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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,047 ✭✭✭Bazzo

    stephen_n wrote: »
    Eventually it catches up to you, it has caught up to Trump at this stage. Mind you I think that Bobo will just blame anyone and everyone except himself, when there is a border either on this island or in the Irish Sea.

    It hasn't really caught up to Trump at all. He's spent more than 4 years spouting easily disprovable lies every single time he opens his mouth and yet there's a very real chance he wins re-election in a few months

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,920 ✭✭✭✭stephen_n

    Bazzo wrote: »
    It hasn't really caught up to Trump at all. He's spent more than 4 years spouting easily disprovable lies every single time he opens his mouth and yet there's a very real chance he wins re-election in a few months

    It hasn’t caught up with his base and it never will. He could literally shoot someone live on tv on the White House lawn and as long as it was a POC. They would still vote for him. His lies about Corona Virus have started to catch up with him, with moderate voters though. It’s a testimony to how much he has polarized America that he is still hovering around the 40% mark. I think though unless Biden implodes, Trump will lose in November. Bobo has 4 1/2 years to play with but by then Brexit will have bitten and only the really hardcore will not realize they were sold a pup.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,728 ✭✭✭Former Former

    This is incredible, but he will get away with it. There is simply no way this guy is going to lose.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    stephen_n wrote: »
    I’m never sure if it’s that Bojo the clown just doesn’t get it. Or he doesn’t really care that what he’s saying, is obviously contradictory codswallop. Or possibly if I repeat a lie enough times people will believe it’s true.

    It's a joke government and one the UK will suffer as a result of for a long time to come. Whether accountability and blame falls on his shoulders in due course is debatable, that he has gotten away with the calamity of a response to covid suggests that people will hand wave away even massive excess death to continue to support him.

    That they are now spending a fortune sending the military to patrol for asylum seekers (and people in Britain overwhelmingly support it) over an effective non issue shows just how twisted the media has made the country.

    It's a complete house of cards and when it all collapses it's going to be horrific. just not for Boris.
    stephen_n wrote: »
    Eventually it catches up to you, it has caught up to Trump at this stage. Mind you I think that Bobo will just blame anyone and everyone except himself, when there is a border either on this island or in the Irish Sea.

    The damage to the countries institutions, international standing and society in general from just this government will take decades to repair. It will catch up - it's just that the voters are the ones who will be punished.

    This is incredible, but he will get away with it. There is simply no way this guy is going to lose.

    If he gets elected he'll get away with it and if he's not but Republicans retain the senate he may get away with some of the federal stuff but NY state is going to charge him the second he is out of office and they'll seize his assets if he doesn't comply.

    There is talk now of a criminal commission after he is out of office targeting both Trump and those who enabled him in any criminal activity whilst in office.

    I do think they'll have to restore a sense of law and order in the post Trump era so I can't see him just walking away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭jacothelad

    stephen_n wrote: »
    I’m never sure if it’s that Bojo the clown just doesn’t get it. Or he doesn’t really care that what he’s saying, is obviously contradictory codswallop. Or possibly if I repeat a lie enough times people will believe it’s true.
    Well, we've seen that that's true in the UK and the US over the last few years.

    It's worked for him so far, he's PM.

    Why would he change?

    With regard to the bridge issue, I lived in Whitehead up to 2017. From the first and second floor of my house we could see car headlights on Scotland at night and during the day we could see the turning blades of a massive wind farm in Dumfriesshire. It really is that close. In fact in Victorian times a tunnel was begun from there but like the original Channel one it was soon abandoned. The first telegraph cable between Britain and Ireland came ashore in Whitehead.

    It was very frustrating living in N.I. and being wildly ripped off on the Larne - Cairnryan ferry. I booked a holiday back in Donegal this year and the ferry for two and a car was £360 return. (I postponed it to next year) It's a 2 hour trip. The ferry from Copenhagen to Oslo is cheaper and it's a 17 hour trip...and you get a cabin.

    Modern bridge technology has come a long way and I would love it to be built. Living now in the Highlands, it seems like a good idea. When you consider that the UK pretend government is going to spend £130,000,000,000 to 'upgrade' a railway line in order to get to Birmingham from London 20 minutes quicker spending, 20 billion to connect 6 million people with 66 million seems a no brainer. I realise that Boris Blunderwank is a serial liar and simply spouts populist crap to play to his audience, he burbles out what he thinks people want to hear with not one iota of care for truth. Blobby is only concerned with the future of Blobby.

