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Things Cat Trialvilly Annoy You (part whatever) *MOD WARNING IN OP*



  • Registered Users Posts: 30,481 ✭✭✭✭freshpopcorn

    I’m waiting for my payslip and I’ve to see how they’ll calculate my holiday pay.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,868 ✭✭✭Princess Calla

    Was he a heavyset individual?

    They’re the only ones I see wearing shorts in this weather. Aside from those engaging in exercise, of course.

    These guys would, usually, be “pulling” on a vape and flush of face.

    No more, I've lived in australia, if I was still there this is what I'd be wearing....did I mention I lived in australia :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,387 ✭✭✭✭Sardonicat

    TA cannot get 'clumping' cat litter anywhere. The other stuff is just nasty

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,595 ✭✭✭Mollyb60

    pinkyeye wrote: »
    You just reminded me of my TA. If I didn't have a dog and a cat I'd have very little cleaning to do. The fur everywhere has to be hoovered every bleeding weekend.

    I was never a woman for housework before I got cats. We now have both a Dyson AND a roomba. My cat has passed away now but she was the furriest short haired cat anyone has ever come across. I'll be finding her hair on my clothes and around the house for years to come.

    TA'd I can feel a coldsore coming up on my lip. Just to add to the **** day I've had!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,130 ✭✭✭Surreptitious

    Had a trying day today. I'm weak as wallpaper as well (is that even a saying?)
    I fancy a glass of a full bodied red but don't know if I have it in me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭Antares35

    Sardonicat wrote: »
    TA cannot get 'clumping' cat litter anywhere. The other stuff is just nasty

    I've the opposite problem with litter. When I use clumping, (well, when I put it in the trays for my cats to use lol) they just kick it all over the floor, it gets wet and then sticks to it like cement :D

    Although I remember when I lived in an apartment with my (then two) cats, the Purina clumping moonlight ultra was the only one that worked. Very expensive though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭HeyV

    Antares35 wrote: »
    I just can't take any more of people. Covid has really shown people up for being so inconsiderate of others. It's just a pity that the ones ignoring the restrictions are not the ones getting covid and dying - unfortunately they are just infecting other, more immune-compromised people who are probably doing their best to stay safe :(

    This! A thousand times!
    I haven’t seen my mam since January and have been doing my utmost to not be in close contact with anyone since then. It’s been a sh1t year, but I’m sick to the teeth of clowns now doing stuff just because they can... :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭Antares35

    HeyV wrote: »
    This! A thousand times!
    I haven’t seen my mam since January and have been doing my utmost to not be in close contact with anyone since then. It’s been a sh1t year, but I’m sick to the teeth of clowns now doing stuff just because they can... :(

    Exactly, that old line of "my life is on hold too long" and "we deserve Christmas" etc. Yes your life is marginally on hold so that the lives of others can be saved. But there's so much "I'm alright Jack" and also some of the things people come out with about how the elderly "have lived their lives, now let us live ours" and all that is, in my opinion, bordering on eugenics. The idea that someone else's life is not as valuable because it might be limited or a lower quality etc. Awful sad revelation of how so many people think :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,943 ✭✭✭✭the purple tin

    someone who says 'welcome to my world' constantly :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,457 ✭✭✭✭Kylta

    someone who says 'welcome to my world' constantly :mad:

    Ta, am singing it now, welcome to my world, won't you come on in

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,592 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane


    It seems to be a place that turns a load of people into ăssholes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,924 ✭✭✭✭cj maxx

    Thanks to another poster , I'm humming 'stand by your man ' all morning:(
    Beginning to like it now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 71,799 ✭✭✭✭Ted_YNWA

    Kylta wrote: »
    Ta, am singing it now, welcome to my world, won't you come on in

