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Falling apart gives you a reason to build something new.



  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga
    PM 7 miles east (7.56 min/m)
    Daily Challenge: Upper body Resistance band work

    Followed up with a bit of core

    AM Yoga
    PM N/A
    Daily Challenge:N/A

    AM Yoga
    PM 2 warm up, 10 miles (7.30/6.30), 2 mile cooldown
    Daily Challenge:

    Followed up with a bit of core

    AM Yoga
    PM N/A
    Daily Challenge: Lower body conditioning work

    A few bad nights sleep from the little lad scuppered a few runs but rather than get too pissed off just took it on the chin. Rather than see them as a step back as I used to and beat myself up in an all or nothing approach I am still looking at it as steps forward be it small or large. These days even my missed run days I am still managing yoga and or core so there is something being done which is a small bit of progress.

    Sunday and it began what i am looking at as a strength phase. All of my sessions for the next while are gonna be strength based and really try and work on the aerobic capacity. Mileage will play into that a little but ultimately I am still sticking to my principles of mileage not being sought at the compromise of good overall training.

    Disclaimer. For the first time I did exceed the radius. my Loop for this session was tailended by roundabouts one being a couple of hundred metres beyond the 2k mark from the house. I only realised on the cooldown. The only consolation was the fact that it was 11 at night in an industrial estate so not exactly a high risk area.

    Session itself went well I generally find the variation in pace for these some how easier. I dunno is it because I viewed the opening miles as warm up or just pace change but I tend to dread these more that standard long runs having said that the effort was very controlled throughout and the HR never rose beyond steady also was good to bag the longest run of the year without feeling too bad

    Next few weeks plenty of HM/MP paced work focusing on strength probably unorthodox way to train for a mile but can't beat the old adage of strength equals speed when it comes to running:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga + 4 miles easy (7.54 min/m)
    PM 7 miles including 6x20 sec strides (7.56 min/m)
    Daily Challenge: Push Up (descending series on 2 min cycles)

    Followed up with a bit of core

    Push Ups,

    basic starting at 30 working down to 10 in 5 increments
    Pike Push Ups 20 working down in 5 increments

    Start to a new week and return of the doubles the new radius allowed me trek up to my old stomping ground for a decent little hill, probably throw the loop in regularly over the next while.

    A few strides to finish off and good turn over feeling nice and controlled, small decline exaggerating the paces a little but felt good throughout.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga
    PM 8x3 min (90) target pace 6.10
    Daily Challenge: Plyometrics

    Finished this up with a 10 min core circuit

    First session of the new block, a big jump up in terms of volume at this pace but it was a controlled session with the emphasis on controlled. Recent tempos have indicated that roughly 6.05-6.10 was bang on for these (and out of curiousity I used Tinman calculator based off my TT and was giving me the same 6-6.10 for his threshold work)

    Was out on my lunch break which given way that parks are meant that Bike track was the route for this one. It’s a 1k undulating loop so perfect for this and only ever one maybe two cyclists on it midweek around that time (wide track so easy to social distance)

    First half of this session was very handy and I was pacing them well (working down to the pace only after around 1 min-90 sec) previously would have been trying to hit from the start and as a result HR prob a bit higher due to lag.

    Second half of session and while controlled fatigue was putting a little sting in the legs though finished the session feeling I could have done more and no where near wiped. Perfect for what I wanted from the session.

    The next while these cruise intervals will make up the faster aspect of training (bar strides) while I build strength

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga

    AM Yoga + 7 mile progression
    PM 5 miles easy (8.15 min/m)
    Daily Challenge: Upperbody resistance band work

    Following up with a bit of core

    Thursday no one to blame but myself. I was off for the day so keeping the little lad entertained for the day. By the time the night run came around I was fast asleep on the couch. Body not tired but I had woken in middle of the night which normally is a telling sign.

