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The Hobby Horses of Belief (and assorted hazards)



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,096 ✭✭✭Odhinn

    Since you constantly defend the ideology otherwise ....

    I don't defend the ideology behind it, at all. I do, however, take pains to not tar all muslims with the same brush and call out those who do. Obviously you dislike disagreeing voices, which makes you far closer to conservative Islam in attitude than myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,530 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    agenda ? which agenda ?

    As i said, your post history is there for all to see, your agenda comes across VERY clearly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,096 ✭✭✭Odhinn

    No mention of that in the link.

    if this guy was slagging off any other religion it would be grand, but even "liberals" were looking for him to be jailed for this.

    No mention of that in the link either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,219 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    Police investigated this, if this guy was slagging off any other religion it would be grand, but even "liberals" were looking for him to be jailed for this.

    This is the kind of shyte that will be defined as "hate speech" ...

    What does this have to do with a proposed Scottish law? Is he Scottish? Living in Scotland?
    I never heard of this and certainly didn't call for him to be jailed.
    He's obviously a bit of a numpty looking to get a bit of attention. I don't believe Scotland have a law making being an attention seeking muppet illegal yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,810 ✭✭✭Hector Savage

    Odhinn wrote: »
    No mention of that in the link.

    No mention of that in the link either.

    Denial denial denial ...

    here ya go ..
    Chief inspector John Charlton of GMP’s Bolton district said: “Those who think they can hide behind a keyboard and disseminate this kind of harmful material should expect to be investigated.

    Meanwhile if this was mockery of christians nothing would be done - and of course rightly so, but why can't they be consistent.
    Like that crowd in Ireland that were posing in front of a statue of Jesus mocking it, and that was considered progressive and liberal - again fair enough, fair play to them , but again
    be consistent of your mocking, the same crowd would fawn all over Islam.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,810 ✭✭✭Hector Savage

    Bannasidhe wrote: »
    What does this have to do with a proposed Scottish law? Is he Scottish? Living in Scotland?
    I never heard of this and certainly didn't call for him to be jailed.
    He's obviously a bit of a numpty looking to get a bit of attention. I don't believe Scotland have a law making being an attention seeking muppet illegal yet.

    This is an example of the mindset, if this is being treated as a "hate crime", what will they use this new law as an excuse to charge people with ?
    don't be so naive to think there won't be cases - just wait.

    We are talking about the British police here, people who are hiding in the bushes trying to catch out people hiking in national parks during this lockdown crap

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,413 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    Any more incivility and you'll be receiving some moderatorly discipline, pronto.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,096 ✭✭✭Odhinn

    I didn't deny anything, I just pointed out that none of that was mentioned in the link you provided.

    Meanwhile if this was mockery of christians nothing would be done

    A bold claim.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,219 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    This is an example of the mindset, if this is being treated as a "hate crime", what will they use this new law as an excuse to charge people with ?
    don't be so naive to think there won't be cases - just wait.

    We are talking about the British police here, people who are hiding in the bushes trying to catch out people hiking in national parks during this lockdown crap

    The 'British' police?
    No such beast.
    There are many police forces in the UK plus another in Northern Ireland.

    Apparently this attention seeking numpty went into the Muslim Prayer Room in Bolton General Hospital to perform his little "Look at Me" performance art piece to camera. No doubt if a person of a more 'ethnic' appearance went into a Catholic Prayer Room wearing a frock and started to a little piece to camera where he mimicked a part of the RCC liturgy and called on Cheesus the Greater Manchester Police would be having a word.

    None of the various Scottish police forces, however, would be involved. As it didn't happen in Scotland. So it has nothing to do with a proposed Scottish Law.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    Police investigated this, if this guy was slagging off any other religion it would be grand, but even "liberals" were looking for him to be jailed for this.

    Why are we importing this american talk into ours, calling everyone liberals and so on? You put something like that online and you will always get a vocal minority calling for the persons head or their freedom or their jobs. The mob are mad, but consistent.

    The problem is YOU tend to fixate solely on stories regarding Islam. And then act surprised and offended when people do not fall over and hate it/them as much as you do.