    Fekk ye, now I have it too



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,387 ✭✭✭eisenberg1

    Antares35 wrote: »
    Exactly, that old line of "my life is on hold too long" and "we deserve Christmas" etc. Yes your life is marginally on hold so that the lives of others can be saved. But there's so much "I'm alright Jack" and also some of the things people come out with about how the elderly "have lived their lives, now let us live ours" and all that is, in my opinion, bordering on eugenics. The idea that someone else's life is not as valuable because it might be limited or a lower quality etc. Awful sad revelation of how so many people think :(

    I overheard a woman ( not a young wan) telling her friend “I don’t give a sh1te, coveh or no coveh, I’m gettin me nails done”

    Priorities and all that...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,179 ✭✭✭Patrick2010

    Dial Hard wrote: »
    I really, really, really don't get the hat, scarf, gloves and puffa jacket-with-shorts brigade. Do their legs live in a different microclimate to the rest of them or something???

    Yes, I don't get this. One freezing morning last week I was walking to work with heavy coat, hat and scarf on and came across one of these lads standing waiting for a bus.
    Last week I saw two lads in a similar t-shirt, shorts and sandals in the chilled supermarket area who I later saw walking up the road. Do these people think this is California?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,090 ✭✭✭Bredabe

    My dyslexia report strongly recommends that I get a sample answer or some kind of model from each lecturer to even out a few different impacts of my dyslexia in that environment.

    I reminded my lecturer that I needed this particularly for their subject, they gave me a link to their writings(which is useless but they get paid for me accessing it)

    Yesterday was the dealing for one of the activities, it took me five hours to do it(rules say as we a group of adults, these shouldn't take more than two hours in total). I submitted it with a casual reminder that a situation like that is why I need the samples/models and that I felt it wasn't anywhere as good at it should have been giving the time investment.

    This am I get the expected acknowledgement saying 'that was good work, Breda'!

    TA That it's ok to write any kind of old flannel to a student while ignoring their verified supports,
    TA2 Thats its assumed that I dont have the intellegents to see that kind of guff for what it is, one would think a psychologist would know better than to do this!

    "Have you ever wagged your tail so hard you fell over"?-Brod Higgins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,258 ✭✭✭✭castletownman

    Dishing out €205 for a dentist to maul my teeth this morning, for the third time this year (with more to come next year). It makes it two dental appointments in the space of three days, both in Dublin. A week before Christmas.

    Even more TAing is the fact I have to fork out even more money (I think around €400) for Christmas presents for the family, most of which are needlessly expensive and hardly needed. Aside from my dental work, I have spent the last year slowing converting a flat at home, whilst not earning as much as usual, and that doesn't come cheap either- but at least it is more essential than a "magical Christmas".

    God I hate spending money, particularly when it's for commercial reasons. And I hate that I can't broach the subject about how ridiculous it all is to my family without being called a grinch etc. I'm 32 with no kids ffs, I don't need to get anything for Christmas.

    Grrr. And I can't even get a spur of the moment pint to calm me down either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭Antares35

    I had to leave a social media group I had joined that was all about eating on a budget because I was constantly TAd by it. Now, I hate food waste and I'm as interested in saving money as anyone, but some of these people just literally ate cráp. Cheapy mince and chicken nuggets with 20c alphabet soup and own brand frozen chips etc.

    And pretending that a chicken would feed a family of six for three days. All this stuff about using it for a roast dinner one day, then a curry the next, then boiling down the stock for something else the third etc. Ok, I get there are lots of ways to really use up a chicken, but at the end of the day, you're still trying to tell us you feed six adults for three days on one bird ffs. Are five of them vegetarian?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,236 ✭✭✭Up Donegal

    Turning on the tap in the kitchen sink and then the water hitting the inside of a spoon that's in the sink, soaking everyrthing!:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,762 ✭✭✭✭dubstarr

    And pretending that a chicken would feed a family of six for three days. All this stuff about using it for a roast dinner one day, then a curry the next, then boiling down the stock for something else the third etc. Ok, I get there are lots of ways to really use up a chicken, but at the end of the day, you're still trying to tell us you feed six adults for three days on one bird ffs. Are five of them vegetarian?

