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Boards PW Draft 2020 - Official Picks & Write up thread



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe


    Story One - “Everything”

    The main event of Ultimate Chaos centers around the World Heavyweight Championship. To tell the full story of the top match at Ultimate Chaos, we need to go back 8 months ago. At the beginning of our tale the title is vacant and two men are competing for the chance to become the new champion at the New Beginnings PPV.

    One is Ric Flair, a man no stranger to championship gold. Flair is now in his prime and has been undefeated in Ultimate Chaos since his return. He believes his time is now and winning the title is everything to him.

    The other is Adam Cole, leader of the Undisputed Era stable which comprises himself, Roderick Strong and RedDragon. Cole and his men have been dominant in BCW, with Cole gaining many victories due to the help of his faction. Cole now has the vacant World title in his sights and only Flair stands in his way.

    The build up to this match showed us a different side to Cole. The Panama Playboy is naturally a cocky, arrogant individual and uses his faction to intimidate his competition. This upcoming match with Flair however has presented a more respectful side to Cole. The first meeting between the two came at the contact signing……..

    Cole : Let me tell you I have always respected you Flair. Looking at you and the Horsemen in other companies was a huge influence on me and I’m man enough to tell you straight to your face that it will be an honour to face you for the title……… but make no mistake, I am here to prove to the world that I am the “undisputed” world champion!

    Flair : I've always said “to be the man, you gotta beat the man”, so Cole, listen to me when I say whoever wins the title will be THE MAN, WOOOOOOO!

    Cole : This match will be my crowning glory and I need to prove I can truly be the man, so Ric I’m challenging you to a match that will prove once and for all that I am the man…...Flair v Cole… an IRONMAN MATCH!

    The match was set and the media hype was into overdrive. Flair was asked what would happen if he lost in his signature match.

    Flair : There will be the victor in this contest. Adam Cole is fantastic, but he is no Nature Boy Ric Flair. But it all depends on Cole. Has Cole the grapefruits to meet me man to man, without his undisputed cronies?

    Cole, feeling under pressure to prove himself, decided to go it alone and instructed his stable mates to stand aside for this match. Cole’s words were that he was giving the faction the night off.

    Flair vs Cole - Ironman Match

    The match began with a buzz as both men made their trademark entrances followed by an epic staredown. Flair entered the fan favourite and Cole the man most people loved to hate. The match would flow back and forth, with both men performing big moves yet unable to get a pin fall. Flair, a man always noted for his dirty tactics, was relying on cheating a lot more than Cole and seemed more desperate to gain the gold.

    Flair began to hit Cole with everything he had and nothing would keep Cole down, with the fans seemingly impressed with Cole's resilience, especially considering he was busted open early on from being whipped into the ringpost. . The crowd slowly began to side with Cole, which enraged Flair to the point he would give a middle finger to the crowd. The Nature Boy would become more vicious in his approach, which only encouraged the fans to side with the now bloody Cole even more. Flair, with a crazed look in his eyes began to work over the left leg of Cole, seemingly trying to soften him up for his patented Figure Four Leglock.

    The final 5 minutes came with the score still tied at 0-0, and Adam Cole began to turn things around after taking an hellacious beating. Cole would rally with some quick moves and gain plenty of momentum. Could Cole steal it at the death after soaking up Flair's punishment?

    Cole was in control with 3 minutes to go, but disaster struck. His left leg buckled and Flair capitalised quickly, locking in the Figure Four. Cole screamed in agony as Flair wrenched the hold in. Flair yelled at Cole to “tap out you son of a bitch” and Cole's face dripped with blood trying to hold on. Cole was too far from the ropes and had no energy left to reverse it…… his only option was to hold on until the time ran out. Seconds seemed like hours as the frenzied fans willed Cole to hold on, while Flair continued to scream profanities at Cole with a crazed look in his eyes.

    The countdown slowly reached zero and Cole had held on ……..passing out in the process. The referee instructed Flair to release the hold, but a frustrated Flair refused to do so. Referees came out to pull Flair off and medical staff went to Coles aid. As Cole regained consciousness, Flair was being restrained and the fans showed their displeasure at Flair. Flair responded in kind, giving the finger to the crowd again before rolling out of the ring and snatching the title belt

    Flair : I'm the real World Champion damn it, this is my title...MINE!

    Flair began to slowly walk to the back with the title as Cole was being helped to his feet. An announcement came over the arena…..

    Announcer : BCW management have announced that as the match was tied, the match must continue under sudden death rules.

    An angry nature boy stopped in his tracks, turned and began marching back to the ring with the belt in his hands.

    Flair : Ring the god damn bell…. Ring it.

    Flair entered the ring and threw out the medical staff. Adam Cole was propped up in the corner as the bell rings and Flair charged at Cole. Cole moves at the last minute, sending Flair sternum first into the exposed turnbuckle. Cole improvises and schoolboy pins Flair…..1…..2…..3!

    Coles music plays and he is announced as the winner as he collapses on the mat. Flair is stunned. Flair sits dejected in the ring as the referees check on Cole. Flair exits the ring still in shock and the PPV goes off the air with Roderick Strong helping Cole upto his feet while a referee drapes the title over his shoulder. New BCW World Champion Adam Cole BAY BAY!

    The next night.

    The story continues the next night on Monday Night Chaos as a banged up Adam Cole celebrates his newly won title. The announcers note that as Flair wasn't a former champion, he is not entitled to a rematch against Cole. He gives props to Flair, saying it was the toughest fight of his life, noting he has no problem fighting Flair again if management signs off on it, which prompts a livid Ric Flair to appear.

    Flair : Adam Cole, you are a tough son of a bitch, no doubt about it big man. But we both know I had you beat in that figure four, the I saw it, your girlfriend saw it, the world and their mother saw it. Then you roll me up with a fist full of tights and think this is over. Not by a long shot buddy boy. I don't need your pity offer of a rematch buster. I'm not finished with you and when I am, you will be begging for me to fight you. You took what is mine ……. You took the crowd away from me, you took my title away from me….. You took everything away from me you punk. You took what belonged to me Adam Cole and mark my words, as God is my witness, I will ruin you Adam Cole, I will take everything, and I mean EVERYTHIHNG from you. I won't stop until you have nothing left.

    Flair begins to take his shirt and tie off and throws them at Cole.

    Flair : Take my shirt, take my tie…. Here take my shoes…. I don’t need them anymore, because you have what I need…..that Championship belt.

    Flair leaves the ring half naked as Cole feels sorry for the Nature Boy.

    Weeks later……..

    Adam Cole comes to the ring with Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly, with Roderick Strong conspicuous by his absence. The note that they haven't heard from Roddy today and that he was meant to be here today. They speculate that he missed his flight when suddenly Ric Flair pops up on the big screen to interrupt Cole.

    Flair : Cole you bastard, you made me do this. I told you I'd take everything from you and I am a man of my word. You took everything from me, so allow the Nature Boy to make good on his promise. The blood is on your hands Cole…….this is the first step in my revenge you son of a bitch…..

    Flair raises his hands and we see his knuckles and palms are covered in crimson blood. The camera pans out to see a bloody Roderick Strong lying at the feet of Ric Flair. Cole, O’Reilly and Fish are stunned as Flair continues.


    Flair : I warned you Cole, I told you I'd take everything from you and I meant it you arrogant prick. I've busted this chump wide open and I’ve broken his goddam leg. No one messes with Ric Flair and gets away with it. Believe me Adamn Cole, this is just the beginning. I’ve taken Strong from you, your right hand man…… I will take everyone and everything away from you. Your friends, your family, everything you hold dear and the last thing I will take is MY TITLE BAYBAY! Wooooooooo!

    With Strong taken out, Cole challenges Flair to show up and fight him like a man next week.

    The next week comes around and Flair hits the ring to call out Cole. Cole comes out with a steel chair and a determined pissed off look in his eye. He slowly enters the ring and begs Flair to come and get it.

    Flair : Look at you, big man with a chair. You’re nothing but a coward Adam Cole.

    Cole stands his ground and the crowd urges him to attack Flair with the chair. Just as a stand off starts to escalate he tosses the chair outside, O’Reilly and Fish hit the ring and stand in front of Cole before he can attack Ric. Cole pleads with him that this is his fight as Flair begins to change his tune slightly. Fish and O’Reilly turn around and begin to walk slowly towards the Nature Boy.

    Flair : Wooah ….wait...WAIT DAMMIT! . I knew this would happen, 3 vs 1. …...I knew it…… and how did I know it…...because I planned it all along!

    Flair grins like a devil as suddenly Fish and O’Reilly turn and face Cole and attack the World Champ. Cole tries to defend himself but Flair joins in and a mauling begins. Flair grabs a mic as Fish and O’Reilly double team a helpless Cole.

    Flair : I told you I'd take your friends and I meant it you son of a bitch. I'm a Roddy Strong beatin, RedDragon stealing, Son of a Gun….Woooooo!

    Flair, O’Reilly and Fish leave Cole in a bloody heap as the pose, with all 3 doing a 4 fingered Horsemen pose.

    The next week, Flair, Fish and O’Reilly hit the ring and the former Undisputed Era members explain their actions

    Fish : Cole, you disrespected me and Kyle when you “gave us the night off” at New Beginnings. We are done being your lap dogs, maybe that fool Strong is happy being your lackey but we have greater ambitions.

    O’Reilly : Ric Flair made us an offer he couldn't refuse, THE RIC FLAIR!. A chance to be equals in the Horsemen. It was a no brainer….. Why be a member of a knock off Horsemen faction, when we can be in the real deal baybay!

    Flair : These two fine gentlemen have upgraded from undisputed coach to first class with the Nature Boy. I’ve got these two laid in every town and they are now rolling with a true living legend. Cole, you punk…… I’m not done with you….. Not by a long shot pal. Wooooooooooo.

    The next week Cole demands management that they set up Cole v Flair 2. Management denies his request, stating that he must face the new number one contender at the next pay per view, The number 1 contender and next in line for a shot at Adam Coles title is the undefeated …….WALTER!

    The Austrian Ring General has not crossed paths with either Flair or Cole yet, but he has crushed everything in his path thus far. Walter cares not for Flair and Coles feud, his only concern is becoming champion of the world. Cole v Walter will square off at the International Incident PPV

    Flair though has begun taunting Cole, promising to show up at International Incident to face Cole.

    Flair : You can call me out all you want Cole, but the Nature Boy will show up when he feels ready. Me and the rest of the Four Horsemen may meet you at International Incident………. That's right, count em, I said 4. One, two, three…...FOOOOOUR. At International Incident we will reveal to the world the fourth member of the Horsemen. At International Incident……. We are taking over.

    Speculation is rife within the wrestling world as to who the fourth member is, while many names are thrown about, there is one true favourite…….WALTER.

    Walter answers those rumours by saying he cares not for Flair or Cole, and his focus is on his match. Many note that he does not outright deny the rumours. Cole is concerned about the match and knows he can't trust anyone.

    Walter v Cole - International Incident.

    The match is a hard hitting affair but it is ultimately ruined by Flair, O’Reilly and Fish who come out and attack Cole, resulting in Walter being DQ’d. A triple team mugging of Cole continues until Walter, enraged by that his title opportunity is ruined, attacks the Horsemen, signalling that he isn't the fourth man. He tosses Fish and O’Reilly out of the ring one by one until he is left with a cowering Flair. Flair begs for mercy but before Walter can strike, he is struck from behind with a steel chair by……..The Dynamite King, Tom Billington.

    Commentator 1 : That's MNG’s King of the Ring, Tom Billignton…..The Dynamite King.

    Dynamite pummels Walter with a chair until he’s almost motionless. Cole tries to make a comeback but he's cut off by the cunning Flair. Flair then drags Cole to the outside and along with O’Reilly and Fish, delivering a spiked piledriver on the steel steps.

    Commentator 1 : Flair just tried to break Coles neck.

    Flair and co then hold down Walter, while Dynamite places a chair around his ankle before going to the top rope and performing a double footstomp to the ankle on the chair.

    Commentator 1 : My god, he has shattered the man's ankle, he shattered the damn ankle.

    Both Walter and Adam Cole are left in a heap. Walter sustained a broken ankle while Cole escaped with bruises and a mild concussion.

    The next night the New Horsemen celebrate the night before.

    Flair : It's official, the Horsemen are running this joint. We have the best tag team in the world today in RedDragon, we have the enforcer, the Walter killer, the toughest SOB in professional wrestling in The Dynamite King. And there's me, the Nature Boy Ric Flair. We are untouchable and the time is right for us to begin our rise to immorality brother.

    Weeks pass and the Horsemen run roughshod over the entire BCW landscape. Flair then comes to the ring one night and lays down the challenge to Cole.

    Flair : The time is right, I'm in my prime, the best shape of my life, I am mentally ready now. I have ran the coward Adam Cole out of BCW. I am now demanding BCW management to make it official. Make me the World Champion.

    Just as Flair's demand is laid down, Cole’s music hits and a banged up Adam Cole hits stage steel chair in hand. O’Reilly charges for him and eats a chair for his troubles. Fish is next to get a chairshot and then Dynamite meets Cole at the apron and gets a chair in the throat. Flair high tails it as referees swarm the area, shutting down the mass brawl.

    Flair is disgusted and reaffirms his vow to take everything from Adam Cole. Cole however makes a challenge. Cole vs Flair 2 at Ultimate Chaos.

    The next week comes around and Adam Cole is seen arriving in his car. As he exits he is ambushed by Fish and O’Reilly who beat him down and drag his lifeless body to ringside. They toss Cole into the ring and Dynamite handcuffs him. Flair’s theme hits and he is suited and booted with a mic in hand.

    Flair : Adam Cole, I promised you I will take everything away from you. I’ve taken Roddy Strong from you, I have shown Bobby and Kyle what it's like to enjoy life with a real winner. I took them from you. I took the whole Undisputed Era from you buster. I've beaten you to within an inch of your sorry life.

    Flair grabs a chair and smashes Cole in the face, busting him wide open in the process.

    Flair : I could beat you down again but that would be too easy. What I have in mind is much more fun…..and let me tell you, I’m gonna take my sweet time. Bring her out Dynamite……

    The Dynamite King appears carrying Adam Cole’s Fiance, Britt Baker over his shoulder and a black velvet bag in another. Cole is livid as Dynamite dumps Baker in the ring at the feet of Ric Flair.

    Cole : Don’t you ****in dare Flair!

    Flair : I told you Cole, I told you I’d make you suffer….. I told you I’d take it all away. Now the only question is how? Will I destroy this pretty face?

    Flair takes his jacket off and undoes his tie as he grabs Baker by the hair. She's looking terrified and pleads with Flair to stop.

    Flair : Should I close my fist and knock her teeth down her throat? I think she’d be ok right, she’s a dentist?

    Cole is doing his best to break the cuffs but Dynamite strikes him down. Flair goes on….

    Flair : Maybe I should take a chair and let Dynamite shatter her ankle?

    Cole drags himself up, with blood running out of his skull. Flair continues. Dynamite then grabs the bag and reveals a dentist's drill.

    Commentator 1 : That's a dentist's drill…… What the hell is Flair upto?

    Commentator 2 : Well she is a dentist.

    Flair grabs the drill from Dynamite and powers it up.

    Flair : I think it's more fitting to give her an intense and detailed oral examination!

    Flair stares at Baker who looks terrified, but her expression changes and she smiles wide like a cheshire cat. Flair then drops the drill, and Baker begins to wear the face off of Flair.

    Commentator 1 : What??? Is she in on it?!

    Cole looks on stunned as Baker and Flair make out. They stop and Baker grabs the mic!

    Baker : That’s right Adam bay bay, I am getting off your sorry merry go round and I‘ve upgraded to a lifelong pass to ride Space Mountain. Woooooooo!

    Baker smashes a forearm to the mush of Adam Cole, which drops him. She then kisses Flair once more before posing to a chorus of boos.

    Baker explains next week that she was now Flair’s main squeeze and she and Flair would be the first couple of BCW. She quips that she’s been getting a shot at Ric Flair’s title every night. She reveals that she aided Ric in recruiting O’Reilly and Fish, and she helped Flair attack Strong. She compares the situation to shopping, why shop at Walmart Adam Cole when I can roll with the very best at Tiffanys with Ric Flair….wooooooooo!

    Flair explains that with the Ultimate Chaos PPV on the horizon, the scene is set for Flair to take the last thing Adam Cole holds dear….. The BCW World Championship.

    Cole is interviewed and says that Flair has taken nothing from him. He in fact has done him a few favours. His bond with Roddy is now Stronger and while he isn't medically cleared that they now have a common enemy in Flair and the Horsemen. Cole explains that Fish and O’Reilly weren't real friends and it's better he knows that now than later. And regarding Britt Baker, he says that while it hurts to be betrayed, it will heal once he ends Ric Flair once and for all. He states that while Flair thinks he has taken everything away, Flair should be worried about what he's given Cole, such as the anger and drive to destroy Flair once and for all. He then ends by challenging Flair to a no hold barred match at Ultimate Chaos.

    Ric Flair accepts……..

    Main Event World Championship No Holds Barred Match
    Adam Cole © vs Ric Flair

    Story Two - “WALTER KILLER”
    Following on from story 1, the 4th man of the 4 Horsemen faction was revealed to be the Dynamite King at International Incident. When the Dynamite King made his debut, he left his mark on the undefeated Ring General, Walter by shattering his ankle. Since that night, Dynamite has been proclaiming himself to be the “Walter Killer”, making claims such as the only reason Walter was undefeated was because he wasn’t around to beat the holy crap outta him.

    In the months that passed, the 4 Horsemen would continue their domination and Dynamite would take every opportunity to put himself over as the man who broke Walters' ankle. This was until 2 weeks before the Ultimate Chaos PPV. The Horsemen would jump Adam Cole and a beatdown ensue. But before Flair and co could complete its attack, “IV. Allergro” would begin to play over the arena and the crowd would erupt as Walter would appear under the giant tron screen.

    The Ring General would clear house, tossing all members of the Horsemen to the outside and the crowd would eat up every minute of it. Walter would save Adam Cole and a stand off would begin before BCW officials would appear on the scene.

    The next week, Walter would vow to destroy the Horsemen, 1 by 1 and he stated that he wanted to start with the man who tried, and failed, to end his career…… the Dynamite King. He would challenge Dynamite to a match at Ultimate Chaos in 6 days time and he added some spice to the match by challenging him to a steel cage match. He ends the promo by saying….

    Walter : So I hear you are the Walter Killer…… I guess that makes me the King Killer.

    A furious Dynamite King would accept, proclaiming to end Walter once and for all at Ultimate Chaos.

    The match is set, Walter vs The Dynamite King - steel cage match!

    Story Three - Battle of the Sexes
    Ronda Rousey has rejoined BCW in the last year and to say she has been dominant is an understatement. She has not only claimed the BCW Womens Championship, but she did so without losing a single match.

    Despite her winning ways, Rousey became disenchanted for numerous reasons and has been extremely vocal regarding her unhappiness. She believes she has a lack of competition as she is confined within the womens division and believes she is more than capable of holding her own against anyone in BCW, male or female. She sees Ric Flair and Adam Cole headlining pay per views and she believes she not only can hang with these superstars, but she's confident that they would struggle to keep up with her in the ring.

    Switch to Hollywood star, and now retired pro wrestler…...Batista. Big Dave is doing media calls and interviews to promote his new movie, when he is asked about Ronda and her current situation.

    Batista - Let me just say I love Ronda, she is an amazing athlete and surely the best ever female wrestler. But I worry about her. She will ruin her legacy if she continues this feminist crusade. She’s the best in her division but if she pushes her crazy agenda she will be found out. Yes she is crushing the female division, but she’s fooling herself if she believes she or any woman is able to hang with a Ric Flair or an Adam Cole. Men are genetically stronger and more powerful than women, so while I'm sure Ronda could best some men, the strongest, fastest woman is no match for the strongest, fastest man. It’s just facts. She’d be embarrassed.

    Ronda, as you might expect, was furious with these comments and she stated that all she needed was a chance to prove doubters like Batista wrong. She called Batista a relic and that his stone-age like beliefs are damaging to women all over the world.

    Batista would begin to receive hate messages from all corners of social media for his comments and would clap back in a video.

    Batista : Listen, all you trolls can’t hurt me. I'm used to it. From Blue-tista to Drax sucks, you guys don’t bother me. Fact is Ronda is the top female competitor in wrestling today and fact is I have nothing but love for her, I really do. But she and all her troll followers need a reality check. Men are overall physically better than Women, the strongest man is stronger than the strongest woman, the fastest man is faster than the fastest woman and I have no doubt that the best female wrestler would fall short against the best male wrestler. Hell, I'm a shadow of my former self and I know on my worst day I'd kick her ass. So please, Ronda, sit down and leave this 2020 feminist bullcrap alone.

    Ronda though wouldn't let it lie and challenged Dave to a match at Ultimate Chaos.

    Ronda : Dave, you may be male but that doesn't make you better than me..... You may be physically strong, but I am the stronger wrestler in terms of skill, agility and most of all, intellegence. Hell, I seen Guardians and you needed many stronger females to get your acting over. Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is Dave? Prove to me that a broken old jackass like you can put me in my place.Meet me one on one at Ultimate Chaos.

    Batista responds by accepting and in the weeks leading up to the match we see Batista beating different female athletes in such games as one on one basketball, arm wrestling and Judo, sending a message to Rousey. Rousey responds by holding a match against Michael Elgin and beating him in seconds via armbar submission. Batista comes on the tron afterwards to congratulate Rousey but reminds her that Elgin isn't in his league and that on Sunday Rousey will be made a fool in front of the whole world.

    Batista : After Sunday, you will be ruined. Hollywood won’t want you, BCW won’t want you…..hell Dana White will lose your number. This Sunday, fact is you will be beaten by a stronger, faster, smarter, superior being. You may think you can step into the ring against a man, but this Sunday you will come face to face…… with the Animal!

    Ronda Rousey vs Batista.

    Story Four - The host with the most.

    In the lead up to the Ultimate Chaos PPV, which is the biggest pay per view of the year for BCW, Maxwell Jacob Friedman has been politicking to become the official host of Ultimate Chaos. Hes been running condescending ad campaigns, promoting himself as the only choice to host the biggest night of the BCW calendar.

