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What are your views on Multiculturalism in Ireland? - Threadbanned User List in OP



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    You do understand that most of Africas politely boundaries were drawn to suit colonial powers and not in any way representative of the actual ethic and cultural boundaries on the ground. And that even when colonial powers departed competing post colonial powers created and propped up the “dictators” and “warlords” in order to advance their geopolitical and economic interests.

    And even allowing for that which continent has killed more of its own people in inter ethic or national violence in the past 100 years, and subsequently impact global peace . Is it a, nice lovely “white” Europe or “brutal” Africa?

  • Registered Users Posts: 44 mustardorcustard

    "Multiculturalism" has nothing to do with culture.

    It's an invented term used by hypercapitalist vultures.

    You could probably count on one hand the amount of people who moved here for cultural reasons.

    Money? Yes. Opportunity? Yes. For their own advantage? Yes.

    Housing scarcity, asset values pumped, cheap labour? Yes please, say the profiteers.

    Fragmentation of a unified society to undermine collective efforts against the likes of de-unionisation, privatisation, social standards? You bet.

    The last thing on the minds of anyone who supports "multiculturalism" is culture.

    Just like colonialism hollowed out entire countries for the vast profits of the few, it is a similarly minded grouping now that are hollowing out countries now. Destruction is left in its wake, the profiteers skip town, and the existing culture, as you say is "diminished", if not erased.

    They'll tell you "multiculturalism" is great for you, best thing in the world. Its nothing new though, it's just the latest con.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,392 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    Absolutely it is a con in its current form…

    hospital waiting lists… colossal… There are now 902,000 people on some form of hospital waiting list, up more than 93,500 in the last two years…

    Social housing waiting lists… colossal… between 60,00-70,000 not people ! Households waiting…

    and still we are advocating bringing in multiples more people who require all this assistance themselves, ffs… just nutsville. 🤪

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    What a load of nonsense. Eastern Europe IS Europe and its culture is European, just like the Western, Southern, Northern and Central Europe. And its culture is native European, not imported through colonialism. It was Christian before the great schism that created the Catholic and Orthodox separation, so no need for western missionaries either. Yes, maybe it was a bit behind western Europe through some times in history, but it developed all by its own, not through colonialism.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Is Greece closer to Lebanon or Norway culturally? Is Andalusia closer to Morocco or Siberia. Is someone from London going to have more shared references with someone from Cape Town or Minsk?

    The idea that there is a single “European” culture that you seem to be suggesting is laughable to be honest. It only exists in your unconscious bias that white skin = same, dark skin = different

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Greece is a civilized and safe democratic country, Lebanon is a failed state. Siberia is not European and Spain is also a civilized and safe democratic country, unlike Morocco. You won't find this in London or Minsk

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Many would argue Greece is a failed state. Either way, culturally they are very close to the levant, as well as geographically and their religion is shared by close to 40% of the population of Lebanon.

    Morocco is an emerging democracy than has had a significant shift post 2014 and is one of the safer parts of Africa. Much more democratic and safer than Russia at least. Replace Siberia with the Russian plain and the conclusion remains

    And really, a picture of a township created as part of the system of apathied imposed upon the non white population of that area as evidence that Minsk is closer in culture to London than Cape Town? All in the effort to maintain your personal fiction that “white = same, dark = different”

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Many would argue Greece is a failed state

    I would love to hear their reasons. Until then, it's not

    their religion is shared by close to 40% of the population of Lebanon

    And by close to 80% of the population of European countries like Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania.

    Morocco is an emerging democracy

    Unlike most European countries, which is also the birth place of democracy

    picture of a township created as part of the system

    For whatever reasons and for whoever to blame, these things are not present in Europe

    All in the effort to maintain your personal fiction that “white = same, dark = different”

    I never pointed any differences in skin colour. Europe is much more developed and civilized than Africa and this is a fact that is in no way dependant of skin colour, which you're the only one that keep bringing it on.

    LE: you may want to double check your "facts" - the majority of Christians in Lebanon are Catholic, and they represent less than 30%. Greek Christians are 90+% Orthodox, like many of the Eastern European Christians.

