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Last of the Summer Wine



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Only spotting this log now, always enjoyed reading your previous log:)

    Now the whole Boheremeen thing makes sense haha, after reading your report & getting an honorable mention;)

    Glad to see you back, another log to gain knowledge from:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Murph_D wrote: »

    A Garda was twiddling his thumbs in a squad car along the route. Hopefully he wouldn’t pull me over for questioning mid-TT.

    The Raheny singlet in downtown Killybegs probably raised an eyebrow.;)

    ...That is of course before he recognised you as the mad German who frequents these parts.:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Only spotting this log now, always enjoyed reading your previous log:)

    Now the whole Boheremeen thing makes sense haha, after reading your report & getting an honorable mention;)

    Glad to see you back, another log to gain knowledge from:D

    Well I knew from your report and your S-like progression through the field that you must have passed at some point, so couldn’t resist the fly-by check. Think I remember the pass too - the vaporflys make quite a racket!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Ferris B wrote: »
    The Raheny singlet in downtown Killybegs probably raised an eyebrow.;)

    ...That is of course before he recognised you as the mad German who frequents these parts.:D

    Lustig! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Well I knew from your report and your S-like progression through the field that you must have passed at some point, so couldn’t resist the fly-by check. Think I remember the pass too - the vaporflys make quite a racket!

    Not at all, sure the vapourflys are like running on clouds :D ... must have been the heavy breathing haha

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Not at all, sure the vapourflys are like running on clouds :D ... must have been the heavy breathing haha

    I was actually passed in fairly quick succession by two women in vaporflys (assume you were one of them). May feel like clouds but you can certainly hear them coming from a long way off!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Donegal exile (week 8)


    As you can see from the above, being here is no hardship. I suppose the highlight this week was to have more options with the 5k radius. That said, the social distancing is really breaking down, even around here, judging by the traffic increase and the supermarket footfall. In other news, the question of Chicago Marathon is starting to loom. I wasn’t expecting the event to go ahead, but the way things are going in the US I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s NOT postponed. Whether it is a good idea to go will be another question. There’s a good little group from the club going - at least eight, and we had planned to train together from June, most of us using Hanson. The training will happen anyway, and we’ll see what happens at the end of it. For now, it continues to be all about the base.

    Mon 4 May

    9.7k recovery. A final plod around the Calhame loop on yet another glorious evening. A cheery hello from a walker, but not much zip in the legs.

    Tue 5 May


    Celebrating the wider radius, I chose a rarely travelled loop around by the nearby Rahanlacky townland, named for a hill fort that’s very prominent on satellite maps but I’ve never really seen it on the run, even though it’s right by the road. Must correct that soon. There used to be a field of alpacas on this loop too. Saw the sign (“Alpacas - No Shooting”), but the animals themselves (a breed of small camel) were nowhere in sight. Enjoyed this run, which ended on a very hilly and very dry dirt road that, like a similar neighbouring hill route, is usually a mud marsh. Great to get beyond the 2k barrier at last.

    Wed 6 May

    12.6k @ recovery

    Down to nearby beauty spot St. John’s Point - just a short loop of the nearer part then back uphill home. The novelty was spoiled by the distinct lack of energy. I think last week’s mile TT broke something. Bit of a niggle in the groin area also - possibly related to the camber of the tertiary roads.

    Thu 7 May

    Rest day. Badly needed. I ain’t no beep beep.

    Fri 8 May

    10.7k inc. 25 mins progressive tempo - MP to 10k effort

    Decided to repeat this session from last week. 10 mins @ M effort, 10 @ HM, 5 @ 5-10k. It’s a tough enough run, but as it has three parts I find it goes by very quickly, as you’re only ever thinking of the section you’re doing now. Chose a new looped route I’ve never fully completed before. Perfect for this - hills as always contributing to the challenge. Felt absolutely great doing this. Earlier than usual, before the heat of the day had built up, which helped.

    Sat 9 May

    10.7k easy

    I say easy but the hills mean nothing is every truly effortless. Same route as yesterday, in reverse. Goes through a sub-townland with the unlikely name of Pollabraddan. No likely salmon habitats spotted. Had been doing a lot of work in the garden before this and was a bit weary.

