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The Witcher Werewolf - GAMETHREAD



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    Yeah, I dont buy it! Dunno what you can really say that will make me change my mind but I dont like you at all at this point. Heavy wolf vibes

    Thats not very nice, I have feelings too

    I've been here defending myself all day, you've said that my read of Gertie was after both of my votes, they clearly aren't, it was half an house before one and at the same time give or take as the first. When I present this to you your answer is to just ignore it cause I'm guilty anyway

    At 19:42 I gave some reads and went off to read up on other players. By 20:24 I suspected Gertie and meant to vote for her, I posted as much at 20:27. Heres the post below, IMO its clear that Gertie is the one I wanted to vote for

    Angus WW wrote: »
    Ewan - just seems to accept Phil is tasking away? seems strange. Then goes after Eva for suggesting Frank migght have been tasking - as if she was giving something away - I dont see it - watching brief for now

    Gertie - her FFA stinks of trying to pick a wolf out of the Lucy voters who isnt herself - you've come up with a theory and talk about a powerful wolf and three of us protecting that powerful wolf - what role is this exactly? To blow a massive hole in your theory Barbara could have easily self-presed by switching to Phil - if the two of them were on a team then Ewan and myself couldn't also be on that team. You're projecting I feel

    Holly - Does an ISO of Nigel and comes to a Gabs conclusion - has voted that way - good look

    Emily - I like her posts - I do not like her vote but I can understand it, I've apologised for my tactics last nite

    More comments to follow on the remaining players

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    When I used my SEER I was stuck between Orla and Emily, mainly because they seemed to be on my case hardest, but even then, I decided to use to decide. I put all the names into it as they appear in the OP.

    This is how it came out;

    There were 19 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
    1. Orla WW
    2. Emily WW
    3. Derry WW
    4. Conor WW
    5. Holly WW
    6. Liam WW
    7. Lucy WW
    8. Ewan WW
    9. Angus WW
    10. Nigel WW
    11. Jake WW
    12. Vernon WW
    13. Barbara WW
    14. Gertrude WW
    15. Eva WW
    16. Abigail WW
    17. Patrick WW
    18. Gabriel WW
    19. Phil WW

    Me, the only known villager at the bottom. I couldn't ignore it haha.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Barbara WW wrote: »
    On the other hand I reckon a villager is more likely to suggest this. I think it would be in poor taste. The only thing reason I can see a baddy is if they knew it would be shot down quickly but it made them look good for suggesting it.

    I dont really agree with you here. Mass reveals come at different stages in games, sometimes its at the very end, other times its earlier.
    The mechanics of this game mean that with Striga dead it has halved the potential kill rate of one of the wolf teams. If Triss had been killed first the village would be in a lot of bother.
    This is the risk with such a heavily roled game, that one side takes a hit early on and it unbalances the game. Thems the breaks

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    @Phil - any prizes today?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Just looking back around munch yesterday, heat started on Jake a little and I wanted to read back over so pulled out some interesting quotes
    Ewan WW wrote: »

    Eva - brings up wolf tasks in a very specific way, still not sitting right with me.

    Vernon - a bit of laziness on the thread asking about reasoning this morning when answers had already been given, think they're trying to play the good villager a little too hard

    Jake - the tossing of a coin to a Witcher posts. If Eva is evil and slipped about the tasks we should look here next, or alternatively...

    Conor - the rhyming and verses of Big Bad Wolf. Too obvious? Maybe not...

    Ewans early morning FFA, mad a link about Eva being bad being linked to Jake. Jake has flipped bad so wondering if you can make the same link in reverse. With hindsight, its a very phoned in FFA using other peoples analysis IMO

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    Ok so someone posted about Jake this morning and it totally made sense to me. I was looking back at Jake's posts and there are a few that are jumping out at me. This is one of his first posts and it was pointed out that if there was a task on N0 for the first kill, then this is a really easy way to get 'Toss a Coin' or 'Calanthe' or 'Ciri' into a single post. It just sticks out to me.

