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Is it just me or have SF vanished?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,826 ✭✭✭Truthvader

    Want to start trading lists around the country of crimes?

    Borders are the cause of smuggling the world over, yes there is a higher incidence of that type of crime here. Most 'normal' states would beef up security forces to cope with it, here we strip out the security forces from the area.

    I could take you to several places selling smuggled and laundered fuel, why is it that this goes on and nobody does anything?

    Thats a good question Francie and it seems you have personal knowledge of this rampant criminality in your area which you keep telling us is absolutely normal with no IRA presence etc. I can only urge you as Gerry Adams would to report this activity to the Guards or PSNI.Let us all know how you get on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 859 ✭✭✭Randy Archer

    Bowie wrote: »
    I believe they achieved enough to put down guns and turn to politics. So fair play if he helped with that.
    Likely there were numerous former IRA there.
    Are you criticising them for not forming an illegal armed guard?

    Laughable bull****. Utter nonsense and zero basis for it

    The British security had infuriated the IRA by 1998 big time !! The ceasefire of 1994 was the worse thing to happen to the military side of the Republican movement .

    Super grasses like Donaldson , Gilmore and McFarland had done serious damage . Girlfriends and wives of IRA members were running to the RUC in a desperate bid to save their men from death, before taking part in operations. The Ra was riddled with informers at this point , the cops in Belfast were thwarting IRA operations in Belfast big time, noted by historians for stopping 8 out of every 10 planned attacks

    Ra lads , being years in intense situations and on the run had let themselves lose and with beer and the typical “you know who I am ,hi” (as we know from the Robert McCartney murder years later) was common

    Oh sure, the IRA knew it had tout problems And they reorganised into smaller cells , but the Brits were getting closer. Attacks like Europa Hotel did nothing good for PR either ! Manchester bombings were a disaster with regard to public support in Ireland and Britain (Manchester being a heavily populated city for the Irish )

    What did they achieve ? Absolutely nothing . IRA FAILED

    No United Ireland . The British always marvelled on how SF were smart enough to spin their failure into a success story (GFA) while Ulster Unionists and DUP were not smart enough to point out that they were successful and some how paint GFA was a failure and a surrender - it wasn’t GFA was status quo. GFA continued on from what Anglo Irish Agreement and Downing Street Declaration aimed for . No one stopped SF from running in elections

    The success of the British Intelligence from the late 1980s to the mid 1990s FORCED THE IRA INTO ACCEPTING PEACE

    McGuinness and Adams has been quietly talking to the Brits about peace since the 1980s (not suggesting they got compromised) The Brits had slowly realised that any peace in the future would need to involve IRA members . Besides Shinners were starting to win seats at this time

    How stupid and dishonest do ye Shinners have to be to swallow that muck ye spout . ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,826 ✭✭✭Truthvader

    Think you are missing part of the puzzle in the Lunny case, main suspect dead, vehicles destroyed in Garda custody, someone with a lot of pull at work here.

    OK this is tremendous stuff. Please please elaborate on this theory. Is Golman Sachs and the freemasons infiltrating the Guards, the PSNI and the English police to murder a criminal in England with a pretend heart attack (English medical authrities also run by MI5) so that.....sorry losing it here. Please please please let us all know your theory. Are you Lord Lucan?

  • Registered Users Posts: 859 ✭✭✭Randy Archer

    SF did not have a presence here in Gov in those days did they?

    Not saying it was right, it was despicable. Just making the point.

    wasn’t Gerry well aware of his brother being an Incestuous nonce? What did he do ? Transferred him to Dundalk , to work with kids. But hey, Adams eile was only into family members

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,932 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Laughable bull****. Utter nonsense and zero basis for it

    The British security had infuriated the IRA by 1998 big time !! The ceasefire of 1994 was the worse thing to happen to the military side of the Republican movement .