    There are massive barriers to building a bridge, not least where it might come ashore in Scotland. Portpatrick is o.k.ish but Campbeltown is miles from anywhere unless you want to travel Northwards. In decades gone by Britain would have been capable of surmounting these challenges. Not with this coterie of petulant muppets who are only interested in lining the pockets of their donors and themselves.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 37,978 ✭✭✭✭irishbucsfan

    Is there not a munitions dump on the proposed path which adds to the complexity of the engineering involved? I know someone involved in estimating the costing a good way back (since left the service) and the whole story is predictably embarrassing. Effectively there's no break-even point on that project for a very long time. But I'm not sure if the locations have changed or anything

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,686 ✭✭✭✭Squidgy Black

    Is there not a munitions dump on the proposed path which adds to the complexity of the engineering involved? I know someone involved in estimating the costing a good way back (since left the service) and the whole story is predictably embarrassing. Effectively there's no break-even point on that project for a very long time. But I'm not sure if the locations have changed or anything

    Beaufort's dyke pretty much makes it impossible to even try do Larne to Port Patrick. Around a million tonnes of munitions and nuclear waste.

    There's also the weather element to it which makes it complicated too as you can't have the bridge just closed off every time there's high winds or heavy rain etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,920 ✭✭✭✭stephen_n

    It’s hard to believe that someone who could be put in charge of Failte Ireland. Was a) stupid enough to go on holidays abroad b) stupid enough to believe no one one notice c) stupid enough to think no one would care. He mustn’t have liked his job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭jacothelad

    Every week we think the Tories cannot sink any lower. Yet somehow every week they prove us wrong. Gavin Williamson, Grant Shapps, Priti Patel, Chris Grayling, Matt Hancock, Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings... the crème de la crème of politics, the envy of a world in awe of their never-ending master classes. What does it say about the people who voted them into power?..........Conned by f&ckwits.This country is an absolute clusterf&ck being steered onto thoroughly avoidable rocks by fools.

    It's quite something when the government tries to distract attention from its failures by producing a steady stream of new failures.World Beating, in fact. I have listened to many of the A Level students whose lives this government of entitled empty vessels set out to ruin, I am yet to hear any that is not already more intelligent than these **** of empty vessels called a government. ut then I've scraped more intelligent stuff from the soles of my shoes. Thousands of kids screwed over, thousands of parents angry about it. Repeat with different numbers of folk for every screw up and there soon won't be anyone that they've not angered.

    It is truly astounding the talentless turds of the individuals in this government. In a normal parliament, Williamson would be runaway leader in incompetence - how damning is it that he might not even be the worst member of the cabinet?

    I'm still equally astounded, 24 hours later, that there was no one in the department of education who could look at that table showing private schools getting a 4.7% boost on last year and say this algorithm is f&cked, and so are we if we let this go public.I thought we had reached a nadir with Chris Grayling, but I now realise that he was just the first wave of Tory ministers, whose only qualification for the high offices they hold is that they are totally incompetent, they shirk any responsibility and they know no shame or sense of responsibility. they are all Brexiters as well.They don't care,

    It just so happens that their chums, anyone important in the press (editors and above) and themselves send their children to private school.
    Frankly, they're a bunch of intellectually diseased w@nkers.

    Gavin 'Thick as pig****' Williamson is now Boris Johnson’s education secretary – because really, why not?' Lets never forget, Gavin is education secretary because of one essential qualification to be in this government - he is a Brexiter.

    Why education? Why not - he would be equally useless in any other department and any other of the shower of talentless fanatics or spineless mediocrities would be equally useless in education.

    I've previously observed that anyone that wants to deny the existence of white male privilege must first explain the career of Chris Grayling. Anyone that wants to deny the existence of white male privilege must first ALSO explain the career of Gavin Williamson. Let us not forget that Johnson selected each and every one of his ministers. The sole criterion he had for selecting ministers was that they were loyal to Johnson and that they were Brexiters.It's a cabinet of Brexit dimwits. It was designed to be. Can't have anyone looking better than the blustering dimwit PM.

    Williamson should resign but they don't do that any longer. They watched Trump's shamelessness, tore up what was left of the 'gentleman's agreement' in our politics, rubbed their hands with glee and are now distributing our money to their mates and themselves by the billion.

    Hardly surprising then, that their solution to this education crisis is 'downgrade the oiks, give all the chaps and chapesses top marks'.
    They know we can't do anything about their dismantling of our country, short of people arriving en masse at Downing Street and evicting that cretinous scarecrow directly. But in what has become the forelock-tugging capital of the world? Hardly likely.

