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Due November 2020

  • 14-04-2020 9:45am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 507 ✭✭✭

    Hi All,

    Anyone else out there due November? I'm due early November. I had previously posted in the December group but said id set up a November thread.

    I am 10+6 i think not exactly sure. Have my first appt & dating scan in two weeks. Fingers crossed it goes ahead. I've been feeling rough on and off. I emailed the doctor last week as the nausea & dizziness was so bad, i was taking to the bed after work. That has subsided a little this week but getting bad morning sickness now, sweats, getting weak and dry retching. I remember the first tri on my first baby (7.5yrs ago) was rough but i forgot actually how rough it was until now. I'm hoping it passes once i hit 2nd tri.

    How are you all doing?



  • Registered Users Posts: 578 ✭✭✭cant26

    Hi elly, also due early November. This will be number three for us hopefully, all going well. Feeling up and down. Bouts of extreme exhaustion and the nausea in the morning the last few weeks has been hard going. It was morning and evening for a while but now back to just morning.
    Have two busy boys so it’s hard going keeping them entertained during these times! Have been off work for a few weeks with them but will be back in the office next week.
    Meeting my consultant next week for first appointment and scan so hopefully all will be ok. Getting the harmony test done also.
    Feel like I’ve put on 10 stone already! Want to keep it under wraps for as long as possible at work. Only started with that company in January so I’m sure they’ll be delighted to hear I’m pregnant.
    Roll on November!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Hey Cant26,

    Congrats on baby no.3. The sickness is awful, i don't know how you cope with it with two little boys also. My guy is 7 so he's a self sufficient in a way and understands when i need to rest. I cant wait to tell him once we have our scan and all is good. He's always wanted a sibling so fingers crossed all is well.

    I told my boss at 6 weeks. I work in a small company the last 15yrs and he can tell if i'm ever sick just by my mood so he'd have figured it out fairly quick :) I work with 3 others but have been able to keep it quiet because i'm not in the office the last 3/4 weeks. I'm working from home.

    If you don't mind me asking did you request the Harmony Test?

  • Registered Users Posts: 578 ✭✭✭cant26

    elly123 wrote: »
    Hey Cant26,

    Congrats on baby no.3. The sickness is awful, i don't know how you cope with it with two little boys also. My guy is 7 so he's a self sufficient in a way and understands when i need to rest. I cant wait to tell him once we have our scan and all is good. He's always wanted a sibling so fingers crossed all is well.

    I told my boss at 6 weeks. I work in a small company the last 15yrs and he can tell if i'm ever sick just by my mood so he'd have figured it out fairly quick :) I work with 3 others but have been able to keep it quiet because i'm not in the office the last 3/4 weeks. I'm working from home.

    If you don't mind me asking did you request the Harmony Test?

    That’s great that your boss knows, think it takes a bit of pressure off. Aw that’s lovely, your son will be over the moon. My lads are 6 and three so it’s actually grand. The three year old is hard work at times, so different to my older boy. I can’t wait to tell them either but will try and keep it as long as possible!
    Ya when I was booking in with the consultant I asked his secretary to add in the harmony test too. Going private this time so the consultant will do the test at the booking appointment. I’m 10 + 3 today.
    Feel like the first trimester is like an eternity, this lockdown doesn’t help the situation. Clothes are starting to get tight especially in the last three days. I suppose Easter didn’t help!

  • Registered Users Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Hi ladies! Congratulations!

    Hope you don’t mind but I’m going to join this thread as the October thread is really quiet. Also I’m due on October 26th so there’s every chance he or she could be a November baby as my last 2 were a week late :)

    This is number 4 for me and I’m just over the 12 week mark. I had my consultants appointment last week and so far all ok. I also had my harmony test last week. So results should be back at the end of this week or early next week. I’m a little anxious about the results tbh but really hoping everything goes ok so we can start enjoying and planning things.