    Antares you have found the famous Mumsnet chicken :D:D

    I need 2 chickens for my lot and i wouldnt have a bit left.

    Competitiveness really going up a notch.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭Antares35

    Nipple Nazis. I just can't be dealing with them. Go away and hide in a hole!

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,412 ✭✭✭✭ohnonotgmail

    Antares35 wrote: »
    Nipple Nazis. I just can't be dealing with them. Go away and hide in a hole!

    dare I ask?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,387 ✭✭✭eisenberg1

    Antares35 wrote: »
    Nipple Nazis. I just can't be dealing with them. Go away and hide in a hole!

    Do only March in cold weather.....doing the geestep😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭wildwillow

    Dishing out €205 for a dentist to maul my teeth this morning, for the third time this year (with more to come next year). It makes it two dental appointments in the space of three days, both in Dublin. A week before Christmas.

    Even more TAing is the fact I have to fork out even more money (I think around €400) for Christmas presents for the family, most of which are needlessly expensive and hardly needed. Aside from my dental work, I have spent the last year slowing converting a flat at home, whilst not earning as much as usual, and that doesn't come cheap either- but at least it is more essential than a "magical Christmas".

    God I hate spending money, particularly when it's for commercial reasons. And I hate that I can't broach the subject about how ridiculous it all is to my family without being called a grinch etc. I'm 32 with no kids ffs, I don't need to get anything for Christmas.

    Grrr. And I can't even get a spur of the moment pint to calm me down either.

    I stopped doing Christmas presents years ago, except for my grandchidren, each of whom gets a book.
    Asked everyone not to buy me anything and said I was giving a donation to Crumlin Hospital in lieu of gifts. It's surprising how many of my friends agree and we no longer exchange gifts. Meet for lunch or something instead.

    I may be seen as a grinch but I don't care. Most of the stuff is just tat and I hate waste.

    This year a newer acquaintance has given each of our group a card and present. I have given her some help during the year but hate to begin this Christmas nonsense all over.

    So we thanked her kindly and said we no longer do this, without causing her embarrassment.
    Very liberating.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,652 ✭✭✭✭Dial Hard

    Misuse of the word "decimation". It doesn't mean what an alarming number of journalists seem to think it does.

    Gets on my wick to an entirely disproportionate degree.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,924 ✭✭✭✭cj maxx

    Not exactly a TA but my 9yo saying Santa 's not magic.
    He's just a fat guy in a red suit who comes through the window to leave presents. And he doesn't even shave! And what's so special about Jesus? ( confession next year so dipping into that in school )

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭Antares35

    dare I ask?

    Unfortunately they are not as exciting as they sound, and in fact can be classed as "minus fun". They are a certain cohort of militant mothers who, not content with deciding how to feed their own babies, also take it upon themselves to dictate how other mothers should feed theirs. Likely related to the anti-vaxx, knit your own nappy brigade.

    Someone today asked if children are getting the covid vaccine and a NN waded in, "they won't need it if you breastfeed, breastfeeding is the best fight against covid blah blah". FFS Doris, if it was that easy sure we'd all have been at nipple drive throughs the last year getting a shot of milk instead of sitting in on our holes waiting for a vaccine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,412 ✭✭✭✭ohnonotgmail

    cj maxx wrote: »
    Not exactly a TA but my 9yo saying Santa 's not magic.
    He's just a fat guy in a red suit who comes through the window to leave presents. And he doesn't even shave! And what's so special about Jesus? ( confession next year so dipping into that in school )

    well how do they explain how he manages to deliver all of those presents in one night? well, what is their answer to that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,789 ✭✭✭PsychoPete

    well how do they explain how he manages to deliver all of those presents in one night? well, what is their answer to that?


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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,412 ✭✭✭✭ohnonotgmail

    PsychoPete wrote: »

    If it was UPS delivering them children would have to collect their presents from either a neighbour (but no idea which one) or the recycling bin.

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