    Then these quotes:

    Both kinda acting the noob, asking about mechanics but talking about previous games too. Seems a bit forced to me and not natural at all. He also does a massive ISO on Conor with nothing obviously suspicious in it but still says that he has suspicions on him and votes for him in the lynch.
    I think I'd be looking closely at Jake today on the back of these posts.
    There was only small mentions of Jake being bogey from me and Derry at this point. Gabs goes in two footed on it which really puts him in the position of not on team Jake so if he is evil he is Kiki but not sold on him being bad as much as I was yesterday morning.

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Christ sake, I was getting into the spirit of the game and as I said was listening to the music and i have a habit of changing lyrics in real life and thiought ye would be amused.

    Meanwhile out of the box first line Eva quotes THE SMITH and none of ye bad an eyelid!!! I highlight it by posting the video and no one else goes oh look thts weird. Then we have Conor who for no reason posts a weird poem on the 3 little pigs and draws attention to himself doing it, he was practically screaming look at me while he did it and because he makes a lot opf posts no one is LOOKINGS at him.

    You also have Phil self declaeing himself a villager and ye sheep yeah yeh makes sense well didnt get the chance to post reasons for my FFA yesterday becuase of rl stufff but here they are #FFA1 for ye to find

    I am not acting the noob Gabriel I have played a couple of times but I asked a question about something I didnt know. IT IS HOW YOU LEARN THESE GAMES OR DID YOU FORGET!!!!!! Good to be an expert but then iI know some people like rabbit holes and will chase me down them while ignoring the likes of EVA and CONOR

    BTW having read and caught UP leave Conor to die just because he posts a lot he covers up his wolfishness in psots and as I leanrnt for another game wolves can be found with hogh post counts. I will say I think Eva and Conor are wolves, Phil I am still deciding and I might add more to that list later
    Jake absoutely firing shots at posters, hard to make a read from this on what might be useful. Eva and Conor are in the bad pile from his POV, feels more like genuine diversion rather than distancing.

    Liam WW wrote: »
    Ewan was a bit defensive in explaining his vote for Lucy to me, quoting a post from a few pages back very quickly. His reasoning was she was a bit cheeky to Gertrude. I didn't think that was a good enough reason to vote for Lucy and I didn't understand the reasoning at all behind her lynch.

    The question should be asked again- why does Ewan find Conor's switch from Abigail to Barbara weird but his own switch from Eva to Lucy not weird?

    In his defence, Ewan has since made some reasoned posts.

    Definitely, but why was this post thanked by Patrick, Gertrude and Phil? Were they trying to deflect attention from themselves?

    This post was thanked by Angus and followed with...

    Odd. She didn't explain anything. Followed belatedly by a token accusation...

    So Gertrude would vote for Lucy again even after realising it was a villager? Odd.

    Odd thing to say again. Conor has said a lot actually.

    I thought King Foltest was a good guy? Who is BG? No abbreviations please, I don't watch the Witcher.

    Liam (good guy) has a bit of a suspicion on Ewan and notes Angus thanking someone not explaining anything. I will have to look at this interaction in a bit more detail to be honest

    Orla WW wrote: »
    I have bad leans on:
    Angus (cant forget his crazy prelynch comment)
    Jake obviously bad but id remove Gabs(unless KiKi) from this, reasoning being he went hard off at Jake.

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Oral Gabriels quote, did you put the Sitting on couch watching movies in quotes?
    Morning/afternoon everybody,

    Have quite a bit to catch up on and digest last night. Had an early night and was hoping to get up early but my body said no! :o

    I’ll be on for the day so bear with me while I gather my thoughts

    I have totally forgot why I quoted Gertie, it will come back to me I am sure :(

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    When I used my SEER I was stuck between Orla and Emily, mainly because they seemed to be on my case hardest, but even then, I decided to use to decide. I put all the names into it as they appear in the OP.

    This is how it came out;

    There were 19 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
    1. Orla WW
    2. Emily WW
    3. Derry WW
    4. Conor WW
    5. Holly WW
    6. Liam WW
    7. Lucy WW
    8. Ewan WW
    9. Angus WW
    10. Nigel WW
    11. Jake WW
    12. Vernon WW
    13. Barbara WW
    14. Gertrude WW
    15. Eva WW
    16. Abigail WW
    17. Patrick WW
    18. Gabriel WW
    19. Phil WW

    Me, the only known villager at the bottom. I couldn't ignore it haha.

