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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Lucy WW wrote: »
    Hold on, Isla pops on to throw in a vote just now having not posted for the previous hour???

    I'm voting for Isla

    This is your reason for voting me?

    This is facetious.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    This is your reason for voting me?

    This is facetious.

    What reason are you voting for Lucy exactly

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Lucy WW wrote: »
    This is my summary of how yesterday's voting evolved (time of vote in brackets) and some general thoughts:

    I've only really re-read the posts around when people voted so I may have missed various justifications.

    Emily: Nigel (1407)
    At 1321, she says "if I had to vote right now, I'd vote Nigel". She has liked some of his earlier posts but some of D2 posts plus "his vote and Abi's reveal makes me think" he's wolf but "not 100% convinced".Early vote and doesn't change it. Later says "he's been all over the place" which is probably a fair statement.

    Vernon: Katie (1523)
    Votes Katie without providing a rationale at this time (previous post was 1334). Eva questions him about it in light of his earlier comments about not voting low posters and he claims that Eva changed his mind with her earlier theory (I think this is the theory about SK team missing a munch because Katie/Vernon weren't online). This early vote without justification looks very bad for Vernon imo. Then votes for himself. Late change to Katie with no reason

    Eva: Katie (1556) Vernon (1919)
    Votes Katie early-ish as Katie hasn't been posting and based on her earlier theory; says she'll be away for a while so needs to hear from Katie. Also lists Isla & Vernon in her top 3. Comes back on around 7, reads Katie's good posts on Vernon and switches to Vernon.

    Holly: Isla (1754) Vernon (1905)
    ISO's Isla at 1705 and places a vote on her as she'll be on intermittently in the evening. Follows up on Katie's summation of Vernon later on and agrees with it based on some other posts. Switches to Vernon.

    Katie: Vernon (1850)
    This is the big nail in Vernon's coffin imo; Katie sums up Vernon as having talked about Nigel all day, accused Holly, shaded Eva before voting Katie and then dropping off. Very good summation of Vernon's actions.

    Abigail: Vernon (1955)
    Feels like Katies is more villagery than Vernon so goes with Vern.

    Lucy: Isla (2026)
    All of Isla's posts for the previous 24h did absolutely nothing to help us find wolves. I posted a summary of it at 2025. Isla doesn't respond to this.

    Nigel: Emily (2042)
    Doesn't seem to give any reason for voting Emily but I could have missed it as there was a lot of posts around then.

    Senan: Vernon (2055)
    Doesn't explicity say why he votes for Vernon from what I can see.

    Isla: Vernon (2059)
    No justification for voitng for Vernon around the time of posting. Isla is getting my vote today unless something changes drastically.

    I feel much better about lynching Vernon last night having read back over some of the posts although he's obviously not the SK since we lost 2 to munches this morning

    I forgot that these tidbit were from you. let me gather them all together and be right back.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Lucy WW wrote: »
    This is my summary of how yesterday's voting evolved (time of vote in brackets) and some general thoughts:

    I've only really re-read the posts around when people voted so I may have missed various justifications.

    Barbara: Abigail (1005) Frank (1851) Barbara (2059)
    While the munch is still being discussed (Barbara is part of the discussion), she sticks a vote on Abigail. She had flagged this on day 1 though.Changes to Frank after Abigail's reveal without comment. Last vote of the evening on herself. Dead now, alignment currently unknown

    Holly: Abigail (1438) Senan (1452) Vernon (1908)
    There's some discussion about Abigail voting late and she's initially supportive of Abigail. Then I post about Abigail having made exactly 5 posts and Holly comments on that without directly justifying her first vote but votes Abigail a few mins later, did she smell a bandwagon and want to get on it early? When questioned by Eva about voting for Abigai, she defends it but also throws Senan into the mix. Her and Eva then throw "joke" votes on Senan. Discusses Jake & Frank around the time of her last vote but dismisses a possible connection. Doesn't justify her vote on Vernon around the time of voting as far as I can see.

    Eva: Senan (1452) Frank (2046)
    Questions Holly about her vote on Abigail, picks up on the Senan comment and wonders how to "summon" him. Follows Holly's idea of a joke vote on Senan. Don't see a justification of her vote on Frank.

    Abigail: Senan (1524)
    Pops in to say she has nothing to go on but that she suspects Senan or Frank and is sticking a vote on Frank. She reveals her role at 1826.

    Lucy: Abigail (1530) Frank (1940)
    Me - I had been querying Abigail's day 1 posting earlier and when she voted on the newly formed (joke) Senan bandwagon, I was certain she was wolf. After Abigail reveals, I go back and review Jake's posts where the only interactions of interest are with Frank & Holly. With no counter claim, I vote for Frank on this basis.

