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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Gabriel have you any thoughts on villagers / wolves among us

    I have drumpot down on team village

    Fixxxer down as team Thanos.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,441 ✭✭✭tritium

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    I have drumpot down on team village

    Fixxxer down as team Thanos.

    I'm curious why you have fixer as a baddie? Been going back through today and he fits in pretty well. I'll do an iso but Im wondering what your own thought process is here?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭Barney92

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    I am very suss about Fixxxer, he is going about rattling cages and pointing fingers.
    Barney92 wrote: »
    That is a bit bizarre because you also talked to a few others yesterday. Not sure why gabriel fixated on you with fixxxer.
    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    Just rattling cages my man. Have to see if we can scare the noob into confessing he is on Thanos's team ;)

    I don't know about this Gabriel one. Suspects rattling cages but rattles cages themself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭Barney92

    Drumpot wrote: »
    I’d be dubious of anybody looking to go over (Fixxer and Barney). If the wolf teams are split then a wolf being sent to the other thread may give them access to the other wolf BR to chat with other wolves.

    This is some shade I don't like frankly. Me I somewhat get. But surely fixxxer should be looking to go to the other thread. I mean it would be weird if he didn't want to go. That's as either wolf or villager by the way. Drumpot is making the list.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭Barney92


    Gabriel - seems suspicious of fixxxer for rattling cages but says that is what they are doing. Something seems up.

    Drumpot - can't quite get on board with their suspicion of fixxxer wanting to go to the other thread. If fixxxer has the stone and if they are good why would they protect anyone else?

    Ecto - this is somewhat in jest but not quite because I think killing oisin may have been a move that was brought about because they were worried oisin was a seer.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭JohnGreenFan

    Barney92 wrote: »
    This is some shade I don't like frankly. Me I somewhat get. But surely fixxxer should be looking to go to the other thread. I mean it would be weird if he didn't want to go. That's as either wolf or villager by the way. Drumpot is making the list.

    Why would fixxer surely want to go?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭Barney92

    Why would fixxer surely want to go?

    Go to the other thread for an adventure. If a villager they'd gain protection for a day, and by choosing themselves they'd make sure that a wolf isn't protected for a day.

    Conversely if a wolf then they might want to go because they gain protection for the day and also don't give protection to a villager for the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭JohnGreenFan

    Barney92 wrote: »
    Go to the other thread for an adventure. If a villager they'd gain protection for a day, and by choosing themselves they'd make sure that a wolf isn't protected for a day.

    Conversely if a wolf then they might want to go because they gain protection for the day and also don't give protection to a villager for the day.

    Ah, I understand now. Makes sense

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭JohnGreenFan

    Barney92 wrote: »
    Go to the other thread for an adventure. If a villager they'd gain protection for a day, and by choosing themselves they'd make sure that a wolf isn't protected for a day.

    Conversely if a wolf then they might want to go because they gain protection for the day and also don't give protection to a villager for the day.

    Ah, I understand now. Makes sense

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭JohnGreenFan

    Ah, I understand now. Makes sense

    Although I still think you shouldn't want to go? I mean townies are more useful here to vote in lynches and contribute to wolf hunting, whereas if you're in the other thread until munch, are you not just watching? Or is there something I'm missing about it.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Look I am going to be AFK for a bit and I don't want to come back to find I have been lynched. I am not on team Thanos, I am not going to spend hours defending myself and you guys mislynch me.

    I am Dr Strange, I am also on team village. I need to survive as my powers will help the village. I also have one of the stones which is fantastic.

    Someone suggests something no one says a thing, I say it and I get jumped on. The people doing that seem more suss than ever.
    Kill me if you want, really, go for it. But you lose a hell of a lot.

    IF someone believes in me and they have the ability to save me. Please do.
    After lynch tonight send me to the other universe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭Barney92

    Although I still think you shouldn't want to go? I mean townies are more useful here to vote in lynches and contribute to wolf hunting, whereas if you're in the other thread until munch, are you not just watching? Or is there something I'm missing about it.

    I think you can post in the other thread so you could help with hunting over there.