    Super grasses like Donaldson , Gilmore and McFarland had done serious damage . Girlfriends and wives of IRA members were running to the RUC in a desperate bid to save their men from death, before taking part in operations. The Ra was riddled with informers at this point , the cops in Belfast were thwarting IRA operations in Belfast big time, noted by historians for stopping 8 out of every 10 planned attacks

    Ra lads , being years in intense situations and on the run had let themselves lose and with beer and the typical “you know who I am ,hi” (as we know from the Robert McCartney murder years later) was common

    Oh sure, the IRA knew it had tout problems And they reorganised into smaller cells , but the Brits were getting closer. Attacks like Europa Hotel did nothing good for PR either ! Manchester bombings were a disaster with regard to public support in Ireland and Britain (Manchester being a heavily populated city for the Irish )

    What did they achieve ? Absolutely nothing . IRA FAILED

    No United Ireland . The British always marvelled on how SF were smart enough to spin their failure into a success story (GFA) while Ulster Unionists and DUP were not smart enough to point out that they were successful and some how paint GFA was a failure and a surrender - it wasn’t GFA was status quo. GFA continued on from what Anglo Irish Agreement and Downing Street Declaration aimed for . No one stopped SF from running in elections

    The success of the British Intelligence from the late 1980s to the mid 1990s FORCED THE IRA INTO ACCEPTING PEACE

    McGuinness and Adams has been quietly talking to the Brits about peace since the 1980s (not suggesting they got compromised) The Brits has slowly realised that any peace in the future would need to involve IRA members . Besides Shinners were starting to win seats at this time

    How stupid and dishonest do he Shinners have to be to swallow that muck ye spout . ?

    I'm delighted the IRA are gone, but there is no point lying about it either. The above is the British/Unionist centric version of how it all played out and is faulty.

    No doubt the British had spies but the IRA cellular structure limited what they could do. That is evidenced by the IRA's big hits during this period. Also the IRA decommissioned on their terms, nobody else's. The British were forced to drop that demand and allow an armed group to the table basically.
    And I think mercifully Adams and McGuinness won the debate for hearts and minds within the movement. They came to a crossroads, an all out assault or take the political road.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 859 ✭✭✭Randy Archer

    The Gardai didn't make an arrest in 8 years of crimes and intimidation in the Quinn case. FACT

    If I were an investor I'd be asking why has the area been abandoned by the enforcers of the law?

    You also make my point for me...'is there no crime elsewhere in the country' by mentioning the Kinahan's. There are also, major crime gangs elsewhere in the country, it isn't just a border phenomenon and never has been.

    Try and stay in the realms of fact and reality Randy.

    The border ain’t to blame for the blind eye And the public’s Lack of co-operation with the authorities on both sides

    Knowing that you are devoid of any knowledge or expertise when it comes to economics and business, you’d be better off wondering why it took 8 years for your people To Allow the police do their job , than waffling about what an investor might or might not do

    Why the area has been abandoned by enforcers of law ? You really don’t know the answer to that ? Seriously ? Would ya ever **** off up the garden . Your dishonesty was funny for a few months would be better off not Responding since you are so desperate to save face by having a response

    Major crime elsewhere hasn’t stopped FDI coming to place like Limerick or Dublin or Cork. While just as lethal, drug gangs are a different story to the IRA seeking to destroy a Statelet and who have form in indiscriminate bombing of people, and just as important , Property . **** the CEOs of the big tech firms might like to cap off a Friday with a few lines of coke or speed - lol

    You are the one waffling about investment in the North would improve under a UI lol. Yet the various branches of the IRA have a long history of intimidating and kidnapping business people

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,826 ✭✭✭Truthvader

    Was wasn’t Gerry well aware of his brother being an Incestuous nonce? What did he do ? Transferred him to Dundalk , to work with kids. But hey, Adams eile was only into family members

    Gerry's family were utterly corrupted from the get go . His father was a violent family sex abuser but as today because he was in the IRA could do what he pleased. Any wonder Gerry is so comfortable with the murder of other peoples fathers

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,932 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    The border ain’t to blame for the blind eye And the public’s Lack of co-operation with the authorities on both sides

    Knowing that you are devoid of any knowledge or expertise when it comes to economics and business, you’d be better off wondering why it took 8 years for your people To Allow the police do their job , than waffling about what an investor might or might not do

    Why the area has been abandoned by enforcers of law ? You really don’t know the answer to that ? Seriously ? Would ya ever **** off up the garden . Your dishonesty was funny for a few months would be better off not Responding since you are so desperate to save face by having a response

    Major crime elsewhere hasn’t stopped FDI coming to place like Limerick or Dublin or Cork. While just as lethal, drug gangs are a different story to the IRA seeking to destroy a Statelet and who have form in indiscriminate bombing of people, and just as important , Property . **** the CEOs of the big tech firms might like to cap off a Friday with a few lines of coke or speed - lol

    You are the one waffling about investment in the North would improve under a UI lol. Yet the various branches of the IRA have a long history of intimidating and kidnapping business people

    Amid the personal invective you are just stereotyping again.