    With 8 weeks to go, a big announcement regarding the hosting duties is to be made, and naturally MJF is in no doubt as to who would get the gig. And while MJF was announced as host of the PPV, there was a sting in the tail…… he was announced as a “co-host”. Confused as to what was going on, MJF and the BCW crowd was soon enlightened as to who the other co host was…….Hollywood A-Lister, MARK WAHLBERG,

    Wahlberg would appear via video link to say how much of a fan he was and that he can’t wait to host the biggest BCW show of all time.

    MJF was enraged and went to BCW management to vent his displeasure. After a meeting behind closed doors. The meeting ended with MJF being told that the decision was final but that next week he would be getting his own interview segment with none other than Mark Wahlberg live. MJF would call his interview segment the “MJF VIP Club” and that he had a few surprises in store for Markie Mark.

    Next week came and MJF would be live in the middle of the ring with two big leather Burbury sofas, a few expensive sculptures and a box of Cuban cigars.

    MJF : Tonight ladies and germs, you get to witness the debut edition of my VIP Club and without further ado, allow me to introduce my first guest. He is my co-host for Ultimate Chaos, he is a failed 90’s rapper some have compared to a dime store Vanilla Ice, he is the star of such movie flops such as The Happening, which I wish would unhappen, he put the the pain in the movie, Max Payne, and he is the star of 2 Guns, which should have been re-titled “2 thumbs down”, he makes The Miz look like Robert De Niro…… please welcome, Markie Mark!

    A clearly pissed Mark Wahlberg strolls out and MJF tries to pass off his insults as jokes as Wahlberg takes a seat on his sofa.

    MJF : I'm just joshing, it's what we do in sports entertainment. But allow me to get down to business Mark, you are here to co-host Ultimate Chaos with me, and my first question is, is it true that you are just here to collect a big paycheck and have no love of professional wrestling?

    Wahlberg : Firstly it's actually great to be here despite your insulting introduction and while I know you're trying to get a rise out of me it won’t work. I've been a wrestling fan since I was 4 years old and while I'm sure many think that I'm just another Jeremy Piven who's here to pick up a big pay day, I'm actually here for free. I’m a huge BCW fan and i’ve seen it all, from watching Cesaro win the big one in the Elimination Chamber 3 years ago, to screaming at the TV when Kevin Owens powerbombed Elizabeth, to cheering on Johnny Gargano when he cashed in his Money in the Bank on Chris Benoit. I am a true fan and to be here is an absolute honour.

    MJF : I’m impressed Mark, either you're being genuine or that's the best acting you’ve produced since you sucked a few geezers off in Basketball Diaries…….

    The crowd “woah”s in unison as MJF tries to calm down an irked Wahlberg.

    MJF : I'm joking Mark, jeez relax. I’m sure the BCW fans will accept you, unlike the Academy, who literally don’t want to know you. Does it hurt being such a **** actor that your peers don’t want to recognize you? ? ……

    Wahlberg doesn’t look impressed but he retorts.

    Wahlberg : Well I have had a few stinkers, admittedly, but at least I put myself out there to fail. I can’t say the same about you. In the past year i’ve seen you run your mouth, yetI haven’t seen you in the ring much, why is that MJF? It’s almost as if you’d rather host Ultimate Chaos and critique everyone else, than get in the ring yourself and try back up that big mouth of yours…….Like, I have watch BCW since it began with Okada vs Goldberg, right up to the present day with Flair and Cole….. Yet I don’t see any 5 star feud’s featuring you young Maxwell!

    MJF : Shut your mouth Markie Mark…… you think you know it all do you….. I guess you're just an actual mark like all these fools in the crowd. You feel like a big Mark huh, just like you were in a big tough guy in 1988 when you beat up a young vitatnamesee man and knocked him unconscious. That's right folks, Mark Wahlberg is a racist thug on top of being a failed popstar…..

    Linky :

    The crowd again reacts as Wahlberg looks like he is losing his patience.

    MJF : Mark, let me be honest, you don’t deserve to be my co-host, the same way you didn’t deserve to be in New Kids On The Block. BCW is my home, and this is my moment to shine, not yours. You are not on my level and I won’t let you drag me down like you dragged Denzel down in 2 Guns. I don’t care which BCW executive your friends are, you simply don’t belong here, I know it, these idiot mark fans know it and you know it, so why don’t you pull up your Calvin’s, take a walk back to Hollywood and ruin another Transformer movie.

    Wahlberg : Listen you self entitled trust fund baby, I have no problem kicking your over-privileged ass back to …..

    Before Wahlberg can finish he gets kicked in the balls by MJF.

    MJF : Whoa! Markie, you drop to your knees fast!.... guess that was the method acting for Basketball Diaries huh?

    MJF then grabs one of his awful sculptures and smashes it over the head of Mark Wahlberg.

    MJF : I'd call that a box office smash but let's be honest, you’re not box office.

    MJF continues to stomp on him before grabbing Wahlberg by the jaw and yelling at him.

    MJF : You are a specialist in failure. Get out of my ring and don’t come back.

    Referees eventually come out and to aid Wahlberg as MJF backs off.

    The following week, MJF hosts another edition of his talk show segment and claims Wahlberg is his guest and that Wahlberg is here to say sorry for last week. It turns out to be a stunt by MJF, who reveals his guest is actually a cardboard cutout of Mark Wahlberg rather than the actor. MJF uses it as an opportunity to make fun of Wahlberg and poke fun at his career choices.

    The next week, Wahlberg comes out and calls MJF out. MJF is not there but appears on the tron, mocking Wahlberg.

    MJF : Oh that's a nasty gash you got on your head there Mark, that's gotta hurt…… it won’t hurt as much as those Italian Job reviews….remember that **** remake?!……And who could forget Planet of the Apes, shhhesh your movies suck dude. But seriously, you got what you deserved, just like you did when your music career tanked. You are out there in the ring like a wannabe wrestler, which adds to the wannabe list you have going for you, wannabe rapper, wannabe actor…… but listen I have an idea for you, you want a piece of me, then next week you can have it…… you versus me, one on one, live on Monday Night Chaos……. Winner gets to be the sole host of Ultimate Chaos……, what do you say Markie? Have you the manhood to face me? Oh wait, I’ve seen Boogie Nights, maybe you don’t huh?

    Wahlberg : Bring it on bitch.

    MJF : Great, next week I’m going to do what every movie review has wished for ……… I'm going to end Mark Wahlberg.

    The next week comes around and Wahlberg is out first in street clothes. MJF makes his entrance and drags out everything, from the walk down the aisle, to stepping in the ring. Even when the bell rings he rolls out of the ring twice to stretch. He rolls out a third time to Wahlbergs dismay and grabs a mic.

    MJF : Sorry for stalling so much, but you should be used to stalling since your career does it so much. But I'm gonna need another minute…...actually I'm gonna need 3……. 3 minutes…...3 MINUTES.

    Suddenly Mark Wahlberg is attacked from behind as the ring is invaded by the duo of Rosie and Jamal, aka 3 MINUTE WARNING. They beat Wahlberg down and MJF directs traffic before mocking Wahlberg some more and hitting his finishing maneuver. He then pins him as Jamal forces the referee to count to 3. The 3 men stand tall as Wahlberg lies in a heap.

    The next week MJF gloats about his win and tells the world that 3 Minute Warning are now known as his Entourage, which is a diss directed at Wahlbergs involvement in the hit show also named Entourage. He says after his “victory” last week he is now the sole host of Ultimate Chaos.

    MJF leaves and is about to exit in his limo. Before he does he instructs Jamal to get him a latte. Some time passes and Jamal doesn't return. He orders Rosie to go find him, adding that his latte better be hot. We follow Rosie until he comes across a fallen Jamal who is out cold. He is then struck from behind by a baseball bat and it’s revealed that Wahlberg is back and out for revenge. He marches to the parking lot and MJF spots him coming and locks himself in his limo. Wahlberg begins to smash the car up with his bat and informs MJF about the change of plans at Ultimate Chaos.

    Wahlberg : Just so you know punk, at Ultimate Chaos you’re not the host no more. It's me versus you, one on one, at Ultimate Chaos.

    MJF speeds off with Wahlberg unhappy he didn't get his hands on him.

    But Sunday is Ultimate Chaos…… Wahlberg Vs MJF

    Story Five - 12 Steps

    As the new Horsemen run roughshod over the BCW roster, Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish are on collision course with The Uso Brothers. After some brawls and encounters, a match is set for the night after the International Incident. 1 week before the match, a backstage attack is orchestrated by Fish and O’Reilly and the two teams brawl around the arena. The fight spills to a bar area where Redragon gains the advantage and leaves both Jimmy and Jey laying. Fish though has a lightbulb moment as he stands over Jey’s injured body. He grabs a bottle of Whiskey and begins to pour it into the mouth of Jey.

    Fish : You like a drink don't you Jey….. bottoms up!

    Commentator 1 : Come on, he’s been sober for 2 years…… this is despicable.

    Commentator 2 : He’s drowning his sorrows already.

    Redragon leave with officials checking on the fallen Uso’s.

    The next week comes and its title match time. Redragon enter first but oddly, The Uso’s don’t show. With Jimmy and Jey not showing, Fish and O’Reilly are awarded the match via forfeit and retain the tag titles.

    The next day, TMZ report the following:

    “Jey Uso, of BCW, has been arrested for drunk driving after being involved in a one-vehicle motor accident. TMZ have knowledge that the recovering alcoholic apparently fell off the wagon following an incident last week and has been on an all week bender. Reports indicate that Jimmy, Jeys’s brother, tried to intervene at some point yesterday before Jey speed away from the situation in his 83 Ford Mustang before crashing into a tree 2 blocks away from his home”

    Jimmy comes out next week and explains that his brother relapsed and is in a private rehabilitation facility. He explains charges that all federal charges have been dropped in lieu of community service and charitable donations. He announces that if Jey is successful in his rehabilitation, he should be able to resume his career in 4 weeks time. Jimmy Uso then says Ultimate Chaos is 5 weeks away and that he and his brother are issuing a challenge to Redragon for the tag titles. This brings out Fish and O’Reilly:

    Fish : So Jimmy and Georgie Best want a title match.

    O’Reilly : If you can drag Jey away from the bar we would be glad to give you a title match.

    Fish : Though I’ve heard a rumour Jimmy that he has a new partner. Him and Jack Daniels have teamed up!

    O’Reilly: No dude, it's Jey and Arthur Guinness. The dream team.

    Fish : Seriously though I always knew Jey was desperate for the gold……….. Dutch Gold that is.

    O’Reilly : Is it true he dumped Naomi? I heard he’s seeing a new boo called Chardonnay.

    Jimmy has heard enough and attacks Redragon but is beaten down despite his best efforts.

    The next week, we see Jimmy visiting Jey in rehab, which ends with Jey promising he will be ready in time for Ultimate Chaos.

    The week later, Fish and O’Reilly are pulling up to the same rehab facility with two full brown paper bags. They say they are searching for Jey and are trying their best to motivate him in his recovery battle. They find Jey, who is in a circle group, and bang on the window to get his attention. They then pull cans of beer out of the bag and begin to go full Stone Cold by guzzling the beer in front of Jey Usoa nd the rest of the rehabbers.

    Fish : If y’all wanna have a cold one with Stone Cold Bob Fish, gimme a hell yeah…….

    O’Reilly : is this the best beer in the world…… probably?

    Uso doesn't react and his fellow rehab colleagues try to pull him away from the window. Fish then chucks a few cans throw an open window and shouting “ it's a celebration bitches”

    O’Reilly then pulls 2 shot glasses out and a bottle of Ozoo.

    O’Reilly : It's the shot club Jey Uso…...or should I say Jey Ozoo!....OOOOOZZZZ OOOOOO!

    Security eventually drag Redragon away as Jey Uso stares a hole through Fish and O’Reilly.

    With one week to go, Jimmy Uso is attacked in the ring by Redragon but he’s saved by a returning Jey Uso.

    This Sunday it's one, Jimmy and Jey Uso vs Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly.

    Story Six - The Whole F’N Bro

    Way before the Uso’s were number one contenders, another team was battling with Redragon. The team of ob Van Dam and Matt Riddle formed after seemingly having common interests. IC champ RVD and the Bro became a solid team and challenged Fish and O’Reilly for the gold. But after a hard fought battle, Fish and O’Reilly retained the goal following some in-ring miscommunication, leading to RVD striking Riddle by mistake and Redragon capitalising.

    The next week all seemed to be good, as RVD apologized to Riddle. The younger Bro accepted but then quickly blasted Van Dam from behind and beat him down. Riddle then takes the IC title with him, leaving Van Dam injured and title-less.

    Riddle then cuts his hair and begins strutting about with a new mean attitude. He's calling himself the peoples champ and runs RVD down.

    Riddle : You all think just because me and Van Dam have some similar lifestyles and demeanor, that we are the same. I’m everything Van Dam wishes he was, I’m not a **** up like him, I’m not a slacker like him. There's much more to me than my recreational activities. I’m a winner and a true future hall of famer. He cost me the tag titles, so I decided, hey I'm gonna be the IC Champion instead and if Van Dam wants it back he knows where to find me.

    BCW management announce that Van Dam has requested a match with Riddle and it’s set for Ultimate Chaos.

    The next week RVD calls out Riddle and a brawl ensues. Eventually a ladder is used by Van Dam and it injures Riddles ribs. Following this incident Riddle challenges Van Dam

    Riddle : Dude, you wanna use a ladder tough guy…… we shall see how high you wanna fly RVD, cause I'm challenging you to a Ladder Match.

    RVD accepts and it’s on…...Rob Van Dam vs Matt Riddle

    Story Seven - Dropping the balls

    With Ronda Rousey aiming for female equality, she vacated the Womens title as a show of defiance. The Vacated title is then placed into a tournament in which Nyla Rose makes history as the first Trans Womens Champion.

    But as she is enjoying her celebration the next night, she is interrupted by newly turned heel Britt Baker. She says that since her man Ric Flair is gonna be the Men's Champion, she wants to create history of her own……

    Baker : I want to claim the Womens championship so me and my male space mountain, Ric Flair can become the power couple of BCW. …..But look who is now champion. I know Ric calls himself the man, but maybe the nickname is more suited to this beast.

    Rose is not impressed as Baker continues

    Britt Baker : I heard you were going to start teaming with Caitlynn Jenner …… the X-Men….. Get it? How have you got the guts to stand here and call yourself a woman…… I say guts because you sure as hell don’t have the balls. Why don't you just leave BCW and let a real woman lead this division….. Why don’t you go away, be on vacation….be abroad…...oh wait, you think you’re already a broad….. Get it…… a broad.

    Baker steps into the ring and continues.

    Baker : I heard Batista was backstage and talking to your nephew….. I heard your nephew thinks you can be part of the Marvel Universe….. You can play Auntman…. Get it.

    Baker is then pie-faced by Rose and she gets hit so hard that one of her teeth is punched out. She rolls to the outside and Rose grabs the mic.

    Rose : You wanna come out here and roll out the same lame jokes everyone says. Baker, you’re not original, you’re not gonna step to me like that. I may have been born male, I may have transitioned….. But I have always been 100 percent that bitch. So if you wanna step to me, then pick up your teeth and meet me at Ultimate Chaos…. That’s if you can grow a pair.

    The match is made, Britt Baker vs Nyla Rose.

    BCW Ultimate Chaos - Full Match card

    World Heavyweight Championship Match - No Holds Barred
    Adam Cole vs Ric Flair

    Hell In a Cell Match
    Dynamite King vs Walter

    Battle of the Sexes Match
    Batista vs Ronda Rousey

    One on One
    MJF vs Mark Wahlberg

    Tag Team Championship
    Jimmy and Jey Uso vs Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish

    Intercontinental Ladder Match
    Rob Van dam vs Matt Riddle

    Womens Championship Title Match
    Nyla Rose vs Britt Baker

  • Posts: 13,688 ✭✭✭✭ Madeleine Salty Tour





    Monsoon: Welcome everybody to the historic Croke Park here in Dublin, Ireland, where we have a record crowd of one hundred and thirty-three and a third thousand in attendance for the inaugural edition of 2DW's Tír na nÓg. I'm here with my broadcast colleague, Jesse 'The Body' Ventura.

    Ventura: Good to be here, Monsoon. As you know I don't fly anymore ever since I took a case against the TSA for infringing upon my 4th amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure. I was stuck on a rinky-dink Stena Line for two days Monsoon, it was horrific. On the third day I had enough and put my navy seal training to use and swam the rest of the way.

    Monsoon: Is that so, Jesse?

    Ventura: You betcha!

    Monsoon: Well, we've got a truly behemoth line-up for you tonight ladies and gentlemen and first up we've got a match for the inaugural 2DW Women's Championship

    Singles Match to be crowned the inaugural 2DW Women's Champion.


    Luna Vachon



    Manami Toyota

    Manami Toyota via Japanese Ocean Cyclon Suplex


    Ladder Match to be crowned the inaugural 2DW All-Ireland Champion


    Brian Pillman




    Brian Pillman retrieves the All-Ireland Championship


    Buried Alive Match at Glasnevin Cemetery





    Kane w/Paul Bearer

    Kane tombstones Haku onto fallen headstone and buries him


    Tag-Team Match to be crowned the inaugural 2DW Tag-Team Champions

    The Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette


    The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering

    The Road Warriors via Doomsday Device


    Singles Match with One Hour Time Limit.


    Lou Thesz



    Bruno Sammartino



    Singles Match to be crowned the inaugural 2DW Heavyweight Champion.

    ’Rowdy’ Roddy Piper


    Stone Cold Steve Austin

    Winner: ’Stone Cold’ Steve Austin via Stone Cold Stunner



    Match Card

    ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin vs. ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper (2DW Heavyweight Championship)

    Bruno Sammartino vs. Lou Thesz

    The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering vs. The Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette (2DW Tag-Team Championships)

    Kane vs. Haku

    Brian Pillman vs. PAC (2DW All-Ireland Championship)

    Manami Toyota vs. Luna Vachon (2DW Women's Championship)

    w/Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse 'The Body' Ventura on commentary

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy


    Grapplemania preview here.

    The show opens with a video package and pryo display as we welcome viewers to a sold-out Camping World Stadium, Orlando, Florida. Pandemics conveniently don't happen in this universe, so over 70,000 fans are crammed in to see the action; coughing, sneezing, and hugging one another to their heart's content. Sniff.

    We've got six seismic and spectacular match-ups for you this evening, on a night where pride, glory, honour and patriotism are all on the line. And in our main event, the immortal Hulk Hogan will defend his World's Heavyweight Championship against former friend turned rival, Roman Reigns, who has aligned his brawn to the twisted brain that is Bobby Heenan, in search of the biggest victory of his career.

    Tonight promises to be a very special night in the storied history of our company. So without further ado, let us get Grapplemania under way...

    MNG United States Championship
    Barry Windham (c) vs Misawa


    Back story: The United States Champion Barry Windham has been developing a growing connection with the fans that has made the Heenan Family stable, of which he is a part, question his loyalties.

    He has gradually been winning over increasing numbers of admirers with his great matches and cocky attitude, not to mention an ability to confront Bobby Heenan on occasion, most recently telling him he does not want him at ringside for his match with legendary opponent and number one contender, Misawa.

    In a match that may well steal the show, which man will leave with the gold?
    The match: Both participants entered the ring to great reactions from the fans. Bobby Heenan was shown watching from his dressing room backstage with Rick Rude. 'I can't believe he doesn't want me out there,' said Heenan.

    Before the bout Misawa extended his hand and Windham shook it. 'Can you believe this?' Heenan asked Rude. 'What is this man doing to me?'

    The match started off technical in the early stages with both men holding their own. As the match entered the halfway stage there were stiff exchanges between the two.

    Misawa took control as we headed into the final stages, with fans starting to rally behind Windham, chanting his name. 'See what happens when I'm not out there?' said Heenan, watching backstage, his head in his hands.

    Windham however kicked out of two Emerald Flowsions, and managed to just about kick out of a Tiger Driver. Misawa kicked out of a piledriver and managed to beat the ref's count from Windham's clawhold.

    The finish of the match saw Misawa try for a Tiger Suplex but Windham was able to reverse it into a cradle for 1.....2.....3.

    Winner and still US Champion: Barry Windham

    After the match, Misawa took the title and draped it on Windham's shoulders; both men hugged as the fans cheered. The announcers put this over as one of the best opening matches we've seen at Grapplemania.

    The camera cut to backstage as Heenan was shaking his head at this show of respect. 'Well, at least he kept the title in the Family. And remember Rick, whether it's you or Honky Tonk Man that wins tonight, the important thing is we keep the Intercontinental Championship. I have to go to the King for our match next.' Heenan hurries away to join Jerry Lawler as Rude looks on.
    Why I went with this feud: I think these two would put on a classic and it's likely to be one of my best wrestling matches on the card.

    Why I booked it this way: I've been building towards a Windham babyface turn so it was important Windham got the win here. Also for reasons that will become apparent later.

    King of the Ring Final
    King Booker w/Sharmell vs Jerry 'The King' Lawler w/Bobby Heenan

    Back story: For the past number of weeks, Monday Night Grappling has been running a King of the Ring tournament with the final set to take place on the PPV. Fittingly, the two finalists are the two kings of the company: King Booker - whose outlandish antics have made him a fan favourite - and Jerry 'The King' Lawler, who has turned on the fans and aligned himself with Bobby Heenan's stable.

    Both men have been feuding in the weeks leading up to the PPV with both vowing to prove themselves the ultimate king of wrestling. The winner of the match has been promised a title match at a later date so the stakes are high. Who will prevail?
    The match: King Booker cut a promo before the match. 'Your royal king, King Bookaaaahhhhhh, will triumph tonight alongside his queen. And shall receive a title shot somewhere in the future. So whether we face Roman Reigns, or whether it's Hulk Hogan, WE COMIN' FOR YOU N-". (Our censors wisely cut the last part)

    King Booker started strong, with Lawler jumping out of the ring and regrouping alongside Heenan. Queen Sharmell cheered on as the fans began to rally around Booker.

