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Due Sept 2020



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    pippin04 wrote: »
    Hello ladies! I'm quite late to the thread although I've been a silent lurker for the past week or so! :P

    Just wondering has anyone been super emotional in the third trimester? Hormones were pretty settle until but now it's all starting to feel quite overwhelming if I'm honest... Was in the hospital yesterday for the 34 week check up (33+6 today so a little early for 34 weeks) but it all felt kind of rushed, they were a little busy I think, and not back in with them for another 4 weeks. Do have a GP visit I need to make, but it feels like its so far away for the next hospital appointment... I can't tell if my disappointment/frustration/worry here is purely down to the hormones or not!

    But glad to read everyones getting along ok and the dates for meeting the little troublemakers are starting to come out with induction/section dates being scheduled!

    Very emotional here too and I understand what you mean with the rushed visits! I'm 32+1 today and have the consultant next Tuesday with the GP 3 weeks after that at 36 weeks. A month between appointments is normal until you get closer to your due date, and then it will be fortnightly appointments for most in combined care.

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    pippin04 wrote: »
    Just wondering has anyone been super emotional in the third trimester? Hormones were pretty settle until but now it's all starting to feel quite overwhelming if I'm honest... Was in the hospital yesterday for the 34 week check up (33+6 today so a little early for 34 weeks) but it all felt kind of rushed, they were a little busy I think, and not back in with them for another 4 weeks. Do have a GP visit I need to make, but it feels like its so far away for the next hospital appointment... I can't tell if my disappointment/frustration/worry here is purely down to the hormones or not!

    Oh I’d say this is very normal pippin! I remember this especially in my first pregnancy. Not so much my second because I was quite distracted with work and my eldest, but on my third with all the stress this year has brought plus other things going on in my life emotions do run high lately!

    Is this your first? I ask because I think worry about the unknown definitely played into my emotions the first time round. Especially when they rescheduled my induction, I was so stressed and disappointed.

    Try and take some time for yourself over the coming weeks if you can, speak to loved ones about how you feel. It’s really normal to feel emotions quite intensely at any stage of pregnancy especially leading up to the birth.

    As a caveat, I’d also say it’s never any harm to link in with the mental health team of your hospital if you are feeling very overwhelmed to the point where you feel need help processing what’s happening. I had PND after my second and I’ve been linked in this whole pregnancy with a midwife who’s been assigned to me and I have to say it feels great to know she’s there. All she does is keep in touch with me and makes sure I’m minding myself and my health and she’ll be with me until I’m 6 months post partum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 pippin04

    Cameoette wrote: »
    Is this your first? I ask because I think worry about the unknown definitely played into my emotions the first time round.

    Is it obvious ;) but yes it is my first and I probably run a little more on the anxious side normally anyway so I guess it might just be things catching up with me... And I should have a think about your caveat Cameoette, I'm not quite sure how I feel to be honest so probably need to process a bit more before I go annoying them! I'm hoping it's just a bad few days couple with some work stresses....
    Thanks for the responses though, it really helps knowing people are on the same roller coaster!

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Pippin I definitely feel a bit all over the place emotionally too and it's my second. Its worth noting there is a massive hormonal surge weeks 32-36 as body preps for labour so that could also be why. I know personally I feel like I get irritated/frustrated easily at the minute.

    Be kind to yourself. Preparing for your first baby is a lot to process and thats without all the physical and hormonal side effects on top of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 pippin04

    Thanks Hazelnut Button, I actually wasn't aware the hormone surge at this time, would be nice to think if that's contributing to it! Waiting on some test results from the hospital too so that's probably on my mind as well. I just haven't felt like this at all during the pregnancy so think I was taken a little by surprise the last few days.

    A days leave tomorrow to make this short week even shorter might be in order....
    Thanks again for the replies guys, you've all really has made me feel tonnes better this morning :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 284 ✭✭awny

    Hi all,

    Hope you’re all keeping well, I suspect that we’ll have some baby announcements on here in the next few weeks!!

