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Irrate Eir Out of contract customer!!

  • 03-03-2020 12:24pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Hi Folks,
    This thread is for anyone contemplating moving to Eir for their mobile phone services. In Ireland there seems to be a perception that companies seem more interested in chasing the customers they don't have at the expense of the customer they do. Never have I felt this was so true than during a call with Eir's customer loyalty team yesterday. I am very recently out of contract with Eir's bill pay mobile phone service. I had previously rang the same team prior to my contract finishing and they made me an offer I was quiet happy with and the whole call experience was pleasant. 3 weeks later I rang to avail of the offer and an agent called Megan told me that this offer was no longer available to me and considerably more expensive offer was offered. My mobile call, text and data use is normally very low and the plan i was on was an unlimited plan which was a bit overkill for my usage. Like any informed customer I looked into other options with other providers and I got an offer from Vodafone which was cheaper than Eir's new offer. I have never had any issue with Eir's service and would prefer to stick with the devil I know. Yesterday I rang the loyalty team again as my previous call with Megan was dropped and I did not have time to ring them back. I got another agent called Ciara and while she was a bit unsure about my details and previous offers from Eir she was at all times polite and even when the call dropped again she was very quick to call me back. Again she went through the upgrade offers available to me and when I advised of Vodafone's offer she asked if I was ok to go on hold for what I thought was a conversation with someone senior. When I was taken off hold I was again met with the agent called Megan. I found her tone was confrontational straight away and before I could even comment I was told "This was a final offer and was there anything else she could help me with" in the most aggressive manner. The difference between the offer from Eir and the vodafone offer was 40 Euro. When I advised that this was under 50 cent a week over the 2 yr contract period and when I asked was Eir happy to loose my custom for same she responded with yes and again asked was "was there anything else they could help me with". I said no and she hung up. I would consider my tone at all times during my dealings with Eir as pleasant but found the way my calls were handled by this particular agent as both confrontational and at all times rude and there is no way this person should be in customer care/loyalty teams. I hope nobody else has the misfortune of dealing with her!


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,031 ✭✭✭Slippin Jimmy

    So you are unhappy with the agent and the offer? If it bothers you so much you should make a complaint to Eir. This will probably fall on deaf ears being very honest. Regarding the offer, just port over to the new network.
