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Stephen King's The Stand - Werewolf



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 877 ✭✭✭Senan WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    Quote: Necro
    15 minutes left and we still have a famous FIVE not voting.

    So - Henry & Frank. Oisin just knows they voted after 8pm but I want to know who voted after 8:45. Possibly Oisin but still 2 (maybe 3) outstanding.

    I’m looking at you -

    My best recall is my vote was around 8-8.20. Definitely before 8.45 anyway

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭Winifred WW

    No Barbara today...

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,133 ✭✭✭Oisin WW

    Regan WW wrote: »
    No, they aren't the only possibilities, because you left out the most likely one - the defuser picked the actual bomb to defuse.

    Where have you got the idea that the defuser could defuse both of them?

    it says so. that's why i quoted it:

    Glenn Bateman - The Defuser. Glenn can attempt to defuse the deadly bombs planted by the Trash Can Man during each day phase.

    i suppose it depends on your reading of bombs

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    I'm going through everyones posts starting from the lowest posters and working my way up. In the below two posts Riona talks about the village being organised but then doesn't offer anything to support the organisation. Then talks about keeping as many villagers alive as possible. Which I agree with but her last post she signed off with "good luck village" and it all reads a bit too try hard for what little posts she has.

    The reason it stood out is because it's a play I've used many time when a baddie, knocking out the same spiel to make it look like you have the villages best interests at heart while sitting in your evil lair rubbing your hands together laughing at how funny you are. Now that could just be me :o and it could be genuine concern but I'd like to see what Riona says about it when she's back
    Riona WW wrote: »
    Can we all please try to be a bit more coordinated later today. We need to organize as a village and not let chaos send us awry.

    I know I've been of no use so far butt I should have more time today to review and engage.
    Riona WW wrote: »
    Ah gotcha. Thanks. I would encourage me. MOON to stay his hand as he's more likely to knock off a villager, unless he has extra info.

    We need the village pool to stay as big as possible for as long as possible.. Shooting randomers only helps to reduce it for the most part.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭Desmond WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Or the person with the actual bomb was Randall, ie King Wolf

    Bomb was defused see below.

    Green&Red wrote: »

    Both Regan WW and Desmond WW have had bombs strapped to them. One is real and one is fake.

    Unless defused by 9pm the real bomb will explode.

    Nigel WW wrote: »
    Found it, searched on the wrong game mod.

    So the real bomb must have been defused at that rate.
    Green&Red wrote: »

    They were [/B]


    Glenn Bateman Bomb Defuser

    Nigel defused the bomb and was trying to tell us. Unfortunately the wolves copped it at well, and It looks like the bomber did as well because Nigel having a bomb on him explains the only one bomb today.

    As, of course, would the bomber targeting Randall, which means that the bomber knows who Randall is which will be interesting later on if true.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 877 ✭✭✭Senan WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    To be honest, I expected some kind of flavour on the lack of a bomb going off in the event of a diffuse. We wont be able to compare it tonight cause the diffuser is brown bread! I'm reading a lot into lack of flavour, and to shoot holes in my own theory maybe the diffuser the didnt wrote any flavour but I think a successful diffuse gets an announcement.

    I noted earlier that Nigel seemed bothered by the lack of announcement. Seemed to settle that it had been diffused eventually (that just me read of his post though)

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 424 ✭✭Regan WW

    Oisin WW wrote: »
    it says so. that's why i quoted it:

    Glenn Bateman - The Defuser. Glenn can attempt to defuse the deadly bombs planted by the Trash Can Man during each day phase.

    i suppose it depends on your reading of bombs

    I read that as multiple bombs of over multiple days i.e a bomb each day.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 424 ✭✭Regan WW

    Senan WW wrote: »
    I noted earlier that Nigel seemed bothered by the lack of announcement. Seemed to settle that it had been diffused eventually (that just me read of his post though)

    It's quite possible we will never get a notification of a bomb being defused, just to create more chaos and uncertainty.

