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The Witcher Werewolf - GAMETHREAD



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    Unless you wanna come out as Ciri as there’s no need to stay hidden then Vernon is Ciri.

    Has everyone been on yet?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,714 ✭✭✭Vernon WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    Seconds after Jake was lynched, you twice meant to post in the backroom but posted here instead. You're a wolf

    they do look like backroom slips ups in fairness and i was surprised last night no one went straight in about them. why now?

    but it was a genuine mistake. i thought we had lynched the healer and i was gonna be dead this morning.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,409 ✭✭✭Ewan WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    You mean you immediately commented AFTER I had put down a post saying that should Phil die and return good, all posts up until this (the post I made at the time) should be reviewed?

    Show me where you commented prior to me making that post and I’ll apologise for missing you in the investigations I made.

    What in the actual hell are you on about?

    I wasnt even online until around 5pm Monday and the first thing I comment on is Phil.

    I mistakenly thought his posts about the announcement were mod posts so I immediately mentioned that he had to be the bard based on the 'mistakes'

    Just because I wasnt online at some stupid designated time by you means nothing.

    If you bothered to ISO me when you said you were going to yesterday you would have seen that

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Is there anything to be said for a mass reveal?
    We have 12 left
    Orla, Phil and Vernon cleared
    3 more RVs to add to that

    Leaves 3 from 6 of us
    Lynch one
    Peek one
    Lose 2 RVs at worst
    Hopefully gerry attacks one and lynch one

    Great odds

    Angus WW
    Barbara WW
    Conor WW
    Emily WW
    Eva WW
    Ewan WW
    Gabriel WW
    Gertrude WW
    Holly WW
    Orla WW
    Phil WW
    Vernon WW

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    Seconds after Jake was lynched, you twice meant to post in the backroom but posted here instead. You're a wolf

    I'm certainly not inviting Vernon to the King's County Council yet but who would mistake Boards for the backroom, let alone do it twice?

    I've made plenty of stupid mistakes when it comes to posting in my time playing Werewolf but I've never come close to mistaking Boards for the backroom.

    You have a point though, not everybody has posted today yet.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Ewan WW wrote: »

    I mistakenly thought his posts about the announcement were mod posts so I immediately mentioned that he had to be the bard based on the 'mistakes'

    I don’t think you make mistakes like that

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Jesus I'll probably be hanged for this :pac:

    But isn't it a little unfair to the mods to mass reveal so soon? It kind of takes away the fun of the game when everyone just comes out and we're only on Day 3, I think anyway
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Is there anything to be said for a mass reveal?
    We have 12 left
    Orla, Phil and Vernon cleared
    3 more RVs to add to that

    Leaves 3 from 6 of us
    Lynch one
    Peek one
    Lose 2 RVs at worst
    Hopefully gerry attacks one and lynch one

    Great odds

    Angus WW
    Barbara WW
    Conor WW
    Emily WW
    Eva WW
    Ewan WW
    Gabriel WW
    Gertrude WW
    Holly WW
    Orla WW
    Phil WW
    Vernon WW

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,409 ✭✭✭Ewan WW

    Ok I need to chill out and maybe do some work :o

    I'll be back on at lunchtime

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    Is there anything to be said for a mass reveal?


    The moderators have worked their collective arse off, spending **** knows how much time, organising this game and you just want a mass reveal on day three?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Jesus I'll probably be hanged for this :pac:

    But isn't it a little unfair to the mods to mass reveal so soon? It kind of takes away the fun of the game when everyone just comes out and we're only on Day 3, I think anyway

    I do agree in principle

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Edit: Agreed, Gertie.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    I'm certainly not inviting Vernon to the King's County Council yet but who would mistake Boards for the backroom, let alone do it twice?

    I've made plenty of stupid mistakes when it comes to posting in my time playing Werewolf but I've never come close to mistaking Boards for the backroom.

    You have a point though, not everybody has posted today yet.