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭Geert von Instetten

    In fairness, even in the examples intended primarily to disprove any idea of a pan-European identity, you appear to rely on geographical and historical proximity: Greece-Lebanon, Spain-Morocco. In that respect then, regardless of whether Greece is culturally closer to Lebanon or Norway, it would be difficult to envisage a case where Nigeria or Zimbabwe is culturally closer to Ireland than Ukraine. Ukraine is certainly on the periphery of Ireland’s European cultural interactions, despite that though it is geographically closer and Ukraine has, at times throughout its history had Celtic and Viking (Nordic) influences.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yes, tell yourself there are no slums in Europe. Live in your blinkered fiction.

    Tell yourself that the impoverishment of parts of Africa is in in no way caused by the treatment of Africa by Europeans and many others. Live your Blinkered fiction

    Tell yourself Europe is all peace and light, and ignore Kosovo, Bosnia, Russia, NI from the last 30years alone, before we even go back just another generation of two and see how “civilised” European culture can be.

    Tell yourself that it’s not just skin colour and religion that informs your view of a single European “culture” when in fact Europe itself, old Europe, is multicultural with many distinct cultures throughout the continent, some of which overlap each other to a greater or lesser extent and some of which overlap those in other continents, to a greater or lesser extent. Mediterranean people have more in common with each other than Greeks have with Norwegians or Lebanese with Indians or Egyptians with Congolese.

    And where do Bosnians or Albanians or Turks from Thrace or Azerbaijanis fit into your Europe? Because they are Europeans.

    I suspect I will get back more Gates of Vienna type stuff

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Take a random person from Dublin , Bulawayo and Donestk and you would likely find that are far more common cultural reference points between Dublin and Bulawayo than either have with Donetsk

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I also understand that you're shifting goalposts. But let's go with this then. The boundaries/borders drawn in Africa were only done to a limited degree by European empires, but many of them were drawn by the powers of the time, and also the influence of Turkish states. Yes, I'm sorry, but there were African kingdoms that continued throughout the eras of colonialism, and retained their own borders. Then there were also borders drawn along geographical lines, due to disease belts which prevented expansion by the European powers.You've decided to exaggerate the practical influence of the European Empires, because if you look at some of the older maps of Africa which relate to the more powerful (and even some lesser) tribes, the modern (1900s) borders align pretty well with what they had.

    Africa is a tribal nation, where different tribes often hate each other, often commiting outright genocide, but enslaving their enemies when it was profitable. Yes, the colonial powers scattered the Tribes, but it happened too by the Africans and the Muslims before the European empires landed in Africa. Centuries before.

    As for propping up warlords and dictators, yes, definetely. During the colonial/imperial era, and again during the war of ideologies with Communism/Capitalism... but you're fooling yourself if you're so willing to dismiss the fact that these regimes were enabled by the African people themselves. After all, their armies/police forces were Africans.. those who worked the economies that supported them were Africans.

    But nah. It's so much easier to pass it over to the Western powers, and absolve Africans of all responsibility throughout history.

    And even allowing for that which continent has killed more of its own people in inter ethic or national violence in the past 100 years, and subsequently impact global peace . Is it a, nice lovely “white” Europe or “brutal” Africa?

    I've read this three times, and I still don't get what you're trying to say.

    The only obsession with race tends to come from posters like yourself accusing others of having such an obsession. This claim came up before (which the mods deleted) and it matches pretty well with what you've just posted. I countered it then, and honestly, I can't really be bothered to counter it again. Some people just want to focus on the racism angle rather than counter/deal with the actual objections raised.

    Especially since most posters have referred to the cultures involved and how that encourages integration/assimilation, whereas you've decided that it's all about skin colour.

    You started off reasonably well. Oh, you've applied convenient selections when it comes to history with quite a bit of revisionism, but at least you were attempting to engage in a discussion. The above, though? Seriously?


  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

    How is Europe impoverishing Africa?

    Glad to see that you acknowledge that examples mulitculturalism like the Balkans and NI are nothing to emulate 😂

    I know quite a few Greeks, they definitely would see themselves as having much more in common with Northern Europeans than they would with North Africans perhaps they just need you to lecture them endlessly to disabuse them of their bigoted notion that Europeans have a shared heiritage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Tell yourself that the impoverishment of parts of Africa is in in no way caused by the treatment of Africa by Europeans and many others

    Right, before Europeans they were wealthy and advanced. Like this:

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭Geert von Instetten

    Expand on the reasoning for this thought, simply saying it is meaningless.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    You could probably count on one hand the amount of people who moved here for cultural reasons.