    I fear this line of thought will only continue with this cabinet.
    This A levels debacle is down to the negative Brexit selection as much as any other government failures of which there have been multitude in this pandemic.A government of none of the talents? And anyway, it's only the little people who are worst affected. The upside is that it's left the first choice university doors wide open for the elites and privileged from private schools. I'd say that Johnson, Shapps and Williamson will count that as a win win.
    In his previous role as Secretary of state for Defence he was bad, he seems to have upped his game at education to be even more incompetent at education then he was at Defence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,154 ✭✭✭✭Neil3030

    The duality is amusing.

    For years, incompetent, corrupt, populist governments in Ireland could largely get away with it by subscribing to nationalism, i.e., but we're not the Brits!

    Now, in 2020, an incompetent, corrupt, populist government in the UK is largely getting away with it by subscribing to nationalism, i.e., but we are the Brits!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,803 ✭✭✭✭bilston

    jacothelad wrote: »
    With regard to the bridge issue, I lived in Whitehead up to 2017. From the first and second floor of my house we could see car headlights on Scotland at night and during the day we could see the turning blades of a massive wind farm in Dumfriesshire. It really is that close. In fact in Victorian times a tunnel was begun from there but like the original Channel one it was soon abandoned. The first telegraph cable between Britain and Ireland came ashore in Whitehead.

    It was very frustrating living in N.I. and being wildly ripped off on the Larne - Cairnryan ferry. I booked a holiday back in Donegal this year and the ferry for two and a car was £360 return. (I postponed it to next year) It's a 2 hour trip. The ferry from Copenhagen to Oslo is cheaper and it's a 17 hour trip...and you get a cabin.

    Modern bridge technology has come a long way and I would love it to be built. Living now in the Highlands, it seems like a good idea. When you consider that the UK pretend government is going to spend £130,000,000,000 to 'upgrade' a railway line in order to get to Birmingham from London 20 minutes quicker spending, 20 billion to connect 6 million people with 66 million seems a no brainer. I realise that Boris Blunderwank is a serial liar and simply spouts populist crap to play to his audience, he burbles out what he thinks people want to hear with not one iota of care for truth. Blobby is only concerned with the future of Blobby.

    There are massive barriers to building a bridge, not least where it might come ashore in Scotland. Portpatrick is o.k.ish but Campbeltown is miles from anywhere unless you want to travel Northwards. In decades gone by Britain would have been capable of surmounting these challenges. Not with this coterie of petulant muppets who are only interested in lining the pockets of their donors and themselves.

    I'd love to see some sort of bridge between NI and Scotland, but the fact there isn't a rail service in Fermanagh or Tyrone (that I'm aware of) should be addressed first, I'd also like to see a high speed rail link between Belfast and Dublin. If that commute was reduced to an hour you could have all sorts of advanced inter connectivity.

    Maybe one day we'll have a high speed rail link between Belfast, Dublin, Cork, Galway, Derry/Londonderry and even better there will be some sort of rail link from Belfast to Glasgow as well. I doubt I'll be alive to see it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,154 ✭✭✭✭Neil3030

    bilston wrote: »
    I'd love to see some sort of bridge between NI and Scotland, but the fact there isn't a rail service in Fermanagh or Tyrone (that I'm aware of) should be addressed first, I'd also like to see a high speed rail link between Belfast and Dublin. If that commute was reduced to an hour you could have all sorts of advanced inter connectivity.

    Maybe one day we'll have a high speed rail link between Belfast, Dublin, Cork, Galway, Derry/Londonderry and even better there will be some sort of rail link from Belfast to Glasgow as well. I doubt I'll be alive to see it.

    The way connectivity technologies are advancing elsewhere in the world, I reckon we'll be more likely to see a network of roads and tunnels, with a grid of autonomous electric vehicles. Houston station basically becomes a multistorey full of state operated Teslas, basically.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,166 ✭✭✭✭Zzippy

    This is incredible, but he will get away with it. There is simply no way this guy is going to lose.

    If he does then the Democrats will never win an election again. He will probably get another two Supreme Court picks in the next four years and that will be game over for any opposition to vote suppression and gerrymandering.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    200 cases today - we could well be back to 20km / County limit by the end of August.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,821 ✭✭✭✭mfceiling

    200 cases today - we could well be back to 20km / County limit by the end of August.

    I'm not sure about this. It's 200 out of 4.5million. We've got to get back to some sense of normality and even though we're getting a highish number of cases, we are managing.

