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The Witcher Werewolf - GAMETHREAD



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Ewan WW wrote: »
    Morning. He was the mage Fringilla Vigo not the Knight


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    Seeing as we now know he was the black knight, that post at the beginning with the song verses had to be him trying to get Ciri to check him as Geralt first.

    It was a task, surely?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭Patrick WW

    Morning. I want to have a look at those votes myself in relation to FFAs and have a read back over the run up to the lynch last night.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    It was a task, surely?

    Could it have been both? Try and lure Ciri into wasting a search on him? Would the black knight or the other Nilf have tried the same thing too? After all, if she found the black knight then her chance to mason with the seer would be gone.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Patrick WW wrote: »
    Morning. I want to have a look at those votes myself in relation to FFAs and have a read back over the run up to the lynch last night.

    I know it’s time consuming putting them together but I must say, having a history of voting at our disposal is great.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Morning all, time to wake up


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Looking back through Jake's posts, I'd summarise them as follows:

    - early on was giving post count updates, just being "helpful" or prepping to target high/low posters?
    - queries interaction between Derry & Phil as possibly fabricated (belatedly includes Vernon as part of this point)
    - begins to question Conor on the Columbo thing & the piggies (never really gives up on Conor from this point on)
    - questions Phil again
    - FFA#1 Conor, Phil & Eva (not sure where he pulls Eva from?)
    - begins to question Eva in relation to the a song she mentioned
    - questions Phil again
    - Derry & Gabriel vote for Jake early yesterday
    - Liam questions Jake about lyrics
    - Jake questions Phil, Conor & Derry again

    To me, his main focus seems to have been Conor & Phil (I feel like his interaction with Derry was moreso becaue Derry targeted him rather than the other way around). I think he felt like his lyrics post was identified as a task and he started to target others who could legitimately be considered to be tasking.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,146 ✭✭✭Barbara WW

    My first suspicions of Jake were based on Nigel's posts, which is in my reasoning for suspecting him, albeit incorrectly.

    You say I voted for Jake shortly after that post where you think I'm leaning towards voting Gabriel. There was a good 40 minutes or so between that post and my vote, most of which for me was a back and forth about Nigel's posts with Jake and I didn't really like his posting which made me think he was more likely to be Nigel's partner.
    Orla WW wrote: »
    Barbara doesnt mention Jake at all till later on today and for the first time when dissecting Nigels death.

    Then lumps Jake/Conor as one vote on FFA. Her reasoning is very flawed for putting them in an FFA, ie one is loud and Nigel was quiet.
    Barbara WW wrote: »
    I was the first person to accuse Gabriel yesterday for his strong post replying to Frank. I thought everyone knew that, so no it is not retaliatory. Why did you vote for me yesterday if you didn't know why I suspected Gabriel? Most people voted for me in part at least because they thought I was hedging on Gabriel. Now you say you don't know why I suspect him.

    I've now realised that Conor is almost certainly not Nigel's teammate. Jake hasn't been ruled out. I based that on my read of Nigel's posts and who he interacted with, which I had posted previously. I didn't just pick names out of a hat. If you have a look back you can find it.

    You, I put on because I didn't like your reasoning. I thought it left out some things that didn't fit with your picture, but that didn't stop you trying to case shade. It even says in the post you quoted that I was replying to some and you ignored it. You felt it important enough to note that conor's mention was in reference to someone else, so why not mine?

    Seems to insinuate she is leaning Gabriel to me but yet votes Jake shortly afterwards.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Ok still learning game, but the back and forward between Phil and Derry, does it look fabricated? Just I have seen in previous games where people squabble and end up being on same team. Still trying to figure it out.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Sorry meant to include Vernon as first Vernon then Derry both squabbly interacting with Phil, is it a stunt or genuine questioning. I suppose everything can look guilty on first day
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Ok was trying to multiquote Conor as he could be Columbo with the multiple threads quoting everyone else but I have a tingle and it is niggling
    Jake WW wrote: »




    Fluff but referencing future game play

    posted video clip Fat Larry's Zoom

    replying to Phil WW

    this morning bright and busy tailed early bird catches the worm


    odd little verse in response to Frank WW

    expands on verse still at odds with conversation

    [responding to Derry gentle accusation/COLOR]

    responding to Gabriel WW

    quotes munched Frank WW

    responding to Jake WW

    responding to Phil WW

    responding to Eval WW

    fluff responding to Liam WW

    general comment

    responding to Gabriel WW

    fluff being helpful to Orla

    qoutes and responds to Barbara WW

    responding to Gabriel WW and general chat

    using hashtag responding to Barbara

    fluff n banter/B]

    responding to Lucy WW

    responding to Barbara WW hint a fighting for survival why doe she think he might be? WHat does he have to hide?