    This is Necro's brainchild after all.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    No Barbara today...

    The bottom seven players all have less than ten posts and it's really difficult to gather anything meaningful from them with so few. I know I'm only catching up today but I'd like to think my few posts have at least some substance

    In fairness to Henry 2.0 he only took control of the account last night so remains to be seen whether he'll put more effort in

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Regan WW wrote: »
    I read that as multiple bombs of over multiple days i.e a bomb each day.

    Well he has two bombs each day from what we've seen,one real and one fake, some are potentially duds!

    Secondly, he has a one time only bomb where he can do some serious damage at a lynch

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    I HAVE CAST A VOTE AT 16:48.

    This may change and I’ll update if it does. Right now I’m logging off and making something to eat. Cya in a bit.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    Gertrude has her most suspicious in their read list at 6pm. Ties Frank to Emily a bit in same read list.

    Emily asks Nigel about a typo which he responds to. I’ll delete this if nobody else brings up this convo.

    Emily finds a couple of Brendan’s posts pockety and wants to read in isolation. Does Brendan respond? He does saying he also quoted Eva very long post and gave same reason as her not being a wolf as he did Isla.

    Isla says Emily has been quoting from the book when it was actually me. Emily isn’t impressed with Isla as she hasn’t read the book nor seen the mini series. Says it’s a Lie.

    Gertrude writes this in response to Brendan “As for Steve, both Jake and Babs also 'rattled cages'. Reading back *again* I'm now seeing that he named both Frank and Emily (he actually said Emma but it was in response to Emily) and Emily seemed to try to shade Frank with this later. Interesting.”

    At 19:14 Emily asks what minimum post count is. Necro & Patrick respond. In response to Necro, At 19:23 Emily says “wasn’t here at the start, so just skipped over the first page.” Patrick picks up on this. Regan says she was the 15th poster on first page. (My thoughts - I GUESS THIS DEPENDS ON POST PER PAGE SETTINGS?). At 19:47 Jake has Emily as his bad read saying “Emily- As pointed out, skipped the first page apparently and the OP! Weird thing for anyone to say” Jake saying he voted between the hour of 8&9.

    At 20:05 Brendan responds to Gertrude “Yeah Steve was for some reason straight in on Frank. I didn't actually put that 'Emma=Emily' together until now.
    Emily accused me of pocketing Isla but 1) missed another case where I 'pocketed' someone, and 2) hasn't called out other posters who are 'pocketing' by answering on behalf of another poster.
    There are misunderstandings and misreadings of other people's posts/opinion a plenty in the last few pages, but because of cheap shade throwing like 'pocketing', why bother correcting the record?”

    In conclusion - Gertrude, Jake, Brendan and Isla throwing shade at Emily with only Gertrude & Jake voting that way. Gertrude may have the real bomb planted on her so is a wait and see if she dies and how she flips and who she could possibly be either teamed with or taken advantage of by.

    Not sure what to make of that. I am being accused of lying that I havent read the book or watched the series? I never watch TV. Just the odd show. I read books yeah, but not horror for about 20 years as I get panic attacks. Not everyone reads ALL of Stephen King you know. I read Needfull Things and that is about it.

    As for the mistake on Emily, I was making notes and when I made my post I referred to them. I made a note on Emily and got a bit mixed up. Here are my notes

    des - bomb attached

    regan - poetry - bomb attached tasks to get bomb off? to des
    eva - poetry - supersition quote about true love
    patrick - gifs distracting

    emily- quioting about making a stand

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,749 ✭✭✭Frank WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    It's a long post but everyone should read this, the danger of us having a raft of people destroyed by the TCMs one time bomb scenario

    I said something similar earlier. A bandwagon on thread may allow an SK kill a load of people. Strap a bomb to the bandwagon target and we could lose a lot...

    That would also add to the theory that wolves will most likely not block vote and will try and keep their votes separate.