    Restrospectively we noticed a new tooth through so would explain some of his bad nights sleep this week so in hindsight missing 2 days this week not the end of the world as training density will still be there (higher mileage week in 5 days than I have done recently in 7)

    Friday and I was back in action. Progression run was very controlled for the paces hit and considering the heat it was a very good run happy with that one. Also got out after work just to flush out the legs

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga
    PM 9 miles + 7x20 sec strides (7.56 min/m)
    Daily Challenge: N/A

    Usual core circuit (10 min of 1 min on 30 sec off)

    Little lad didn't get the memo that DIL wasn't till 5.30 so up at 4, completely shattered after that for the morning so didn't out for a run before work and opted to rest a bit more instead

    Fairly vanilla run. A few hills thrown in as my running as of late been on the flatter side. Finished up with a few strides just to keep turnover in check for this TT at the end of the month

    Definitely progress mind you as 70+ min run a few weeks back I would have been feeling but felt could have went on forever so endurance is starting to come back and the longer easy runs not as daunting which should help with the mileage creeping up.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga
    PM 2 mile warm up, 10 steady, 2 mile cooldown
    Daily Challenge: N/A

    Another week down and highest mileage week in nearly 10 months (which given it was a day week definitely says alot.

    The plan for this was 10 miles in around 70 min give or take however it was windy as hell so just stuck to effort as the first few miles were into the wind and I figured 70 was gonna be a tough ask so just focused on keeping controlled first 5 mile and then winding it up slightly in back end.

    Using the same long run route as last week its quickly becoming a bit of a fav. It's approx 3 mile loop with roundabout at each end and wide bus lanes, perfect for longer stuff late a night. Its relatively flat with small decline on way out and small incline on the way back however these were negated with the headwind in 1st half of each lap on the down.

    1st half and was hovering just over the 7 min miling mark however got into a nice groove as it went on and without too much change in effort started to see the sixes pop up and the watch and cruised from here finishing relatively strong. Finished in 69.43 spot on especially given the weather.

    None of my sessions are particularly challenging at the moment as this is a true base phase however there is huge training density as the last 7 days included;

    14 (10 alternating between MP/moderate)
    8x3 min @ 6.10 off 90 sec (LT effort)
    7 progression (finishing MP)
    14 (10 steady)

    The aim is to increase the mileage while keeping this moderate intensity stuff just grinding me down slowly for now building up that strength

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    See you got an honorary mention in the Echo online...FB famous you are now ;)

    Well done on the funds raised by the club!

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    See you got an honorary mention in the Echo online...FB famous you are now ;)

    Well done on the funds raised by the club!

    Haha club PRO must be trying to keep me sweet as I had little to do with bar floating the idea go be honest still was a bit of craic and decent bit raised plus picked up the team win despite being over 90 sec behind some of the younger lads so reckon the teams were fixed haha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga
    PM 7 miles easy (7.47 min/m)
    Daily Challenge: lower body conditioning work

    Followed up with a 10 min core circuit

    Legs were a bit on the tired side seeing as I did have 35 miles over the previous 3 days but despite this was nice and handy. Thankfully colder weather opened up running along the canal for a bit.

    Very sleepy post work and knew I didn't have a 30 min run and the ancillary work so opted for the latter given the mileage will already be taking a bump up this week anyway still wanna stick to the mantra of mileage doesn't take priority over the well rounded approach.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    KSU wrote: »
    Haha club PRO must be trying to keep me sweet as I had little to do with bar floating the idea go be honest still was a bit of craic and decent bit raised plus picked up the team win despite being over 90 sec behind some of the younger lads so reckon the teams were fixed haha.

    Haha club politics;)

    A good idea is where it all starts and all for a great cause!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga
    PM 4 x 1 mile LT (2.30 easy) followed by 4x30 sec hard/30 sec easy
    Daily Challenge:N/A

    This got dragged out way too late after work as the little lad was waking frequently at the slightest sound so by time finally got him fully down it was nearly 11.30. Thankfully its been a good motivation week and no issue getting out the door for it.

    Paces were consistent (6.08, 6.10, 6.12, 6.09) and effort level was controlled. Legs a little heavy from S & C work yesterday. With the generous recoveries given it was an LT session I kept the recovery pace honest not slowing beyond 7.25 pace so overall covered 5.34 miles in 34.39 (roughly 6.29 pace average) Solid work even if none to glamorous at the moment. Finished this up with some short snappy work just to keep tipping over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga + 7 miles easy (7.54 min/m)
    PM 4 miles easy (8.20 min/m)
    Daily Challenge: Upper body Resistance band work