    'Allowing the police to do their job'? That simply doesn't stack up. The Gardai and PSNI know who is behind most of the stuff, what are they waiting for from the public?

    8 years of escalating attacks and they did nothing until a man got savagely attacked.
    They know who killed Paul Quinn, the PSNI know and the IMC know, yet nothing done.

    There is a story here but it isn't the stereotypical lazy one you are telling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 859 ✭✭✭Randy Archer

    Edgware wrote: »
    I cant recall the referendum you organised to establish the views of the Southerners but all I can see from you is a complete lack of vision and initiative.

    Your qualifications are what precisely ? They ain’t economics , that’s for sure !

    Ever occur to you as to why NO ONE Within the general Public campaigns to Labour, FG, FF , Greens, Independent and the socialist councillors and TDs to seriously discuss plans for a UI ? Ff don’t even bother referring to UI in their manifesto literature , maybe the odd glib one liner

    You clearly don’t engage with business people either , or anyone in areas of power and responsibility

    UI is NOT a priority in the South, and frankly never has been, especially since 1998 , when we all thought that the northern problem was over . Shinners and the Ra pretended they won the “war“, Unionist oddly saw it as a surrender, while every sane person saw it as Status Quo that had been preached since the 1970s . In fact we changed our Constitution to remove any “offending” reference to control of the whole island (Our Courts ALWAYS interpreted that as aspirational only see McGimpsey v Ireland 1990)

    You read EVERY social media platform ,radio show etc where the public can air their views about UI. It is almost always “UI would be great some day but .......” . ALWAYS an excuse for it not being tomorrow or 5 years. No different now

    SF know full well what would happen, in this current Economic and political climate , north and south , the dangers of running a poll . No sane tax paying person (something most of ye Shinners who spend 12-20 hours a day 7 days a week on social media platforms like this ) know much about, would agree to take in the North right now. They are a basket case economically and politically and security wise

    The ONLY time you heard politicians in the South two about UI , but never actuslly saying anything of substance , was when Dev and Haughey played what’s known as the “green card”.mot was used when domestic economic issues were going down the toilet . Never did they talk about it when things were going good for them. Pure chancers

    All you and Francie have for arguments are warm fuzzy feelings . Feelings are not fact nor are they reality

    Not one of ye have put down on the table sane, credible reasons for UI . They waffled about how it would improve the North, yet when actual facts were put before ye ie Cavan, Donegal Monaghan were and are way behind the rest of the country and how Dublin and our other main cities won’t tolerate big companies going North - not to mention the fact that IRA and co attack business people in their BANDIT COUNTRY , YE CRY ABOUT ABUSE AND BIAS lol

    Vision ? I’m not ready to commit financial suicide thanks. It’s for ye Nordies to convince US as to why ye joining us is viable , not the other way around

    Shinners idea of vision and lol initiative ie to spout rubbish uncosted election manifesto and have your kind lap it up. Oh so stunning, so brave

  • Registered Users Posts: 859 ✭✭✭Randy Archer

    Two wrongs don't make a right, but the second wrong has started.
    The drum and the flag and the sash will march today amid the virus, cretons.

    Ya but on the bright side, a few of them will be dead in 4 months. It’s not like they mingle with the Nationalists so ,so long as they keep to themselves ...

    Oh I do love watching videos and looking at photos of well constructed and illegal bon fires erreacted smack bang in the middle of their ****ty council estates, only for the wind to blow over and the fire catch their roofs.

    Fell sorry for the fire brigade But meh

    Happy 12th July

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,826 ✭✭✭Truthvader

    I'm delighted the IRA are gone, but there is no point lying about it either. The above is the British/Unionist centric version of how it all played out and is faulty.

    No doubt the British had spies but the IRA cellular structure limited what they could do. That is evidenced by the IRA's big hits during this period. Also the IRA decommissioned on their terms, nobody else's. The British were forced to drop that demand and allow an armed group to the table basically.
    And I think mercifully Adams and McGuinness won the debate for hearts and minds within the movement. They came to a crossroads, an all out assault or take the political road.

