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The plague and astronomy

  • 14-03-2020 11:58am
    Registered Users Posts: 462 ✭✭

    A great deal has been written recently about Newton and the plague where he came to the 'scientific method' but passed it off as the 'universal theory of gravitation' based on Kepler. So now that everyone is ensconced during the current plague, we can undo the damage of late 17th century version. Of course, in a forum with little or no traffic, the dull and dreary will want to suffocate technical discussions while others may engage. In this case put me on the ignore list instead of crying to the forum's bouncers otherwise known as moderators.

    Kepler wrote no laws and his opinion on the period of time it took a planet to orbit the Sun as a correlation to its distance from the Sun requires two planets rather than the behavior of a single planet -

    "But it is absolutely certain and exact that the ratio which exists between the periodic times of any two planets is precisely the ratio of the 3/2th power of the mean distances... and so if any one take the period, say, of the Earth, which is one year, and the period of Saturn, which is thirty years, and extract the cube roots of this ratio and then square the ensuing ratio by squaring the cube roots, he will have as his numerical products the most just ratio of the distances of the Earth and Saturn from the sun. 1 For the cube root of 1 is 1, and the square of it is 1; and the cube root of 30 is greater than 3, and therefore the square of it is greater than 9. And Saturn, at its mean distance from the sun, is slightly higher than nine times the mean distance of the Earth from the sun." Kepler

    The concise statement of this is -

    "The proportion existing between the periodic times of any two planets is exactly the sesquiplicate proportion of the mean distances of the orbits, or as generally given,the squares of the periodic times are proportional to the cubes of the mean distances." Kepler

    Newton vandalizes the whole thing -

    " That the fixed stars being at rest, the periodic times of the five primary planets, and (whether of the sun about the earth, or) of the earth about the sun, are in the sesquiplicate proportion of their mean distances from the sun." Newton

    There is no astronomical principle which equates the apparent motion of the Sun around the Earth with the actual motion of the Earth around the Sun. There is a principle that the Sun's motion through the constellations equates to the actual motion of the Earth through the same constellations -

    "Here take notice, that the Sun or the Earth passes the twelve constellations
    or makes an entire revolution in the ecliptic in 365 days, 5 hours 49
    min. or there about, and that those days, reckon'd from noon to noon,
    are of different lenghts; as is known to all that are versed in
    Astronomy." Huygens

    The physical plague which visited England in the 17th century passed but the intellectual plague which began then has not let up until now.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭ps200306

    oriel36 wrote: »
    Kepler wrote no laws...
    Wrong. Inasmuch as a physical law is the assertion that Nature follows certain regularities, you provided the quote yourself -- "But it is absolutely certain and exact that the ratio which exists ..." etc. Kepler's Laws appeared in Harmonices Mundi (1619) and Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae (1621).

    oriel36 wrote: »

    The concise statement of this is -

    "The proportion existing between the periodic times of any two planets is exactly the sesquiplicate proportion of the mean distances of the orbits, or as generally given,the squares of the periodic times are proportional to the cubes of the mean distances." Kepler

    Newton vandalizes the whole thing -

    " That the fixed stars being at rest, the periodic times of the five primary planets, and (whether of the sun about the earth, or) of the earth about the sun, are in the sesquiplicate proportion of their mean distances from the sun." Newton
    Wrong. There is no vandalization. The two statements are exactly equivalent, as demonstrated the last time you trotted out this nonsense. We can start with one and rearrange to get the other as follows:


    oriel36 wrote: »
    There is no astronomical principle which equates the apparent motion of the Sun around the Earth with the actual motion of the Earth around the Sun. There is a principle that the Sun's motion through the constellations equates to the actual motion of the Earth through the same constellations...
    Wrong. If we're going to split hairs then neither the Sun nor the Earth move through the constellations. That is merely the two-dimensional projection of one particular perspective or another. If we are not going to be so pernickety then the timing of the Sun going round the Earth and vice versa are the same. This is seen, for example, in the ephemerides of the Alfonsine tables (13th c., based on the Ptolemaic model) and the Prutenic tables (16th c., based on the Copernican). In fact the former is more accurate and the two coexisted for more than a century until both were superseded by Kepler's Rudolfine tables.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,299 ✭✭✭✭endacl

    oriel36 wrote: »
    The physical plague which visited England in the 17th century passed but the intellectual plague which began then has not let up until now.
    You should self-isolate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 462 ✭✭oriel36

    ps200306 wrote: »
    Wrong. Inasmuch as a physical law is the assertion that Nature follows certain regularities, you provided the quote yourself -- "But it is absolutely certain and exact that the ratio which exists ..." etc. Kepler's Laws appeared in Harmonices Mundi (1619) and Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae (1621).