    You are right about not voting here though, that would be a drawback. If fixxxer is a goodie with a good power though being protected for a day may outweigh one vote.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,441 ✭✭✭tritium

    ISO’s might be the best way to catch up here tbh- not sure starting with the highest posters is good practice though...Soo Fixxer, looks alright in the mix, what does Iso look like:
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Shame Necro isnt here we could have lynched him again for funsies.
    Begins with fluff for first 2 or 3 posts, pretty standard tbh
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Feels like an odd question form someone whos played a good few games. Who you got your eye on Khal?
    fixXxer wrote: »
    The defenders of both Earth and the wider cosmos must be wary in rooting out Thanos’ allies and ridding the multiverse of his evil.

    OP is pretty standard stuff. That's an interesting line there though. I wonder if there's an anti-seer mechanic in play.
    Mechanics but potentially useful to understand

    fixXxer wrote: »
    Morning JFG! Anything caught your eye today? What you think of Rikand throwing a vote on for me?
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Only votes in the voting thread count, and I had a check to make sure Rik was true to his word.
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Now we're getting juicey :D
    fixXxer wrote: »
    I'll be honest, I don't buy this for one second.
    fixXxer wrote: »
    I'm saying that the person who did the above work would have researched the name Rupesh in the MCU, unless it was in their interest not to so they could throw a little shade.
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Only thing I can see from Oisins post is his poke at Ecto being a wolf. Now, I would usually say thats basic stuff to lynch the guy who makes the accusation so it looks bad for the person they accuse. Wouldn't advocate lynching Ecto just yet.

    Shall we be doing FFAs?

    Ideally three names tag todays #FFA1 so we can find them easier later.
    This block is good. Engaging with other players, challenging, trying to work things out - reasonable early game posts I think

    fixXxer wrote: »
    Free For All

    We make a list of players who we think are dodgy/should be lynched, with reasons.

    Forces players to make justifications which is handy when wolf hunting.
    fixXxer wrote: »
    khalessi 24
    Gabriel WW 18
    Oisin WW 16
    fixXxer 13
    Drumpot 12
    Barney92 11
    JGF 09
    Ectoplasm 07
    Baggly 06
    Tegan WW 04
    Rikand 02
    WW GM 02
    tritium 01

    One no show so far, people not posting an awful lot.
    fixXxer wrote: »

    Gabriel WW
    Tegan WW
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Story Barney? Who you gonna be lynching later?
    fixXxer wrote: »
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Whats this?
    fixXxer wrote: »
    How else do we find the baddies?

    We could ask I suppose.

    And this bit is back to fluffy stuff

    fixXxer wrote: »
    I'd love to but I dont feel good enough about you yet. There's filler that bothers me.
    Kind of how I feel at this point. Its alright, just a bit light

    fixXxer wrote: »
    I'll be on a computer at 13:00 so will do my best to take part.

    Village will need to discuss how best to use any prizes.
    fixXxer wrote: »
    I dunno bud, it's a small box, can't fit everyone. What can you tell us that would grease your entry?
    fixXxer wrote: »
    I like this quick logical thinking. We might squeeze you in to the greasy village box yet.
    fixXxer wrote: »
    You however, the village box chafes at your entry.
    fixXxer wrote: »
    fixXxer wrote: »
    I went for the Tesser-I mean space stone.
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Anyone? Nothing here :(
    fixXxer wrote: »
    So by that logic Khal should be locked on to win the stone?
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Eh, which ones? I can only see the time stone?
    fixXxer wrote: »
    So village, how do we use these and on who?

    Time Stone - Reverse any attacks made against them until the following munch

    Reality Stone - Remove the abilities / attacks / perks / prize effects of 1 player until the following munch

    Soul Stone - 2x Alignment peeks

    Power Stone - free shot on 2 players

    Space Stone - Transport a player to the other thread until the following munch. That player cannot vote in either thread. They can also not be killed or lynched on either thread.

    Mind Stone - Take control of a player's mind - any powers they possess that day will be directed by this stone wielder.
    fixXxer wrote: »
    whatcha got??
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Space stone! :D

    It's useless! D:
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Tempted to pop over to the other thread now and have a look. I do love an adventure!
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Any ideas how a space stone is useful? If I go now I'm just there until munch which is only good for me I guess.
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Ok, anyone have any powers they want to use and I can protect them past tomorrows munch?
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Except I'm not a wolf. I just like adventures!

    fixXxer wrote: »
    I can send or be sent. Ideally I'd prefer to send someone useful, but I can move myself if needs be.
    fixXxer wrote: »


    This bit is not bad, he’s engaging with players, helping to coordinate things. Could be wolf or village but its active which is positive
    fixXxer wrote: »
    We're doing a lot of talking about prizes and **** all wolf hunting. It's well on through the day and I think there's only been one FFA.
    Umm 16 out of your last 20 posts are about prizes. It is a fair point though
    fixXxer wrote: »
    What benefit would this be really? The wolves already know who they are and I doubt the other thread is worried about whats going on here.
    fixXxer wrote: »
    has trit not posted yet?