    And right there, you've shown that you have no real idea what this thread is about, or how the term multiculturalism is applied.

    The last thing on the minds of anyone who supports "multiculturalism" is culture.

    Then you haven't been paying much attention.

    Culture equal identity. Without a distinct identity, assimilation occurs, and multiculturalism cannot exist. Whereas when cultural identities are elevated/protected, foreign groups are encouraged to retain their original identities, leading to a society which is made up of a diverse selection of cultures, distinctly different from each other.

    Which leads to discrimination and racism, furthering the positions of those who advocate for multiculturalism because activism leads to great book deals, conferences, and NGO appointments.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Tell yourself that the impoverishment of parts of Africa is in in no way caused by the treatment of Africa by Europeans and many others. Live your Blinkered fiction

    Economics and globalisation. Mass manufacturing in America, Europe and Asia, along with the shifts in consumer markets have caused most of the impoverishment in Africa, if we're only looking at external forces. Textile industries in Africa shutdown because of all the cheap products sent to Africa to clothe Africans because of the Aid agencies. The list is rather extensive at how international economic trends have screwed Africa.

    But internally? Shoddy government policies, corruption at most social levels, ignorance, pollution, etc.

    . It's not one or the other. Nigeria is doing damn well for itself, as are a number of other African nations. The general corruption, greed, etc within African cultures tends to cause serious problems though... and that doesn't come from western nations.

    You're applying your own blinkered views..

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    90% of Zimbabweans speak English. We were both occupied by and expelled the English, many sporting pursuits are the same, common law legal systems, clientalist political representatives, religion in the western rather than eastern Christian tradition, both places had a golden age prior to being occupied...I could go on.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Two can play at this over simplistic nonsense. Here is a picture of European civilisation prior to African immigration

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Greeks see themselves as being like Northern Europeans because what the don’t see themselves as , Turks, rather than what they actually are. Greeks in western Thrace cans Turks in eastern Thrace are almost the same people though sharing a heritage going back thousands of years, as much as they want to tell themselves they are more Norwegian

    and I don’t get your point on multiculturalism when my whole point was that Europe was already multicultural and there is no such thing as a single European identity or culture as much as you want to tell yourselves there is

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  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭Geert von Instetten

    ”I could go on.”

    Please, the only meaningful contribution included was the English language, which is spoken by a fifth of Ukrainians, the remainder is a muddle - referencing British rebellions while lauding Zimbabwe’s Protestantism and love of cricket.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,392 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    We’d probably get called out for racism now until we accept African countries into the EU.

    i see an article on a pro European website.. “ Europe to do more for Africa “.. apparently billions of our money is to be sent there, ‘funding’.. billions to the Ukraine, billions spent for Ukrainians on their EU stays…

    why ?

    Despite Morocco being an African country, not an EU member and it cannot be, that idea was floated by them… the EU has under the MEDA programme, over some years, donated billions of Euros to Morocco… why ? It’s not on the continent of Europe.

    couldn’t be….improving the continent, this continent for the people who amassed that money. ? With that money ?

    as part of multiculturalism you’d think we were already doing more then our bit ? Facilitating multiculturalism, but still, cash going out, this way, that way, every way to everywhere.

    but no, more, more, more, more ?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Have you ever actually spoken to a Zimbabwean? Because as much as people here would like you to believe they are all just like @Cordells photo above, that is not the case.

    Essentially what it boils down to here is that European culture is being defined by they look like me, they dress a bit like me and their parents and my parents went to religious services in buildings with crosses, therefore we all have a single pan European culture we need to protect against being overrun by “other”. No suggestion of similarities externally in comparison to differences internally will be considered because at the moment, on average, in relative terms, one arbitrary geographic divide is more stable than another.

    In reality, culture, people and identity has shifted and evolved through human history and prehistory. It is in fact what has made humans successful. That some people believe at a particular moment in time they can bring a halt to that is a somewhat quaint and hubristic notion. And in human history you will find that societies that closed themselves off from change atrophied and decayed.