    responding to Jake WW but was asked to split list not whether it was his FFA

    rdrawing attention to Angus WW

    maybe trying to rise Angus WW

    responding to Jake WW

    responding to Jake WW
    QUOTE=Conor WW;113286566]Like Vernon having more than one post.
    Like saying he’s apologised when he hasn’t
    Like Abigail having a reads list (btw, I think abi was taking about reading the OP a few note times not making a reads list)
    Why would a wolf continuously make errors that can be easily traced in what has been a slow moving thread?
    responding to Barbara WW

    Isoing Nigel multiple quotes and his reaction to them post 241

    ISOING Vernon and his comments on multiple quotes post 251

    ISOING Patrick WW

    responding to Phil WW

    responding to Phil WW

    responding to Jake WW
    Perhaps he just wanted to entertain us.
    responding to Ewan WW[/QUOTE]
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Christ that nearly killed me!!

    Right so Conor likes to chat but in lots of chat there is hiding in plain sight and obfuscation. It has my hackles up.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Are you trying to influence me?:P That was my first iso and crikey nightmare, basically since those 3 little pig verses posted for no real reason and also the way you chat to people, casual but casting aspersions, nope you are defintely on the list along with two others but I cant iso them am back to work from 7-8 so will look at the others isos of them
    Jake WW wrote: »
    So just Phil nothing official
    Jake WW wrote: »
    posted on wrong place

    WHat are the benefits of Phil doing this? Is it a task?
    Barbara WW wrote: »
    But in all seriousness, I've been clear on my top two reads thus far. You can say that I'm trying to hedge my bets. I've stepped back on one of them (saw it a bit too late). But say I'd just said Gabriel is definitely a wolf because of the post. I can still just say oh was wrong about that if he turns out to be good.
    Conor WW wrote: »
    Put reason down Jake. Also would you tag it #FFA1 so it can be found in a search?
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Christ sake, I was getting into the spirit of the game and as I said was listening to the music and i have a habit of changing lyrics in real life and thiought ye would be amused.

    Meanwhile out of the box first line Eva quotes THE SMITH and none of ye bad an eyelid!!! I highlight it by posting the video and no one else goes oh look thts weird. Then we have Conor who for no reason posts a weird poem on the 3 little pigs and draws attention to himself doing it, he was practically screaming look at me while he did it and because he makes a lot opf posts no one is LOOKINGS at him.

    You also have Phil self declaeing himself a villager and ye sheep yeah yeh makes sense well didnt get the chance to post reasons for my FFA yesterday becuase of rl stufff but here they are #FFA1 for ye to find

    I am not acting the noob Gabriel I have played a couple of times but I asked a question about something I didnt know. IT IS HOW YOU LEARN THESE GAMES OR DID YOU FORGET!!!!!! Good to be an expert but then iI know some people like rabbit holes and will chase me down them while ignoring the likes of EVA and CONOR

    BTW having read and caught UP leave Conor to die just because he posts a lot he covers up his wolfishness in psots and as I leanrnt for another game wolves can be found with hogh post counts. I will say I think Eva and Conor are wolves, Phil I am still deciding and I might add more to that list later
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Oral Gabriels quote, did you put the Sitting on couch watching movies in quotes?
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Conors piggy song and Eva's quote from the song Every day is like Sunday by The Smiths
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Can I ask is Phil cleared as a villager? Or is it just his word?
    Jake WW wrote: »
    As you said Eva brought it up.

    I posted the video to show I knew where she got it as I thought it was a strange first post, the next time I will know to give a better explanation. It just stood out to me as I am a Smiths fan, sorry I Know, but I temper it by being more of a Curehead.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Derry re my Iso, it was my first one I thought I had done enough by commenting on Conor's and Phils behaviour hopefully the next one will be better, but that was exhausting, I dont know how people do them.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Gabriel I think voted because he felt I overreacted this morning, post tones can be hard to read, Derry I havent a clue, he didnt post an FFA yesterday could be anything
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Nope, sorry Liam because I am not going down that rabbit hole with you and they aren't great quality, it is just someting I have always done, I just presume people who listen t music a lot do that, I also have a habit of looking for maths in things and practicising sums in my head as I go through the day, it is just a thing I like to do.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    That because it suits your narrative to think that but I have no reason to make it up as I am talking about real life there so I dont lie about real life and it was an honest answer, I do rewrite lyrics always have, I write my own songs, poetry etc going back to 5th class when I started keeping the stuff and I have had articles published. You asked a question I answered and now you are trying to twist it.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Orlla, your post #839 just highlighted something for me. I was trying to figure out yesterday why Derry voted for me and you quoted my post #214, where I commented on him squabbling with Phil and wondered was a planned squabble at