    Sun 10 May


    Long/hills: 16.7k @ 5:57

    Really enjoyed this run, linking up several of the areas I’d started to explore at the periphery of the 2k radius. Coming here to this part of Donegal for decades now but discovered some new places today, on a hilly run where I finally got to stop and look at the Rahanlacky ring fort, look in vain again for the alpacas, explore a derelict cottage with stunning sea views, and skirt around the semi-feral cattle herd that a neighbouring pair of spinster farmers let roam all through the local forests. Checked out the source of recent noise in the forest in front of the house also - as suspected, more road construction and tree felling, suggesting our sylvan views may soon be replaced by denuded hillside strewn with tree stumps and the usual forestry waste. Oh well, it was good while it lasted. Downside of this run was the dumping of agricultural/household waste in a local stream. What are they thinking?


    This week: 69 kms (43 miles)
    This year: 1,180 (733)

  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭Treviso

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Donegal exile (week 8)


    Looks like a good route for the Boards 1 mile TT - now just to figure out how to fool Statler and Waldorf about the elevation.....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Donegal Week 9

    This week has a 2-mile club TT at the end of it. Participants (about 90) have been divided into three leagues based on the result of the previous round. I’ve made the Premier League, but a relegation battle looks likely!

    Mon 11 May

    8.8 km recovery on the local loop. This was a bit of a chore but it was good to be out after a long day of more 'garden' work. I’ve been running late in the day recently and not sure it suits me. Will try to make a habit of getting out earlier.

    Tue 12 May

    ‘Speedplay’ - 8 x 400 zone 3 off 1200m zone 2

    A cut down version of one of the Matt Fitzgerald 80/20 workouts. I’ve been letting the HR stuff slip of late so this was partly to get back on that track and feel out the difference between zones 2 and 3 again. Made sure to consult my notes and recalibrate the zones on the watch . The result was a really enjoyable run down the Bruckless road. Tried to get that ‘track session’ feeling for the 400s, and enjoyed every one of them, even the ones that were straight uphill.

    Took a couple of detours down to the shore, and then exploring a newly discovered road featuring a holy well, a common enough feature in these parts. Not sure who this one is dedicated to, but I stopped and had a visit. Noted the trinkets/offerings left behind, I assume to commemorate sick people, some of whom hopefully recovered. A lot of inhalers, several socks :confused:, a cigarette case and a beach club membership on view. Enjoyed my rest stop and jogged on.

    Wed 13 May

    MLR 17.5k (zone 2)

    Kept a close eye on the HR during this highly enjoyable tour of the vicinity, retracing some of yesterday’s run, joining it up with some other recently discovered roads. It’s amazing how poorly I knew the running options available, really, even though I’ve been coming here regularly long before I took up the activity 8 years ago. Not for the first time my planned route was thwarted by the road running out just after it passed through a farmyard and an abandoned cottage, where I was soon met with a barbed wire fence across the path. Not being too familiar with the area I turned back. A km or so down the road I noted the lie of the land and may well do some fence jumping next time I’m in these environs. Not to antagonise the locals, more to assert my right of way over what appear, on the maps at least, to be viable routes. Might get a shotgun blast for my trouble!

    Enjoyed this run, especially the part around Bruckless bay where my route included a sea wall and a disused bridge, carpeted in lush grass before the ascent to Darney and the uphill challenge to get home.

    This week: 40 kms (25 miles)
    This year: 1,220 (758)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Thu 14 May

    Yoga with Adriene (Day 3) / 10k easy

    Is yoga a good idea? My flexibiity is so poor it seems like it isn’t. Maye I should stick to the pilates. I like the cut of Adriene’s jib though. I’ll do a few more days and reevaluate. Followed the session with 10k in Zone 2, with some strides.

    Fri 15 May

    Rest. No running or pilates or yoga or gardening or anything really. Does a supermarket run count?