    The face covering is helping, people working from home is helping, good hand hygiene is helping.

    I was pessimistic at the very start of this and thought our hospitals would be overcome. 6 months on and the hospitals seem to be coping fine.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    mfceiling wrote: »
    I'm not sure about this. It's 200 out of 4.5million. We've got to get back to some sense of normality and even though we're getting a highish number of cases, we are managing.

    The face covering is helping, people working from home is helping, good hand hygiene is helping.

    I was pessimistic at the very start of this and thought our hospitals would be overcome. 6 months on and the hospitals seem to be coping fine.

    I'm referring to the governments guidance on phases. I was under the impression that consistent +100 cases would mean a retreat to phase 2?

    200 is a fair jump from where we were, it's not a good trend and suggests a potential strong growth rate right as we come out of Summer. The hospitals aren't over run because we all locked ourselves in our houses for 3 months and that's going to be very hard to implement a second time.

    I can't see schools staying up for any length of time unless other restrictions are brought in to balance out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,383 ✭✭✭Dave_The_Sheep

    I can't see schools staying up for any length of time unless other restrictions are brought in to balance out.

    Once schools reopen - and they will regardless, unless we turn into Italy in March - then all bets are off for transmission. It won't be possible to make kids socially distance and maintain hygiene etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,154 ✭✭✭✭Neil3030

    Zzippy wrote: »
    If he does then the Democrats will never win an election again. He will probably get another two Supreme Court picks in the next four years and that will be game over for any opposition to vote suppression and gerrymandering.

    The degree to which Trump can hurt Biden by undermining the USPS will depend on a combination of things.

    Two critical points to consider are (1) the electoral college is administered by each individual state (so Governors are in charge of ballot deadlines, etc) and (2) that according to recent polls, it's 25% (R) vs 50% (D) who are likely to use mail-in ballots.

    What point (2) here means is that Trump could set fire to every single mail-in ballot, he burns 1 (R) vote for every 2 (D) votes. In other words, unless Trump is within 25% of Biden, he can can't do a damn thing in that state. And that's the worst case scenario where all mail-in ballots get torched; the required lead for Biden comes down as a function of how many mail-in ballots get successfully counted. If they can even count half of the postal ballots, Biden only needs to be 12.5% ahead. If it's three quarters, it's 7.5%, and so on.

    So really, Biden's safe and likely states will not be affected by any USPS shenanigans, and Trump can only help himself in the Swing states. We now need to go back to point (1) above, which relates to Governors calling the shots. I'm going by the map on RealClearPolitics, which lists 16 swing states: AZ, FL, GA, IA, ME-2, MN, MA, MI, NK, NE-2, NV, NH, NC, OH, PA, TX, WI.

    Of these 16 states, 7 have a Democrat Governor, who will move heaven and earth to defeat Trump. Even if the remaining 9 Republican Governors throw the political freedom of their citizens under the bus for Trump, and further, they can discount enough votes for it to even matter, Biden has a Democrat overlooking the electoral process in Wisconsin (10), Pennsylvania (20), North Carolina (15) and Michigan (16). Win three of these states from four, he's the 46th POTUS.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭jacothelad

    Bazzo wrote: »
    The numbers here seem to be kept very hush (surprise surprise). I get the Irish numbers daily by either catching them on the radio for the previous day or scrolling through twitter but haven't seen any UK numbers in ages despite also listening to BBC 2 and following a few British news sites on twitter.

    In the last 4 weeks about 2,000 Covid deaths have been recorded. But it's o.k. as it's not affecting anyone the Tories give a flying Gove about. No point in telling the dullards who vote for them that they are being skewered by an arrogant, inept and criminal bunch of serial liars.

    The UK government have now changed the way they count deaths and no longer make the figures available to the public.

    "Daily reported COVID deaths are now measured across the UK as deaths that occurred within 28 days of the first laboratory-confirmed positive COVID test. Data using the old and new measures can be downloaded here. (It can't)

    The deaths page is being re–developed." PHE

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,920 ✭✭✭✭stephen_n

    Neil3030 wrote: »
    The degree to which Trump can hurt Biden by undermining the USPS will depend on a combination of things.

    Two critical points to consider are (1) the electoral college is administered by each individual state (so Governors are in charge of ballot deadlines, etc) and (2) that according to recent polls, it's 25% (R) vs 50% (D) who are likely to use mail-in ballots.

