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Due December 2020



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 928 ✭✭✭Shelli2

    Amazing! I'm thrilled for you Shelli. Congratulations. How was the induction? Was daddy not kicked out after an hour?

    Induction was ok, long and tiring.
    I went in at 8.30am on Friday. Onto Unit 3 prenatal ward. No dad's allowed at all.
    First gel at 10am. Few niggly pains after a few hours but nothing else.
    Second gel at 6pm. Checked at 10pm. Pains got stronger but cervix stayed hard and not dialating. Was to be checked again Saturday morning for 3rd gel or to make a plan.
    By midnight pains were super strong and regular, my waters broke in a big gush at 3am.
    I was checked but cervix remained the same.
    Pains got unbearable and coming hard and fast every 3-4 minutes, I spent a lot of time in the shower which was great relief, the only meds at this stage was paracetamol.
    Saturday morning I was checked and not dialating but cervix had softened, so I could move onto labour ward.
    I was moved at 10am and met husband coming out of the lift to come into me.
    I knew I wanted an epidural and had asked for it to be in place before oxytocin drop was started, from experience I knew the contractions with the drip were way more intense and I had already hit a wall with exhaustion and pain.
    I had the epidural by 11 and the drip was started and I got some sleep.
    The epi I had was only a partial one, I had no pain but could still feel everything and had use of my legs. The contractions felt like mild Braxton Hicks, I could just barely tell they were happening.
    As they progressed I started to feel unreal pressure down below, and used the gas for some relief.
    I started feeling urge to push at about 3pm, but was told I was only 5cm. By 4pm in was 8cm and couldn't resist the urge any longer.
    Baby girl was born at 4.10pm.

    Best bit by tears or stitches.

    Daddy stayed with us in labour room for 2 hours post birth, we were then transferred to ward at 6 and he stayed until 9pm.

    Today he came in at 9.30 am, stayed until 1pm and will return around 6.30/7 for another couple of hours.

    Hoping to get home tomorrow if all is ok.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 565 ✭✭✭thefasteriwalk

    You're very brave. To me that sounds nightmarish. But it's brilliant how much daddy is allowed to visit. At the regional hospital that I'll be attending, I'm pretty sure it's still the one hour after only.

    I hope you're enjoying all of the cuddles with baby girl.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 152 ✭✭Cailleachdubh

    maisie_moo wrote: »
    Oh Im getting very excited for ye ladies/hearing the news!!! Cant believe it's our month!!

    Absolutely zero niggles. Baby still high up.
    Spent the day browsing around two shopping centres with my sister for something to do. I'm lucky I'm not uncomfortable and very mobile.

    Happy mat leave Becks!!! Whoooo!! Fair play working this long.

    How was sweep Cailleachdubh? I may get offered one at my appointment on Monday.

    Hope your induction going well Shelli and youv met your little girl already!!

    The sweep was very feckin uncomfortable!! He said my cervix was a little bit open at the front but not the back. No action from it yet, although just in the last hour I had a tiny bit of a show and feeling a lot of pressure and movements. I'm for induction tomorrow if nothing happens tonight.

    Congratulations Shelli! Thats brilliant news about your baby girl!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 565 ✭✭✭thefasteriwalk

    The sweep was very feckin uncomfortable!! He said my cervix was a little bit open at the front but not the back. No action from it yet, although just in the last hour I had a tiny bit of a show and feeling a lot of pressure and movements. I'm for induction tomorrow if nothing happens tonight.

    Congratulations Shelli! Thats brilliant news about your baby girl!

    Can I ask when you're due and why you're being induced?

    I had a sweep the Tuesday before last as I mentioned on the last page. I had a lot of movement after it and a show the Wednesday night - but that was it. Apart from some pressure that I have been getting periodically since the sweep, nothing has happened.

    The doctor had said that I would be induced last week if that was the case, but when I went back to clinic last Tueaday I had a different doctor who said that my baby is not big - as the other doctor had asserted - and that there was no need for an induction.

    This isn't the first time I've had doctors in the hospital contradict each other. I just don't know where I stand or what to expect this Tuesday. I'm due on Saturday.

    Edit: sorry, I just remembered that you have GD.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 152 ✭✭Cailleachdubh

    Can I ask when you're due and why you're being induced?

    I had a sweep the Tuesday before last as I mentioned on the last page. I had a lot of movement after it and a show the Wednesday night - but that was it. Apart from some pressure that I have been getting periodically since the sweep, nothing has happened.

    The doctor had said that I would be induced last week if that was the case, but when I went back to clinic last Tueaday I had a different doctor who said that my baby is not big - as the other doctor had asserted - and that there was no need for an induction.

