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I want to appeal a yellow card.

  • 27-04-2020 3:53pm
    Registered Users Posts: 32,956 ✭✭✭✭

    I was handed a yellow card and a thread ban from moderator Ken for personal abuse. I feel it was unwarranted. I have tried to resolve the issue with the moderator but he seemingly isn't willing to engage.

    I will include the correspondence between us now.
    Ken. wrote:
    Dear Omackeral,

    You have been warned for personal abuse.

    This site is for civil discussion and so we don't allow discussion to descend into name calling and petty abuse.

    Please see the FAQ for more details.


    Moderator Note

    Do not post in the thread again.

    Your post:
    Omackeral wrote: »
    Ted_YNWA wrote: »
    Great :D

    I prefer to wear my crown. Mod hat gives me a bed head look.

    Crown? You’re the king of nothing. You’re the king of dog sh*te!

    Omackeral wrote:

    Why is this a ban? It's a well known joke.

    Ken. wrote:
    Not very funny.

    Omackeral wrote:
    Ted brought up wearing a crown. My response was a play on words relating to that. It's pretty clear to see. There's no abuse.


    How is one supposed to work with this? Three word answers and then radio silence. It's not exactly due process is it?

    I sent an additional PM to the Moderator to try to resolve things but they are;

    a) Set in their decision already (''I'm not lifting the card'').
    b) Misquoting what I actually said and the context it was said in, see below
    c) Implying my post is somehow worse because it was towards a moderator who was merely posting a user i.e. non bolded text.
    Ken. wrote:
    There was a thread warning to keep it civil. You then called a mod dog sh!te. Doesn't matter if its a well known video. Not lifting the card.

    I'm out the door to go to work so won't reply to any pm till late tonight or tomorrow.
    Omackeral wrote:
    Didn't call him dog sh*te. You're framing it differently than how it was said Ken. What I said was ''you're the king of nothing, you're the king of dog sh*te'', paraphrasing the well-known video, as he brought up the whole crown thing. There was no abuse whatsoever.

    Also, it matters not that it's a moderator as they were posting as a normal user at the time and not as a mod given there was no bolded text and they were just ribbing too from what I could see.

    You've already said you're not lifting the card. I'll take that to mean you're not willing to listen to any explanation so I'll go to Dispute Resolution.


    The moderator dealing with this has himself used language which could be deemed uncivil.

    See here below

    Calling posters f*ckers

    Calling posters pussies

    If my post is an infraction then he should hold himself to the same standards surely?

    For the record I'm serving a ban from After Hours from admin at the moment which I accept and is subsequent to this matter I'm disputing so should have no bearing on it. I am solely disputing the yellow card. The thread ban was needless also IMO but that's moot as it's locked anyway.

    Thank you.


  • Registered Users Posts: 22,655 ✭✭✭✭Tokyo

    Afternoon Omackeral,

    as you have taken the initial steps of trying to resolve this with the moderator in question, I'll let the Cmods know. If you can be patient while they get a chance to respond, I'd appreciate it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,956 ✭✭✭✭Omackeral

    Thanks for the swift acknowledgement Mike. You may be able to see in the post above that the moderator concerned is working and said they won't be around until tonight or tomorrow.

    All I'm looking for is transparency with regard to the post that was carded and resulted in a thread ban, the few points I raised regarding same and why Ken feels my post is abuse yet his linked offerings are not. That's really it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,655 ✭✭✭✭Tokyo

    Hi Omackeral,

    just to give you an update - the Cmods are aware of your DRP and are looking into this now - just trying to get the necessary information from all involved. Thanks for your patience with this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,956 ✭✭✭✭Omackeral

    That's sound. All correspondence between myself and Ken is included in my first post here. I suppose I'd add to that the context of the purge style-threads could be taken into account when deliberating also.


  • Registered Users Posts: 32,956 ✭✭✭✭Omackeral

    mike_ie wrote: »
    Hi Omackeral,

    just to give you an update - the Cmods are aware of your DRP and are looking into this now - just trying to get the necessary information from all involved. Thanks for your patience with this.