    But why cherry pick stories in this way? There was a man who used the word "n*gger" while explaining an ANTI racist position and they went for his head too. And they got it if I recall, he lost his job I think. I need to recheck the details there, but he was EXACTLY the wrong person to go after for racism and the mob went there anyway. There was a guy who trained his dog to do a nazi salute. They went for him online too. FFS that was actually funny, and they still wanted blood.

    You will ALWAYS find an online mob foaming at the mouth at people over little or no slight at all. YOU choose to focus on the Islam stories and build a narrative out of that. And I think that is what people above meant by your ongoing posting history.

    Read my latest post about Germany above for example. It happened to be about Muslims actually, not sure if you bothered to read it. I mentioned it was Muslims as an aside. I did not make the focus of my post or point AT ALL however. I would have written the same post regardless of what religion it was and in fact I got a dig in at some Jews too.

    Islamaphobia is not the right word for you here I think. There is a phrase "Trump Derangement Syndrome". I think we can create a new phrase like "Islam derangement syndrome" to describe the ongoing narrative with you.
    This is the kind of shyte that will be defined as "hate speech" ...

    I do not have your psychic powers or crystal ball. But if anyone in any country I have any power or say or activism in does try to criminalise people making dumb ass videos with no actual hate in them I will be on the side fighting against it. And I will not be making it about Islam while I do it, because to do so would only create the impression of an agenda I do not actually have and make ME look bad, not them.
    Denial denial denial ...

    Stall up the rant there horse. The user simply said that the two claims you made were not contained in, or supported by, the link you cited. That is not "denial", but a perfectly valid and proper thing to say. If you make a claim and a citation, and the citation has nothing to do with the claim, it is proper order to point this fact out.

    Now that you actually HAVE bothered to provide a relevant link it can be discussed. I would certainly like to have a word with the Cop in question and ask him what he thinks is "harmful material" there. I see poor humour that is in bad taste. Actually I LIKE bad taste humor myself when it is actually funny. But when it is bad taste AND unfunny, I just find it dumb. Not harmful.

    I got legal threats and death threats (occasionally still get the latter, never the former any more, and even have one guy who must have an annual reminder set in Outlook to tell me he is still after me) for this article here. Not just death threats against me but against my family. In fact in one example someone said they wanted to kidnap and hold captive my little daughter because to them it was the SAME THING as me holding the "body" of their "lord". Holding a little girl child captive away from their family, alone and scared and confused, is the SAME thing to this "Christian" as me having a cracker in a drawer. Get your head around that one and what core beliefs are required to reach that conclusion.

    You are simply wrong to think the mob does not go for people when they mock or blaspheme Christianity. The problem is the MEDIA knows stories about Islam get people with your issue to click bait like clockwork, so they only sensationalise and hype those stories. Was it not Christians who for example murdered abortion doctors and blew up their clinics?

    It is a cyclical process. The online mob go for this crap, the media report on the mob, and people like you click the clickbait and rant that the world does not particularly and specifically hate Muslims as much as you do when they do not fall over the story the same way.

    As for me? I hold all religions in equal regard when it comes to mockery and I have never been censored for it, and I do point out that of all our religions Islam is currently the most dangerous and deranged, and is centred around a personality cult of a guy who appears to have possibly been a pedophile and a cynophobe and an OCD control freak..... all again without censor.

    So the "left wing liberal conspiracy" you seem to think is going on around this forum does not seem to be there. The issue is that I conduct myself in a civil and coherent fashion when I go after that religion. I do not choose to rant and rave or instantly go on the attack against other posters.
    "Islamaphobia" is a made up bull**** term to silence critisism of Islam.

    Not quite, but you are half right. Islamaphobia is a term that like...... lets say "mansplaining" or "nazi"...... is a term that was made up with a real meaning, with a genuinely useful application, and could be used coherently.

    But much like words like "mansplaining" and "nazi" the words were commandeered by those who like to silence others in debate, rather than engage with them in debate, and they have rendered the word near useless and meaningless.

    However the tactic does not always require simply misusing an otherwise useful word. For example above when you wrote to a user "Since you constantly defend the ideology otherwise ...." you were essentially engaged in the same thing people are doing NOW when they use the word "Islamophobia" which is attempting to shut down discourse with cheap points scoring and firing accusations that do not even fit the target.