    As the match wore on, Lawler used some heel tricks like a rake of the eye and an exposed turnbuckle to gain control. Booker looked in trouble as Lawler landed the diving fist drop but Booker just got the shoulder up. Booker later rallied, and brought out a royal spinaroonie as the fans cheered.

    The finish of the match saw Booker hit the scissor kick and prepare to cover, but Heenan got on the rope to distract the ref. Queen Sharmell gave chase with her royal sceptre as Heenan bolted. As the ref tried to stop this at ringside, Lawler hit a low blow behind the ref's back. He then connected with his piledriver and covered for the 1.....2.....3.

    Winner and King of the Ring: Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    The announcers noted the victory ceremony would be held on TV tomorrow. Queen Sharmell consoled King Booker as Lawler and Heenan celebrated up the ramp. The announcers pointed out this night was going very well for the Heenan Family so far.
    Why I went with this feud: I wanted to use the King Booker persona for Booker T and a King of the Ring match against a prime Jerry Lawler seemed like a no-brainer.

    Why I booked it this way: I think there's more money in a Lawler/Heenan combo so this seemed the right call to me. Longer term, I'd have Booker revert to his original state.

    Flag Match
    If the Arab-Americans win they will trash the US flag
    Muhammad Hassan & Daivari vs Sgt. Slaughter & 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan

    Back story: Not even the Heenan Family can bring themselves to associate with Muhamman Hassan and Daivari, who have incensed the American fans by questioning the actions of American's foreign policy, and why they elected a character like Donald Trump as their President, a man so lacking in morals he's even willing to work with the BWA. When Hassan and Daivari threatened to throw the US flag in the trash as a symbol of how Americans are trashing what the flag should represent, a duo could take no more...

    Sgt. Slaughter and Jim Duggan have thus challenged Hassan and Daivari to a flag match at Grapplemania, and the Arab-Americans have accepted - but if Slaughter and Duggan lose then Hassan and Daivari have vowed to bin 'Old Glory' live on PPV. Which team will win on the night?
    The match: Before the match started we saw a commotion backstage as Duggan was shown screaming for some EMTs. Slaughter was seen bloodied and unconscious.

    Hassan and Daivari then came out to huge boos. Jim Duggan entered next alone.

    "Oh dear, Hacksaw" said Hassan. "Looks like your buddy Sarge has suffered an unfortunate accident. Much like the many 'unfortunate accidents' that have befallen the Arab-American community due to racism and bigotry ever since this country's disgraceful foreign policy interventions in the Middle East. Looks like you're all alone."

    Then someone's music hit:

    Barry Windham: Wait just a damn minute, Hassan! As the United States Champion I've had just about enough of you two! You trash this country, you want to trash our flag, and now you take out a patriot like Sgt. Slaughter and think you're going to turn this into a handicap match? Not gonna happen! I've just spoken to the General Manager Kevin Sullivan, and he says if it's alright with Hacksaw, I'm hereby taking Sarge's place!
    Duggan shakes Windham's hand as the fans pop. Hassan and Daivari meanwhile are irate in the ring. The ref rings the bell as Windham and Duggan charge to the ring.

    The match sees Windham and Duggan brawl with the Arab-Americans around ringside. The American duo have the advantage early, but Windham is noticeably weakened following his earlier match, and the story of the contest is Hassan and Daivari working him over.

    The match becomes bloody with chairs, a ring bell, and a kendo stick all brought into play. The tide of the match turns when Hacksaw reaches under the ring and pulls out his famous 2x4 as the crowd cheers. He bloodies both Hassan and Daivari and points to the US flag as the fans cheer.

    Hacksaw is the only man left standing at this point and the camera zooms in on him as he reaches up to retrieve the flag.

    We can see some fans standing and pointing as suddenly a chair shot crashes into the back of Hacksaw sending him down to the floor below. The camera then pans out...
    sgt-slaughter-iraq.jpg's Sgt. Slaughter!
    Commentator #1: What the hell is this? Hacksaw had the match won and Sarge just took out his partner and friend!

    Commentator #2: Slaughter was supposed to be hurt but there's not a scratch on him now. And look at what he's wearing. Don't tell me this means what I think it means...
    Windham outside shakes his head in disbelief as Sgt. Slaughter takes his chair to the US Champ's back. Slaughter then helps up the bloodied Hassan and Daivari and nudges Hassan towards the Iraqi flag. Hassan takes it down and the match is over.

    Winners: Muhammad Hassan and Daivari
    Hassan, Daivari and Slaughter embrace in the ring as the fans boo. The announcers put over that it was all a set-up: Slaughter was never taken out backstage.

    Hassan instructs Daivari to grab the trash can at ringside and he grabs the bin. The fans boo as he prepares to bin the flag. Slaughter then stops them.

    The announcers ponder if Slaughter is having a change of heart when suddenly he reaches inside his pocket and pulls out a box of matches. Slaughter then sets the flag alight as the fans boo and begin throwing objects. A bunch of refs run down to put out the flames as the Arab-American trio make their way up the aisle.

    The commentators say Slaughter is lucky Hogan arrives to the arena late as there will be hell to pay over this in future.
    Why I went with this feud: I had the idea to do Hassan and Daivari against Slaughter and Duggan with this twist ending. I think it would generate big heat.

    Why I booked it this way: I think considering Slaughter's famous heel run, the idea of him joining Hassan and Daivari works well. It ties into my decision to turn Windham as Windham will now be fully babyface after this. The plan from here would be to have Slaughter go after Windham's US Title and try to bring it into the new Arab-American stable.

    End of part one...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    World Tag Team Titles
    The APA (c) vs The Steiner Bros

    Back story: Farooq and Bradshaw quickly gained the tag belts when they arrived in the company and have seen off all challengers, earning a big fan following in the process with their hard-hitting style.

    In recent months, however, another team has arrived on the scene, who have earned just as big a following with their own uncompromising style of wrestling...

    With the emergence of Rick and Scott Steiner, the stage is set for a dream match that many are calling the most physical tag team bout the company has ever seen.

    Both the APA and the Steiner Bros. are fan favourites but only one can take home the gold. Which team will it be?
    The match: Both teams got positive reactions from the fans and they shook hands before the bell began.

    The match itself was as physical as you'd expect. The action was wild from the off with stiff exchanges and suplexes as the fans engaged in some duelling chants: 'Let's go, Steiners'; 'APA'.'Let's go, Steiners'; 'APA'.

    Highlights included a Dominator by Farooq on Rick, a Gorilla Press Slam by Scott on Farooq, and a clothesline from hell by Bradshaw on Scott that got a long two count.

    The finish saw Scott hit his Frankensteiner finish on Bradshaw for the cover: 1...2....3.

    Winners and new World Tag Team Champions: The Steiner Bros.

    After the match, the Steiners celebrated in the ring as the fans cheered. They extended their hands after the bout but while Farooq shook hands, Bradshaw rebuffed the offer and walked off as the fans booed. Farooq could be seen following him up the ramp as the Steiners looked on.
    Why I went with this feud: This was a dream bout for me as I think all of these guys would love beat the living hell out of each other.

    Why I booked it this way: I wanted the Steiners to go over as I think they're the standout team. The plan from here would be to do a rematch while teasing a slow heel turn for Bradshaw as he revives his JBL character.

    Intercontinental Championship
    Honky Tonk Man (c) (w/Greg Valentine) vs Rick Rude (w/Bobby Heenan) vs Ricky Steamboat

    Back story: Honky Tonk Man claimed the title for the Heenan family in an over-the-rope battle royal, eliminating his partner from Rhythm and Blues, Greg Valentine, last to take the gold. There has been bickering between the partners over that but they are seemingly for now on the same page again. However, Honky Tonk Man has an even bigger problem as a fellow Heenan Family member has set his sights on the title...

    This has understandably caused tensions within the stable as Rick Rude has made it clear to Heenan he wants the belt and won't accept anything less. Heenan has been left desperately trying to convince Honky Tonk Man and Rude to remember the most important thing is to keep the title within the Family, as there is a legendary figure also after the gold...

    Ricky Steamboat, responding to Heenan's taunts that he has no one in his corner, said he'd have the thousands of fans in attendance. Steamboat also thinks he can capitalise on the Heenan family fractures.

    It will be a triple threat match for the title at Grapplemania in what is being billed as the battle of the IC Champ legends, but will Honky Tonk Man, Rick Rude or Ricky Steamboat leave with the strap?
    The match: Before the bout, in a backstage segment, Heenan went to Honky Tonk Man's dressing room and reminded them that the main thing was that the IC belt stayed within the Family. He said it was vital there was a clean sweep for the stable tonight but Honky Tonk Man said tonight he would prove why he was the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time, as Valentine looked on.

    Honky Tonk Man got jeered on his entrance, as did Rude, while Steamboat came out last to a huge ovation.

    In the early stages, Honky Tonk Man and Rude followed Heenan's instructions and worked over Steamboat, as the announcers said this match was like a handicap match. Eventually, however, the pair began to bicker as each one tried for a cover and their alliance broke down. They began exchanging rights and lefts as the fans cheered while Heenan went ballistic outside, pleading with them to stop.

    Highlights of the match included Valentine holding Steamboat as Honky Tonk Man prepared to hit him with his guitar - only for Steamboat to duck as Honky Tonk Man unwittingly knocked out his partner; Rude hitting the Rude Awakening on Steamboat only for him to kick out; Rude kicking out of Honky Tonk Man's Shake, Rattle and Roll; and Steamboat tossing Heenan off the turnbuckle as he tried to interfere.

    The finish of the match saw Steamboat lay out Honky Tonk Man with a flying clothesline, only for Rude to rush into the ring, toss out Steamboat, and steal the pin with his feet on the ropes.

    Winner and new Intercontinental Champion: 'Ravishing' Rick Rude

    After the match, Heenan jumped into the air, ecstatic that his man had won. Steamboat had his head in his hands, while Honky Tonk Man looked on, disgusted at Heenan's celebration.

    Rude then went to get a mic, as Heenan smiled, expecting another rant from Rude at the audience no doubt.
    Rick Rude: 'Must be feeling pretty happy, eh Bobby? Another win for the Heenan Family. The clean sweep is still on for the Family tonight.'

    Heenan smiled and nodded his head.

    Rick Rude: 'But unfortunately for you, the only thing being swept aside tonight is our association.'

    The fans pop as Heenan looks on stunned.

    Rick Rude: 'A manager of 'Ravishing' Rick Rude should be willing to move heaven and earth to make him happy, Bobby! Let's face it, you would have been just as happy if that bargain basement, Elvis tribute act had won tonight instead of me. As long as your precious Family had kept the belt.

    That's why I'm announcing tonight our manager/client relationship is hereby terminated. Allow me to introduce you to my NEW manager...














    Heenan tears his hair out as Stacy enters the ring and raises high Rude's hand.

    Stacy Keibler: Bobby, allow me to introduce you to the first member of the Keibler Club: the new Intercontinental Champion, 'Ravishing' Rick Rude!

    The pair of them leave together as Heenan sinks to his knees. The announcers note that after a seemingly great start, the evening is in danger of unravelling for Heenan ahead of the main event.
    Why I went with this feud: I think with three of these guys regarded as great IC champs, it made sense to pit them against one another to determine the better man.

    Why I booked it this way: I felt this was a natural conclusion to this feud. I've built up tension within the Heenan Family over the IC Title, as well as promising a big debut for Stacy. What would happen from here is Stacy would attempt to recruit more members to her Keibler Club; I've teased tension with Valentine and Honky Tonk Man so that would be explored further too.

    I think a feud with Keibler and Heenan would work well since Heenan's comedy would act as a nice contrast to her. I also think Rude and Keibler would go well together. Further down the line I'd have her turn heel as part of his act.

    Steamboat won't be hurt from the loss since he wasn't involved in the decision, plus he was without any back-up in this contest. I toyed with the idea of putting Stacy in his corner but I don't believe they would be well suited for one another. I like the Stacy/Rude alliance better.

    Backstage interview with World Champion, Hulk Hogan

    Mean Gene: 'The immortal Hulk Hogan, I know you've just arrived moments ago, and I can tell you we've seen some astonishing things tonight at Grapplemania as we prepare for tonight's main event. What's going through your mind as you prepare to face what many are calling the toughest test of your career?'

    Hogan: 'Well you know something, mean Gene...I've been out training, sayin' my prayers, but from what I hear the forces of darkness are circling Monday Night Grappling. Jerry Lawler is the King of the Ring, the flag, Old Glory, burned by that no-good Sgt. Slaughter - and there will be repercussions for that, dude - but the one constant darkness here all along has been Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan.

    Roman Reigns, we used to fight side by side, brother. You didn't have to align yourself with that weasel, Heenan. If you wanted a title shot, all you had to do was ask. After all the years we've known each other, you decided instead to stab me in the back. I always respected you, brother. I've always respected the battles you've had in your personal life.

    Hogan: 'You tore out my heart, Roman. And you tore out the hearts of all the little Hulkamaniacs out there! But if you walk this road you've chosen then you also have to ask yourself a question...whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do, brother, when the largest arms in the world get you in their clutches tonight? WHATCHA GONNA DO, BROTHER, WHEN HULKAMANIA...RUNS...WILD...ON...YOU!

    Purpose of promo: Psych up fans for the main event.
    Backstage interview with the challenger, Roman Reigns, & manager Bobby Heenan

    Charly Caruso: Roman, we've just heard strong words from your former friend and ally, Hulk Hogan, as he prepares to defend his World Title. Your response?

    Bobby Heenan: 'I'll field that one, sweetheart. Why don't you run along and think up some more suitable questions to ask. Might I suggest, 'do you want fries with that, sir'?

    'What you really should be asking is how can that hussy, that harlot, Stacy Keibler, stroll in here and steal my Intercontinenal Championship...'

    Reigns: 'Bobby -'

    Heenan: 'How can everything I've worked for be -'

    Reigns: 'Bobby, you need to shut up.'

    Heenan: 'Wha?'

    Reigns: 'I need to be focused tonight and your head is all over the place. I don't want you at ringside for my match tonight. Your head's not in the game after what happened with Rude and Keibler. Why don't you go back to the hotel and have a drink.'

    Heenan: 'Absolutely not! There's too much at stake here, Roman. You need me out there and -

    Reigns: 'I need you out there? Let's get something straight, Bobby. I don't need anyone's help to beat Hulk Hogan. Now I will bring the title back to the Heenan Family, but I'll be doing it by myself. And you're going to stay out of the match or else Rude might not be the only client you lose tonight...'

    Heenan, stunned, walks off down the hallway as Reigns turns to the camera.

    Reigns: 'Hogan, everyone knows you're one of the biggest liars in the history of the business and I don't believe your crap for one second. It's always been about you and no one else. You talk about Hulkamania's immortality? No one knows about facing mortality better than me.

    We have known each other along time, Hulkster. But that's ancient history now. Tonight is about the future and the future is staring you in the face. You're done after tonight and so is your precious Hulkamania. Believe that.

    Purpose of promo: Put over importance of match to Reigns, and take Heenan out of equation.

    Main Event
    World Heavyweight Championship
    Hulk Hogan (c) vs Roman Reigns

    Back story: Hulk Hogan, the hero of our company, an icon to the youngsters, has enjoyed a long reign as our World Champion, and has many times thwarted the actions of long-time foe, Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan, who has made it his mission to destroy Hulkamania. That goal moved closer in sight than ever when he acquired his biggest acquisition to date - Roman Reigns, who had been Hogan's closest friend in the battle with the Heenan family, shocked the fans when he turned on Hogan and delivered a vicious beatdown that left the Hulkster bloodied, and the Hulkamaniacs in tears. Reigns would then shake the hand of Heenan who grabbed a mic:

    Heenan: Hogan, you and all your fellow egomaniacs brought this on yourself. You pat yourself on the back for meeting all those make-a-wish kids that have been battling cancer - but this man Roman Reigns actually knows what it's like to go through that disease, and still you fans choose Hogan over him. And you've been happy to let that happen, Hogan. Well no more. This man is now my new client and he is the man I've yearned for all these years. The man to finally take down Hulkamania once and for all.

    Reigns: The Brain made me realise you've been holding me back all this time, Hogan. You were never my friend. And at Grapplemania, the Big Dog is going to become the Top Dog. Believe that.

    Can Hulkamania survive its toughest test, or will Roman Reigns record the biggest win of his career?
    The match: Reigns came out first - alone - and received an overwhelmingly negative response. The announcers wondered if this would bother him since he should be well used to this by now.

    Hogan came out last to his 'Real American' theme to a thunderous ovation and the biggest pop of the night.

    Both men got nose to nose as the fans chanted Hogan's name. The announcers noted the pair were the dominant forces of their respective generations.

    As the bell rang, both men locked up but to everyone's surprise it was Reigns that powered Hogan down. They tied up again and the same thing happened as Reigns threw Hogan down and smiled. The fans booed Reigns as Hogan looked on in shock.
    Commentator #1: Hogan has been bested in the test of strength. I don't know if I've ever seen that before.

    Commentator #2: That's got to be unnerving for the Hulkster. He looks like he can't believe it.
    As the match progressed, Reigns took control. Hogan abandoned the grappling style early, and resorted to shots, but while an early Hogan flurry rocked the challenger, Reigns soon showed his prowess. His speed and quickness were too good for Hogan, and he began working over Hogan's back with a series of suplexes and slams.

    Reigns began to get cocky and put his hand to his ears, mimicking Hogan, as the fans chanted the Hulkster's name some more. Reigns signalled for the end and went for his spear - but Hogan got his big boot up. His first significant blow landed, as Reigns looked dazed. Hogan went for a body slam in shades of Wrestlemania III - but his injured back gave way and he collapsed. Reigns made it back to his feet and hit a Superman Punch - but perhaps fortunately for Hogan it sent him to the outside of the ring. Hogan was laid out near the Spanish Announce table. Reigns followed and began removing monitors.
    Commentator #1: Reigns is taking a leaf out of his Shield playbook it looks like!

    Commentator #2: Hogan will be put out of his misery right here.
    Reigns let out his famous scream and hoisted Hogan up on his shoulders, but Hogan, seemingly feeding off the fans, fought his way out of it. He then lifted Reigns up and bodyslammed him through the table as the fans popped.

    The referee began a ten count on the two men who lay outside, hurting. But both made it in the ring at a count of 9.

    The finish of the match saw the two men exchange rights and lefts, this time Hogan was able to hold his own. The fans began shouting 'Yay' to Hogan's punches and 'boo' to those of Reigns.

    Hogan knocked Reigns down and then hoisted him up for a body slam which this time connected. He cupped his hands to his ears and signalled for the leg drop - but as he came off the ropes Reigns connected with a huge spear as the fans gasped.

    Reigns then went for the cover: 1.....2....thr - no! Hogan kicked out!

    Commentator #1: Hogan kicked out of the Spear. And wait a minute is he...

    Commentator #2: Yes...he's hulking up!
    Reigns looks on in shock as his punches have no effect. 'Whatcha gonna do'? says Hogan, as he begins his punches: one, two, and then the big boot, knocking Reigns down. Hogan connects with the leg drop and makes the cover: 1....2....thr - no! Reigns kicks out!

    Hogan can't believe it. The fans now are standing.
    Commentator #1: Hogan is shocked. Reigns is showing what a force he is.

    Commentator #2: Hogan might be wondering if maybe this is the end of Hulkamania.
    Hogan tries for the leg drop one more time but on this occasion Reigns avoids it as Hogan's leg hits the canvas. Reigns rolls out of the way and hits a Superman Punch - but Hogan stays upright. Reigns hits a second one but Hogan staggers to the ropes. Reigns hits a third one as Hogan sinks to the middle rope but still won't stay down. Reigns is stunned at what he's seeing.


    At this point the fans rise to their feet as they see someone making their way out - it's Bobby Heenan!
    Commentator #1: What is he doing out here? Reigns explicity told him he didn't want him out here.

    Commentator #2: Reigns doesn't look too pleased.
    Reigns and Heenan began arguing as Hogan rises fully to his feet behind them. Hogan charges with his boot but Reigns sidesteps, as Hogan connects with Heenan's mush and sends him down, as the fans cheer.

    Reigns, however, manages to connect with another Superman Punch and this time it knocks Hogan down. He signals for a Spear to end it all as Hogan crawls to his feet. Reigns charges but Hogan this time sidesteps, as Reigns crashes into the ring post.

    Hogan, seizing his chance, scoops Reigns up for another bodyslam. He looks behind him and begins climbing. He reaches the second turnbuckle and looks at the fans who cheer. Hogan comes off the middle rope with a leg drop that lands on Reigns.

    He makes the cover: 1....2....3!

    Winner and still MNG World Heavyweight Champion: Hulk Hogan

    Heenan has revived and is crying on the outside of the ring. The announcers note that this evening which started so promising for the Heenan Family has ended literally in tears.

    Hogan can be heard telling Heenan that Hulkamania will live forever as the commentators wonder what this turn of events will mean for the relationship between Reigns and Heenan.

    Fireworks and pyro go off as Hogan poses in the ring with his title as the crowd cheer. The show goes off the air with Hogan's theme playing as he finds an American flag and waves it for the fans.
    Why I went with this feud: I decided to go with this feud early on. It's a fresh match-up involving two guys that have a history with one another, both of whom have been the face of their respective eras. I decided to keep it fairly simple as it didn't require anything else.

    Why I booked it this way: I think giving the fans what they want is the way to go here, and they would want Hogan to go over and for Heenan to get his comeuppance.

    The plan here would be for Reigns to be taken off TV for a while and to have Heenan and Lawler - as the newly crowned King of the Ring - challenge for the title next. With a heel Sgt. Slaughter, and my plan to eventually revive the JBL character, there would be enough heels to occupy Hogan until I'd have Reigns return. I'd then do a storyline where Heenan has to battle to win back Reigns' trust, with Keibler looking to snap him up to her growing stable.

    That concludes my entry this year. Thanks to those who have read my submissions and to Necro for running the game so well.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,993 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    NCW Natural Selection V

    Pyros explode and the crowd roars as Natural Selection - the pinnacle of the NCW goes live!

    Around the arena a chant is heard aloud
    “Fcuk You COVID” accompanied by “NCW! NCW! NCW!”