    What point (2) here means is that Trump could set fire to every single mail-in ballot, he burns 1 (R) vote for every 2 (D) votes. In other words, unless Trump is within 25% of Biden, he can can't do a damn thing in that state. And that's the worst case scenario where all mail-in ballots get torched; the required lead for Biden comes down as a function of how many mail-in ballots get successfully counted. If they can even count half of the postal ballots, Biden only needs to be 12.5% ahead. If it's three quarters, it's 7.5%, and so on.

    So really, Biden's safe and likely states will not be affected by any USPS shenanigans, and Trump can only help himself in the Swing states. We now need to go back to point (1) above, which relates to Governors calling the shots. I'm going by the map on RealClearPolitics, which lists 16 swing states: AZ, FL, GA, IA, ME-2, MN, MA, MI, NK, NE-2, NV, NH, NC, OH, PA, TX, WI.

    Of these 16 states, 7 have a Democrat Governor, who will move heaven and earth to defeat Trump. Even if the remaining 9 Republican Governors throw the political freedom of their citizens under the bus for Trump, and further, they can discount enough votes for it to even matter, Biden has a Democrat overlooking the electoral process in Wisconsin (10), Pennsylvania (20), North Carolina (15) and Michigan (16). Win three of these states from four, he's the 46th POTUS.

    That’s excellent analysis of a murky system for outsiders.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,047 ✭✭✭Bazzo

    Trump straight back on the birther bandwagon for Kamala Harris. "Not a racist" though of course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,166 ✭✭✭✭Zzippy

    Neil3030 wrote: »
    The degree to which Trump can hurt Biden by undermining the USPS will depend on a combination of things.

    Two critical points to consider are (1) the electoral college is administered by each individual state (so Governors are in charge of ballot deadlines, etc) and (2) that according to recent polls, it's 25% (R) vs 50% (D) who are likely to use mail-in ballots.

    What point (2) here means is that Trump could set fire to every single mail-in ballot, he burns 1 (R) vote for every 2 (D) votes. In other words, unless Trump is within 25% of Biden, he can can't do a damn thing in that state. And that's the worst case scenario where all mail-in ballots get torched; the required lead for Biden comes down as a function of how many mail-in ballots get successfully counted. If they can even count half of the postal ballots, Biden only needs to be 12.5% ahead. If it's three quarters, it's 7.5%, and so on.

    So really, Biden's safe and likely states will not be affected by any USPS shenanigans, and Trump can only help himself in the Swing states. We now need to go back to point (1) above, which relates to Governors calling the shots. I'm going by the map on RealClearPolitics, which lists 16 swing states: AZ, FL, GA, IA, ME-2, MN, MA, MI, NK, NE-2, NV, NH, NC, OH, PA, TX, WI.

    Of these 16 states, 7 have a Democrat Governor, who will move heaven and earth to defeat Trump. Even if the remaining 9 Republican Governors throw the political freedom of their citizens under the bus for Trump, and further, they can discount enough votes for it to even matter, Biden has a Democrat overlooking the electoral process in Wisconsin (10), Pennsylvania (20), North Carolina (15) and Michigan (16). Win three of these states from four, he's the 46th POTUS.

    Good analysis. What influence can governors being to bear on the USPS though? If Trump's lackey there removes enough sorting machines and cripples the postal service what can they do? Sure they can extend counting deadlines but go too far past election day and the Supreme Court will rule against them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,047 ✭✭✭Bazzo

    mfceiling wrote: »
    20 years I've owned mobile phones. 20 years and I've never dropped one of them and broken the screen.....

    Until tonight.

    Feck it.

    Unbelievably I've just done the exact same thing. Fancy curved screen so a mere £250 to fix. It'll annoy the **** out of me but I'll buy a screen protector and soldier on for a year, the scree isn't very badly damaged, just a top corner.

    How did I manage it? I was trying to replace a dipped headlight bulb in my golf, doing it the proper way so I basically had to dismantle half the ****ing front of the car to remove the unit(no joke). Somewhere around figuring out where bolt number 20 was to remove I'd left it on the engine block but it slid off and hit the ground as I was messing with the headlight unit. After I'd done the bulb and put it all back together I realised I could probably have just shimmied my hand down and yanked the card out to replace it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,821 ✭✭✭✭mfceiling

    Bazzo wrote: »
    Unbelievably I've just done the exact same thing. Fancy curved screen so a mere £250 to fix. It'll annoy the **** out of me but I'll buy a screen protector and soldier on for a year, the scree isn't very badly damaged, just a top corner.