    Sat 16 May

    Club time trial league - 2m (12:52)

    I raced a few 2 milers last year in the club’s Winter League, and prior to that one of the Summer League outings in 2017. Not a distance I’ve ever managed to get a hold of, and my PB (12:52) has been weak at the best of times, and should have been vulnerable even off my fairly pedestrian 5:58 mile in Round One a fortnight ago.

    I'd intended driving to nearby Mountcharles, which has about a mile of relative flat road between the village and the pier. But when I got up at 6 and started the car engine, I had a late change of mind and headed to Killybegs where I’d done that recent mile. The Shore Road there isn’t totally flat, but I reasoned that the little hill and drag before the roundabout would be less of a problem at 2 mile pace. Parked at the supermarket and warmed up with a slow jog and dynamic stretches through the town and out to the roundabout and back to the starting point at the famous Seafood Shack (worth a visit if you ever make it up here after the crisis).

    Fannied about setting up the watch. Foolishly hadn’t followed my own advice on the Boards TT thread so had not preloaded a single-rep 2-mile workout with no warmup/cooldown. Thought I could just set it up on the watch but of course the 235 doesn’t allow you to programme a 1-rep workout with no recovery, so I’d have to hit the manual stop. Set the watch to miles anyway, with ¼ mile autolap. Pressed the button and off I went.

    Straight away, I felt clunky and struggled to feel any smoothness in the form. Breathing heavier too than I would have liked for the first 400, where you usually get a bit of a free ride - harder of course with no one around you to suck you along. The plan was to settle for 5k pace for mile one and open it up in the second mile. The route involved an out and back and out again and back again, with a roundabout at the far end and a 180 at the near end. There’s a little hill after about 450 m and drag to the turnabout and I felt it more than I wanted on the first lap. Started telling myself that 5k pace was OK considering the hill - reassuring, or already settling for less than the best? The return leg allowed a bit of a breather and I reached halfway huffing and puffing but not dead yet. Used the full width of the road and a bit of the harbour to effect the widest turn possible and tried to concentrate on the task at had on the difficult first half of lap 2, dodging around a walker early on. The drag hurt again, and I hit max, dry retching by the second turn around the roundabout. Downhill now for a bit, which allowed me to regulate, recovering a bit for the final push. I’d marked the 200m-to-go point and gave it a good bit of socks from there to the end, mentally singing a Barney the Dinosaur song to count it down (I kid you not). Relieved, as always, to hear the beeps signal the last few seconds and at least I had finished quite well. Took a moment leaning against a lamppost before looking down - 12:53, which gave 12:51+ for the 2-mile split, so a PB-equalling 12:52.

    Splits (¼ mile):

    1:36 1:38 1:39 1:35
    1:37 1:39 1:39 1:29

    Have to say I felt disappointment first. Thought I should have come on a bit rather than going backwards, but maybe I just couldn't muster enough of a race-like effort. However I also have to acknowledge my times for races of 1 mile and under have always (since I started doing them) been a good bit better than my long distance times, so maybe not the worst result in the world on reflection.

    Cooldown with one more out and back then another half mile to the car. Total 8.7k for the morning.

    This week: 59 kms (37 miles)
    This year: 1,239 (770)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Murph_D wrote:
    I like the cut of Adriene’s jib though.

    If this means what I think it does, I agree.......

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Regional East Moderators Posts: 18,493 CMod ✭✭✭✭The Black Oil

    I like Adriene. It doesn't seem like she's trying to sell you something. Did the core one this morning.

    Been too long since I visited Mountcharles, might have caught a mackerel or pollack there, but it's probably about 20 years ago now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Good point re Adriene. I suppose she is delivering an audience to advertisers, and we’re the ones providing the eyeballs. As long as the advertising isn’t too intrusive it’s a fair bargain. Like all ‘free’ media. As long as we don’t fool ourselves that we are not paying in some way. The law of conservation of attention, maybe? Or the ‘no free lunch’ principle. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Good point re Adriene. I suppose she is delivering an audience to advertisers, and we’re the ones providing the eyeballs. As long as the advertising isn’t too intrusive it’s a fair bargain. Like all ‘free’ media. As long as we don’t fool ourselves that we are not paying in some way. The law of conservation of attention, maybe? Or the ‘no free lunch’ principle. :)