    And a note for our seer. I’d be very wary of anybody suggesting you peak anybody. Choose your own target. Remember Randall peaks good and the wolves can make somebody look bad. So if the baddies had targeted Eva for the “look bad” power (for example) and then were suggesting she be peaked this would be the best use of the power.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Katie WW wrote: »
    Morning all
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Ok I'm back now. Hope you are all well peeps
    Katie WW wrote: »
    It's a good post. It makes sense to me.

    Oh right. What?
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Wendy asked why Steve. No-one is answering that question. It's the only mod confirmed info we have (that Steve was targeted by wolves). On read back he seemed a little bit of a tree shaker. Not a role to my eyes. So why target him. Who did he interact with. Or not interact with as it were.
    Katie WW wrote: »
    I've voted Wendy because their Regan des theory seems forced. I don't see much else tbh. Granted I did a read back rather than read live.
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Is Regan the sk? That's the only way you could know it not?
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Oh right. I didn't get that :p know....That's what his posts looked like.
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Someone else posted it better. They put forward the theory and were forthright but also hedged their bets. Trying to stir the pot but no ruffle feathers. Hence the vote.
    Katie WW wrote: »
    What you are describing from Wendy there is called pocketing. Agreeing with someone or going with their theory to curry favour and get them off your case. Wendy has done it to you I reckon.
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Look I haven't been around so I'm going off work other people have done. I commented on the theory and I've kept reading and I'm finding more. It's as solid as I can come up with today so there you go.

    She doesn't have to be on your radar for her to want to pocket you.

    I didn't realise it to be honest I saw her posting about the interaction and missed it was someone else's.

    I haven't been around!! I've been able to check in twice all day and have done speed reads to try catch up. You have unrealistic expectations on how much time I can give this game right now.
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Morning all. Bad night. Rip Emily and Steve. Definite case for FFAs and organisation so people up for the chop have a chance to defend themselves.
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Hang in there Mary it will all start making sense as the game goes on :)
    Isla WW wrote: »
    Ok, so catching up.

    Steve dies, and other than saying he wants rid of Frank, no real reason.

    We have a bomb and a dud attached to Des and Regan. I think it was Regan who thinks they have the real bomb. Has been posting poetry and making other strange looking posts. Maybe a task to help decide who has the real bomb or not?

    Patrick is only speaking in Gif, gives him a more wolf lean as it is not helping the village at all and is only a distraction.

    Emily quoting from the book, had to google the lines to see what it was. Have not read this book of Kings and no idea what it is about really.

    I don't have too much to go on for tonight, my only one would be towards Patrick.

    Been so much fluff really that I can't see much else.
    Emily WW wrote: »
    Say what now?

    Haven't watched movie.
    Haven't read book.
    Haven’t googled any stand quotes, so what did i say that you googled, that made you say i have been quoting from the book?

    Either i am able to pull book quotes out of my ass, or this is a lie.


    Yours and Emily’s words. Not mine.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    ****. Sorry Katie was in multiquote. Argh I hate no edit rule. Just read last 2 quotes Isla.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Eva WW wrote: »

    Yours and Emily’s words. Not mine.

    You feeling a little pocketed by Katie? She seems to be trying anyway

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    That’s a good point about the look bad mechanic.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 424 ✭✭Regan WW

    Teddy Bear's Picnic is a song, not a poem.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Oisin WW wrote: »
    it says so. that's why i quoted it:

    Glenn Bateman - The Defuser. Glenn can attempt to defuse the deadly bombs planted by the Trash Can Man during each day phase.

    i suppose it depends on your reading of bombs
    Frank WW wrote: »
    I said something similar earlier. A bandwagon on thread may allow an SK kill a load of people. Strap a bomb to the bandwagon target and we could lose a lot...

    That would also add to the theory that wolves will most likely not block vote and will try and keep their votes separate.

    And a note for our seer. I’d be very wary of anybody suggesting you peak anybody. Choose your own target. Remember Randall peaks good and the wolves can make somebody look bad. So if the baddies had targeted Eva for the “look bad” power (for example) and then were suggesting she be peaked this would be the best use of the power.