    Myself and Derry in the top 3! you might be bad yet Philo

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    Thats not very nice, I have feelings too

    I didnt mean it from a personal perspective. I dont like you as a villager

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Orla WW wrote: »
    I didnt mean it from a personal perspective. I dont like you as a villager

    I was joking!

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Vernon WW wrote: »
    phil, can you win any prizes today?
    Angus WW wrote: »
    @Phil - any prizes today?
    Phil WW wrote: »
    I'll put it to you this way, the wolves should have munched me this morning.

    I have one last prize but cannot be used until lynch thread is open on day 4.

    If the wolves don't hit the jackpot tonight, it's pretty much game over.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭Orla WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    I was joking!

    I thought that, just want to be sure :o

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,714 ✭✭✭Vernon WW

    Day 1

    Player | Votes
    Lucy WW | Gertrude, Holly, Ewan, Angus, Barbara
    Barbara WW | Patrick, Gabriel, Nigel, Conor
    Phil WW | Abigail, Phil, Emily
    Conor WW | Lucy, Jake
    Gabriel WW | Vernon
    Jake WW | Derry
    Liam WW | Eva
    Angus WW | Orla
    Holly WW | Liam

    Day 2

    Player | Vote
    Jake WW | Derry, Gabriel, Patrick, Barbara, Orla, Ewan, Angus
    Barbara WW | Vernon, Gertrude, Conor, Jake
    Angus WW | Emily, Eva
    Holly WW | Liam
    Gabriel WW | Holly
    Eva WW | Phil

    barbara, i voted for you.

    you need to be resolved.

    if you are bad, ewan or angus likely wolf. also likely conor, gabriel and gertrude are not wolves.

    i'm sorry if that seems unfair. and i'm partly to blame for that, for not following as closely as i should have been.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,714 ✭✭✭Vernon WW

    i would suggest you for peeking by the new seer, but with the doppelganger in play, the peek cannot be 100% trusted

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,146 ✭✭✭Barbara WW

    Well just prepare to have to follow a bit closer to find the rest of the baddies when I turn up good.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    I'm back. Ungamerelated I had RL stuff to sort out.

    Don't know where my heads at at the minute, need to catch up and continue looking into other players aside from Barbar/Angus and Ewan though I do still believe there's a baddie or two in there even though the three of them aren't linked together

    Are we doing FFAs today?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    For what it's worth. here's my top three picks:

    Vernon - as per my posts & vote this morning although the absence of a counter-claim would appear to decimate my theory on that. I'll change my vote later if nothing emerges.
    Angus - voted for Angus yesterday and I haven't seen much to dissuade me from that although he has defended himself well under pressure today. His voting strategy on the first night probably has him next on my list after Vernon
    Ewan - a weak enough 3rd tbh; he was called out by Jake alongside Vernon & Gertrude as possible Village and I'd have him ahead of Gertrude

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    What's the lay of the land now?

    How many left and what's the NRV, RV and Wolf split?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Something not sitting right with me with these three interactions
    Ewan WW wrote: »
    My first thoughts are around Babs who was counter wagon both nights.

    Had Nigel voting them yesterday and Jake voting them today, two seperate wolf teams. Also voted Jake.

    Not gonna lock Babs clear, but it's a good look imo.

    Barbara brings up Ewan trying to pocket her
    Barbara WW wrote: »
    Noticed this started off the wagonomics, and whilst he is right Ewan breezes past a few issues with this. I'm a strange choice to try and pocket Ewan.

    Then quotes all his others posts were he says he thinks she's good
    Barbara WW wrote: »
    A few more times he's either backed me or placed me in a good light. I didn't really notice it until the wagonomics. I'd generally considering pocketing to be done on people with less suspicion but it seems to be what he's been doing.
    Ewans quotes here

    Then Angus posts that he likes Barbara
    Angus WW wrote: »
    Gabs - has a very nice posting style - I'd say I could narrow down to two who this is - maybe is skewing me but I find myself liking a lot of their posts. I'd be leaving them until later in the game to investigate

    Barbara - Reading back on her I like her even more - again a nice posting style definitely helps but she seems like a solid villager

    And now Barbara suspects Ewan and Angus are planning together to support her
    Barbara WW wrote: »
    Did you and Ewan come up with a plan to support me or something?
    Angus WW wrote: »
    I have Ewan second on my list of most likely to be a wolf so thats unlikely
    Barbara WW wrote: »
    Because you couldn't possibly be teammates then I suppose.