    With all due respect, the info is all there in the OP since Monday. I've been sure to make it as thorough as can be as I've seen these things play out here before with tit for tat posts. They drag along if everything is not in order. I've made sure that all of it is. All correspondence between myself and Ken is laid out here clearly and chronologically from the very first post.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 32,956 ✭✭✭✭Omackeral

    I'm glad I'm not contesting a week ban here as it would have been more or less served by now :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,956 ✭✭✭✭Omackeral

    Had further correspondence with the moderator, which I'll post here. I'd be obliged if you could leave this fully intact. Really think the lack of communication here has been appalling, site issues notwithstanding.

    Ken. wrote:
    Lets draw a line under this whole thing. I see your DRP is dragging out a long time. The purge and splurge threads turned in to a sh!t show I',m sure we can both agree. While I think what you said was a bit crap I don't think you meant it in a bad way. So I'mj going to ask for the card to be lift.

    Is that ok with you.

    Omackeral wrote:
    I appreciate that you can see the DRP process isn't working and are stepping up. Fair play on that.

    However, no I don't agree that the threads got out of hand at all. You don't speak for me there I'm afraid. I think one mod took it upon himself to get involved needlessly and I think the userbase of the thread's reaction is testament to that. I get that you all have to back each other up though. This is even more evident in that Sephirote Dude decided to thank your post banning me.

    Further more, you've just said that you don't think what I said was meant it in a bad way. You're pretty much saying it's not abuse. That's all I've ever contested. I've said exactly that from the outset. It's a week on now.

    This is without addressing the fact you tried to infer that I was going against a mod instruction when I wasn't. There was zero need to mention a moderator's status when they're posting as a regular user. You should know this.

    There's also the fact that you yourself have posted things that you've admitted should have been cardable offences while hitting me with an infraction for much less. People just want consistency.

    The yellow card is due to expire tomorrow so to be honest, if it stays it stays.

    The whole Dispute Resolution Process is not fit for purpose from what I can see. It's basically just comes off as the team toying around making people jump through hoops and keeping them on a bit of a leash. There is no way the process should take any more than a couple of days but, almost always, it does. This is without mentioning my appeal, which had every minute detail laid out in order right from the opening post so it could be dealt with. I know the site has been slow but that simply doesn't cut it. That's not on you though, to be fair.

    This whole saga could easily have been avoided with just a bit of common sense but common sense isn't always common.

    Can honestly say I won't bother with DRP again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,655 ✭✭✭✭Tokyo

    Hi OMackeral,

    As Ken has agreed to lift the card, I'll do so now. I'll also leave your post intact, as requested.

    A few footnotes though, that I would also appreciate that you consider:
    1. Site issues and the fact that people have different priorities these days notwithstanding, there has been a failure in communication to a degree in this DRP. It's something that I'll bear in mind and see if we can do something about in future.
    2. That being said, your assertions that DRP should take a "couple of days" doesn't hold water. The CMods take the time to contact all involved, and discuss the situation in the CMod team. That takes time.
    3. To use Ken's vernacular, I also agree that the purge and splurge threads turned in to a shít show - you can't introduce threads that are exempt from the normal rules fo the forum without laying down guidelines. Even by the rules of the purge, some of the comments were pretty far out there, approaching Thunderdome levels of old. You might feel that the userbase of the thread's reactions speak to the popularity of the thread, but equally, CMods and admin (myself included) received PMs from AH regulars thanking us for shutting the thread down. The reason they PM'd us is because, frankly, they were concerned about expressing their opinions publicly and putting a target on their backs. That's concerning, to say the least.
    4. Responsibility lies on both sides here, in my opinion. However, one thing that I'm absolutely certain of is that follow up threads to the 'purge' threads were not posted with altruistic intent. There was a certain level of piss-take built in from the outset that the mod team were a target of, and the number of thinly veiled digs at the mod team in that thread are testament to that. The mistake made, again IMO, was not shutting it down immediately, and instead letting it degenerate.
    5. Like it or not, the mod team (and CMods and Admin) spend more time than is necessary dealing with stuff like this. You may not have agreed with the mods shutting down the Purge thread - that's your prerogative. However, you could have dropped them a PM to discuss it. Instead, you opened a few parody threads that just created more work. That's unnecessary IMO, in the same way that you feel that mod actions were unnecessary. So you are right - this whole saga could easily have been avoided with just a bit of common sense and cop on, but that goes both ways.

    Food for thought, for both sides. That said, card lifted, thread closed and marked as resolved.

This discussion has been closed.