    Necro: Welcome to Natural Selection FIVE - the pinnacle of our calendar year and what a night we have in store for you! I’m your host…”

    Jiminy Billy-Bob: “But maybe not after tonight, huh Necro?”

    Necro: “Quite. Anyways, I’m Necro and my co commentator is Jiminy Billy-Bob, a stalwart in the company since day 1… somehow”

    Jiminy: “Correct Necro and I’ll be here long after your ass gets fired tonight!”

    Necro: “Can we focus on the matches please Jiminy, you know, actually do our jobs?”

    Ring Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is a FATAL FOUR WAY ELIMINATION match for the NCW Women’s Championship!”

    Victoria makes her way to the ring as a timid Brooke Tessmacher follows.
    Necro: “The gameplan is clear here, Victoria will do anything to become champion, including going through her bestie!”

    The Beginning...

    The crowd gives a very mixed reaction as the B*tch comes to the stage. She flips her hair in typical fashion and points at Victoria before making her way down towards the ring - Tessmacher blindsides her from the side of the ramp!

    Necro: “Some payback being dealt out here to Blanchard for her assault!”

    Victoria leaves the ring as well and the two now gang up on Blanchard.
    The champion comes to the stage and surveys the assault on Blanchard with a wry smirk on her face as the crowd boo her loudly.
    Victoria drags Blanchard up… and drops her with the Widow’s Peak on the ramp!

    Jiminy - “OOF! Even I felt that! Poor Tessa!”

    Blanchard lies prone on the ramp as Green now comes running down and blasts Victoria with her title belt! Victoria now goes down!
    Tessmacher grabs Green by her hair and whips her towards the ring - Green counters, boots Tessmacher in the stomach and throws her in the ring.

    The Middle....

    Green deals with Tessmacher rather effectively, toying with her a little before planting her hard with a sleeper slam. She rolls her over and the referee counts to three to eliminate her from the match.

    Necro: “Cheap shots all around, and Tessmacher is out of here!”

    Victoria is trying to get to her feet, but has a dazed look on her face as she staggers towards the ring. Blanchard still lies prone on the ramp from the effects of the Widow’s Peak.
    Green beckons towards Victoria, who tries to shake the cobwebs as she gets into the ring - Green rolls her up in a small package!
    1 - 2 - Tessmacher breaks up the count!

    Tessmacher, incensed about her elimination now stomps on Green as Victoria gets to her feet. The referee remonstrates with Tessmacher but she shoves her aside - there are no disqualifications in this match!

    Tessmacher whips Green into the corner, Victoria runs across and drives her knee into Green’s gut, sending her head over heel to the mat. Victoria points at Green and tells Tessmacher to hold her in place as she ascends the top rope. She points down at Green and looks to drive her elbow into Green’s heart - Blanchard is up and shoves Victoria to the mat!

    Tessmacher rushes Blanchard, who grabs and slams her head against the turnbuckle, then leaps across the ropes with Tessmacher under her arm and plants her with a bulldog! Tessmacher rolls out of the ring but Victoria greets Tessa with a boot to the face.

    Victoria goes back up top and looks to hit the diving elbow on Blanchard - Green is back up and hits the rope knocking Victoria down!

    Green stalks Victoria as she tries to get back up - she sets her for the sleeper slam - Victoria counters with a jawbreaker knocking Green out of the ring through the second rope! Victoria gets up and surveys Green on the outside - but turns around and gets caught with a knee from Blanchard - who then drops her with the Buzzsaw!

    Victoria is out!
    Blanchard makes the cover
    We are down to two!

    The End…

    Green rolls back into the ring as Blanchard boots Victoria out on the other side. Green tries to rush Blanchard from behind - but backs up as she turns around in time. Green backs up but you can see the hatred in her eyes as she stares at Blanchard.

    The crowd are chanting as both women stare at each other across the ring

    ‘Let’s go Blanchard’
    ‘Chelsea sucks!’

    Green runs at Blanchard and she gets caught with a knee to the gut. She doubles up but screams at Blanchard and fires back with a forearm. The women exchange blows but Blanchard kicks Green in the leg and whips her against the ropes - Green rebounds and Blanchard hits her with another kick before delivering a butterfly suplex! She drops for the cover

    1 - 2 - Green kicks out!

    Blanchard looks down at Green in a bit of shock. She hauls her up and sets her for the Buzzsaw, raising her arm in the air - Green swings around and catches Blanchard - Sleeper slam!

    She makes the cover with a smug look on her face

    Green is now stunned and slaps the mat, giving a scream of frustration as she sets Blanchard for another slam - Blanchard fights out and whips Green to the corner - and catches her with an elbow smash!
    Green stumbles out of the corner as Blanchard rolls to her feet, she sets her for the Buzzsaw…

    Green rolls through and catches Blanchard with a roll up
    3!! Green has done it!!!

    The crowd erupt in fury as the referee rings the bell and Green rolls out of the ring, grabbing her title from ringside and running up the ramp as Blanchard stares on incredulously. She argues with the referee as the replays are shown on the big screen.


    Necro: “Blanchard just lost for the first time in NCW - and it’s a daylight robbery!”

    Jiminy: “Don’t blame Chelsea Necro blame your referees, they should see these things!”

    Back in the ring the referee is shaking her head at Blanchard - she boots the ref in the stomach and hits the Buzzsaw!

    Necro: “Oh Tessa… that was not a good career move.”

    Jiminy: “She should be arrested! That’s assault on an official!”

    Blanchard lets out a scream of frustration as backstage agents swarm the ring to check on the fallen ref.
    She leaves for the back with a look of pure unadulterated rage on her face.

    Why I booked it this way: I felt that Tessa had a big build already coming into the match, and the 0 had to go at some point. Losing it in this fashion and giving her arch rival a huge boost from it keeps this feud building. Tessa will eventually win the title back but it builds the women’s division nicely in the interim.

    Rising Star Championship Match:

    Von Erich would dominate the early proceedings of this match, wiping out Kanyon across the guard rail and finally facing off with the sinister O’Haire. As both stared each other down, Kanyon rolled back in and takes out Kerry at the knees.

    Kanyon starts directing traffic as O’Haire takes control, both men clear off the announce table and O’Haire attempts to drop Von Erich through it with the Death Valley Driver - Von Erich wriggles free, sends O’Haire into the stairs and counters a rushing Kanyon with a back body drop through the table!

    O’Haire rolls back into the ring as Von Erich gets pumped and takes him down with a huge crossbody for a two count.

    He rolls to his feet and as O’Haire tries to come too he locks in the Iron Claw! O’Haire is stranded in the centre of the ring and writhes in the clutches of the champion. He crawls towards the ropes but Von Erich drags him back - but gets hit in the ankle with a chair by a recovering Kanyon. Von Erich releases the hold and clutches his ankle - Kanyon swings the chair up and smashes it into his face.

    Von Erich collapses to the mat as O’Haire lies prone in the middle of the ring. Kanyon rolls in and smirks at the two men down. He picks up O’Haire and tosses him across the ring, stating that it’s his time, and who better than him.
    He then picks up Von Erich and sets him for a hanging DDT - and nails it! He rolls Von Erich for the cover - O’Haire breaks up the count at two!

    Kanyon looks at O’Haire with rage in his eyes and boots him in the stomach now - setting him for the same maneuvre - O’Haire counters with a Death Valley Driver! He rolls him over for the cover

    Von Erich breaks up the count!

    O’Haire demeanour suddenly changes and he looks down at both Von Erich who is still trying to hobble to his feet and Kanyon who is out cold on the mat. He rolls outside the ring, looks under the ring and pulls out a crowbar.

    Von Erich is pulling himself up with the help of the ropes when O’Haire smashes his bad ankle with the crowbar from outside the ring. He collapses back to the mat in agony as O’Haire rolls in and starts laughing menacingly. He strikes Von Erich round the legs and body as the crowd sit in stunned silence. Kanyon tries to get up at this point and O’Haire takes him out with a number of crowbar shots as well.

    O’Haire then stands over Von Erich as the referee yells at him to stop - and drives the crowbar into the champions throat. He then drops it as Von Erich rolls around gasping for breath - O’Haire drags him up and wipes him out with the Death Valley Driver. He makes the cover…
    3! Sean O’Haire has become the Rising Star Champion!


    Why I booked it this way: I wanted to build up O’Haire as a disturbed individual along the lines of who he is mirroring, The Joker. Having him brutally beat both Kanyon and Von Erich with the crowbar to gain the victory and the title signifies this. Von Erich will go off TV for a while to recover from his beating before coming back to continue this feud.

    Dumpster Match for the NCW Tag Team Championships:

    Outlaws and Roode/Storm brawl at ringside to start the match. Palumbo advances on IRS who pleads with him and offers him a blank cheque. Palumbo takes the cheque as Gunn and Road Dogg stare on in shock.

    Palumbo turns around and points at Billy Gunn then points at the cheque. He suddenly smiles as IRS pats his shoulder. Palumbo rips the cheque up and clocks IRS!

    Storm cracks Road Dogg with a superkick out of nowhere and Roode swings a chair at Gunn who catches it. They wrestle over the chair as Storm is now battling with Palumbo and IRS is grabbing one of the dumpsters on the stage. He runs towards Palumbo at full speed, but Palumbo dodges and sends Storm into the path of it! Storm is run down by the dumpster as IRS looks on in shock - Palumbo boots him in the stomach and powerbombs him into the open dumpster


    The triple teaming intensifies now on Roode as Storm lies motionless on the ramp. Roode is rolled into the ring as Palumbo wheels the dumpster to ringside. Roode staggers up and Road Dogg hits Shake, Rattle ‘n’ Roll and Gunn follows up with a Fameasser. Storm is rolled in by Palumbo now as Roode is unceremoniously tossed into the dumpster.


    Palumbo rolls in with a chair now as Storm staggers to his feet and looks around for his team-mates… Palumbo cracks him with a steel chair shot! Storm collapses as Road Dogg drags him towards the dumpster - Gunn and Palumbo exchange a look


    The crowd are in stunned silence as Road Dogg drops to his knees in pain, looks around at Gunn who takes his bandana and wipes his ass with it -

    Palumbo and Gunn then haul up the fallen Road Dogg to a series of boos from the audience and throw him into the dumpster


    Gunn then hauls Storm up and Palumbo boots him in the stomach and powerbombs him into the dumpster


    Billy and Chuck’s old theme plays as the two men celebrate with the tag titles.


    Why I booked it this way: I wanted to move the titles off Storm and Roode but swing a twist. Billy and Chuck reuniting seemed a perfect way to keep a heel tag team and add some spice going forward with Road Dogg looking for revenge.

    Floyd Mayweather VS Dolph Ziggler:

    Synopsis: Mayweather dominates most of this match before Ziggler low blows him and uses a chair to ground the boxer. He drops Mayweather with a superkick but Mayweather somehow kicks out at two and a half. Ziggler sets up for a Zig Zag to finish off Mayweather but he counters and lands a DDT.

    As both men get up Floyd rips his own boxing gloves off and produces some brass knuckles, blasting Ziggler who collapses to the mat.

    Mayweather celebrates and goes for the cover - but is blindsided by Bob Sapp.

    Sapp ragdolls Mayweather across the ring before blasting him with a huge Spear. He then picks up Mayweather and powerbombs him three times before draping Zigglers arm across Mayweather.

    The referee counts to three as the crowd are in stunned silence, Mayweather’s unbeaten record is over! Sapp hauls a barely conscious Ziggler to his feet and the crowd boo them furiously as they celebrate in the ring.


    Why I booked it this way: Getting Ziggler over is difficult given his total meh-ness, but what better way to announce his arrival in NCW with a huge victory over the undefeated Mayweather. Going forward we would see Mayweather stick around looking for a David VS Goliath fight with Bob Sapp whilst Ziggler moves into the main event scene off the back off this victory.

    Brock Lesnar VS Andre The Giant


    Synopsis: The staredown seemed to last for an eternity before Brock throws the first punch which Andre no-sells. Lesnar is forced backwards as Andre’s size and power overwhelms him in the early portion of this match.

    Lesnar eventually gains the upper hand using his superior mat wrestling skills, first scoring a huge double leg takedown on the Giant then, to the shock of the arena performing a big German suplex on Andre.

    As Andre staggered back to his feet Lesnar attempts to lift him for the F-5 - but Andre fights him off and scores a huge slam in the centre of the ring.

    Andre hits the ropes and goes for a splash, nailing it but Lesnar kicks out at two. Andre hauls Lesnar up and sets him for a piledriver - Lesnar counters with amazing strength and nails the F-5 - But Andre kicks out at two!

    Lesnar and Heyman look at each other in shock as Heyman screams for Brock to do it again, Lesnar drags Andre to his feet - Andre counters with a double underhook DDT! He rolls Lesnar slowly over for the cover - Brock kicks out at the last possible moment!

    Now Andre looks frustrated and drags Lesnar to the corner, planting a vicious knee drop on the Beast before ascending the second rope and looking for a splash - Brock pops up and hits a monstrous German Suplex from the second rope - the ring shudders with the force of the impact!!

    Lesnar slowly gets to his feet as he stares at the motionless Giant. He looks at Heyman who is screaming for him to pin Andre but Lesnar shakes his head and points to the top rope. He drags Andre towards the corner and then ascends the top rope - shades of Wrestlemania 19



    Brock makes no mistakes this time and nails the move, before covering Andre for the three count and the victory!

    The crowd are on their feet at an amazing match and performance by both men. Lesnar, clearly almost spent from this match struggles to his feet using the ropes as Heyman raises his arm in victory.

    Andre gets up very very slowly afterwards and Lesnar’s music is cut as he approaches the Beast to offer his hand. Lesnar takes it as the fans applaud both competitors - Lesnar pulls Andre in and drops him with another F-5 leaving him laying!

    The cheers turn to boos as Lesnar stands with his foot on Andre’s chest and his arms raised high in the air.


    Why I booked it this way: Lesnar was always getting the win here, it just makes sense. But having him pushed to the limit and using old moves from his arsenal to beat Andre shows him as resilient and dominant. The tease of the respect at the end also fits with Lesnar’s prizefighter character. A rematch is a distinct possibility, possibly with a stipulation or Lesnar may just up sticks and move on as is his wont, but Andre doesn’t look terribly weak in defeat here either.

    NCW Heavyweight Championship: Ted DiBiase (c ) VS Jeff Hardy

    Hardy takes control of the match early with his high flying offense but an equaliser appears in the form of IRS who comes from the back.

    After distracting the referee it allows DiBiase to hit a vicious low blow before locking in the Million Dollar Dream. Jeff looks like he is out but his hand stays up just before the referee drops it a third time.

    Hardy fights out with a few elbows before dropping DiBiase with a jawbreaker. IRS gets up on the apron again but Hardy sends him flying with a mule kick. This however lets DiBiase try to roll up Jeff using his tights and with his feet on the ropes but Jeff somehow kicks out at two and 9 tenths!

    DiBiase tries to lock in the Million Dollar Dream again but Jeff counters with a Twist of Fate. He goes up top, looking for the Swanton Bomb but sees IRS stirring and turns - hitting the Swanton on IRS outside the ring!

    Jeff rolls back into the ring but DiBiase has now recovered and hits a huge DDT - making the cover that Jeff again kicks out of. DiBiase wastes no time however and locks in the Dream again, grapevining Jeff in the centre of the ring. As it seems Hardy is fading and DiBiase will win, Jeff somehow reverses into a small package that DiBiase has to break the hold to escape from.

    Hardy tries to pull himself up using the ropes in the corner and DiBiase charges, looking for a running knee - Jeff sidesteps and uses DiBiase’s momentum to slam him shoulder first into the ring post!

    Jeff backs up and nails Whisper in the Wind to Di Biase, who staggers out of the corner - Jeff screams DELETE and nails the Side Effect to a huge roar from the crowd!

    He ascends the top rope, with the crowd roaring his name - Swanton Bomb to Di Biase!


    He makes the cover -

    He has done it!

    Hardy celebrates on the ropes with the NCW Championship now finally in his possession as the pyros go off around the arena.


    Why I booked it this way: It kinda had to be Jeff to be honest. Gaining redemption after being cruelly robbed all those years ago. DiBiase was the perfect foil, the champion who never deserved the title similar to how it was taken from him. Going forward Jeff makes a perfect underdog face champ as well up against a host of people, Ziggler with his enforcer Sapp, Lesnar, or Andre in the short term.

    Apologies about the shortness of this. I’ve just run out of time with being really busy at work and then hitting a wall when writing a few matches in how to describe them. I hope you will enjoy this anyways!

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,487 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC


    What do you get when you combine one of the greatest Rock and Rollers, a bunch of the craziest wrestling characters and an absolute metric tonne of cocaine?

    Welcome to Crazy Train Wrestling, a twisted show straight out of the mind of the legendary Ozzy Osborne. Besieged by insanity, this is a show that relies heavily on some of the most twisted gimmicks ever invented in the ever deranged industry that is “Sports entertainment”.


    What happens when the “Deadman” meets someone who has died and been reborn an infinite number of times? Renowned for his decades of mind games, the Undertaker finally comes face to face with a mind too Broken to feel genuine fear.

    Taking place in the graveyard of the Hardy Mantion, the match has been titled the "Deletion of the Deadman" But can Matt Hardy call on the aide of his extended family and friends to put an end to the American Badass? Or will the compound be another branch of the Undertaker's yard?


    Recruited into his Matt Hardy’s Broken family, Brawn Strowman’s mind is utterly decimated, leaving only a genuine monster among men. Such is the psychological damage that only another personality so split and deranged could ever seek to do true battle against him. As such, Mick Foley is forced to recruit a trio with the perfect mix of sadism and desire for punishment; Mankind, Dude Love and Cactus Jack, all three pulled from Foley’s body following a dip in the Lake of Reincarnation gone awry.


    Last Man Standing Match

    Regal is too old for this ****. When offered the chance to join Ozzy Osbourne’s wrestling group, he presumed that it would be a perfect chance to get back to his ass kicking days of old. Instead, he found himself surrounded by freaks and monsters. But one among them is more than happy to get into a brawl with the Real Man’s Man. Enter Aliester Black, a blend of dangerous striking and an interest in dealing inhuman pain. Sensing in each other a shared desire to just punch the ever loving **** out of someone, the two men engage in a straight up brawl, no interest in winning a “wrestling match”. All these two care about is seeing which of them can knock the other straight out.


    Surrounded by a thousand shades of black, Alexa Bliss feels like a cheerleader at a Marilyn Manson concert. Feeling her soul to be one of great colour, the disturbed Rosemary sets upon Bliss, attempting to befriend her in an attempt to drain all the light from her. Nikki Cross might not be the most traditional ally to Bliss, but in a battle to save her best friends soul, Cross will give it her all. But does Alexa even want to be saved, or could she give in to temptations of her more demonic urges?


    A complete culture clash, Shiek and Nikoli have a very set idea of what “real wrestling” should be. Something to be taken utmost seriously, never to be joked about, they despise the rise of the clowns. Setting their sights on the team of Cassidy and Truth, the duo want to eliminate those who think that having fun should be the priority over pure athleticism. In order to stop themselves from being overrun by the legends of Old School, Truth will have to get his head in the game, and Cassidy will have to....actually start caring what people think of him and his style!


    So, the Dark Order thinks they know some stuff about cults, do they? Well, Raven and Dreamer were playing those mind games before the Dark Order were even twinkles in their Benevolent One’s eyes. If you’re going to demand that people follow your movement, you’d better be ready to prove yourself against two of the most extreme individuals ever to grace pro-wrestling.


    The Ministry of Darkness was one of the most terrifiying, nightmarish factions in the entire history of professional wrestling. In an attempt to catch the attention of their former leader The Undertaker, Viscera and Mideon decide to attempt a reformation of the group. But in order to join, they need to know if their prospective partners have a certain level of grit and survivability. Enter Darby Allin, a young and twisted soul, perfect to be moulded into the newest member of the Ministry. But his spirit is strong. No matter. The duo will beat that out of him soon enough....

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    n0Txa9z.png pre-show main event 24/7 title Gauntlet match
    Yokozuna vs Crush, Jerry Brisco, Buddy Roberts & Adrian Adonis
    match details

    First out is Yokozuna's Former Foreign Fanatic buddy Crush. The current Demolition team member stands across the ring from his opponent who is staring at him like he is an appetizer the big man is about to chomp down on and the commentators talk about how they wouldn't want to be in Crush's shoes and are shocked when he approaches Yoko with an outstretched hand, but in stead of shaking it the former WWF champion grabs and pulls Crush towards him...Samoan Drop! 1, 2, 3 and he's eliminated just like that!

    Crush has been crushed! repeat the announcers as A dejected Crush, takes his time leaving the ring and when the next challenger Buddy Roberts makes his way out is subjected to Robert's mockery as they pass each other on the rampway. When he gets to the top of said ramp however Crush decides he shouldn't be taking such from the Fabulous Freebird member especially given their current feud, turning around, charging down the ramp and grabbing Roberts from behind and throwing him head first into the ring steps. He then tosses him into the ring and as a groggy Roberts gets to his feet he is caught by an impressive Savate kick. Totally panned out on the mat Buddy is then subjected to a Yoko Running Leg Drop and pinned 1, 2, 3! Now it's Crush having a good laugh as he heads to the back eventually followed by Roberts.

    Adrian Adonis is out next and it's immediately evident that he is going for the speed over strength tactic, doing his best to avoid all Yoko's attacks
    but when the adorable one gets behind his larger opponent and tries to lock in his "Goodnight, Irene" sleeper hold Yoko catches Adonis with a back headbutt and then it's the Monsterous hall of famer whose speed and agility the commentators wax lyrical about when he impresses them by bouncing off the ropes and catching his opponent with a running hip attack. He then drags Adonis into the corner, ascends to the 2nd rope and BANZAI DROP! 3,2,1 no chance of a kickout and another elimination!

    Finally as BWA officials help Adonis to the back the final wrestler in this gauntlet match comes out and it's Jerry Brisco. The Commentary team say that they would question if it's rigged with Vince's stooge out last but that uncharacteristically for Yoko so deep into a bout, the big man still looks spry in the ring. Not that it matters much with the approach Brisco takes as the WWE Hall of Famer charges at Yoko, ducks his clothesline attempt and then when behind him tries a belly to back suplex but seems to almost throw out his back failing to lift the big man off the ground. Yoko then just turns around to face Brisco, chuckles towards him and then delivers his own suplex this time a Side belly to belly suplex which leaves his opponent prone in the corner... prone for a BONZAI DROP!