    Originally I said I'd be suspicious of the SK being able to name their booby-trap target after a bandwagon has formed but I'm less sure now. If their kill rate is only 50/50 and the wolves don't have a vig of their own, I think that it is actually likely to happen, otherwise game will last a while.

    Seer peeks are useless until Nadine is dead. She is actually the most important wolf - with her gone all seer peeks are true. I'm working on reads list at the moment and have a theory that one of the bomb targets yesterday may have been a wolf.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    You feeling a little pocketed by Katie? She seems to be trying anyway

    It was for my reads list.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,749 ✭✭✭Frank WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    Not sure what to make of that. I am being accused of lying that I havent read the book or watched the series? I never watch TV. Just the odd show. I read books yeah, but not horror for about 20 years as I get panic attacks. Not everyone reads ALL of Stephen King you know. I read Needfull Things and that is about it.

    As for the mistake on Emily, I was making notes and when I made my post I referred to them. I made a note on Emily and got a bit mixed up. Here are my notes

    des - bomb attached

    regan - poetry - bomb attached tasks to get bomb off? to des
    eva - poetry - supersition quote about true love
    patrick - gifs distracting

    emily- quioting about making a stand
    Isla WW wrote: »
    My spidey senses are tingling at Frank. I can't explain it, but he is my number 3 on my FFA


    Ok so I’m in your bad books because your spider senses are tingling.... Be interesting to see who you vote for....

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,749 ✭✭✭Frank WW

    Originally I said I'd be suspicious of the SK being able to name their booby-trap target after a bandwagon has formed but I'm less sure now. If their kill rate is only 50/50 and the wolves don't have a vig of their own, I think that it is actually likely to happen, otherwise game will last a while.

    Seer peeks are useless until Nadine is dead. She is actually the most important wolf - with her gone all seer peeks are true. I'm working on reads list at the moment and have a theory that one of the bomb targets yesterday may have been a wolf.

    The SK being able to strap a bomb to kill a bunch of people (on a bandwagon) would make sense considering his 50-50 kill ratio (until defuser was killed).

    It actually means we should hope our vig can kill any exposed wolves and possibly have 3 targets for a lynch or just all vote blindly without revealing our target on thread... But again , from a strategic POV this would make it more likely wolves Won’t block vote and maybe possibly also that they would prob not use their vote on a fellow team mate.

    Looks better for Regan, I really can’t wait to see how Regan shows up (good/bad) cause I can see both scenarios. Would wolves be using the double bits power also in hope to kill more villagers? In that strategy , no wolves voted for Emily, but since I’m in that pile it’s a self serving convenient strategy.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Eva WW wrote: »

    Yours and Emily’s words. Not mine.

    I really have no idea what emily or you are saying.

    On the first poem you put up, I googled it and saw it wa a quote from the stand.

    Emily made a comment about making a stand and I took note.

    I made a mistake in my post and said Emily and Not Eva. That is all.

    I missed Emily's response or I would have cleared up my mistake at the time.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Frank WW wrote: »
    Ok so I’m in your bad books because your spider senses are tingling.... Be interesting to see who you vote for....

    The way I usually work my FFA to vote choice is going by the first or sometimes the second.

    But things can change over the course of the day, so nothing is set in stone to who I plan to vote for.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 424 ✭✭Regan WW

    Vote going in for Katie. Has contributed nothing but fluff. Posts for the sake of posting and given that they only have 19 posts - not impressed.

    Below are the primary offenders
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Is Regan the sk? That's the only way you could know it not?

    As if the SK would expose themselves like that. Nonsensical contribution.

    Katie WW wrote: »
    Ugh I'm all over the place. I'm taking a self imposed time out.
    I could understand maybe Eva saying such a thing given their post count and they've been the most active in thread.