    Who is this nonsense directed at? "An all out assault"? On what. In 30 years they never rose above the murder of unarmed civilians at their homes or the cowardly bomb in a shop. Was there a plan to invade Wales in "an all out assault"? Adams and McGuinness murdered their way to power and carved up NI between themselves the DUP. Who do you hope to sell this "peacemaker" crap to. Plus the IRA are a criminal gang . There is no "debate" . If Gerry is getting what he wants all alternative views wete dealt with by Bobby Storey and Stakeknife

  • Registered Users Posts: 859 ✭✭✭Randy Archer

    McMurphy wrote: »
    I would imagine this is why.

    Will anyone be investigating the mourners breaching social distancing guidelines at Garda Horkans funeral btw?

    Two different States , you know this

    One way the funeral of an IRA member, an illegal organisation, attended by members of Parliament on both sides of the border - you know, people who play a role in the making of policy and laws

    The other was a funeral of a member of the Gardai, murdered while on duty .

    It’s pretty clear the the disdain revolves around the background of the dead person rather than How many attended .

    Don’t recall that the usual cohort of politicians ,President etc attending the funeral in Mayo. I could be wrong but Could you confirm if they did and who attended . One would assume Mayo finest and lover of funerals , Michael Ring was at it ? Enda?

    We saw a massive travellers funeral ignore with impunity the Covid rules in April -May

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Truthvader wrote: »
    Who is this nonsense directed at? "An all out assault"? On what. In 30 years they never rose above the murder of unarmed civilians at their homes or the cowardly bomb in a shop

    Ah here....the over whelmingly targeted security forces (something like 80%+ attacks)....i dunno what you consuming for info,but your are spectacularly misinformed

    You are free to dislike them,but to pedel lies only undermines yourself

  • Registered Users Posts: 859 ✭✭✭Randy Archer

    Amid the personal invective you are just stereotyping again.

    'Allowing the police to do their job'? That simply doesn't stack up. The Gardai and PSNI know who is behind most of the stuff, what are they waiting for from the public?

    8 years of escalating attacks and they did nothing until a man got savagely attacked.
    They know who killed Paul Quinn, the PSNI know and the IMC know, yet nothing done.

    There is a story here but it isn't the stereotypical lazy one you are telling.

    Deal with the facts, not crying like a bitch. Facts aren’t abuse. If you have problems with said facts , go to the children’s section ,or do what you always do, report to mods to silence people. Crying about your hurt feelings to facts is no rebuttal

    Go talk to YOUR people as to why they refused to report and co-operate with the police . Stuff like this is on you and your twisted community

    You Shinners are great lads for telling people to go to the police, but it’s for show. Ye know damn well that they won’t because they know what happens to touts in bandit country

    You do realise that the Quinn’s are loved up there and have a huge band of loyalists , rights...there’d be no talking. The new board weren’t popular up there either by the community , shire they took over “our Seanie’s” empire

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,365 ✭✭✭✭McMurphy

    Two different States , you know this

    Which has exactly the square root of fcuk all to do with what I asked.
    One way the funeral of an IRA member, an illegal organisation, attended by members of Parliament on both sides of the border - you know, people who play a role in the making of policy and laws

    The other was a funeral of a member of the Gardai, murdered while on duty .

    It’s pretty clear the the disdain revolves around the background of the dead person rather than How many attended .

    Don’t recall that the usual cohort of politicians ,President etc attending the funeral in Mayo. I could be wrong but Could you confirm if they did and who attended . One would assume Mayo finest and lover of funerals , Michael Ring was at it ? Enda?

    We saw a massive travellers funeral ignore with impunity the Covid rules in April -May

    As has been pointed out repeatedly now on this and various other thread's, it doesn't matter one iota who was inside the coffin, or what politcal persuasion the mourners in attendance had.

    The virus doesn't care.

    The virus only wants fresh human hosts so it can multiply itself and spread to other human hosts.

    In both Bobby Storey's funeral, and that of Garda Horkans funeral we seen hundreds if not thousands break the health guidelines for social distancing put in place to try and curtail it transferring between hosts and being transferred to new hosts in different parts of the country.

    When you have a coherent answer as to why one funeral breaking the protocols was acceptable and the other was not, I'll be here all ears. Incidentally I'm of the opinion both sets of mourners were wrong.