    Followed this up with 10 min core circuit and foam rolling

    A day for a bit of pampering as there were a few grumblings from the body, left hip flexor giving out a little as well as right tibialis posterior (two area's which generally push back a little when ramp things up. Kept the 7 miler handy on the grass which seemed to do the trick for the hip flexor and bit of work in the evening on the plantar and tib pos seems to gave me all good today. To be expected somewhat as I have averaged 12.5 miles a day last 5 days and aim to plough on with that. Always good to have a patient in the house to keep the therapy skills sharp :P

    The longer this build up continues the clearer my long term approach is becoming and they more I see a need to really build back up my base so I will probably be in base phase for the next 2-3 months before hopefully really getting stuck into making big breakthrough over 10k (hopefully something like Seeley Cup might get the nod by the end of the year)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    QQ since you are averaging 12m a day

    Ive been hitting 10-12 miles a day quite often - base phase. 70m over 6 days etc but all just on 1 run per day so 60+% of my runs are 80+ mins. At what point to you think thats counter productive and might be better to split some days to doubles? Like, easy days are easy but often 90mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    QQ since you are averaging 12m a day

    Ive been hitting 10-12 miles a day quite often - base phase. 70m over 6 days etc but all just on 1 run per day so 60+% of my runs are 80+ mins. At what point to you think thats counter productive and might be better to split some days to doubles? Like, easy days are easy but often 90mins

    Good question. Personally I think it depends on your goal and your own background

    For me I am aiming for 10k so I 50/40 min split double or runs of similar length is generally fine.

    For a marathon runner I would probably have one main run of the day with a supplementary. For these maybe 65-80 min/30-40 min

    Ultra running (take Ed for example) and would be running on singles.

    It can be modulated based on training though to minimize injury risk

    For example

    Mon (Shorter single to recover from long run effort
    Tuesday - Session (perhaps a short recovery double to add volume)
    Wednesday - Longer Single so working on tired legs from session for endurance
    Thursday - Double to freshen up for session
    Friday -Session (perhaps a short recovery double to add volume)
    Saturday - Shorter Single to recovery for long run
    Sunday - Long run

    If you took 8 min as easy pace there for example would break down mileage as such
    M- 7-8
    T - 8-9 (+4)
    W - 10-11
    T - 6+6
    F - 8-9 (+4)
    S - 7-8
    Sun - 16-20

    This would give you a range from 70+ mpw up while still allowing you to recover for sessions and not end up with biomechanical issues due to running excessively on tired legs.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thanks KSU - food for thought

    Not wanting to take up too much of your log. To do the recovery supplementary on session days, the sessions would have to be early morning --- ugh but so is life :rolleyes:

    Last question :o

    Interesting 2 days between session so 1 day easy before LR. Is this a 10k pattern to prioritize energy for 10k focused sessions, the LR being capped and base endurance oriented?

    Vs Marathon pattern the LR with work stuff taking precedence and perhaps needing the extra recovery of 2 days after the session. Just thinking back to my last cycle (Hansons) carrying enough cumulative fatigue into the LR and having 2 easy days between it and the last session. Granted the day off was between sessions on a thurs to tues pattern.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    Thanks KSU - food for thought

    Not wanting to take up too much of your log. To do the recovery supplementary on session days, the sessions would have to be early morning --- ugh but so is life :rolleyes:

    Last question :o

    Interesting 2 days between session so 1 day easy before LR. Is this a 10k pattern to prioritize energy for 10k focused sessions, the LR being capped and base endurance oriented?

    Vs Marathon pattern the LR with work stuff taking precedence and perhaps needing the extra recovery of 2 days after the session. Just thinking back to my last cycle (Hansons) carrying enough cumulative fatigue into the LR and having 2 easy days between it and the last session. Granted the day off was between sessions on a thurs to tues pattern.