    I’m 32 weeks today and I swear I think my bump has dropped. This is my second baby. I had my little man at 36+6 and was admitted to hospital for 2 nights at 25 weeks this time for threatened pre term labour but nothing happened thank god, I’m really hoping to get to 36 weeks at least this time. Anyone else’s hump drop this early and manage to stay around for a while?? Hope ye are keeping good x

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rebel83

    awny wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Hope you’re all keeping well, I suspect that we’ll have some baby announcements on here in the next few weeks!!

    I’m 32 weeks today and I swear I think my bump has dropped. This is my second baby. I had my little man at 36+6 and was admitted to hospital for 2 nights at 25 weeks this time for threatened pre term labour but nothing happened thank god, I’m really hoping to get to 36 weeks at least this time. Anyone else’s hump drop this early and manage to stay around for a while?? Hope ye are keeping good x

    Bump hasn't "dropped" just yet (35+6) but definitely ballooning out over the past week or so! Took annual leave this week & it was soooo needed - just very tired & feel like there's so much little things to organise, have packed & Re-packed my hospital bag 3 times & still missing stuff - it's like my brain is refusing to cooperate so I must start writing a list maybe!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,920 ✭✭✭Cash_Q

    pippin04 wrote:
    Hello ladies! I'm quite late to the thread although I've been a silent lurker for the past week or so!

    Welcome! Hope you've been feeling ok in general throughout!
    pippin04 wrote:
    Just wondering has anyone been super emotional in the third trimester? Hormones were pretty settle until but now it's all starting to feel quite overwhelming if I'm honest... Was in the hospital yesterday for the 34 week check up (33+6 today so a little early for 34 weeks) but it all felt kind of rushed, they were a little busy I think, and not back in with them for another 4 weeks. Do have a GP visit I need to make, but it feels like its so far away for the next hospital appointment... I can't tell if my disappointment/frustration/worry here is purely down to the hormones or not!

    My hormones/emotions are allll over the place, especially when I haven't had enough sleep which is most nights these days!

    My appointment schedule is the exact same, just reverse location e.g.32w I was seen in the hospital, 34w GP, 36w hospital. 4 weeks does seem long in between appts at this stage but the GP and hospital will carry out the same checks re blood pressure, urine etc and GP will send you to the hospital if there's any concern at all. On my first pregnancy I was with the GP at 36+5 and had two of three symptoms of pre eclampsia, she sent me to the Coombe as a precaution and I went home with my baby who was delivered at 37+2!

    Its only natural to feel a bit neglected by the system at present because things are so rushed in general, but take it as a good sign that they're not worried about you or baby :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 pippin04

    No bump dropping here just yet Awny but my SIL had her bump drop for a good 5 weeks before the little man made his arrival so hopefully your little one will stay put for another while too!

    And thank you CashQ! Few niggles along the way but nothing really major thankfully - had some itching that's gotten worse the past few weeks and some elevated liver tests but low bile acids thankfully so just need to keep an eye on the itching and babys movement at this stage.
    But you're right about the GP I think I was just slightly shocked after Tuesdays appointment about not going back in until nearly 38 weeks but as you said I can just chat with the GP along the way and it's all good news! This pregnancy business is just highlighting I'm natural worrier!

    Also that sounds really stressful with your first baby but also reassuring to know the GP was so on the ball with everything!Does make a difference having a good GP right?

    Hope everyone's been getting on okay the past week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rebel83

    Welcome Pippin. Exciting (but nervous) times!

    I'm under CUMH but with their community clinic instead of hospital for antenatal due to COVID. I had my 36 week appt yesterday (well 35+6 to be exact!) & was very surprised when she said they won't see me again for 4 weeks, as my GP has told me it was to alternate every 2nd week after 36. Then as I was at reception making my next appt she came back out & said to come back in 3 weeks instead, seeing the GP twice in between. So I'll be back with the hospital clinic at 38+6.
    I'm low risk FTM but have an anterior placenta which means I can't feel much movement - annoying coz all the advice talks about tracking movement & my little one is quite most of the time - on the scabs then she's moving & kicking about, I just can't feel it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,920 ✭✭✭Cash_Q

    pippin04 wrote:
    Also that sounds really stressful with your first baby but also reassuring to know the GP was so on the ball with everything!Does make a difference having a good GP right?

