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Gangland Shootings part 4 - Read OP before posting - updated 30/12/23



  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    is he not in custody awaiting trial for the incident when he put the boys off the road, finished a sentence for assaulting coppers but was refused bail he’s not been out since last year well that’s what I thought.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭TheW1zard

    The initials are hilarious. Like a little in club. Nobody cares who glen ward or clayo lynch is they're all scumbag knackers end of story lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    Yet your here at 7.09 on a Saturday morning posting about, you clearly do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,784 ✭✭✭Nigzcurran

    He’s out and about and didn’t get any hiding I know of, could be his brother as they are identical looking

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    Jesus he done well getting bail. Just checked his Facebook he’s a recovery truck business now too hulk recovery

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  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Kaizer Sosa

    Just came on to ask this question because I saw the same post. Would be well deserved if true.

  • Registered Users Posts: 560 ✭✭✭Eyes1

    Nellie Walsh released

  • Registered Users Posts: 63 ✭✭Drunken Oaf

    I think the father owns that. Same first name. Given all insurance companies offer free towing, and none of them would dare offer contracts to these boyos, it's not the smartest front operation I've ever seen.

    Who supplies these lads, seeing as they have been at war with various Kinahan backed factions (Gucci, JOC etc). Is Gully still an active presence around there?

  • Registered Users Posts: 63 ✭✭Drunken Oaf

    Papers lately have been saying Flashy got his start as an apprentice to TB in Finglas and grew in stature when he was locked up. Previously they said that he had got a foot on the ladder as a big player because he was a relative of JOC in Blanch.

    While a mix of these two stories may be true, the strange thing is that the media around the middle of last decade were saying that TB had taken up a contract on JOC's life from DG. So Flashy was working directly under a bloke who at the time was actively seeking to kill his cousin? (or whatever their relationship is)

    And to add to that a "close junior associate" (to use media parlance) of JOC had "RIP Wheela" up on his social media when he got killed (allegedly by a man who would be a distant relative). Have they washed their hands off these lads?

  • Registered Users Posts: 63 ✭✭Drunken Oaf

    Something I was wondering as we are in the height of festival season- is ecstasy still commercially imported and wholesaled by the big gangs?

    It seems rare to never that you read about a big seizure of the stuff any more, barring the 5 million worth found in a lock up in Tallaght a while back. I have a few dealers on Snapchat/ SMS lists/ Telegram and pretty much none of them sell MD/ yokes, they're strictly weed and coke, bar one chap who I'm fairly sure sources it off the Dark Web (because most of what he sells is fairly niche stuff- stuff I've never even heard of, cannabis wax and all sorts of mad stuff. And he uses language like "new yokes landing tomorrow" which sounds to me like it gets posted to him).

    There were still a few lads selling it prior to the 2020 lockdown but it seems since then to have disappeared- lockdown obviously contributed to a lack of demand but I thought certainly with festival season being back that the lads on Snapchat etc would be advertising it but I've seen nothing. In fact I even saw one dealer asking if anybody knew where to get some!

    To me it seems like a financial no brainer- gang can buy 100,000 tablets in Holland for what, 25k, knock them out to street lads here for maybe 1.50 a pill, who could probably knock them out for a tenner a go now (a fiver was ridiculously cheap years ago- with the current cost of living a tenner would be more realistic).

    Of course it wouldnt be the first time a substance simply vanished from being commercially wholesaled- LSD, speed and hash all having met a similar fate. Or maybe it actually is like 1995 out there, yokes everywhere, and I'm just not on the list of anybody who sells it haha.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    Ah ok wouldn’t be overly familiar in blanch just the few I’d know. Gully is in the nick mate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    I’ll give you 10/1 he doesn’t see the pudding

  • Registered Users Posts: 63 ✭✭Drunken Oaf

    His rather fun sized younger brother "Deano" is, awaiting trial for the shootout with Gardai last summer. I think it said DG had fled to England at one stage, wonder does he have any sort of business still in D15 or has it been driven out.

    Wonder how long he will get for attempted murder of two Gardai? 18 I'd reckon, so out in about 14 odd? Did nearly 8 years on a drug charge, a few more on intimidation, now looking at another 14 or so. He will be about 53 when he gets out and will have spent about half his life, and the vast majority of his adult life, locked up.

    JOC is probably one of the more interesting characters in this whole thing. The chap has had a finger chopped off in a mock execution, had a mate killed by a bullet that was meant for him, was sliced up by the late David Lindsay, has been under active threat of murder for at least a decade, by my count saw over a dozen men he grew up, maybe close to two dozen, or at least knew in Blanch alone meet a violent end (along with dozens more in the wider fraternity), lived with the threat of a life sentence for that Lithuanian chap who was killed in Rathcoole (Gardai put out they were confident of securing a charge in that one, whether they were or whether they wanted to spook people who knows), was arrested over Kane McCormack, had his house smashed to bits last year, numerous prison sentences.