    Not at all happy to have engagement on the log (rather than spouting unsolicited musings elsewhere haha)

    In terms of the session supplementary runs there are those who use these sort of runs the morning of sessions to stimulate HGH secretion for later sessions getting more of an uptake during the session (haven't delved into this science too much personally)

    Regarding pattern it more just stems from a historical programming of sessions from the club system (both here and the likes of UK/US)

    Generally faster sessions programmed for a Tuesday while fresh and strength sessions later in the week so makes sense to stack the a little with the long run for a cumulative fatigue aspect going into the long run. This is with the idea of the Long run not being the priority session of the week (i.e easy/moderate pace)

    With marathon training though personally I like to change the format to a 2 session week including long run (Wed-Sat/Sun) both are long sessions though (15-20). This is only during the specific phase though (last 10 weeks of training including taper) Generally use the 10k style format in the fundamental stage of training (i.e 1st 10 weeks of say a 20 week build up)

    In general I tend to cap the run in around 20 because personally I feel 2hr - 2hr 20 is the sweet spot with regard aerobic benefits and biomechanical fatigue endurance. I think intensity needs to be looked at rather than volume beyond that as I think you get more bang for your buck and less injury risk running say 2 hrs steady/progressive over 2hr40 easy. This is more based on my coaching experience.

    Very rarely would I program anything longer than 2hr 20 and if I did it would be more a session focused on psychology of the athlete rather than physiology (i.e someone getting really nervous about not having time on feet as a reassurance session)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Ta was mulling it over just there on a run. Got me through more laps than I thought I'd do so thanks. Yeah I've found 20+ miles and over 2hrs30 counter productive for the novice I was (am). Found cap at 2:15 is plenty when you put work into them.

    Session tomorrow so might do a 30min supplement later. Def going to break one of the easy 12m run in 2 if schedule/life allows.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    Session tomorrow so might do a 30min supplement later. Def going to break one of the easy 12m run in 2 if schedule/life allows.

    This is the other aspect of it. Training puts enough stress on the body without the stress of having to plan the training. Sometimes making it fit your schedule is just as important. Currently my format is based on getting out on my lunch break which means 50-55 min max. Those days I get that and a short one after work and still in bed for decent rest, others its a longer one after work but unsustainable for me when the little lad has me up at 5-6 most mornings.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    KSU wrote: »
    This is the other aspect of it. Training puts enough stress on the body without the stress of having to plan the training. Sometimes making it fit your schedule is just as important. Currently my format is based on getting out on my lunch break which means 50-55 min max. Those days I get that and a short one after work and still in bed for decent rest, others its a longer one after work but unsustainable for me when the little lad has me up at 5-6 most mornings.

    Can't over estimate this factor with smallies. They dictate almost every facet your circadian rhythm :rolleyes: but they also make you laugh/love until your heart melts away that stress. Who'd have em?! :D

    This was exactly what sparked the question. I found doing 1 run a day and trying to build volume that its either very early morning or late evening. I dont have the lunch run option most days WFH. Its often tough to get out of the bed at 5am to have 30 mins to wake up, activate and then get 12m done before 8 so she can get ready for work. Unless you go to bed so early you don't get time together. However, I find facing 90mins run at 8-9pm a real challenge. The brain is usually drained balancing kids and work pressure the whole day and the body is unwilling. You flick the devil off your shoulders and get drawn out the door by the setting sun.
    Like Superman crawling out of a bath of kryptonite you feel the last of its warmth energise you and it ends up being a good run.

    The problem then is you are showering, eating at 11pm and are wide awake. The probability of getting up 7 hours later to run again are greatly diminished, particularly as your body is now digesting a meal while you sleep instead of repairing precious fibres.

    To your point of splitting that same run, I'd get a little more sleep in the morning and bed a little earlier in the evening.. the little things we must do to find balance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    Can't over estimate this factor with smallies. They dictate almost every facet your circadian rhythm :rolleyes: but they also make you laugh/love until your heart melts away that stress. Who'd have em?! :D

    This was exactly what sparked the question. I found doing 1 run a day and trying to build volume that its either very early morning or late evening. I dont have the lunch run option most days WFH. Its often tough to get out of the bed at 5am to have 30 mins to wake up, activate and then get 12m done before 8 so she can get ready for work. Unless you go to bed so early you don't get time together. However, I find facing 90mins run at 8-9pm a real challenge. The brain is usually drained balancing kids and work pressure the whole day and the body is unwilling. You flick the devil off your shoulders and get drawn out the door by the setting sun.
    Like Superman crawling out of a bath of kryptonite you feel the last of its warmth energise you and it ends up being a good run.

    The problem then is you are showering, eating at 11pm and are wide awake. The probability of getting up 7 hours later to run again are greatly diminished, particularly as your body is now digesting a meal while you sleep instead of repairing precious fibres.