    Originally Posted by Jake WW View Post
    Ok still learning game, but the back and forward between Phil and Derry, does it look fabricated? Just I have seen in previous games where people squabble and end up being on same team. Still trying to figure it out.

    I wonder if that hit a nerve as he voted for me yesterday with no reason. I havent had a chance to look at it today as all I have been doing is answering questions on a silly ditty that in the next game I will know not to put up anything entertaining. Mind you whoever suggested me this morning did a good job taking attention off themselves.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    lololol :rolleyes: I can do that all by myself as Im a big boy. Still trying to figure what you and Phil upto as I do reckon you only voted me as I brought attention to it.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Which I have explained multiple times :rolleyes:. And Conor with his piggy poem gets overlooked because he posts a lot and is very good at making himself look busy, what an overly helpful villager. I hope I get that skilled at this game one day. I am not even sure how to ask the questions to stuff I want to know without getting jumped on. I am reading here and am overwhelmed at the detail people look for, song lyrics tv guides, its impressive.
    Jake WW wrote: »
    We only have Phil's word he is king and this is a great way to alert wolfie team to meeting
    Jake WW wrote: »
    I queried him and Derry yesterday and Derry then voted for me, so maybe it is something. Just Phil's behaviour seems wolfie and acting crazy great way to get overlooked
    Jake WW wrote: »
    I was being sarcastic as Conor was posting all over the place, like Columbo when he comes back to ask yet another question. I think Conor is a wolf and is hiding in plain sight with the amount of posts
    Jake WW wrote: »
    Your iso didnt amount to much, more fluff between you Phil and Conor we have a circus:rolleyes:
    Jake WW wrote: »
    For what it is worth

    Conor wolf in plain sight
    Phil dodgy as I have said it from beginning
    Derry got spooked by something but has influence wolf
    Holly the invisable girl
    Patrick thinking village
    Liam village
    Babs unknown
    Eva dont know today
    Orla wolfy monster vibe
    Ewan thinks a lot maybe village
    Vernon think village but not sure
    Gabriel leaning wolf
    Gertrude leaning village
    Angus unremarkable unknown

    I think it’s safe to say I wasn’t Jakes team mate :D
    Neither is Derry (obviously), Phil and I think Eva and he seemed to want to push that wagon.

    The second from the top quote is interesting when he adds Vernon to the mix with Derry and Phil having an orchestrated convo. I know I’ve got the blinkers on with Vernon but don’t the wolf team usually add in one of their mates at some stage?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Barbara WW wrote: »
    My first suspicions of Jake were based on Nigel's posts, which is in my reasoning for suspecting him, albeit incorrectly.

    You say I voted for Jake shortly after that post where you think I'm leaning towards voting Gabriel. There was a good 40 minutes or so between that post and my vote, most of which for me was a back and forth about Nigel's posts with Jake and I didn't really like his posting which made me think he was more likely to be Nigel's partner.

    Who is this directed at?

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,146 ✭✭✭Barbara WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    Who is this directed at?

    Orla, and just to be sassy - the person I quoted.


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Barbara WW wrote: »
    Orla, and just to be sassy - the person I quoted.


    Fair enough although in the post you quoted, she didn't say what you said she said i.e. "You say I voted for Jake shortly after that post where you think I'm leaning towards voting Gabriel" but maybe it was there earlier in the conversation between the two of you

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,146 ✭✭✭Barbara WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    Fair enough although in the post you quoted, she didn't say what you said she said i.e. "You say I voted for Jake shortly after that post where you think I'm leaning towards voting Gabriel" but maybe it was there earlier in the conversation between the two of you

    The end of her post is "Seems to insinuate she is leaning Gabriel to me but yet votes Jake shortly afterwards.". Maybe I'm misreading it, but I think I've represented her words accurately enough.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭Patrick WW

    My notes are taking me way too long this morning - keep getting interuppted by actual work which is annoying. Just in case, the first 6 are people I feel less good about - think evils are in there. Obviously there are only 3 left so I'm wrong on a few. Second group are people I feel are possibly village.