    The statement of Kepler was cut short for brevity but then again I forget that contributors are willing to sacrifice their own lives for the late 17th century icon. The full statement demonstrates that Kepler's loose correlation between orbital periods and distance from the Sun equalises any variations in orbital geometries and not explains individual orbital motions -

    "But it is absolutely certain and exact that the ratio which exists
    between the periodic times of any two planets is precisely the ratio
    of the 3/2th power of the mean distances, i.e., of the spheres
    themselves; provided, however, that the arithmetic mean between both
    diameters of the elliptic orbit be slightly less than the longer
    diameter." Kepler

    So here we are in the time of plague and people are acting as though they are stricken with an intellectual disease in order to protect a scheme that never worked and hinders people from appreciating 21st century astronomy.

    People will need astronomy now, they can go outside and consider Venus swinging in presently between our slower moving planet and the central Sun that is out of sight. During this time, the real satisfying things become important and so long as the forum bouncer doesn't intervene, genuine people can appreciate what is in front of them.

    So nobody wants to make use of contemporary time lapse and nobody wants t know the technical details of heliocentricity, geocentricity or even RA/Dec modeling. As far as I can see is a non working forum where the only contributions are whining apart from your own contributions. Nobody is required to read or respond but for those who do will learn something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭ps200306

    oriel36 wrote: »
    The full statement demonstrates that Kepler's loose correlation between orbital periods and distance from the Sun equalises any variations in orbital geometries and not explains individual orbital motions
    It does nothing of the sort. There are many "laws" of nature which we know to be approximations. Kepler's third law is one of them. What's more we know how to make it exact in the Newtonian limit. So we take Newton's version of the law (which I note you didn't even try to dispute was mathematically identical):


    Here, r is the semi-major axis which is Kepler's "arithmetic mean between both diameters of the elliptic orbit". And the constant of proportionality is as follows:


    where G is the gravitational constant and M the mass of the Sun. But of course the force depends on the mass of the planet too, which cannot be ignored if the planetary mass is not negligible compared to the Sun's, and especially if the planet approaches very close to the Sun. In that case we must use the sum of the Sun and planet masses:


    Our so-called "constant" is now planet-specific, but the difference between Jupiter and Mercury is less than 0.1%.

    It's not clear to me how Kepler would have known that the orbit must not be too elliptical. Maybe he was hedging his bets. In any event, he was correct. Also, his third law as he framed it suffices for the planets in our actual solar system and we know how to improve on it when required, thanks to Newton. The Newtonian solution itself is only a weak field approximation to General Relativity, though I fear you will be triggered into total meltdown by the mention of that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 462 ✭✭oriel36

    ps200306 wrote: »
    Wrong. If we're going to split hairs then neither the Sun nor the Earth move through the constellations. That is merely the two-dimensional projection of one particular perspective or another. If we are not going to be so pernickety then the timing of the Sun going round the Earth and vice versa are the same.

    The axiom for the Earth's orbital motion around the Sun is based on the observation that the Sun's complete an orbit of the constellations in the same period. This is how the original geocentric astronomers understood and inherited as a framework by the first heliocentric astronomers -

    "Of all things visible, the highest is the heaven of the fixed stars. This, I see, is doubted by nobody. But the ancient philosophers wanted to arrange the planets in accordance with the duration of the revolutions. Their principle assumes that of objects moving equally fast, those farther away seem to travel more slowly, as is proved in Euclid’s Optics. The moon revolves in the shortest period of time because, in their opinion, it runs on the smallest circle as the nearest to the earth. The highest planet, on the other hand, is Saturn, which completes the biggest circuit in the longest time. Below it is Jupiter, followed by Mars.With regard to Venus and Mercury, however, differences of opinion are found. For, these planets do not pass through every elongation from the sun, as the other planets do. Hence Venus and Mercury are located above the sun by some authorities, like Plato’s Timaeus (38 D), but below the sun by others, like Ptolemy (Syntaxis, IX, 1) and many of the modems. Al-Bitruji places Venus above the sun, and Mercury below it." Copernicus, De Revolutionibus

    The axiom that the Earth rotates once each day is based on the Sun's apparent motion from horizon (sunrise) to horizon (sunset) with noon as an anchor.

    I know you are out of your depth but as your objections are strictly empirical and not astronomical hence the misplaced notion that the Earth around the Sun has an equivalent observation of the Sun around the Earth.