    To your point of splitting that same run, I'd get a little more sleep in the morning and bed a little earlier in the evening.. the little things we must do to find balance.

    Better man than me in the morning's. Personally I just don't feel like I can wake up enough for a run without either 90 min or a bit of yoga (which is why opt for that)

    Lucky enough at the moment where my shift only has a small overlap with herself meaning that my lunch doesn't come around till she finishes work. Given I keep him occupied from the time he gets up (anytime between 4-6am) and the time he goes down for his nap (about 1pm coinciding with the start of my work day) I tend to find the lunch break when I get it is well earned and I am not missed for the hour around the house.

    The late runs then when everyone is in bed just stems from the nature of my work. When I started with the company my shift was 5.30pm-1.30 am and have been slowly working back form there so late nights never an issue and I am a good sleeper meaning when I get the opportunity to sleep I do (doesn't take me a huge amount to unwind in evenings as the runs do that for me to be honest)

    This probably influences my belief about easy run paces being so conservative as my recovery facility is seriously inhibited with the lack of sleep as 7 hours for me would be ambitious since he was born :p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga
    PM 7 miles easy incl 6x20 sec strides (7.32 min/m)
    Daily Challenge: Plyometric circuit

    Followed this up with 10 min core circuit and foam rolling

    A handy one around Corkagh, decided to stick to the grass just to give the legs a little breather. It is funny I was thinking about the fact that it is no longer used as a XC location which is baffling as I was able to isolate 3 separate loops (approx 1 mile length) that would each be fantastic loops for a cross country race ranging from completely flat golf course like ala the US collegiate courses to an absolute mud bath in the winter.

    Bumped into TRR from around these parts while on the run and a short social distancing chat reminded me that outside of this, since the lockdown it was the first non family in-person interactions with anyone who I actually know (i.e not working in Dunnes/Aldi etc)

    No second run today but a plyometric circuit had me really working hard in the evening (2 sets of 9 exercises 30 sec on and 30 sec rest)

    Definitely getting better at getting good bang for buck from shorter more intense style sessions. This was inspired by a Sprinter/Jumper style workout but modified just to work on a few area's of interest for me (Hamstrings definitely taking a hammering here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga
    PM 10km tempo - 40.18 (6.29 min/m)
    Daily Challenge: N/A

    Seems to be something in the water with Healy1835 as the little lad woke up at 4am in foul humour and didn’t let up all day. Was so drained between that and work that I decided to change the route for this one to the most generous loop I could. Thankfully once he went down at 7 I got a bit of a new lease of life so went back to the original “honest” loop I had picked out

    Set the watch up for 10x1k no recovery, it felt wrong and dirty but for this session the aim was in around 40-41 min so it made things easy as the loop I was doing basically nullified the use of pace on the watch so it was strictly done by effort. It was 3 laps with each lap having a roughly 800m incline to keep me honest

    This was roughly marathon effort which was perfect as the pace was handy enough to not send me over the edge on the hills but got a good leg workout from it and was working hard enough to get good stimulus from it

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    Zilch. Nada. Bubkiss

    Maybe the session was more than I gave credit for the day before, or maybe it was just the 4 am wake up call and the terror humour he was in that drained me but I was fried for this one falling asleep on the couch in evening. I probably could have dragged myself out but I knew it was gonna be counter productive so I took the hit and got a decent nights sleep for once.

    AM Yoga
    PM 2.5 mile warm up, 10 mile progression, 2.5 cooldown
    Daily Challenge: N/A

    Another fecking windy one for the long though not as bad last week. straight into a headwind for 3,4,5,8 and 9 as I wanted to keep the session honest but also not to be overcooking it at the end as the aim was to finish in around marathon effort. I dunno what it is about the progression runs but mentally they just tend to be my bread and butter. Maybe it is to do with the fact that the miles rattle off quicker as the start to feel the pinch. Mile 9 was an absolute nightmare as was slight incline into stiff headwind. Definitely digging in hard but knowing I was getting respite on the last mile I didn't mind too much.

    Went better than planned with 68.39 time for 10 mile. Paces started at 7.24 working down to 6.22.

