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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,171 ✭✭✭BobMc

    CoBo55 wrote: »
    A lot of the more awkward estates are being done by overhead cable and dropping down the wall.
    No overhead runs in ours everything is underground. And it's all shoddy, water and sewage so I'm expecting ducting to be similar **** standard

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,793 ✭✭✭CoBo55

    BobMc wrote: »
    No overhead runs in ours everything is underground. And it's all shoddy, water and sewage so I'm expecting ducting to be similar **** standard

    Has your estate been connected yet? What I meant was that with some of the older estates that have underground ESB supply they chose to go the overhead route for siro probably because of the reasons you outlined.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,171 ✭✭✭BobMc

    CoBo55 wrote: »
    Has your estate been connected yet? What I meant was that with some of the older estates that have underground ESB supply they chose to go the overhead route for siro probably because of the reasons you outlined.
    its NBI were getting, ducts are run, they're splicing fibre in last week or so, its the runs from kerbside to homes I'd say are gonna be shocking, they wont be doing any overhead in estates with no poles already present, dont think planning will allow it

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 68 ✭✭allanroche

    Out of curiosity, could you tell me how bad is the idea of replacing your Huawei ONTs with something custom but compatible with Huawei OLTs? E.g. Ufiber Nano G. I know for sure that Ufiber works well with SIRO network, though I'm wondering if there are any active measurements in place to prevent custom devices from being connected and if there are any potential issues associated with that? As I said before, this particular terminal had been certified for Huawei OLT compatibility and works well with SIRO, I've seen it personally, and, AFAIK, the person who tested it experienced no problems at all.

    Would there be any benefit to changing GPON? The only benefit I can see is that the Nano G has a display of speed on it, but it is still only a 1G LAN port so it wouldn't be future-proofing in any form. Unless I'm missing something?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,793 ✭✭✭CoBo55

    BobMc wrote: »
    its NBI were getting, ducts are run, they're splicing fibre in last week or so, its the runs from kerbside to homes I'd say are gonna be shocking, they wont be doing any overhead in estates with no poles already present, dont think planning will allow it

    That could be a lot of hassle alright. They didn't use poles here they ran the fibre along the facia similar to what VM did.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30 chiral_fluid

    allanroche wrote: »
    Would there be any benefit to changing GPON? The only benefit I can see is that the Nano G has a display of speed on it, but it is still only a 1G LAN port so it wouldn't be future-proofing in any form. Unless I'm missing something?

    Ufiber does support "router mode" (it can terminate PPPoE and VLAN). Which is very good for people with simple networks.

    Also it can be powered with PoE (less wires).

    Also, surprisingly, it provides less jitter (speed variations) than huawei does.

    And yes, it can show you useful link quality stats.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 68 ✭✭allanroche

    Ufiber does support "router mode" (it can terminate PPPoE and VLAN). Which is very good for people with simple networks.

    Also it can be powered with PoE (less wires).

    Also, surprisingly, it provides less jitter (speed variations) than huawei does.

    And yes, it can show you useful link quality stats.

    Oh nice, that's really interesting then! Have you tried it out or maybe contacting Digiweb to see if it's supported? I have set my house up with PoE so that my be something for the future.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30 chiral_fluid

    allanroche wrote: »
    Oh nice, that's really interesting then! Have you tried it out or maybe contacting Digiweb to see if it's supported? I have set my house up with PoE so that my be something for the future.
    Well, I've asked digiweb in this tread, they didn't answer yet.

    Though I know for sure that the device itself is perfectly functional on SIRO. The question is if there are any countermeasurements implemented in the network for non-native devices.

  • Company Representative Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Digiweb

    Well, I've asked digiweb in this tread, they didn't answer yet.

    Though I know for sure that the device itself is perfectly functional on SIRO. The question is if there are any countermeasurements implemented in the network for non-native devices.

    Sorry just seeing this now. Up-to and including the ONT is considered Siro network rather than the retailers. In short technically it's possible but you'd need to program your ONT with the Siro credentials in order that it autenticates with the Siro network and Siro own these credentials.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30 chiral_fluid

    Digiweb wrote: »
    Sorry just seeing this now. Up-to and including the ONT is considered Siro network rather than the retailers. In short technically it's possible but you'd need to program your ONT with the Siro credentials in order that it autenticates with the Siro network and Siro own these credentials.
    Yes, I know. My question is: will SIRO or Digiweb punish a user for using custom (but compatible and certified) terminals?

    Re credentials - it's pretty easy to extract them. Two of three values are printed on the ONT case. Third value can be accessed through the management UI. For some reason SIRO disables management access through ploam, but it's easy to temporarily regain it.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,263 ✭✭✭Mr Crispy

    How long on average does it take for the Digiweb engineer to call out after putting in an order for a SIRO connection?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,793 ✭✭✭CoBo55

    Would any of the reps here have any idea how much longer it will be before Enniscorthy goes live? There's a lot of work going on in the area.

  • Company Representative Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Digiweb

    Mr Crispy wrote: »
    How long on average does it take for the Digiweb engineer to call out after putting in an order for a SIRO connection?

    5 days as standard however may be longer if assistance from third parties (e.g. ESB) is required

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,035 ✭✭✭BArra

    Digiweb wrote: »
    5 days as standard however may be longer if assistance from third parties (e.g. ESB) is required

    what about for Eir IFN ordered through Digiweb, whats the average wait time from order to engineer callout to attempt install?

  • Company Representative Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Digiweb

    BArra wrote: »
    what about for Eir IFN ordered through Digiweb, whats the average wait time from order to engineer callout to attempt install?