    Hmmm, can anyone doing the 30 day (or any of her videos regularly) tell me what any of the ads are about? I certainly can't remember and I'm on day 17 :D

    Feels free to me :). I haven't figured out how to easily get to the next day without doing a search though and I am subscribed to her channel, not a fan of YouTube generally but will put up with it for the purposes of this.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Hmmm, can anyone doing the 30 day (or any of her videos regularly) tell me what any of the ads are about? I certainly can't remember and I'm on day 17 :D

    Feels free to me :). I haven't figured out how to easily get to the next day without doing a search though and I am subscribed to her channel, not a fan of YouTube generally but will put up with it for the purposes of this.

    I'm just taking about the ads that play before the video - you know the ones you have to let play for a few seconds before the "Skip This Ad" button appears. Plus whatever inline advertising appears on the page (if any). I don't think they're intrusive at all, but nothing is ever free. Youtube are also collecting data about what you and I are watching, of course, and monetising that in all kinds of ways. It's just the way that particular business works. Not saying it's good or bad.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Sun 17 May

    Long/hills: 16.7k @ zone 2

    Stretched out one of the midweek runs, in reverse this time, bedding in a newly discovered route. Fairly routine run, rounding out a decent week at 47 miles. Got a soaking over the last 2-3 miles, the first in quite some time - it’s hardly rained at all in the nine weeks we’ve been here.

    A clubmate posted some pictures of The Jacko on strava, reminding me of a discussion here on Boards (Singer’s log, maybel, or Denisb’s). Looks amazing - on the list to check out when we eventually return to the capital.

    Run well and stay safe!

    This week: 76 kms (47 miles)
    This year: 1,255 (780)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Hi D...

    I must try this technique "mentally singing a Barney the Dinosaur song to count it down "... Should be worth a few seconds in 2 weeks for the 1M TT ... :D:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    MisterDrak wrote: »
    Hi D...

    I must try this technique "mentally singing a Barney the Dinosaur song to count it down "... Should be worth a few seconds in 2 weeks for the 1M TT ... :D:D

    At least SOMEONE is paying attention. :D

    I'm not going to reveal which particular song, however!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Donegal week 10

    This week - more of the same, hopefully exploring more townlands as my knowledge of the SW Donegal road network continues to improve. But first, a rest day.

    Mon 18 May

    No running.

    Tue 19 May

    12k with 4 x 1k @ M effort.

    Drove down to Bruckless and parked at the petrol station, a handy point to begin a tour of Benroe, the headland that forms one side of Killybegs Harbour. It’s a curious place, dotted with swanky McMansions on the Killybegs side and many derelict cottages on the more rural eastern side. Came across some road workers, happy to back at work and definitely not two metres apart. Cheery waves all round nevertheless, as I crossed to the far side of the road. The run began with steep climb over a dirt road I’d seen on Google Maps, allowing me to make a complete circuit. Once on relatively level ground I alternated 4 x 1k reps at marathon effort with recovery periods, inadvertently straying a good way beyond the 5k limit as I wandered down to the lighthouse at the wonderfully named Rotten Island.

    Wed 20 May

    11.5k recovery

    Back on the local loop for the first time in a while. Some strides near the end.

    Thu 21 May

    10/10/8 mins @ LT

    Tempo Thursday beckoned. Found this one on the watch - think it’s a JD session - and just went with it. A bit of a warmup and then into it, trying to hit the upper end of Zone 3, i.e. LT pace, or just below. Found this tough enough, but tried to relax into the discomfort and embrace the effort during each rep. Had to stop a couple of times for passing vehicles, unfortunately. Roads are so much busier than a few weeks ago. Good session on rolling hills, finishing on the way up one for my trouble.

    This week: 35 kms (22 miles)
    This year: 1,290 (802)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,186 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Are you enjoying life in the NW?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    MY BAD wrote: »
    Are you enjoying life in the NW?