    But Katie is taking a self imposed time out from her whopping 19 posts and even admitted she had hardly been around yesterday
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Look I haven't been around so I'm going off work other people have done.

    And aside from sucking up to Eva, has done sugar all today either.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Finally on, catching up.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭Patrick WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    Patrick, are you around?

    I wasn't but I am now. What do you want?

  • Registered Users Posts: 35,024 ✭✭✭✭Baggly

    Regan WW wrote:
    What have you been doing for the rest of the time?

    Trying to hold down a full time job while minding my kids. You?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭Katie WW

    Baggly wrote:
    Trying to hold down a full time job while minding my kids. You?

    Sorry gang that was me.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,802 ✭✭✭Brendan WW

    Oisin WW wrote: »
    what did derry do?

    I struggle with the anon accounts. they kind of all mesh together. makes relating posts to each other very difficult. thats why i try to focus on voting patters. that way you can add colour for good/bad

    That's what I've discussed with Wendy and sought clarification for. If you read those interactions, and my post since then about low posters, you'd see some things were cleared up but Derry is still a mild concern to me as a low posters, Just one in a group of them.

    Why are you speaking up for him anyway? I got accused of pocketing for less yesterday. Since you are so concerned, let's look at your question from another POV - What did Derry do? Like what has he done so far to earn your defense?

    Unless I'm picking up the wording of your question wrong or misunderstanding, that's a weird hill to go to battle on Oisin IMO.

    Eva WW wrote: »
    Quote: Necro
    15 minutes left and we still have a famous FIVE not voting.

    So - Henry & Frank. Oisin just knows they voted after 8pm but I want to know who voted after 8:45. Possibly Oisin but still 2 (maybe 3) outstanding.

    I’m looking at you -

    I've explained the thought process of my vote last night...

    I didn't actually see Necro's 15 minute prompt, I saw another player raise the possibility of Patrick being vig so I moved my vote off him once I saw that post. Given that I already had a vote in despite my late change, Necro's prompt doesn't apply to me.

    Eva WW wrote: »

    Emily finds a couple of Brendan’s posts pockety and wants to read in isolation. Does Brendan respond? He does saying he also quoted Eva very long post and gave same reason as her not being a wolf as he did Isla.


    At 20:05 Brendan responds to Gertrude “Yeah Steve was for some reason straight in on Frank. I didn't actually put that 'Emma=Emily' together until now.
    Emily accused me of pocketing Isla but 1) missed another case where I 'pocketed' someone, and 2) hasn't called out other posters who are 'pocketing' by answering on behalf of another poster.
    There are misunderstandings and misreadings of other people's posts/opinion a plenty in the last few pages, but because of cheap shade throwing like 'pocketing', why bother correcting the record?”

    In conclusion - Gertrude, Jake, Brendan and Isla throwing shade at Emily with only Gertrude & Jake voting that way. Gertrude may have the real bomb planted on her so is a wait and see if she dies and how she flips and who she could possibly be either teamed with or taken advantage of by.

    What is your line between throwing shade and discussing other players? We can't vote for everyone, nor should we vote for someone merely because we might have one sticking point with them. If I did actually vote for Emily, there would be the 'only did it cause she shaded you' accusation. Can't win there tbh.

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with what I've done or said above to earn your 'throwing shade' accusation. They are completely fair points I made about Emily's selective pocketing accusations. Overall as well, Gertrude had made the point that not enough people were contributing, and I was commenting 'why bother?' in relation to trying to correct the thread record when such attempts are labelled as pocketing.

    I don't like the way you're trying to portray me here as someone who started/contributed to the lynch of our vig, as someone who was merely here 'throwing shade' near lynch time. That post you quoted of mine from 8:05pm, there was another reply in that post to someone apart from Gertrude. It was to you about a TCM thing.

    So it's not like I nipped in to turn up the pressure cooker on our vig. I've been trying to game-solve. To choose a part of my post to suit a narrative about responsibility for our vig getting lynched is unfair.