    And with falling birth rates, immigration is all that will prevent economic decay and population collapse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,420 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    The rest of your post is just cherry picking bits which suit your argument and making broad generalisations from them. That’s called stereotyping and ‘guilt by association’.

    It is not "stereotyping", which is a lame argument. How can one say multiculturalism is better if you don't agree that people from foreign lands are different. If they are different then they are stereotypically different, just like the Irish are stereotypically different from the English. You have to look at it as the culture as a whole, rather than showing one individual in any culture isn't stereotypical of that culture. If you invite Polish people into the county, or any other nationality, you are inviting the stereotypical culture as well. You can't get away from this fact.

    Here in the West I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the concept, but it’s an idea which has served Western Civilization well - innocent until proven guilty. It means that your stereotypes are based upon guilt by association, used to tar whole groups of people wrongly and seek to punish anyone for the wrongdoings of another based upon associating them with the person who has done wrong.

    Islam is guilty of being homophobic. End of. It's not stereotyping to say Muslims are on the whole homophobic, even if some aren't. They largely are even in the UK as was found in a recent survey, which showed a majority of UK Muslims believe today that homosexuality should be illegal.

    If I visited a Muslim country I would hide that fact I'm gay. Do I have a bad attitude towards Muslims, for stereotyping them, or am I being a wise bird? I'll go with my instincts thanks. I would rather be accused of stereotyping than have my throat slit.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    With falling birth rates the other option to immigration that will prevent economic decay in the west is large scale investment in developing countries. Eg aging populations to live off the returns from growing productivity in younger countries. Productivity in the west is near maxed out, and low productivity growth plus ageing workforce = falling living standards

    Because let’s face it, the incels won’t suddenly start having large families.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,392 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    Why are people having smaller families ?

    because the cost of living in the main… if we were not gifting such large quantities of cash away the tax rates get lowered and people spend more, here.

    i know precious few couples now where only one parent works.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    In reality, small families are a result of prosperity not a decline in living standards. And has followed that trend everywhere. Absolute living standards have not reduced but have in fact massively increased. In the 1980s when the average working family had one earner, they had 1 beat up old car, 1 tv, probably rented, zero overseas holidays, a single telephone, if they were lucky, a washer but no dryer or dishwasher, massively higher relative spend on healthcare and on and on and on. The expectations people have of 2022 living standards could not be met with 1980 wages. Adjusted for inflation, in 1980 the average person earned about 10 euro per hour. And worked more hours on average. That’s adjusted taking cost of living into account

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators Posts: 10,274 Mod ✭✭✭✭Jim2007

    So how many kids do you have yourself? Are you willing to give up say the next 15 years of your life to do nothing but look after five or more young people 7x24, no days off, very little time for friends, hobbies or yourself? Most people are no longer willing to do that, they have different aspirations and the opportunity to achieve them.

    You need to update your perspective on life, the world has moved on and Ireland has moved with it. Fifteen years or more of unpaid domestic service trumps very few other opportunities.

  • Registered Users Posts: 480 ✭✭getoutadodge

    "So how many kids do you have yourself? Are you willing to give up say the next 15 years of your life to do nothing but look after five or more young people 7x24, no days off, very little time for friends, hobbies or yourself? Most people are no longer willing to do that, they have different aspirations and the opportunity to achieve them."

    The way you frame it in purely economic terms. As if the concept of family was a mere entry on a bean counter spreadsheet.

    I'll send u some cat deductable of course.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭Geert von Instetten

    Genetic and cultural closeness was invoked by you when you felt it furthered your purposes regarding Greece and Turkey, it was relevant then, is it relevant or irrelevant overall then, because you vacillate between the two often. Regardless, Zimbabwe’s cultural compatibility with Ireland is apparently reducible to the remnants of British colonialism, remnants which - Protestantism, cricket, Margaret Thatcher’s memory - are anathema to Ireland. Ukraine is a democracy in Europe - that outweighs any conversation a Dubliner would have over “clientalist political representatives” or Zimbabwe’s bastardised Common Law legal system. As it moves towards the EU we will increasingly have a lot more in common with Ukraine than whatever commonality the vestiges of British imperialism have created with Zimbabwe.

    As far as immigration is concerned, the employment rate for African nationals in Ireland would indicate that, regardless of whether immigration in general is an economic catalyst, immigration from Zimbabwe is an economic burden.