    Ah yes, been coming here a long time but getting to know the area even better, especially the local roads, has been a pleasure. Not the worst place to wait out a pandemic! My mother is from Sligo so have been coming to the general NW region all my life, although Donegal is a law unto itself. ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Fri 22 May

    Rest. Listened to Science of Sport podcast on aul lad running/physiology. Recommended for anyone over 40. ;)

    Sat 23 May

    11k easy.

    Didn’t fancy this at all. Still windy heading out, late, with no direction in mind. Wind at my back for 5k so I looked around through some forest-protected roads to minimize the return headwind. This worked well and I started to feel good. ‘Shortcut’ through the woods then resulted in me getting sort of lost, but within 400m of the house. Bizarre! Made it home before dark, only slightly scratched by briars and stray branches.

    Sun 24 May

    Long: 21.8k @ zone 2

    Absolutely glorious long run on some new territory,
    exploring the western half of the radius. The sun was beaming and at times you would imagine you were in Tuscany or somesuch exotic location. Stretched it out a mile or two more than necessary, as it felt so good to be out and about. Zone 2 HR all the way, picking up a little close to the end.

    No yoga this week. Oops!

    This week: 68 kms (42 miles)
    This year: 1,323 (822)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    "Listened to Science of Sport podcast on aul lad running/physiology. Recommended for anyone over 40.."

    Is that the Ross Tucker one ?, If it is there is some other good stuff in there...

    Ill give it a go, anything for get away from Eamon Dunphy for a bit :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    MisterDrak wrote: »
    "Listened to Science of Sport podcast on aul lad running/physiology. Recommended for anyone over 40.."

    Is that the Ross Tucker one ?, If it is there is some other good stuff in there...

    Ill give it a go, anything for get away from Eamon Dunphy for a bit :)

    Cheers, D. Yes, Ross Tucker. I’m a sucker for evidence-based stuff. :pac:

    Haven’t listened to the Dunph for a good while but the contrarian in me has a lot of time for him.

    Mind you this is all non-running related as I haven’t listened to anything but nature (while running) for years.

    Course selected for the weekend yet?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Murph_D wrote: »

    Course selected for the weekend yet?

    I'm going to go with the 1 mile wade avenue lap, which is well slower than St Annes Avenue, but i don't want to chance the ire of the TT forum due to the small drop in elevation.

    Anyway, just happy to be getting out at this stage...

    Some lovely pics from your strava lately :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 11

    This week - another time trial, the fifth in recent months. First one in Dublin!

    Mon 25 May

    8.5k easy

    An essential trip to the mother in law. I got dropped off on the way (still within the 5k) and continued on to the destination, along an idyllic route adjacent to the long defunct Donegal-Killybegs railway line. It would make a fine greenway if most traces of the line were not already gone! Loved this run anyway - just ticking over, a little tired but getting in the few miles.

    Tue 26 May

    2x400, 2x200

    A light race-week session I’ve done a few times, originally suggested by one of the coaches during my Cru days. Possibly a little too light given the lack of recent intensity compared to a real goal-oriented training block, but as I’ve been feeling a bit tired lately it seemed appropriate. A jog around the local loop to the flattish Killaghtee session, then eased into the reps. Did not enjoy them. Form not great. Times slow.

    Splits (approx):
    1:31 1:31
    0:45 0:42

    Wed 27 May

    8k easy

    A dawn run to the neighbouring townland of Meenabrock. Hares, cuckoos, early birdsong. Serene and warm in that humid but manageable early morning way.

    Thu 28 May

    Rest. Busy with some more chores around the place, easier to stick to them and not run.

    Fri 29 May

    5k @ recovery

    Drove back to Dublin, then eventually got out to the seafront to stretch the legs. Packed with people, a genuine shock after three months in the hills. Apparently everyone in the city has already gotten over this breakdown of distancing, but it was a genuine discomfort purely based on recent experiences of less congested places.