    Isla: Steve (1553) Frank (1907)
    Does an ISO of Steve and theorises that the BG saved a wolf, sticks a vote on Steve. After the reveal, discussed the mod post about the munch and then decides that "Attacker was wolves. Steve was attacked by the wolves. Steve can only be an SK. I feel Frank is more likely the SK partner so I am changing my vote to Frank". Not sure how this logic stacks up.

    Emily: Frank (1747)
    Discusses Frank & Barbara's interactions and Frank's defensiveness has him top of her FFA. Frank has earlier said that he thinks Barbara & Emily are on the same team as their earlier "spat doesn't feel natural". Also includes Isla in her FFA and whoever the lowest poster is later on.

    Steve: Senan (2013) Nigel (2055)
    Posts this "Suspicions about Emily, Frank & Nigel have faded since yesterday. I didn't like Isla's hatchet job on me so she's moved onto the radar.Barbara I can leave til later. I still don't like Abigail". Votes for Senan "as a tactical ploy to see what happens". This seems like a nonsense strategy to me. Changes to Nigel based on his vote hopping. Dead now, alignment currently unknown

    Frank: Senan (2031)
    Doesn't seem to justify his vote for Senan, looks like he's just jumping on the counterwagon. This action in itself would be enough to vote for him imo.

    Senan: Isla (2043)
    I can't see any justification of this vote. A wolf innocuously voting for someone not in the firing line so that he won't be a major part of the voting analysis?

    Nigel: Frank (2046) Eva (2047) Frank (2051)
    Not sure what the hell Nigel is at here. Votes for Frank (no reason provided), instantly changes to Eva (he had mentioned her earlier but without justification) and then changes back to Frank after this interaction:
    Eva: Nigel what's your reason for voting me
    Nigel: i was asleep till about 10 mins ago, and i think your vote still provides the most info
    Nigel: but im happy to change

    WTF??? He later claims he's "just trying to stir stuff up"

    Vernon: Frank (2046)
    Votes Frank with no justification beforehand; posts this at 2052 "ha ha ha I was also asleep and I voted for the person who didnt vote to self presserve"

    That's 2 people waking up to vote just before 9pm?

    Katie: Frank (2056)
    "Gonna vote on Frank - Senan has some interesting posts whereas Frank has nothing of substance so far". Not the worst reasoning in the world but more effort needed Katie!
    Lucy WW wrote: »
    This is my summary of how yesterday's voting evolved (time of vote in brackets) and some general thoughts:

    I've only really re-read the posts around when people voted so I may have missed various justifications.

    Emily: Nigel (1407)
    At 1321, she says "if I had to vote right now, I'd vote Nigel". She has liked some of his earlier posts but some of D2 posts plus "his vote and Abi's reveal makes me think" he's wolf but "not 100% convinced".Early vote and doesn't change it. Later says "he's been all over the place" which is probably a fair statement.

    Vernon: Katie (1523)
    Votes Katie without providing a rationale at this time (previous post was 1334). Eva questions him about it in light of his earlier comments about not voting low posters and he claims that Eva changed his mind with her earlier theory (I think this is the theory about SK team missing a munch because Katie/Vernon weren't online). This early vote without justification looks very bad for Vernon imo. Then votes for himself. Late change to Katie with no reason

    Eva: Katie (1556) Vernon (1919)
    Votes Katie early-ish as Katie hasn't been posting and based on her earlier theory; says she'll be away for a while so needs to hear from Katie. Also lists Isla & Vernon in her top 3. Comes back on around 7, reads Katie's good posts on Vernon and switches to Vernon.

    Holly: Isla (1754) Vernon (1905)
    ISO's Isla at 1705 and places a vote on her as she'll be on intermittently in the evening. Follows up on Katie's summation of Vernon later on and agrees with it based on some other posts. Switches to Vernon.

    Katie: Vernon (1850)
    This is the big nail in Vernon's coffin imo; Katie sums up Vernon as having talked about Nigel all day, accused Holly, shaded Eva before voting Katie and then dropping off. Very good summation of Vernon's actions.

    Abigail: Vernon (1955)
    Feels like Katies is more villagery than Vernon so goes with Vern.

    Lucy: Isla (2026)
    All of Isla's posts for the previous 24h did absolutely nothing to help us find wolves. I posted a summary of it at 2025. Isla doesn't respond to this.

    Nigel: Emily (2042)
    Doesn't seem to give any reason for voting Emily but I could have missed it as there was a lot of posts around then.

    Senan: Vernon (2055)
    Doesn't explicity say why he votes for Vernon from what I can see.