    I’ve been a nightmare to live with the past few weeks. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to first trimester no matter how many times I’ve done it. I hate feeling so sick and tired. My poor husband is doing everything and the lockdown just makes it so much worse. We have 3 under 7 so it’s tough. The older 2 are ok but my 2 year old is like the devil incarnate! Xx

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Congratulations Lizardlegs,

    Wow no. 4. Fair play your some woman. I find it tough sometimes with 1. Delighted to hear your scan went well and all is good.

    I had a miscarriage in November 2015, it was early so i didn't really have much symptoms but i don't know how i would have managed with a 2.5yr old feeling the way i do now back then. Fingers crossed you start to feel a little better in the second tri.

    @cant26 i have been living in gym gear because none of my regular clothes fit me. Its a mixture of eating everything and bloating. My stomach has just popped. From 5 wks to 9 wks i felt as if i had a constant nauseous hangover were i just needed to keep eating carbs to feel a little better.

    Are both you ladies private? I'm going public, do you know if i can request a harmony test while public? I'm not too pushed on it but my husband is a worrier and had suggested that we should have that test done. if you don't mind me asking is there any particular reason why you requested it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Hi Elly,
    Yep I’m going private but you don’t have to be private to get the harmony done. It’s €430 in Merrion Fetal Health and anybody private or public can avail of it. I didn’t get it on my first 2 babies. I had nucals done on them and they were low risk. But on my third her nucal fold was above average so she was higher risk for downs. So I got the harmony done to give me a more definitive answer (even tho it’s not diagnostic it’s gives you a good idea). Thank god everything was fine and it gave reassurance.

    Do I spose it just wasn’t really a question this time. I just got it done as although it’s expensive I’d be a worrier and I like to be prepared for things. So am a little anxious waiting for the results. I just like to be prepared for things.... I’m also going to find out the gender. But obviously that’s just a bonus for us.... I just want to know he or she is healthy. X

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Lizardlegz wrote: »
    Hi Elly,
    Yep I’m going private but you don’t have to be private to get the harmony done. It’s €430 in Merrion Fetal Health and anybody private or public can avail of it. I didn’t get it on my first 2 babies. I had nucals done on them and they were low risk. But on my third her nucal fold was above average so she was higher risk for downs. So I got the harmony done to give me a more definitive answer (even tho it’s not diagnostic it’s gives you a good idea). Thank god everything was fine and it gave reassurance.

    Do I spose it just wasn’t really a question this time. I just got it done as although it’s expensive I’d be a worrier and I like to be prepared for things. So am a little anxious waiting for the results. I just like to be prepared for things.... I’m also going to find out the gender. But obviously that’s just a bonus for us.... I just want to know he or she is healthy. X

    Thanks for that, I’ll chat to my husband about it and we’ll have a look into it. He’s a big worrier so If having it done meant it would put his mind at ease or god forbid we needed further testing that like you said we would be prepared.

    We found out the gender on our first. I didn’t really want to but he did so we compromised. We had the scan in early Nov and I got the midwife to write it down and we sealed an envelope until Xmas morning. So it was a nice surprise. We’ll defo find out this time around tho. I wouldn’t be shocked if I was told there’s two in there. My mam is a twin and they say it skips a generation and neither my brother nor sister has had twins. So known my luck we’ll end up with them. But we’d be happy either way ☺️

  • Registered Users Posts: 578 ✭✭✭cant26

    Congrats lizardlegs! Great to be over the 12 week mark. I feel like I’m forever trying to get there. You’ll definitely have a busy house with four! So is it about a week of a turnaround for the harmony test? I didn’t get it on my other pregnancies.

    elly I’m the same with the gym gear since the schools closed. Also found weeks 5-9 the worst with the nausea, have been eating so much white bread. Usually never touch the stuff but toast with butter and jam and a cup of tea is the only thing that settles me in the morning. Wore skinny jeans all weekend just to try and gauge my weight gain because I refuse to weight myself! I’d say I’ve another week in them!

    Ya I’m going private but as lizardlegz said you can get the harmony test done if your public. It has to be done from 10 weeks but I’m not sure if there’s an upper limit. I didn’t get it with on my boys but I’m 35 now and wanted to get it due to being older. It’s such a personal choice.