    Angus WW
    Barbara WW
    Conor WW
    Eva WW
    Ewan WW
    Liam WW

    Derry WW
    Emily WW
    Gabriel WW
    Gertrude WW
    Holly WW
    Orla WW
    Phil WW
    Vernon WW

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Barbara WW wrote: »
    The end of her post is "Seems to insinuate she is leaning Gabriel to me but yet votes Jake shortly afterwards.". Maybe I'm misreading it, but I think I've represented her words accurately enough.

    At the time of posting your FFA it was looking like it would be between you, Jake and Conor and I wondered did you put them both down so you could vote for either if that's what way the voting went and save yourself again

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Angus WW
    Barbara WW
    Conor WW
    Eva WW
    Ewan WW
    Liam WW

    What the hell am I doing here. I don’t belong heeeeerrrrrrre. I don’t be long here.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Just confirming Orla has been double cleared.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Before the munch, I'd like to highlight these couple of posts:
    Mods post the lynch details:
    sKeith wrote: »
    Jake WW has been lynched.
    Jake WW was
    Fringilla Vigo

    Conor WW has
    made a recovery
    Seconds later, Vernon posts this (remember that Derry was the first to vote for Jake):
    Vernon WW wrote: »
    Followed immediately by this:
    Vernon WW wrote: »
    and jake, you should have role claimed
    Derry queries him on the first post but gets no reply.
    When questioned by Gabriel & Ewan on the second post about role claiming, he replies with this.
    Vernon WW wrote: »
    oh, never mind. got fringilla and triss mixed up
    I think Vernon's posts were meant for the backroom. Based on this, Vernon is a wolf and is getting my vote tonight (if he doesn't die this morning from his poisoning yesterday).

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,714 ✭✭✭Vernon WW

    Healer, hopefully you’ll be online in the next ~33 mins so you can heal me. I’m princess ciri. 2 peeks so far, haven’t found geralt or cahir.

    I’m hedging my bets here a bit hoping I wont be munched as I’ll be dead in half an hour; and kill orders for tonight have already been placed.

    Hoping I’ll get 1 more peek tonight.

    Maybe I can join phil on the council now :P

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Vernon WW wrote: »
    Healer, hopefully you’ll be online in the next ~33 mins so you can heal me. I’m princess ciri. 2 peeks so far, haven’t found geralt or cahir.

    I’m hedging my bets here a bit hoping I wont be munched as I’ll be dead in half an hour; and kill orders for tonight have already been placed.

    Hoping I’ll get 1 more peek tonight.

    Maybe I can join phil on the council now :P


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,404 ✭✭✭✭sKeith

    Day 3 begins.

    Derry WW has been found dead.

    Derry WW was
    Yennefer of Vengerberg

    Patrick WW was found dead.

    Patrick WW was
    *********** NRV ************

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭Patrick WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    Angus WW
    Barbara WW
    Conor WW
    Eva WW
    Ewan WW
    Liam WW

    What the hell am I doing here. I don’t belong heeeeerrrrrrre. I don’t be long here.

    I have to keep an eye on you because while I think you're good I have been firmly pocketed before. Could be that your 3 little pigs was cover for Jakes task and as Barbara pointed out, you did mention Columbo along with my top 3 other suspects one of whom flipped wolf.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Awh no I would have thought Derry would be protected after yesterday :(

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    She was protected the night before :(

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    Before the munch, I'd like to highlight these couple of posts:
    Mods post the lynch details:

    Seconds later, Vernon posts this (remember that Derry was the first to vote for Jake):

    Followed immediately by this:

    Derry queries him on the first post but gets no reply.
    When questioned by Gabriel & Ewan on the second post about role claiming, he replies with this.

    I think Vernon's posts were meant for the backroom. Based on this, Vernon is a wolf and is getting my vote tonight (if he doesn't die this morning from his poisoning yesterday).

    Any thoughts on this Vernon or are you sticking to your own advice to role claim?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    She was protected the night before :(

    Crap well at least he confirmed Orla before he died so we still have her and Phil for village core

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Vernon who did you peak those two times?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,146 ✭✭✭Barbara WW

    And we still have a seer, at least a new seer.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Barbara WW wrote: »
    And we still have a seer, at least a new seer.

    Ohhhh the apprentice, that's great news :)