    So while you deride the use of the word "Islamophobia" you essentially move to become what you hate by doing the very same thing with unsubstantiated mis-labeling of those you disagree with. For shame sir. For. Shame. Sir.
    for all other religions, except that special one which no one can say anything negative about.

    No one who? I say negative things about it all the time. So does Sam Harris. No one has stopped either of us.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,810 ✭✭✭Hector Savage

    Bannasidhe wrote: »
    The 'British' police?
    No such beast.

    There are many police forces in the UK plus another in Northern Ireland.
    Disingenuous - you know what I mean.
    Apparently this attention seeking numpty went into the Muslim Prayer Room in Bolton General Hospital to perform his little "Look at Me" performance art piece to camera.
    Like the attention seeking numpties that went into a RCC church in Ireland and performed in front of statues ? - but of course they were progressive heroes ...
    No doubt if a person of a more 'ethnic' appearance went into a Catholic Prayer Room wearing a frock and started to a little piece to camera where he mimicked a part of the RCC liturgy and called on Cheesus the Greater Manchester Police would be having a word.

    ethnic ? why are you bringing race into this ? sounds racist to be honest ... and eh no, the police would not be having a word - and you well know it ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,810 ✭✭✭Hector Savage

    The problem is YOU tend to fixate solely on stories regarding Islam. And then act surprised and offended when people do not fall over and hate it/them as much as you do.

    That's a laugh, before these last 2 days it's been months since I posted in here, you have posters who literally are in here EVERY DAY slagging off the RCC (fine - but why don't you say they are fixated on Christianity) ??

    And the reason I 'fixate' on Islam is because it is the greatest threat religion wise to modern society, RCC is pretty much dead in Ireland, Christianity is dying out,
    Islam however is growing and growing and seems to be getting more fundamental.

    You have Odhinn here posting about ex Pope Benedict - yeah he's a real threat, no one takes notice of him, he'll be dead in the next few years and is basically a laughing stock - he has zero power

    Meanwhile, you have bookshops in the UK being investigated by police for throwing out Korans they couldn't sell...

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    Like the attention seeking numpties that went into a RCC church in Ireland and performed in front of statues ? - but of course they were progressive heroes ...

    To who? Exactly who is espousing the position they are heroes? Where are your citations? I would like to know exactly who we are talking about here and in what numbers.

    I have looked online at your pet story here about the guys doing the Muslim prayer. There are the occasional poster commenters lauding AND condemning them too.

    It is the mob Hector. You get someone dancing in a RCC church, a Muslim prayer room, using the wrong word, or teaching their dog a nazi salute.... the mob will ALWAYS have people out for their blood on one side and calling them heroes on the other side.

    So why is it specifically only when it involves Islam that you go off on a rant? What, in effect, is actually your point?
    and eh no, the police would not be having a word - and you well know it ...

    Ah once again the "you know it" phrase when you have no evidence for your position. I believe another user commented on your continued use of that ploy above. Actually the police very much do "have a word" with people for more than just hate crimes against muslims.
    "The religions that police count hate crimes for are: Buddhist; Christian; Hindu; Jewish; Muslim and Sikh. They also have categories of "no religion", "other" and "unknown"."

    You seem to want to build this narrative that the outrage, and the law, and the cops, only come when Muslims have been offended. And the real world simply does not substantiate your position. Once again: What, in effect, is actually your point?
    That's a laugh, before these last 2 days it's been months since I posted in here

    And your record played has not changed one note of it's tune in the interim.
    you have posters who literally are in here EVERY DAY slagging off the RCC (fine - but why don't you say they are fixated on Christianity) ??

    I do think they are fixated on Christianity. The difference is I know WHY they are. We live in a country the religion of which is near totally dominated by Christianity/Catholicism. Nearly all their direct lived experience, impacts, and anecdotes are therefore going to be related to Christianity. It is therefore clear why the majority, sometimes even the totality, of their prose will be sent in that direction.

    What your point, issue, problem is is not as easily explicable. The disparity in mockery and hate crimes, and response to them, simply is not as pronounced as your response to them would indicate.