    This isn't the first time I've had doctors in the hospital contradict each other. I just don't know where I stand or what to expect this Tuesday. I'm due on Saturday.

    Edit: sorry, I just remembered that you have GD.

    Yeah cause of the GD and polyhydramnios, but also cause I'm 41, the midwives told me ages ago that this consultant doesn't like you going overdue if you're over 40. That was before I was diagnosed with GD. The baby usnt measuring big. I'm due on Tuesday.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Becks0603

    Shelli2 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Baby girl arrived yesterday just after 4pm.
    9lb 8oz of pure perfection.

    It was a long and tiring 2 days but overall a very positive experience.

    Restrictions in NMH are very limited and husband has got to spend lots of time with me & baby.

    I'm hoping to get home tomorrow morning.

    Hope your all doing well and enjoying your last days of pregnancy.

    Happy to answer any questions on induction or hospital or anything else.


    Congratulations Shelli and well done on all the hard work getting her here! Enjoy every minute :) great that daddy is allowed in so much I think its just 2.5 hours visiting hours in the Coombe but I'm happy enough have heard some hospitals are not allowing visits at all!

    Hope everyone else is holding up ok, we're nearly there :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,171 ✭✭✭screamer

    Congrats Shelli glad it went so well, and cailleach, best of luck with it tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 maisie_moo

    Congratulations Shelli! You did amazing, you should be so proud! Your two long days have been well worth it. Enjoy the cuddles with your daughter. (Lucky duck with no tearing :p)
    Thanks also for your induction info. I feel I'll be heading down that route myself. We'll see how sweep goes tomorrow. I'm still very high though.
    Delighted Daddy allowed in to see his two girls. I'm in CUMH and they still have no visitor policy.

    Best of luck tomorrow Cailleach. Love hearing all the good news!! You got this!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,455 ✭✭✭Beanybabog

    Congrats Shelli!! That sounded pretty tough to me. Well
    Done you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,455 ✭✭✭Beanybabog

    The sweep was very feckin uncomfortable!! He said my cervix was a little bit open at the front but not the back. No action from it yet, although just in the last hour I had a tiny bit of a show and feeling a lot of pressure and movements. I'm for induction tomorrow if nothing happens tonight.

    Good luck today!

    I had a second sweep, everything much more favourable so wasn’t quite as painful.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,455 ✭✭✭Beanybabog

    Still here. I think I will be pregnant forever. I am so over this

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Becks0603

    Beanybabog wrote: »
    Still here. I think I will be pregnant forever. I am so over this

    Ah no how many days over are you? Fingers crossed baby will make an appearance soon x

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 152 ✭✭Cailleachdubh

    24 hours post-induction - still no action.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,455 ✭✭✭Beanybabog

    Becks0603 wrote: »
    Ah no how many days over are you? Fingers crossed baby will make an appearance soon x

    40 plus 4 today. Had a sweep yesterday and was much more favourable and yet it did nothing, I had more cramps etc after my first sweep. I’m exhausted that’s it

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 maisie_moo

    I'm also 40+4 today and had my first sweep yesterday.
    Zero action!! Midwife said my cervix was favourable. I really thought it would start things. Boooo!!!

    Have Covid test on Thursday (requirement) and then booked in to go into hospital for induction on Sunday.

    Hang in there Cailleach! Things will start soon. Get your rest while you can!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,455 ✭✭✭Beanybabog

    I didn’t realise you needed a covid test for induction. Thought it was just for c section for some reason....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 565 ✭✭✭thefasteriwalk

    I had another sweep in the clinic today. Also had a Covid test in anticipation of being induced on Thursday, but I've lots of pains and movements this evening so hopefully I'll go myself. Quite scared of being induced and the potential exhaustion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 maisie_moo

    Beanybabog wrote: »
    I didn’t realise you needed a covid test for induction. Thought it was just for c section for some reason....

    Every hospital probably different. I didnt realise this was part of induction either.
    I'm CUMH. No visitors allowed either. So they are very cautious.

    Thefasteriwalk...oh fingers crossed you go yourself tonight or tomorrow. Would be great!!

    I wouldnt mind another sweep during week to see if it would do any good/help me go myself but I dont know who to get onto. I'm seen in an outreach clinic which is only on Mondays.

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Becks0603

    Hopefully things get moving for you ladies soon!

    I feel like tonight is a cross between Christmas eve and the night before an odd mixture of excitement and anxiety!

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 maisie_moo

    Becks0603 wrote: »
    Hopefully things get moving for you ladies soon!

    I feel like tonight is a cross between Christmas eve and the night before an odd mixture of excitement and anxiety!