    1.) Tegan drifts in and complains about no one posting then disappears. I don't usually like to complain about low posters but that feels off to me.
    2.)Gab. Thought their come backs this morning were a bit shrill in tone for my liking. Smell of panic about them.
    3.)Barney getting too smooth vibes off this character. Not much but it's gut feels at this stage.
    This is ok, gives us something to come back to later for consistency checks
    fixXxer wrote: »
    It's not ideal. My personal take would be we can deal with the no posters later. If they miss votes they'll be mod sanctioned. We're better off looking at whats in front of us.

    Any opinions yourself JGF?
    fixXxer wrote: »
    Throwing a vote on Tegan there.
    Not sure the last two posts align very well. I do like that he can justify when this is raised though
    fixXxer wrote: »
    More that they did post and saw it was quiet and have not been back since. To me it felt like a wolf deciding to go under the radar. They might come back and play up a storm, we'll see.
    fixXxer wrote: »
    This is assuming all the characters in the OP picture are here in this thread? It's an idea, but all if everyone just reveals their character then we've learned nothing as characters are not an indication of alignment.

    A wolf Iron Man just needs to say their true character and they're fine.

    (i get the feeling I'm missing something more subtle here.)

    All considered this isn’t bad. There a bit too much filler in there but there’s nothing that screams furry. I’d be leaning village on the back of this

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭Barney92

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    Look I am going to be AFK for a bit and I don't want to come back to find I have been lynched. I am not on team Thanos, I am not going to spend hours defending myself and you guys mislynch me.

    I am Dr Strange, I am also on team village. I need to survive as my powers will help the village. I also have one of the stones which is fantastic.

    Someone suggests something no one says a thing, I say it and I get jumped on. The people doing that seem more suss than ever.
    Kill me if you want, really, go for it. But you lose a hell of a lot.

    IF someone believes in me and they have the ability to save me. Please do.
    After lynch tonight send me to the other universe.

    So it begins


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭JohnGreenFan

    Barney92 wrote: »
    So it begins


    Barney has definitely spent the last week preparing his gif stash for this game :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,215 ✭✭✭khalessi

    Earth MCU


    Drumpot it felt like he was trying to pocket me for a couple of posts and insinuating a link between us that isnt there
    Fixxxer trying to rattle cages
    JGF very knowledgable for newbie and just can put my finger on it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭JohnGreenFan

    khalessi wrote: »
    Earth MCU


    Drumpot it felt like he was trying to pocket me for a couple of posts and insinuating a link between us that isnt there
    Fixxxer trying to rattle cages
    JGF very knowledgable for newbie and just can put my finger on it

    Knowledgeable? I feel like I spent the first half of my posts asking questions. Going to take that as a compliment. I did try to read a little bit before coming in and it all starts to make a little bit more sense when you're actually playing rather than just observing I guess.

    Although my next question - what does pocket mean? Is it like being friendly?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭Barney92

    Barney has definitely spent the last week preparing his gif stash for this game :D

    You know it John. Wolfhunting is just a secondary part of the gif game ;).

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭Barney92

    Knowledgeable? I feel like I spent the first half of my posts asking questions. Going to take that as a compliment. I did try to read a little bit before coming in and it all starts to make a little bit more sense when you're actually playing rather than just observing I guess.

    Although my next question - what does pocket mean? Is it like being friendly?

    Pocketing is siding with someone or supporting them or their views, with the hope of them reciprocating and thus reading you as a goodie when in fact you're a hairy wolf.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Good evening folks.

    I see I've been given a vote by fixxxer on the basis of complaining about little activity and then not posting much myself. Well I wasn't complaining, just joking. Despite my absence, I see I'm not even the lowest poster, so that's something. I've spent the last hour or so reading both world's threads and it looks like the villagers in the other have almost got it all sorted already. We villagers over here are looking like their poor cousins in comparision.:o
    khalessi wrote: »
    JGF very knowledgable for newbie and just can put my finger on it

    I was going to say this, but then, it's not rocket science and it's fairly easy to pick up I suppose.