    The usual "Sinn Fein IRA" nonsense with a sprinkle of "Garda killed in action state funeral" won't cut the mustard randy, as I already stated the virus wouldn't give a sh1t.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,932 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Truthvader wrote: »
    Who is this nonsense directed at? "An all out assault"? On what. In 30 years they never rose above the murder of unarmed civilians at their homes or the cowardly bomb in a shop. Was there a plan to invade Wales in "an all out assault"? Adams and McGuinness murdered their way to power and carved up NI between themselves the DUP. Who do you hope to sell this "peacemaker" crap to. Plus the IRA are a criminal gang . There is no "debate" . If Gerry is getting what he wants all alternative views wete dealt with by Bobby Storey and Stakeknife

    Once you write sentences like that it is clear that you have a biased agenda and have no interest in debate.

    I detested the violence but I have not let that alter the facts and the facts are that the IRA caused the British major problems and struck at the very heart of their political and economic activity many times.
    And when it reached a stalemate (which the British accepted it was too) they negotiated the peace...if that makes them 'peacemakers' then that is what they were...indisputably.

    You can accept that and let it inform your understanding of the history or ignore it and invent your own warped narrative.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,932 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Deal with the facts, not crying like a bitch. Facts aren’t abuse. If you have problems with said facts , go to the children’s section ,or do what you always do, report to mods to silence people. Crying about your hurt feelings to facts is no rebuttal

    Go talk to YOUR people as to why they refused to report and co-operate with the police . Stuff like this is on you and your twisted community

    You Shinners are great lads for telling people to go to the police, but it’s for show. Ye know damn well that they won’t because they know what happens to touts in bandit country

    You do realise that the Quinn’s are loved up there and have a huge band of loyalists , rights...there’d be no talking. The new board weren’t popular up there either by the community , shire they took over “our Seanie’s” empire

    :D:D:DMore stereotyping...'YOUR people'?

    You do realise that all the former Quinn businesses are working away and employing those people without problem?

    If you were not so lazy you would see that.

    The Quinn issue is coming from a very small cohort of people, and they were allowed operate for 8 years without an arrest of any major effort from the Gardai to stop it.
    Start there, and ask questions and stop trying to depict many different people as some sort of organised body.
    It is again a false and lazy as sin narrative being peddled.

  • Registered Users Posts: 859 ✭✭✭Randy Archer

    I'm delighted the IRA are gone, but there is no point lying about it either. The above is the British/Unionist centric version of how it all played out and is faulty.

    No doubt the British had spies but the IRA cellular structure limited what they could do. That is evidenced by the IRA's big hits during this period. Also the IRA decommissioned on their terms, nobody else's. The British were forced to drop that demand and allow an armed group to the table basically.
    And I think mercifully Adams and McGuinness won the debate for hearts and minds within the movement. They came to a crossroads, an all out assault or take the political road.

    These are facts ! The IRA couldn’t go on . Militarily maybe, but they didn’t have public support. The ceasefire harmed the IRA . The Brits had gained ground with infiltration . Donaldson had humiliated the IRA and SF and would later pay for it , as rat bastards do.

    The British managed to stop several key planned operations . Suppose Darkie Hughes is a bitter liar too, Or the scum who split with the Provos post 1998 , since you seem to know so much to be able to deny reality

    Oh sure, the IRA snuck in some high profile bombing post 1994 but the deaths of Jerry McCabe and the Manchester bombing obliterated any remaining support for them . Add to recent killings of drug gangs in Dublin (eg The General) that harmed Republican prisoners trying to get released ... SF at the time (Pre 1998) were banned from talks and only got in Once the IRA put down the guns - sounds like defeat

    The IRA DECOMMISSIONED ON THEIR OWN TERMS, NO ONE ELSES - ha ha ha , thanks for the laugh
    Spare us the lies about your delight. You are an unashamedly apologist for the IRA . OWN IT

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    These are facts ! The IRA couldn’t go on . Militarily maybe, but they didn’t have public support. The ceasefire harmed the IRA . The Brits had gained ground with infiltration . Donaldson had humiliated the IRA and SF and would later pay for it , as rat bastards do.