    Isla: Vernon (2059)
    No justification for voitng for Vernon around the time of posting. Isla is getting my vote today unless something changes drastically.

    I feel much better about lynching Vernon last night having read back over some of the posts although he's obviously not the SK since we lost 2 to munches this morning

    You had been querying Abigail's day 1 posting earlier and when she voted on the newly formed (joke) Senan bandwagon,

    Lucy WW wrote: »
    Hold on, Isla pops on to throw in a vote just now having not posted for the previous hour???

    I'm voting for Isla

    Now you voting me cause i voted?

    your reasons for voting people are that they voted?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    I agree that if someone has a counter claim that there is zero point hiding it at this point

    Well they better reveal so or gave a good reason not to.

    Or they are dead.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,394 ✭✭✭Lucy WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    This is your reason for voting me?

    This is facetious.

    Get lost Isla, that was just the final nail in the coffin! You know I posted yesterday about you and voted for you last night

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,394 ✭✭✭Lucy WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    You had been querying Abigail's day 1 posting earlier and when she voted on the newly formed (joke) Senan bandwagon,

    Now you voting me cause i voted?

    your reasons for voting people are that they voted?

    Just to be clear, this is why I'm voted for you last night and why I'm voting for you tonight:

    Lucy: Isla (2026)
    All of Isla's posts for the previous 24h did absolutely nothing to help us find wolves. I posted a summary of it at 2025.
    Isla doesn't respond to this.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,600 ✭✭✭Nigel WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    Nigel while what you're saying here makes some sort of sense, Isla put in a vote 6 mins before votes closed and was the last vote. At that point I think it was clear Jake would be lynched, so better to distance herself and vote elsewhere? I don't think I was ever going to get Fiona lynched that night either.

    I don't agree that there's no way Isla is bad... but I am waning slightly.
    But if I don't lynch Isla tonight it's your head on the block Nigel

    i think if isla was on he same team as jake, she would have voted fiona with the hope of someone else voting late on to save jake.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    Just posting this here so I can have a look again

    Day 1 Lynch vote

    Jake: Holly, Barbara, Derry, Nigel
    Fiona: Eva, Lucy
    Eva: Senan, Isla
    Vernon: Fiona
    Frank: Emily
    Barbara: Jake
    Nigel: Steve
    Emily: Abigail

    Didn't vote: Frank, Vernon, Katie

    Day 2 Lynch Vote

    Frank: Emily, Isla, Lucy, Vernon, Eva, Nigel, Katie
    Senan: Abigail, Frank
    Vernon: Holly
    Isla: Senan
    Nigel: Steve
    Barbara: Barbara

    Day 3 Lynch vote

    Vernon: Katie, Holly, Eva, Abigail, Senan, Isla
    Emily: Nigel
    Isla: Lucy
    Nigel: Emily
    Katie: Vernon

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    Nigel WW wrote: »
    i think if isla was on he same team as jake, she would have voted fiona with the hope of someone else voting late on to save jake.

    That doesn't rule her out of being evil though :confused:

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Lucy WW wrote: »
    We talked earlier about voting low so I'm going with Vernon (currently no posts I think?) for now but that could change
    Barbara WW wrote: »

    Lucy WW wrote: »
    Votes so far (7/16):

    Barbara Frank, Barbara, Jake
    Holly Jake
    Emily Frank
    Lucy Vernon
    Fiona Vernon
    Jake Barbara
    Derry JakeJake on 3, Vernon on 2
    Lucy WW wrote: »
    The more I think about it, the more I agree with this. Outright non-posting is less likely to be a wolf.

    I'm changing from Vernon to Fiona. Picking her over Abigail mainly because of her post at 1120 exhorting people to post, then 3 more posts before being off for most of the day and coming back on with this
    Lucy WW wrote: »
    Barbara Frank, Barbara, Jake
    Holly Jake
    Emily Frank
    Lucy Vernon, Fiona
    Fiona Vernon
    Jake Barbara
    Derry Jake
    Steve Nigel
    Senan Eva
    Abigail Emily
    Eva Fiona
    Nigel Jake
    Isla Eva

    This is what the final votes look like I think - Jake gone on 4 votes.

    Fiona & Eva had 2 each

    I wish I had done these posts for day 2 and three votes too. They are so handy.

    So, Lucy not wolf, but tries to save Jake by starting a bandwagon on fiona. Fiona was a wolf, but lucy wouldn't have know that at the time, the agenda was to save Jake, but it didn't work.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,600 ✭✭✭Nigel WW

    Nigel WW wrote: »
    if isla is the last SK she would have voted fiona night 2 to try to save jake.

    is isla is a wolf she have voted jake night 2 to be sure fiona survives.

    based on the votes there is no way isla is bad
    Holly WW wrote: »
    That doesn't rule her out of being evil though :confused:

    as above

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    Nigel WW wrote: »
    as above

    Fcuk. You have a point I have to admit.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Just because no one counter claimed Jesus, doesnt mean Isla is Jesus. She was up against it and was a dead cert to be lynched at the time she revealed.

