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Longer term practical Strategies

  • 07-08-2020 11:39am
    Registered Users Posts: 19,306 ✭✭✭✭

    Just curious if people would like to share their longer term practical plans here. I am not looking to debate the virus, just discuss and share ideas with people. I tried to find a similar thread (thought there was some "help/ideas" thread somewhere, but didnt see it)

    I have started to think about longer term implications of phased lock-downs, a potential spike in the winter and maybe even another year of it being unclear as to how we are going to manage this in the absence of a vaccine. Rather then look at what I cant do, I am trying to manage, longer term, what I can at least plan for to mitigate any issues.

    This is effectively me revisiting what I started in February , when I took steps to make what eventually happened in March onward's which really helped when things kicked off here. Neither I nor my family were as surprised or worry'd as most people who were shocked.

    Couple of things I have been doing and pondering:

    - Getting house as comfortable as possible for potential spike in winter (new couch, new microwave, fix any leaks etc

    - Started to look at shopping inventory and consider building up some reserves (this is as much about choice then anything else, choice to not have to goto shops or go less). Going to prob start buying online a bit more just to get into the habit and get my shopping list down to a tee.

    - Looking at masks that offer more protection that protect wearer aswell as others from the wearer, they may cost more but will provide longer term solution for family (eg son going to shops). Has anybody any suggestions on good quality masks (like N95 grade quality) at a reasonable price ? I am looking at the following, wondering if anybody has tried them ( - I have followed Dr Hansen for awhile and think hes a good source of information)

    - Exercise - Not member of a gym but before lockdown I was going to group personal training workouts. I tried 2 classes when they reopened and while I like the classes I couldnt work out how they are not really bad environments for the virus to spread. You pant a ridiculous amount and all it takes is one person in a class like that to infect everybody. The personal trainers have done alot to mitigate the potential spread, but I am struggling to justify going to classes (even though I feel I need them and get alot from them).

    - School - Not sure what to make of this, I've heard nothing remotely encouraging that suggests there have been steps taken to make classes safer. Honestly, I dont have much confidence at this stage, but equally I am not sure what option I have with the children. I cant keep them off school indefinitely and if I do, then I cant let them out playing with friends. I feel moreso that if numbers dont spike too much I will leave them in school but will pull them out if I feel the government is taking too many liberties with childrens lives because the economy needs them in school

    - Work. I work from home and while most of my business is client relationship management (face to face meetings), I am trying to have more meetings online. I think there is a reasonable chance I can make a good go of my business.

    - Health - Any health checks I need I am getting done now.

    - Car - Any maintenance needed , get now.

    - Holidays - Was away for a week in Wexford, I usually goto France on the boat. We postponed early but have credit for next year. Actually started discussing with my wife today the possibility that we may be going anywhere next year either.

    - Vitamins D, C , Zinc, Magnesium daily

    People talk about mental health and part of the issues I see is managing expectations and only seeing this pandemic from one view (positive/negative). I see discussing the facts and potential issues as productive and actually a way of coming to terms with where we are at right now. The fact of the matter is that we dont know how this virus is going to play out. Things could get better, could get worse or we could keep plodding along in this sort of purgatory that we face right now. For me, discussing this in a productive way helps my mental health. I am very interested to hear if other people have any ideas, suggestions or hints they would like to add.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,829 ✭✭✭Lillyfae

    Couldn't add anything more to the extensive ideas above at this point, but thumbs up!! What a positive thread, I'll post if I think of things...

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,205 ✭✭✭✭hmmm

    Good post. Yes for many of us planning provides comfort, as does being realistic. Most of the country still thinks this is goes away in a few weeks, but it is probably mid-2021 at the earliest before we can hope we will see mass vaccinations, and there is significant risk of a surge in Winter.

    I don't have much to add. I've got the hiking boots/shoes, as do the family - it's all about outdoor exercise for the next while. Invested in the home office. Getting the car serviced. Boiler serviced. I don't want to have tradesmen in the house over the Winter if I can avoid it.

    Planning the finances to cope with a period of possible unemployment. Cutting back on expenses to build a fund. Spending locally if possible to help local businesses.

    Visited the mammy back home and made sure she had anything needed done about the house finished now. Thinking about Christmas (yes - already :) ). Can we safely have a family dinner with vulnerable people? If not, what can we do for them instead?

    N95 type masks are difficult to wear correctly if not properly fitted, but we have bought a couple of washable ordinary masks.

    The school risk for me is a bit like getting on an airplane. You assume the pilot knows what they're doing, and don't worry about it anymore as it's out of your hands. The kids need to go to school, and you just hope that your school isn't the one where it breaks out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,306 ✭✭✭✭Drumpot

    Had a good conversation with my mum. Just wanted to throw this out there for anybody who is worried about their parents in terms of loneliness if there is another lockdown.

    She’s gotten some work in her garden to extend out decking. She also has a sort of roof she can wind out up to 12 feet. She’s doing it so they can have outside art classes (with a few friends) that have Been cancelled as they can’t do them indoors.

    I was coming up with an idea of how she could still have one or two friends over in a socially distance capacity. Basically have front and back door open , windows in kitchen which airs out house, And sit out back. Now In the wintertime it might be cold so have two heaters either side of the table in the back. She could easily have 2 friends over with ample distance between, outdoors but socialise in winter.

    It could be a long winter for older people on their own, now is the time to come up with ideas to help them overcome it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,142 ✭✭✭screamer

    You’ll be inundated with the nay sayers shortly but who cares. I like yourself prepped as much as I could last January/ February and was well sorted when lockdown kicked in.

    I’ll be getting chimneys and gutters cleaned down soon, and yes whatever sintenance needs doing around the place

    I bought boxes of fpp3 masks last time but these are now 6 times the price and not worth it. I’m looking into alternatives and will source them by the end of the week

    Bulk hand sanitizer already purchased, so have absolutely lots of it.

    I’ve renewed my regular prescription and left that with the pharmacist so I only need to call them and they have it ready to pay and collect

    I’m seriously thinking of home schooling for my primary kids. I’ve zero faith in ability to contain or control covid for kids in school when adults in workplaces can’t.

    Christmas lists being compiled and shopping to start in September and finished then also.

    Stocking up on heating oil etc, and will replace any large ticket items in the house soon as Brexit will likely impact supply chains also.

    Food stocks are always good, I keep my freezer well stocked Afro about a month, so all good there.

    I’ll add anything else I can think of.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 979 ✭✭✭Thierry12

    #Hoarder thread :eek:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,751 ✭✭✭mirrorwall14

    We have the heating fixed properly and got the main bathroom done as our shower was awful.

    As a second level teacher our school is doing a lot to mitigate risk for staff (though nothing is foolproof). However I’m starting childcare a week early and going to school to pre-record as much maths demo videos as possible in case we get locked down. Best case I’ve a great bank of resources they can use for revision. Worst case my life will be infinitely easier trying to teach online if I end up at home with the kids again.

    We’ve discussed Family and we won’t be seeing my side probably until Christmas as with me and my son in school it’s too high risk. However we are considering pulling him two weeks before Christmas so that we can have a proper Christmas with family. I’m socially distanced, face masked and visored at work so I’m a heck of a lot less of a risk than him with no social distancing at primary. However we may book into a hotel for the visit west rather than stay over. That’s undecided yet