    You would seriously think you would have a look at all of the above and think to yourself, **** this, I'm retiring from this lark.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭TheW1zard

    I like reading about towny knackers having a **** life or poor people from west dublin. I dont care what their names are though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    Dano is in cloverhill on the vulnerable landing playing tre crazy card, David is locked up in Durham I think I heard.

    joc was meant to be charged with gintaras don’t know how he wasn’t to be honest. The mock execution was for double agent the reals with hoppy RK who was a member but ended up shot in the leg and he was fingerless in fair view.

  • Registered Users Posts: 222 ✭✭Thorsbeard1982


  • Registered Users Posts: 63 ✭✭Drunken Oaf

    What did he do in Durham?

    You know your stuff, as I asked above, are yokes still commercially imported and wholesaled by the big gangs to the extent they were pre Covid, or have changes to youth and club culture relegated them to niche stuff more likely to be sourced from the dark web? As I said above none of the contacts I have seem to sell them, I thought they would start moving them again particularly now with festival season in full swing.

    Yokes are still clearly out there and always will be, but whether your Gucci gangs and the likes are distributing thousands of them per week any more, or whether they think the profit margins dont justify it any more, the lack of seizures ever making the news makes you wonder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 120 ✭✭clobber

    Who are the brothers? Aka the family?? Can't be bothered reading back over for the names or initials

  • Registered Users Posts: 63 ✭✭Drunken Oaf

    Are the Taliban lads actually from Clontarf? Certainly the last place a pair of lads of their calibre would normally hail from. Why did they head North anyway?

    Though thinking about it Big, Christy Kinahan and the father of the Dumbrell family all hailed from respectable upper middle class backgrounds. Still rare mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 446 ✭✭Thesiger

    Remember hearing about the Shebanis over two decades ago around Kilbarrack/Donaghmede, they were from around that way.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    They are from kilbarrick direction, definitely not from clontarf. Shebani living in Camlough now.

    and regards ecstasy I couldn’t name more then 5 people who sell them. Inner city drugs are either crack, weed and smack in that order for money making. Heroin would of been the money maker, but the rock is hands down the easiest to make on and then weed as it’s being sold at 10 euro a gram so it’s a 24/7 phone for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 63 ✭✭Drunken Oaf

    So would most gangs still be wholesaling yokes to any dealer who wants them or have a lot jacked it in?

    The money to be made off weed must be through the roof now. More than twice as expensive as the old soapbar and users rip through the stuff compared to the hash era.

    Why did crack only heavily take off in the last 5 or so years? It's been about in bits and pieces for 20 plus years but only became endemic lately. Why weren't lads pushing it in the late 90's when coke became more widespread in working class areas? Product back then wasn't pure enough to cook perhaps?

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    It all came down to price regarding crack back when crack was about 20 rocks weren’t available it was a 50 rock or nothing, now depending on the areas you can get .15 rocks for 20 lads are putting out 50-60 rocks and then re upping twice a day.

    regards weed it seems to be still flying , the young lads have it on lockdown with insta pages like Southside stoners and the likes they have thy kiss da of followers and consistently getting solid product so custom keeps growing.

    I genuinely wouldn’t know where to go to get E in Dublin, it tends to be the lads down the country who sell it, I know lads In Kilkenny who are selling them wholesale but I think they’d be the only ones at it off top of me head

  • Registered Users Posts: 63 ✭✭Drunken Oaf

    Wonder is this going to be a permanent thing or is that the end of the viability of selling the stuff wholesale? It was still an active market up to the eve of lockdown. Have read too that Chinese lockdowns have caused shortages of precursor chemicals getting to Holland, maybe the large labs just aren't operating to the extent they were and the stuff can't be got as easily? Happened a bit in the mid 2000s.

    I wonder has the rise of Snapchat, Telegram etc put us in a position where we have less dealers, but more customers for the ones that are out there.

    Growing up, you typically bought your hash, your yokes, coke, off somebody you knew. Your mates brother. Your cousins pal. The local house that had 24/7 parties at the weekend. It was someone you knew, or at least was a friend of a friend. The rise of Snapchat etc makes it easier for product to sell faster, to flog it to people you the dealer doesn't need a personal connection to network to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    Also gives rise to being set up to be robbed or nicked as you have no idea who you’re dealing with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 63 ✭✭Drunken Oaf

    I've always imagined the lad doing the drops is usually some poor expendable fcuker paying off a debt. These Snapchat groups must be like shooting fish in a barrel for the Gardai.

    Ironically as an old git who never understood the point of Snapchat I only realised that it was the place to source gear these days when the guards showed Flashy's pages on Inside the K haha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 680 ✭✭✭US3

    Plenty speed and pills still about around Limerick anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭bricksNDmortar

    Yeah I’d imagine down the country is a lot different to Dublin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 63 ✭✭Drunken Oaf

    In saying what I said (that it's currently very rare to see a major ecstasy seizure reported) Dublin is absolutely full of zimmos, blueys etc etc yet for whatever reason its very rare to see on the news about a major seizure of them anywhere. Strange that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭Shamrock21

    No , the Sunday World used to mention two brothers from Clontarf but I think they were referring to Wawa and GW who were from there.