    Something about these posts feels too orchestrated or something. I'm not sure who the two are though. Could it be possible Barbara is being set up by the two lads and they purposely voted together and with her to draw heat on her after Day 1s lynch wagon. Or could it be that Barbara and Angus are trying to set up Ewan? Or Ewan and Barbara are trying to set up Angus?

    God help me if none of them end up being bad I'll never play werewolf again :pac:

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,409 ✭✭✭Ewan WW

    In from work now. Yeah not feeling having these arguments this evening.

    Do what ye like, I'm gonna take the evening off, will vote shortly

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Something not sitting right with me with these three interactions

    Barbara brings up Ewan trying to pocket her

    Then quotes all his others posts were he says he thinks she's good

    Then Angus posts that he likes Barbara

    And now Barbara suspects Ewan and Angus are planning together to support her

    Something about these posts feels too orchestrated or something. I'm not sure who the two are though. Could it be possible Barbara is being set up by the two lads and they purposely voted together and with her to draw heat on her after Day 1s lynch wagon. Or could it be that Barbara and Angus are trying to set up Ewan? Or Ewan and Barbara are trying to set up Angus?

    God help me if none of them end up being bad I'll never play werewolf again :pac:

    Massive holes in fairness Gertie, we vote to save Babs but at the same time are setting her up? Why not just let her swing D1?

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    That is something that's been bothering me - if there was an orchestrated pile on onto Lucy on the first night, to whose benefit was it? Surely Barbara?

    Or was it just coincidence and looked like an orchestrated move?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,409 ✭✭✭Ewan WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    Massive holes in fairness Gertie, we vote to save Babs but at the same time are setting her up? Why not just let her swing D1?

    She's like a dog with a bone, yesterday all 3 of us were wolves and now that theory blew up in her face she's still pushing the same line.

    I'm voting to lynch her as theres not an ounce of progression there, her ISOs are town reading everyone else and trying to narrow down her end game

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Angus WW wrote: »
    Massive holes in fairness Gertie, we vote to save Babs but at the same time are setting her up? Why not just let her swing D1?

    Hmmm good point actually, if she was innocent you two wouldn't have known she'd jump on it. Unless you planned to target other people in the wagon. I've seen stranger things happen but it would make more sense for you and Barbara to be setting up Ewan based off your latest interaction.

    It looks like something you came up with in a backroom compiling all those posts and then you liking Barbara and her bringing up the two of you. It helps that you had him down as wolfy so surely you're not on a team together.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭Phil WW

    Angus, Ewan and Barbara were the protagonists of arguably the most noteworthy part of the game so far. All three are still scooting along.

    We need some sort of resolution on this front. There's no way all three can make it to day four.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Ewan WW wrote: »
    She's like a dog with a bone, yesterday all 3 of us were wolves and now that theory blew up in her face she's still pushing the same line.

    I'm voting to lynch her as theres not an ounce of progression there, her ISOs are town reading everyone else and trying to narrow down her end game

    I am telling you now, I genuinely believe that two out of the three of you are wolves. Maybe my whole theory together yesterday was flawed but that doesn't mean that some of it wasn't. There's progression as in when I'm seeing things like the interactions I quoted it fits in with my theory

    Vote for me if you have to but you're wasting a vote by settling on that for your reasoning

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,409 ✭✭✭Ewan WW

    Okay so I'm trying to be more well rounded so I've started doing reads of all remaining players starting from the bottom up