    I have been really emotional the last few weeks, especially with everything that’s going on. Starting to adjust a bit now. Have ye told anyone yet? I’ve told my parents and three friends! Going to try and get to 15/16 weeks before we tell anyone else. Probably impossible but I’ll give it ago, mainly for work and the in-laws!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    We had a look into the harmony test last night and we decided not to have it done.

    I'm laughing cant26 i put my skinny jeans on to go to the shops last week, i literally had them on for 15 mins and i couldn't wait to get home to get them off. I have weighed myself and i haven't actually gained much weight maybe a half a pound but my stomach is bloated and my boobs are about two sizes bigger so i just feel a lot bigger. I might have a try on session of my clothes in the wardrobe tonight and see what fits and what i can store away for the next year :)

    I did a zoom workout with my sis and cousin last night and i felt great after it. My sis knows but my cousin doesn't. I was in no form for it and only we had organised it I definitely would have spent the evening on the couch eating crap. I was in bed up until 45 mins before we started. I was feeling crap but it definitely helped.

    We have told immediate family and two friends and my boss. One friend figured it out purely because he was with my husband when i rang him to tell him. All i said to my husband was i'd got it in the chemist and it's happening. I didn't mention the word test or positive and his friend just said congrats to him when he got off the phone. My husband's reaction was just "noway, that's brilliant, i cant believe that" and his friend picked up on it. I thought about keeping it from my little guy until 20 week scan but i'd never get away with it. He's already saying my belly feels odd and he thinks i could have a baby in there :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Jaysus ladies don’t talk to me about skinny jeans! I haven’t even attempted to put mine on since the day my text came back positive!!! lol

    @Cant26 yes I was told about 10 days approx for results. I had mine done last Wednesday and they send them off to the Uk. I’d say will be slightly longer for results tho and fri and mon were both bank holidays in UK.

    @Elly. Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. That must’ve been really upsetting for you. X

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭heldel00

    Hi ladies. I'm in the December thread too but only home from early scan and was off with my dates, due 20th Nov.
    Baby number three here. Miscarriage this time last year. Was with GP yesterday and told her I was concerned with bit of cramping so got a call for scan this morn. Delighted all looks good. Very reassuring to hear the heart beat.
    Our little boy will just be gone 5 and girl will be almost 3 so we'll have a busy house and I honestly can't wait.
    Cousin had twins last year and she always said how sick she was from day 1 in comparison to her other two single pregnancies so I was convinced I was having twins. Husband was in a bit of a tizz too. But no just the one little babba.
    I'm walking on air here at the minute!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Congratulations helde00, Delighted all went well with your early scan. That's so reassuring. I said to myself the other day that when i was feeling so sick that i need a sign to tell me if i'm having twins. So i said the next time i'm out and about and i see two magpies together i'll take it as a sign. Drove into the office this morning for the first time in 3 weeks and low and behold as i come onto the motorway there is two magpies on the road :D:D:D:D I'm not reading too much into it but it would be so funny if it turned out there was two in there :)

    I cant wait for my scan. On my first we had an early scan at 7.5 weeks and hearing the heartbeat was surreal. There is nothing like it. The only reason we didn't go for an early scan this time is because of all that is going on with Covid. My appt is this day two weeks so i am excited and nervous all at once.

    That's a lovely age gap you'll have between you children they will be great little helpers when baby comes along. I just keep thinking about how special and magical Xmas 2020 will be having a new little person in the house.

  • Registered Users Posts: 578 ✭✭✭cant26

    Wow helde00 that’s amazing that you’re a few week further on then you thought. You must be over the moon and so reassuring having had the scan and seeing your little baba.

    Elly would be mad if you guessed twins right. I’d love twins but then I think of the thoughts of two more boys and I get slightly petrified!!!!

    I went back to my office today, so much easier than juggling everything at home!! So tired now and had a few uncomfortable pains in the eve :( hopefully all ok. Have my first appointment with my consultant on Tuesday and scan so just counting down to that.