    Post match promo:
    Yokozuna: This (holding the 24/7 title) means nothing to me! but it shows all of you, that I am a new man, a new Yokozuna with increased stanima and power. I am the man you all need to fear... Nobody is on my level. Hennig's not perfect...he's a lil b!tch! That painted up moron is not the Ultimate Warrior... I am!

    Cena, Tanahashi... I am coming for you!

    Reason for booking: Furthers the Demolition vs Freebird angle for later
    Continues a developing story where stooge (but actually a decent wrestler in his prime) Brisco has been embarassing himself and by association his boss Vinnie Mac.
    Makes Yokozuna look like an absolute boss and a potential genuine challenger for people taken much earlier in the draft pick process.
    Welcome to BWA Wrestlepalooza
    coming to you live from the sold out(116k attendance) "Big House" Michigan Stadium

    The Intercontinental Title tournament

    Semi Final 1
    Mr Perfect vs Chris Benoit

    These two put on a Wrestling clinic for around 10 minutes with them trading suplex variations among other big moves back and forth. To begin with we saw Benoit delivering Multiple German Suplexes while Hennig shot back with his own bridging belly to back suplex and immediately after a sublime dropkick on the Rapid Wolverine. Perfect then catches Benoit with a Hip toss which he immediately follows up with a Figure four leglock but unfortunately he does so too close to the ropes leading to Benoit not only breaking the hold but getting his own offense again during this even opening. He does so with a Tilt–a–Whirl Backbreaker and his Three Amigos tribute to Eddie Guerrero.

    The announcers note however that there appears to be some slight ring rust slowly becoming evident from Benoit, in particular when he goes for his Flying headbutt which he takes far too much time to hit... and misses! Perfect rolled out of the way at the last moment and when the crippler gets back to his feet he is caught in a perfect plex
    Perfect Plex

    1.......2.....Vince McMahon's music hits as the former WWE chairman makes an appearance and in doing so distracts the referee from his count and allows Benoit to kick out around 5 seconds after 2 but before the official could count to 3.

    Mr Perfect is incensed and unleashes a verbal onslaught on the ref before then aiming another towards McMahon who has just gotten to ringside. Too long was his focus on protestation however as he turns right into a waiting Rapid wolverine who pokes him in the eyes, kicks him in the gut then drags him arm first to the mat and locks in his Crippler Crossface. Perfect does his best to get to the ropes but they are right in the center of the ring and no matter what he does cannot make it that far nor can he get Benoit to release the hold so after a full minute locked in the hold... HE TAPS!
    Chris Benoit

    Security restrain Mr Perfect from going at McMahon & Benoit post fight and escort Hennig to the back, meanwhile we are treated to an In ring McMahon promo outlines how that was just a taster for how the rest of the night is going to go in which he bigs up his kind of superstars a la Yokozuna & Benoit, suggesting that HIS BWA will be full of winners. He then finishes by saying that he had something special mind for Cody Rhodes, Hiroshi Tanahashi and anyone else that'd get in his way to guaran-damn-tee that tonight is his night.

    backstage segment: Cody & Dusty Rhodes arrive just in time for Goldust's Semi-Final Match, meanwhile the BWA's roving reporter Mitchel Cool catches McMahon as he gets to the backstage area and asks him what he meant when he said he had something special in mind for Tanahashi tonight but in stead of answering he disappears into his office and as the door swings shut Yokozuna can be seen on the otherside.
    Semi Final 2 - The Battle of the Face paint
    The Ultimate Warrior vs Goldust
    The arena had been bathed in Golden light as Goldust made an elaborate entrance but it's a very different rainbow of color that replaces it. The Blur of color that is The Warrior as he sprints to the ring and immediately takes out the bizarre one with a number of Leaping shoulder blocks. Despite Goldust getting one quick flurry of offence kicked off by avoided a big lariat attempt and catching Warrior with a snap scoop powerslam, the ultimate one has the majority of the offense here thanks to his intense high energy style.

    This leads to him hitting his usually devastating Military press slam which he follows up with a pin. However ever the unorthodox wrestler Goldust grabs warriors ass during the pinfall attempt for some squeezy squeezy and it's the incense Warrior who jumps up breaking the pin. His rage leads to sloppiness however as Warrior misses a running shoulder thrust into the corner and goes headfirst into the turnbuckle where as shown below Goldust rubs him up the wrong way

    This meerly amplifies Warriors rage and resulting sloppiness as he misses a big running clothesline attempt and inadvertently takes out the referee. Warrior tries to revive the ref but not wanting to take his eye off his opponent too long turns towards Goldie only to find himself the recipient of what one announcer described as a "modified Shattered Dreams" aka a swift punt kick to Warriors balls. Then as Warrior theatrically crouches down in agony and the ref gets back up Goldust rolls him up in a schoolboy pin....1....2...3!

    Goldust may be the winner but he is smart enough not to hang around as Warrior goes nuts shaking the ropes, ripping up the turnbuckles and even threatening the referees while now tournament finalist Goldust laughs his way back up the ramp to the back.


    Reason for booking (both Semi Finals):A Face moves forward to face the already qualified heel
    Goldust had to win really if the story was going to be about Warriors past comments as he would have to get his comeuppance on the BWAs biggest stage if the company is to promote itself properly.
    Benoit too needed a win to get a contract going forward based on the stroyline so far as well as to allow a Face/Heel Dynamic and allow for a Vince/Cody guy dynamic for the final. Benoit's win also allowed for Vince's promo and Perfect's imperfect start to the night both of which will be followed up on later.

    Backstage segment: Enraged Vince McMahon screams at Jerry Brisco who had been trying to calm him down after Warriors loss and sends him to go find Warrior and tell him Vince wanted to speak to him. Vince calmed down after Brisco very reluctantly left however as he noticed via the monitor in his office that his good friend Donald Trump and the Lex Express had just arrived to the arena.

    Elsewhere we see Adrian Adonis' "Flower Shop" set being set up as we are told the Adorable one (who is currently view able having a somewhat heated discussion with Buddy Rodgers while selling his injuries with a taped up chest after his pre show match up) will be interviewing none other than John Cena when we return from a documentary promo... except when we do return we can't see him ( ;) ) instead it's The Ultimate Warrior who has finally left the ring area that we see but his rampage hasn't ceased, he is now tearing apart Adonis' set. Adrian pleads with him to stop and in return receives a Gorilla Press Drop from the Warrior who then scares our backstage reporter away.
    BWA Womens championship Match
    Shayna Baszler vs Aja Kong
    "More vicious than the men" is something one announcer keeps repeating during this bout which is as JR would say a real Slobberknocker!

    It begins with them challenging each other to hit them as hard as they can with Aja (not believing her luck and then) gaining the advantage by almost taking Shayna's head off her shoulders as she knocked her clear out of the ring. It also lead to Baszler's change of tact as she catches Aja (who is exiting the ring after her) with a cutter to the floor below. From there she impressively lifts Kong up by her legs and swings her not once but twice into the commentators table. Like the indestructible force she is being portrayed as however she gets right back up, as she does after literally every move of this ilk like when Shayna DDTs her onto a chair or rams her into the LED display on one side of the ring.

    The announcers really play this up talking about how Shayna must be beside herself wondering how she can keep Kong down as the Ace of Spades rolls back into the ring once more to break up the refs count but this time undoes a turnbuckle cover while the ref is focused on Aja. Perhaps Baszler should have been doing the same as when she once again goes to the outside her Asian opponent has recovered and with a Uraken Spinning backfist sends the former cage fighter flying backwards landing flat on top of the commentary table. Aja then climbs on top of said table and OOOH! Package piledriver on top of it! The table does not break however and the fans begin to chant "one more time" so...BOOM! nope not another one, this time Kong hit a devistating Powerbomb sending both woman and the table crashing to the floor below.

    The referees starts to check on both womens well being but when Kong gets up and into the ring she orders him to count Baszler out. 1....2... No sign of Life...3....4...Kong starts to beat her chest like her royal name sake...5....6 standing in the corner by the ropes nearest to Shayna she starts to shout abuse at her.....7.....8.. she turns her back to Baszler telling someone at ringside to bring her the women's title.... 9...and then it happens!

    like a horror movie monster Shayna rises up behind Kong on the Apron and from behind her locks in her Rear Naked Choke the Kirifuda Clutch. Completely distracted the referee stops his count even though Baszler was still outside the ring as she now not only used the ring ropes (as shown above) for extra effect but dragged Kong into the corner to use the exposed metal in the corner in the same manner to amplify the effect of her submission move.

    The referee screams at Shayna that even if Aja taps it won't count cos shes in the ropes but only when he starts to count for her to release the submission does Baszler pay him any heed. Once she finally does do so she immediatley enters the ring as Kong stumbles into the middle of it and the cameras clearly pick up the red marks all over the back of Kong's neck before Baszler once more cinches in her finisher and although Kong impressively refuses to tap out it isn't long before the referee call an end to things stating that she has passed out in the hold.
    Shayna Baszler

    She celebrates with some friends who are in the crowd, which later starts speculation with regards some potential new signing for the promotion post Wrestlepalooza

    Reason for booking: A brawl mixed with impressive big spots to put over both women
    But also a match where the finish could definitely be disputed - should have been counted out, use of the tunbuckle, didn't tap etc
    There could definitely be a rematch here and the result would not automatically be expected to be the same despite Shayna proving herself the equal of the bigger Kong

    Backstage Segment: Trump can be seen telling McMahon that result makes it 3-1 to McMahon after confirming that Yoko was "his boy" and says that they (him and Backlund who was sat beside him) were about to make that 4-1! Elsewhere we see Jerry Brisco approach The Ultimate Warrior and attempt to tell him that McMahon wanted to speak to him but as soon as he opened his mouth and said "umm Warrior Vince would like if you..." the muscle bound monster got uncomfortable close to him and started snorting at Brisco before yelling "THE WARRIOR WOULD LIKE, THE WARRIOR WOULD LIKE RETRIBUTION, REVENGE, RETALIATION AND REPRISAL... *he then punched a hole in the wall beside Brisco's head*....THE WARRIOR IS GOING TO WAR! before stomping off leaving poor Jerry to drop to the floor with his head in his hands.

    Before the next bout is played the announcers really build up not only the potential Trump vs Obama confrontation but that this is Billy Graham's chance at retribution after Backlund was the one who ended Billy Graham's 296 day world championship run. A special promo package is then played emphasizing their history

    Grudge match
    Bob Backlund w/Trump vs "Superstar" Billy Graham w/Obama

    Biggest pop of the night thus far for Obama coming out whilst Trump gets the the panto villain treatment.
    Both presidents stay out of proceeding at first with the focus on the in ring action. Billy Graham starts strong and uses his strenght advantage to get an upper hand and after disorientating his opponent with an Airplane spin he goes for his patented Bearhug. Perhaps it is too early however as Backlund is able to wriggle free and get behind his opponent where he gets in some offense of his own in the form of his Atomic Spinecrusher ( a Running atomic drop).

    Maybe, just maybe however this isn't going to be Backlund's night as he is unable to capitalize and finds himself almost immediately on the backfoot again when The Superstar kicks out of the pinfall attempt that followed after just a 1 count and is then immediately able to reverse Backlund's follow up attack into a Full Nelson hold. Donald Trump looks concerned at ringside

    Trump even jumps up onto the apron and starts screaming at Backlund telling him his VP would never give up. Luckily however he does not need to as Graham releases the hold distracted by Trump who he goes to confront at ringside. This allows his opponent spring back up to his feet and it looks like he is going to avail of the circumstances as he goes to lock in his submission finish from behind but the Superstar catches him with a spinning back elbow then once more goes for his own finisher, the Bearhug.

    This time it is Obama who jumps up onto the apron and starts cheering the man known as "The Real American" and "The True Spirit of America" on, urging him to "make him tap, do it for America Billy" and he very nearly does but people are now definitely more focused on the Presidents as Trump has jumped back down off the apron and runs around to the other side of the ring when he grabs Obama's leg and pulls it out from under him. This causes the former democratic president to drop off the apron and smack what his head off the side of the ring as he drops to the floor below. Clearly distraught Billy Graham is so distracted by this he releases the Bearhug and goes to check on Obama only to himself be caught by Bob Backlund when he does in his Crossface chickenwing. He is dragged to the mat with the move locked in tight and eventually taps
    Bob Backlund

    and now VP on Trumps presidental ticket
    Reason for booking:At one time maybe not but Backlund is the bigger star of the two by a good bit imo and has far more potential in terms of being pushed in the BWA. Hell I was able to push him into being trumps VP with this match and I think that would be potential wrestling comedy gold.
    This is probably the most high profile role I could have given to someone I was gifted in the pick for someone else round too (Graham)
    Finally this sets the scene nicely for Trump & Obama's next PPV involvement (as continued below)

    EMTs check on President Obama as he heads to the back but he sends them away and as a reporter catches up with him he says he is fine despite what he called a cheapshot from Trump but warns the Donald that if he dares lay a hand on him during their match (as special guest officials) later tonight even the secret service won't be able to stop him laying the smack down on him.

    backstage segment a dejected looking Jerry Brisco is watching Captain Planet, he states that it's the one where Captain Planet solves the Corona problem when Michael Hayes tells him he needs to get his sh!t together. Hayes says that he needs to start reading the tea leaves and see that things are going Vince's way and that if Brisco does not stop acting like a chump and do something fast the new boss will leave his "stooge" in the past. This seems to get through to him and he asks what he should do but Hayes has a match to fight or as he says win as he dances out of the dressing room area as Badstreet USA begins to play.

    Elsewhere backstage Mr Perfect is being interviewed by Sean Mooney. Called a Lil B!tch by Yokozuna on the pre-show, screwed by McMahon and eliminated from the Intercontinental title tournament it hasn't exactly been a perfect night for him quips Mooney which leaves Hennig looking like he wants to slap Mooney upside his head but instead he simply responds "The Night's not over yet!"

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    BWA Tag Team Title Match
    The Fabulous Freebirds vs Demolition
    Match details

    A real back and forth contest with some classic tag team tactics, cutting off parts of the ring, isolating opponents, teaming up to work over individual body parts of opponents and double team moves all playing a big part in this one.

    It's Terry Gordy who makes the difference here though as Bam Bam does live up to that name by knocking his opponents around in an impressive display. The commentary team say he is fighting like a man possessed as he takes out Ax with High-angle belly-to-back suplex before delivering a helacious Powerbomb to Smash. He then tags in Michael P.S Hayes who is reveling in his teams advantage and starts to show it with some cocky antics

    Hayes lives to regret this however when a blind tag from Smash to Ax catches him unaware as doe the subsequent double double ax handle smash they hit him with. He decides it's best to tag his partner Gordy back in but when he crawls to his side of the ring he is nowhere to be seen... why? well if we divert our attention to the outside of the ring like most of the crowd did we would have amazingly seen what looked like a 4th demolition memeber (in full leather and face paint) jump over the guard rail and immediately lock a sleeper hold in on Buddy Rogers on the outside, Seeing this Gordy jumped down off the ring apron and attempted to help him but Crush got in his way and as those two tussled Hayes found himself in a 2 in 1 situation back in the ring. A situation which culminated with Demolition hitting their Demolition Decapitation (Combination backbreaker hold & top-rope elbow drop) for the 1...2....3!

    Winners and new BWA Tag Champions


    Reason for booking: The biggest show of the year would often culminate a longer feud but this one is only just beginning and such a finish would give the Freebirds legitimate reasons to seek a rematch. It would also leave people tuning in to find out who the 4th man was. Demolition are somewhat feuding with Vince in terms as well as The Freebirds so there is more scope for them getting more on their side to take on Demolition going forward too. It could change but the working plan would be for the 4th man to be revealed as Adrian Adonis (who did have a leather clad gimmick prior to his adorable switch) and his backstage run in with Buddy Roberts and the fact that the mysterious man did a sleeper hold would lay ground work for that while giving more lower card folk story lines going forward. His "flowershop" talk show would be the perfect place for a reveal down the road too.

    backstage segment With Cody & Dusty Rhodes psyching up Goldust. They big up how he put The Warrior in his place in the Semi final and now he is going to do the same to another terrible individual (Benoit), they then tell him to not just do it for them so as to start off the winning run of Rhodes, to not just do it for fans who want a good guy with the title but to do it for himself! They then start bigging up how he is the hardest working man in the industry and that this is his moment to show the world the star he is by beating two former world champions back to back in one night.

    Elsewhere we see Jerry Brisco welcoming The Freebirds back from the ringside area by poking fun at Michael Hayes for losing to Demolition asking "who is the chump now?" and when Hayes fires back asking him what makes him think he is any better. A surprisingly confident Brisco says "He's the bosses right hand man and to watch tonights main event to see what a difference he can make!
    BWA IC Championship tournament Final
    Warrior/Goldust vs Benoit/Perfect
    Match details

    Vince McMahon and Cody Rhodes come out to ringside for this one and each is in the corner of their respective finalist as they get things going here. It is an even enough bout for the first 5/10mins which included a Goldust Sharpshooter and a Benoit cloverleaf. Benoit then started to get on top with a serious of strong knife edge chops but every time he goes to try grabbing Goldust for a move, the bizarre one is able to reverse it or wriggle out of the cripplers grasps. The longer this goes on the more frustrated Benoit gets and this seems to be reaching boiling point when his attempt at a German Suplex ends up with he himself receiving a Final Cut Swinging vertical suplex. Cody is loving this until he sees his brother instead of attempting a pinfall focused on the ramp because...

    The Ultimate Warrior has emerged from the back! He is screaming at Goldust as he heads down towards the ring. Just before he gets to the end of the ramp however Cody blocks his way, calls security over and shouts at him "If you set a foot in that ring I will fire you on the spot!"

    Warrior shoots a look at McMahon and starts to smirk as he notices Vince slide the IC title into the ring to Benoit. He then knocks several members of the security team on their asses while roaring at Cody "YOU WILL FEEL THE POWER OF THE WARRIOR" before turning and heading to the back. While all the focus is on Warrior Goldust turns and walks straight into a shot from the title belt knocking him to the mat. Goldust's body actually covers up the belt and although the referee is suspicious he counts as benoit goes for a pinfall.....1.......2.....kickout!

    The commentators play it up as if he is acting on instinct though as Goldie looks like he is out of it after taking that Belt shot and is not anywhere near getting up. Noticing this Benoit takes his chance and after doing his cut throat gesture heads to the top rope and DIVING HEADBUTT... but at the last second Goldust rolls out of the way and as a result Benoit comes crashing down onto the championship belt. Goldust pulls Benoit up to his feet but does not give him time to recover and instead delivers his Curtain Call Lifting falling inverted DDT once again onto the title belt before he makes the pin....1.....2......3!

    Vince is freaking out at ringside as the finish goes down but Cody stops him from getting involved and we have a new BWA Intercontinental Champion!


    Reason for booking: Do you really want to see Benoit get pushed and win a tournament for a title? Does anybody in 2020? Nope! but he is a perfect big bad villain for the good guy to overcome and that's what happens here

    Backstage we see Goldust return from the ring and is embraced by his brother Cody Rhodes and the two start to celebrate cracking open some bubbly but they are stopped by their father Dusty Rhodes who cuts a promo on they how they had to keep focused, that that was only one of their 3 massive battles won, the importance of which could not be quantified, a battle for as he put it the heart and soul of the promotion and the country.
    "The Great American Bash"
    Dusty Rhodes vs Lex Luger
    Special Guest Referee President Donald Trump
    Special Guest ring enforcer President Barak Obama
    Match details:

    Lex makes his entrance a top the Lex Express, which Trump is driving!
    Meanwhile Obama & Dusty Rhodes arrive via a US Military Boeing AH-64 Apache helicopter that lands at the top of the giant Wrestlepalooza stage area.

    This match isn't just Americana at it's finest it's Wrestlepalooza at it's finest as all the wrestlers matches tonight had big entrances but none as over the top as this one but as they are made one thing is abundantly clear, the officials are anything but partisan tonight and the commentators can't help but question how this can end well.

    The crowd seem to be mostly behind Dusty anyway and this clearly gives Dream the impetus to start strong as he peppers Luger with combination punches. "The White Soul King" has his dancing shoes on tonight as he dodges Lex's attempts at counters and hits a number of big diving crossbodies. He is really building up a head of steam until all his momentum is sapped out of him thanks to what Barak Obama outside the ring clearly thought was a blatant low blow but Trump waves away his concerns claiming The Total Package didn't come near Dusty's package but in stead hit waist height.

    It was at this point that Luger got his real Wrestlepalooza moment as he lifted all "289 Pounds of Blue-Eyed Soul" as the commentator refered to Dusty above his head and as the 2nd commentator stated preformed a superman-esque feat by performing a Military Press Slam on him.

    So impressive this was the crowd were actually in awe at the actions of the heel but one man who was not hanging around was El Presidente Donald Trump who tries a fast count when Lex goes for the pin but Dusty kicks out before 3 anyway. Even still Trump orders the timekeeper to ring the bell but Obama taking his ring enforcer role seriously tells him "Don't you dare ring that bell". The timekeeper wants nothing to do with any of this and takes a step back but it does seem things are starting to get out of hand as Trump squares up to Obama in the ring. Has the president lost control of proceedings?

    Is it just a tease? The two presidents although in each others faces don't yet come to blows. Obama is screaming at Trump telling him to call this match fairly but Trump laughs him off telling "Make me Mr Enforcer, ha"

    As the match continues Dream starts to get back on top hitting a string of impressive moves such as his Pola Dot Drop or Piledriver on Luger to make the difference but this time it's a super slow count from the Donald that leads to Lex kicking out but also Obama grabbing his fellow POTUS. He spins him around, clenches his fist but then stops himself. At this point one of the commentators notes a famous quote "Never Wrestle with a Pig. You Both Get Dirty and the Pig Likes It" while Trump actually starts to goad Obama screaming at him "You don't have the balls, I'm a WWE Hall of Famer and I'm the President now you god damn Liberal cuck, if you even think about it I'll have you sent back to Kenya!" at which point Barack looks around then just shrugs his shoulders and smacks Trump with a big right hand as the crowd go nuts!