    I will make it easy for you and everyone else. Kepler used the motion of Mars over 16 years to assign variations with each orbital pass of the Earth -

    "Copernicus, by attributing a single annual motion to the earth,entirely rids the planets of these extremely intricate coils,leading the individual planets into their respective orbits,quite bare and very nearly circular. In the period of time shown in the diagram, Mars traverses one and the same orbit as many times as the 'garlands' you see looped towards the center, with one extra, making nine times, while at the same time the Earth repeats its circle sixteen times " Kepler Astronomia Nova 1609

    The 17th century dummy thinks if you plonk the Sun at the centre then direct/retrogrades disappear hence his idiosyncratic absolute/relative space and motion -

    "For to the earth planetary motions appear sometimes direct, sometimes stationary, nay, and sometimes retrograde. But from the sun they are always seen direct,..." Newton

    The coronavirus plague will pass but there is the Royal Society plague in the education system that needs attending to. Any person who wants to consider themselves an astronomer and actually promote astronomy in this era when people need it do not have to deal with the astrophysical crap of the 'clockwork solar system' and its 20th century variants. Those who live to support the late 17th century mathematicians are dead to astronomy and its principles which still exist behind the rubbish that obscures it. Learn from Rouse Ball if you can't understand the lessons from the first heliocentric astronomers and me -

    "The demonstrations throughout the book [Principia] are geometrical, but to readers of ordinary ability are rendered unnecessarily difficult by the absence of illustrations and explanations, and by the fact that no clue is given to the method by which Newton arrived at his results. The reason why it was presented in a geometrical form appears to have been that the infinitesimal calculus was then unknown, and, had Newton used it to demonstrate results which were in themselves opposed to the prevalent philosophy of the time, the controversy as to the truth of his results would have been hampered by a dispute concerning the validity of the methods used in proving them. He therefore cast the whole reasoning into a geometrical shape" Rouse Ball 1908

    None of you speak the language of geometry and that is why Rouse Ball and all the bluffers who show up to support Newton can't handle modern imaging, time lapse and so on.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭Popoutman

    oriel36 wrote: »
    <various uneducated drivel cropped> order to protect a scheme that never worked and hinders people from appreciating 21st century astronomy.
    Care to explain in an ELI5 manner, using only the thousand most used words, and less than 2 paragraphs exactly what you think you mean by that? Please be concise and not as meandering as usual. Maybe you might have something worth reading, but I really doubt it based on past performance.
    oriel36 wrote: »
    (more irrelevant drivel cropped out for sanity and brevity sake)
    ...contemporary time lapse and nobody wants t know the technical details of heliocentricity, geocentricity or even RA/Dec modeling.
    I would refer you to the wonderful software packages of Cartes di Ciel, Stellarium, or even the fantastic smartphone app SkySafariPro where you can place your viewpoint pretty much anywhere and anywhen you like, and you can see all the accurate and valid modelling you want. However, it's probably not for you, given the issues that are apparent for you with simple geometry. Here's something more suitable for you: (actually a really good set of lessons and worth a look by the rest of us), covering a lot of the Astronomical concepts and visualisations that the OP is proving to have difficulties with..

    oriel36 wrote: »
    As far as I can see is a non working forum where the only contributions are whining apart from your own contributions. Nobody is required to read or respond but for those who do will learn something.
    If you don't like posting to a forum where your quackery is not greatly appreciated (apart from the comedic value therein) and the constant push back against your proven inability to engage well in an argument is causing you some internal angst, maybe you should take a break from the internet for a while. Maybe a few years would be a good start? Self-isolate from here and spare us from your version of the plague?

  • Registered Users Posts: 462 ✭✭oriel36

    Popoutman wrote: »

    And that poster is back on ignore.
    Those posts from them of what is effectively meaningless wandering-point word salad really has no place in this scientific-based forum. There's no ability being exhibited by the above poster to have a genuine *and rational* discussion on any topics they've been involved in, and their viewpoints are not changeable by receiving sane and reasons rebuttals. I'm bowing out of any more responses to this poster, as I'd be better served by beating my head against a nice padded desk than continue any attempts to have a rational discussion here with them.

    My suggestions to the normal people who also end up trying and failing to get this poster to see any form of reality, should do similar and not react or post, as it only seems to encourage the digital diarrhea previously exhibited by the above poster over the past few months on this forum.

    No doubt there will be another post from that poster without a concise point and missing the point completely below this post, based on previous performance.
    I'm choosing to ignore them, for my own sanity. Life's too short to be dragged down to their level and for them to beat me with their experience at that level. I'd suggest that most people should do the same, and eventually the above poster will stop diluting this forum with the whackery previously shown, and we can get back to this forum's version of normality.

    Go away as you lack integrity. It is far better to die of the coronavirus than live a life supporting a late 17th century cretin who created a smokescreen surrounding the great insights of the first heliocentric astronomers. It suffocates the great inspirational side of astronomy and how the original astronomers, despite having none of the benefits we have today could reason how how the Earth moves through space along with the other planets while the Sun is the common centre of our common motions -

This discussion has been closed.