    The beautiful weather has been so nice but also made me realise I can’t hide under too many layers/loose jumpers like I usually do. Both my boys are summer babies so hopefully this will be my winter baby!

    How’s everyone else doing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Helde00 that’s great you had your scan done and all ok! Must have been so reassuring!

    Elly... gosh imagine if you had twins! That would be sooo busy!

    I have to say... I always loved the idea of having twins. I loved the thought of them having a friend for life etc. And I REALLY loved the thought of 2 babies with only one pregnancy to get through! In all honesty tho... I’d say it’s soooo much more work once they’re born. Fair play to any parents that do it!!

    Cant when did you have your harmony done? I’m on tenter waiting for my results now. I still have no motivation to do anything and so lethargic. Honestly... I don’t think I’m very good at being pregnant. I’m an awful whinge just can’t help it. I honestly think I’d be better at work. But I’m working from home and worried about going in.... even tho I’d be able to focus on something else. Think it would be so much better for the mental health!

    Anyone else finding it hard being pregnant with the kids at home all day in lockdown?? Sorry for being a whinge! Hopefully in a few weeks we’ll all be in the thick shiny hair phase and feeling great instead of the hugging the toilet bowl phase which seems to be lasting me an eternity.... xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭DubGal123

    Hi all, joining in here too as due mid November. I had posted in December too previously!
    I have been very lucky on the symptoms front with only sore boobs really, it was actually causing me to be very apprehensive tbh because I just felt there was nothing going on! But I had an early scan today and there is indeed a baby in there! The size was as expected for my dates and had a good strong heartbeat. So feeling happy and relieved this evening - no doubt the worry will be back tomorrow!
    The main reason I went for the early scan is because I heard there's no 12 week scan on the Domino scheme - maybe some of you who've been through this before can verify? So said I'd do it privately and slightly before the 12 weeks to break up the wait!
    Best wishes to everyone else struggling through these difficult early weeks!! I can only imagine it's a different ball game altogether for those with kids already, it's our first so probably half the reason I feel fine is I've only myself to look after! Hopefully everyone will be through the worst of the first trimester soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 578 ✭✭✭cant26

    Congrats on the scan dubgal! Is it because of the coronavirus that there is no 12 week scan or is it standard?
    I’m getting the harmony done on Tuesday when I meet the consultant so having it all done together. You sound exactly like me lizardlegs! When the schools closed I was just hitting the 6 week mark and I swear from 6-9 weeks was absolute torture with nausea and exhaustion. Then the guilt on top of it. My son and I were also tested for Covid19 because we ended up getting pretty sick during that time too. Thankfully the tests were negative but it was just so rough and knocked me for six. Work today was definitely good in relation to getting some head space but it also brings risks I suppose. Hope you start feeling better soon, I told my husband on Monday that I wasn’t good at pregnancy I just feel very old this time round!

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭DubGal123

    Thanks cant26! It feels so surreal to have seen the little shape, it's amazing!
    I think it's because the appointments take place in a clinic not the hospital for Domino (for Holles St anyway) - you just go to the hospital for the anomoly scan. I could be wrong though - I did a lot of research into Domino when deciding but can't find where I read this now!
    Best of luck with your appointment and harmony test next week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Hi ladies.... got my harmony results this morning. Everything is low risk thank god! And...... found out we are having a little boy! Sooooo delighted. That’s 2 girls and 2 boys for us. Couldn’t be happier! Xxx

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Congratulations that's lovely news Lizardlegs.

    I spent the morning in the Coombe ED. I called my gp first thing as i was having a brown discharge all weekend and had pain in lower stomach and back since sat morning and a horrible headache since Thursday. GP emailed me a referral letter and i was down there just after 9am. It was really quiet thankfully. I was in and out in just over an hour. Thankfully all is ok and i saw baby and heartbeat. It wasn't very clear but she said all look good with baby.