    Trump looks stunned as he stumbles backwards before putting his hand up to his face only to find blood!..."He's been busted open"... which sends him into a Frenzy and he charges at Obama tackling to the mat and then the two brawl to the outside. Meanwhile back in the ring Lex is struggling to get back to his feet after previously being lucky Trump made such an exceedingly slow count and with the crowd cheering him on The "Son of a Plumber" Dusty Rhodes takes his chance and doesn't just hit one, nor two but hits 5 Bionic Elbows one after another and as a result Luger drops like a tree going Timber and as he does another BWA official be seen sprinting down the aisle, slides into the ring and...1....2....3!
    Dusty Rhodes

    Moments later and Bob Backlund arrives on the scene to drag Trump away from Obama who was clearly getting the better of his republican counterpart who looks a bit of a mess as he is almost carried up the ramp. Meanwhile Barack Obama still looks in good shape, argueably like he is pumped after what he just did and definitely looking as if he is as he raises the American Dream Dusty Rhodes hand in victory to a big cheer from the crowd.

    Reason for booking: Wrestling 101 really - build up a bunch of heels that everyone wants to see get beaten (Lex/Trump) promote it as much as possible (Trumps 2020 Lex Lexpress campaign) then have the good guys overcome them at the promotions biggest PPV of the year. You don't get more appropriate a duo of babyfaces for this situation than the American Dream Dusty Rhodes and Barak Obama too.
    Most of McMahon's men had won tonight but now 2 Rhodes have won in a row leading into the Vince vs Cody match also

    backstage segment: We get a quick interview with both challengers for tonight's main event and the BWA World Championship. First Hiroshi Tanahashi who talks about his history in the BWA and his love for the promotion, and how much of an honor it would be to wear the BWA world title around his waist after tonight's momentous bout. Meanwhile Cena embraces his Dr of Thugonomics persona and drops some rhymes on the crowd about how he is going to break Ric Flair's record, send Tanahashi home to Japan and ends by quoting Scott Hall and saying that after all these it's time for them to look at him and "say hello to the bad guy".

    Elsewhere A line of security have been set up and given their marching orders by none other than Mr McMahon, they head out to the top of the ramp leading to the ring where they are to remain until the end of the following bout so as to block any "unwanted interference" from getting involved in the matchup.
    Battle for Control of the BWA
    Vince McMahon vs Cody Rhodes
    No Holds Barred match where the winner will have sole control of the BWA going forward afterwards
    Match details

    They begin this match with a traditional test of strength which McMahon wins before flexing his muscles with glee. Cody may be younger than Vinnie Mac but the commentators highlight that Vince once his business suit is removed really is a muscle bound freak. He needs nobodies help to highlight this but his own however when and early throat punch both sets the tone in terms of anything goes and gives him the upper hand and opportunity to flex his muscles. A number of big slams follow including one where he dumps Rhodes Jr clear over the top rope and to the outside. The whole time He is mocking his former employee while also riffing on his own entrance them - "You've got No Chance Stardust, No Chance in hell ha ha ha"

    On the outside Vince hits a big clothesline on Cody, the starts shouting at him to get up before hitting another one and then going for a third but this time Cody ducks the impact grabs McMahon from behind and Cross Rhodes on the outside! Momentum has switching just like that to Rhodes who now hits a big Alabama Slam on Vince bringing him down hard on the announce table outside. After a slow start it looks like the younger athlete is starting to get on top a fact only emphasized further when McMahon who is left lying prone atop the table sees Cody Rhodes who has just returned to the ring and climbed to the top rope perform an impressive Moonsault and come down hard on him destroying the table in the process.

    The crowd are going wild and start chanting Cody's name, hell even him rising back to his feet gets a big pop from them. Vince looks like he may have been knocked out during that table spot as Rhodes has to drag him back into the ring and then goes for the pin.....1.....2.....No Vince apparently is conscious enough to get his foot up on the ropes. Despite this McMahon still looks out of it as Cody signals the end is near, lifts him up and once again sets him up for Cross Rhodes but then just drops him to the Mat as his attention is 100% diverted to the entrance ramp after the arrival of The Ultimate Warrior!

    Warrior stands opposite the line of security McMahon had organized when suddenly they part in front of him allowing him through and pass through he does with a signature warrior sprint to the ring! "I thought they were there to stop unwanted interference?!" questioned one of the announcers while the other simply quips "maybe this is wanted". The man (Warrior) who felt humiliated by Goldust and had his job threatened during the IC tournament final by Cody now stands toe to toe with the younger Rhodes sibling and opens up on him with giant forearms . Cody tries to fight back but Warrior is a big blur of energy and slingshots himself off the ropes before an impactful Leaping shoulder block which is immediately followed up by his Gorilla Press Drop and Big Splash.

    Smartly Cody immediately rolls to the outside after this but McMahon is now back to his feet and and already battered Rhodes finds himself in a 2on1 with Vince directing traffic as Warrior tracks Cody down and then throws him shoulder first into the ringpost. Warrior then once again grabs Rhodes but Cody wriggles free of his hold and starts fighting back with a series of strong punches. Unfortunately for him and the fans who seem desperate for Rhodes to overcome the heels SMACK Vince rams a ladder he had just gotten from under the ring into him! He does it again and Cody is sent stumbling back onto the Spanish announce table where warrior continues to hit him with big crushing blows while McMahon sets up his ladder and ascends it.

    Just then Goldust and Dusty Rhodes come charging out from the back to make the save but now the line of ten or so security actually spring into action and block their way as Vince comes off the top of the ladder and just as Cody did to him earlier drives his opponent through the announce table with a big elbow drop.

    Warrior tosses Cody into the ring before carrying Vince into the ring and draping his body over Cody's. The referee begins to count as Dusty and Goldust finally break through the guards in their way with the aid of several bionic elbows but it's too late! 1....2....3! Vince McMahon has total control of the BWA!!

    Vince McMahon

    Reason for booking: Cody would be able to return to the active wrestling roster but would no doubt still be against the McMahon lead heels. Could easily see him feuding with someone like Lex who is still seeking revenge on the Rhodes family.
    Or more likely Warrior whose interfering here thanks to the no holds barred stip gives Cody an out for losing to the older non wrestler
    Vince meanwhile obviously has far more potential in an on screen management role than he would wrestling and with mostly face champions - Goldust(IC)/Demolition(Tag) for example - for him to clash with whilst backing their opponents.

    backstage segment
    World Heavyweight Championship match
    John Cena vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Who is the Ace of the BWA's mens' division? Who will be the face of the promotion?
    Match details

    As this match begins Tanahashi extends his hand and offers to shake John Cena's but Cena just looks at him with disgust and then as the Japanese superstar mouths "your better than this John" Cena stops for a second before putting out his hand. Everyone including Tanahashi seem surprised but he accepts it and goes for the handshake only for Cena to pull him in and BOOM Attitude adjustment!

    He goes for a pinfall attempt but the kickout comes after just a 1 count... you're not going to beat the former Ace of NJPW that easily, but surely that start does give Cena an advantage as this main event match kicks off. We then see a 15m of back and forth before a single pinfall attempt takes place again but Cena is on top and acting somewhat arrogantly as he hits his goes for his Shandiàn Quántóu aka Lightning Fist which he follows up with a Five Knuckle shuffle. he takes so long with the theatrics of the Shuffle however that he ends up punching nothing but the mat and a few seconds later finds himself being hit with a dragon suplex after which Tanahashi locks him into a Texas Cloverleaf hold. For a moment it looks like the Dr of Thugonomics might actually tap here but after a hell of a struggle he gets to the ropes and Hiroshi is forced to release the hold.

    He does not want to give up the advantage now that he finally has it however and tries to stay on top of Cena and goes to pick him up to continue the assault but Cena grabs his arm and succesfully pulls him down to the mat and locks in his own submission the STF. Now it's Tanahashi's turn to struggle to avoid tapping and after an extended period in the hold the crowd are delighted as he somehow he is able to force his way out of Cena's clutches, however as the two get back to their feet Cena rakes his opponents eyes and suddenly it looks like it's time for his Attitude Adjustment one more time as Big match John gets Tanahashi up on his shoulders and...NO, he reverses it into a tornado DDT! Then once again Tanahashi doesn't even take a moment and instead immediately springs to the top rope and moments later he is flying through the air and hitting his High Fly Flow Frog Splash!

    He goes for the pin immediately and it looks like it could actually get a 3 count but McMahon stooge Jerry Brisco breaks of all people comes charging down the ramp grabbing Tanahashi's leg from the outside and pulling it and him through the ropes to break up the pin just before said 3 count! Tanahashi is livid and looks up and down at the grinning Brisco almost in shock before kicking him in the gut and.... Styles Clash!

    The referee has started to count him out so with Cena still down Tanahashi gets back in the ring but what's that noise...oh look up at the top of the's YOKOZUNA!

    The big man did lay down a warning for the competitors in tonights main event after the very first match of the PPV but the gasps around the arena as the big man makes his way down towards the ring clearly indicate he was not expected here and now. Eventually he is stood at the bottom of the ramp right outside the ring locked in a staring match with Tanahashi, the commentary team question if he is indeed going to get involved and Yes he makes a move towards the ring but just as he does someone jumps the barricade from among the fans with a steel chair in hand...CRACK! he smashes it across the back of Yokozuna, BANG another shot, WALLOP the big man in down writhing around in pain and then as the final of 4 thudding blows comes down on his back his assailant is revealed as none other than Curt Hennig! as Mr Perfect himself rolls up Yokozuna

    1....2.....3 New 24/7 champion! Looks like Yoko will regret that Lil B!tch quip about Perfect now as Hennig jumps the railing and leaves through the crowd while BWA officials escort the super heavyweight wrestler away from ringside.

    When everyone finally is able to re focus on the in ring action we realize the fans were not the only ones distracted by the 24/7 shenanigans as Tanahashi turns around unawares and walks right into his 2nd AA for the night! 1.....2.......2 3/4...Kickout... I don't know could the 8 time IWGP World champ have kicked out any later than that.

    Both men are slow to rise and start slogging it out with rights and lefts exchanged once they do so much so that they are balancing their own weight on each other in between strikes. Cena having gotten the last big move in has a little more in his tank at this moment and is the first to duck one of Tanahashi's big swings he jumps and bounces off the ropes before and knocks his opponent to the mat with a Sprinboard stunner!

    Pin him! Pin Him ! shouts one of the announce team but it's seem Cena has something more conclusive in mind as he drags Tanahashi back up to his feet, then hoists him up onto his shoulders. Is he going for another AA? in stead he seems to be stumbling towards the corner so weary after the battle he has endured that he is struggling to do so and then to ascend the turnbuckles, so much so that despite trying for the 3rd rope he finally settles for the 2nd rope and then goes for a Super Attitude Adjustment except....Tanahashi lands on his feet! and then immediately catches Cena with a Pele Kick akin to the below

    Once again that reversal has reduced the crowd to a stunned silence but they are immediately moved to their feet and cheering on their fan favourite as Tanahashi drags himself to the top rope and once more goes for his High Fly Flow Frog connects!


    He makes the pinfall.....1......2.......3!

    This time there is nobody there to break it up and Hiroshi Tanahashi has done it, once again rising to the top of the tree in the BWA, the Ace of the Division, Mr Tokyo Dome is now Mr Wrestlepalooza!

    Winner and BWA World Champion:
    Hiroshi Tanahashi

    Reason for booking: Heel authorithy figure (Vince) after his win now has a face champion to try to screw with and try and dethrone and no doubt heel Cena with Vince backing him will get another chance at Tanahashi's title going forward.
    The fans are sent home happy with a big face win
    On a side note Yokozuna gets moved up the card into a feud with Perfect who has walked out of Wresltlepalooza a champion despite losing his IC Semi Final.
    1.John Cena
    2.Vince McMahon
    3.Mr Perfect
    3.Demolition (Ax, Smash & Crash)
    4.Cody Rhodes
    5.Dusty Rhodes
    6.Hiroshi Tanahashi
    7.The Ultimate Warrior
    8.The Fabulous Freebirds
    9.Chris Benoit
    10.Lex Luger
    11.Shayna Baszler
    12.Aja Kong
    12."Superstar" Billy Graham
    13.President Donald Trump
    14.President Barak Obama
    15.Bob Backlund
    15.Jerry Brisco
    15.Adrian Adonis

    World Heavyweight Champion: Hiroshi Tanahashi
    Intercontinental Champion: Goldust
    24/7 Champion: Mr Perfect
    Tag Team Champions: Demolition
    Womens Champion: Shayna Baszler
    Authorithy figue: Vincent Kennedy McMahon
    Booker/Creative: Bounty Hunter
    Cheers for running this Necro
    Vote BH

  • Registered Users Posts: 679 ✭✭✭daithi1989

    DPW Destiny Day Pay Per View
    Location; MetLife Stadium

    Fireworks and Pyro go off and Destiny Days Kicks Off.

    Elimination TLC match Tag Titles
    Dudleys v New Day (Big E and Kofi) v War Raiders v Street Profits

    Defending Champions; The Dudley Boys

    First elimination; Pinfall (Street Profits Eliminated by Erik pinning Montez Ford)

    Second Elimination; Tables (War Raiders Eliminated after Dudleys 3D Ivar through a table)

    Third Match; Ladders

    Kofi and D-Von are on top of the Ladder, and Bubba sets up a ladder along side. D-Von lifts Kofi from one side to the other, and along with Bubba, his a 3D from the top of the ladder. Big E rolls back into the ring and climbs the ladder to become the New Tag Team Champ of DPW.

    No 1 Contenders match, anytime/anyplace
    Bayley v Mickie

    Bayley wins by Pinfall after hitting Bayley to Belly.

    Submission Match
    Rusev v Masters

    Master dominates the match, and after beating down Rusev, sticks on the Master Lock. Rusev passes out, and the ref grabs Rusev hand to check, and as its about to drop, Rusev comes round, and reverses the Master Lock. Rusev gets back on top, and gets the Accolade applied and Masters Taps out.

    Gauntlet Match for International Title
    Defending Champion; King Corbin

    Corbin v Woods
    Xavier Woods comes out as the first person to challenge Corbin, however Corbin gets on top and quickly eliminates Xavier Woods with an End of Days.

    Corbin v Dunne
    Pete Dunne comes out to take on Corbin, and after some back and forth, he snaps Corbins Fingers and hits the Bitter End and eliminates Corbin.

    Dunne v Carlito
    Carlito comes out and Dunne stands in the ring waiting. Carlito walks to the ring slowly, takes a bite from his apple. Dunne encourages him to get in the ring, and from behind, Corbin (unhappy at being eliminated) slides back and hits Dunne with End of Days.
    Carlito slides into the ring and goes for the Pin on Dunne, but Dunne is able reverse the Pin before the 3 count into a Triangle Choke hold, tapping Carlito out.

    Dunne v Murphy
    Murphy rushes to the ring, trying to take advantage of Dunne’s condition, having still not recovered from Corbin’s attack. Running to the ring, he hits a running Knee Strike and kicks to the chin on Dunne. After a back and forth, Murphy is able get on top again and he sets Dunne up for Murphys Law, but again, Dunne grabs the fingers and again snaps them, is able hit The Bitter End and applies the Triangle Choke hold and Murphy taps out also.

    Winner and New International Champion; Pete Dunne

    Womens Title Match
    Sasha v Trish
    Defending Champion; Sasha Banks
    Sasha wins after both Mickie James and Bayley come down to interfere for Trish and Sasha respectfully. Sasha wins by making Trish tap out to the Bank Statement.

    Winner and still Champion; Sasha Banks

    As Sasha and Bayley celebrate, Mickie James hits Sasha with the Chick-Kick. Bayley jumps to Sasha’s defence, running Trish and James away, and picks up Sasha. As the go to leave however, Bayley hits the Bayley to Belly on Sasha, grabs a mic and says she’s the No1 Contender, giving her a title shot anytime, any place. She orders the ref back into the ring and pins Sasha.

    And new Champion; Bayley

    World Title Hell in a Cell Match
    Defending Champion; Gargano

    Gargano v Ciampa
    Both competitors end up on the Top of the Cell. Ciampa sets Gargano up and hits The Fairytale Ending on the Top of the Cell, leading to Gargano falling threw the roof of the cell. Ciampa looks on in disbelief, and quickly climbs down again. He doesnt think he has enough done to win, and drapes Gargano from the top rope by his feet, hitting Willow’s Bell down onto the roof piece that fell, knocking Gargano out. Ciampa covers Gargano for the 1-2-3.

    Winner and New DPW Champion; Tommaso Ciampa

    Destiny Day goes of the air with Ciampa standing over Gargano with the Belt draped over his shoulder.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 87,288 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment ( LWE )



    PPV Card:-

    CM Punk Vs. Becky Lynch - Anything Goes Match
    Davey Boy Smith The British Bulldog Vs. Tyson Fury
    IC Title Match - Shelton Benjamin (C) Vs. Tyson Kidd
    Women's Title Ladder Match - Lita (C) Vs. Beth Phoenix Vs. Bianca Belair
    World Title Elimination Chamber Match - Owen Hart (C) Vs. Jeff Jarrett Vs. Jack Swagger Hager Vs. Mr. Kennedy Vs. Cesaro Vs. The Miz


    CM Punk
    Becky Lynch
    Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith
    Tyson Kidd and Cesaro
    Jeff Jarrett
    The Miz
    Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin
    Curtis Axel (Mr. Perfect Jnr) and Bo Dallas
    Jack Swagger Hager
    Mr. Kennedy
    Damien Sandow and Titus O'Neil
    Beth Phoenix
    Tyson Fury
    Michelle McCool and Layla
    Bianca Belair
    Colt Cabana


    CM Punk Vs. Becky Lynch - Anything Goes Match

    (CM Punk had been the mvp, world champion of LWE with a string of divas on his arm, he tried his charms many many times on Becky who rebuffed him, always in her own unique Irish style, Punk cost Becky her women's title in a match against one of his divas Lita so in turn Becky cost Punk his world title in a match with Owen Hart, so trading insults and kendo stick and chair attacks weekly lead to a match between both where anything goes made by the GM of LWE Titus O'Neil who was trying also to find the culprit of a crabs outbreak in LWE)

    Punk had the upper hand for most of the match until a low blow from Becky and chair shot changed it around, Lita, Layla and McCool got involved but so did Beth to help Becky as she was dumped by Punk. The ref got a bump and was down. Punk watched on as Becky and Lita were fighting outside the ring. Beth had taken out Layla and McCool so then Punk took out Beth. Lita rolled Becky back into the ring for Punk to pin. Punk's friend Colt Cabana ran down dressed as a ref and was going to count when he stopped claiming something was in his eye. Punk told him count again and he started but again stopped. Becky rolled out of the ring while Punk and Colt argued. Lita went after a Becky but got a chair shot from her and Punk trying to get of the ring to see what was happening also got a chair shot. Becky went back into the ring,barely standing and delivered another chair shot to Punk. Becky fell on Punk, Colt 3 counted fast, Becky wins. Colt takes the chair and delivers numerous blows to Punk as Becky watches on in shock as Colt and Punk are friends. Santina Marella cames out running to the ring to check on Punk and begins cpr resuscitation in her own unique style which is just kissing Punk and who looks up dazed and confused.

    Davey Boy Smith The British Bulldog Vs. Tyson Fury

    (Tyson was a guest on MizTV but was interrupted by Davey who challenged the boxer to a match)

    Tyson accepted and was helped in training by Charlie Haas who had history with Davey. Tyson gave it good to Davey but the Davey in the end picked up the win with his running powerslam.

    Shelton Benjamin (C) Vs. Tyson Kidd IC Title Match

    (Tyson became the no. 1 contender for the IC title after beating Damien Sandow and Colt Cabana in separate matches)

    After a lengthy battle, Tyson wins with the dungeon lock to become the new champion.

    The tag team champions Curtis and Bo complain to the GM of LWE Titus O'Neil about not having a match but he dismisses them while walking off fast itching.

    Women's Title Ladder Match - Lita (C) Vs. Beth Phoenix Vs. Bianca Belair

    (All are or were divas of Punk until Beth was dumped so she challenged the champion Lita to a match which she got after being in handicap match Michelle McCool and Layla. Bianca playing the young innocent naive start out diva wrestler talked on her way into the match claiming she wanted to help Lita keep her title so the triple title match was made. Bianca won a match against Becky thanks to Punk so stipulated it be a ladder match)

    Bianca and Lita teamed up to take out Beth at the start but then Bianca turned on Lita. In the end it was champion Lita who climbed the ladder to keep her title.

    CM Punk is shown backstage in the treatment room with a medic shouting for Santina to leave him alone.

    LWE World Title Elimination Chamber Match - Owen Hart (C) Vs. Jeff Jarrett Vs. Jack Swagger Hager Vs. Mr. Kennedy Vs. Cesaro Vs. The Miz

    (Even though Jeff and Owen were friends, Owen was goading Jeff that he was old and past it so Jeff got himself in the title match also)

    Jack and Cesaro kicked out off the match. Jeff was next to join then Miz followed by Owen and finally Kennedy. Jeff and Owen teamed up and eliminated Kennedy first. Then Owen tried to pin Jeff unexpectedly next but failed so they brawled. Cesaro eliminated Miz to his surprise (Miz and Cesaro are past tag team titles) and disappointment and he did not want to leave, beating on Cesaro badly before finally leaving. Jack eliminated Jeff and then started on Owen. Cesaro was still down from Miz's attack. Jeff laid out both Jack and Owen before leaving. Jack gets up first and he and Cesaro are fighting. Cesaro eliminates Jack. Owen is up and he and Cesaro battle on. Cesaro was able to get a quick roll up pin on Owen to elminate him becoming the new world champion.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭A Brad Maddox Guy


    #1 Contenders Fatal-4-Way Tag Team Elimination Match
    Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo vs MNM vs Rikishi & Scotty Too Hotty vs The Young Bucks

    Brief Summary: A fast-paced matchup from the off; early stages consist of the high-flyers mostly tagging in & out, nobody lasting as the legal man long enough to score a pin fall. They are purposely avoiding tagging in Rikishi.