    Looking back over Oisin's posts, it was mostly fluff. The only noteworthy post was this one about Ecto, thanked by Gabriel.
    Oisin WW wrote: »
    Yea had my orange juice this morning and read back on the thread, ecto seems to be just in the background adding bits here and there to the thread but it seems timed and organized, if I could smell posts I would smell fear off of them

    Early days yet so thought I would get what little I have seen so far out there before one of us is killed

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,283 ✭✭✭fixXxer

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    Look I am going to be AFK for a bit and I don't want to come back to find I have been lynched. I am not on team Thanos, I am not going to spend hours defending myself and you guys mislynch me.

    I am Dr Strange, I am also on team village. I need to survive as my powers will help the village. I also have one of the stones which is fantastic.

    Someone suggests something no one says a thing, I say it and I get jumped on. The people doing that seem more suss than ever.
    Kill me if you want, really, go for it. But you lose a hell of a lot.

    IF someone believes in me and they have the ability to save me. Please do.
    After lynch tonight send me to the other universe.

    No counter claim? What do we think team?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭JohnGreenFan

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    I've spent the last hour or so reading both world's threads and it looks like the villagers in the other have almost got it all sorted already. We villagers over here are looking like their poor cousins in comparision.:o

    The other thread is wild! We're very quiet and tame villagers over here.

    So now that Tegan and Tritium have reappeared, is it just rikand without any real posts?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,306 ✭✭✭✭Drumpot

    Barney92 wrote: »
    I think you can post in the other thread so you could help with hunting over there.

    You are right about not voting here though, that would be a drawback. If fixxxer is a goodie with a good power though being protected for a day may outweigh one vote.

    If Fixxer is bad he can take a break in the other thread, it’s effectively a 24 hour pass. You Avoid a potential lynch and come back relatively new because the village seldom rememebers things from days ago.

    I noticed you completely failed to mention that I originally stated that I was dubious of You and Fixxer for putting your names forward for an adventure.

    Right now I’m not sure how it helps us throwing a “villager” to the other thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,215 ✭✭✭khalessi

    COuld be on the level re claim

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭JohnGreenFan

    fixXxer wrote: »
    No counter claim? What do we think team?

    I didn't think there was that much suspicion on Gabriel to make a big post like that - is there a small touch of desperation off it?

    Surely all of the villagers have powers to help the village and revealing himself as Dr strange is pointless too. Don't feel like we learned much from it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,906 ✭✭✭Barney92

    Barney92 wrote: »
    This is some shade I don't like frankly. Me I somewhat get. But surely fixxxer should be looking to go to the other thread. I mean it would be weird if he didn't want to go. That's as either wolf or villager by the way. Drumpot is making the list.

    Didn't conveniently forget it Drumpot. I actually had it in the post before my FFA.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭JohnGreenFan

    khalessi wrote: »
    COuld be on the level re claim

    What does this mean?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,306 ✭✭✭✭Drumpot

    khalessi wrote: »
    Earth MCU


    Drumpot it felt like he was trying to pocket me for a couple of posts and insinuating a link between us that isnt there
    Fixxxer trying to rattle cages
    JGF very knowledgable for newbie and just can put my finger on it

    Ohhhh. khaleesi making a bold move...

    JGF, this is an example of where Day 0 fluff/fun can work agaisnt you... ;)

    Nah, I’m good but interesting you think I was trying to pocket you..

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,215 ✭✭✭khalessi

    I didn't think there was that much suspicion on Gabriel to make a big post like that - is there a small touch of desperation off it?

    Surely all of the villagers have powers to help the village and revealing himself as Dr strange is pointless too. Don't feel like we learned much from it.

    Well one thing we learnt is that so far no counter claim so could be telling the truth but still could be lying about alignment and sometimes people get desperae as in some games if you go offline you are bad and suspected of hiding, which is the case sometimes and sometimes not lol. Sorry if this is considered fluffy

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,215 ✭✭✭khalessi

    Drumpot wrote: »
    Ohhhh. khaleesi making a bold move...

    JGF, this is an example of where Day 0 fluff/fun can work agaisnt you... ;)

    Nah, I’m good but interesting you think I was trying to pocket you..

    I dont do bold moves just fluff :D Im here as flavour and decoration lol

This discussion has been closed.