    While it wasn't the 70 plus week I was expecting it was still highest mileage week since last July (60 mile total up from 55 as highest last week) and another step forward with 3 solid strength sessions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga + 4 miles easy (7.56 min/m)
    PM 6 miles easy (8.08 min/m)
    Daily Challenge: Lower body conditioning work

    Followed this up with 10 min core


    Pretty much sums up the day. made the mistake of waking little lad after the long run so bad night sleep on couch with himself. Despite being in absolutely no mood managed to get everything in today so a mental triumph if nothing else.

    Ancillary work slipped a little last week so gonna start logging work time just to remind myself to keep it honest (idea stolen from shotgunmcos)

    Weekly Totals
    Core|10 min
    Yoga|10 min|
    S&C|30 min

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga
    PM 3x8 min LT (3 min float) + 4x30/30
    Daily Challenge: Upperbody resistance work

    Followed this up with a 10 min core circuit

    Another week another LT session. Aerobically I knew this was gonna be fine but it was the 3rd session in 5 days as well as leg workout yesterday so legs were heavy going into this one. Loosened out after the first rep and feeling grand from there though little pinch coming near the end of the last rep. Again recoveries here kept honest (7.30 pace slowest) just to keep the HR up given its an LT session.

    Followed this up with a bit of light faster stuff off short recovery just to work on a bit of economy.

    This was the third tempo style workout in a 4 week progression

    8x3 min (90 sec)
    4x1 mile (2min30)
    3x8 min (3 min)
    (Next week) 20 min Thresh

    Recoveries slowly working down as a proportion of the rep times (50%, 41%, 37.5%) with the overall workload being 24 min total throughout so even though sessions look similar enough there is a logical progression without simply working on paces being faster. THE 20 min is a drop simply because straight through HR is sustained so effort levels match up with the 3 sessions prior. I like this style of approach because it can take 2-3 weeks to see the fitness improvements from sessions so using the recovery as a variable keeps things moving in the short term.

    Following this the aim is to take a step up in volume to 30 min roughly work time so sessions will follow similar progression

    8x1k (90)
    5x1 mile (2 min)
    3x10 min (3 min)
    25 min Thres

    Ancillary totals

    Core|10 min|10 min||20 min
    Yoga|10 min|10 min||20 min
    S&C|30 min|25 min||55 min

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    AM Yoga + 6 miles easy (7.41 min/m)
    PM 3 mile very easy (8.15 min/m)
    Daily Challenge: Foam Rolling

    Body in a jock the cumulative affect definitely taking its toll. A little light headed on evening run I think mixture of tiredness and that but eating rings around me. Everything pointed to this day being needed

    AM Yoga
    PM 9 miles including 5x20 sec strides
    Daily Challenge: Plyo session

    Definite improvement though still needed this one to be fairly easy as legs were like lead. Wind was rough enough so possibly contributed to things but I felt any slight change in effort saw paces fall off a cliff so ran very tentatively effort wise.

    Pulled the plyo's after first few exercises as I knew tonight legs just needed the extra day.

    Ancillary totals

    Core|10 min|10 min|||20 min
    Yoga|10 min|10 min|10min|10min|40 min
    S&C|30 min|25 min|||55 min
    Foam Rolling|||20 min||20 min
    Plyos||||5 min|5min

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Interesting on the light headedness..

    Is it Kcal deficit? Dehydration? Sleepy?

    I had simlar half way through a short run yesterday evening. Legs were coming around but general energy low. Heart rate higher etc. Had run in the morning and on my own working with the kids during the day. It all takes its toll...

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    Interesting on the light headedness..

    Is it Kcal deficit? Dehydration? Sleepy?

    I had simlar half way through a short run yesterday evening. Legs were coming around but general energy low. Heart rate higher etc. Had run in the morning and on my own working with the kids during the day. It all takes its toll...

    Put it down to tiredness to be honest but probably a combination of the three the few hard days definitely had me eating rings around me. The evening runs had been slipping later and later and bed times pushed just needed a bit of discipline to get back on track for a bit of extra sleep.

    Power nap and actually getting out for run early today as well as the two easy days have me back to normal

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Maybe you’ve outgrown those running leggings and they’re dripping blood circulation :)


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  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    Maybe you’ve outgrown those running leggings and they’re dripping blood circulation :)


    Have been forced to retire them recently, quads bigger, gut smaller could lead to them sitting awkwardly in the eyes of the law on a late night run :D