    Sat 30 May

    Time Trial - 1 mile (5:52)

    This week’s Boards TT doubles as the club’s Lockdown League Round 3, so twice the value. How to approach it? Without much sleep, for one. But ‘it’s only a mile’ so let’s just get out and do it before breakfast. Less than six minutes, no need to overthink it. I’d chosen the ‘fair’ St. Anne’s avenue course, an out and back starting halfway down the main avenue, looping around by the playground and back to the start. The alternative was the adjacent Road Relay Wade Ave loop but I preferred the tarmac surface of the park, hoping for a little bit of bounce.

    What a morning, warm but fresh as I parked on Watermill Road and included the planned course in the warmup so I could get a sense of the 400m points and the the 200-to-go mark. Having completed the reccie, still a few minutes before 6:30 am, I waited a moment for some early walkers to disappear out of sight and lined up, once again in the front row. ;)

    Loaded the pre-programmed 1-mile workout and hit the start button. Realise immediately I’d not reset the autolap to 400m so would not have those splits to guide me. Quickly decided that was OK - adjust, try to feel it out. This was the third mile TT in recent weeks (it’s a bit of a Raheny specialty) so the body is fairly accustomed. No panic - out sharply, hard but not too hard. In no time I’m past the 400m pothole and barrelling towards the bottom of the Ave, around by the mound that is all that’s left of the old estate house, towards the playground and the halfway point. It’s uncomfortable and like the last run, the form feels terrible - jerky and clunky but just about manageable. I’m fairly gasping for air in the early morning haze, but remind myself that I’m OK and try to relax. The surface feels bumpy. Looping back towards the avenue the 1k beep suggests it’s time to really dig in. I’ve no idea of the pace, but it feels honest. I know I sometimes step off the accelator at this point, so try to refocus and shorten the stride and inject some pace. The finish point is soon in sight but impossibly far away up the long, straight, slightly uphill drag. The same pothole lets me know there’s 400 to go, and further up another landmark signals 200m to the finish and time to really empty the tank. However by now I’m fighting off the dry heaves that confirm the effort is hard, and try to limit the damage. At last, the countdown beeps start to sound - only seconds remaining so try to pick it up even more and run strongly through the virutal line. I take a moment on the grass. After about 20 secs I can manage a kneeling postion, finally taking a look at the watch. Satisfied with the 5:52 number looking back at me. Two seconds under the prediction, so the effort, in the end, was appropriate.

    The aftermath was a satisfied jog back around the parkrun loop, finishing off with a lap of the Dublin Masters cross country course. Log!

    About 8k total, and the sun not yet over the trees.

    Sun 31 May

    Long: 17.3k @ zone 2

    Met up with M and C for a ‘distanced run’ along the busy seafront and then Dollymount beach, keeping to the sandy trails along by the golf course for the outward part, then back along the strand. Passed a few clubmates and other acquaintances. Good to see the Gardai still preventing cars from driving over the wooden bridge. Enjoyed the company - a long time since I’d enjoyed a chatty run. Plenty of talk re yesterday’s TT.

    Mileage a little under target this week, but still 25 ahead of schedule for the year to date.

    This week: 57 kms (36 miles)
    This year: 1,380 (858)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 12

    Last week before the M block. Rediscovering the capital.

    Mon 1 Jun

    11.3k easy

    A was meeting a friend in the Phoenix Park so I dropped her there and headed on a loop of the perimeter. I strayed outside my 5k zone in the process, competely forgetting that I shouldn’t be beyond the Polo Grounds or the Islandbridge Gate. Oops. Such has been the shock of being back in the capital. The Park was busy with many sunbathers. Sizeable queue at the Hole in the Wall pub as people lined up to buy drinks. Stuck mainly to the trails, discovering one or two new ones around the Chapelizod Gate area. Great to be back in the Park. If only they’d go the whole hog and close it off completely to cars.

    Tue 2 Jun

    10k easy

    A run through the Docklands and City Centre. Not exactly a ghost town.

    Wed 3 Jun

    8.8k easy

    More easy running around the D9 and D3 area.

    Thu 4 Jun

    Tempo - 10, 10, 8 mins (3 mins a/r)

    Kind of half-hearted attempt at a session. The ‘tempo’ part didn’t really get beyond marathon pace, or into the tougher end of Zone 3. Almost time to knock the covid beers on the head! Total 13.4k - extended by a couple of kms as I forgot my key and ended up locked out, running around the neighbourhood in search of the missus.

