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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,203 ✭✭✭carrollsno1

    Aye thats the biggest fear here now too, especially coming into the winter with more socialising indoors etc.

    Better living everyone

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,142 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    If you're immunocompromised, your abiity to make COVID antibodies is much reduced so the vaccine is less effective,

    It's the reason that they're considering a third vaccine for the immunocompromised

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,779 ✭✭✭paddysdream

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,564 ✭✭✭✭_Brian

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,142 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    There'll be a lot of similar cases from now on,

    People are mixing more now and taking less precautions,

    As reflected in the figures we are now at a higher risk of being infected than in teh last 18mths

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭yosemitesam1

    Will being vaccinated just make you more likely to be an asymptomatic carrier? At least if you've symptoms you'll know to avoid them.

    Keep the chin up anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,142 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    Apparentley you're infectious two days before you show symptoms

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,022 ✭✭✭Hard Knocks

    A work mate who got it (was double AZ vaccinated) told me he went to a garden party on a Friday (where all there were double vaccinated) he wasn’t feeling well on Tuesday and got tested on the Wednesday

    He was passing the virus to anyone he met from the moment he got it, said it was very hard ringing round but was thankful nobody had got it off him

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,779 ✭✭✭paddysdream

    Transplant patient is slightly more than having an underlying condition in my opinion.

    To me that phrase would mean blood pressure ,slight heart problems or perhaps type 2 diabetes .

    Local enough person died here this year of covid according to local paper .Younger than the person mentioned above .Usual stuff of how it could happen to anyone etc etc .What no one seemed to mention was that they were in the final stages of cancer.

    It is perhaps me but at this stage have still to know of even one person who has died of covid that would have lived for even another year or two .

    Any I am aware of were either elderly long term residental care pstients or terminally ill .

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,195 ✭✭✭✭mahoney_j

    I’ve an absolute gut full (like most I’d say)of Covid at this stage …I’m still taking all the precautions I’ve took for last year and a half and will continue with them ….going out anywhere is a pain in the hole ,prebioking ,qr codes ,gobshites creating hassle with restaurant staff etc ,spreading all sorts of crap on line ,people who don’t respect people’s choice wether there vaccinated or not

    the double standards and spoofing by the govt ,tony houlihan and nephet and there constant negativity and overstepping of what there meant to be doing …it’s the govts job to run the country .looking across Europe it’s hard not be frustrated …there living with Covid whereas we are farting around with total disregard for parts of the economy

    rant over !!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,564 ✭✭✭✭_Brian

    OH works in hospital.

    they’ve had many patients die who should have had many many years of life left, how many is enough for you to consider a person worthwhile?? Is it 2 or 5 or 10, if it were your parent or sister would that change how you feel ??

    I suppose the question is are you suggesting that transplant recipients don’t matter ?? Sister in law is one, I feel they are perhaps in worse position now than before as with delta circulation it’s more transmissible, and with it even fully vaccinated they are at significant risk.

    don’t want to say much about the person I commented on other than he would have been expected to have a long life ahead of him, but covid seems to have cut that short.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,142 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    I feel that if I end up in an already overloaded hospital ward with it , I've done my best to avoid it,

    I'd be ashamed to be there if I wasn't vaccinated.

    The majorityof covid cases in hospital aren't vaccinated and over 50% of those in hospital that are vaccinated have underlying conditions

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,195 ✭✭✭✭mahoney_j

    The I’d be ashamed to be in hospital if I wasn’t vaccinated is interesting …..there’s a big risk now from people who are vaccinated that just carry on as normal ditch the precautions etc these people are a huge risk both to compromised people health wise and those who for whatever reason aren’t nor will be vaccinated

    this segregating and looking down on people who aren’t vaccinated for whatever personal reason is a bug bear of mine the govt and nephet are driving it ,a 2 tier society .I’ve no time for the hard core anti vaxers throwing all sort of stuff out there ,giving hotels ,guards etc grief …the lack of a role out of antigen testing by now is a disgrace ,I know a guy who was in Germany 2 weeks a go …they can be got for 2 euros ,u get a result if negative u have your pass for x time and off I go knowing your not shedding Covid ….a fully vaxed person out and about can and will shed it unknowingly

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,564 ✭✭✭✭_Brian

    I just see it like the smoking legislation.