    So I know where THEY are coming from, with you I just have to keep asking: What, in effect, is actually your point?
    And the reason I 'fixate' on Islam is because it is the greatest threat religion wise to modern society

    Here we are mostly agreed, as I said in my post most of which you did not bother to reply to, I also think it is among the worst religions we have today.

    But the content of the posts you make here, and your disproportionate reaction to users who do not see it your way (if I recall last time you even got carded for telling a user to P off) do not seem to scale with that position.

    You trot out lines like "Yes indeed, anti RCC is "progressive" , while anything remotely anti Islam is "racist""

    Or you post a video calling it "wrong" and when people ask you to explain the actual issue with the video you run off saying we should just know your point somehow.

    Or you trot out the accusation "No surprise that most on here are getting behind the Islamists." when no one actually did and then run away saying "Jesus Christ, why did I ****ing come back!!!" before periodically just coming back anyway to repeat it all again.

    I genuinely do not know what your point/goal here actually is, what you want from us, why you get so uppity when you do not get it, or what responses you'd PREFER we give. Because I recall that time you totally strawmanned Dara OBrian (again before running off) pretending he was a coward in the face of Islam and was essentially mollycoddling it, when he said/did no such thing at all in the clip you provided.
    Islam however is growing and growing and seems to be getting more fundamental.

    "Seems" is the word I would focus on there because once again I get the deep feeling you have no data for this but are responding to the rise in click bait articles on the matter.

    And you have my sympathy there. You are not alone. We have people releasing studies and books on crime statistics showing that violent and sexual crimes are down. But when you ask people on the street they tell you they "seem" to be up. Why? Because the click bait shock bait HEADLINES on such things are up, and people get the commensurate impression the crimes themselves must therefore be too.

    How much is Islam ACTUALLY increasing in this country and how much is fundamentalism specifically ACTUALLY increasing in this country? Do you have actual citations and evidence on this matter, or are you working solely off the feelz you get because the great Click Bait Alogorithm has learned what to show you to get your blood curdling?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,810 ✭✭✭Hector Savage

    ^^ good post actually, and with that, i'll bow out, it's as close as we'll get to agreement... ;)

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 15,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭smacl

    That's a laugh, before these last 2 days it's been months since I posted in here, you have posters who literally are in here EVERY DAY slagging off the RCC (fine - but why don't you say they are fixated on Christianity) ??

    The reason that there is more focus on Christianity in general and the RCC specifically is that is an Irish site where the majority of the posters come from an Irish Catholic background, many of whom have issues with how they or their families have been treated by the RCC church. There is a relatively tiny amount of first hand experience with Islam by comparison. The notion that posters here show special deference to Islam is specious. The criticism tends to be against all forms of discrimination, whether it be gender, sexual orientation, religion or ethnicity. Plenty of us have experienced this discrimination first hand by the RCC because we live in a country that was once dominated by the RCC. As such the RCC gets plenty of flak.
    And the reason I 'fixate' on Islam is because it is the greatest threat religion wise to modern society, RCC is pretty much dead in Ireland, Christianity is dying out,
    Islam however is growing and growing and seems to be getting more fundamental.

    Not according to the last census. The RCC is in decline, but Islam is absolutely tiny in this country by comparison. I don't think Islam represents any level of threat unless it is accompanied by ghettoisation, which in turn is a function of how society treats minority groups. The problem arises when you discriminate against any minority such that they become isolated from the rest of society and marginalised. Strong anti-Islamic sentiment fuels this and is deservedly given a hard time as a result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,219 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    Disingenuous - you know what I mean.

    Like the attention seeking numpties that went into a RCC church in Ireland and performed in front of statues ? - but of course they were progressive heroes ...

    ethnic ? why are you bringing race into this ? sounds racist to be honest ... and eh no, the police would not be having a word - and you well know it ...

    Disingenuous is being all outraged by a false interpretation of a change in law being discussed by the government in one legal jurisdiction and using the actions of an attention seeking numpty in another legal jurisdiction to bolster your non argument. The Bolton Bobber would not be affected in anyway by a law in Scotland. However, those who are the victims in Scotland of the same Christian Sectarian violence that has also affected Northern Ireland will be affected - hopefully in a positive way.