    Oh, I take it backrooms don't look like boards then? If not, then perhaps I was too definite in my condemnation of Vernon so I'll suspend that until everyone has posted for today

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    How did Phil make your village core?
    Also Orla could be the guy who peeks good first time round - I’d park her for now but just saying she could be

    Late to the Party here but Phil says I'm good from a peek allegedly

    Derry says I'm double confirmed, is then munched and is confirmed seer and you think I'm possibly dodgy.

    Hate coming across like Phil here but the term "Lock Clear" pops into mind when looking at what's on the table

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    Oh, I take it backrooms don't look like boards then? If not, then perhaps I was too definite in my condemnation of Vernon so I'll suspend that until everyone has posted for today

    Nope, very different. Colour scheme in backroom is brown for starters.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    I do agree in principle

    It just goes against everything the game is all about, the whole point is trying to figure everything out. The fun is in losing your mind, being right, being wrong, people having to come out when they have no other chance and throwing a curveball into the mix. Mass reveal also takes the fun out of it for the seer which is unfair on them.

    I think there's a time and place for revealing when the numbers are lower and you're weeding out the evils but not when we're only on Day 3 and there's 12 players left 6 of which are roled good and bad

    And as said already the mods worked hard to make this game with it in mind that people would play it how the game is supposed to be played and not with the magic taken away from it

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    It wasn’t a stupid time. It was the time when Phil had had enough and was telling the thread to cop onto themselves.

    The way the day was going, Phil was destined to be high up the lynch votes. There were many prompts by players to why that thought he was dodgy. Within those players was Jakey boy.

    My theory is that there was absolutely no need for an entire wolf team to join in the Phil talk so one stayed away from it. Once I made public my feelings on the talk throughout the day, any posts after that couldn’t be considered.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    For what it is worth

    Conor wolf in plain sight
    Phil dodgy as I have said it from beginning
    Derry got spooked by something but has influence wolf
    Holly the invisable girl
    Patrick thinking village
    Liam village
    Babs unknown
    Eva dont know today
    Orla wolfy monster vibe
    Ewan thinks a lot maybe village
    Vernon think village but not sure
    Gabriel leaning wolf
    Gertrude leaning village
    Angus unremarkable unknown

    Before dying Jake calls out Derry, Orla & Phil as wolfy and all three now look clear.

    Two others he calls out as wolf are Conor & Gabriel which has to look good for those two (although they could be from the rival wolf team).

    He calls Liam & Patrick as village which is correct.

    He also calls out Ewan, Vernon & Gertrude as village.

    "Unknowns" to him are Angus, Eva, Barbara, Holly and me

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,146 ✭✭✭Barbara WW

    Shamelessly stolen from Gertrude and some colour added (blue is likely good) - for those on mobile underlined means baddy. Derry had likely peeked Jake early given his lone vote both times. From their day one votes I doubt Nigel and his teammate would vote together, which rules Conor and Gabriel out from the other monster. So that leads me to the Lucy voters, as well as Emily and Eva. However I'd say they went on myself or Jake last night to try conceal themselves, more likely on the Jake voters given Conor already ruled out.

    But in terms of the wolves I reckon at least one on Lucy day one, and then maybe one on me. With Jake being in the 'outliers' it makes sense that one would do similar the following day perhaps Emily, Eva or Holly. Almost certainly a wolf on Jake last night with Ewan and Angus candidates there due to their later votes. Gabriel would be a deep bussing but would be more convincing.