    I can imagine the range of emotions Becks.
    Best of luck with your section tomorrow. You and baby in safe hands, docs do this all the time. It will be very calm. You finally get to meet your little boy. Will be amazing!! :)
    Hope you get some sleep tonight.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Becks0603

    maisie_moo wrote: »
    I can imagine the range of emotions Becks.
    Best of luck with your section tomorrow. You and baby in safe hands, docs do this all the time. It will be very calm. You finally get to meet your little boy. Will be amazing!! :)
    Hope you get some sleep tonight.

    Thank you, hope we do get some sleep tonight although if another person jokes that we should get a good ights sleep because we'll never get one again..I'll crack!

    You never know you might go yourself during the week before the induction, fingers crossed for you x

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 565 ✭✭✭thefasteriwalk

    Becks, best of luck tomorrow. No doubt you'll be brilliant. I'll be thinking of you.

    Maisie, surely someone could perform one if you want one. I would definitely ask.

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Becks0603

    Just waiting around, I'm in a room on my own and just seems so silly that my husband is sitting out in the car while I'm here by myself! Hopefully will be taken down soon.

    Any sign of any movement for you ladies?

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 maisie_moo

    The waiting is the hardest part. Esp when you've no company. Pity when you've the room to yourself! Hopefully they'll come get you soon.

    Thefasteriwalk....any luck on second sweep?
    I booked in for a 2nd sweep in the main hospital tomorrow.
    Said why not, wont do any harm anyway and atleast I'll have tried before my induction date.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 565 ✭✭✭thefasteriwalk

    That's so annoying, Becks. Still, hopefully the wait won't be too long more.

    Maisie, no sign of anything. It'll be in for induction tomorrow, I'd say. Just want it over with at this stage. The waiting around and worrying today is particularly horrible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Becks0603

    Well it was a very long day I was brought up around 3pm but wasn't prepared for the waiting at each stage.

    Everything went really well and baby Jack was born at 3.42pm, 7lbs 14oz. We were able to do skin to skin while they kept working on me and then daddy and baby went ahead to recover and I met them after. We were probably there for an hour or two ish and then daddy was sent home and we came back to our room. Just in a newborn bubble.

    Good luck for tomorrow thefasterIwalk hopefully the induction gets things moving quickly!

    Did you manage to get the sweep booked maisie?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,171 ✭✭✭screamer

    Congrats Becks, glad it went well for you and welcome baby Jack. So thats a girl and a boy so far..... hang in there ladies, not long to go now

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 maisie_moo

    Yey, congrats Becks and welcome to the world baby Jack!! Fine size baby!! Enjoy all the newborn cuddles! Hope you're recovering well and not too sore.

    Yup have a 2nd sweep this morning after my routine covid test.

    Good luck today thefasteriwalk. Wishing you a speedy induction. Cant wait to hear the good news.

    Hope everyone else is keeping well!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 928 ✭✭✭Shelli2

    Congratulations Becks! Welcome Jack, glad everything went smoothly.

    We've had a strange few first days.
    While we were awaiting discharge on Monday, baby Fiadh showed signs of jaundice and had blood tests. We were literally packed and about to leave when they said she needed light treatment, it was s bit of a shock and while I was getting my head around it, the ward manger came to tell me that I couldn't stay as I had my 3 nights the insurance covers, that I was being discharged but they were keeping my baby. Well I just broke right there.

    I was induced on Friday morning, but she wasn't born until Saturday. The insurance covers you for 3 nights only and they don't tell you they count any nights before she's born. They would have let me stay if I had a medical reason but because the doctor had discharged me they moved her to the ward on her own and sent me home.

    The nurses were so lovely and were bending over backwards to try to arrange something, they let me stay with her until later that night. I was on the phone arguing with insurance but they wouldn't budge, we would have been liable for the bill of about a grand to keep the bed and stay with baby, and the baby doc couldn't guarantee it would only be the one night so in the end I went home and came back in at 7am.
    Fiadh was moved to an incubator in the high dependency unit.
    I had no milk expressed or prepared, and breastfeeding really took a downturn by the time I got her back on the breast on Tuesday.
    Still trying but milk only came in late today, and I had to pump every two hours in between feeding her every 3 hours.

    It all seems to be settling down finally, but it wasn't the first week of imagined at all!

    Still.....she's so totally worth the work.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,455 ✭✭✭Beanybabog

    Sorry to hear that Shelli, that’s tough.

    My baby arrived yesterday morning. Straight into delivery at 2, epidural 2.30, baby at 4. I had called ahead and nurse told me I couldn’t be in labour so fast (pains sporadic but started properly painful and regular at midnight).
    Glad I didn’t listen. It was all smooth and really couldn’t have gone better for me.