    You choose to smoke ?, fine, stay outside and smoke where your not endangering the lives of others.

    you don’t want a vaccine?, fine, stay outside where your not endangering the lives of others.

    choices have repercussions, they always have.

    mask wearing and social distancing needs to be strengthened as we move into traditional cold/flu season with an even more transmissible virus.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,142 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    As you said earlier that acroos the world people are living with the virus and carying on as normal, i see that as being no problem.

    Todays paper claims that covid patients are hogging ICU beds for up to thirty days, surely we should be doing everything we can to avoid that and let the hospitals finally treat those on waiting lists.

    Again I say I don't care what anyone does as long as they don't clog up hospitals or funeral homes

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,195 ✭✭✭✭mahoney_j

    Disagree if u smoke def go outside but once done u can go back in ,with Covid if u have a vacine or negative test what’s the difference ….I’d be more comfortable with a person with negative test than a person vaccinated

    we live in a democracy you can’t just divide people up ….it’s a massive falling that no antigen testing is yet rolled out..going forward testing has to be a more forward thinking way of containing this

    our healthcare system is a shambles and I pity the staff who have to work in it .years and years of mismanagement have let them and us down ….nothing appears to be changing …look at children’s hospital and maternity hospital

    agree on mask wearing etc,def a drop of in that …complacency is setting in ….double vaxed people (some not all)think they can just drive on now and forget about a few guidelines ….they can snd are still getting and spreading it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,779 ✭✭✭paddysdream

    Well perhaps I might have phrased it better but the point still stands .Things like saying a person has an "underlying condition" is a real catch all and at times gives the impression that they were in the whole of their health while the reality could be very different .Have obv. no idea re the case you mention .

    I have two siblings and an in law working in hospitals .All with 20 years plus done and yes they are medical staff not admin. etc.Have heard no mention from them of otherwise healthy people succumbing to covid .

    And yes have a parent with an "underlying condition ".Aged 80 ,had a quadruple bypass about 10 years ago ,had multiple stints inserted since ,has type 2 diabetes for a long number of years ,MRSA ,a predisposition to severe kidney infections every 3/4 months which necessitate hospital stay along with gereatric dementia .Oh and suffers from leg ulcers big time .And had a minor cancer scare many years ago . That enough ?

    Edited as I had actually forgotten about their hip replacement a few years ago and although the heart consultant has eventually given the go ahead for them to get their other hip done they have decided not to bother .

    We feel that a certain quality of life is essential for them so since March 2020 we have never once stopped visiting them (they live with one sibling and their family at home ).Easy enough for most of us as we have built here at home but a couple of siblings live 60/80 miles away .We have never stopped anyone of their friends/neighbours calling in at any stage ,masks optional .

    They got covid allright but in hospital .Last November I think from memory .Tested negative on admission and then a patient tested positive in the ward a few days later .Tested negative again but positive before discharge so had to go to stepdown facility for 2 weeks .That was from Infection Control as they said no going home until "danger " had passed .

    That was no life for anyone ;alone in a room with one visitor allowed a day to talk (shout) to them through a closed window .Staff telling us to wear a mask standing outside in the rain whilst shouting through a window to an elderly person who was confused enough without all that .

    So at this stage have enough of this "another two weeks ;protect the health service ;anyone and everyone is at risk etc etc etc " sh1te .

    Attended a funeral last year where the husband sat in the car in the graveyard at his wife's burial .He couldn't even go to the church as a person at the wake/house was covid positive .That sort of stuff is very hard to defend so forgive me if I think its time to move on .Any person who thinks like that is an appropiate response has bigger issues like a complete lack of empathy in my view .

    At this stage the only impact this has on me/my family is shoving on a mask when going into the supermarket/bank etc .Couldn't tell you the last time I used those hand sanitisers at this stage .Our local pub has stools back at bar ,no looking for covid passport ,taking details ,no masks etc ,basically back to February 2020 conditions .

    Maybe all that is selfish but from what I see and read people seems to think its everyone's else's job to protect them .How about a little bit of look after yourself if you feel in danger .

    Post edited by paddysdream on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭yosemitesam1

    How many patients have died in normal years that had many years of life potentially left in them?

    A lot of healthy old people are just one good dose from being tipped over the edge.

    It's nothing new, how often has an older person ended up in hospital after a fall or similar only to catch a bog standard respiratory infection while in hospital and leave in a box.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,779 ✭✭✭paddysdream

    We as a family would not under any circumstances subject our parent to a life of being locked away like a prisoner in their last few years with us.

