately laughable suggestion about Trump was that he could be the first impartial president, someone who'd be above the fray and operate as a shrewd businessman. He has been anything but and his inability to even get his own signature policies finished show an inability to lead - even when there's literally not a single thing stopping you.

    Maybe a good businessman could run a country impartially - I've yet to see any good examples taking place - and all this Presidency has shown is that putting a real estate tycoon - who famously couldn't get a casino to make money - isn't a smart move for stable, effective leadership. Least of all during a crisis.

    Yes it's worth noting that Obama got the GOP votes needed for ACA. Trump couldn't get he GOP votes needed for his healthcare.

  • Registered Users Posts: 900 ✭✭✭Midlife

    Trump was elected because of identity politics.

    More people identified with his vision of America than Clinton's.

    Don't think as many will stick with him. He's electrified the rightwing but is steadily losing the middleground.

    People now see his version of America and don't identify with it so much.

    Also it all depends on how economically secure they feel under Trump.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,516 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    Midlife wrote: »
    Trump was elected because of identity politics.

    More people identified with his vision of America than Clinton's.

    Don't think as many will stick with him. He's electrified the rightwing but is steadily losing the middleground.

    People now see his version of America and don't identify with it so much.

    Also it all depends on how economically secure they feel under Trump.

    The economy was doing well but look how easily that house of cards fell as soon as a crisis cane along, He didnt have a clue what to do and because of this millions are unemployed and over 100,000 dead.

    If he mismanaged this crisis so badly you would have to wonder (as an American voter) how badly he could/would mismanage the next. America needs a strong leader who can either take the reins or has the sense and humility to listen to people who know what they are talking about. Trump has neither of those traits.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,579 ✭✭✭✭Leroy42

    The economy was doing well but look how easily that house of cards fell as soon as a crisis cane along, He didnt have a clue what to do and because of this millions are unemployed and over 100,000 dead.

    If he mismanaged this crisis so badly you would have to wonder (as an American voter) how badly he could/would mismanage the next. America needs a strong leader who can either take the reins or has the sense and humility to listen to people who know what they are talking about. Trump has neither of those traits.

    You don't need to wonder. Look at the disaster of the recent protests. They on their own would be damaging on the economy.

    The man, seemingly, has no ability to handle a crisis. He follows the same pattern each time. Ignore it, proclaim it is over or will just go away, say he is now taking it seriously and totally nailing it better than almost anyone could, when it doesn't improve go back to ignoring it.

This discussion has been closed.