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Mental health and CoVid-19



  • Registered Users Posts: 965 ✭✭✭SnuggyBear

  • Posts: 2,078 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    My mental health has been affected for the worse - I'm getting myself together again lately. For me it wasn't the pandemic that was the issue, it was an initial belief in the "authorities" coupled with my scientific interest in the pandemic that over time gradually eroded to the point I find it impossible to believe anything on mainstream media.

    I eagerly awaited my vaccines and was forever looking at data, initially in Israel, to see a fall off in deaths (which did happen) and cases (which didn't). Medical people saying vaccines don't stop transmission - er yeah many of them do, just not this one !!! It DOES work for serious illness, as far as I can tell.

    Then obvious nonsense like full supermarkets while click and collect at the same time was banned for the small business, the Gardai at one point guarding easter eggs, and wide open spaces with 1 person per square km, and the riot squad sent into South William St on the people enjoying an outdoor summer. Mandatory hotel quarantine. Very few official dissenting voices.

    It scares the living hell out of me that it's so easy to destroy democracy.