    Attention seeking is attention seeking. I am as unaware of the Irish ones as I was of the Bolton Bobber - and I remain unaware as you have not provided any link. So I can safely say I hailed them not at all.

    Would you prefer I spelled it 'effnick'? I could also explain why it had inverted commas. But sure - you try and play the race card against me while you continue frothing about the threat of Islam....

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,810 ✭✭✭Hector Savage

    Bannasidhe wrote: »
    Disingenuous is being all outraged by a false interpretation of a change in law being discussed by the government in one legal jurisdiction and using the actions of an attention seeking numpty in another legal jurisdiction to bolster your non argument. The Bolton Bobber would not be affected in anyway by a law in Scotland. However, those who are the victims in Scotland of the same Christian Sectarian violence that has also affected Northern Ireland will be affected - hopefully in a positive way.

    Attention seeking is attention seeking. I am as unaware of the Irish ones as I was of the Bolton Bobber - and I remain unaware as you have not provided any link. So I can safely say I hailed them not at all.

    Would you prefer I spelled it 'effnick'? I could also explain why it had inverted commas. But sure - you try and play the race card against me while you continue frothing about the threat of Islam....
    OK in fairness I just noticed the quotes ...

    effnick - thats a low one ....

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,413 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    smacl wrote: »
    Strong anti-Islamic sentiment fuels this and is deservedly given a hard time as a result.
    A propos of anti-immigrant sentiment, was a link to that recent petition concerning Ms O'Doherty + Mr Waters posted? 90,000 signatures and counting at the time of posting now.
    We as Irish citizens (AKA ‘the people of Ireland’) want the Irish Court services and frontline workers to know that Gemma O’Doherty and/or John Waters do not speak for us.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 15,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭smacl

    robindch wrote: »
    A propos of anti-immigrant sentiment, was a link to that recent petition concerning Ms O'Doherty + Mr Waters posted? 90,000 signatures and counting at the time of posting now.

    Yes indeed, signed it myself last week. We have a fair number of immigrants throughout our health care system at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,691 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    robindch wrote: »
    While the FDA has warned people off drinking bleach since at least 2019, people in the US do seem to have been calling poison control centers in increased numbers since the start of March.

    Australian ‘healing church’ fined for selling bleach as a coronavirus cure
    A “healing church” that promoted a solution containing industrial bleach as a cure for coronavirus has been fined more than $150,000 for multiple allegedly unlawful advertising offences.

    On Wednesday Australia’s drugs regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), said the Australian chapter of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing had been fined for selling and promoting a solution containing sodium chlorite, a chemical used as a textile bleaching agent and disinfectant.

    The Australian website for the church, MMS Australia, falsely claimed the solution could treat, cure, prevent and alleviate diseases including Covid-19, HIV and cancer, the TGA said.

    It has been revealed that Genesis II church US leader, Mark Grenon, wrote to Donald Trump just days before the US president claimed disinfectant could be a coronavirus cure.

    The letter stated that chlorine dioxide - a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk - is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99 per cent of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

    An Australian representative of the church’s MMS Australia Foundation previously told Guardian Australia: “Do you go into the Catholic church and question them about the wine or the bread that they serve in the Eucharist? No, so why doesn’t the world leave us alone? These are our sacraments and we should be free to use it and teach other people to use it.”

    Dr Ken Harvey, an associate professor of public health from Monash University, said he welcomed the fine but it was not a strong enough deterrent given the product had been causing issues for years.

    “Yes the TGA issued infringement notices but this is just essentially an invitation to pay the fine or go to court and argue their case,” Harvey said. “In the meantime the MMS website is still up selling the products, with a few extras disclaimers, and they are now trying to label it as some kind of religious sacrament.

    “What the TGA needs to do is order the website be taken down and a safety and warning notice and apology put in its place. While an infringement notice is a good step, it hasn’t done anything to stop the website, which is still promoting and selling it.”

    Somehow I don't think these people are as stupid as they make themselves out to be, they know a good money making opportunity when they see one. $150k probably not even all of the profit they've made so far. Any organisation puling this sort of crap should be shut down and have all its assets confiscated.