    It was actually grand, I was so sick of being pregnant so while I hated being admitted to the hospital, I was relieved to learn I would have the baby soon. If it happened again today I would be thrilled, I am so so sick of being pregnant by now!

    Those of you with toddlers, are you finding it so bloody hard right now, or is it just me? My daughter is very good in general but she is extremely demanding these days and having plenty of screamy tantrums. She settles herself easily but it makes for a very long evening when she is like this. Actually don't know how I will cope with two of them! Great that they'll be close in age growing up but it is tough going right now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    Cash Q my 22 month old has also started screamy tantrums, fun times :) but it’s my 5 year old who I find the most challenging behaviour wise! Physically the toddler is difficult but the 5 year old exhausts me mentally.
    I constantly ask myself how will I cope with a newborn into the current mix so you are not alone :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,920 ✭✭✭Cash_Q

    Cameoette wrote:
    Cash Q my 22 month old has also started screamy tantrums, fun times but it’s my 5 year old who I find the most challenging behaviour wise! Physically the toddler is difficult but the 5 year old exhausts me mentally. I constantly ask myself how will I cope with a newborn into the current mix so you are not alone

    Thank you for the reply, it's good to know I'm not alone lol. I just want to fast forward to Christmas when baby will be settled and hopefully toddler will be a bit more reasonable, ha! I always wanted loads of kids but now I'm feeling fairly sure that 2 is plenty for us, dont know how you're coping with 2 already and 3rd on the way. It'll be grand but right now its daunting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    I hear you ladies. My little lady is 4 so thankfully tantrums aren't much of an issue but find I'm exhausted by the end of the day with the constant questioning, request for snacks and entertaining.

    Feeling very uncomfortable these past few days. I'm 34 weeks today & dunno how there is anymore space for this fella to grow. Feeling very ache down below. Kinda like before you get your period.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,920 ✭✭✭Cash_Q

    Feeling very uncomfortable these past few days. I'm 34 weeks today & dunno how there is anymore space for this fella to grow. Feeling very ache down below. Kinda like before you get your period.

    Same here, I'm 34w tomorrow, also having little crampy twinges every now and then, mentioned it last time I was in the hospital and they said they weren't worried about it. 5 weeks from now baby will be here anyway provided they section me the days ahead of turning 39w!

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Cash_Q wrote: »
    Same here, I'm 34w tomorrow, also having little crampy twinges every now and then, mentioned it last time I was in the hospital and they said they weren't worried about it. 5 weeks from now baby will be here anyway provided they section me the days ahead of turning 39w!

    Thats good to know. Its weird I can't describe it. Its not cramps but kinda like a dull ache/pressure all along the bottom of my bump.

    I'm the same baby will be here in 5wks as they won't let me go past 39 either. Madness. The end is in sight..

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    I feel that pressure too.
    Sometimes when I stand up I feel like my waters might go, just lots of pressure!
    33 +2 now. I won’t be let go over 39 either so she’ll be here soon thank god!
    My county is in lockdown again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,920 ✭✭✭Cash_Q

    Thats good to know. Its weird I can't describe it. Its not cramps but kinda like a dull ache/pressure all along the bottom of my bump.

    Yeah it takes the wind out of me sometimes, it's all just gotten so heavy too.
    I'm the same baby will be here in 5wks as they won't let me go past 39 either. Madness. The end is in sight..

    Cameoette wrote:
    I feel that pressure too. Sometimes when I stand up I feel like my waters might go, just lots of pressure! 33 +2 now. I won’t be let go over 39 either so she’ll be here soon thank god! My county is in lockdown again.

    Great we are all on the 39w countdown anyway lol.

    Crap you're in lockdown again :( we just visited friends in Celbridge today, glad we made it down before this evening's announcement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭Plum Pud

    Morning ladies, how are we all? All good here. Hitting the 36 week mark now so only 3 left to go.. I'm also on the 39w countdown 😂

    Back in to see consultant on Tuesday and trying to rest as much as possible now but I'm exhausted and uncomfortable no matter what I do. The feeling of pressure down there is so bad it feels like both baby and bladder will be leaving my bod!!