    Day 1

    Player | Votes
    Lucy WW | Gertrude, Holly, Ewan, Angus, Barbara
    Barbara WW | Patrick, Gabriel, Nigel, Conor
    Phil WW | Abigail, Phil, Emily
    Conor WW | Lucy, Jake
    Gabriel WW | Vernon
    Jake WW | Derry
    Liam WW | Eva
    Angus WW | Orla
    Holly WW | Liam

    Day 2

    Player | Vote
    Jake WW | Derry, Gabriel, Patrick, Barbara, Orla, Ewan, Angus
    Barbara WW | Vernon, Gertrude, Conor, Jake
    Angus WW | Emily, Eva
    Holly WW | Liam
    Gabriel WW | Holly
    Eva WW | Phil

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Ewan WW wrote: »

    Only person who gets credit for Jake is Derry as far as I'm concerned


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Not for a mass reveal at all! That being said if there is a counter be it for Ciri or the Bard, we need to hear it now! Zero point in not revealing as we are clearing two people on the lack of counter claim, one role is effectively useless

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    This is in my notes regarding the Phil conversations from day 1. These players did not engage in any of the conversations about “mistakegate”

    Those that stayed away from Phil convo. If Babs and/or Vernon a Nilf then there’s 1 or 2 nilfs in these.

    Angus WW
    Eva WW
    Ewan WW
    Holly WW
    Liam WW
    Nigel WW STRIGA

    Emily WW wrote: »
    Before dying Jake calls out Derry, Orla & Phil as wolfy and all three now look clear.

    Two others he calls out as wolf are Conor & Gabriel which has to look good for those two (although they could be from the rival wolf team).

    He calls Liam & Patrick as village which is correct.

    He also calls out Ewan, Vernon & Gertrude as village.

    "Unknowns" to him are Angus, Eva, Barbara, Holly and me

    Let's try cross-reference these two posts and see if we can come to a meaningful conclusion.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    My plan for the next short while is to look at those who tried to ignore or steer chat away from Jake yesterday.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    My plan for the next short while is to look at those who tried to ignore or steer chat away from Jake yesterday.

    I think I'll be in this group somewhat. I was dead set on Barbara and I still think there's a chance she could be a wolf but I'm working through others to have a look at the bigger picture.

    When I said I had a good feeling about Derry I thought he was the seer for how hard he was going after Jake but when I read his posts I thought what if he's just a player who's convinced Jake is bad(Ironic I know) and I felt from reading Jakes posts there wasn't enough for me to change from Barbara who I was dead set on

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    Let's try cross-reference these two posts and see if we can come to a meaningful conclusion.

    Is it that Angus, Eva and Holly are all on the unknowns and didn't mention him? That's one too many wolves though, what are you thinking?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,714 ✭✭✭Vernon WW

    i suppose first things first, derry likely had 2 peeks.


    any of his other reads are as useful as our own reads

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Is it that Angus, Eva and Holly are all on the unknowns and didn't mention him? That's one too many wolves though, what are you thinking?
    He could easily have popped one into the village list.

    Not suggesting that all are wolves but it could be a useful tool to finding a 'most likely' wolf.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    I think Ewan, Eva and Conor all need to be resolved

    I’d like Conor peeked by the new seer

    Happy to lynch either of the other two

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    I think Ewan, Eva and Conor all need to be resolved

    I’d like Conor peeked by the new seer

    Happy to lynch either of the other two

    I’ll expand on that

    Their voting patterns

    Conor is on the same counter wagon both nites. Strange on two accounts
    Eva is away from any kind of a wagon both nites, fair enough D1 but D2 she’s just avoiding trouble

    Ewan for his shifting votes, obviously I did similar but I know I’m good

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Conor WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    I think Ewan, Eva and Conor all need to be resolved

    I’d like Conor peeked by the new seer

    Happy to lynch either of the other two

    What about the seer peeking you?

    If I need resolving then it should be by death and not a waste of a valuable seer peek.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,409 ✭✭✭Ewan WW

    Conor WW wrote: »
    What about the seer peeking you?

    If I need resolving then it should be by death and not a waste of a valuable seer peek.

    I think seer peeks need to come with a caveat whilst the Doppler is floating around if I'm honest. Derry did well to find Jake but we cant trust clear NRV peeks unless they're doubled up like Orlas.