    Pretty much the same 5 days

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,793 ✭✭✭CoBo55

    Any chance of my question being answered? I had signed up last March and would be connected as soon as ftth went live. If it was soon I would cancel VM as I have a window of opportunity to leave without penalty due to yet another price increase, this window closes the end of July. I'd use the fttc connection if I knew that ftth was very close to being active.

  • Company Representative Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Digiweb

    CoBo55 wrote: »
    Any chance of my question being answered? I had signed up last March and would be connected as soon as ftth went live. If it was soon I would cancel VM as I have a window of opportunity to leave without penalty due to yet another price increase, this window closes the end of July. I'd use the fttc connection if I knew that ftth was very close to being active.

    Quite a number of premises planned to be made available to order from end of this month through to September in Enniscorthy.

    Won't have visibility of exact premises released each month until a few days before month end. We've got your PM and will let you know if we get anything firm on your Eircode.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,793 ✭✭✭CoBo55

    Digiweb wrote: »
    Quite a number of premises planned to be made available to order from end of this month through to September in Enniscorthy.

    Won't have visibility of exact premises released each month until a few days before month end. We've got your PM and will let you know if we get anything firm on your Eircode.

    That's great news I think I will be included when it starts to roll out. The electrician's were working next door to me they were using the garden to get access to the high voltage line he said we were ready to go when more of the town was finished.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 159 ✭✭jimmad

    Has anyone experienced any PPPOE Error : Timeout errors with digiweb. I have an intermittent problem where I get knocked offline for hours on end. Digiweb have replaced the fritzbox this will be my third router including my own which was on the mesh system. The ONT is the only other logical thing that could be causing the issue at this stage.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 366 ✭✭Calebmcd

    Digiweb wrote: »
    Quite a number of premises planned to be made available to order from end of this month through to September in Enniscorthy.

    Won't have visibility of exact premises released each month until a few days before month end. We've got your PM and will let you know if we get anything firm on your Eircode.

    Do you have any info on Churchlands Manorcunningham in Donegal?

    I've been asking for years when FTTH was coming.
    I've had 100mb for over 5 years now. Getting 90% of the speed.
    My contract is up in a few weeks.

    Ive been with Vodofone, Sky and Eir. Digiweb is next on my list. But I see no reason to move. The first to give me a timeline for FTTH and ill sign a 1 year contract. Dont need the phone anymore or tv. Everything is online. So just BB. I used to have the phone as a backup. But I find VOIP a waste of time and money. Ill just use my mobile.

    Anyway, long story short! Can you give me an estimate?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,793 ✭✭✭CoBo55

    Calebmcd wrote: »
    Do you have any info on Churchlands Manorcunningham in Donegal?

    I've been asking for years when FTTH was coming.
    I've had 100mb for over 5 years now. Getting 90% of the speed.
    My contract is up in a few weeks.

    Ive been with Vodofone, Sky and Eir. Digiweb is next on my list. But I see no reason to move. The first to give me a timeline for FTTH and ill sign a 1 year contract. Dont need the phone anymore or tv. Everything is online. So just BB. I used to have the phone as a backup. But I find VOIP a waste of time and money. Ill just use my mobile.

    Anyway, long story short! Can you give me an estimate?

    Is there any sign of work being done around the area?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,717 ✭✭✭YFlyer

    Anyone have a number for fritzbox?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,717 ✭✭✭YFlyer

    Anyone have a number for fritzbox?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 619 ✭✭✭cunnijo

    YFlyer wrote: »
    Anyone have a number for fritzbox?

    The Fritzbox is made by AVM in Germany. Their contact details are found here

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,717 ✭✭✭YFlyer

    cunnijo wrote: »
    The Fritzbox is made by AVM in Germany. Their contact details are found here

    Irish number.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 332 ✭✭trant

    YFlyer wrote: »
    Irish number.

    They don't have an office in Ireland.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,717 ✭✭✭YFlyer

    trant wrote: »
    They don't have an office in Ireland.


  • Company Representative Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Digiweb

    YFlyer wrote: »

    We are based in Ireland and can be contacted using numbers here :

    Alternatively send us a PM and we'll arrange a call back.

    We supply Fritzbox modems to our customers which are supplied by a company called AVM based in Germany. AVM don't have an Irish office.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 332 ✭✭trant

    YFlyer wrote: »

    You asked for a number for AVM, the makers of FritzBox.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,717 ✭✭✭YFlyer

    Digiweb wrote: »
    We are based in Ireland and can be contacted using numbers here :

    Alternatively send us a PM and we'll arrange a call back.

    We supply Fritzbox modems to our customers which are supplied by a company called AVM based in Germany. AVM don't have an Irish office.

    Thanks, I got through to them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,717 ✭✭✭YFlyer

    trant wrote: »
    You asked for a number for AVM, the makers of FritzBox.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,717 ✭✭✭YFlyer

    trant wrote: »
    You asked for a number for AVM, the makers of FritzBox.

    Just notice. What is your skin?

  • Registered Users Posts: 35 cshk

    Just signed up to Digiweb SIRO today from Eir. Anyone know if I’m meant to cancel my old contract with Eir or do they handle that for you?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 619 ✭✭✭cunnijo

    Hello. It is best advised to cancel Eir giving them 30 days notice and do it in writing (by email should be fine) once SIRO is installed and you are happy with it. While Digiweb may offer to do it do not depend on it, as Eir are known to keep sending bills even though you have changed provider.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,976 ✭✭✭Heighway61

    OpenDNS has stopped working. Anything changed at Digiweb's end, dns wise? Seems to have happened around the time I changed to a 7530 router. Dns is correct on that.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,976 ✭✭✭Heighway61

    Anyone successfully set up an access profile on the Fritzbox? When I set day/time it will not stick.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,976 ✭✭✭Heighway61