    The British managed to stop several key planned operations . Suppose Darkie Hughes is a bitter liar too, Or the scum who split with the Provos post 1998 , since you seem to know so much to be able to deny reality

    Oh sure, the IRA snuck in some high profile bombing post 1994 but the deaths of Jerry McCabe and the Manchester bombing obliterated any remaining support for them . Add to recent killings of drug gangs in Dublin (eg The General) that harmed Republican prisoners trying to get released ... SF at the time (Pre 1998) were banned from talks and only got in Once the IRA put down the guns - sounds like defeat

    The IRA DECOMMISSIONED ON THEIR OWN TERMS, NO ONE ELSES - ha ha ha , thanks for the laugh
    Spare us the lies about your delight. You are an unashamedly apologist for the IRA . OWN IT

    Donaldson was informing since the mid 80s i taught??

    Why was his influence so stragetic important during ceasefire?

    Didnt mi5 in 6 counties lose most of it senior leadership in a single incident in the mid 90s,after which major said they were fighting the ira blind??

    Like your pushing your personal view as fact,which your free to do......but its not gospel truth

  • Registered Users Posts: 859 ✭✭✭Randy Archer

    McMurphy wrote: »
    Which has exactly the square root of fcuk all to do with what I asked.

    As has been pointed out repeatedly now on this and various other thread's, it doesn't matter one iota who was inside the coffin, or what politcal persuasion the mourners in attendance had.

    The virus doesn't care.

    The virus only wants fresh human hosts so it can multiply itself and spread to other human hosts.

    In both Bobby Storey's funeral, and that of Garda Horkans funeral we seen hundreds if not thousands break the health guidelines for social distancing put in place to try and curtail it transferring between hosts and being transferred to new hosts in different parts of the country.

    When you have a coherent answer as to why one funeral breaking the protocols was acceptable and the other was not, I'll be here all ears. Incidentally I'm of the opinion both sets of mourners were wrong.

    The usual "Sinn Fein IRA" nonsense with a sprinkle of "Garda killed in action state funeral" won't cut the mustard randy, as I already stated the virus wouldn't give a sh1t.

    Of course The fact that two different States Existing has plenty to do with it .

    The South can’t do a single thing about the breach of Covid rules in the North , not a single thing .

    So why talk about the Garda funeral ? We are talking about the funeral in the North attended by law makers

    We saw the Gardai do absolutely nothing about the breaches of the rules for a travellers funeral In Cork that made headlineS at Easter

    Oh it very much matters as to who is inside the coffin !! SF members are suppose to be law makers on both sides of the border. Yet they attend the funeral of a terrorist , who sought the destruction of NI and refused to recognise this State

    The virus is a complete diversion and an excuse by Anti Shinners to hang them for it. It’s disingenuous, least I’m honest to call out the real Reason for the distain

    You whinging about something that happened outside our state to justify comparing it to the Garda funeral is laughable .

    Again, can you confirm which Law makers From Leinster House attended the Garda funeral ? Don’t hear anyone whinging about the public attending it, just picking on the politicians

    As for your apparent concerns about Covid and rule breach, which if you are genuine, fair enough... but let’s get real, the public have been flouting the rules for some time now .

    The complaints about Shinners attending the IRA funeral on the grounds of Covid are disingenuous , Unionists would try anything. But from a political point of view, I don’t recall our law makers attending the Garda funeral, whereas law makers from SF did attend that funeral _ these are the same people who went ape **** about Leo Varadkar being seen out in the Phoenix Park with friends a month ago _ despite ignoring the fact that he wasn’t breaching the protocols and he was within 5km of where he was staying

    Had it being a PSNI funeral, both Blondie O’Neill and Arlene would have gone

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  • Registered Users Posts: 859 ✭✭✭Randy Archer

    :D:D:DMore stereotyping...'YOUR people'?

    You do realise that all the former Quinn businesses are working away and employing those people without problem?

    If you were not so lazy you would see that.

    The Quinn issue is coming from a very small cohort of people, and they were allowed operate for 8 years without an arrest of any major effort from the Gardai to stop it.
    Start there, and ask questions and stop trying to depict many different people as some sort of organised body.
    It is again a false and lazy as sin narrative being peddled.

    “All Quinn business are working away and employing those people without problem “

    And yet, board members of the said Quinn group have being assaulted and kidnapped. You can’t do much up there without the public knowing

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,932 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    “All Quinn business are working away and employing those people without problem “

    And yet, board members of the said Quinn group have being assaulted and kidnapped. You can’t do much up there without the public knowing

    One of 'Quinn's' former business.