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 34,691 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    RCC is pretty much dead in Ireland

    Enrolled a non-catholic child in school lately..?

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,691 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Letter in yesterday's Irish Times:
    Religion is not a hobby

    Sir, – It is good that Breda O’Brien (Opinion & Analysis, May 9th) has drawn attention to a recent interview of Sean O’Rourke with Archbishop Eamon Martin in which the archbishop said that the church would not be lobbying to speed up a return to communal worship, and that this view was questioned by Sean O’Rourke.

    She is correct in saying that many journalists see the church as either the enemy of all progress or a remnant of the past.

    Why should the reopening of churches have to wait until the end of July in common with hairdressing and cattle marts? The Government seems to think that religion is a hobby, not something central to the lives of a great many people. – Yours, etc,


    (Formerly Dean

    of St Patrick’s Cathedral)

    ublin 8.

    response today:
    Sir, – Robert MacCarthy (Letters, May 12th) questions the advice that churches should wait until the end of July to reopen along with hairdressers and cattle marts.

    The coronavirus particle sees no difference between these locations.

    Churches have been at the centre of several outbreaks across the world and must follow epidemiological advice like all other organisations.

    Each new infection has ramifications beyond the individual. – Yours, etc,



    Dublin 8.

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    Maybe Mr. MacCARTHY has some financial interests still vested in the Cathedral which has him wanting to get the income stream back up and running? If anything rather than being allowed open sooner, these entirely superfluous and optional pursuits should be opening later. Over here my kids are slowly being integrated back into school which is great. Their extra curriculars like their football and dance and martial arts and music clubs have to wait a good deal longer however. And I have not heard anyone bitching about that yet personally, only a few people in the news like the Muslims I mentions earlier.

    Most people I meet seem to understand the difference between necessary and elective pursuits and which ones should get priority.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 15,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭smacl

    Maybe Mr. MacCARTHY has some financial interests still vested in the Cathedral which has him wanting to get the income stream back up and running? If anything rather than being allowed open sooner, these entirely superfluous and optional pursuits should be opening later. Over here my kids are slowly being integrated back into school which is great. Their extra curriculars like their football and dance and martial arts and music clubs have to wait a good deal longer however. And I have not heard anyone bitching about that yet personally, only a few people in the news like the Muslims I mentions earlier.

    Most people I meet seem to understand the difference between necessary and elective pursuits and which ones should get priority.

    It is odd what different societies prioritise in a crisis. I see Northern Ireland's roadmap has a heavy focus on getting people back to church with drive-through church services listed in the first stage of lifting lock down. I wonder is there a bit of background panic going on with the clergy that if people have a couple of months without church they mightn't be that bothered to go back? Down south, we seem more concerned about getting the drive through McDonalds up and running ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,691 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Get the drive-thru McDonald's to hold confessions over the intercom, and dispense communion at the hatch :)

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,219 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    Get the drive-thru McDonald's to hold confessions over the intercom, and dispense communion at the hatch :)

    d'ja want fries with that?

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 15,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭smacl

    Bannasidhe wrote: »
    d'ja want fries with that?

    Fries are the work of the devil. That'll be five euros, tweny cents and ten hail Marys please. :)

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,413 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    Get the drive-thru McDonald's to hold confessions over the intercom, and dispense communion at the hatch :)
    "Here, I've got ticket 1-9-8, 1-9-8 - that two gluttonies, a wrath, four prides and a lusty **** - who's got ticket 1-9-8, 1-9-8 please?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,340 ✭✭✭nozzferrahhtoo

    smacl wrote: »
    a heavy focus on getting people back to church with drive-through church services

    "I will have the double cheese burger, a large fries, a coke, the Haunted Bread special with sweet and sour, and a flicking of holy water".
    smacl wrote: »
    Fries are the work of the devil.

    In McDonalds the fries taste like they are made from pretty much the same cardboard as catholic crackers. Especially if you foolishly eat them after they have gone cold.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,219 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    smacl wrote: »
    Fries are the work of the devil. That'll be five euros, tweny cents and ten hail Marys please. :)


    Thank f I didn't supersize it.