    I understand everyone has a different perspective on life but thats ours and its not for changing .Better 2 or 3 years of a somewhat normal existance for them than an extra year or two living like a recluse

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,040 ✭✭✭Neddyusa

    Fair play - others might feel different - but in my view, you are dead right not to leave your elderly parent socially isolated!

    There are so many elderly that have been deprived of regular contact with neighbors, friends, grandchildren, family. These social interactions are all that many of that age have to live for. Depriving them of such in their final years is not "saving them"

    All along I've said its the 15-25 year olds and the elderly who have suffered most from the restrictions of the last 18 months. And that continues to be the case.

    Post edited by Neddyusa on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,122 ✭✭✭davidk1394

    I got the second jab of moderna yesterday. Fine going to bed, woke up at 2.30 am sweating, shivering and pains in all my joints. Had enough energy to milk and that was literally it. Sleeping all day, I hope I'm better tomorrow because I have a heap of baling to do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,564 ✭✭✭✭_Brian

    Smoking is just one example but it’s the same principle, you can’t smoke on a plane, boat or in a pub because of the choice you’ve made. Nobody is taking that choice of you, but it has consequences.

    I expect to see life insurance companies moving on this soon too.

    we’re not dividing people, they are making the choice, if they don’t like the consequences then they have the option to get the vaccine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,195 ✭✭✭✭mahoney_j

    You can’t smoke indoors fair point but u don’t end up excluded as currently you are if unvaccinated .u carry on as normal once your done smoking u can go back indoors carry on as normal with everyone else ….antigen testing could and should be in place by now as is across a lot of Europe ….if your positive then yes you have no place in doors or mixing with others …vaccinated people can and will get and transmit any half reasonable person that would test positive would isolate and restrict movement etc ….some won’t granted and not making excuses for them

    but after 1.5 years of mixed messages ,double standards ,power trips etc etc from govt and nephet people are fed up

    anyway looks like the segregation will be done in a month hopefully an antigen testing programme is in place along side the vacines ….on the boosters outside of vulnerable people and healthcare vacines should be redirected to countries that havnt been as fortunate as us as regards access to them

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,779 ✭✭✭paddysdream

    That's a slightly unfair analogy .From what little I understand you can still get covid and transmit it even if you are fully vaccinated .All the vaccine does is reduce the slight chance you have of kicking the bucket from it .So in that sense it really makes no odds as you personally cannot be certain to get or give covid whether you are vaccinated or not .

    I am vaccinated so that's not my issue ,rather the hysteria I read on here and other places in the media .In real life most people seem to have moved on with things .Masks seem to be still a thing more as a reminder of covid presence than an actual effective prevention as easily 50% of people seem to have forgotten all the stuff from last year about handling/touching their mask ,having it cover both mouth and nose etc .The amount of people ,myself included ,who usually wear them on the chin or at most just covering their mouth and pull it aside to talk to a person or answer the phone in a shop is pretty large from personal observation .

    As regards the life insurance thing ;well imagine anyone at risk from dying of covid would be facing a fairly hefty premium anyways if looking for life cover for the first time .

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭yosemitesam1

    There's nothing to back up any of what you're saying.

    Vaccinated peoe are getting and passing on covid in significant numbers.

    Life insurance is all about risk. The risk of covid killing anyone but the elderly is so low that there's not going to be any measurable difference in risk for 85% of the population under 65.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,142 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    They were discussing teh electric Picnic on the radio this morniing based on what holohan said.

    It seems legally they can't differentiate between vaccinated and unvaccinated going to it so probably won't go ahead.

    Those vaccinated won't be happy with the unvaccinated ifthey're the cause of it being called off

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,142 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    It's everyone for themselves now, no point in being vaccinated if restrictions still apply

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭yosemitesam1

    Look at the way he's speaking lately. They're very careful to not talk about how a large amount of spread is in the vaccinated but instead say the unvaccinated should avoid crowds of vaccinated people to keep themselves safe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,327 ✭✭✭Suckler

    Has it been shown that the large amount of spread is in the vaccinated?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,073 ✭✭✭minerleague

    Could someone explain how unvaccinated are " endangering the lives of others ". I always thought vaccination just helps person getting vaccine to prepare their body by generating antibodies in response to limited version of virus.