    She never brwadcrumbed and she was forever on the fence all game.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,061 ✭✭✭Holly WW

    Nigel, does Lucy as SK make sense in your team thingy that you posted the other day?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    Just because no one counter claimed Jesus, doesnt mean Isla is Jesus. She was up against it and was a dead cert to be lynched at the time she revealed.

    She never brwadcrumbed and she was forever on the fence all game.

    How do you play roled information villager?

    Sure, if I had a killing or a blocking role i'd play different, but i had to sit back and keep low until i had information for the village.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Nigel your assuming a lot with your votes.

    Wolves may vote a number of ways. Theres no sure thing theyd try save a colleague. Saving a colleague may discriminate them later on.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    How do you play roled information villager?

    Sure, if I had a killing or a blocking role i'd play different, but i had to sit back and keep low until i had information for the village.

    Ill grant you roled villager vs roled evil can appear similar. I just think your the roled evil.

    Youre play can be viewed as more wolfy than roled villager.

    Plus I disagree with your play since you came out. Those you suspect are low on my list

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    How do you play roled information villager?

    Sure, if I had a killing or a blocking role i'd play different, but i had to sit back and keep low until i had information for the village.

    How would you play different out of curiosity

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,600 ✭✭✭Nigel WW

    Nigel WW wrote: »
    jake was SK. 1 more team member
    fiona was wolf. 2 more team members

    holly and nigel are not on jakes team
    eva and lucy are not on fionas team

    jakes remaining team member:
    Senan, Isla, Emily, Vernon, Katie, Eva, Lucy

    fionas remaing 2 members:
    Senan, Isla, Emily, Vernon, Katie, Holly, Nigel

    based on odds i propose we lynch in Senan, Isla, Emily, Vernon, Katie: they can be on both teams.

    i need to think about this some more
    Nigel WW wrote: »
    scratch the above for the moment.

    there is defo 1 wolf in Senan, Isla, Emily, Vernon, Katie. so worst case we have a 20% chance

    fionas remaing 2 members:
    Senan, Isla, Emily, Vernon, Katie, Holly, Nigel

    looking at fionas team, we have a 28% chance. luckily, it still has senan and isla.
    Holly WW wrote: »
    Nigel, does Lucy as SK make sense in your team thingy that you posted the other day?

    it does, yeah. i think only non-SK's would have voted for jake.

    Jake: Holly, Barbara, Derry, Nigel
    i think the above 4 we can rule out being the last member of team SK

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    How would you play different out of curiosity

    By playing differently.. :confused:

    I have played this game before, this is not my first rodeo.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,600 ✭✭✭Nigel WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    Nigel your assuming a lot with your votes.

    Wolves may vote a number of ways. Theres no sure thing theyd try save a colleague. Saving a colleague may discriminate them later on.

    it was the night 1 vote. you dont think about bussing that early on. not even bussing, but on night 1 you dont vote your team mate who is for the chop ( i dont think anyway).

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    By playing differently.. :confused:

    I have played this game before, this is not my first rodeo.

    Specificly how would you play different?

    Such a throw away comment

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Nigel WW wrote: »
    it was the night 1 vote. you dont think about bussing that early on. not even bussing, but on night 1 you dont vote your team mate who is for the chop ( i dont think anyway).

    Listen Nigel, stop saying wolves dont or wont do X Y and Z, they can do anything.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    Specificly how would you play different?

    Such a throw away comment

    You can read all my games after the game.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,600 ✭✭✭Nigel WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    Listen Nigel, stop saying wolves dont or wont do X Y and Z, they can do anything.

    of course they can. thats why i said 'i think'.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭Eva WW

    Folks we've got 50 minutes to lynch. Are we now saying Lucy is the SK and Isla is 100% Jesus. My head hurts

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Isla WW wrote: »
    You can read all my games after the game.

    Be honest, you dont know what you'd do. You havent a clue.

    Its ok, its helped me be confident that your lying.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Eva WW wrote: »
    Folks we've got 50 minutes to lynch. Are we now saying Lucy is the SK and Isla is 100% Jesus. My head hurts

    Im saying Isla is untruthful and has played unvillagery.

    My vote stands here

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,479 ✭✭✭Isla WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    Im saying Isla is untruthful and has played unvillagery.

    My vote stands here

    Where is my untruths?

    Everything I've said has been truths or facts.