    Liberty, weren't put off investing and are employing many people, including several members of my direct family, on both sides of the border.
    The Hotels formerly own by Quinn are operating away too.

    Some of the public probably know what is going on, but again that applies to any situation elsewhere.

    Your slant is to characterise and stereotype an entire community and region as being complicit in silence about it to avoid looking elsewhere and asking questions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,932 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    The IRA DECOMMISSIONED ON THEIR OWN TERMS, NO ONE ELSES - ha ha ha , thanks for the laugh
    Spare us the lies about your delight. You are an unashamedly apologist for the IRA . OWN IT

    Where is the laugh?

    The IRA did not finish decommissioning until 2005, 7 years after the GFA was signed.
    That is a FACT, check the IMC reports.

    That means the British negotiated an International agreement with an armed group in the mix.
    If that is a definition of 'surrender' then you have invented a new definition of it.

    The story that has been peddled emanates from those who want to cover British and Unionist blushes.

    Nobody 'won'.
    We were lucky IMO that the right people were in charge across the political spectrum to grab the chance to negotiate a peace.
    That includes Unionist and Republican, Irish and British.

  • Registered Users Posts: 859 ✭✭✭Randy Archer

    Donaldson was informing since the mid 80s i taught??

    Why was his influence so stragetic important during ceasefire?

    Didnt mi5 in 6 counties lose most of it senior leadership in a single incident in the mid 90s,after which major said they were fighting the ira blind??

    Like your pushing your personal view as fact,which your free to do......but its not gospel truth

    Read what I actually said . I know you have difficulties with it

    Nothing in what was said even implied that Donaldson only started as an agent in the 1990s ..ffs . During the ceasefire, Donaldson was sent to the US to raise funds and meet with comrades in NORAID over there .

    Secondly, Donaldson was only one name of three that I specifically mentioned

    Fighting IRA blind ? Lol, wishful thinking . Wanna actually back that up with sources , eh ?

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Read what I actually said . I know you have difficulties with it

    I read before,yous said a mod told you i reported a list of yours....but that seems to been a lie??

    Can you back it up,nor name said mod?
    Nothing in what was said even implied that Donaldson only started as an agent in the 1990s ..ffs . During the ceasefire, Donaldson was sent to the US to raise funds and meet with comrades in NORAID over there .

    Secondly, Donaldson was only one name of three that I specifically mentioned

    I never said anything to contary of this,bit yous seem to place huge importance of his informing during ceasefire period,what informs this??
    Fighting IRA blind ? Lol, wishful thinking . Wanna actually back that up with sources , eh ?

    No hassle,when you provide proof of which mod said i reported your post,bit irrational to demand evidence off anyone,while refusing to do so yourself

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,826 ✭✭✭Truthvader

    Ah here....the over whelmingly targeted security forces (something like 80%+ attacks)....i dunno what you consuming for info,but your are spectacularly misinformed

    You are free to dislike them,but to pedel lies only undermines yourself

    So why were half of the people they killed from their own community?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,826 ✭✭✭Truthvader

    Once you write sentences like that it is clear that you have a biased agenda and have no interest in debate.

    I detested the violence but I have not let that alter the facts and the facts are that the IRA caused the British major problems and struck at the very heart of their political and economic activity many times.
    And when it reached a stalemate (which the British accepted it was too) they negotiated the peace...if that makes them 'peacemakers' then that is what they were...indisputably.

    You can accept that and let it inform your understanding of the history or ignore it and invent your own warped narrative.

    Not killing simply because you got what you want doesn't make you a peacemaker.

    Any word on how its going with the Guards/PSNI on all that crime you are reporting?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,666 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    IRA in Collins time didn’t rob banks or Post Offices either

    they killed RIC officers in their beds though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,666 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    Truthvader wrote: »
    So why were half of the people they killed from their own community?

    say what again? are you saying half of the people killed by the ira were from their own communities? in saying that around 400 catholics (338) were killed by the IRA .... you do the maths.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,826 ✭✭✭Truthvader

    maccored wrote: »
    say what again? are you saying half of the people killed by the ira were from their own communities? in saying that around 400 catholics (338) were killed by the IRA .... you do the maths.

    Statistics attached. Apologies. Half civilians

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