    Fri 5 Jun


    Sat 6 Jun

    11.9k easy/steady

    Hooked up with Ferris for a lap of St. Anne’s and then a ‘freedom’ parkrun at steady pace. Very enjoyable, with coffee to follow.

    Sun 7 Jun

    Long: 20.3k @ zone 2

    A running date with denis b. We headed across the East Link, then the Dodder to Clonskeagh and looped back through town, admiring some sights along the way. This included a new park for me, the lovely Ranelagh Gardens, site of the first manned flight in Ireland, when Richard Crosbie piloted a hot air balloon all the way to Clontarf in 1875. You always learn something when you run with Denis B!

    Good week - 47 miles, most of them easy and restorative. Three days off now to start the Hanson schedule.

    This week: 76 kms (47 miles)
    This year: 1,456 (905)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Which Hanson schedule? The main 6 day? I notice you have been doing your tempos on thursday at sort of MP, in prep for the plan? How do you feel about your base starting the plan? How will you approach the workouts and "long" runs? Sorry about all the questions, genuinely interested in your approach and any change since you last used Hansons. Chicago still the target? Would you travel to the states as the election heats up?

    I'm about 3 weeks behind you. 2 more good base weeks then a week down before I start the plan.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Which Hanson schedule? The main 6 day? I notice you have been doing your tempos on thursday at sort of MP, in prep for the plan? How do you feel about your base starting the plan? How will you approach the workouts and "long" runs? Sorry about all the questions, genuinely interested in your approach and any change since you last used Hansons. Chicago still the target? Would you travel to the states as the election heats up?

    I'm about 3 weeks behind you. 2 more good base weeks then a week down before I start the plan.

    Cheers, M. Yes, doing the main 6 day advanced plan.

    I've never done the full Marathon version of the plan (full HM only) so the aim will be to stick to the 'by the book' version. That also means trying to do the recommended S&C work also - something I've always skimped on (and this year to date hasn't been much different).

    Yes, as you spotted, I've been trying a few miles at M effort on recent Thursdays with half an eye on what's to come. I'm happy with the base - averaging 40 miles/week so far this year which for me is a few more than I've usually had under the belt going into the cycle.

    Re workouts and long runs, will be sticking to the speed/strength paces suggested by 5k time - don't have a recent flat 5k to go on but TT times (allowing for some upward potential in a real race) suggests around 20 mins. M target will be around 3:20, probably starting out a little slower than that and hoping to drift towards it (PB is 3:22 from 2017, endurance was probably a bit better back then).

    Would I travel to Chicago if the race goes ahead? It's a good question, and one I'm thinking about. I'm not that worried about the pre-election atmosphere, it would be more the covid situation. I think the US has opened up too soon and things could go backwards, but we will see.

    To be honest, I'm expecting the race will be cancelled. If that happens, a virtual marathon might be the only option.

    Thanks for asking, you're already making me think about it more.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Hanson ‘Chicago’ Week 1

    I place ‘Chicago’ in quotes as I expect it will be cancelled. In fact there was an official email this week suggesting this is a matter of time, with the organisers preparing ‘for both eventualities’. Still, the show must go on, in one way or another.

    Mon 8 Jun

    One of the quirks of Hanson is that the plan starts with three days off. I used the down time rereading some of the book, in particular the parts about supplemental training, nutrition, hydration and sleep. If there are four controllables I can try to improve, these four will do just fine.

    Tue 9 Jun

    S&C 10 mins.

    I’ll start small. As well as pre-and post run stretching, the book prescribes a basic strength and conditioning regime, recommending (if like me, you’ve been doing little or nothing) that you start with the bodyweight exercises and introducing some resistance (weights) after several weeks. So I did the six basic exercises: stomach crunch, back extension, superman, squat, bridge, side plank, favouring the gentler end of the prescribed range of repetitions. Might try to do these with the kids in future, 2-3 times a week, to help with motivation and make it a bit more fun. Maybe. ;)

    So up and running, minus the running!