    Our county is also on lockdown so it just worries me that the hospitals will start to restrict us and our partners because of this local lockdown but will see on Tuesday I suppose.

    Hope you're all doing OK in the heat... I'm kind of managing OK but it's mostly with the help of ice cream 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,920 ✭✭✭Cash_Q

    Plum Pud wrote:
    Morning ladies, how are we all? All good here. Hitting the 36 week mark now so only 3 left to go.. I'm also on the 39w countdown 😂

    Woohoo you're so close to the end! I'm hating the heat and definitely not eating enough ice cream, need to sort that out!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    Plum pud you’re so close now!!

    I’m hoping the hospitals don’t restrict visits again too :( it’s mad when I think my husband has not seen any scans of this baby! We went for an early private scan right before covid but he was at the doc and didn’t make it out in time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Wow 36 weeks you really are flying plum pud. And I second the idea of lots of ice cream to help with the heat. I'd love some ice cream but obviously a no go in the diabetic diet.

    Also praying the hospitals don't impose restrictions again. Its tough on dad's, especially first time dads, not getting to be as involved as they would like. Fingers crossed they'll all be holding their little bubs soon. Have to say i nearly thought I was starting last night. Was having that pressure and little pains on & off but think they were just Braxton Hicks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,920 ✭✭✭Cash_Q

    Have to say i nearly thought I was starting last night. Was having that pressure and little pains on & off but think they were just Braxton Hicks.

    Aw I had a mad stitch in one side that was spreading all around and then having little cramps, thought I was starting as well but really I don't think it was anything more than my dinner going down! I'm only 34w so I shouldn't be getting my hopes up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭Plum Pud

    Yea it's mad that I'm so close now, it's a little scary 😂

    I was getting some lower back twinges today but nothing to take note of. It would be mad if I went myself before my section date, which I would also be fine with but I'm happy to wait 3 more weeks too :D my husband was a gem today, he took our 5 year old off for a lovely long walk and I got to chill in bed for an extra few hours in my super comfy pj's which I am back in now 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,920 ✭✭✭Cash_Q

    Plum Pud wrote:
    I was getting some lower back twinges today but nothing to take note of. It would be mad if I went myself before my section date

    What happens if labour does start spontaneously before an elective section? Do we have to try for a natural birth? I would absolutely freak out, I don't want to do it myself..would they try to get me into a theatre before I make much progress? I know we cant exactly control or stop a really fast labour/birth, but the idea of it terrifies me

  • Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭Plum Pud

    Cash_Q wrote: »
    What happens if labour does start spontaneously before an elective section? Do we have to try for a natural birth? I would absolutely freak out, I don't want to do it myself..would they try to get me into a theatre before I make much progress? I know we cant exactly control or stop a really fast labour/birth, but the idea of it terrifies me

    I don't actually know to be honest, I think I just blissfully assumed I'd get to my section date 😁

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Its reassuring to hear others feeling twinges too. It just goes to show its all normal & most likely nothing. Have pulled out the gym ball tonight to see does that help. I'd love to go naturally & avoid induction but not just yet. 34 weeks is too early. I'd prefer he cooks a bit more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    Out of curiosity, are there many of ye not expecting a section and going for a vaginal delivery?
    Just seeing a lot of mention of 39 weeks specifically and was wondering what it was about is all :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,920 ✭✭✭Cash_Q

    ShaShaBear wrote:
    Out of curiosity, are there many of ye not expecting a section and going for a vaginal delivery? Just seeing a lot of mention of 39 weeks specifically and was wondering what it was about is all

    Defo going for the section here which is why I'm counting down to 39w :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 284 ✭✭awny

    ShaShaBear wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, are there many of ye not expecting a section and going for a vaginal delivery?
    Just seeing a lot of mention of 39 weeks specifically and was wondering what it was about is all :o

    Me! Baby no.2. I don’t know when I’ll be meeting bubs. All is going well so far in this pregnancy, I’ve no issues that warrant an induction or a section as of yet. So a vaginal delivery for me I hope x