    Key Moments:
    Garza & Carrillo are keeping Nick Jackson separated from his brother. Carrillo makes a mistake when he punches Matt off the apron, the distraction allows Nick to escape to the other side of the ring where he tags Scotty Too Hotty – their team’s first action of the night. Finally into the match, Scotty rides the momentum to take down Carrillo. While jumping around for The Worm, Carrillo tags in John Morrison who takes down Scotty. He & Mercury take turns beating down Scotty but can’t put him away. Scotty counters Morrison, dropkicks off the ropes, follows it up with another and finally a DDT. Both men make it to their partners, Rikishi is amped up and willing Mercury to come at him. When Rikishi runs, Mercury immediately tags Morrison back in much to his shock. Rikishi suplexes him over the rope back into the ring, hits a Rikishi driver and eliminates Morrison & Mercury.

    Rikishi then takes control of the match. The 4 smaller men take turns at him, but his power comes out on top everytime. When Rikishi has Nick Jackson sat in his corner the crowd start cheering for the Stink Face; with his arse inches from Jackson’s face, Rikishi turns and tags in Scotty. Microphones pick up on him saying “this is too important for games. No prancing about, lets finish this.” Scotty stomps Jackson in the corner, he is viciously punching him on the mat to keep him down and some boos start to be heard in the crowd. Scotty Bulldogs Jackson and has him in familiar position; his face is torn on what to do next, but he soon listens to the crowd and starts his famous Worm once more. Shockingly, Rikishi enters the ring & pushes Scotty after the M. “No dancing. Just finish it!” He then orders Scotty to tag him in. The distraction is enough, Matt tags his brother & Nick enters with a Super Kick to the oncoming Scotty. Rikishi turns and gets a Super Kick of his own, it drops him to his knees, then another puts him on his back. Nick tags Carrillo who climbs to the top rope and lands a Moonsault to eliminate Rikishi & Scotty Too Hotty.

    With just two teams left, an extra referee is added & the match becomes a Tornado Tag. All 4 men get their highlights, the best being Angel Garza leaping over the top rope to break up Nick pinning Carrillo. Finally, the match ends when both Young Bucks trade hitting Garza & Carrillo with Super Kicks in the middle of the ring, both men seeming to get back up on instinct alone. Finally, Carrillo runs towards them but is thrown outside and the next Super Kick to Garza is followed with a Cease & Desist Sharpshooter-LeBell Lock combo for the win.

    The Young Bucks

    Jay White vs Ken Shamrock

    Brief summary: Much slower pace early on with plenty of mat wrestling & submissions. The match gets stiffer, becoming more of a brawl as it goes on.

    Key Moment:
    A defensive elbow by White catches Shamrock & cuts his forehead. Not for the first time in MWA, the sight of his own blood sends Shamrock off the deep end. In his following assault he almost gets disqualified, Stephanie McMahon comes down to ringside to try calming him down. White recovers & low-blows Shamrock from behind. The referee calls for the bell.

    Ken Shamrock via DQ
    At first Stephanie looks shocked that she caused a distraction but as the winner is announced she starts to laugh… until she makes eye contact with White – her face immediately turns to fear. White exits the ring, staring at her. He stalks her around the outside as she backs away, screaming for help. White picks up a steel chair & bangs it off the steps as he continues towards her. The Big Bossman runs down the ramp and is immediately put down by the chair. White cracks it off Bossman’s back before proceeding back to Stephanie. Shamrock stumbles up from behind, grabs White’s shoulder & is also struck by the chair instantly. White hits Shamrock once more, the velocity of it causes the chair to break.

    Stephanie, stood frozen, attempts to climb the crowd rails but White runs up, grabs her by the hair and pulls backwards. Her hair firmly in his fist he says something inaudible to the microphones; most of the crowd are watching as if shushed, clearly uncomfortable with these events although it must be said there are some cheers. Finally, White releases her hair, pats her shoulder and says “go, go.” Just as relief comes to her face White clotheslines Stephanie McMahon. Triple H comes running out but White escapes into the crowd. Cameras rush to Triple H holding his wife, spit coming from his seething mouth.

    Backstage we see Morrison & Mercury arguing about what happened in their match. Morrison says he’s done, Mercury can’t be trusted and should just go public as a Hunter. “From now on, John Morrison looks after John Morrison and nobody else.”

    Cameras cut to Triple H & Stephanie in with the doctor, Triple H vows to kill Jay White and blames Finn Balor for starting this whole Bullet Club mess.

    MWA Women’s Championship Match
    Candice LeRae vs Toni Storm

    Brief summary: An evenly fought contest throughout, starts with plenty of technical wrestling but descends into a bit of a brawl as they fight outside the ring.

    Key moments:
    Toni Storm goes for a German Suplex but Candice lands & rolls through it, quickly countering with a running hurricanrana into a crossface. Storm struggles, she can’t break free and starts clawing her way to the bottom rope. Candice puts her foot on the rope & pushes backwards, it looks like a mistake as her grip loosens but Candice bounces off the opposite rope & dropkicks a now-kneeling Storm. LeRae goes for a Lionsault but Storm gets her knees up. Both women crawl back to their feet & trade forearms, Storm gets the upper hand, ducks & goes for another German Suplex. She hits it, but keeps her wrists locked for another; Candice rolls through on the second Suplex but Storm is ready for her counter, stops the Hurricanrana in mid-spin & counters into Storm Zero. 1…2…3

    Toni Storm

    As Storm is awarded the Women’s Championship, LeRae is slowly getting to her feet. Storm goes to her opponent & helps her up. They shake hands before Storm raises Candice’s arm, LeRae leaves the ring for Toni to continue her celebration.

    Bullet Club are backstage talking tactics & wishing each other luck in their title matches. As Jordan Devlin leaves, Jay White enters the locker room. Balor immediately gets in his face.
    “What the hell was that? What the… what were you thinking White?”
    “Relax man, I just gave the people what they want. Isn’t that your thing?” He puts on a bad Irish accent to mockingly say “Ohh these people hate The Hunters… Ohh we gotta get the band together to show these guys who’s in charge. Well I just showed everybody in this arena that Switchblade Jay White is in charge. Switchblade Jay White just lived the American dream and knocked his so-called boss the f*** out.”
    “See, the thing is White, you’re not in charge are you. I am. You’re done here. Get out of the locker room Jay, you’re officially kicked out of the Bullet Club.”

    White looks to the Bucks for backup, but only Balor is looking him in the eye. White spits on Balor’s face; The Bucks make a move towards White but Balor puts out his arms, tells them to leave it and with that Jay White storms out of the locker room.

    MWA Intercontinental Championship Match
    Kota Ibushi vs Jordan Devlin ©

    Brief summary: A slow start, the crowd livens up when Ibushi hits a Triangle Moonsault to the outside and kickstarts the match into a hard-hitting, even contest packed with plenty of near falls.

    Key moments:
    With Devlin standing on the apron, Ibushi positions him for a German Suplex over the top rope. Devlin hooks his foot on the bottom rope, elbows Ibushi and drags him through the middle before hitting Ibushi with a Spanish Fly to the outside.
    After a gruelling battle, both men are bruised, their chests are raw from chops & kicks and they’ve long since started to tire. A double clothesline puts them both down in the middle of the ring. They both slowly rise, trying to use each other’s body as a leverage point. Back on their feet Ibushi hits Devlin with a stiff forearm to the face, Devlin follows it with a vicious headbutt. Another forearm is met with another headbutt. Headbutt, and another, and another. Both men are dazed. Devlin takes a step back and hits a headbutt with huge forward momentum putting Ibushi to the mat. Devlin drops for a pin; 1…2.. KICKOUT. Devlin looks to the ref in disbelief. He slowly picks up Ibushi, dragging him to the corner. He lifts Ibushi up, he’s looking for a Spanish Fly off the top turnbuckle to finish this one off. But Ibushi drops down underneath Devlin, he has Devlin hoisted on his shoulder and hits a Last Ride Powerbomb. Ibushi pins; 1…2.. and another kickout. Ibushi lifts Devlin but takes another headbutt; Ibushi hits a combo of slaps, a kick and finishes with a spinning heel kick to the sternum that drops Devlin back to a knee. Devlin blocks the incoming Roundhouse Kick, tries to pull himself back up by grabbing Ibushi’s head but Ibushi suddenly hits a Kamigoye & knocks Devlin out. He falls into the pin; 1…2…3.

    Kota Ibushi


    MWA Tag Team Championship Match
    The Young Bucks vs The Brainbusters ©

    Brief summary: This clash of styles is fascinating to watch. Bucks come out strong to start but soon tire due to the rigours of their earlier match. Brainbusters dominate majority of the remainder.

    Key moments:
    The match culminates when Matt Jackson successfully escapes Blanchard’s Figure 4, and tags in Nick. Nick leapfrogs off the top rope, taking Tully down with a dropkick. He Super Kicks Arn, sending Anderson to the outside. He keeps up a high-octane offence on Tully until he finally catches him with another Super Kick. Nick climbs to the top rope and hits a 450 Splash. The impact bounces him forward, as he scrambles for the cover, he is attacked from behind by Arn Anderson. Matt Jackson jumps from the top turnbuckles but is caught by Anderson and hit with a Spinebuster. Nick attempts another Super Kick, but his foot is caught by Arn, he spins his leg & lifts Jackson up for a Spinebuster slamming him onto his brother. He goes for the pin and gets the win.

    The Brainbusters

    Steel Cage Match
    Randy Orton vs Randy Savage

    Brief summary: No love loss here, both men look to hurt the other with no sign of either seeking to escape. The cage is used as a weapon and both men are cut open.

    Key moments:
    A Piledriver by Savage has Orton down & out. Savage climbs towards the top of the cage with victory in his sights. As he reaches the top, he looks out at the cheering fans, looks down at Orton before looking at Miss Elizabeth sitting at ringside. A flicker in Savage’s eye tells us something has snapped, he gets to his feet, turns towards the ring & reaches to the sky. He leaps for a Diving Elbow Drop…but Orton springs to his feet & hits an RKO. OUT. OF. NOWHERE.

    Orton climbs the cage, drops down and wins the match.

    Randy Orton

    MWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
    No DQ’s – No Bullet Club – No Hunters: Finn Balor vs Triple H ©

    Brief summary: With Bullet Club & The Hunters banned from ringside, both men must rely on themselves. A close fought match with Balor using his speed to take the upper hand early on. Triple H’s superior power pulls through & he dominates the middle portion.

    Key moments:
    Balor counters an ill-judged Pedigree attempt, flipping Triple H over his back. He runs the ropes, ducks a clothesline, hits a Flying Forearm, and another and follows up with a Slingblade. As Triple H gets back to his feet Balor goes for a Bloody Sunday but it’s countered into a spinebuster. HHH lifts Balor, hits a Pedigree and pins. 1…2.. KICKOUT by Balor! And as if HHH couldn’t be any more stunned, Jay White walks onto the stage.

    Hunter is livid at the sight of White, he shouts for White to get in the ring. As White starts to saunter down the ramp, Triple H gets out the opposite side, reaches under the ring & lifts a sledgehammer. Just as White is about to get in, he backs off at the sight of the sledgehammer. Triple H has completely forgotten about the match and stalks the ring as White walks around the outside; Balor is sat in the corner able to catch his breath. White jumps to the apron, HHH lunges forward but White backs off again. The force causes HHH to bounce backwards off the ropes, Balor takes his chance and hits another Slingblade. HHH is quickly up but Balor hits a combo of chops & kicks, finished with a Pele Kick that sends Triple H stumbling back to the turnbuckle. Balor is riding a huge wave of adrenaline as he runs forward for a Dropkick in the corner, straight back to the opposite end and in with another Dropkick. Triple H walks forward straight into a Bloody Sunday.

    Momentum builds as Balor climbs to the top rope; quick as a flash Jay White is up there with him, punches wailing & Balor loses balance. With Balor perched on the top rope, White looks around as boos echo the stadium. He grins before lifting Balor up and hitting a Blade Runner off the top rope. Triple H is slowly getting back to his feet, unaware of anything that has just happened and is put swiftly back down as White hits another Blade Runner. White drags Triple H onto Balor and the ref starts to count; 1…2…3.

    Triple H
    White grabs the MWA World title off the referee and stands over Balor & Triple. He raises it above his head and drops it from high onto HHH. He spits downwards; commentary is furious.
    "It's not enough that Jay White just screwed over his former teammate and disrespected the MWA World Heavyweight Championship. He just spat in the face of every single wrestler in the locker room who are fighting to become World Champion; he just spat in the face of every single member of this audience and everybody watching at home. He spat in my face, he spat in your face. This makes me sick!"

    Boos ring out, popcorn is thrown and Jay White stands in the middle, arms outstretched, laughing...


    Main event: It's pointed that since White was removed from Bullet Club, his interference was fair game. A three way battle ensues between HHH, Balor & White; at times it feels like winning the World Championship takes a backseat in lieu of pummeling Jay White.

    Orton-Savage: This feud has really only begun with Savage coming out on top in a rematch. (I always intended on Savage winning here but I realised when writing the match that it would bury the RKO to have Savage get back up from that. And I really wanted to keep the spot)

    Ibushi-Devlin: I originally intended on Devlin retaining but as I wrote the match I felt Ibushi winning was a better fit. Ibushi would retain and go on to fight others.

    Bullet Club: Jay White would aim to get Devlin on his side since he wasn't there when White was kicked out. Devlin would refuse; ultimately he leads a mutiny against Balor as he & The Young Bucks feel Balor is becoming increasingly unstable during the feud with White. Devlin becomes the new Bullet Club leader and positions himself for a run at the World title while the Champion's priorities are elsewhere

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe



    A video package begins with a voiceover show clips of each BCW performer as they state what Ultimate Chaos means to me

    Batista : Its my opportunity to prove myself right

    Ronda Rousey : It’s my chance to show that I’m not just one of the all time great females, but one of the all time greats.

    Redragon : Ultimate Chaos is our stage to solidify our status as the best pound for pound team in BCW history

    The Uso’s : This is our chance for a new beginning.

    Matt Riddle : This is my night to show the world I’m more than a just a dude.

    RVD : Tonight is the night I prove I’m the whole F’N Show.

    Britt Baker : Tonight I show the world I’m number one in the womens division.

    Nyla Rose : This is my time to show who I am on the inside.

    Mark Wahlberg : This is my chance to prove I’m not a failure.

    MJF : Tonight I show the world what a fraud really looks like.

    Dynamite King : Tonight I show everyone bows down to the king.

    Walter : This is my platform to destroy my enemy.

    Adam Cole : Tonight I end Ric Flair.

    Ric Flair : On the grandest stage of them all, I take it all away.

    Voiceover : Tonight, Legends are made, heroes are born and stars rise. Chaos will ensue and history is written.

    Tonight is Ultimate Chaos V


    A monsterous pyro display rains down on the stage from the rafters and the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia is filled to capacity as BCW welcomes you to the biggest show of the year, Ultimate Chaos.

    Commentator 1 : Welcome everyone…...To ULTIMATE CHAOS V, the biggest show in the wrestling calendar and what is shaping up to be the biggest and most successful show in BCW history. 7 Matches make up this spectacular card, including 4 title matches, 1 steel cage match, a ladder match and a No Holds Barred, anything goes match for the BCW World Heavyweight Championship. Champion Adam Cole goes one on one with his nemesis, Nature Boy Ric Flair. Can Ric Flair take everything away from Adam Cole, or will the Panama Playboy finally overcome the Nature Boy once and for all?

    Commentator 2 : My money is on Slick Ric, the real world champion, finally proving to the world that no one messes with the Nature Boy. He’s gonna steamroll through that coward Adam Cole, I can just sense it. I wouldn’t be surprised if that punk Cole no-shows.

    Commentator 1 : Oh Please. Folks, tonight promises to be an amazing night in the history of BCW, So without further ado, let us get the show under way.

    Redragon (Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish ) vs The Uso’s (Jimmy and Jey Uso)



    The Build Up - The Uso’s and Redragon title match was due to happen weeks ago but it didn't come to pass due to the alcohol relapse of Jey Uso. Jey relapsed hard, arguing with his brother, crashing his car when under the influence and entering rehab. Since then his brother Jimmy has been supportive and their rivals Redragon have been rubbing salt into their wounds. Jey surprisingly returned last week to back his brother up and the title match is set for tonight.

    In a match that will set the tone of the PPV, which team will leave with the gold?

    The match - True to their new high rolling nature, O’Reilly and Fish arrive in a limousine which enters at the top of the stage. Jimmy and Jey enter to a big pop and the fans are delighted to see Jey back in action after his recent issues.

    The match started off back and forth in the early stages as both teams held their own.

    O’Reilly and Fish used a play straight out of the Ric Flair cheating handbook to take the advantage over Jimmy, as the returning Jey looked on.

    Jimmy would fight back against the odds and make the hot tag to Jey, and the building erupts. Jey would plow through both and the win would be in sight for the Uso’s, with Jey hitting the top rope splash for the win.

    Winners - Jimmy and Jey Uso

    The Aftermath - Redragon would scurry to the back to lick their wounds, as Jimmy and Jey Uso would celebrate in the ring. The fans would give a round of applause to the team and Jimmy and Jey would exit appreciating the love from the capacity crowd.

    Why I booked it - I think both teams have yet to face each other in reality so the feud would be fresh. Both teams I think would compliment each other, with Redragons high paced technical style and The Uso’s high flying brawling style. Felt Jey Uso needed the win more and the defeat here for Redragon would mean more later on in the night.

    INTERCONTINENTAL LADDER MATCH - Matt Riddle vs Rob Van Dam. ©


    The build up - Riddle and IC Champ RVD were paired together as a team due to their similar interests and seem to hit it off, gaining win after win. The tag team would split in explosive fashion after losing out on winning the tag team titles, With Riddle attacking Van Dam and stealing his title. With a more serious, yet cocky attitude, Matt Riddle would proclaim himself to be the true IC champ, much to the anger of RVD. After a few altercations, Riddle would challenge RVD to a ladder match at Ultimate Chaos.

    Will RVD regain the title he never lost or will Riddle solidify his status as the True Intercontinental Champion?

    The match - Both men would brawl at the outset before the ladder would be eventually introduced to the match. Highlights would include a corkscrew moonsault by Riddle which would miss RVD causing Riddle to crash into a ladder and 5 star frog splash from the top rope over with added leapfrog over ladder by Van Dam to Riddle.

    The match would end when, at the top of the ladder both men would trade right hands, before a rake in the eye would give Riddle the advantage. Riddle then would sunset flip powerbomb RVD off the ladder through another ladder which was placed in between the standing ladder and the ropes. A badly hurt Riddle would climb the ladder and grab the IC belt, as RVD lay motionless in the wreckage.

    Winner - Matt Riddle

    Aftermath - The fans would appreciate both mens efforts as Riddle hobbles to the back and Van Dam is aided by medical staff. Riddle would return and extend his hand in sportsmanship to RVD before pulling it back and superkicking RVD to the mat. The fans would show their anger at Riddles actions, but he cockily walks away, as smug as fcuk.


    Why I booked it - Both men are similar in terms of interests so a team would make sense initially, but a turn and feud would be more interesting. Both men can go and hit hard and I believe a ladder match program would show the best sides of each man and give the fans a good match.

    Backstage : The retaining tag champs Redragon would join Flair, Baker and Dynamite backstage for an interview with Mene Gene. Flair, in his usual intense style would cut an emotional promo on Adam Cole

    Flair : Cole, we are here, live and in colour. Its been a long road since the New Beginnings PPV but we are here. You know Mene Gene, I always prided myself on being number 1 and only the BCW World Champ can call himself Number 1. At New Beginnings, I brought it and I had you beaten, yet you couldn’t be man enough to accept defeat to ME, the better man…... the Nature Boy, Ric Flair. I’m number 1 in this business, yet I can’t say it because you stole the belt from me that night. You took everything away from me and I swore I’d take everything from you. And the Nature Boy is a man of his word god dammit. I put your right hand man on the shelf, the tag champs now ride in style with Naitch and even Brittany Baker upgraded to a lifetime pass to Space Mountain. All that is left is for me to take what's rightfully mine, the BCW World Heavyweight Championship and tonight Adam Cole, when all the sweat is poured, when all the tears have been cried and all the blood has been spilt, Ric Flair will once again be Number 1…………….Wooooooooooooooooo!

    WOMENS CHAMPIONSHIP - Britt Baker vs Nyla Rose (C)


    Build up - Britt Bakers recent heel turn would give her momentum to go into a program with the new champ. After running her down in the ring, Baker would goad Rose into breaking her teeth during an altercation. Rose see’s Baker as the same bullies she has faced her whole life and is dying to stop Baker. Baker has played the role of real life troll and has challenged Rose to her first title defence.

    Will Nyla pick up her first win as champion or will Bakers new found momentum help her capture the gold.

    The match - Baker struts out to the ring in a Flair like robe and even struts like her new boo.

    The match is a cowardly affair as Baker cheats in order to gain the upper hand but her momentum runs out as Rose counters and gains control before finishing Baker with a powerbomb 1...2 ...3.

    Winner - Nyla Rose

    Aftermath - Rose is receives her title and then rushes outside to her supportive family who areat ringside. She holds up a fan size which reads "ITS WHATS INSIDE THAT COUNTS".

    Why i booked it - Had a bigger plan in my head for the feud but it didn't come to fruition. Big fan of Bakers heel gimmick in recent months, I wanted her to push Roses buttons as only an internet troll would. I wanted Rose to overcome and defeat the bully this time.
    MJF Vs Mark Wahlberg


    The build up - MJF would have his sights set on hosting Ultimate Chaos, only for the duties to be shared with newly announced co-host, Hollywood’s Mark Wahlberg.

    MJF wouldn't take kindly to this, inviting Wahlberg onto his new char show only to insult and attack the Tinseltown star. A match seemed destined for the 2 weeks later at MondaY Night Chaos, with the winner getting to host the big night alone. MJF however, would cheat, using his new entourage , 3 Minute Warning, to lay Wahlberg out. Wahlberg would get partial revenge, by taking out MJF’s goons with a baseball bat, but he has been unable to get his hands on MJF himself.