    It might be an infection not quite sure but swabbed me and will be in contact if it is.
    The doc was scanning me for what felt like 20 mins (which was prob 2 mins) with no sound. She didn't say a thing, i thought she might have at least reassured me as soon as she saw baby and the heartbeat but she didn't so I was expecting bad news, then she showed me the screen with the baby and the heartbeat, i was relieved but still feel a bit unsettled. Hard to explain.
    I asked her about the size of the baby and if it looks like my dates are right and she said she couldn't tell as the scanner wasn't very accurate to tell that and my dating scan will be more accurate.

    She said to come back if i have any heavy bleeding otherwise wait it out until my booking appt in a week and a half, she was lovely but i just wasn't fully reassured when i was leaving. I know i'm overthinking it way too much and i just need to try relax until Thursday week.

    On the plus side my nausea seems to have settled :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭DubGal123

    Congrats Lizardlegz, that's lovely news - you must be so excited!

    Sorry to hear you've had a worrying time Elly! It's not surprising you still feel a bit unsettled but try take comfort from the fact you've seen baby and heartbeat. Totally can understand you'd still be worried though, take it easy today and look after yourself!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 578 ✭✭✭cant26

    Great news lizardlegz! Lovely that you’ve that reassurance now. How long were you waiting in the end?
    Sorry to hear about your weekend elly but delighted all is well and you got a sneak peak at baba! Hope you doing ok x
    Have my first appointment with my consultant tomorrow along with scan and harmony test. I’m trying to not think about it but a bit nervous at the same time. Please god all will be fine.
    Morning sickness has turned into afternoon evening sickness. Absolute torture, found the last three hours in work awful bad. Had hoped things were lifting but it’s definitely back with a vengeance at the moment!

  • Registered Users Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Hi Elly, you poor thing! That must have been very frightening for you. Will be thinking of you and please god this BF a will settle down over the next few days. Xx

    Thanks Dubgal! And congratulations on your pregnancy!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    Hi Cant thanks a million. So I had the test done Wednesday 8th and got my results first thing this morning. They say around 7 working days. But I know it was a bank holiday Friday and Monday in UK. Good luck tomorrow!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭heldel00

    Elly red blood is more of a concern than brownish discharge. I would have had this with my first child. It can occur at the time that your regular period would have been due.

  • Registered Users Posts: 578 ✭✭✭cant26

    Met my consultant and midwife this morning. Got on good thank god. Dates are bang on and baba was dancing away on the screen! Harmony test done and will have results next week. Delighted now to get the ball rolling but won’t relax until results come back. I’ve put on 6lbs already!!!! Considering I ate three purple snack bars yesterday and half an Easter egg it’s probably not too bad. Copping on as of today! Was such a relief having the scan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    That’s great to hear Cant. Delighted to hear everything went well. The scans are so reassuring aren’t they! It’s lovely seeing the dancing away in there. Fingers crossed for you re harmony results. Do you think you’ll find out the gender or are you keeping it a surprise?

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭DubGal123

    Congrats Cant26! Great to hear everything went well at your appointment! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    heldel00 wrote: »
    Elly red blood is more of a concern than brownish discharge. I would have had this with my first child. It can occur at the time that your regular period would have been due.

    Thanks heldel00, yeah my gp had mentioned its generally a sign of old blood and more times than not its nothing to be concerned about but best to be safe and get checked, i actually haven't had a period since 2018, so she wanted to ensure that all was ok with the baby.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    Thanks Ladies feeling much better now. A lot more relaxed.

    Cant26 Delighted all went well at your appt and you got to see baby, that's lovely.
    I haven't weighed myself this week nearly afraid to :) I gained 4 stone on my first pregnancy. Most of it was in the 3rd tri. My tummy popped out this morning. My son said "omg mam, your belly is big and a little hard there must definitely be baby in there :) i just laugh it off any say nothing. I'm totally thorn on when to tell him, on one hand i cant wait to tell him and on the other its a long time for him to have to wait.

    Hope your all keeping well xx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 267 ✭✭Lizardlegz

    I’ve put on half a stone already!! I haven’t even attempted
    To put jeans on since the day my test came back positive!! Lol