    - Asks questions about voting on lynch thread
    - Only people that stuck out to her are Phil and Lucy, votes Lucy
    - Has an FFA in mind but doesn’t want to post without proper reasoning, will post later
    - Says she will post FFA after omellette
    - Voted Lucy for aggressive switch, gave Phil benefit of the doubt
    - ISOs Liam, Jake and Derry
    - Thinks Liam is playing like someone clued in but also acting like noob
    - Says Jake wasn’t up to much when he flipped out, could be frustrated villager or agro wolf
    - Questions Derry BG protect
    - Can’t understand hard on for Jake
    - Notes interaction between Barbara and Phil as cosy
    - Thinks Nigel was trying to pocket Barbara and distance himself from Gabriel
    - Thinks Gabriel is Nigels team mate
    - FFAs Gabriel, Liam and Phil. Votes Gabriel
    - Questions Gabriel over interest in monster team and if role hunting Derry
    - Says she’s mentioned Nilfgards and Striga
    - Admits theory on Gabriel is unbalanced but supported her theory of Nigel/Gabriel team
    - Questions Orla being confirmed by Derry and Phil, says this could happen with non-NRV roles with two baddie teams
    - Asks Emily does Jake know her identity from the BR

    Not sure what to make of Holly, having more posts to go through would definitely help. She voted in the main wagon on Day 1 and an outlier vote on Day 2. She got heat for her vote on Lucy so could have changed tactic to an outlier. At time of voting Lucy wasn’t looking like she would turn into a wagon so maybe by the time she realised it was too late to change? She ISOs Jake and then questions if he’s a frustrated villager or agro wolf and doesn’t understand the hard on for him, this would normally stand out to me but as it’s similar to what I was thinking last night I can’t read into it too much. She was pretty strong in her efforts against Gabriel yesterday and stuck with her vote, this could be a wolf monster hunting though. I don’t understand the non-NRV thing in regard to baddies, it’s a weird way of phrasing it if she can confirm that? Questioning Orla, Phil and Derry after Derry got a wolf kill is strange, not that I’m saying they should be believed blindly but it’s looking pretty good for those three. As it stands I could see her being a potential wolf but she hasn’t got enough posts to make a solid argument so that’s something I’d like to see more of today

    Like this conclusion on Holly from Gertie is weak as dish water.

    Getting splinters in her arse from trying to stay on that fence

    The Eva ISO is a little better, but no real conclusions drawn on what they actually think of their alignment.

    Just, need more content.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,146 ✭✭✭Barbara WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    Angus, Ewan and Barbara were the protagonists of arguably the most noteworthy part of the game so far. All three are still scooting along.

    We need some sort of resolution on this front. There's no way all three can make it to day four.

    It does seems like you are going to get your wish. Seems like it just depends on which of us the rest of the village decides to 'resolve'.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,409 ✭✭✭Ewan WW

    I am telling you now, I genuinely believe that two out of the three of you are wolves. Maybe my whole theory together yesterday was flawed but that doesn't mean that some of it wasn't. There's progression as in when I'm seeing things like the interactions I quoted it fits in with my theory

    Vote for me if you have to but you're wasting a vote by settling on that for your reasoning

    Your theory is flawed

    1. Your whole basis was we were the entire wolf team.
    2. I'm not a wolf

    Today you've pivoted to two of us that have to be wolves teamed based on your original theory that had the three of us teamed.

    That's the problem with associative reads, I told you this last night, if one part is wrong then you need to reassess everything

    Maybe Angus and Babs are wolves, I havent a clue. But the way you're shoehorning all three of us together is based on an original flawed premise.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Ewan WW wrote: »
    Like this conclusion on Holly from Gertie is weak as dish water.

    Getting splinters in her arse from trying to stay on that fence

    The Eva ISO is a little better, but no real conclusions drawn on what they actually think of their alignment.

    Just, need more content.

    What are you talking about? I said I could see Holly as a wolf and no I don't think either of them have enough posts to make a solid conclusion on which is true they both only have about 20 posts.

    I haven't had the chance to go through anyone else because something came up and then I noticed Barbaras interaction with Angus so wanted to say what I thought on it

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    I am telling you now, I genuinely believe that two out of the three of you are wolves. Maybe my whole theory together yesterday was flawed but that doesn't mean that some of it wasn't. There's progression as in when I'm seeing things like the interactions I quoted it fits in with my theory

    Vote for me if you have to but you're wasting a vote by settling on that for your reasoning

    Look I think Ewan could be a wolf too but what you’re seeing is confirmation bias