    Much to the dismay of MJF, his hosting dues were cancelled. In its place, MJF must face Wahlberg 1 on 1 at Ultimate Chaos. Will Mark Wahlberg serve MJF a much deserved beatdown, or will MJF worm his way to victory on the grandest stage?

    The Match - MJF would pearl harbour Wahlberg to begin and despite his best efforts MJF would be outsmarting the inexperienced Wahlberg for the early going. MJF would cheat at every opportunity, eye gouges, dirtys pin attempts and even undoing the turnbuckle pad in the hope of smashing Wahlbergs face into it.

    MJF would be foiled as Wahlberg would reverse an attempt to send him into the exposed turnbuckle and the comeback was on. Wahlberg would surprise a few with some neat moves, such as a sidewalk slam, a german suplex and a sliced bread bulldog.

    The closing moments involve MJF’s cast ridden Entourage attempt to interfere only to get knocked off the apron by Wahlberg. This would cause the ref to get distracted, enabling a crafty MJF to pull some brass knucks from his tights and strike Wahlberg in between the eyes, before pinning for the win.

    Winner - Maxwell Jacob Friedman.

    Aftermatch - MJF would hightail it quickly with his hand aloft in victory as Wahlberg held his head in a daze.

    Why I booked it - MJF running his mouth versus a likeable hollywood A lister would be a big interesting draw for me. MJF had to win, as A) I HATE NON WRESTLERS BURYING FULL TIME TALENT and B) I think MJF can go alot further and get great milage out of his antics before someone shuts him up.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Ronda Rousey vs Batista


    The Build up - A disillusioned Ronda wants to prove she can hang with the best in the business, mena and women. Batista, the aged vertern thinks otherwise. He admits Rousey is good, but even when he's is past his prime, he thinks she is no match for him. Batista’s male chauvinistic attitude has enraged Rousey and she has challenged his to put his money where his mouth is. Can Ronda silence her biggest detractor or will Batista prove it truly is a mans world?

    The Match - A simple, yet effective story would develop early on, with Ronda initially being second best to Batista’s game plan before absolutely battering the Animal in impressive fashion. Batista would get pummelled, and despite his best efforts he would come up second best to Ronda’s striking. Batista would then get an undeserved opportunity when Ronda goes for her patented armbar, by slamming her to the mat out of desparetion. Batista would then kick her repeatedly, appearing to be taking he rmuch more seriously before hitting a spine buster and signalying his finisher.....

    As he hoists Ronda up for his Batista Bomb, Ronda counters into her signature Armbat, which makes Batista tap almost instantly.

    Winner - Ronda Rousey

    Why I booked it - After watching the Steve Carell movie, the Battle of the Sexes, I felt that this would be a great story in pro wrestling. Batista and Rousey would be the ideal cast to bring this feud to life and Ronda had to go over in impressive fashion.

    Walter vs Dynamite King


    After costing him his World title opportunity and subsequently putting him on the shelf, Walter wants revenge. Dynamite King shattered his ankle months ago when The Horsemen formed and now Watler has returned seeking vengeance. Will the Austrian Ring General conquer his enemy or will he bow down to the King?

    The match - The old school blue steel cage is lowered and both men enter to little pyro, with both men meaning business. Both men chop the chests off each other, with both tough men doing their best to maim eachother. Highlights would included a superplex by Dynamite to Walter from the top rope, a fallaway slam from the top rope from Walter and a bat**** crazy diving headbutt from the top of the cage which nailed Walter.

    Dynamite struggles to his feet, with a sense of accomplishment is stunned to see Walter begin to stir. Walter gets to his feet and yells

    “Hit me….come on...HIT ME”

    Dynamite is in disbelief, he’s thrown everything at Walter yet he keeps coming. He charges at Walter only to get smashed down. Walter then takes control and hits some powermoves before…..

    Commentator 1 : Oh no, the cavalry has arrived….its Redragon.

    Kyle and Bobby scale the cage and drop down, surrounding Walter. Dynamite drags himself up and the 3 circle Walter like sharks.

    Commentator 2 : Theres no escape now, the Hosremen are going to dish out pain.

    Walter though, doesn't back down and screams “come on Bitches”. Fish and O’Reilly charge 1 at a time and both get smashed. Dynamite does the same and gets a big boot for his troubles. Fish then gets thrown at the cage but grabs onto the bars. O’Reilly is then is caught after a crossbody attempt and is then chucked like a spear at Fish. O’Reilly smashes into the Fish on the cage and the sheer force causes the cage wall to smash and fall to the floor!

    Commentator 1 : Walter has just smashes the cage open using Redragon as human lawn darts.

    Walter then turns his attention to Dynamite to who leaps from the top rope only to be caught in a powerbomb position by Walter. Walter then charges at the opposite Cage side and smashes Dynamite into the cage, causing that side to smash open too. Dynamite is left in a heap on the broken cage as Walter steps over his fallen body to the floor and victory.

    Winner : Walter

    Aftermath - Walter walks up the ramp as the crowd is left in shock. Walter doesn’t look back as 3 quarters of The Four Horsemen are decimated.

    Why I booked it - Its a dream match between two hard hitting SOB’s. I wanted Walter to ultimately go over and be strong. Hes an unstoppable force and I wanted the booking to reflect that.

    Backstage we see Mene Gene along side a focused Adam Cole. Cole cuts a promo from the heart.

    Cole : Im a man, and I am man enough to say I saw Ric Flair and I wanted to be Ric Flair. Who did not. The swagger, the style, the confidence. I won’t lie, in my early career I tried to model myself on Ric Flair. But I soon realised that I could never be Ric Flair…. No one can. So I decided to be the best Adam Cole I could be. I started being me. And when I started to be me I rose to the top. I had my own style, my own swagger and I was confident as hell. And it meant so much to me to beat Ric Flair for the BCW World Heavyweight Championship. I beat the man and this title around my waste makes me the man. And that cut you up didn’t it Ric, you couldn’t stand it. So you attack my friends, you try hurt me in my heart….. But it all doesn’t matter now, all that matters is tonight…. Me, you and no rules. Tonight Ric Flair…...with a tear in my eye, I show you, I show Bobby Fish, Kyle O’Reilly and that bitch Britt Baker, who is number 1…….Adam Cole BAYBAY!

    World Title Match Ric Flair vs Adam Cole


    Backstory - Cole, despite being beaten to a bloody pulp, outlasted Ric Flair in his own 60 Minute match. Losing in such a manner set Ric on a mission of extreme vengeance. Flair now faces Cole in a no holds barred match, will Ric take everything from Adam Cole or will Ric Flair be paying homage to the new man….Adam Cole ?

    The match : The challenger Ric Flair is out first and the big match feel is ramped up as he makes his entrance.

    A quick video package plays for Cole to the music of The Killers “The Man” before Shock the System echos over the Georgia Dome and Cole enters to a huge pop. He looks focused and doesn’t play to the crowd at all as he walks purposely down the aisle.

    Both men go head to head as Cole enters and the tension is at a fever pitch level.

    Commentator 1 : Are we looking at the past in Ric Flair and the future in Adam Cole. Two men laying claim to be number 1 in the World!

    Commentator 2 : One is a pretender and one is Ric Flair. Cole doesn’t stand a chance of beating Flair twice.

    Commentator 1 : Its Flair v Cole 2…..No Holds Barred for the World Title!

    The bells rings, and both men wastes no time in slugging it out in the middle of the ring. Flair eventually being clotheslined to the outside, lands on his backside and is in disbelief. Cole wastes no time again by suicide diving through the ropes.

    Commentator 1 : Cole is out for blood….he’s already grabbing weapons.

    As the match progressed to the outside, Cole grabbed a chair but could not use it as Flair uses the old thumb to the eyes. The pair begin to brawl into the crowd, and it appears Cole’s eagerness to hurt Flair is his undoing. As they brawl to a balcony, Cole charges at Flair only to be backbody-dropped over the balcony through a table below.

    Commentator 2 - I’m not sure if Flair sidestepped an Adam Cole attack or if that Coward Cole was trying to run away in disgrace. Either way Flair is in control now.

    Flair drags Cole back to the ring and grabs a chair. Flair goes to work on the neck of Cole with the chair, which Flair injured at International Incident when he spike-piledrove Cole on the ring steps. Flair bulldogs Cole with the chair in his throat and Cole is in a bad way.

    Flair began to trash talk Cole and asking him how it felt for Britt Baker to ride Space Mountain, as the fans boo’d in disapproval. Flair then went outside and slides the ring steps into the ring.

    Commentator 1 : Oh dear god, hes looking to piledrive Cole on the steel again…. This is going too far. He could paralyse the man.

    Commentator 2: Don’t worry, Cole has no spine…. He’s a coward.

    Flair attempts it but is low blowed by Cole in desperation and then DDT’d on the steps. Flair is dazed and Cole has an opening. Flair rolls to the outside and crawls to the announce table. Cole slowly pursues Flair and smashes Naitch’s head on the announce table before draping Flair on top of the desk. Cole sets Flair up for a Panama Sunrise and hits it!

    Flair and Cole are both in a heap for a few minutes but before he rolls Flair back inside. He sets Flair up for a Last Shot and hits it…. He pins Flair…..1…..2……

    Commentator 1 : What…..? Thats Britt Baker and shes pulled the ref out of the ring.

    She gets up onto the apron and goes to slap Cole but Cole grabs her…… but Flair is aware enough to low blow Adam Cole. Baker then acts quick and slides a chair to Flair….. Flair winds up his chair, ready to clock Cole but someones one their way to ringside…..

    Commentator 2 : Thats Walter…..what’s this maniac doing here!

    Commentator 1 : He’s out to stop Flair…. He’s out to finish the Four Horsemen.

    Walter climbs into the ring and Flair swings and Walter grabs the chair and pulls it from Flair. Walter has the chair and Flair begins to beg and backs up.

    As he does, Adam Cole gets to his feet and is dazed, Walter swings for Flair, Flair dodges it and Walter smashes Cole accidentally. Walter is shocked and Flair quickly capatises by running off the ropes and kneeing Walter in the back, sending him through the ropes. Baker rolls the ref into teh ring and Flair swiftly pins Adam Cole


    Winner Ric Flair

    Aftermath - Flair is helped out of the ring by Britt Baker and he slowly makes his get away.

    Why I booked it this way. - I wanted Ric to turn heel at the start of this program and this win would solidify him. I feel Cole and Flair are both capable of hanging with the best and this would be an epic feud. The finish would truly make Flair the top heel and he could be on top going forward. I ultimately would work towards a Flair walter feud and main event match, but the involvement of Walter in the finish would keep him away from Flair for now, giving him Adam Cole to feud with before facing Flair. Flair could have a feud with Ronda Rousey in the interim, which I also imagine would be fun, but the big match down the line is Walter vs Flair.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,491 ✭✭✭thebostoncrab

    Fusion Pro Wrestling Present: King of Wrestling 2020

    Opening Match:


    KUSHIDA & Hiromu Takahashi vs Taiji Isimori & ELP
    Fusion Pro Wrestling Jnr Heavyweight Tag Team Championship

    Background: Bullet Club, under the leadership of KENTA, have been causing havoc in FPW for the past few months. The company was found on respect through competition, but Bullet Club and their disregard of the rules has been destorying that image and frustrating the fans. KUSHIDA and Hiromu have been out Jnr tag champs, while ELP and Isimori have been rising through the tag ranks by bending the rules and outside interference from the rest of Bullet Club.

    Decision: To continue the build for Bullet Club and their domence over the company, they will win the belts. Due to the cocky nature of ELP, becoming the first member of Bullet Club to win a belt (Even if it's part of a tag team) inflates his ego and begins to lay the seeds of him looking to take over as leader of the Bullet Club.

    Second Match:

    Motor-City Machine Guns vs SCU vs Leaders of the New School
    Winnders become #1 Contenders to FPW Jnr Tag Team Championship

    Background: All three teams are naturally gifted, and this should serve as a an exhibition for the Jnr Heavyweight system and provide a non-stop high flying match with plenty of near falls. It will also serve to set up who will take on our new champions.

    Decision: SCU take the win. The reason for this is because Leaders of The New School would lead to a heel vs heel feud with Bullet Club which I want avoid, and MCMG could fit into the follow-up feud. SCU vs Bullet Club brings a feeling of old vs new and the veterns trying to knock some respect into the young punks. The Bullet Club would win, bringing in MCMG to put on more high energy contests.

    Third Match

    Guerrillas of Destiny vs. THE O.C
    FPW Tag Team Championship

    Background: Having witnessed what has become of the stable that they formed, THE O.C returned to FPW to try bring back the glory days of the Bullet Club. G.O.D, however, view them as trators and instead of bringing their brothers in arms back to the fold, they reject them and give them a beat down. They keep avoiding matches with them, however. So the O.C try to find a way to get them in the ring, and they decide to win the tag belts, as KENTA has been ensuring the Bullet Club are on a mission to win as much gold as possible, so if the O.C have the belts, it means G.O.D will be forced to face them if they want the belts. The won the gold, and the match was set.

    Decision: The O.C. retain the belts. This is a natural fit for them overcoming the team that have been avoiding the match, and continues to help build ELP's stake over leadership of the Bullet Club. The match itself would be full of hard hitting action and Tama Tonga would be outside with G.O.D, helping build the story of The O.C overcoming the G.O.D. For that future, The O.C will be a torn in the side of the Bullet Club as they look to build their own faction to be a true representation of what the group once was.

    Match four:

    Kenta Kobashi vs. Katsuyori Shibata

    Background: This will serve as a dream match between two of the hardest hitting wrestlers in history. Kobashi has come out of retirement for one last match, as he watch the career of Shibata grow and he views him as a modern version of himself. He wants to have the match with Shibata not only to showcase why he is regarded as one of the best of all time, but to also help cement Shibata's legacy and future should he overcome a final boss type wrestler like Kobashi.

    Decision: Shibata with the win. This is a hard hitting content that really goes the distance, testing both men's endurance. Neither man wants to show weakness, and becomes not a contest of who can hit the other the hardest, but who can endure the punishment for the longest. This goes close to the 30 minute mark before it ends not with a pin, but with a KO, as Shibata knocks out Kobashi to be declared the victor. This sets up Shibata as a main event player in the company, and move him closer to a shot at the world title.

    Match 5:


    KENTA vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger
    Fusion Pro Wrestling Jnr Heavyweight Championship

    Background: KENTA, as the leader of the Bullet Club, has been causing havoc across the company. His lack of respect for the company and the traditions it was founded on, has risked ruining the image and legacy of FPW. KENTA has stated that the goal for Bullet Club is to be in full control, and they know the way to do that is with the belts. If they win all the championships, Bullet Club will be the front and future of FPW. This has brought him to facing JNR Heavyweight Champion, Jushin Liger. Liger made the challenge to KENTA, as he feels he is the exact opposite of what The Bullet Club represents. This is a heavy grudge match, and the most personal fight on the card, due to what it represents for both men.

    Decision: KENTA wins after ripping Ligers mask and cutting him hard way with a vicious GTS. This match starts off high tempo, but KENTA keeps slowing down Liger with stiff kicks and strikes. He knows if Liger gets momentum behind him, he will become unstopable. The story of the match becomes Liger trying to use his speed to frustrate and tire out KENTA, with KENTA trying to punish Liger and stop him in his tracks. At one stage Bullet Club members try to get involve, but are quickly banned from ringside. Liger's age begins to show, as he cannot get the speed behind him after 20 minutes,which leads to KENTA over powering and make an example of Liger. He could finish the match at any stage, but he draws everything out by completely destorying Liger, to the point that people are pleading for the match to be stopped. Afterwards, KENTA stands with his foot on Liger's chest, runs his fingers through the blood coming from the legend and uses it to write his name on his newly won belt.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,491 ✭✭✭thebostoncrab

    Semi-Main Event


    Minoru Suzuki vs. Kurt Angle

    Background: The company was founded on the princiapl of merging pro wrestling with the realism of MMA. Perhaps more than anyone else on the roster, these two men best represent this. Kurt, as an olymic gold medalist has the legit skills and background, while also being one of the greatest of all time. Minoru has a serious MMA record against his name and is again of the best men to every wrestle in Japan. With everything happening with the Bullet Club, the company felt it needed a match to remind everyone what Fusion Pro Wrestling stands for, so putting these two legends against each other made sense.

    Result: Kurt Angle. For this one, the result doesn't matter, as we have positioned both men as main event players, and either man could easily move into the world title picture. The match itself is physical, technical and full of drama, near falls and neither man looking to quit. At one stage Angle will have Suzuki in the ankle lock, but instead of tapping he just starts laughing to get in the head of Angle and frustrate him. Kurt knows he is too tough to tap out, so he needs to get the Angle Slam in. The main story for Minoru is he never hits the Gotch Pile-Driver, his finisher. Afterwards, you are left wondering if he managed to connect, would the result have changed? This set up a re-match perfectly also. I went with Kurt simply because a natural fit is Kurt vs the winner of the main event as it's a more exciting story for me than the winner vs Suzuki, and then you move Suzuki into a feud with Shibata.

    Main event

    Chris Jericho vs. Kazuchika Okada
    Fusion Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Championship

    Background:Jericho has never been able to rest since his loss to Okada in NJPW. It is the one result that haunts him, and it has really driven his Painmaker gimmick to the next level. Everything he has been doing has been focusing on Okada. He has abandoned those around him, has turned his back fully on the fans, and is only focused on besting Okada. Okada, despite having a victory, isn't taking this lightly. He knows how dangerous Jericho is, and the match could very easily go his way.

    Result: Okada beats Jericho to keep the belt. I went with this because I wanted Jerichos desperate to be his ultimate downfall, and then when he is left in defeat, The Bullet Club emerge to bring him into the fold. KENTA doesn't view Jericho as anything other than strengthening the position of Bullet Club on the card, as his name is so well known globally that it would become harder to ignore the club with Jericho attached. Okada is also everything that FPW stands for, and would move into a strong program with Kurt Angle, and then Shibata. But the big story here is Bullet Club, and while Okada is our champion, he only fights for himself and doesn't want to get involved with shutting down the power of the club. Over time we build to a match between him and KENTA to unify their two belts.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,481 ✭✭✭brianregan09


    Welcome everyone to our pay per view Isolation and we're going to kick off with 6 man tag

    Sabu and the Impact Players vs Konnan and LAX

    Our 1st match of the night ends Sabu hitting a moonsault through a table on Homicide who had been left alone after Konnan was taken out with a steel chair by Justin Credible , Hernandez was busy with Lance Storm fighting in the crowd


    Will Ospreay(GB) vs Ultimo Dragon (JPN)

    In one of the show stealing matchs of the night Will Opsreay emerged victorious after kicking out of an Asai Moonsault, Ultimo went for a 2nd moonsault but Ospreay was quick to his feet and kicked Ultimo's foot out from under neath him on the turnbuckly knocking him down, Ospreay then climbed the ropes himself and then hit a 450 splash , he then pulled dragon to his feet and lifted him up and hit his new stormbreaker finish and picked up the victory, the men then shared a bow and a handshake sharing there respect for one another


    Adam Page vs TAZZ

    This one was a war right off the top , Page threw everything and every object at Tazz who even though decimated would not stay then , this match is like a throwback to Dreamer and Raven, there was almost a surprise when a bleary Tazz somehow locked in the Tazzmission , but Page just had too much and powered out of it throwing Tazz off him, Page eventually caught Tazz out of nowhere with a buckshot lariat , he then went outside and picked up a bottle of beer which he cracked open and threw it back the hatch, he then brought it into the ring set Tazz up for another buckshot lariat but instead busted the bottle off Tazz's head and picked up the pin fall


    Rey Mysterio Jnr. vs Rey Fenix
    The torch was well and truely passed here tonight Fenix came into the match with something to prove and as soon as the bell rang he took it to a very suprised Rey Mysterio, Fenix was vicious in his attacks going straight to for Mysterio's bad knee instantly grounding him and although Rey rallied a little bit later on , Fenix pressed home the advantage, wearing down Mysterio with a figure four leg lock , Fenix eventually finished the match putting Mysterio down with the Fenix driver

    Sheamus vs Pentagon Jnr

    Sheamus attempted to do a Daniel Bryan here in going for a brogue kick straight from the bell ringing , but instead it went comepletely opposite for him with Pentagon meeting him head on with a super kick and locking in a package piledriver in a record finish for the company , Sheamus was left in complete shock and went for Pentagon again , Rey Fenix made his way to the ring and together they beat the holy crap out of the Celtic Warrior getting there revenge once and for all , Sin Cara then came down to the ring fresh off his injury troubles and hit a moonsault on Sheamus getting his own small form of revenge on sheamus



    The Rock vs Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Arnie stood in the ring with his enforcers , The Rock walked out and got on the mic:

    Rock: so your the biggest tough guy on the planet and your gonna stand there with those candy ass bitches protecting you , well the Rock is gonna talk a walk down to that ring and bitch slap your terminator ass so hard John Connor is going to feel it

    Arnie sends Koslov out of the ring towards the Rock , Koslov gets knocked out quick by the Rock who doesn't even take off his glasses

    Arnie Good shot , screw it I can do better
    Arnie turns around and nails Nathan Jones panning him out , he then beckons the Rock to the ring

    The two come face to face as the crowd go nuts , What follows isn't pretty a brawl around the ring , the Rock inevitably gets the better of it , he soon locks on the sharpshooter but Arnie won't tap , Rock then pulls him to his feet and hits the rock bottom and gets the pinfall, he helps Arnie to his feet and they share an embrace in the ring , Nathan Jones and Koslov come back to the ring to try and get some revenge but Rock and Arnie fight them off together


    Kenny Omega (c) vs Eddie Guerrero

    This match will live on in the ages in an almost 60 minute war of attrition full of suplex's high flying moves, near falls and pinning combinations Eddie Guerrero has become the new RCW champion , the best bout machine Omega did everything and threw everything in his arsenal at Eddie but could not break his latino spirit even after several V triggers , Eddie finally won with frog splash right at the death aaaaaaaaannnndddd NEW Champion EDDDIIE GUEERRRERRO