    How did I manage it? I was trying to replace a dipped headlight bulb in my golf, doing it the proper way so I basically had to dismantle half the ****ing front of the car to remove the unit(no joke). After I'd done it I realised I could probably have just shimmied my hand down and yanked the card out without dismanting half the car.

    I feel for you!! My phone was a basic enough Samsung A40. Paid €125 on adverts for screen was €140!!
    Went on adverts on Friday and bought a new redmi note 8 for €110. Seems grand...big screen, big battery and the camera is fine. I'm not really in need of a top of the line phone so this yoke will do rightly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,047 ✭✭✭Bazzo

    mfceiling wrote: »
    I feel for you!! My phone was a basic enough Samsung A40. Paid €125 on adverts for screen was €140!!
    Went on adverts on Friday and bought a new redmi note 8 for €110. Seems grand...big screen, big battery and the camera is fine. I'm not really in need of a top of the line phone so this yoke will do rightly.

    Probably the smart route to go down. I'm a sucker for buying a new flagship phone and just looking after it for 3-4 years before replacing, had a good track record until now. :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,232 ✭✭✭DGRulz

    Always amazes me how much places charge to fix phones, I assume theyre charging for speed and know how. I've done screens on tablets and phones for some of my immediate family that were willing to wait for the part to come in. It's not a terribly difficult job most of the time, once you're careful. Most a screen has ever cost me was about €30 but usually takes about 3 weeks to get to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,047 ✭✭✭Bazzo

    DGRulz wrote: »
    Always amazes me how much places charge to fix phones, I assume theyre charging for speed and know how. I've done screens on tablets and phones for some of my immediate family that were willing to wait for the part to come in. It's not a terribly difficult job most of the time, once you're careful. Most a screen has ever cost me was about €30 but usually takes about 3 weeks to get to me.

    Have done it myself on several occasions successfully. Having looked at the instructional video for this phone and with the curved screen built into the frame I'm not touching it with a bargepole though. Maybe after I've replaced it in a year or two I'll give it a go so I've a spare in good nick if I need it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,154 ✭✭✭✭Neil3030

    Zzippy wrote: »
    Good analysis. What influence can governors being to bear on the USPS though? If Trump's lackey there removes enough sorting machines and cripples the postal service what can they do? Sure they can extend counting deadlines but go too far past election day and the Supreme Court will rule against them.

    Counting is the quick part, since it's a fairly simple two horse race. It's getting the votes received in time where Trump is trying to interfere. The simplest thing states can do to combat him is bring forward the window for receiving votes, i.e., many states will let you mail it in a month before the election. They can then decide to accept votes that are postmarked before the election, and received up to a certain number of days after. Already some states allow votes received up to 10 days after, once they are postmarked prior to election day.

    As for the SCOTUS leaning on states to hurry up - I'm open to correction but I'm not sure that's how it works. SCOTUS can rule on a contentious result declared by a state (e.g. Gore vs Bush in 2000), but there first needs to be a result to dispute, and thereafter someone needs to bring it to them. A state taking a while to accept and count votes doesn't fall into this category, I wouldn't think. The electoral college are the body that oversee the election, and they meet in mid December. The new sitting Congress will formalize the result on or around the 5th of January. So I reckon there's leeway for states to take at least a few weeks if not longer to receive votes and declare their results.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,803 ✭✭✭✭bilston

    Bazzo wrote: »
    Unbelievably I've just done the exact same thing. Fancy curved screen so a mere £250 to fix. It'll annoy the **** out of me but I'll buy a screen protector and soldier on for a year, the scree isn't very badly damaged, just a top corner.

    How did I manage it? I was trying to replace a dipped headlight bulb in my golf, doing it the proper way so I basically had to dismantle half the ****ing front of the car to remove the unit(no joke). Somewhere around figuring out where bolt number 20 was to remove I'd left it on the engine block but it slid off and hit the ground as I was messing with the headlight unit. After I'd done the bulb and put it all back together I realised I could probably have just shimmied my hand down and yanked the card out to replace it.

    I genuinely think I'd cry if that happened to my brand new S20+

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,232 ✭✭✭DGRulz

    Bazzo wrote: »
    Have done it myself on several occasions successfully. Having looked at the instructional video for this phone and with the curved screen built into the frame I'm not touching it with a bargepole though. Maybe after I've replaced it in a year or two I'll give it a go so I've a spare in good nick if I need it.
    Yea, have to say I'm not sure I'd be willing to touch a curved screen phone for anything more than a challenge. The first phone I ever tried to repair was my HTC a few years ago. Had to take the back off to get near the front, was a nightmare.
